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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 2, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the government seems here to have whittled down democracy and this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the peaceful prize as to in the us become a target students at the university of california and the latest to face off with please the kind of them or a kyle, this is alex, is there a live from doha? also coming up, try to create tre, us not to peacefully prove to us for 3 to you. don't put a say they've arrested around 300 people at columbia university and says in college
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and the kids. many, i'm not paying students. and off campus in new york, hundreds of people attend a, made a protest to show supports of palestine and denounced as well as was gone. so fast to columbia, and present yourself with petro says he's breaking diplomatic relations with as well. the demonstrations against as well as will ongoing, continuing at university campuses across the united states from new york to michigan in florida to california and texas, students on demanding the institutions comp time as well as well on companies that advanced military efforts and gone. so there is a bow, a quote from new york to the city of the t u protest. many of them are suit the,
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the university of the pages was rated by the police officer as barely gave themselves inside one of the whole there the others are also from this university around 300 students for the to use the when the police entered this university has been detained, many of the students that are from the thing, they say they're protesting to shed light on what is happening and get to the right now to the killing and to displacement. it's happening in gaza right now. what this . 6 sorry, no, no, to me. and this may 1st, we have also seen other protest across your 31st of many people carrying the pilots thing in 2000 again. and we, because of what happens with the columbia university and here in the city university of new york city where where do change, but not far away from where we are right now. in food. i'm university students
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again over the university. they carried out and, and cab side. they weren't detained by the parties. what we're seeing is a strong residence over the tony and university just in new york city. that is, this students are saying that they're saying that they're the next generation in this country. they're fairly angry with what is happening and guys, now they're very the united states following for do you see any support of it? that's why they want to make their voices heard that it's the only thing i have is the west coast now. and the based on the situation of the university of california los angeles, which to a violent small attack, a peaceful incumbent on tuesday nights now thousands and once moving, gathering again on campus, on wednesday, protesting something rebuilding barricades around that come over night. some attack has way it is way the flags as best sold to demonstrate citizens. some instances
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with sticks. police are being cues of standing by on. failing to protect the students that's bringing on corresponded rubber, i don't think joins us now from u. c. l, a. in los angeles and brought the protests as the a defying police order is now to disperse, how tens is the situation of the well, it is quite since it's, it seems quite fancy. the reports from inside the cause of solidarity cancer that the people are trying to keep their spirits up. they're talking to one another about what, what happens if they get arrested. but what is happening right around be right now . it just, it fill you in a little bit, i know its dark, but where we are now is outside of the area where the police are not doing the can . and the most news people of these people are from apparently many of them from
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the university, from elsewhere, from the community as a whole. and they are all supporting the cause of solidarity campus. protests is inside and camp. so you can hear the chanting of the pre pre palestine, people are meeting rooms and so forth. meanwhile, the police on like yesterday went up by a little small pack the cameras out of the blue rigs nowhere to be seen then for hours. but now the police are out in force and they are determined this seems to dismantle this camp. they made an announcement that anyone who is this or doesn't leave the camp in camp and will be subject to rest. so it seems that the university of southern california, after, excuse me, the university of california, los angeles, beg your pardon,
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after flying for a few days at least to kind of keep a lid on things and deal with this in a less billups rise way that we see that for example, texas and in columbia in new york city, they're both there decided to move in. um, did it have to be this way? um, no, not necessarily. for example, the university could have engaged in dialogue with the student protesters as was done at brown university. in rhode island, another a very prestigious, the ivy league school where the after, after some dialogue and contact the university agreed to consider divesting from his railing entities and said that the, you know, it's governing board of regents would hold a vote on that in several months. time so that was never really tried here. there
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was very little contact between the higher levels of the administration and the protesters. so for lack of dialogue, it seems that this is, this is the outcome. now it's people going to be arrested and the camp is, is going to be players. ok, well set us a little bit about this and say, i'm jumping the books. i want to hear a little bit about this and come and then as being the for round about a week now on compass, who is in scientists and to what extensive they barricaded themselves, or they preparing for a face off with the police. but of course they're going to be no match for the right police that are gathering outside of the competence. little bit about the situation inside the campus. far as you know as well. it's a pretty large area. it's like a football pitch size baby. and it may be somewhat less than that with the presence of tents set up inside the students and their other supporters. not everyone
