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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like this is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle one of your just makes modern pleads the of the color that i'm just telling you today. and this is the new, the life from the coming up in the next 16. that will be placed under arrest us please correct down on the student palestinians solidarity incumbents purchased as move demonstrations into the street. the students in europe together. and so those hours you with palestinians and congress invalid and in london saying they refused to be signed on . well for us freedom day, we hear from john. this is covering the waltz deadliest conflict for media workers
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as well as hall. i'm sorry. i'm catherine slowly in my matthew town essentials telling you about the ongoing operations following floods. that's your thousands of people in support. japan's men's football team will be heading to the power selling fix is continental champions. japan basis is best on one level. so when the agent on the 23 title in the pals student, protests and solidarity with palestinians are continuing to gain momentum. spreading across the united states and around the globe. police in new york city have removed students from a solidarity and competent at new york university. now similar police operations of columbia university, u. c. l. a and other universities have already seen more than 2000 people arrested
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in berlin. police blocked the entrance to humboldt university, arresting several people that who are protesting and solidarity to with palestinians. and in paris, police removed at least 50 palestinians who, occupying pots of sealants, has probably university 6 of those protest as had been on hunger strike. and they were staging assistance a. well, let's begin in the us and we can go to teresa bo now, who's on the scene for us at new york university. and teresa despite today is a referenced on many of the students that rallying again. well, that's correct. so i'm right in front of new york that have gathered years to pro ration and product types of probably took about what's been happening to students in this country early this morning. there was the nor away from where i am. it was, we moved by the police, similar situation happened in other universities here in new york city and then
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used were also carson happening with some of them were detained. and that's why people are here on the street. they're here denouncing what they say is the persecution of those who wants to pro so interesting to hear some faculty members that are here today. they're going to be meeting, for example, the united nations and rep points or on education about what day that the university they know what is happening in gaza right now, not to worry about that. they say that everything here is considered to be similar to them. and they say that this is being used to be sent to a position through university policy. and that's why students are saying that they remain on the suite or demanding di recommended, which is an end to the use of the funds to the university to be invested in companies that they say they want. they want an end to the whole run
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that exists and why you and some of your diversity. so people are on the street expressing themselves because of this city. and theresa, i believe there are actually to show, but then is also fund for and while you campus this evening, the reason why many of these people are here right now is the good faith. believe that during can meant that is right. right, yeah, and right now was the move, you know, the ash about dinner for jewish pain and why you know, what the students are going to be doing. the students that are protesting for kind of they're also going to be carrying out. i still got enough to know that you know squared away from where i need to
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do what is happening in the beginning. the seniors pretty soon the audio. the main objective is to draw attention to the, to the continued nozzle to the hungry and got the displacement. to answer probably there was a very nice just outside in one you, if overlays has. thank you, teresa. well, let's now speak to a cost $1.00, john 100 and he is at the university of michigan and, and all the jonah quietest situations that in the way you are. i understand that despite the protests, the response and with ours is across the united states, which are meant the graduations elsewhere have been postponed, even canceled. some of these bad though, all still going ahead today those
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everybody's are still going ahead. it wasn't so quiet here just a minute ago, had you been here one minute earlier, you would have seen that crowd over there the following police. they did that because 4 students sat down here on the sidewalk and held to sit in police, arrested, entertain them, and carried them off. that crowd went off to join in support. so or the quiet scene that we're seeing remain quiet as long as the students were positioned on the ground, but they got off aloud once police surrounded them and detained them. and this is just one small example of what's been happening on campus is all across the us. and today we've only had small celebrations on saturday. that's the big graduation here at the university of michigan. when 8000 graduates will be watched 560000
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people who are attending that is that ceremony and it to get in there, you'll have to go through sports or weakness, style security. there are a number of volunteers who have been positioned to stop any quote, disruption that might happen. and we know that the protesters have been very law abiding and quiet here. but we suspect there may be reason to believe that those protesters will be trying to show their presence at that ceremony with so many eyes on this as an enormous university. thousands of people will be watching in this football arena here. and they call it the big house at the university of michigan and it's on high alert. you can tell from the fact. ready just arrested for students simply for sitting on the sidewalk here. john 100 and there with the very latest for us, from the campus of university of michigan and, and all that. thank you john. well, let's get the scene from the university of california, irvine and speaks child correspondence all about. so you'll add an account of that
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which we understand has been less controversial for this community than the one that you see all day, which is just about an hour away where there's been so much confrontation and violence in recent days to yeah, i mean this is what you might have, right, referred to as i say, step pro test, right? you know, it is, it was still within the u. c. system, but it is a nice entire difference compared to what we saw in los angeles. for example, it's a much smaller process. it's only about $30.00 to $40.00. people inside isn't commented, excuse me, mind me to move in on the way. i thought it's about the people inside this been comments compared to 3 to 500 in los angeles, also no violence. you know, the scenes here have been very comp compared to games. so what we saw in los angeles this and come and actually started on monday the same time. but that incumbent sprung up in los angeles and it was deemed illegal additionally, by the administration here. i mean, ministration told the police officers, but they actually had to stop protested she'd come out from gabby by kid at that
