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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 3, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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on the oil age, the u. s. police dismantle yet another protest encampment. arresting dozens of people in new york university and students, and you gather in solidarity with palestinians, and terrace, and berlin. they are saying that they refused to be sent to the several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is alice's your life. and the also coming up to day and gaza at least $26.00 palestinians are killed in 24 hours after israel targeted rasa in the south. but a stadium jump. now this guy and the world press freedom,
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fries honors old palestinian journalists for their reporting on israel's one gosh, the the we begin in the united states where police in new york city have removed students from a solidarity encampment at new york university. similar police operations were carried out at columbia university and all the way on the other side of the country . you see a la earlier this week with more than 2000 people, arrested around the country since the campus protests began. houses 0 correspondence or covering the story across the us. mike, hannah is a george washington university in the capital. first, let's go to christos salumi, who's outside a police station near new york university. so kristen, multiple student, dozens. you told us have been arrested as after police moved on the encampment that
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was at new york university. they. they moved on that early this morning. do we know what triggered it? the, the tray, let me know that police moved in early this morning. the new york police department is saying that they moved in at the request of n, y, you to clear that in cabinet that was set up. the 2nd one on the university campus that had been set up the 2nd round of arrest students that were there suspects that it has something to do with a student shamal dinner. that was plan that is planned for later today that about 2000 your students are instructed to attend its filled as the largest students jewish events in the nation. but we have no confirmation of that from the university. about 60 students in total have been arrested today. some of them at
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n y, u. others at the news school. we are outside police headquarters. that's behind me over to the side. over to the side of me, we have the legal support team for the students. this is other students and faculty you are coming out to help the students who are still being processed in the police department. they are coming out one by one as they are rain when and given assignments to appear before a judge at a later date. so the last 2 remaining and cabinets have now been cleared in new york, but the groups are still very much united and bowing to continue with their demonstrations. we know that at n y u, some of the jewish students that were arrested and involved in the enchantment, there are planning to actually go back once they're done here and hold their
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ownership on dinner. all right, that's the situation in new york a thank you very much. christian for your reporting. we're go to washington. now we're in cabinets are alive and well as you can see there are bill i mike hand. mike, you're at the george washington university campus. we've discussed this before there an outlier because law enforcement has not moved in has not cleared the campus. explain to us 1st of all, why and also if there are red lines, right. because you heard kristin talking about that. are there a red lines in washington that would cause police to move it? well, let's just take this back 9 days when the 2nd actually begin at that stage, immediately the university of socrates off the d. c. police to move in and remove the protest as the d. c. police though, said it would not do that. it said it's so no evidence of any unlawful activity in
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this encampment, and it would not take any action until it saw such activity taking place. so since then, police have been around here, they regularly walk through the and, and cabins behind me, but no action whatsoever. they've made very clear, they will not be any action unless as willful activity. so here's the key issue. if there is no unlawful activity taking place, then the police will stay away despite the request of university administrators. now the demonstrate is behind me of very, very aware of that. and they held a meeting a couple of hours ago in which they discussed protocols within the encampment, saying that the police must not be approach still spoken to the all people assigned to speak to police. the all people assigned to speak to media. so it's all very regulated, all very organized, and also the cold from the organizes for at the low to be paid. so this is a key issue. this is the red line below is contravene to the eyes of the police.
