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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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see if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on told to how does era the, [000:00:00;00] the shuttle on top of the current. this has been use our line from coming off in the next 60 minutes peaceful purchase and the us become a target. students of the university of wisconsin medicine of a license to face off with police. try to create tre, us not to peacefully protest to create a new york police, say the rest of the around $300.00 people at columbia university and city college
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and the cues many of not being students and off campus. and you don't. hundreds of people attend a may day protest to show support from palestine and denounced is where i was born casa, us secretary of state institute, blinking visits is rutland breeze or its american opposition to. and is there any offensive in the process? plus tens of thousands of people look back on the streets of george's capital, protesting against the bill by saint hubs, the chances of joining the european union, the is 22, g m t. we begin this use. now, in the united states, with demonstrations, against, as well as for on casa, had been disrupting more university campuses right across the country, both from new york to michigan, florida to california, and on to texas, students a demanding that universities compet financial ties to israel and companies that advance, as well as military efforts and cancer,
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while at the university of california in los angeles, protest isn't sold directly with kaiser of restoring barriers around there and cabinets. that's the opposite. they came under attack by supporters of israel. tensions at the university boiled up to mounting to dies. this at the university of wisconsin, madison students, student demonstrations via clashed with police officers removed all but 110th and may, i can. and the rest of at least a 1000 people. it campus security spikes presence is bull offices. injured is the trying to remove tens from the campus, has central square and be american association of university professors has condemned the columbia university president and board of trustees. that's up to police. the rest of hundreds of protesters on campus police forces into the hamilton holes with some people have barricaded themselves, hours earlier. students and professors have called it
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a bad nice and cold for rebuilding columbia. they made the call and the police a guy without even the simple way of communication or consultation with. 7 or any of his body in faculty and staff as a lot of our on campus. the more i know this, we are joined now by to the us about who is outside for them university in new york now. and to tell us it can just explain to us what's happening there. the well, that's become a regular scene here in new york city. this is another university where students have taken to the streets. also, they have carried out an encampment inside the building to protest of the complicity why what they say is the complicity of the university with what is happening and as well with the among many other things,
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what be the name of the study of around the university has and as well right now, they got me sit down and demanding buyers, demanding and, and to what they say. so genocide demanded in today is the way. so what we've been seeing is the police moving and let me show you a bit. the police is completely surrounding the university would be seeing some of the by brought by the police, which is you believe that the students are going to be ready to start or city will. stories are saying that in the area, if they do not leaving inside of the campus, they'll be suspended. but this is just another pull to their servers. diversity from new york city, not just columbia, where many students work evicted of these hundreds of them. the teams here in florida,
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i'm university. people again are taking to the streets taken to the campus to denounce what they say. it's a genocide in gaza. and so can you just want us through exactly what students demanding from the administration's end of these various universities as uh, as well as the united states government? well, what basically what we've been listening for students is that they want financial transparency. they want to know what universities are doing with the money they pay to this campuses to this universities in the country. the other thing that we've been listening is divestment of business. and then to the universities investing the money in companies that students believe are complicit with the wrong guys. and the other thing is they're also asking for an amnesty, especially in columbia university. i was there in the evening on tuesday evening
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where i hundreds of students who are detained, that we saw how the police went with a truck inside the stairs inside hamilton hall, which was where it's a group of students had barricaded themselves. many, many students were detained, they were taking to police patients. again, both students are facing suspension, expulsion, and this is what we'd be seeing. and many universities across new york city and many universities across the country were seeing a very, very strong police presence. if you can see right behind me, this is not of the parents for the students that are showing up in places such as this one, they say that they will remain here that they ready to face arrest. that they're ready to face expulsion. but they believe that this is the time to shed light to what is happening and guys are right now and today is a, it's not just the universities we have practices have gathered, may day demonstrations have also turned into