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and resend that. that in fact, the mass of vine put in touch and set the police should look at it, was that i'm going to bring that. but a question in this is matt farrakhan. thank you very much for joining us. a lot of protests around the country. you could only imagine how much they would have loved on that side of the police, leave them alone. why did you do that? because it's the right thing to do, right? we're talking about the 1st amendment rights, free speech rights. and if there is no harm being done, then why are the kids under attack? and i think it's very important to set that tone. especially right here in irvine, even though i don't have jurisdiction over you see i, it was important because these are our residents here. while we've been here, i've seen so many people that bobby will waits till life come up to you and say thank you for being here. if i that lady was just talking to you, then i'm sure i start giving them the front of your head, giving them a huge boost. you think it's given them not only the boost, but the idea that they're safe. and that's what's important. and i've come here day after day just to kind of visibly see sometimes they know i'm here sometimes they
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will even though i'm here and just to see what's going on and all we see day after day night after night, are students that are gathered that are speaking their voice and say that we don't want to be a part of this jenise side that's happening. we don't want our tax dollars going to the genocide and them asking for divestment is, is the least that they can do right now. what do you make of the seems to be so that you see, i guess that i that was a travesty. it really was, it's very unfortunate that it came to what it came to where you have police with armed uh, you know, guns and, and, and baton. going after kids with what wooden wooden seals that they make stripped of themselves. and what were they doing there? they were building community and they were building community within one another and teaching one another how to live together in harmony. and that's something that was destroyed. now we know that these guys have been told that the university, let's say there's whole style accomplishment agreements,
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and they refuse to leave. and then we get into a situation where they want the police involved. what happens is that if you've told them not to kind of both of them, don't have to go through me 1st because that's how he doesn't come to that. thank you very much back. if he should be joining us, i'm not as like to say i, you see a fine, you know, it is a see where people are protesting peacefully. and as we understand that there are no plans for the violence. you know, the fact is that we, demographically, i mean, i, an area that has a much larger most of the population compared to los angeles, which has a much larger is rated population. and then not expecting to study the hoping to move by then, so that there are some wouldn't pallets just are on the side just to provide some extra safety of some extra support about the speaking to the man just outside the rest of california and of on thank you so much. i was saying, holly at student protests and told her daughter she was palestinians of all, so spread it to europe and the french capital, paris police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the scenes as pro
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university. from where our correspondent natasha butler and this report, the french police into powers whose procedures, seals, po, university campus to remove thousands of students who had staged an overnight sits in school for an into israel's war and gaza. offices to the students outside before allowing them to leave the area in small groups most to remain defiance. i don't know capacities to cut the system on. well, our demands are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic and economic links between our university and those and israel, because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never have put them. we also have 6 students on hunger strike, others who would join, but the director said isn't changing nothing. and then other parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to go building. the students are here to show he's on the direction where the palestinian people, but also to denounce website say it's growing police impression on university
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campuses. they cannot, as soon as there is a university sit in the police are sent in. today we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived to these quickly intervene to restore com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's a clear, yes, that will be possible if the protest continue. and so now the students say they have no intention to back them down. it's actually butler. how does their powers in germany and police arrest and several protest is that taken? pausing to assist in at humboldt university in berlin. now correspondence on it came was that the police have just started taking away some of the most vociferous of the protests to people drag through a sofa. it's happened because
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a protest has had 4 bottles of water to assist to sustain them during this process . they've been asked if not for several hours, and the arrival of those votes of office was the capitalist of the police to move in and drag people away. you can see that rossville, somewhere around about 30 people sent. yes, i came across in this price taping and could hear what a singing about how to sign up and that sort of thing goes with the salt and smoke and say happy shante over those 2 hours. he owns the other side of the gate so you can see what the police presence here. there is also another small a price. that's the people seem similar songs, surgeons, charles, and that sort of thing. remember the full flow receives wanted this process to be shut down some considerable time. the good question is, how much longer will the police allow this to continue? remember, and they have already dragged away some of the most specific as precisely as we shall see. dominic thing out is there cooling students at university college london have gathered on campus that as well for brandon reports now from central and
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events in american universities. offset me as far as students here in the u. k. to come out and protest about what's happening, garza right here, p u c l in central london, but there are protests and then come from centurylink, but other universities, new castle war. manchester. here you see, oh, it's a relatively small group. i would estimate around 15 people who have tense on the moon, outside the main headquarters building of university on a something and making their presence felt with a megaphone but also been addressed. but also another sister who is a medical doctor who works in gaza at the beginning of the war on the c o. another universities to divest of the investment in israel. the blog at $15000.00 palestinian children is on the on of anybody who owns chairs in these companies that are provided with them. and i've actually increased by 10 for the delivery of
