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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here it is here to. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, i'm just off the attain, this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes and television thousands guy, that's a demand deal is done to release over captains. housing goes the displays kind of thing. and so they just want to go home as negotiating teams needs
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and kyra's. it tries a striking deal for a cease fire and golf there's famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south in law people in garza stuff. israel launch is more attacks from the north to the south, and heavy rains and southern brazil, the $56.00 dead in tens of thousands more without going to move to electricity. news probably begin in gaza whether humanitarian situation across the strip is guessing was why the day bought diplomatic efforts to reach us is 5 deal appeared to be ramping up all eyes. and now on kyra wareham us delegation has been holding tulips with mediators from egypt and council, as well as the c i a direct to william burns. i'm us, it says that it's studying the license does really proposal in a positive manner about sticking points to remain israel. once the return of the
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captive is being held in gaza, tomas is insisting on a permanent end to the school. se spot is vital for gallons of u. n is wanting, the north of the strip is now experiencing a full blown famine which is already moving towards the south of israel. prime minister benjamin netanyahu himself is under mounting prussia. thousands of again gathered intel a vive to attend what have now become weekly anti government protests against his handling of the war. i'm here today, the support a deal now yesterday, cuz we need to bring them back. we need to bring all the hostages back. mean we've got to bring them back, we got a question of the government, and that's on yahoo! we called you to reach us these by deal, which like yours, the release of all captives your taking more time. so you and ben, because you can stay in power, you don't care about the 133 or 132 captives,
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an operation and rough uh will cause the death of the captive. you don't have mandate to kill 132 citizens of israel. oh, is there a has so far not send a different logic delegation to those these 5 talks with, from us and kyra. but it could still happen and that's what protest is want. mom and john june has the details for us from tel aviv. these demonstrators have come out here because they are demanding that the government go ahead and enter into a ceasefire with how much. in fact, that's in the last few minutes we've heard chance these demonstrators chanting. there is already a deal on the table. just go ahead and sign that. this is a refrain. we have heard throughout the course of the last several hours here in tel aviv. now this is a smaller crowd that is here outside of the ministry of defense compound, then the crowd that we were with earlier, just down the road in caplin square. that's where it's thousands of anti government demonstrators and relatives. a captive still being held in gaza had been earlier in the evening. then this smaller group,
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several 100 started marching down the street. now they have come to the line where there are these police men and women. we've seen here not just these police that are standing here blocking the road. also we've seen a policeman and women on horseback mounted patrols. we've also seen police in riot gear, so it is far more of a 10 situation right now. the police have continued to tell these demonstrators, they want them to disperse, they want them to go home with regards to israel and sending a delegation to cairo. that is also something that these demonstrators wants to see . they want to see these negotiations come to an end. they want to see get real going to with ceasefire. the israeli government for its partners continue to say that they will not send a delegation to cairo until and unless they have a positive response from how much as to the deal that was presented to them to hold . meanwhile, in garza, that is also the hope of a possible si, fi, let's show you the scene and rasa in the south and the strength
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the you were here in protest has been very close to a correspondence. have been displaced and they're stuck in the south saying that they just want to go home back to the north of the gaza strip. talk of wisdom has worn out from russia and southern garza of the song. the situation sounds really different for the vast majority of causes population being truck in the south of the care tree has to have been closely following over the latest developments regarding the approach to us. these 5 grievance, an old diplomatic efforts being exempted only the intern, a, indeed, diplomatic, irena, but we, now my son is when appropriate by regional majority. it is now the believe that this time there's no mounting pressure on both. how much on israel for a ceasefire agreement on the table are right now, but also they have a great deal of optimism. but this kind of optimism is mixed with previous kinds of
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frustration regarding previous failures that these kind of topics have really met at the end is due to the great gaps between pull spots on the ground. but they believe that now they have a real chance to get to a cease fire agreement as they have been charging on quoting for the return of their beloved ones. and even the display style of sydney is to their house as to the north of the guns this trip. and they are mold, growing close for a ceasefire agreement to be held. now. now they believe also that these, while the prime minister benjamin to teneo, has been threatening, threatening the entire guns this trip with invading roughly if these kinds of troops have been collapsed, then that's what they have been completely a phrase and have been it triggering more concerns among those palestinians who hope that a ceasefire might be roads soon to be light in order to bring an end for the hot chips and all kinds of misery. they have been going through since allison freight of this complex what i always spoke to are selling him down. he's
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a senior spokes person for home us. he says, in order to agree to any 65 deal, his group needs a guarantee from the united states that is really forced as well, not onto ground assault on rafa. well, i'm still talking about the main issue, which is the complete she's find out. i've completed the phone cuz we hope to find some good and positive on such today if that had been through and go through this to uh, declare a positive on. so if, if, if, if i may say that, but unfortunately, and there was a clear statement from uh to the whole, uh, showing that regardless to what may have been if they will just use for it or not. so it would continue that. that's a good start of that to me, that would be no, she's filed. and that means the tech would be continuing, which is again, sort of our discussion. at least we want to know exactly what does that mean. that statement and the, the actual phone, the dates of the understanding that i need
