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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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to say, come out of ward for translation and international understanding of nonsense. the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the arc will be placed under arrest. us please clack, down on students, solid out in cabinets and support of alice demands. but protest as move it demonstrations until the strains, the elements of a problem. and this is ours is a lie, some doha, also coming on the students in europe
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is we gather in support ballast, a news in paris. and then as in london saying, they refuse to be signed on press freedom day. we hear from journalists coming dibels, deputies conflicts for media workers as well. so one gossip slots i don't going is writing right in the west bank sort of still in the town to cut them and seizure homes and on to an edge house to me inside the student, protests and solidarity. the palestinians are gaining momentum spreading across the united states and around the world. police in new york have moved students from the solidarity and cap meant at new york university. many of the students were asleep when the raid began. so the police operations of columbia university university of
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california, los angeles, and other campuses have seen more than 2200 people, arrested. hundreds of people have gathered near you, new york university. and suppose that the detained protest is today is a boy reports here in front of new york university, where you can see hundreds of people have gathered here to show solidarity for the students that have been detained. there also be landing in an investment, which is what we've been listening in which is to put it in financing to the finance investment of the funds. the university started in companies that students, they are profiting from the war in guys that just this morning. very early this morning, a group of students had, i think time meant that right there, where you can see that when he had been, was removed by the police this morning. we also know back to other inc,
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$0.10 in the news board, but also in part where we moved by the police trying to prevent the students from setting up compliments. here in new york city is rarely saying that this type of demonstrations are types of music. however, the people you talk to here are saying that this type of demonstrates the occupation by using this. and you can see here several members of the jewish community have together here to show the policy and people. there's also the fact you team members from n y u set of also come here to show their support for the palestinian falls right now. over 2200 people have been detained in the united states across over 40 you diversity 3046. the master rest in the united states, and many of the students have been accused of me, see me in or in the case of what happened in columbia university on tuesday evening
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where hundreds of people were detained. most of them had been released. however, they're saying that their work put in solitary confinement and they were missed. sweet, this is happening just as president, as expressed himself about the terms that are happening in the united states must remain. but what people here are saying is that just 6 months prevail, and that's why they, we need to demonstrate the show their support for the product, the and called the new york. some of the biggest protests on the west coast were broken out this week at the university of california, los angeles. that's a similar item, catman just gaining ground to the university of california and yvonne send the vouchers there and he sent us this report basically be referred to us by the incumbents with all that we saw. you see i lied because we all still within the you see system on thursday night and day difference for as you see i have 3 to 500
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protesters here. the number is 13 and 14 full. so we, so that's why that's the most hundreds for us here. 1000 repeat, i need to scan the counselor assessed to that as will pass, but it's not something but nothing like so it's like no real process. so counts of protests to try to go and try to close by. that's how this process actually sprung up on monday. the same time is the one that kind of you see i did receive a legal immediately by the university. they told him to leave and they said to the police, but anybody who left should not be allowed a case that was since rescinded. people have been allowed to go buy kids, go to go get some food and all the rest of it. i don't know, so it's a matter of a fine who's cutting such and such as the police do not go with mother. could also be the fact that we seem to account for a test to because demographically, this is a very different area, original sent to us as a much larger as rated population here, uh find in orange county. now we are told that these protest is all in active tools, should be you bescedy to try to bring this to an end, and that sees