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weapon systems to use rain since the 7th of october. now, while a government's in america has been cleared by the police here, that seems to be a motel on approach. and on the use of issued a statement say that they were all monitoring the situation and they will manage this in line with a legal duty on commitment to promote freedom of speech within the law. whole brennan algae, 0 central, and the students occupying a library at goldsmith's university in london and announced acknowledgment that has seated today of the month. among other things that the students wanted more scholarships for palestinian students. they had previously occupied the building on campus for 5 weeks in february and march. we spoke just a mirror online. she is a student organizer at goldsmith sometimes, and she says they're proud of what they've accomplished. the students that goes must have had a time paying that's been going on for 6 months. really, since outside of, of the 7th, i mentioned both products us and we'll couse options which, you know,
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included occupations like the 5 weeks occupation. the thought was said before, i'm gonna currently or just send it out to a patient at the library. we have several months out in relation to our university . you know, our universities on campus today on providing support to call listing is the best thing to be one. i'm one of the most simple things. the bottom is the palestinians . scholarship. so now the senior vice table provide to extra positive disclose that some one of them, but include the undergraduate scholarship. and i think this is the 1st invest temper in which we're on the offer and about the graduate scholarships deposited in . so me think this is really cool and considering that's a destruction of educational infrastructure and gaza. we recognize that. goldsmith has small uh, investments and you know, the in about think of universities in for and there we still think is simple. and let me, does one of these every, anywhere near companies thought that all could, was a really good thing. the one was about one of the left to is that we will occupying, we have one that about is going to be renamed after 3 novel. that's why we will
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occupied the meet the department of goals may seem to have that recognition of, you know, opposed to being done. that was, that was my, that by the idea, but not that memorialize of the seen a bus table be, you know, amazing or something. we're really proud of the mean model on the ground and dogs. and is there any attack on the school has injured a number of children down by law. they've been taken to the lock, so hospice on. central garza thousands of displaced. palestinians were sheltering up at school, pulled in 14870 children had been killed and at least 8663 injured since this war began. as a woman and her 6 children were killed and a strive on a home and rougher they include a disabled teenager and a 6 year old, maybe one and a half 1000000 just based palestinians have been seeking refuge and that saw from 5010 all about the show we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and
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her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning . i just want to convey your message. what is the fault of these children? what have they done to have the building bumped or 3 rockets? what did they do? the children were sleeping. sure of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand, what did they gain? will they do to us is on faith and forbidden. on palestinian john list covering as well as war on gauze have been awarded. this is unesco wild press, freedom price to. but a student in the discovery does an international jury said recognize that coverage during political times of dawson and hopelessness at least a $143.00 media watches. and john had been killed in gaza in 87 months now. who was, is there a spoke to the family of science to will he was killed within the 1st few days of
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this for honey? my ford has worn out from rough. i saw you. the story was among the 1st journal listing dogs to die covering the door. he was the editor in chief of homicide news agency and was documenting israel deadly destruction of the strength. and then i didn't. i'm going to continue that i had many dreams for us. i always hopes that my children would be as caring and just calling to me and said was to his mother. but his children didn't get enough time with him to absorb everything from the father who died very young. god will help us . can i get the key, i'm afraid was guilt. when is really forces bom, several media buildings in a remote neighborhood, in ga, the city, just a few days into the war. really forces had issue to evacuated in order. and he was there to phone the bombing. but his really forces a changed tactics and struck
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a different much a closer target. going him and 2 other journalists. they had been wearing a flag, jackets, and home instead of clearly identified them as oppressed. a death has left his father at a loss with them at the end. the 1st of all i didn't see side means so much to me, but that's why you used to carry all of our family bud. and he's now i'm alone and useless and unable to carry those buttons. he's to do so much for us and the for the more than $140.00 media workers have been killed in nearly months of wars including algebra camera, mount summit, although dot com and journalists have accused israel of deliberately targeting them and their families. the more i was just the it all from rough. i how stein unesco has also to the cases it stops you fast. well press freedom day. it's done this covering the global environmental crisis. the agency says it's recorded the killing of at least 44 gentlest,
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investigating environmental issues just over the last 15 years. and unit score for it says attacks on environmental john to move and double the to and reason is on his tough of john. and so they say they have self defensive fear of being attacked oppression. what are the aspect of barbara triology? she's a press freedom adviser at the international press institute. she says environmental jealous of putting their lives on the line. in order to write the reports of interviews over full, did you want to, they said, and vermont and climate. joiner is around the world. and uh, and what we have found is that the level of pressure they're under their level of tax. they're under is immense. that of course, the attacks against the environment they're jointly joining next and broadly correlate with the general press freedom situation in different country. so obviously countries where we see more confidence stories in general. we would also see more attacks against environmental joiner less. but indeed, we also do see regional differences here in latin america. there is very much an
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issue with physical violence physical attacks. that is a problem very often from groups that work together. little companies controlling the mining side store or the logging sector, and working together with organized crime organizations and united states and north america, parts of europe. we see a lot of online impacts as one of the tax. again, joe, and i need to call the climate protested piece of you've seen a lot of this in the, in the, in germany in particular, in other parts of europe. but so yeah, there are a regional differences. but the general approach to the general this meeting is that these attacks, again, environments of the kind of majority are on the rise. and um, and it, even though you know, they don't, you know, across the world u. k. has announced a 2nd round of sanctions targeting is really such as an occupied westbank.