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a treatment for the seats fraud, which means that there will be no more attacks against does the i need this and does that include in the middle of the we have to talk about that in the position of the united states, because that is the main issue which will affect the position of these are the lives i mainly need to know if the united states administrative him have said clearly to the, to now and offers. and off you have to do this on back. i actually would, that would have been the guarantees enforcement. and if that was given that will give a good, which bush for the, the, the didn't what she issues. but also need to have steps to be uh, decided and to reach him in the bottle, which would all agree on. so the guarantees are needed, but we also need a key of stage months which should clarify the position and the commitment. so for each side, because as we all know it is,
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i've try and every time to get out of that commitment. so the guarantees i'm lucky enough, it's important, but it's not the only they need to think we need guarantees and we need also cleared commitments. the hall, joining me again here in studio this time, our communities and assistant professor public policy at the institute for graduate studies tom and thank you for joining us again. on the news our you were saying earlier, we were using the phrase cautious optimism. but as we were saying, we 1st saw him before talking about a potential breakthrough. it still feels like the positions that policy is actually very far apart. has there actually been much movements? uh, the sides. yeah. uh, not lots, lots so much because the, the key critical issues. uh, the pertain, i mean, uh, assurances, i'm guarantees that the, these negotiations will lead to a permanent ceasefire and then allow for the construction of the gun,
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the slip to stopped. and so for these and these have not committed themselves to any of these guarantees. and also the americans on the american position is it's quite vague. i mean, the not upfront when it comes to this, uh so it, it puts how much, so really not very good to can a can position it because it's a, it's like i'm going to use a famous quote by the, the, by, as a said kind of funny the famous but assume a boy disliked adult that'll between the nick and the sort. so have done no guarantees that you've done protector. nick, that's how i'm asked me. come up then. what's the point of, of these negotiations? i mean, it's a, it's, it's would be a noble for thomas for short as we blank. and the us actually state was saying that the major of the store here is how much that there's a deal on the table now. it's what i'm asked to take it. i see there just in the last couple of hours. a mazda is come out, reportedly insisting that it's an s and yahoo,
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who's proximately instructing the deal. i mean, is this old tactics that listing? i guess we could say it's stuck 6 on even i mean, i know continuous to that that he's going to invade it up for how so that means it could be explained as a tactic used to put more pressure. but at the same time, i mean my, my view was that the, the how, how masses the negotiation team went to keitel with a c. it us will to find something. but there's the missing these guarantees. i think they have some questions, more questions, one amendments. but these are the, is came out that i've lumped nancy accepted or leave it. that's the only thing we can offer at this stage. so a, i think, i think how much does not want to also to be perceived as the one beside the party who support this, that other physicians and the so they would put the opposite of ations on that they have. but most of probably these will get it acted by these ladies. so i think we
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are at this stage on this, that is, that even break through, and i mean my understanding this big, so we're going to come only from $140.00. and that is the americans, they have to put the wave behind this around to make it succeed. do you have a sense of what the deal is right now on the table? what's being discussed? is it still this 3 phase deal that we've been hearing? it is, and it's full of, of, of the is about numbers. there is one critical issue which is that at the end of 50 g, as in the notes, i mean, so is there a has to allow the, if you choose to attend to the notes and also the fund withdrawing refrigerated troops and they've got a slip. there's been some big booty on these 2 issues, meaning that, that have been somebody who knows the things that i and is that asking or demanding the 3rd party. make sure that the, the, the only use of elizabeth, the, not the military personnel. and also when it comes to the front of a little, one of the go, the slip is the is that came to keep some positions in the buffer zone, become a subjects this, it insists on
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a fund withdrawn. and i think these 2 critical issues also have to be solved. i'm not, so i'm at the wheels with the 2 parties set on these issues. let's say you've talked to about how the u. s. is the critical policy here, and that really assumes, as how mazda is assuming that washington has a requisite leverage of israel to get israel n, as in yahoo to do what it needs to does. does dr. barton, i'm his administrator, and have that kind of pounds. that's an excellent question. this does a i think that's this is how much as a function. but then the other to the use of the solution might not might not be in the ideal position to impose live. it is, or nothing else wouldn't because it's an addiction, as you get into us. also the by the solution that is facing many challenges inside the us, including the immunizations and the demands by the progressive democrats. i mean, the typical of, of buttons position. and this was the republicans of the thing with these divisions . also the law be based on a little bit as that,
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and it has the best influence and nothing you know, is aware of these, the officials. but at the same time, he's not also in an ideal situation because he's on a top of a very, for john gore mission. also he has to uh, to model this one gauge with a demand of that i think phonetic religious puppies. and his condition, which i'll go to the opposing to this. so it's a, it's, it's, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a for the, i mean it's a for substitution for the 2 sides. so i'm not sure which one has more leverage. but what showed that the us is providing with us with these ladies, so they could use weapons as effective to put more leverage and nothing else please . when it comes to this will leverage all waiting pallet. you talked about how fragile the coalition is in, in israel, obviously enough and you know, who is concerned about his political survival. what does this mean for these really public? you were saying earlier that they're still broad support for the whole, but is not shifting. it'll so it's, i mean majority of insulation is based on,