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a show of support for the people of gaza will certainly would be here in the survey just across new york city, one of them a made a celebration in a way with people carrying ballasting and flags and saying that they support the students. many of the people we have spoken to are in opposition to what happened on the campus of columbia university on tuesday evening after those students barricaded themselves inside the handle. it's on hold. hold that they, we named pains on because of back 6 year old girl that was killed by these riley military. and those students were evicted and detained them. there were scenes of violence on campus and about those students being come then that they had set top there was complete the remaining so many of the protesters that we've been seeing across new york city just no, it's not totally those up and away. taking to the streets because of may day, but also many others denouncing in
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a way the violence that i've taken over the campus in columbia university on 5. what, what we're seeing right now where i am, is that, to the violence that we saw on campus on columbia, on tuesday evening, could very easily happen once again, where we are because of the strong presence of the police. because if they have been telling students they, they cannot be on the streets, but they will be evicted from inside the university. so suddenly there's lots of tension in many universities, not only in new york city, but also across the country. indeed, thank you so much for all event. that's so nice a bye for us outside for the university in new york for tuning to the west coast. now on the latest on the situation that you see a language, so a vonage mall, the tank of peaceful and cabinets on tuesday night. some wave does rarely flags as i assault demonstrate is in some instances with sticks. and the police are accused of standing by and filing to protect the students. this guy will,
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will join now by rob reynolds who is at u. c. l. i enrolled after the for the child at nights the can you just give us an idea of what it is like the today and the police presence that is on campus right now? behind me you can see the of the gaza solidarity encampment. the students are still there, they're still holding on and they have been fortifying and reinforcing the walls and barriers that would separate them from attacks by pro israel a counter protesters if we call them that as happened last night in expectation that that may happen again. however, there are more police on campus now than there were yesterday. you can see policemen from and women from a number of different jurisdictions dotted around here, a sort of standing by uh there are also some of those. uh,
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pro site is pro israel uh counter protestors off in the distance they are behind another barrier, but they're waving their flags, seeing their songs, making their presence notes in terms of fall out tom, the university's faculty took a stand today with a group of faculties that they say represent more than $200.00 professors and an adjuncts issuing a statement to the university saying, and part your persistent lack of protection for students engage in awful protest is unacceptable and represent a full failure of leadership of the entire senior campus administration. they also have a list of demands including no police actions against students or any us. do you feel like personnel engaged in demonstrations uh, allow the encampment to stay there and remove any implication that it is in place
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unlawfully and take no disciplinary action including suspension, expulsion, or other criminalizing action against any of the participants in the peaceful protest. and so obviously is a lot of questions for the university administration, but there's plenty of questions. well, sorry for the police about their response last night and how long they took to intervene. can you just explain if the, if the overnight attack on the, on the in chem, and did that come as a surprise, that will is certainly not. it came as no surprise the administration of the university and the police force here on campus as well as los angeles police department should have been well aware of the potential of violence, of given that on sunday. and on other nights during the time that this in camp and
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has been in place these uh elements waving is really flags. uh and attempting to break through the barriers to get into the camp. they've been active, they've been doing that over and over and over again. they've been also a blaring of, of, uh, sort of a just coordinate and, and upsetting noise from a set of extremely loud loud speakers that the university for some reason allowed them to operate. uh so uh, the hostility was there, there is the name calling and the racial epithets and the insults were all there well before anything started last night. and there's no question that many of the students and faculty that we spoke with to consider this to be a failure of by the administration of the, of the school for, for failing to call in the hall in the police sooner. okay, thanks so much for all of that. this rub reynolds for us. there you see
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a lie. so delegation from the us congress has visited george washington university campus as purchase, continued the republican congresswoman learned by that cold for the man to do more to shut them down. almost every single person in the liver, right? it would be rated by the very jerry you're standing here supporting we did with israel's. we do something that is not the summer of love and we are not telling me do the terry. 7 in our city any more, i'll just here and see how it pretends he has the license from washington dc. this is going to play itself from republic and members of a house oversight committee. they repeated demonstrably full statements about this being a violence atmosphere for
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a jewish students. they from federal funding for george washington university and also prepping to remove municipal control over the police force and washington dc in order to clear the incumbents. we've been watching on tv and we're very concerned for the safety of the students here. we. we support respect for each page, but we don't support tracking law trans. pressing parking lot. and then as it progress speaking, here with from the trump wing of the republican party. and yet what they was saying was completely in line with what we're hearing from the white house. i'm from most democrats, the, when it comes to israel, us students should not be able to demonstrate in a position to tap spare money from america being used to smells of those and gaza. she ever time see out is there at washington. we're getting life pictures in now of more protest uh at the university of texas in dallas. we have hundreds of students