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sanctions are being imposed on for permanent fall rice, individuals the assets and the u. k. of being frozen. and they'll also be found from traveling to the country. also on the target list are 2 groups which have said they want to expel palestinians from midland. the british government says there's been an unprecedented rise and set to violence over the past year. donald trump is a long time advisor and full of white house official hope higgs has testified to a new york course and the former president's harsh money trial. hicks told the story about the 4000 crumbs in a circle and during the 2016 election campaign of the video was released, showing him bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on criminal trial, overpayment made to an adult film installed during the campaign, allegedly, to keep him from making their relationship public. he times the charges. all politically motivation is that they shouldn't be wasting time when they do so many people.
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in the meantime, you can't do anything because they're always out there. see police in canada have arrested and charged 3 people over the matter of a permanent secrecy. them all 3 man the indian nationalist and were arrested in the city of edmonton. harvey pursuing the job, was shot dead outside a 6 template. and vancouver last june canadian prime minister justin true to accused india of being behind the killing. eating to a diplomatic spot. your daddy has denied the allegations and it has a 2 seat groups in canada, of finding separatism, and then native land. the process of foreign ministry says moscow is willing to consider serious proposals, ending the war with ukraine. i spoke to him for russia at one security guarantees, and for the west to stop supplying alms to change. you said,
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go ready to go. i might have thought i see a speaking globally. russia has always been and remains open for diplomatic settlement of the ukraine crisis that takes into account rushes security concerns to settle the crisis in an all inclusive fair and stable way. one must eliminate its reasons. first, the west must stop feeding. ukraine's own forces was weaponry. keys must stop its military activities, and ukraine must return to the roots of his stay to neutral, non aligned, non nuclear status. yeah, the most the hundreds of people gathered in salvia to commemorate the victims of the school shooting. a minute of silence was house outside the elementary school in central bell grade, which was the size of a mass choosing one year ago. a 13 year old boy opened 5 until the 9 schoolmates and took it a nationwide cracked down on guns. the most of the head here on out of here, security is tight in preparation for mondays elections and chad. several position
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groups cool for the polls to be postponed. i'll tell you why russian harmonic jew troops invented u. s. military base and new gen uninstalled, more injury concerns. so the reigning wimbledon champion, he's in a race against time to be fit for the next run. some to follow the web to us, remain unsettled across the western positive here, but at least it will talk a little monitors it go through the next couple of days. we've got this cloud spilling in from the atlantic couple of areas of low pressure. there's quite a nasty one here that's going to say this way over towards the black sea. and another one just rolling in from the atlantic that will fade. but whether into spain and portugal, as we go through sash, they own into some basic se,
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increase and kind of right coming through here, into frauds up towards the low countries of hey, be best to find on the cards for some 16 celsius there in london with some wet weather around, that is something of the improvement, at least in terms of size temperatures. well, we're not going to scandinavia, i will, tools the politics dates, i'm fine and dry, whether it's eastern pots, if you see that wet weather, that when they are weather, just sliding in the across, stuckey i what, what a sweep 6 way in across a good pos, of best buy and puts cool, much days of rain for a while for us to remain a problem as well as your drive. meanwhile, across northern parts of africa, few show us just around this. a hollow or fading out of the way. plenty of showers across the coastal pot, south west africa, a little spotty as we go one into us sunday they all the never the less and noticed plenty of them around with temperatures into the forty's. a hard hitch. i mean to be used as the oil see,
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suffered casualties. we have not suff website, tyler to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say. no double stand to all of us. any, any one in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on told to how does era ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hub and so it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm, we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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the welcome back. you're watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound police in new york have been removing students from the incumbent at new york university. move in to thousands. people have now been arrested across the country . since students, all of our to protests began as rarely attack on a school has injured a number of children and 0 balance. they've been taken. tell us the hospital and central garza dozens of just based palestinians were sheltering out. that's from your desk, a wealth press freedom prize has gone to a palace to in john. this is covering israel, small and also at least a $143.00 media walk. as in john must have been killed in garza and nearly 7 months
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now for a palestinian cameraman, who was injured and is really attacking garza is quoting for the best of protection . is media walk. as somebody said that is still in hospital. his right, like was she tasted last month, she works for the tuckers channel, t o t, or maybe a lot of sense of the problem. i want to send a message to the world, but it needs to do more. this should be more protection for journalists and international lawyers must be upheld our rights should be protected, like those of others around the world. many journalists are now disabled because of a tax, but i hope i am the last one to be injured. after i fully recovered god willing, we will return to work and continue. i work a message to my fellow journalist in the field. be careful and state strong. don't a band and the cameras, despite old domestic, who is committed by the use, riley army against journalists and other people. if you uh, the, i at the truth,