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on late to sort of a, those then, i mean, they want to see how much gone they want to see how much is governed is being thoughtful. some of the guys are flexible, how much disappears. somehow but, but, but again, the, i agree, the disagreements on the house and then there is this entire thing also of easily and positioning in the middle. these, with the addition deals, the solve the fact that there's so many. busy also priorities for them to think about. so it's, it's not an easy situation. the americans have been my analysis. the been trying to this associated with anyhow, from the right wing religious parties and probably pushing towards motor center left the government. so we can a formal question, governments with the other part is what more sense that it was a reasonable, but i think it feels nothing it always totally. he believes that his surviving is with keeping the connection with the right wing religious part is he doesn't,
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it doesn't see any, any, any we away from this. and obviously that has huge, huge drama for patients on how these tools will play out time are covered. thank you for joining us again on the news. oh, my pleasure. well, that's ton now to the issue, monetary and situation on the ground right now. and also, as we mentioned earlier, the head of the humans won't. freed program says that northern garza is now facing a full blown fireman, as long as it has more on of the people because i haven't had much to eat system where it began. and now for the 1st time, the you, when says a state of time, it is evident in north and casa severe restrictions have blocked food deliveries. israel as constant bombardment is for isolating more areas, forcing palestinians to survive, and leaves, scraps and food, hand out the head of the human world, food program is renewing calls for humanitarian ceasefire. where i can explain to
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you is that there is famine, full blown famine in the north, and it's moving its way south. and so with what we're asking for, and what we continually asked for is, is a cease fire. and the ability to have unfettered access to get in safe and unfettered access to get into the, into, in the guys a get various ports in various various gate crossings. but we, you know, it has always worked that way. israel has been blocking most of the 8th trucks from coming in, allowing only a trickle of 8 to reach college students. international efforts have shifted to air dropping supplies, but that's insufficient and unsustainable to meet the dire need on the ground. is har, it's you know, it's, it's, it's so hard to look at and it's so hard to hear also. so i'm just, i'm and so hoping that we can get a ceasefire and, and begin to,
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to feed these people at it's, especially in the north, in, i'm in a more and in a much faster fashion that also including, as i said, water sanitation medicine, it's all part of the sam and the famine issue is also something that we need to make sure that the world understands. we can't let this happen. the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough food. and the crisis is escalating each day. children are struggling the most to hospitals started reporting the 1st that's from starvation in early march efforts to prevent the diamond hinge on the ceasefire. but the only means as elusive as ever axles i moved out to 0. meanwhile, the family of palestinian. dr. i've not a boss who died in his really custody is calling for an international investigation . he was detained from all the full months while washing in northern garza, the palestinian prisoner society says that he died as
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a result of torture and medical negligence in his right new prison box. his family have appealed to the international criminal court to look into the allegations. the whole turning now to the protest we've been seeing across the universities in united states against israel's war on garza police have remove tenants from the palestinian solidarity and covenant university of virginia. and charlottesville. let's take a look. as you see that police moved in on that county were purchased as has been raised for some 5 days. earlier in the week, university officials had permitted the students to hold a demonstration on the condition that they did not push out the tents or use loud speakers. well, let's face it weighs about, she's across the student movement for us from new york to raise it looked like it got a little messy in charlottesville. can you talk us through what happened to them between police and the students? well correct, what happened in university of virginia is basically what would be seeing happening
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elsewhere all across the country. was students starting to co test and then setting having come from something doesn't come from being removed by force by the police. in this case, in particular, it's been several days since students were protesting in the university. they have several demands among them, for example, which is the investments from companies that students believe are profiting from the war. this is not in a way what they are demanding. they're saying that this is something that happened during the untie product mover, for example, and that it was carried out by many universities in the united states. and that's why they're a demand is a legitimate one. so the university said that they were not going to meet the demands and that's when the set of funding time spent. then the, the early, the saturday morning, the police arrive state troopers arrived. they said that they had to we moving camp, but they were around 20 students, but then the com became much larger. there were some confrontations that police
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started using p. augusta hyper spray and we saw how several students were dragged out from the campus university campus. and detained, and that's what we've been seeing happening all across new york. he didn't several other parts of the country. you know, students are convinced that they're fighting for justice. that's it. they are in this civil rights movement in a way defending that just cost comparing it to what happened during the vietnam war when students protesting against the war against have heard had, i mean, many of the things i'm not away many or say that they'll go back the big continue protesting until this war is over to raise as you say, there have been confrontations and many arrests to in new york where you, i know you've been speaking to students that certainly sounds like like there's an error of defiance. you expect us to continue even even into the summer and beyond graduation of the we're gonna have to see what happens. what i can tell you is that on friday,