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a resolution on both sides at the moment they thought we'd stop, but they say they all hopeful, but they also are in touch with the protest this from you say that you see like something they want to do. if things start to go, sorry, wrong by fix it feel about. i'll just say right, oh fine, orange county student protests and support a palestinian civil also spread to europe and paris police removed at least 50 people occupying parts of the sales, probably university from where natasha butler sent this report. the french police into powers whose procedures, seals, po, university campus to remove thousands of students who had staged an overnight sits in school for an into israel's war and gaza. offices to the students outside before allowing them to leave the area in small groups most to remain defiance. i don't know if the best way to cut it off the system on well our demands are clear and we want an inquiry into the academic and economic links
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between our university and those and israel because israel is violating human rights and that's when the director said it would never happen. we also have 6 students on hunger strike, others who would join, but the director said isn't changing nothing. and then other parts of the city, hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the historic all to go building. the students are here to show he's on the direction with the palestinian people, but also to denounce will say, is growing police impression on university campuses. they cannot as soon as there is a university fit in the police are sent in today. we have a government who are increasingly authoritarian with young protesters. a government that won't let young people speak out about these really palestinian conflict. there was a tense moments when a group of counter demonstrators arrived, at least quickly, intervene to restore. com for monday university students are expected to state exams. it's on clear if that will be possible if the protests
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continue. and so now the students say they have no intention to back them down. and so i should butler, how does their powers in germany police arrest of several protest has taken pos and assessing that humboldt university in berlin, correspondent dominant came was that as the police have just started taking away some of the most vociferous of the protests to people drag through a sofa, it's happened because a protest has had 4 bottles of water to assist to sustain them during this process . they've been absent for several hours. and the arrival of baseball football fields was the capitalist of the police. to move in and drag people away. you can see that all still. somewhere around about 30 people sent. yes, i came across in this price that they being can hear what they're saying about how to sign up and that sort of thing goes with the salt and smoke and say happy shante overlays throughout the owns. the other side is the gate. so you can see what the police presence here, there's also another small, a price that's the people seem similar songs,
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surgeons charts and that sort of thing. remember the full flow receives wanted this process to be shut down some considerable time. the good question is, how much longer will the police allow this to continue? remember, and they have already dragged away some of the most specific as procession. as we shall see, dominic thing out there. cooling students have set up camp outside the university of college university college london. they say they'll continue. they protest until the university divest from his writing institutions the profit from the war and gaza. full running reports on central london events in american universities offset me. inspiring students here in the u. k. to him as an protest about what's happening, jobs right here. the u. c. l and central london, but there are protests and encompass other universities, new castle war. manchester. here you see, oh, it's a relatively small group. i would estimate around 15 people who have tense on the
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moon, outside the main headquarters building of university on a something and making a present stroke with a megaphone, but also been addressed, but also not a sister who is a medical doctor who worked in gaza at the beginning of the war on the u. c. o, a universe to the size of the investment as well. the blogs of $15000.00 palestinian children is on the hands of anybody who owns chairs in these companies that are provided with them. and i've actually increased by 10 for the delivery of weapon systems to his room since the 7th of october. now, while a government's in america has been cleared by the police here that seems to be a motel on approaching. and they used to have issued a statement say that they were all monitoring the situation and they will manage this in line with a legal, juicy, and commitment to promote freedom of speech within the law, whole run an algebra central under the,
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on the ground and gaza and it's really attack on a school hasn't had a number of children and data belong. the thing taken to unlocks the hospital and central gaza dozens of displays. palestinians were sheltering at the school. nearly 15000 children have been killed. at least 8600 injured from some will began. this item is rarely attack on the southern city of alpha has killed at least 2 palestinians. residential building was targeted several injured people having taken to hospital and the mother and her 6 children were killed in the bombing of a home in java. they include a disabled teenager and a 6 year old teen olive. how about the shed? we work up to the news of the martyrdom of my sister and her 6 children and an entire family wiped out from the civil registry this morning. i just want to convey a message. what is the fault of these children?