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then that possibly may be some sort of action, but because the thing can't, but because it demonstrates is wielding this degree of self control, the careful to not to push against that line which may prevent police action. you've had to sit didn't as that has been peaceful for the non dying days, which would just be taking place. mike, how are you able to assess how americans are looking at these, this protest campus movement overall, we're running into the 3rd week of it. now, 2000 students have been arrested at the same time during booking. you know, one of the most fundamental rights that exist in the us, which is freedom of speech. how are america's looking at this is a free option to attack politically. for example, there are many republicans who are urging police departments to remove these encampments as the speaker of the house, for example, actually visited one of being cabins. and board cit, the police should be dealing with it. then you've got some democrats who are
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supporting these demonstrators in these ongoing protests and those that politicians themselves oppose to the way in which the bye didn't administration is continuing to support israel on it's more in gaza. so you do have these layers of opinion. the last reaction underlying this as well as a society that's throwing its mind back to the mass of demonstrations against vietnam in the sixty's, which eventually led to the end of the war is being a cost as a parallel to those demonstrations which were criticized at the time but had a consequence which was a to the benefit of the society as a whole. so there's no one hard and fast opinion about these protests. there are those who support them. there are those who are opposed to them, but the bulk of americans and the bulk of politicians and the bulk of the bite and administration by absolutely adamant that they have the right to express the opinion. as long as this is brittany is expressed in an orderly manner as long as
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other people's rights are not in families by the, the people effecting the right to protest. so the last here, but underlying it all is the free speech issue. and while the law is not broken, is a general opinion, action should not be taking against those who are exercising their right to speak. what a contrast between the scene behind you and a peaceful encampment that we see. this is as a reminder, this is george washington university, and some of the footage we saw while you were speaking of law enforcement aggressively clearing out the protesters on other campuses. mike, hannah, thank you very much for your reporting. student protests in solidarity with palestinians are spreading from the united states to other countries. in paris, people are rallying after police remove protesters occupying parts of the prestigious cl spell. university
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police removed at least 50 professors, 6 of whom had begun to a hunger strike and were staging. a cit, students from multiple universities have now gathered in central powers. the mood remains defiance. they say they will continue to protest until their demands for divesting from israel formats. and students at university college london have gathered on campus as well. pull brendan reports now from central london events in american universities. offset me. inspiring students here in the u. k. to come out and protest about what's happening, jobs. right here, p u c l and central london, but there are protests and encompass other universities. new castle warrick, mont. jessica, here you see. oh, it's a relatively small group. i would estimate around 15 people who have tense on the moon outside the main headquarters building of the university on a certain and making their presence felt with a megaphone, but also being addressed, but also not a sitter who is
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a medical doctor who works in gaza at the beginning of the war on the seo, the universities to divest of the investments in israel, the blood of 15000 palestinian children is on the hands of anybody who owns chairs in these companies that are provided with them. and i've actually increased by 10 for the delivery of weapon systems to is ray. and since the 7th of october, now, while a government's in america has been cleared by the police here, that seems to be a motel on approaching on the use of issued a statement, say that they were all monitoring the situation and they will manage this in line with the legal, juicy and commitment to promote freedom of speech within the law, whole brennan algebra, central london, a, sitting at home, both university in berlin has ended students. there were protesting and solidarity with palestinians and gaza. all those who were detained have now been released for
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their waiting to find out if they will face any criminal charges on the ground in gaza. now israel's attacks continue at least $26.00 palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. a woman and her 6 children were killed in a strength on a home in russia. included disabled teenager and a 6 year old. nearly 1500000 displays palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern city. meanwhile, more aid has entered gaza. however, agencies say that it is nowhere near enough, 237 trucks made deliveries on thursday. israel has been preventing much needed supplies from coming in since the war began. and the un has urged is really officials to drop their plans for a ground attack on rough is let's get more from honey mount mood now,
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who joins us from rough and southern gaza. and as we see, every day, every few hours there are new bombardments, new is really strikes really across the strip of many of them take place in the southern city of rasa. what are you learning? what's happened over the last few hours? the yes, well, the past 24 hours, i've been very buying a very bloody across the street, but we can safely say that the entire gases are being equal the bomb than the northern part of the central area on here and over crowded southern part of the strip were 1500000 displays call as soon as their overnight attacks caused the death of almost 51 people across the gaza strip, as well as most of them as children and causing further civilian casualties. then to your level of destruction, to the areas that we're targeting, to look here in a tragedy that were, that happened here enrolled through crowded dropbox city. a how's the, where
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a display family was inside was targeted, 7 member of the family were killed. that's the mother and her children. and some of the footage that we looked out very well refilled with children arriving to the hospital in plastic bags of the work it's shredded by the intensity of the bonding . the only survivor of this attack was the father that similar to pass proud of the bombings and a top rated by the relentless honey today is we prince, freedom day. and as you know, the un has honored palestinian during this like yourself, who's been working in gaza reporting on this for, for the last 7 months, almost 7 months to the day. and you've been working under extreme pressure. you've worked on this in a moment, will, will watch your report, but can you 1st share with our of yours? you know, you have a family, you have children. what is it like the reporting on this living through this while