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where i am standing right now, which is a new school in lower new york city, at least 27 people were detained here on the building right in front of where i am 20 people. where are these haines? and even though they were taken to a police station made to one many were we still are being charged with misdemeanor . for example, again, the students took to the streets to protest said crossing new york city. there were hundreds of people that gathered there to be man demanded to the one god set to demand, to cease fire, to demand that the university is divest from it as well. so suddenly it is a move in time when we move, being in a way of finding a how they're going to continue with this movement. let's not forget that thousands of students have been detained. many of them are right now dealing with our legal situation. we know that, for example, the many universities across the country, no students are assisting the other students that have been detained. so there's a whole movement around what is happening in the country right now. we're going to have to see how here in new york city,
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the situation continue. lots of the students that we have spoken to say are telling me that they'll be on the streets once again. terms of a covering that student movement for us from new york. thank you very much to raise a whole students at the university of california and of on say that they will remain on the account this until all the demands on that for just as a demanding the university divest from businesses as to ways of as describing with ties to as rarely and weapons manufacturers. university officials say they'll continue to negotiate with students and, and they'll domestics that they'll reach a deal soon. well, that's bringing correspondent gabriel, as under. he joins us now live from that campus that in of mine gave i can see from, well, just behind you that didn't come, does very much still standing. so this talks are ongoing but with the students. so standing strong, they are, there are several dozen protesters here,
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this in camera thing you see behind me it's day 6 and they are negotiating with the university administrators over several rounds of talks about trying to meet the student protesters demands one of which among many or several, i should say is full divestment tiffany. companies at this university deals with that as any business dealings with israel, of course. so there are no negotiations going on, not today, but they are going to meet perhaps again as early as monday. and the protesters here are hopeful that they could reach some sort of agreement. clearly the pressure seems to be working, right? so the pressure, i mean, the pressure of this encampment, everything is very peaceful here. there's actually families that have come out here with children that are going into the encampment to taking part in lectures and, and paintings and, and you see a elderly people here as well. it's all very, very peaceful. and we're seeing seems that are much different than what we're seeing in virginia on saturday. we're right,
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police confronted protesters here. actually there was one agitator a couple hours ago that showed up here. and it was taking video of some of the protesters without their permission. he was a clear agitator, actually a campus police officer came and said please stop and escorted him away. d escalating the situation. so that is an example of here at least here in that one example of a d s collation. no real police presence here at all, it's not really needed and for the most part and that's why things here are moving along. for the most part is when i talked to the protesters of. busy as well as a this account and will continue, they say, until their demands are fully met and gave, i can see some balloons facing any of that behind you. as you say, it's incredibly different between what's happening there and other campuses like university virginia, but suddenly very difference to what took place and you see at a which is not all that far away. this is the same university,
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a different campus. right. and yeah, that's right. and it really shows you how the, the administrators of each university really have a choice. they have a choice to either escalate and call in police and be confrontational. or they have a choice to actually listen to come to these and cabinets. listen to what these young people, as well as professors, as i should point out, or are taking part in this as well. it's not just students, it's primarily students, but it's, it's also alumni, it's professors as well. and actually listen to what their concerns are. listen to what their demands are to try to reach some sort of agreement and be escalate the situation. and that's what you're clearly seeing here. but uh, this is pretty much vx. it'd be the exception, not the rule, of course, because of the we see on our tv screens and some coverage from our colleagues all over the united states. in the last several days. a many universities are taking a much more confrontational approach, which quite frankly, is unfortunate. but one of the protesters i spoke to here said she hopes that this
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is an example of what can be achieved. perhaps again, they're still negotiating, so we're not there yet. but at least there is some discussion going on. i will say that stay across that for you here on i was a 0 for that. okay. but i wonder that i'm you're at the campus of university of california deadline. thank you for that update. gabriel, with thousands of how the experience of how a demonstration in the occupied westbank to condemn the killing of 5 palestinian fighters. the crowns monster through the streets of toll carn hours of to is really troops attacked the fighters in the village of darrell coast. and the minute trees, as the men were members of a cell that shot resolve is on the 2nd. and last year. the same is robbie reports. now from the site of the is randy attack. a modern is really urban warfare, brought to small town post dozens of israeli troops by boston to cut
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before descending on their own in a rate that lasted 15 hours. the aftermath, leaving little to the imagination, residents here say they've never seen anything like it. who i had that i saw and heard all the classes is something new for us for the 1st time ever classes like this and this violence, everything destroyed this miserable is really troops took over the 2nd floor of the house, concentrating fire power on a single 2 story building, they ordered women and children to leave before launching shoulder fired rockets and calling and told strikes. military bulldozers were brought in to finish the job . were standing on the rubble of a building that stood here less than 24 hours ago. neighbors say it was one of the larger ones in the area of multi family home. but these really raid was so intense that this is all that is left. rescuers and people are digging through debris and twisted metal in