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you must document these crimes and spread to them around the world. unless from the occupied westbank say that is really for us, is also trying to silence posting invoices online on the, on the ground. they've been detained in terminations and in many cases, banned from doing their job. one john left was based on the house arrest and prevented from using her phone or the internet need to. abraham has this report from the occupied westbank a she's a journalist, but with no phone internet or access to the field. and it's really court cuts off. so may edge away from the outside world, as part of her conditions release form in his way. he deal. if she communicates online or speaks to us on camera, she could be arrested and coming back home with somebody it was in her 7th month of pregnancy. so we were worried about to we filtered 1st to be allowed to work from
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home, but then we were surprised to see the court's ruling. all of this for want for accusing her of incitement of, of post on social media. she was allowed to give birth in a hospital. her baby is 3 months old now, but she has no idea when she'll be allowed out. and fears that her career might be over. 43 palestinian journalists from the occupied west bank are still in his way to jails. almost half of them are held under administrative detention, which is a rest without charges at least $260.00 cases. so these way the forces ups truck taking journalists from reporting journalist clearly identified as members of the process and doing their jobs are protected under international law. but in palestine, media workers say they're not. and the protective gear noon is the press, the best that should keep them safe, is turning them into a target. has
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a lot of families are open, let me check above us sharina blacklist. kevin was shocking to all of us. the port that had to bid has been in the field for 15 years. and you members, when is where the forces killed and just need a journalist 2 years ago, while reporting jimmy to clock off this video, he's trying to dodge put in during, in his way the way to the occupied with the, the mute i still have to, i don't feel it when to come with their own. these really forces the more cautious because like feeling the national backlash much if we manage to push to unless away . it's as if israel has a green light to commit more crimes against palestinians. journalists often deployed in groups as a safety measure. this is his colleague, sam. yes, i am a how the sammy was late to arrested with them to charge the almost demo. well, they're telling us that the situation is when israel blocked international reporters from entering the disease because
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a strip after their attacks started palestinian journey to see they rose to the challenge. they want to tell the story they for displacement and loss. but more often than not, they are forced to become part of it the day, but he just eat all the occupied westbank palestine. the 1st is prime minister actually. so you're not conservative policy has suffered a bad defeat of local elections. these polls come just months ahead of upon them and she election while the main all position labor policy made some gains, smaller policies and independence also had a pretty good showing hartford reports. now from the column is the conservatives have been preparing for a bad set of results, but a poem entry, bi election in black pool delivered in eddie defeat, stinging unit scale, a 26 percent swing to the main o position label party. the conservatives only just beating the right wing reform policy and the 2nd place in black pole. a message has been said directly to the
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prime minister, directly to the prime minister, because this was a paula bent tree vote. this was directly to richie so that to say with fed up with you all decline your payoff of your deficient. we won't change in local council elections across england, a similar story. conservative counselors losing seats in numbers at the high end of pre election projections. i started particularly with reform field candidates and attracted right wing votes. one of those just months out from a general election on focus completely on the job at hand that's delivering for people across the country. if you just look at what we're doing in the last week or so, a lot in a $900.00 pound tax caught hitting people's pay slips the 1st failed to sign. and so you cut off 2 rolando at the same time. and what, what of labor said? well, they said that they are going to scrap the rolanda scheme. and as far as i can tell,
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offer, an amnesty is elections with fall from a labor clean sweep. the party lost control of holding counsel to labor counselors having defected the policy on gaza. those evidence elsewhere of of dropping off the latest traditionally solid muslim vote to the benefit of the liberal democrats in green parties. the conservatives refused to next some solace in the result of one of 2 regional metro pcs that they were just sending. ben how to and holding on in the t's valley, his majority down from 70 to 53 percent very much everyone. the idea that the conservatives would have another leadership election present the country with a full prime minister since the last general election in 2019 had appeared to be dying down in the day is running out to these elections. but the results have been so bad. the news so relentlessly the pressing to the conservatives that the pressure on really so next position as intensified once again, hardy close it out to 0, london, turning to west africa now, and russian troops of,
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into the military base in asia, where us troops, essentially a station and he's, as government had all the americans to leave off to recruit last year. us actually have defense fight. austin says he is confident. know that his troops all safe. i think you know that everybody's running. one we're at 4 inches is, is a new share in the air force base that is co located with the international airport in the capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and this is something that, uh, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, i'm a safety and protection of our troops, something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our forced protection. well, that's it. okay. is that profess of international policy set? the coffee and on in special peacekeeping center,
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she says it rushes presence in asia as part of the why they've planned to expand its influence in the civil region. this is more like an actual location from the side of russia and then to prove it pointed out, we have control not only in the chair but was willing to so help and i'll implement just going. and then to also let the i make is know that, well, we don't really care what you're saying. yeah. and you have to do our business. and for that long term it has implications for not only getting the jack, but it's the whole region. and then we also took the regional cooperation agency, economic pointed cheese, okay, to the continental, what do you like to watch? what is going to be the irish things to be? so it is really an interesting time and now we look it up. what's gonna happen? comes to the point where, let's go back for instance when, when, when these concepts nature of booking up muscle and then models, right?