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what are they done to have the building bumped for 3 rockets? what did they do? these children were sleeping, 2 of her daughter's bus muller and the son were found in pieces in a mother's embrace. the remains were connected in one back. what did they do to them? i want to understand, what did they gain? all they do to us is unfair and forbidden. the u. n. is wanting that as well supplied victory. a salt on golf could lead to large numbers of civilian deaths. and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of palestinians, our colleagues from unicef worn that a ground operation there would bring catastrophe on top of catastrophe. for some 600000 children, the agencies executive director catherine russell, said that nearly all the children living and rough are either sick. it are either injured, sick, malnourished, traumatized for living with disabilities. meanwhile, the world health organization reports that have the 12 hospitals and costs that are still partially functioning. 3 are in rough up w h o says that those facilities will quickly become non functional if there's
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a military incursion into rafa. either full scale military operation, ralph or could lead to a blood bath. palestinian homes have been left in ruins following his randy attacks on the giovanni of refugee camp in northern clauser. these it seems of widespread devastation. witnesses say is ready for this is only one's residence of one house to evacuate as before, carrying out the attack within search. he families have been left home this the palestinian journalists covering as well as warn gauze i have been awarded. this is unesco world press freedom, fries to, but a student. in the discovery garza and international jew reset it, recognize the coverage, doing what it called, times of documents and hopelessness. at least a 143 media workers enjoy the list of encoding guys. i'm 87 months of the name of the fort from the dangers faced by doing this some dasa. so they hold
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a significant significant importance for us as journalists covering the ongoing war across the gaza strip. that has so far for the past 7 months, cost to use more than just the word more than just genocide and genocide. relax on the ground. it's a, it's a, it's about the very existence of palestinians on, on this land. and that's, i think, has been, and my views in many journalists to view the, the drug, the drive for us to keep going. because it not only them for the fives voices, for just this and it changed, but also it symbolizes the importance of, of our voice. and in the drawing and sitting lights on the deal is try go, the daily prophet is a part time the genocide committed against palestinians. the past a 7 months have been very difficult, very stressful for everyone here, including journalists do are uh how i pay the have a price for covering the truth and for filling exactly what's going on across the the gaza strip the from the tax on homes. this tax on,
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on civilians as well as the almost 100 for the media workers have been killed in and during this, this for the shadow sense of safety. the inability to make sure that you are protected and safe for you and your family members, or sheltering with you or so during someone else. that bill is struggle of queueing for a long time for water and, and food, and others. the revival items and, and, and in between, you know, you have to be prepared to get in front of the camera. the camera do virtually arise to areas that are quite risky and do any of the, for the document, what's going on against policy. and it hasn't been really easy for anyone here for journalist, particularly, it has been really stressful, very difficult for many of our colleagues and a friend have paid a hipaa prize either losing their lives directly as what happened with our colleagues or from the bureau itself. as well. 3 or camera man,
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and other journalists, other colleagues who lost their family members. they were being punished by uh they were having their families being directly attract. it is very solid. just have storm to town knows. i've told cut them in the occupied westbank. fighting has taken place between troops and on palestinians in dallas was soon it's very, some just episodes in the house is really um, it says the man inside the house carried out for an operation last year, which killed a soldier still ahead on al jazeera securities ties and preparations for monday's elections and chad. a several positions for the poems to be postponed. the in depth analysis of the days headlines, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. i asked how difficult a moment please this for 5 minutes with nothing you know, who is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to the know the to stay possibly
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out of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh, and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is, is choice of miniature partners. and specifically, russia inside story on al jazeera, in a post colonial with the scholars of european imperialism, run the nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. wherever risk history still shapes the presence of the serial. yet instant insights through the eyes of a whistle blower and the patriarch ministry come on. witness presents. this is come on a jersey, the cheering disliked, the more fossil fuels. we burn the hot or the planet. we're forcing from the action age work. here's where it's directly targeted. i'll just say it was teens across the world. bring you closer to the heart of the story.