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a desperate search to find anyone that might be left alive. after hours spent digging some using their bare hands, all they were able to pull out were body parts of it. we've only seen this kind of destruction happening on tv and gaza and now we're seeing it in real life in front of us. and by all accounts that this was a man hunt and is rarely statement described the men as a terrorist. so they had been tracking for the killing of a settler in november. how much said they were palestinian resistance fighters with a cosign brigade. as the 2 sides continued to face off or regardless. and with a delicate peace talks underway in cairo. people living in this village will for ever remember, it is a place, a handful of homos fighters made their last the same bus route. the old is 0 there . listen the occupied westbank palestine. a well, still a head here on now is a 0 ahead of sundays, orthodoxies to celebrations. worship is packed the church of the earliest
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applicants of the hardly 5, the here's your weather report for australia, new zealand, and asia. let's go. so for us straight, they are both in the east and the west. we're dealing with rain, but i think the worst of it will be in the east just to the south of sydney, the heaviest pockets of rain here. but sidney, you're also getting in on this as well, potentially, half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours. and the winds also be a factor here as well, but your temperature is pretty well where they should be for this year. same goes for new zealand, both islands temperatures, where we'd expect at this point of the euro. so let's go to asia and the biggest down port is for indonesia. there will be around. so the ways the and pop while we could see some flooding here over the next little bit,
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the rain is picking up in southern vietnam. so round coaching main city. we've got some big downpours in the forecast here. also a lot of rain for eastern china, but that's moving over the yellow sea and this is pouring into the korean peninsula . so this is going to be a washout of a day for both young yang and sole target. the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling. so we take a look at a 3 day forecast in sole potentially over 48 hours. we're looking at a months worth of rain. there's been a big drop in there's temperatures as well. just the other day, close to 30 degrees and now down to just 17. on monday. bye. for now. the 11 days that ended more than 60 young life in may 2021. the powerful testimony of palestinian families in gaza. as they remember,
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the children killed during the as railey bombing 3 years ago. 11 days in may. all i'll just say are you will so caught a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands in our projects except the cost. and we strive to insure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on ridgecrest the the
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the welcome back to watching al jazeera. let's remind you about top stories. the sound . thousands of demonstrations have gathered weekly protests and televisions, demanding that prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government to make a deal to secure the release of full captives being held in garza. lots of different classic efforts intensified to reach to cease find in kyra last delegation is currently holding groups. bear with me the ages from egypt and castle and the c. i is right. so william bonds for israel has not sent a delegation and is waiting for a response from us to it's earlier. for 1st, the police have removed tenants from the palestinian solidarity and katelyn give us to virginia and charlottesville. the student protest as one of the schools a cup, ties with institutions and businesses that support is ran over you. an agency for palestinian refugees has called
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a situation for women and girls inside cause that disastrous under pulling. they say that as this contract continues, so does the war on women since october, the 7th moving 10000 women have been killed and at least 19000 injured. and also says that $37.00 children lose their mothers every single day. there around 155000 pregnant or breastfeeding women and girls who face extreme water shortages next to no health care facilities. and my colleagues sort of on yet spoke to emails, telling me she's the you in special reference to on the violence against women and girls. she explains why women and dogs i have suffered the most they suffer most because they are, they represent the majority of civilians. but let me tell you that in no more and recent history have we seen this appalling deliberate, targeted attack, an assault on women and children,
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as we have seen in the war a on gosh, it's, it's really going to be very difficult to talk about any rights for women and children, whether during times of peace or conflict, after this onslaught on guy side of the world has really normalized as was said, an unbelievable level of violence. horrific and level of mind. and women face, you know, a cox on the, on the dignity privacy lives of families on all fronts and, and no human rights. they have hudson has being left untouched. why, what's, that's this war part because you say, you say this war in particular that you've called this a war on women? absolutely, i think, well, i mean, is what it has been targeting close the new the women for decades. because they are probably stay noon because they are women. but in this war it is very clear that the they,
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there is no consideration given to the protection of women and children. we have heard, how are you know, pregnant women? the are, are starving. they are being killed. why is pregnant? i take nothing and demonstrate this more than the story of sabrina, the infant that was initially taken out of the room of her dead mother only to die a little late to us. leaders from the organization of the summit cooperation holding a 2 day summit in the gallery in capital to discuss as well as war on garza representatives . that will discuss a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. also on the agenda that tensions between israel and iran, the warrens through dawn, and the rise and is on a phobia racism, comes in the home. it has this report for us from the summit heads of states and then a gift for more than 50 countries across full confidence. i've got the same thing.