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have clearly taken to the campus they have protesting in solidarity with those in gaza. we will be keeping a close eye on that. so see if a launch police presence pushes back against those protesters there. the white house has also been speaking about the pro to sell, just as white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare, send us the south dice. the white house has sharp words of disapproval for the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations and protests that are sweeping, college campuses and universities across the united states and a white house press briefing. press secretary caresoft pierre of wednesday, told reporters president 5 and supports americans costs to do so right to protest. but it must be done lawfully. americans have the right to peacefully protest. they have the right to peacefully process as long as it's within the law. and that it's peaceful force for loose forcibly taking over a building is not peaceful,
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it's just not students have the right to feel safe. they have the right to learn. they have to right the right to do this without this disruption. and they have a right to feel safe on campuses. i just said they have a right to attend their commencement. the unrest at colleges and universities underscores the challenge that president biden faces in his re election campaign with by the trailing former president, donald trump in battle ground stays, the youth. vote is one, he can't afford to lose. that's why president 5, it has been careful with his comments. well condemning anti semitism. he's also argued that most don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. he's also scheduled to speak next week at the american holocaust memorial museum. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house, i think what, joining us live some more of us from new york is how hot he is,
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a professor of psychology and columbia university. thank you very much for being with us here on that, which is here. first of all, if we can just stop with columbia university, how would you describe the actions of the administration there and the police as well? over the last few days? i just want to say, 1st of all, i'm speaking to you because i want our students to understand that i support them and that they're not alone. and that's the main reason i'm speaking with you. and i'm speaking you with you in part because i am critical of our administrations of actions. i am critical because they called the police agent and had more than 200 of our students arrested for engaging in protests, peaceful protests. and so these are the sort of lessons that we teach in the space . that means that like blood of a vigorous of the vigorous and biber at academic community is vigorous in my hurt
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the baby to. sometimes you don't agree with the, the what's being debated. but you debate the issues out and you hope to come to some reasonable conclusion, but our administration has shut that down by inviting in the n y p d. just to make the point last night, we have more than a 100 students arrested. part of the university in the n y, p d a n y p d will look, their bullets have access to our campus and university professors that have access . and so we chose to trade in ammunition for ideas of and that just go because against everything we've been trying to build in this community, columbia university has said that it's going to have a police presence for at least 2 more weeks until after graduation. i mean, this is an issue that really isn't going anywhere anytime soon as that. that's right. and that really concerns. that's because in our presidents sort of the
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communications through the communities in their e mails, which sounds like a communications with someone and who is a hostage to being held hostage by i don't know, doing some corporate entity that enters her e mails to say that she's concerned about the whole community safety without recognizing that the, the in why pd's presence on this campus it's, it's a threat certainly to a media as a black man and our black students. and not only us, but a number of non white students on this campus. a far more or to rent than this sort of what they are the siding or they're calling can ties to american behaviors. and i don't even know what that means in this context. and the phrase by any means necessary, is being defined as an ties that medical, which is not a bad. and we also have a members of our faculty who are jewish, and not arduous students who also find that the n installed. um, uh,
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much of what these communications are saying, you know, just at columbia, but it seems that the vast majority of the protest ending cabinets have been peaceful, certainly from without correspondence around the united states have been saying that is until the police a cold. and so why does it seem like university administrators are so came to shots these and cabinets in particular town. what are they afraid of happening? a yeah, this, the accentuate, bad point, the, i want your viewers to understand. for example, i'm at columbia university, this is an ivy league institution where these students are really focused on their career. and these are not the people who are going to do some harm to someone and disrupt any sort of choose a career that they have. these are not, those people in our administration is trying to take our students at some somehow,