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the sensor means that games for my phone, you know, it's almost like science. so it's come to a point where these countries feel that we need a new partnership. okay, when did you buy like a question either in military, in an economic or whatever needs. so whatever form is now up to them to decide of what do you want to engage in going forward? and i think based on the trajectory, be willing to participate in operate with russia on all levels hangs down when it comes to play the click. okay. yeah, so citizen, when do rush f o by law trial corporation going forward for at least 9 people, including 7 children, had been killed and a bombing at a displacement counts in eastern congo. another person was shot and killed by the army in the off them off the camp. an eastern city of government is home to thousands of refugees who fled the violence. the m 23 revel group has been waging
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and offensive in eastern congress since 2021. may bring rwanda is accused of backing the revolution accusation to do all the denies. it's not k who is responsible for this attack o staying in democratic republic of congo and h. kimberly soldiers have been handed the death penalty by military court on charges, including acting contrary to juicy. there were changed of deception and cowardice while fighting. i'm 23 rebels and then we're connie has more now from going the sort of this convicted in the government being, was oki did by the military court. and accused of court is it was a for jody or the citing sort of just meet act called 20 to duty or disciplines according to the mandatory justice which accounted swift sort of gives them on the 11th. no 1st is the quarter to this of this convicted sort of just the clothing to court on is going to 6 of those both of those. what for me to the why is this sort of his way forward engaged on the 4th line against them? 22 levels in the 30 to one of my cc, to go south to establishing the facts,
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the guns they accused, the quote convicted each and declared the death penalty against the 9 officers. apart from the death penalty, the court has decided on the definitive dismissal of the 9 convicted officers from the congo each time and for them to be arrested immediately. if the set is handed down to do is recognize it will not pay this sort. it is risk of being the 1st to be executed after they live, to enjoy the much of a more authority on the display. another too soon forced into the successful thousands through the commodities. um, it has been the 1st thing to enter the 2 bedroom on the ground for the last 2 years, which occupies the little areas and has moved closer the seat to go. my sister lives here on friday more than 10 people were killed and then around 17 other seriously injured and central doors. me totally dusty to go. ma, did you ever see officials accusing them to, to, to be bought to buy you want to buy this like is this one has been rejected by them to a new trick? stand by 2 guns allan way connie josie,
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to go on the democratic republic of cool. well, security has been highs and across chad now is the country elect a president on monday? several opposition and the zip code for boy because of the selection for which on the 10 candidates had been approved to run and addressed reports now from the capital engineering political campaign see. and chad have reached a climax across the country. securities post office. just say you to remain so before, during and off to me on this presidential vote to force. all forces have been mobilized in addition to other measures to ensure a violence free election. they will secure the electoral process to allow champions to exercise their civic duty to the presidential election is expected to transition chad from military to civil rule. after i disputed referendum in december, a military dom, how much took over after his father long company. they addressed debbie was killed
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on the bottom fronting printed to one is candidacy through criticism from the opposition. the campaign has been largely peaceful, but it's what happens after the election that water is the most chide. that is just, there is always fear that something bad will happen after each election. i hope it doesn't have to happen this time so so people are killed in the run up to the election, including finest the blood to the debts and the rest of all positions. because at the end of february, many to ideas looking forward to this election just as some say they're staying away. those opposed to the vote in says the process of producing candidates is slow . as a result, some groups, according one charges they like total commission says preparations for the elections. a complete mr. balls graphic. we believe after the election, the constitutional order will be restored and the security situation will improve a great deal. ok. but to get to the main opposition party says they must be an
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acceptable for you and fair process. what did people decide is going to be what everybody should ask. this is what we are pushing for. and this is going to be, i hope, the case to making sure that the, for the 1st time about history, i didn't people to come to was the lead looming large of what they say election is concerned about security. in april, the child didn't, government demanded a small group of american troops stationed in charge. leave the country. that decision would likely leave a void in a fight against i'm because like i so, and book or many people here see the boat as crucial to put chide on the pass of reconciliation. if it fails, they say the country could be punched farther into political and such a how many degrees i would use either given the parts of kenya and tons, and they have seen weeks of devastating floods and land sides. now even more torrential rain is on the way threatening to the rail recovery efforts. catherine,