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inside. as a student, even some faculty members have been inside there quite often they, they have a organized system of getting food saying that patient have an event medical tent and so on, which came in handy last night with dozens and scores are injured by the desire of this month is attacked, they have fortified. the, the wall on this side with plywood in wooden pallet attached to the metal barriers that i think was primarily to deter any further attacks by the, by the pro israel, a solving mom. i don't know if the police are going to try and dismantle that from the front. i just don't know. i'm sure the police easier way to go into the camp the grill. furthermore, i would say is from like conversations with the protesters,
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it is unlikely that they are going to place the police in, in we've seen in past incidents for example, last week at university of southern california. there were a lot of arrest that the students willingly with, without resisting arrest. of course it's, it's, you know, it's still fun to be arrested and i've taught some of these students. they're young . they're, they're worried what, what their parents will think, what their job prospect might be, that how they might be effective. so it's a, it's a tense and emotional time for them. but i was going to say that if nothing else, this series of student demonstrations, it's all there with united states over the past week to raise the consciousness of the issue of palestine and israel occupation to
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a level among this generation. that is, it's never been before, and this generation of boys will go on to eventually occupied or senior post business governmental society. so that might be the last thing of impact of the series of demonstrations. and even after all the tensile goods for down and the palestinian flags have been trampled in my mind. i certainly have made headlines around the world i came for the moment for world. thanks very much will give place. so i on events has them fold this night at the university of california in los angeles. now several people have been arrested at the university of wisconsin. madison police moved in to take down tenants and remove the campus and comment. so i'm, i'll a to, to is professor of community and environmental says he owns the, at the university of wisconsin madison. he was detained in india and joined the campus protests. and he told down to 0, you know,
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his passengers and police behavior when targeting protest is i have a strong belief that our obligation has processors is to protect the students from all harm. that is possible because of that i was trying to de escalate from the, the, the officers who were surrounding the 10th. and i was trying to get them to de escalate and, and leave them alone. one of the officers said, bring him and pointing to me from the very beginning before the, even the, the started contact with the, with the kind of the human chain that was around the camp and he said, gets him drop him. and so they targeted me. i don't know why, but i mean, it is really telling and very, very, very problematic the fact that this feet, faculty who are arrested are all faculty of color including me
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and to african american professors that the university. and so that is kind of quite telling, and even the students, many of them, most of them, the ones who were targeted with arrests and the team were really people of color. and so the question is, was that a chance event was that's happening just because it happens? or is it a deeper kind of framework that within which the police works, that is races the assumptions about people and how to deal with them and how to target them? well, palestinians in going to say they feel hugs by the process that us campuses and around the world displays children at the compound, darrell, paula held up signs. thank king protests and sent us colleges. many said they hope the students will put pressure on the collar, just the government and the international community to bring an end to the war. and del could, ari has this ripples the causes university students are saying,
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thank you to students protestors the u. s. and across the world, we want you to continue all your voices and we need all the students in order in advance. it is in the all to stand with the people here see the few connect to the hundreds of student protests, health and their name. thousands of miles away. we want our voice to be an all of the one on board will be here. by the few of the 1st and all of the above and univision, the students are advantage. see those of the medical workers and place policy showing the vigil outside or lock. so hospital where i'm pretty sure you think you'll have one of them is that kind of stuff. and well, i appreciate you think everything you are supportive. you are giving us a good thing for us,
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and for this thing does especially in cause us right. and may god help people and bless you. thank you very much. and all of the, from the police being and $240.00 people, how signs acknowledging individuals, universities, including colombia, where the global student protest movement started the part honoring the protest around the world, raising insights and toward the course they're asking that students continued to demand an end to the genocide in gaza. and who is young people who can succeed in bringing peace? something that politicians and diploma have so far failed to do in the community as ita, central gaza, palestine. the
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and these 23 pallets and ends, including 5 children have been killed in as rainy as trunks across sconces since wednesday morning. a striking rasa in the south killed 2 children is ready. military continues to attack residential areas across the strip. on 34500 pound of citizens have been killed in nearly 7 months of war. jordanian foreign ministry says is rarely saplings have attached to a convoys destined for garza honey mackwood sensors. this update from rough that seems to be part of ongoing, got a deliberate obstruction more restrictions, more of the very difficult situations, the ground created either by the intense bombing campaign or by these really difficult policies on the crossing. so just to remind our viewers, there are at least 7 across the crossing surrounding the gaza. for that each one happens to be just as long into each one of the govern the rates across the gaza