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news the, what challenges me, elizabeth put on and don't ha, reminder of on to on stories to sell. police new york having removing students from katlyn to new york university over 2200 people have been arrested across the west. some student protests against as well as the wrong cause. i began a few weeks ago. and is there any attack on a school, central gulf that has injured a number of children being taken to unlocks the hospital? doesn't seem to splice palestinians with sheltering at the school. and then on the loss of the unesco world, press freedom prize has been awarded to miles to me and journalists covering as
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well as one gaza. at least a $143.00 medium workers agenda was to be killed and gaza. nearly 7 months of the overtones long time advisor and full white house official hope picks has testified to a new quote. and the former president's harsh money trial picks told the julie about the $4000.00 trumps and a circle. during the 2016 election campaign, the soft a video was released showing him bragging about touching women inappropriately. trump is on trial, so concealing a payment made to an adult film actress during the campaign, allegedly, to stop her from making their relationship public. he says the charges are positively motivated, the police and canada have arrested and charged 3 people over the murder of a prominent, seclude to last year. the shooting death of how to beat signature damage ties between india and canada. rosalind jordan has this update. mass government ambushed and killed hardships in nature outside the 6 temple near vancouver where he
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worshiped in june 2023, 11 months later. canadian police announced a break in the case. i am here today to announce that we arrested and charged 3 individuals for 1st degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in relation to hardy nature's homicide. need john, an indian born canadian citizen was a leader of a group demanding a separate seek homeland in northern india for that the government of prime minister, now rendering moody had designated new jar a tower wrist. but when canadian prime minister justin true to accused modi's government applauding, new jars, killing ties between the 2 countries, disintegrated diplomats were expelled from both countries and canada called off trait talks. even so, the canadians say there was some cooperation with their indian counter parts during the investigation. i would be frank out, correct. got characterized that collaboration as rather challenging and difficult
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for the last several years. authority say more people could be arrested. rosalyn, jordan, l g 0. the life of nations in the us have condemned an attack on a displacement companies to the democratic republic of congo that killed at least 9 people. the us state department says the attack came from positions held by the ones and forces and the m. 23 rebel group and 23 fighters had been waging and offensive and east and the all seasons 2021 neighborhood wanda, is accused of backing the rebel groups. an accusation that denies its russian troops have entered a military base and these yeah, way us troops the station and he has government head off the americans to leave off to recruit last year u. s. equity estate to lloyd often says he's confident his troops a safe. i think you know that everybody's running. one, we're at 4 inches is, is a new sherry and the air force base that is co located with
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a international airport in a capital city. and the russians are in a separate compound and don't have access to us forces or access to our equipment. and this is something that, you know, again, i'm always focused on the, i'm a safety and protection of our troops, something that we'll, we'll continue to watch. uh, but uh right now i don't see, i don't see a significant issue here in terms of our, our force protection security has been heightened across chad as the country holes . a presidential election on monday with several opposition members have called for a blank cause. only 10 candidates have been approved to bon address reports from the capital political campaign, c. and chad have reached a climax across the country. securities post office just say you to remain so
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before, during and after me on this presidential vote for us. all forces had been mobilized in addition to other measures to ensure a violence free election. they will secure the electoral process to allow chatty and to exercise their civic duty. the presidential election is expected to transition chad from military to civil after i disputed referendum in december as military dom, how much took over after his father, long term lead address. debbie was killed on the bottom fronting printed to one candidacy through criticism from the opposition. the campaign has been largely peaceful, but it's what happens after the election that water is most charged and there is always fear that something bad will happen after each election. i hope it doesn't have to happen this time. so some of the people were killed in the run up to the election, including violence that led to the debts and the rest of all positions. because at the end of february, many to ideas i looking forward to this election just as some say they're staying