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so a has more from the town is my my here in central can government work because invalid t as in my my you have a lot area to cover up here in debris as they look for more bodies, possibly chopped under the mot flagged waters. gosh, down stream, hiring huge cheese and boulders. thousands of people and houses on the torrents past was swept away. in one boy's harvest cannot be solved, reached the souls, how finally, hol, magenta. when there was a body found over there, there many people who cannot be found, many of my neighbors cannot be found. so do you watch any rig residency? the incident was caused by a bluff stream, which then caused water to accumulate in a dandy upstream. that was the what, how much it was and the people can say they are just like to,
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to be alive now. hi austin. guerria is here to look for his nephew for us to be seen. he says this was a man, me does i stuff. he, mom, this was caused by the state and national roadways corporation and they are the ones who build the cold down stream and the tunnel upstream. it should be their responsibility to maintain the system. those who lost everything are at comp for the displaced that getting for new clothes and medical care. if you had re established whether there was even brokerage in the 1st place. because that team is starting to be on the ground with sublease. what athletics on file. so it would be pretty much want to see if there was a real page if it was negligence, that is blame when the government boots were waiting for news of the missing relatives said that desperate to find the bodies only then can they find solace. kathleen. so you all just 0 my my hear central, can you a hostile head here on al jazeera and sold formula was making its best of the
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season in the united states. action from miami is shortly on its way the this business uptake these votes. and by this design, growth partner of bung the dash before to use the
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these business uptake. these me roy thought of on the dash before to use the the most back. it's time to support and his and the thank you so much. miss 1000 all depends. men's football team will be heading to the piracy lympics as continental champions. japan beating is back as time one now. so when the agent on the 23 title in castle kind of goes real sca was it not fun for us?
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a story went to japan the 1st time and the country has clinched the under 23 asian come twice. the young summer i blew adding to the title of a one here in doha, in 2016. but it wasn't an easy final against his breakfast on the signs to the team would have depend marching to the beach, having had the stronger performances at the tournaments going into the decider whose back histone having conceited a single goal in any of that 5 matches. and cast off and hung onto that impressive feat until still pitch storage and substitute the key mode assuming it with a low show. but moments later, a huge twist. when is becca son rewarded a penalty of their v a. all check of japanese humble, mar ali rough one alias stepped up. is no match for japanese. keep up the
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one. no, it was enough to see japan seal. so dramatic victory for japan here at the $123.00 asian come, the team can consider themselves. when is with this tournament sampling is going to be qualified. they 1st way that through the powers came out at their house. justin been how much stadium tony or smoking stop months, just to city from correcting more english football history. so they have the chance to become the 1st team to win full consecutive lee titles. also have a one points advantage of the top of the table, but have played one more game than city that see things in action on south. so they also are responsible and with the city will be taking on was let's have a look at the running just about change city. well, i still have to, spite tottenham. we did holdings, withdrawal back in december, also talk this test. could be that a way trip to manchester united on saturday. there was a lunch time kick off against boom, to just focus and put all your energy and focus in finding the
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item in ation and, and that, and that willingness to me to do our best to and the right to win games and, and the 1st one is almost he's at home, is going to be a number that most viewed ident drawers a game, and to just be present time between the moment and, and let's see what happens to that to do old plus points. otherwise would it be difficult because i said it's so strong. so consistent is difficult. going to draw a points with what i said, this depends on us literally as far as small spots are full apply on the dry one. the english temperature with evanson in 1985, he says also was by the recruits of bait city to the title. this year both at home, the home records are terrific, both in good form, very good for them. and i would be amazed like many other football funds at fossil
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and much of success. you don't win the weekend games. i think if one of them is a split box in the run up to the end of the season, where might it be? well, let's get through games. you've touched on them at the beginning of your bill within there. and also i've got to go through all traffic. no. normally that would be a real tough game. but that's my gesture united. i'm nowhere near where matching that you should be. so i think actual will be very confident they can go there and when not football much, much as a say you have a little bit of a boogie team to go and play and that spouse a week. so that's a game that could easily, not wait, i'm not saying they can lose it, but they could drop points in that game. but can you believe that tottenham funds would want their team to hand to tell you which ass now i door so that suffice day one. so have safety and also get through those 2 games that may just be the one point in the separation. now i've heard you say a couple times. mm hm. but you think are, are going to win this? yeah. why?