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strip. so it's easy if they are open, it's easy and it will ensure to be sufficient to smooth. if love human, it's very and 8 into the gauze and through but the ongoing obstructions and restrictions on the delivery of it. and the entry of it and the ongoing block it on certain items, particularly medical supplies and other necessary survival. just make it very difficult for the past few months since the beginning of the war, the past 6 months. i've been very difficult to get people's most needed age right now. at this difficult time. the settlers on the northern part of the gaza strip, that's where a human interior need are allowed to enter from air. it's a crossing just to northern parts of the tunnel in the city, but they talked in an attempt to block a to your damian humanitarian cold voice coming to the jobs us for the despite the talk and the a the to come voice made their way to their destination into the gauze and stood there carrying a flower, medical, some food supplies, some water supplies,
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and other survival items much needed right now for the table in the northern part of the gaza. for the, just, the northern part of the river has been struggling with the spread of famine. within the past couple months already caused the death of more than 30 people. a diplomatic efforts underway to reach has ceased fine and gone. so with us pressuring him last to agree to as well as times us extra of save time, save blinking has left as well off to holding towards the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he said his face fond dale is achievable and can also told miss neil, who the us still opposes a ground defensive and rough on rough itself looks. our position is, is clear, it hasn't changed, it won't change. we cannot, will not support a major military operation. in rafa, absent an effective plan to make sure that civilians are not harmed and know we have not seen such a plan. and at the same time,
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there are other ways and in our judgment, better ways of dealing with uh they re, the, the real ongoing challenges from us that does not involve require a major military operation and process. we've been talking to these realize about that. we'll continue those conversations. well, i always try to answer a senior political alice mon bashaw. he says nothing yahoo is deliberately creating obstacles to stop a cx 5 dale from happening. mr. nothing now is not interested in a deal that has been cleared from the very outset that for him, the r t is taking over guys off is the she can come us, it is not the cottage to circulate. it's just not a ceasefire with him us. so i think he tried to over the past many weeks to postpone to, to create obstacles. even just to slash the negotiations. he agrees with more and more obstacles such as, you know, who are the doctors, where are they,
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what are the names of this on? so forth. so i think he's really desperate not to have to do, unlike uh, some is the opposition. i need to some of these questions barbara, because i do want to do. i'm going to be scratching my head over the past over which side to understand the madness of american diplomacy that continues to the beach. it serves expecting different results and you want explanations. why understanding of the so the method behind the mattresses on that kind of policy is that they're trying to piece and then yeah, getting him with cards as it were trying to pressure him with as many guests under works and praise as possible. so whatever he lashed out whenever he hit wherever he longed, whenever he, uh, made you decide on statements whenever he humiliated his american concept brought to whatever the. yeah. and i'll just you illegal such with us that americans that
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are warranted in braces and so on. so forth, just come to this display a few weeks ago. there's a should right $26000000000.00 of additional they said as, excuse me, still a has had on, i'll just era, tens of thousands of people back on the streets of george's capital, protesting against the bill. they say, what's the chances of joining the european union, the the color of the rag classic gathering yes. again across the middle east. lots of this, the weather in the full cost as we go through the next couple of days next past. so whether that is what is the coast setting it cost sweeping its way across the gulf using across here in cost, as it go on through west side. it should brighten up the shot was never too far
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away. south of us, we have got some web initially making his way across the y 8 for the flooding concerns here. some causes sadie also think some live you dial post with the west. the weather will be on the other side of the gulf, making its way into iran, and headed up towards afghanistan, some pockets of very heavy rain too into weight, into a good pot toby rock. so it came that as long as the cold flash flooding the shower, stretched the way up to what was the black sea centralization scenarios of ducky, i sing some of that west, a weather child. so the old shot just around the eastern side of the met. it's right and it should stay dry in gaza temperatures here at around 25 degrees celsius . well, as you try to across those africa, as usual, lifted off the sand, the sandstone is across the hall, right? scattering a showers once again, coming back in across a good console of west africa into the go for katie. it's also some west of weather . meanwhile, to making its way towards eastern times in the a team
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in the gaza strip. as is, there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the annual, what challenges era has reminder of our top stories this,
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our demonstrations against, as well as well ongoing as i continue as university come says across the united states police at the university of california, los angeles, up here to be preparing to force protests as to leave, or just as have been rebuilding barricades around staring comments. at least 23 palestinians, including 5 children, have been killed in as rainy as strikes across concepts since wednesday morning is where the military continues to attack residential areas across the street. the, the walls, central kitchen says it's resumed humanitarian operations in garza, among soft some of its employees were killed and that is really strike because of being distribution meals and displace palestinians in darrow. paula and central garza, as well as well, deliberately talk to the wells central kitchen, a convoy the 3 consecutive strikes and killed 7 was on the 1st of april. in g o is
