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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems caught on red chris, the a peaceful protest. some of us become a target of students at the university of southern california, other nations to face off with police, the hello, i'm elizabeth, put on them. and this is out of here on line from the how and so coming up for you to create a and it's not to peacefully protest but create a new, a police or the rest at around 300 people at columbia university. and so the
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college and it keeps many of the not seen students, university students in gaza. so they soon heard by the protests that us campus has sent around the world. and the secretary of state anthony lincoln rece rates, the american opposition to in his writing offensive. and during the visit to israel, [000:00:00;00] the demonstrations against as well as war and gaza. continuing at university campuses across the united states from new york to michigan, florida to california. and texas student and demanding the institutions, ties with israel and companies that involves military assets of gaza. today's a boy report from the city of
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the t u protest. many of them are students from the university that was rated by the police barely gave themselves inside one of the whole there the others are also from this university around 300 students for the to use the when the police entered this university has been detained. many of the students that are from the thing they say they're pro the thing to shed light on what is happening in gaza right now to the killing on to displacement. it's happening in gaza right now. what this. 6 says sorry, no, no, to me. and this may 1st, we have also seen other protest across your 31st of many people carrying the pilots thing in the about the again, angry because of what happened with the 2 in columbia university. and here in the
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city university of new york city where where do change, but not far away from where we are right now in food. i'm university students again over the university. they carried out an in cam side. they weren't detained by the parties. what we're seeing is a strong residence over the tony and university just in new york city. that is, this students are saying that they're saying that they're the next generation in this country. they're fairly angry with what is happening and guys, now they're very the united states following parties being the support of it. that's why they want to make their voices heard that it will turn into the west coast. now the data for the situation at university of california los angeles is with so a vonage mob attack a peaceful and conference on tuesday night. and thousands have gathered once again on campus. on wednesday, for testers, have been rebuilding barricades around the account of an i have some attackers
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waived as rarely flags of the social demonstrations in some instances with sticks and police searches to standing by and failing to protect the students from levels has moved from loss engineers here on the campus of u. c. l, a student protesters spent part of their day cleaning up the debris from last night's attack on their campus and fortifying text them from further assaults. the, like, the times of happened last night when a mob of pro israel presided demonstrators from, apparently, from outside the campus, came onto the campus and attacked the encampment with, with the pepper spray other types of projectiles and fireworks, as well as clubs and holes. now the fallout has been quite swift here and quite critical of the university administration with 200 faculty members. signing on to
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a letter, partially critical of the administration, saying they have a lost confidence in its ability to keep students safe and demanding that administration protect the students and not try to breakdown the cabman or subject the protesters to any disciplinary action like suspension or exposure it could be said that last night was the moment when the united states with this just a tiny amount of the violence that is set of people of gaza last 6 months. rob riddles, l g 0 on the u. c. l a campus that spring and eric have a he's a political analyst and full congressional staffer. he's also author of the g o. p 7 boy inside the bathroom for the soul of the republican party, and he's joining his life in washington dc. thank you for your time tonight is to
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have so protest across the country and in election. yeah. do you think that they can have an impact on the presidential campaign national in the election or is it too far out for that? oh, absolutely not. in fact, we've already begun to see the impacts that these protests, these demonstrations, but more importantly the backlash that many people are feeling about for president biden's handling of this conflict. we've already begun to see the impact that they are in fact having on elections across the country. in fact, if you go back to the primaries in michigan, wisconsin or even pennsylvania, there have been a sizable numbers of voters who have been voting uncommitted, to protest and to showcase bear distain for the administration's handling of the war. and now what we're seeing is just an escalation of that, this thing that is now playing out across the nation on america's colleges and
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universities. yeah, it's really important. uh, michigan, i think you said michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. right? because the 3 of those 6 key swing states in america, one of the factors we know that can affect an incumbent president's chances of re election is social unrest. how worried with abiding administration be, especially given the role of those swing states, you know, in michigan, but it's very large arrow the american population. yeah, that's right. in fact, we know that michigan is a state that the by the administration one and 2020 me by less than one percent of the vote. so we know that clearly any, any outcome of the right between the white house is going to go through a state like michigan. and when you look at these protests and demonstrations, there is no sign of these of these demonstrators actually dissipating in their approach for their intensity. and so this is something that the administration just hasn't been able to get right. and again,
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we've already seen the impact that it's had on elections, particularly in the primaries. now we're seeing because there are no more primaries for voters to express. they are uncomfort, they're on happiness with the buying administration. now we're seeing that their marching industry is they're marching on their campuses. the question now is, will they actually take these demonstrations to the democratic national convention that will play out in chicago? and of course, can we also begin to see these demonstrations continue in the fall, which would be devastating for the, by the administration. and i think it's important to know that what we're saying right now is these are college folders and are college students. and this is this next to african americans, they are the background of the democratic base. president biden needs college motors. he may use those young boards to come out and drove to support his candidacy. and right now what we're saying here is,