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you still try to do your work verbal this particular day or hold significant. it's important for me as a journalist, covering the ongoing, the non folding situations across the got the advisor result of this ongoing board . but it hasn't been really easy at all the quite a stressful and they're working under pressure, ensuring that you are protected and saved in a place. and then a time that you, you only live with chatter, sense of safety given the intensity of the bombings, the patterns of destruction on the and discriminant killings of almost everyone here. no one is immune here and nothing can protect you from the unpredictable calling bonds. the best that we're wearing or the homeless that we put on the do not really protect us from this indiscriminate attacks. and that's very consistent with what these regulars have stated at the beginning of, of this war. it just said they cannot guarantee the safety of journalists, which means they are, they are going to be a legitimate target sports. uh,
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this ongoing bombing campaign. uh, not only the pressure of making sure a box are reported the, their, their verified. and the truth are being told without a wage, without any changes and in a professional way. but in between the daily struggle, the constant worry and concern the panic over the safety. 5 of our family, the safety of, of the people that we are filtering with inside their home because the ongoing attacks. and during those has caused the state of panic, the people who are have been accommodating journalist inside their residential homes because they don't want to be the reason that these residential want being targeted. we've seen examples of, of how most a 100 for the media work is that's being killed by relentless areas. price, either them directly being targeted or they're being punished by their having their families being killed by those air strikes or, or the risk that a deliberate attack by the is really monetary. the dentist frog allows the queueing
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in line for water and bread. they have these and also the, the constant. where are you that are you safety and off? are you going to make it, make it till the next day at field work that is over the, shrouded with high level of fear and concern? because quite honestly, you don't know when one of these unpredictable bonds is going to fall, either behind you and in front of you, or directly uh, targeting the person who's, who's covering these unfolding events. here's a story that we've prepared. don't how journalists for being covering this for uh, i've been targeted either themselves or their families be punished by targeting their families. mm hm. so i, you, the thought we was among the 1st journal listing does that to die covering door. he was the editor in chief of homicide news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength of the american media had many dreams for us. i always
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hopes that my children would be as caring and just kind to me and said was to his mother. but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died. very young. gods will help us. kind of guy that's the key i'm afraid was guilt when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a remote neighborhood in gaza. city just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuating order. and he was there to film the bombing. but his really forces a changed tactics and struck a different much a closer target. going him and 2 other journalists, they had been wearing a flag jackets and helmet. teddy clearly identified them as oppressed. a death has left his father at a loss you so much. and the 1st of all that you didn't see side means so much to me, but i used to carry all of our family bud, and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so
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much for us. and before the war done, and $140.00 media workers have been killed in nearly months of war, including algebra, camera amounts found that although the cost and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families, and even more vienna, from rough by palestine. the still ahead on alpha 0. i'm catherine slowly in my my here essentially telling you about the ongoing operation formerly floods that he was thousands of people, the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i ask how difficult a moment is this for prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5
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minutes to the know them to stay possibly out of j. frank assessments, how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jersey choice school ministry partners, and specifically russia inside story. on out to 0, i'm counting the calls protests in the us developers, universities divest from israel. how does schools make them money? washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for pick tone for the american market? kind of thing. the costs pulled out just a rough sears from, i'll just say around on the go and eat tonight. out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we just fix allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you
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think is it the, [000:00:00;00] the, your watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines this, our police in new york has been removing students from the encampment at new york university. more than 2000 people have been arrested across the country so far since student solidarity protests began. a woman and her 6 children had been killed and it is really strength on the home in rough or is really attacks have killed at least 26 people in the past 24 hours. and the unesco world press freedom prize is going to palestinian journalists covering israel's one gaza, at least
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a 143 medial workers, and journalists have been killed in gaza newly 7 months. well that award was announced in julie's capital santiago, where a latin america editor, lucy, a newman is standing by, let's say, give us some details on the ceremony and what went into us, what went into it and tell us a little bit about the award and the jury, how it works, why the highlighted guys were 1st of all the, the applied to all the palestinian goodness fluid or covering the war on bozza wasn't even really unusually, at least on the agenda at home. but it was felt that they could not be ignored. in fact, so much so that the jury, which was led to by a chilean journalist, a former member of reporters without borders and other journalists from the of, from almost every continent. they decided that it had to be given to all of the palestinian journalists,
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not just one because they won't face the same level of dangers and commitments as well. and courage in the work that they're doing. the ceremony was very, very emotional. these have been in by sort of palestine was of chile was here and just in general, uh, there was a sense of, of that it was a bit of some justice that was being done. that was what we were hearing for also from a minister of the presidency, the, the communications administer, and from everybody who spoke. but let me just take you to what's happening today. the, the flight of palestinian journalists continued to be and continues to be on the agenda. the president of chile spoke former president and he started back to let each one mentioned the need to not only have a ceasefire in the, in, in gaza, according to the president of chile, but also to protect journalists and civilians at large. but then they went on to