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but highland individuals and that's just simply not true. and i think that one of the reasons that that's happening because it seems as though our presidents and bathing constituents is the board of trustees and not the students and the faculty . and just finally, how much my maintenance behind this movement do you think we're going to see? again in the streets? i mean, because it is really despite that more than 1000 people have been arrested already . yeah. when you think about the momentum, like i was really check that i wasn't aware of all what was going on. i just thought that, oh, our administration do what here. so this is, this is reasonable. and now they have gotten people like me who are just as interested or apathetic about this whole thing and now we are involved. and so i think that as long as you have such an injustice, such an over reaction that violates these fundamental principles like academic
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freedom. once you have these sort of violations of these principles set up, taking decades to build and you have such violations, i think that you, all, the only thing you're going to see is an increase mobile minimum of just like we saw in the 1960 schemes on account of things that we teach in this space. i understand that the people in watch don't understand that for the 10 about to understand that because they are manipulating people who don't know history for don't care about history. but when you know history and you have an interest in history, you know, this repeats itself, but our administration and others somehow think that they can shut down this conversation and shape of the narrative. but it's not going to happen because we have social media and a wide range of outlook. we didn't what's had. yeah, certainly seems like these protests on going anywhere. well, have to leave it there. but we really do appreciate your insight into this kind of hard to
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a professor at columbia university. thanks so much. thank you bella cindy and st. john's. i have expressed the gratitude to students protesting at u. s . university campuses. children held up symes thinking colleges by name at a camp and down by law. many said they hope the students will put pressure on the colleges, the government, and the international community to bring an end to the board. i think it already has sent us this report causes university students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world. today we spend as the students of gaza, you know, benefit of who have lost and academic e and along and addition, really lost all the time. it is, if i and home, the people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests held and their names thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on
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board will be here by the few of the, for a lot of others in the visit. the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital, the reason you think you'll have one of them is that kind of stuff. and whoever you shifting, if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us in palestine goes especially inc as a stripe. and may god help people and bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being and $240.00 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protest around the world,
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raising inside the palace and using floors collier, they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace? something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city as ita, central, gaza, palestine. the police 23 palestinians including 5 children, had been killed and as ready as trunks across kansas since wednesday morning. the strike own rougher in the south kills 2 children. these ready military has been attacking residential areas right across the strip. well, and 34 and a half 1000 palestinians have been killed in nearly 7 months of war. the jo, dining and foreign ministry says is where the st. louis have a tax to a to come boys distance again. so i need my food as and ralph are in the south and
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he sent us the sump dies. and that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situation. the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the land, the crossing surrounding the god forbid, each one happens to be just a flowing into each one of the governed the rate across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are often it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth the flow of human atory and 8 into the golfer. but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war. the past 6 months has been very difficult to get people's most needed age right now with these
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difficult time, the subtler on the northern part of the gaza strip. that's where a human to 3 and 8 are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel and the city, but they talked in an attempt to block a 2 jordanian humanitarian colon voids coming to the jobs us through. but despite the talk and these are the 2 convoys made their way to their destination into the gauze and stood there carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the gauze and for the just the northern part of this river has been struggling with the spread of famine within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people. diplomatic, if it's all around divine, to reach a cease fire and cancer with the us pressuring hamas to agree to israel's terms. the us secretary of state institute lincoln has left as role of to holding tools with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he's here to see 5 deal is achievable,
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blinking also told me that you know who the us still opposes a ground offensive, and rough on rough itself looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change. we cannot, will not support a major military operation in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed. and no, we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with they re, the, the real ongoing challenge of from us that does not involve the require a major military operation and rasa. we've been talking to these realize about that will continue those conversations. the well, the central kitchen has resumed humanitarian operations and goals are a month up to some of its employees were killed and is rarely striking. workers have been distributing meals to displace palestinians and they all bhalla the