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do we have a number of items on the agenda, but the main one is is right, it's one gods up for them and i'm a battle the gun via the coming to of the all i see and press the sunday. he said the suffering from the policy in and people must come to an end. he is, most of what you say, let's see means is it multiple groups groups are not only to the most of them, but also for the entire or the ongoing violence instructions individuals. and we want to tell you guys in the, continue to make the 1st bits of peace remote the, to day some, it took them to model the heads of states, and then it gets i expected to adopt. that is a lucian, that was the lucian would quote, once he gets the spot in the guise of strips. i'm a hand, i just did a bunch of the gun the how it purchased palestinian for massage and who also served as adult to in gaza. says he's been denied and treat to friends while on a flight from london. doctor gaston,
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obviously to was supposed to be addressing the french senate. he was also denied and treat to germany last month. and so as a general authorities paste a one year bond on his entry to europe, he added that friends with are these insisted on sending him back on a late night flight to london despite earlier flights being available to at the bus . 4th desk guy who was told that my name is a on a list of administrative ban. a to the shits send in area. and. and i will not be allowed to enter into friends. when i asked about the band, i was told, and that was the 1st time i had heard that the band included the whole of the shouldn't get area and was for a whole year. because it's an administrative band. there's not even any sign on the system. why i've been, but there's no need so that the french authorities don't have access to that
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information. and i certainly didn't have any access to that information. and neither does my lawyer had this came as a complete surprise to my cellphone to my loan. busy so i'd be in touch with the german authorities since i had been banned from berlin. no indication had been given for that. my own interpretation is, it is with the pressures that are being put on the international criminal court. every attempt is being made to prevent potential witnesses from reaching vague. and one of the ways to do that, this the band, people who has witnessed these crimes from reaching the whole of europe including calling. what i had seen in dogs was only the tip of the jennifer, i do iceberg. and the rest of the genocide law, i square existed outside in countries like the u. k, or germany or france or the united states. where this access of genocide, these government,
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whose job it is to ensure that the weapons supplied increased by 10 fold and that any attempt to cease fire is forces and that any voice is quoting for a cease fire our silence, the criminal. that's what i had not seen, that this was a project that extended from kind of the all the way through berlin and paris to london and washington. what was the knox christians and occupied the store we spent on the occupied westbank had been mocking the east to this year's celebrations. awesome jude from many palestinian christians because of the war on garza. and is there any restrictions done in smith's reports, not from ramallah garrett, the short distance from occupied east jerusalem to ramallah. what christians call the holy fire bones broad, but the mood here is done in the cradle of christianity. it's never been honda to worship for i think what's technically know to what we used to go to jerusalem every year. but this year we have no peace of mind. we are not in the mood,
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it's heavy and it's a sad holiday because of the war. there's no celebrations like previous years. we palestinians are sad because our land is under occupation. our land is holy and it has to have peace with the war going on. and guys, our situation being under the professional this year is it's worse than ever. this is the worse here in the past, subbing for 75 years. eastern orthodox christians believe the flame comes every east from a spark sent miraculously from having to ad jesus was battery, dr. crucifixion. now the church of the holy central and occupied east jerusalem to this thing, cared to churches across the world. but for those who live just a 30 minute drive from that church, the realities of life on the israel's occupation mean getting the has never been more difficult. at the study missions check points, the end of the roads. it's difficult for people to go and be present in jerusalem
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without check points. people would come together from all the towns and to celebrate, especially at the church of the holy step celebrations were replaced with prize for the palestinians in gaza and for a ceasefire. now in normal gaze as a launch procession through the centre of ramallah to bring the plane to the church it. but this years for that much more pat down events, there's no real appetite cell phone. it's ms. ramallah and the occupied westbank. the protests against a proposed new law have rocked georgia. now for nearly a month, the bill would force organizations that will get more than 20 percent. so a 5th of their funding from the board to register as foreign agents. critics say it's inspired by russian one and could even block the countries chances of joining the european union. here there's
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a lot of our votes now from the drawers and capital to dc. john georgians, have been at the center of these products, has the, has the residence to continue that demonstrations until benjamin's. i met the capital police, it has some days of launch o'reillys prompted by proposed for an influence bill if adopted, the new rule would require old media and n g goes receiving 20 percent of the funding from abroad to register as agents. so for an influence, we protest as a calling on the government to withdraw the bill and release all those recently to change the stick so much higher than just my and joe, or all of the ideas combine. the stakes are so high that it means that this law withdrawal, a new dividing line between the russian world and that the world. and this line will keep georgia on the russian side of, of that was suppose that the proposal will say it's needed to combat what the