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the other major team of this conference, and that is the issue of the, of the challenges that most of the dangers that all turn this will cover. the environment are facing these days. a report just came out by unesco. the statistics are indeed alarming. they show a consistent rise in the number of threats and depths against journal is covering the environment and throughout the rest of today, they're going to end and also on saturday that it's going to be discussed, not just what has happened and what is happening, what, what to do, to change it and just do it to finalize. so let me tell you that are the nobel peace laureate and fellow colleague of ours. maria restaurants when she addressed the podium as well. and she said something that killed us all. she said we are facing very, very dark times. that was demand extreme sacrifices from journalists. let's see a newman. thank you very much for your reporting out of santiago the u. k. has announced the 2nd round of sanctions targeting is really settlers in the occupied
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westbank. sanctions are being imposed on for prominence for right individuals, their assets and the u. k. are being frozen and they will be barred from traveling to the country. also on the target list or 2 groups which have said that they want to expel palestinians from their land. b, u. k. government says there's been an unprecedented rise and set with violence over the past year. turkey is trade minister over a blot says trade with israel will not resume until there's a permanent ceasefire in gaza. on thursday, the turkish government began halting all imports and exports with israel is really foreign minister says the turkish president, richard piper. the one is violating mutual trade agreements, parts of kenya and tanzania. i've seen weeks of devastating floods in land slides. now more torrential rain is on the way threatening to derail recovery. efforts announces here as catherine story has more from the town of my master suite in
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central kenya. the government was invalid. t, as in my, my, you have a lot area to cover up here in debris as a look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mud flood. waters gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders, thousands of people and houses when the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls. how find the whole mcdonough when there was a body found over there? there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. do you watch any big residency? the incident was caused by a bluff stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what, how much it was and the people can say they are just like to be alive
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now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his nephew from somebody saying he says this was a man made disaster. he might, this was caused by the state and national re weighs corporation. they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel up stream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at the comp for the displaced that getting caught meals floats and medical ok. if you have any be established, whether they will even brokerage in the 1st place. because that team is got into the ground with somebody support at the 40 funds plan. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page, if it was negligence, that is blame on the government. both were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen, so you all to 0? my, my hear central can you is in britain, the ruling conservative party has lost
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a lot of seats on local councils after elections on thursday. is the biggest boat before a parliamentary election, which needs to be held by january next year, 5 minutes originally. so next party also suffered a bad defeats and a parliamentary bi election in the northwest and city of black, cool, main opposition, labor party is done well, but smaller parties and independents also put up a good showing. china has launched a probe to collect samples from the far side of the moon. i want it this is the tongue, e. 6 lunar emission. it aims to pick up rocks from the half of the moon, the permanently faces away from the earth. a space craft carries a lender that will scoop up some of these rocks and some back to earth. scientists think that those samples could reveal secrets about the formation of the solar system. it's thought to be a step towards trying this plan to build a lunar base by $23500.00. that doesn't for me for
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now is more information as always on our website. that sounds 0 don't come up. next is weather. and then inside story, we'll look at the generational divide at play and the us over the guys on the hello. it's brightening up nicely now with cross survey. yeah. right in peninsula please guys. now coming back through, i like to spell it right. but whether stormy weather that's in the process of pulling out to the waste asked, i could still bring a shower to run by right around kata briefly. and then it will ease out to the why . still a few showers into amman into am and for a time solving pots of savvy, but essentially it's forming up in the be all going to see more of the way of hazy sunshine, sunshine to just around the southern parts of the bank. but further north, we got some great risk when speeding some very heavy showers in to west and pops of
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syria into ducky a, in the shower slipping down into lebanon. as we go on into sunday, it will stay dry. the just around a gauze of the we are going to see temperatures into the mid twenties. it allows you to go smooth impulsive africa, $1.00 to $2.00 shelves just around that. that's it, that we have got a few showers longest. bell surprised seasonal res showing that had to go southern past or west africa, but nothing too much to speak of. finding a shy was continue across uganda and also west in pots of kenya, and then noticed we have this intensifying tropical sideway, making his way towards times in the really heavy right. and also some damage he wins. the. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict design is i'm a judy as a but this was not a jew, israel's estate, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough
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questions are asked. can you see negotiations being even hacked? this is most important, which if you're going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out here and enjoy your free speech. the us how speak to face is anti war protesters at columbia university poll suggests an increasing number of young americans, assigning with palestinians. so what's behind this generational gap in the us response to the war on guns. this is inside story, the


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