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central guns on the events with as well. deliberately targeted will central kitchen age convoy with 3 consecutive strikes and killed 7 i was on april the 1st the n g i was calling for a bit of protection of a boy cuz the to have a new zone in georgia, police have used to guess rubber bullets and both a cannon against tens of thousands of protesters outside parliament, crowns of demonstrating against the government circle foreign influence bill to propose little of would require organizations receiving funds from abroad to register as foreign agents. now point insight, it could be used to crank down on groups critical if the government, your leadership of oliver is that, that protest in tbilisi for testers who have been trying to break into the territory of the parliament of building 3 of the gates that have been just passed with most of the tenants that have
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a spray and we see that tens of thousands of opposition and protests is mostly young. people have gathered at depaula minutes a building again and here in the center they continue protesting against the so called belt on foreign influence dumps here as the rush, you know, and these rallies have been ongoing for daily 3 weeks. so you can see that there are so many people behind me then put police trust fund. it's a tear gas again, i can feel it. and many youngsters among these crowds they, they're wearing a gas masks and protected goals. and many people have come here tonight from the georgia regions as well. and i let today, deputies actually box the bell on the floor and the influence and the 2nd reading, causing a more prose has today. so it is quite interesting. that's right now where i'm
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standing this price clean the police around. because unlike yesterday today, the police managed to provide a safe passage say parade over for the deputies to leave the poem and built in before these crowds essentially began yesterday on april. the 1st, if i'm right, police worth protecting the deputies who got stuck inside parliament as a protest says block the building, know, allowing deputies to leave and at least have the process. uh yes. so they tend to stream the extremely finance at least 13 people have been interested in a russian missile strike on the ukrainian port city of odessa. the attack caused a large fine assaulting the ports belonging to a courier company was as this is a frequent target of russian attacks and has been struck several times in the past few days. well, so he's here on the island is there is a work is around the world,
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have been knocking my day with many expressing the support for palestinians. the hello it's lifting lot is to be a rob of what we can for sidney. we've got to fab at a cloud, rumbling away across at eastern side of new south wales, a little bit of cloud to still down towards the south. west of us try to imitate. we've got this area of high pressure level, grassy, not just where our level 5 a switch. we will see those shows that in place across the south west, but noticed some wet weather, just gathering out to south australia pushing into a new south west. and along with coastal fringes on show a brace, still fading in a few showers and as we go through the next couple of days. but this is 2nd system that gets close to some concern as we go on through friday on into fast day that
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really does gather and it is, let's bring some really big samples as we go on through the, we can certainly something to keep on the head of that logic funded drive and these 8 and i problems here for the settled and sunny weather coming through. settled in sunny to cost, know the policy of china through the 3 and potentially i'd be coming. increase the south lens sunny across such a path before the south. we do still have cloud and rice to causing problems across southern parts of china. more big down polls coming in here a lot. it's a cost of the flooding as we go through the next couple of days. and it sold drifting by the east of the 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza as they remember the
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children killed during the is really bumming 3 years ago. 11 days in may. all i'll just say are you will so caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs of wordpress. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris of
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the for you watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl and demonstrations have continues in college campuses right across the united states at the university of california and los angeles purchased as and sold a diety with cancer, restoring barriers around there and cabinets that sound. so they came under attack by supporters of israel. you a secretary of site has left as well after meeting prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and jenny, blinking is pushing for us these 5 dealing cancer, which he says is achievable public and told him that in yahoo the us to the pose is the ground offensive in the process. and at least 23 palestinians, including 5 children have been killed in, is rarely as strikes the coal sconces since wednesday morning. these rarely military has been attacking presidential areas across the street. some bakeries in northern guns,
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reopening for the 1st time since october. many of them were destroyed by his ready bombardment were sending food crosses when his royal announced a total blockade at the start of the war. while the reopening of some bike resisting his official step, the risk of famine remains. hi, honey. my food has moved from bravo and southern gaza. the size of the pool was getting bread is not an easy task in gaza. best melvin basie walked long distance is to get to a bakery that is still operating. she's a month 1000 people desperate for food and ordering gaza despite the recent arrival of supplies of pain. the hello, i'm a woman on my own. my father is an old man and he can't come every day to walk these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well, that's all that's for to feed. her family estimate takes risk during her daily trip