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not only is the president not actually doing more or doing enough to address their concerns and their needs. but what we're seeing here is an administration in a campaign. yeah, that seems to be completely a drift of how to address or connect with their concerns as it's going to split out . but young voices don't tend to come off and then draw is do they vote or participation? you know, among those on the says he, it has increased over the past few elections, but it's still not head behind. the old age groups is, is by them counting on that that might be true. but when we're talking, talking about an election that all expect to actually come down to a razor thin margin, every little bit matters and every little bit counts. and what you have to understand is if you take a state like michigan, we saw more than 100000 uncommitted voters and at election the driver of that of those uncommitted most or actually college students,
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particularly in areas like lansing michigan where you have michigan state university and arbor michigan, where you have the university of michigan. and so it is shows areas where students are not actually showing support again and we're talking about a razor thin election. they need every vote that they can get. but what options do those young voices, you know, to all of those people who oppose this administration's foreign policy on israel? what options do they have when it comes to the presidential election? because they're not going to give their work to donald trump ave. they have 2 options in the state of michigan. we now know that robert kennedy junior is actually on the ballot in that state. now right now polling data show those that he was actually pulling support from donald trump, not from joe by aiden. but again, when you are looking at an election where you have to equally unpopular candidates, the last thing things you want heading into the election is,
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were disaffected voters to look at their, their, their options and decide that someone who has the name that speaks the royalty in the democratic base, you don't want voters going through someone like that. and so right now that's an option for boulder. yeah. in the state of michigan and also we just learned he's now also on the ballot in california. yeah. the thing michigan is going to be crucial. yeah, absolutely. it would be of course, like it has been in the past to elections. really interesting what you said, that, you know that, that, that robert kennedy is actually taking votes away from donald trump. i mean from, from president, from donald trump. every time i'm afraid we'll run out of time. but thank you so much for your analysis on this. we really appreciate it. thank you. paula simians and gaza as a they feel heard by the protests at to us campuses and around the world displays
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children at the camp and did all the la held up signs. fine. king protest is of us colleges. many said they hope the students will put pressure on the ecologist government and the international community to bring an end to the war. hendo who did it, has this report. this causes university students are saying, thank you to students protesters the u. s. and across the world, we want you to continue all your bought this and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the all to stand was the people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests, health and their name, thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on board, will be here by the few of them and all of the above them in a going to visit the students advantage. see those of the medical workers and
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place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital where i'm pretty sure you think you'll have one of the meet the kind of stuff and what are you shipping? if anything you are supportive you are giving us supporting for us. and for this thing goes especially in does a stripe and may god help people and to bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being young people, 40 people held signs, acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the park around the world, raising insights and toward the kind of course they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace,
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something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the city. i just need a central garza palestine or the at least 23 palestinians, including 5 children have been told and is rarely strikes across gauze since wednesday morning. a strike on and off on the south, co 2 children that is waiting even if he continues to attack residential areas across the strip. well, the 34500 palestinians have been killed and nearly 7 months of war. the jordanian foreign ministry says is where the settlers have attached to a convoys destined from dasa honey macaroons sent us this update from dasa. that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions. more of the very difficult situation is
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the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewer, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that, each one happens to be just a slowing into each one of the govern, the rates across the gaza strip. so it's easy if they are open, it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth. if love humanitarian aid into the gauze and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war, the past 6 months. i've been very difficult to get people's most needed aid right now at this difficult time. the settlers on the northern part of the gaza strip. that's where a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel and. busy city, but they talked in an attempt to block a to your damian,
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humanitarian colon void is coming to the jobs us for the despite the talk a the a, the to come voice made their way to their destination, into the gauze. as for their carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies, and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the gods. and for the just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine. within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people. still ahead on knowledge as they are tens of thousands of people back on the streets is just protesting against the bill. they say the chances of joining the european union, the hello, whether it's brightening up nice the now across the korean peninsula and across