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government sees as haul. so for an influence in george's politics as an, it's not russia, but the west that is undermining georgia. sovereignty the act is we softer compared to the similar one in the united states or in some member countries of the european union, canada worth 3 of you. the reason for adopting this bill is distracting. the sovereignty of georgia and the foreign influence coming from abroad is strong. the western leaders have already said that if the bill is fast will, will lose and the paternity to join the european union. that's what this whole fuss is about. but it does have to be less, really disagrees. the fundamental problem with this law is that it says the enemy is elsewhere, the element enemy is in the west. in reality, the enemies here, we know who they are. and now they're saying, therefore, the synchronized with, with the russians, the bill is similar to the one the governing georgia dream polity was pressure to withdrawal last year after mass protest. so,
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so these demonstrations have not stopped the bill. it said and final reading is scheduled for later this month. the proposal unpopular discontents have been a challenge for the governing georgia dream politics, especially if it had a problem and treat elections in october of the 3 weeks of protests. neither bill position nor the government appears for pads. so given us to find out about all to 0 really st. georgia floods that have killed at least 56 people in southern brazil. nearly 7000 have also been forced from their homes, heavy rains and a bus times, and also rushing through the stage of rear run due to sol. now threatens it's capital for to allegra. tens of thousands of people have been left to without drinking more to electricity. this is the west funding the region has seen in the world and she is that you are just asked to be. it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of the state. perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country is ever seen,
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at least in recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain would, could reach 1000 millimeters, review the mind of floods, and slides of also hit a mountainous region and central engineers. you can increased 14 people that saw sort of way c. providence has been experiencing heavy rains since thursday. if this i'm getting sick reports, every minute counts to find those trust by heavy rains in indonesia, rescuers and looking for survivors in the south of this too low is the island coming through mountainous areas and sways of tropical rain forest. several people are missing after severe flooding and much light. was you somebody going? we count 18 survivors from the larger area. most people still being picked up day. instead draft, you know, 17 survivors and more people are being rescued. and please note i'm sending losing
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60 people, so 5 to 7 have died, and others are still being rescued when it's the rainy season here and months live, or common phenomenon on the island. one made worse by deforestation, coastline eco mining. it makes the soil more in studies, leading to floods, inland slides, affecting roads and destroying homes. there is a village up there where at least 3 houses have been carried away by floods. indonesia is a leader in mining nickel, crucial metal in the transition to a net 0 economy. climate change makes 63, and rather events like this more frequent. and the last, the vegetation rode on by mining is making them more violent. if this i'm going to is, does this whole town into kenya now where the government has ordered people living the river is to leave their homes and move to higher ground heavy rains. and the
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region could see dams and reservoirs bus deadlines, at least 219 people have already died and floods and 9 slides since lots of the various, catherine. so it has this update for us from the canyon capital nairobi. we are either narrow, be dumb, age range quite heavily last night. so this one is from the dumb. we have seen some people who are already in the houses yesterday. we spend a whole day talking to residents who have been affected by the government directive to move from this unsafe areas. the government says it's going to provide a shelter of food and other necessities. but as you can see, a lot of people who leave here save that, they cannot afford to go. and you are all they're supposed to tell us to do. we have to go,
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that's what we are waiting for. so you gotta have to wait for the government to show us. do we have to go back even? there's nothing to do. so can you see what to do and get the money order that suggesting if they can give us something tomorrow to the end of the house and outside there. so they are relying on the government and they're saying without direction, without proper direction on where to go. where they're going to move the families to it's going to be very hard for them to move to somewhere else. so they're saying that the government needs to come and tell them what to do. cost. we saw you all just there are narrow b. chad is going to the polls on monday for an election that's set to replace a minute to government with a civilian one. but opposition groups have called for boy cost of the officials bought several candidates from running um and it just has more now from the capital end. janina this is it fine on for the, from the, the presidential candidates in charge the election, but