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well i'm, i'm usually hope was it predicting. but when also came back from the winter break, fatah, they've been the best team in the country by far the one, but they really have, who's against the us and develop at home when they lost the game feature. i think it was that was a big blow to them. so i believe that form is good. i believe the belief is that i believe better than last year, and i just have a sneaky feeling there will be one last twist. before the end of the season, and if it is, it may just be that game against totally a memo injury concerns. the reigning wimbledon champion, costs alcaraz out of the 2nd grand slams photo. and that's the friendship and the spiny do last the andre route. black and this week's major, it open up a lot of the upcoming. it's highly, you know, you've been with an omen jury has also forced withdrawal from the false line. right . and in months of color must as last month found a race to be fit. the french are guessing the weight on may the 20th australian fastball a mid. she'll start. okay. taking full kits for the coal cut. so not right. is the latest indian formula game helpless teams with 24 rung when over the moon by
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indians city. second in the standings looking good for support in the playoffs room by those 2nd from boston in the table. and for me, one is making its 1st off of the season in the united states, miami will highest a sprint race, as well as the main grown prayer over the next couple of days. world title hold and current championship made a max the stump of red bull has just gone quickest in sprint qualifying the probably charlotte class was 2nd past. right. but as i suppose looking pronounced, as i said, montane no, a 300 year old town. and the northern philippines has resurfaced often with so much to for the construction of a reservoir. some 50 is at the bottom. below it has the story from the ruins of funds by now. the concrete ruins of a centuries old town. very much still in place after half a century underwater since. but the behind in the northern philippines was submerged in 1974 to build a reservoir. it's resurfaced a few times,
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but never this early in the year in this long. that the, like the, when the dams, water level drops, we usually see the cross but only the cross. now it's an entire area of the town, including the symmetry in both. it's a dry season in the philippines, but experts say climate change has aggravating the effects parts of the country. i've seen record heat in recent weeks, and you'll new witter pattern has lingered for months without the it hasn't rained within the war to shed areas about dams. and in addition to that war to evaporate, it's quicker because of the extreme heat. one unintended benefit, however, has been a growing number of tourists while the town to fund the behind is gaming world wide beam fords reemergence from underwater. local say they're not celebrating because the dam doesn't have enough water to generate power and provide irrigation. and we saw on your guns, it was 2 years old when the government moved the entire town,
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but got to come in at the what, although i'm happy to be able to see my birthplace. i'm sad there because i worry about how this could affect our farmers. visitors are amazed but say they're just as concerned team that's now it's really interesting but it's also scary for, for the future. if it's a trend that's going to happen and going forward, it's gary for those who live around it right now, because it isn't just the remnants of the old town disappeared. but an entire patch of green and brown for water used to flow and boats, though abandoned, used to sail barton to below al jazeera. but the behind me of the philippines as well. that's it for me and install is here today for this news, but don't go away. i'll be back with another news out and just a couple more minutes from now that you can always find more to on al jazeera dot com. do stay with us here on out here, the
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calling attention to any quality, pollution and extra 2 additional cleanings in kenny is low income communities. silent brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices, but the one task of the one day an organizer on the rapper. how old are these people for the begun? so for me, a teen buffalo and it hasn't been put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change. can you change is coming is no doubt about it on a just a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. only land route to south america from migrants. city, the size of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp this families, it's a risk. they are willing to take fault lines and box on this. i'm forgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on up just
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we're looking at now is low the slope from the nearby to pi oh, landfill. garbage has reached a height as more than 35 meters and is well over capacity. this is just one of many landfills around the country that have exceeded capacity mostly due to an excess of plastic pollution. indonesia is one of the world's top contributes has of plastic waste accounting for around $7800000.00 tons each year. and it's at locations like where i am on the outskirts of jakarta, where you can see the scale of what environmental groups cool. a plastic waste crisis, the most common plastic pollution in engine asia, a single use sashes, which environmental group say or small, but accumulation add to the countries environmental button. entities, as government says that it is working to address the plastic waste problem and has had some success in mechanism such as reducing marine plastic waste and promoting
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recycling. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again i'm just as he's saying this is and use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes will be placed under arrest us please cross down on the student, palestinian solidarity and governments the protest as move the demonstrations into the street the students in europe also gathered in solidarity with palestinians in paris,


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