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japan. do you see the cloud pulling out of the way easing out into the more because of the northwest pacific. but you've all the weather system here and i'm afraid. yeah, that is yet more cloud and right. whether in the full cost of those southern areas of china, the state does look less wet. so we say, but that west of weather will become a little more widespread as we make our way into fraud. i further north where we're getting up into the high twenty's once again up to was badging so didn't quite nice either on the 28. so i was just mid twenty's there is that fine try sunny by the lovely weather coming back in across such a pad and it's still there. as we go on in the south. i noticed by saturday that went to weather will push this way up towards east in china shanghai too. and he gave me some rather wet weather at times because a little bit of work whether to went to vietnam in so well allow. so scattering yourself to southern parts of the philippines and right, it's more about the heat to the north of that and across the humidity garage. the showers, meanwhile, across malaysia, middle dr. apple,
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indonesia. i'm pleased to say it is dry. it's still pretty hot across a good part of india, one away what, whether it was an old face unless hawks for bangladesh, the, the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices? tick tock has been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of live we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era
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the see what challenges here for me, elizabeth put onto mendoza. i'm reminded of our top story is this our demonstrations against israel's war and also a continuing at university campuses across the united states from new york to michigan, florida to california and texas students and demanding that institutions comp ties with as well. and companies that advance that some of the treat efforts and gaza palestinians from gaza say they feel hurt by the protests that us campuses and around the world. many said they hope the protest can put pressure on the government and the international community to bring an end to the end, at least $23.00 palestinians, including 5 children being towed in as early as tribes across gaza since wednesday morning. as far as the ministry continues to attack residential areas across the
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street will central kitchen has resumed humanitarian operations in gaza. a month off to some of its employees were killed and, and swearing strike one cause of him distribution meals to displace palestinians in bed. all the lot in central garza, that is way israel deliberately targeted, a will central kitchen, a convoy the 3 consecutive strikes and killed 7 workers on april. first. the n g o is quoting for better protection for 8 workers, as some bakery as an old in gaza reopening for the 1st time since october. many of them were destroyed by his ready bombardment, worsening the food crisis. when is well announced a total blockade if it's possible. while the reopening of some bakeries as seen as a crucial step, the risk of famine remains high. hunting mussels has more from the alpha and southern gaza that i saw the pool was getting bread is not an easy task in gaza. must not have been busy walked long distance is to get to
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a bakery. does this still operate? she's among thousands of people desperate for food and ordering gaza despite the recent arrival of supplies of pain. the hello, i'm a woman on my own. my fault is an old man and he can't come every day to work these long distance has to my bridge. i have young girls and i have to feed them. the situation is difficult. i can't wait until someone brings them food. well, that's all that's for to feed. her family estimate takes risk during her daily trip to the bakery. she walks it through areas through an entirely into rubble. how for months of relentless is really bombard, plug into the coalition before the will. we had everything. there was painter, flower, meat, vegetables, and old supplies. now a can of tuna is impossible to find. and so his rice and other necessities and women in well on. but this baker is now relying on supplies of a flower and fuel from united nations world food program. as soon as it opened its doors,
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the bakery was over one by large numbers of people. we have around 5 branches, we were forced to shut down as a result of the violent strikes on the gaza strip and the aggression that occurred . thank god, we were able to reopen the bakery after roughly a 172 days of its closure with help from the world food program as well as international efforts. this part of the war is, will announce that to, to the blockade of gauze, the aid has been allowed into this for a reason late, but it remains limited agencies, warren humanitarian disaster, maybe and available. the fear famine is imminent in the northern parts staff running. the bakeries faced the huge the challenges in getting supplies of 8, but despite the rest, they said they will continue working to ensure
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a bread reaches family in desperate need anymore more data from rough palestine. diplomatic, if it's on the way to reach us, he's fine and gaza with the us pressuring him off to agree to is what else? tons, us secretary of state antony blinking has left as well off to holding til 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. he said a $65.00 deal is achievable, blank, and also told him nothing. yahoo! the us still opposes a ground defensive and offer on rough itself. looks our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change. we cannot, will not support a major military operation in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed. and no, we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time, there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with they re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve the require a major military operation and process. we've been talking to these realize about
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that. we'll continue those conversations. columbia and president, gustavo, petro, it says his country would break diplomatic relations with israel is criticized as well as conduct since the start of the war and gaza. petro requested to join south africa's case that the international court of justice accusing as well as jen side . i was found that are on p a. t reports from both the president goose double paid through me the announcement in front of tens of thousands of his supporters involved with that. at the end of the me, day 3 can be all the governments of change of the president of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government and the president to his genocide. all today, all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes.