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away. those suppose through the vote in says the process of producing candidates is flow. as a result, some goods i calling with charges they look total commission says preparations for the elections, a complete major part of it. we believe after the election, a constitutional order will be restored and the security situation will improve a great deal. but to get to the main opposition party says they must be an accept or for you unfair process. what do people tell them you decide? is going to be what everybody should ask. this is what we are pushing for. and this is going to be, i hope, the case to making sure that the, for the 1st time of our history is turned into a lot of control. is that the, the looming lodge of what this election is concerned about security in april, the charge in government demanded a small group of american troops stationed in charge. leave the country. that
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decision would likely leave a void in its flight against i'm because like i so, and book or many people here see the boat as crucial to put chide on a pass of reconciliation. if it fails, they say the country could be punched further into political and such as how much increase obviously the given this is the prime minister, which is so next conservative party has suffered a big defeat and local elections, the polls. com, just months before upon them entry voters, while the main opposition labor party made gain smaller policies and independence. and so had a good showing our full such reports from london is the member of parliament, the conservatives. it'd been preparing for a bad set of results. but a poem entry, bi election in black pool delivered and now the defeat stinging unit scale. a 26 percent swing to the main or position labor party. the conservatives only just beating the right wing reform policy in the 2nd place. in black pole, a message has been said directly to the prime minister,
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directly to the prime minister because this was a paula bent tree vote. this was directly to richie food i to say with fed up with you all decline your tales of your depression. and we won't change in local council elections across england, a similar story. conservative counselors losing seats in numbers at the high end of pre election projections, particularly with reform field candidates and attracted right wing votes. one of those just months out from a general election on focus completely on the job at hand that's delivering for people across the country. if you just look at what we're doing in the last week or so alone in a $900.00 pound tax caught hitting people's pay. so that's the 1st failed, the saw them see off to rolando at the same time. what of labor said will they said that they are going to scrap the rolanda scheme. and as far as i can tell, offer an amnesty. these elections will fall from a labor clean sweep. the party lost control of holding counsel to labor counselors
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having defect to the policy on gaza. there was evidence elsewhere of, of dropping off and leave us traditionally solid muslim vote to the benefit of the liberal democrats in green parties. the conservatives refused to next. some solace in the result of one of 2 regional matters sees that they would have sending spend house and holding on in the tea's valley is majority down from 70 to 53 percent, and very much everyone. the idea that the conservatives would have another leadership election present the country with a full prime minister since the last general election in 2019 had appeared to be dying down in the day is running up to these elections. but the results have been so bad. the news so relentlessly the pressing to the conservatives that the pressure on where she threw next position as intensified once again her as well. so i'll just leave her a lunch. and that's it from the elizabeth put on them for this half hour of news. you can always keep up to date with all the nations developments on the stories
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we're covering, as well as analysis programs, documentaries, on our website, the addresses. and i'll just say, i don't. com, whether was next. that inside story look for the generation on divided the united states as well as one godsa. i'll see you again in half an hour with the headlines . thank you very much for watching the the hello. it's fine and try across the good parts of the korean peninsula, add also into japan. last big area of high pressure keeping it settled and sunny quiet. so the little me at the space. so that's the clear skies a, but we have got low cloud handwriting gathering across southern parts of china. so the flooding concern is coming in across the saturated ground that we have here
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that will lead to a good deal of disruption. once again, it is so moving feature that it will punches, way across the east. china say i would to was the cream financially. so that's that change, that's gonna bring some wet weather into the cramp an inch. that type of just floating back to around 20 celsius the in. so make the nice of that fine dry day into japan of 20 item total because that weather. yep, that's coming your way. we'll see the cloud gathering the rain pushing into solving pos for q issue using across into western areas of hon. she by the end of monday, the pride this guys welcome sunshine at last, coming back into southern pulse of china will say a few showers across the indo china, one or 2 showers coming into the philippines. hopefully helping to break the heat in both cases. plenty of showers, meanwhile, across malaysia and indonesia continues. meanwhile, the caustic good possible in the cooler west of the bank with ash the
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ears from i'll just on the go and eat tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the sex allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at your think is it the of the enjoy your free speech, the us how speak of faces anti war protesters at columbia university poll suggests an increasing number of young americans, assigning with palestinians. so what's behind this generational gap in the us response to the war on garza, this is inside storage. the
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