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to the bakery. she walks it through areas through an entirely into level path for months of relentless is really bombard, plug into the coalition before the will. we had everything, there was painter, flower, meat, vegetables, and all supplies. now a can of tuna is impossible to find. and so his rice and other necessities, the last with this baker is now relying on supplies of a flower and fuel from united nations world food program. as soon as it opened the doors, the bakery was over one by large numbers of people. we have around 5 branches, we were forced to shut down as a result of the violent strikes on the gaza strip and the aggression that occurred . thank god, we were able to reopen the bakery after roughly a 172 days of its closure with help from the world food program as well as international efforts. this part of the war is real, announced that to, to the blockade of garza, the aid has been allowed into this for
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a reason least. but it remains limited. agencies warn, humanitarian disaster, maybe inevitable. the fear of famine is imminent in the northern parts staff running. the bakeries faced the huge challenges in getting supplies of 8, but despite the rest, they said they will continue working through insured bread reaches family in desperate need. any more, more data from rough on palestine, a team of doctors from the islamic medical association of north america have documented their life is trip to casa. they describe the severe injuries they had to treat in the scale of destruction around them. to con you, it is just designated no way you could all come back to
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life here the way it video or many people have used terms uh, in different conflicts. you know, i've been to syria and in somalia and also my other areas around the world. and people mentioned, oh it's, i can hardly get into. it's like, like, you know, something undescribable. everywhere i saw was destruction and con, you, it is not a single building. was standing the at hospitals, schools most of our patients were you know, 131-415-1617 years of age for these lower extremity shrapnel wounds. and that's something we just, i've never dealt with. it was something that was new. i didn't even see that in 2009 was a lot of adult patients back then with this is really a difference. scope of, you know, patient population that i just never seen. you know, i met a politician another diplomat. all i know is, is that as a healer,
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the one who is taking a hold of the hill people. if for rough as attacked there will be complete loss of life. and the health care system will not be able to take care of this. a colombian president gustavo petra says he will be breaking diplomatic relations with his ro, this is off to the president, had criticized his ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and asked to join in on south africa's cool case at the international court of justice, which accuses as well as perpetrating a genocide against the palestinian people, it's part of the, i don't know because of its government and genocidal president. i have cut ties with israel. i believe that today all of humanity, all those millions of people out in the streets agree with us. and we agree with them, this cannot be, they cannot take us back to an era of genocide to a time when the extermination of an entire people before our eyes was met with passivity. if palestine dies, humanity dice,
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we will not let it done as at least 210 demonstrate as marketing international work is diagnosed and both have been detained. a place use purpose, brian take us to disperse the crowds. the authorities into key a have been relatives in the cities, 9 square since the 25th team demonstrations against presidents, which of type edwin and his government opposition, the ex i'm in the model is positive will keep office approaches until the fan is lift is the work is in tennessee, it will also out on the streets carry both palestinian and tennessee and flags. they condemned the exportation of palestinian lucas and occupation in the spanish campaign. the druid demonstrations demanded reduced working hours and high wages. the waves union flags and charges and support of public services.
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the country's biggest unions lives. the railer is also the matches in germany with many cooling on the government to end it support is around william peacock reports from building thousands and thousands of people. not as much of the sets of foreigners way to, to, to be represented as every year. but this is more than ever before the war jobs are really the main thing that's on the cards. and people say, again, you can see people to modern street. i'm not satisfied, you can say las vegas demanding and ends with the industry, and especially on sales. germany been the 2nd biggest above items to as well, officers and other states and about some pretty, very specific with the ticket here to different groups. the difference of mind for this yeah, proof of funds as much what's happening and products on really dominate your products as and especially the way in which are generally governments involved. what do you, because obviously,
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about selling in from thousands of people march through paris for the annual may day parade. they called for improve the workers rights and many said they will also demonstrating the piece in the middle east. this house about law has moved from paris. the there was stuff is between french police and some protesters. the powers has made a rally, but overall it was called french trade unions that a much city to city quoting. suffice the condition of the workers of the demonstrators with thousands of people who to say, come to pay for it into the void garza this has been going on for 75 years. it's just that there was a genocide and we just hoped to move in to the next part of the dresser. we have to do everything for a boy cost with the olympics. this summer we want the maximum number of people to call for band, with israel,