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calling from bassett protection for a walk, has columbia, and present gustavo, petra. it says his country will break diplomatic relations with israel, his course size as well as action. since the thoughts of the war on garza that you requested to join south africa, his case of instructional court of justice accusing as well of genocide as under around p. s a reports from boca tom, the presidents, gustavo states are made the announcements in front of tens of thousands of his supporters and book that at the end of the mean day 3 can be all the governments of change of the presidents of the republic announces that tomorrow we will break diplomatic relations with the state of israel for having a government and the president to his genocide all today, all of humanity in the streets by the millions degrees with us. and we agree with them the times of genocide, of the extermination of an entire people kennel through the time before our eyes. we cannot remain passive. if palestine dies,
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humanity dies and we will not let it die. there has been increasingly rarely actions in gaza since the stars the worth formerly requesting to join south africa's case accusing is really can decide that the international court of justice is real, responded by calling faith during the inc. i say my buddy supporters say their president does, right? you could, oh gosh, i bought a page is the right. and this 3 thing to do in countries that pretend to be truly democratic in that respect, international law is the earliest continued genocide. doing children cutting ties is a bare minimum, necessary top zion is responsible for the dental of thousands of palestinians. but the decision will be divisive in the country with traditionally close commercial military ties with israel. the announcements. so as i calculated to move to shore up to port that excited space at a time when he is struggling to move forward. it's something vicious,
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social and economic reform. gloom is this 3rd country in south america to believe in believes to put ties with israel over the war. but it's by far the largest and most important. you do it okay, but if you at this time i spit out and into things come based here, major our lives in the country and moment of great polarization that calls for take site just as a and the expectation or the next attack by these riley and rough uh we will be more kind of in guys up until the 5th of this decision might not change conditions on the ground that puts him and his government at the forefront of the growing condemnation against the war. allison that i'm 50, i'm just the good time a place in georgia. i have used a, a gas rubber bullets as well to kinda and again is tens of thousands of protesters outside of parliament, crowns of demonstrating against the government. so called for an influence bill. here's of, of all of our reports from the listing position process in the georgia capital.
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i'm north winding down that becoming move on and tens of thousands and few rated by government proposal to introduce a low on for an interference. the trying to break into parliament and the rest barricades, while police responded with a spray and was a cannon's. i'm not afraid of water. i'm not afraid of gas. i'm not afraid of the people because of these people were sending here we are pretty them fighters and we've been fighting for centuries for our freedom of america's georgia and prime minister iraq la copa hades, a cold on police officers to show the patients at the writings that patients what was on the home display, parliament approved the loan for an influence in the 2nd reading. the said final reading is expected in 2 weeks. while the governing policy is trying to convince
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people that do will strengthen the country, is independence. to protest to say, you know, is inspired by russia and is designed to crush to send, allowing a clunk down. i'm human rights groups and, and independence media. one thing is certain that these classes will pull rides, georgia society even further. you there. so 5 on the on to 0, georgia, and these 14 people have been injured in a wash and missed all strike on the ukrainian port city over desa. the attack force a launch fun assaulting data belonging to a career company was hit, a death was a frequent targets of russian attacks has been struck several times in the past few days. or the report says, a former quality order to add a supply for us to act off manufacturer. boeing revealed, alleged safety problems, has been found dead. joshua dean died on choose day off to a show. and some illness is the 2nd was still better to have been found dead. a
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former budding employee, john bonnet, died in march just days, also giving evidence against his former employer. and a little search authorities in the united kingdom have begun detaining languages and refugees to be deported to a one to the home office released a video showing immigration officials conducting arrest around england from in service to not once the 1st group sent to the east african country by july haldeman to prove the law paving the way for the deportations last month. election, who will make us and solomon islands have chosen the next prime minister whose place to bring the country place to painting. drummond on a as a form of foreign minister. he once 31 votes and a secret ballot of 50 parliament members election was closely watched by china the us and they bring a stranger because of a potential impact on regional security. the outcome, prime minister struck
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a security packed with china in 2022 on at least 210 demonstrates as walking international work is day and it's tumble has been detained. please use practice spray and tear gas to despise the crowds. the overseas and take care of find fridays and the city's main square since 2013 and was patients against president was that type of and his government opposition may as equipment for him. and the new says possibly will keep office protests until the fund is lifted. and the spanish capital madrid demonstrates as the more demanding reduced working hours and higher wages their way of junior and flags and johnson and suppose of public services. the country's biggest unions that the riley treasures have gone to new to join the colonial era have returned home to fax from us on taking them on display as part of a deal with london's victoria and albert museum left the museums or on the grilling


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