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we cannot remain passive. if palestine dies, humanity dies, and we will not let it die. peter has been a crazy cuz he's really actions and guys us since the start of the war formerly requesting to join south africa's case accusing israel of genocide, that the international court of justice israel responded by calling fit during the anti semite. but the supporters say their president does right just the gas it, but this is the right and necessary thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect. international law is the earliest continue genocide, killing children. cutting ties is a bare minimum necessary to stop zion is responsible for the death of thousands of palestinians. but the decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. bit the announcement. so as i calculated, to move to shore up to port then excite that space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious,
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social and economic reform. gloom is the 3rd country in south america to believe in believes to cut ties with israel over the war. but it's by far the largest and most important duties with you. and this now i spit on into things come based here, major our lives in the country and moment of great polarization, but the calls for taking sides and the expectation or the next attack by he's running rough or we're going to bring more kind of in guys that went to 45th of this decision might not change conditions on the ground. that puts him in his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm 50, i just so you know, but with that, the police in georgia have used tag as a robert bullets and a water cannon against tens of thousands of protest is outside parliament. crowds
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of demons racing against the government. so called fund influence bill, usually a shop, a lot of of reports from to play c. c o position processed in the georgia capital . i'm north winding down that becoming move on and tens of thousands and few rated by government proposal to introduce a low and for an interference between to break into parliament and to rest barricades. well, police responded with pepper spray and was a cannon's. i'm not afraid of water. i'm not afraid of gas. i'm not afraid of these people because of these people for son, and here we are freedom fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom of america. georgian prime minister iraq lee called by hades, a cold on police officers to show patients at the writings that patients wasn't on
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display parliament to prove the loan for an influence. in the 2nd reading, the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying to convince people that to will strengthen the countries independence to protest, to say, to know, is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing a clunk down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rise, georgia and society even further you there. so 5 on the, on the right, georgia, at least 14 people have been injured and russian missile and strong on the ukrainian. so do you have a desa the attack caused a launch fire, a definitely belonging to a courier company was had odessa as a frequent target and russian attacks and has been struck several times in the past few days. as there are reports that are form a quality order to add
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a supplier for the us aircraft manufacturer. boeing who revealed alleged safety problems has been found dead joshua day and passed away on tuesday after a short in sudden illness. he is the 2nd whistle blower to have been found dead or full of bowing employee. john bonnet died in march days off to giving evidence against his former employer and a little suit at least 36 people have died after highway collapsed in southern china. that happened in the long dawn province, heavy rain and flooding course. the section of the road to for more than 20 vehicles were found. and the doctor tumbling down. a slope with newly that to lawmakers in the solomon islands have chosen the next 5 minutes to whose pledge to bring the country closer to the aging. jeremiah, my name is a full foreign minister. he won so that he won votes and the secret ballot of 50 parliaments, members, the election was closely watched by china, the us,
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and neighbor and australia because of the potential impact on regional security incumbents prime minister monassa. so that ave, so divide a rather struck a security pat with china. in 2022 in ecuador has defended it, storming of the mexican embassy and quito last month. the total charges of the international court of justice had acted to arrest who it called a common criminal security forces. arrested equity was formalized president, jorge claus who had been granted political, assigned them by mexico. the diplomatic spanish has res tension between the countries. manuel, dropping the reports on wednesday, it was ecuador stern to address the international court of justice over an ongoing diplomatic dispute with mexico. it didn't take long for tito's legal team to defend the actions of its countries. security forces regarding the rate on mexico's embassy last month. mexico has accused ecuador, a violating international law,
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and has called on ecuador to guarantee the security and protection of the mexican embassy in key door. mister president,


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