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from the olympic games. on the last week, students stage, the powers is most prestigious universities to see if it is set to exercise the least jesus some students described as heavy handed. meanwhile, frances prime minister content, the protests and the almost real support of all i went to see was po and told to the administrators to denounce the actions of an agitating dangerous minority. they want us to impose its transatlantic audiology on the majority of students with disrupt the school. the scale of the universe, the protest phone, thoughts, moments in the united states. because it's down to when it comes to 01 of these students feel just as strongly as it counts a post across the atlantic, katasha butler ultra 0. all right, so that for kids have much than support of palestine during book is day
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commemorations for me. the miller has moved from cape town, as the gather jane said sounds instead of like what to say, but many here say it's not just about that, but also standing in front of our team with the people on the side menu. the various says one is the governing african national congress. the congress of killed african trade union says, says solid garrity with palestine. those 2, lots to the venue affording for a ceasefire and the choosing israel, of committing genocide a sort of screwed up the eyes of those in other parts of the world as part of the be subjected to toward job to by the general side. and that is why as a country and yes,
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a lie and we are sitting in our support for the people on the side. and that is why we say we want colors time to be pretty. some political organizations and union tends to call so balance in favor of parties that supports kind of started invest in south africa's upcoming table the legs. for the 1st time, the issue of a ton of science may influence the votes of some places in england to miles head to the poles for local elections on thursday. the vote could and to kind of how a general election likely to be held by the end of this, you might play out the policy just the opposition. live of potty holds a dominant leader over the governing conservatives about how many boxes its face, about national politics, and more about a series of klein and services provided by the councils that will be voting for
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harry fulls that report from coventry and central england. i like it, i did this 4 year old ivan knows i was born with 2 genetic conditions. one. so rather who is the only known case, caring for him and fighting for the services he needs has become his mother. and this is full time job. 2 mornings a week, i havent goes to nursery school because he needs one to one k. he only gets 8 to the 30 weekly hours. he's entitled to. so they, they couldn't really do so much because what we're looking at service is a complete estimate to that, that been cut to the buyer. and there's, there's just not this, there's just not the provision that to some to support child. i carbon i knew as a disciple out of it would be. it's really hard, i'm sorry, by toys as a total are. so as a baby, you know, he tough to support. you need all the counsel see tier and conservative run the need to interrupt the grabs and thursday's local elections. just down the road is
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labor run coventry, whereas 3rd of consul seats are at play this week. this is a school transport is being cut taxes and rubbish collection charges raised to balance the books. the council says it's struggling to meet a search and demand for social housing. well, national government funding has been steadily reduced more and more with paying out . and um, you know, you know, probably getting the social cad that should be, i think it's a social coast, was a, everyone's worried about. they just have the manpower and they're all working from home. you know, you'll have one individual on a 100 case calls and they going to get through to anything. counsels help advocate school funding, provide housing and social can collect waste and maintain roads. but at the time of searching them on to diminishing contributions from national government council, just to oblige by law or to deliver balanced budgets in a recent survey, fully 20 percent of them. so they risk failing to meet that obligation in the next 2 years by there on the street with a general election likely by the end of the year. a lot of the attention here has
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been on the high profile contest for regional mat. the conservative incumbent on the street is an a net connect baffled with the labor challenges richard pocket. whatever the results of that race and the council elections listen, know that doesn't expect much to change soon. she's looking for a long term plan to arrest a long term decline in the kind of help her family so badly needs. how are you? suppose it? i'll just you were coventry you k. as far as the reason that you kind of have the guns attaining migraines, to be deported to one to the video showed immigration officials arresting migrants and asylum seekers from homes around england from the server she threw. nick wants the 1st group to be sent to the east african country by july. parliament approved the little 5 and the wife and the day potations last month. they own in raleigh is a british political consultants and come and take that. he says the move is part of where she threw next plan to win vibes a little when the plan is politics with
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a real capital pace. this is about following to drive a wedge between the conservatives, assigning on integration and it will deal with this labor policy, assigning on integration. and i think for the conservancy policy that best have of any kind of uh, decent result come. the general election relies on that having a strong message around immigration. now we do know that the policy is fairly popular in the country. it will be and there are a lot of local people in groups who are saying that is in humane who is saying it's on workable, but by and large it isn't popular policies. but the questions are basically saying, asking the question. so the government is, is this the type of policy that you want to behave or hopes on some sort of electra electra of success? and i think it's well worth remembering that the policy has no real barbecues. do not use mobile life biased successfully as trust. it was girl boy, or as johnson, which feels like a long time ago. now, you hate politics. i'm only now always see the plan come to fruition and said it
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does seem like a house where she see nothing is printing is hopes on a very narrow cost to take tray and, and $1.00 of the plan is possible. i think all through the breaks it, but it's in 7016, a lot of people that vote who's going to sold the immigration problem in the u. k. and really, although it stopped freedom this we, you, nation is coming into the u. k. when it comes and it stopped immigration from those normally you countries. so we're talking about the legal immigration and why should but also the legal immigration as another. and the reason why the u. k. has a problem is that we do have an aging population, an aging workforce, so we need to have people of working age coming to this country to deliver economic growth in order to start from the economy right now. but then on the other hand, you go to the voting public, you do both to see cubs on integration and they get for straits is the mainstream policies you call seems to get a grip on it. it was still
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a hit here on al jazeera survivors, stranded by major floods in kenya, white fell from the government with no sign of the was received in
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the at least 190. 1 people have been killed up to flash floods and can you search and rescue operations a still under way? milk and with reports from town of river county, you can use slots. it'd be nice. so 40 people fell out of it by trying to cross this. torrence on sunday,
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about half of them died. it was still missing. can you red cross workers search for them and that possessions as little hope of finding anyone to live now? others were taken by surprise and tracked and searching flood waters. thousands of homes alongside the town and river now partially submerged. those who could flips the hard ground, dizzy the government instead of helping us that just pushing us away since the very discuss tough with dying of hunger, they haven't even provide a tense. that telling us we should relocate, but then not even providing transport with just suffering. we vote for them and they forgot to most some places and now only accessible by those. we have to read to rain cold, especially in the highlands of central kenya cooled kind of river to 1st thing the
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main highway running very be broken into the main route for food fuel and other supplies to reach theresa and several of the towns beyond hundreds of thousands of people have been cut off the wondering how the government is going to respond. and also the people here say that it's been too slow and that hungry many of them are being display. so for days, yes, we are aware of this. this is happening in so many thoughts all over the country and we are trying to stretch as opposed to all corners of the country. because these, as i told you, is going to be a big problem if it requires a must see for the legal federation. visiting officials and politicians come and go in helicopters. no at cross came to help. when people were in the water, the government says nearly 200000 people have been forced from that homes and
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there's no sign the volta here will go down soon. malcolm web out a 0 ton of river county can. yeah. but it's bought now and is champions league nice and bar, so you don't have it just a little closer to the final. the german side. we have a central mind one mill in the 1st league off this semi final david stokes reports corporate power essentially man had killing impact pay. but for us, the adult men had home advantage for the 1st leg of this semi final. and it was time saw this struck the 1st 10 minutes before half the time when the boat fell to nicholas flew crooked goodman, very nearly went to look at books. we could get involved in the build up mazda, a sub. it's a show was well blocked by gm luigi dona romano. after the break, p s g came out firing a by any shape pressure. they hit the frame is the goal twice in
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a matter of seconds 1st and then extract the key mi. latino spin sets up another great chance probably. and ruiz missed the target. don't mon remains the threat that the other end jayden center has been transformed since being lined back to the club preventive to united. right, right. one of his many triples in the games. that's a full crowd. we couldn't find the finish. they didn't had a penalty shot when full credit kind. he'd been shopped in the back, but nothing was given. there was still time for one more opportunity for p. s t to find the equalizer, but it has been developed quite over the bar so it's advantage don't have to get one is they look for that's those champions. link title since 1997. well, p s d have what to do if that's when the trophy for the 1st time. the 2nd magazine power is next tuesday, the baby steps and now do the rest of the goals. so for this news um,
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but to elizabeth front and we'll be here just a moment with much more news. humanity has opened the gates of hell into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global south. a crude mistake talk to of, to on the jersey, the filters in panama preparing to election you president on may 5th at the front runner, a former leader of these kind of domestic natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside their future stay without just
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us for the latest on panama, general elections? guns, july 2014. as is where the forces bombarded the gaza strip for 50 days. resident of the coming to the death and devastation seems to the eyes of palestinian capital, mind carlita, hama, who films and strikes the 2 thousands of life including his own garza, the last picture on sears from. i'll just say around on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think?
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is it the peaceful protests to the us become a target students at the university of texas in dallas, of the license, to face off with police, the fellow on elizabeth autumn. and this is the algebra life from don't. how so coming up trying to create tre or not so peacefully pro,


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