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a total of 10 for special candidate, the incumbent, president, obama, you savvy for as much, and you find the time frame here on the other side of town, there's probably minutes, that was the the final exam phase is that uh send me the assignment for this election. what i used on the candidate and the running one very popular one. the one is going to induce the false bundled, all the, everything is on the ready to a successful election the to the minister of the user to do the military, the police and other put them ready to organize the ensure that the election, the peacefully across charge of what people are looking for is what happens after the people are curious to see what's going to happen. there's also
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a campaign by are those who are agreed by the process since the beginning says that a friend, the campaign and for a board to which the government has described to us totally illegal. so not what you're closer to. so you always happens. oh, what, what happens between now on monday, because on sunday military personnel, i'm also in georgia, most is involved in the securing the selection was the main event would be on monday and res, i'll just want to know a well still a head here on al jazeera has started gwen for london method, the call of the 1st day is the local elections, the forgotten victims of the clean energy transition populations are facing starvation and hung because of climate change. exploited in the quest for congress is co bumped. who owns the mind?
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how would they explain, and how would they govern the dream in the usa of electric, s, u, v. as for all the rest on the back of extraction, from the minds of congo and from the bodies of candle is workers all just the risk new series dying are beyond the on age errors from i'll just say on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app, is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the protests against policies from brussel, soc escalating? these farmers increasingly consider the debt and then me only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's
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blocked. pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone too far. so ukrainian green is flooding coleman. and we're getting poor and poor. we don't know what to do with our products anymore. awhile assignments are saying that they like military and human at terry in a past these protests of seriously damage your brains relationship with the one country that help is most sense. throughout shot in faded ukrainian drivers helped locate tools and they had 0 loans that have give me things and i still carrying dentistry finding, did you find everything is much more difficult? ukraine has accused both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian fans f made things even worse. the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the max now in the u. k. so the con has been re elected as narrow of london winning a historic, the time being come into views from the main office, ition labor policy was declared, went up with nearly 44 percent of the vote. many areas of the country, so a swing to labor and the local elections held on thursday. prime minister wishes to knock has coals conservative policy losses. disappointing speaking shortly after his victory was announced, sedate. com sent his verses. that's the order of my life to serve the city. but i love i am beyond humbled right now. i would express my deep gratitude to my fellow londoners and make the best pledge
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to you. i promised to repay the trust you placed in me by working tirelessly to deliver the fair a safe green of london you deserve, as well as other things are in many of the 6 african women's film festival is taking place in the seventy's capital with films on a theme of climate emergency and peace. and it was hacked reports from deco. tucked away on the quiet street in central of the car is the old. the medina sent him still showing its opening night for the screening of a palestinian short film. when exiled you went out there a visual poem of loss and longer for were physics teacher turn filmmaker visit lab? well, it has found a home for her work at the applicant, womens film festival incentive go from the projection room. she keeps a close watch note on the screen, but on the audience searching for reactions. do they get it? she wonders. her film, she says, is
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a small window. it's what it's like to be posting in today. cinema is a way to bring light to all it. history or suffering or exhaustion. defend the shining message to the ward beyond the theme of peace and the environment. the african women's film festival features $69.00 films, stories of betrayal of defiance of solitude in the face of love. plunging the viewers into story telling by and for women among them. jesse comes selected to make her 1st bill. she's chosen to produce a short musical and pollution giovanna in real life. i'm the community manager, but it's a direct to i can be so many things. i can be adult to a lawyer. i can become whatever i want. that's what some amazing we can experience . so many lives through filmmaking. but such film struggled to find an audience because independence cinemas are closing down and able to compete with commercial content found online elements or was one of the year remaining independent sit in
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those where people used to come in, wants to african films. but look at it now. the owners have turned it into a supermarket. they say selling food is more profitable than showing african film. the medina cinema is an exception. a place where the zillah can not only show her film, but tell her story to a captive audience she besides holding for those films and filmmakers who don't always feel like they belong. there is a home for them in the cars. medina, it's then it goes african women's film festival. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car. or turning now to gaza and palestinians in the south of the strip have celebration. a group wedding for 5 couples house took a break from the devastation of war to witness the ceremony. then con unit. the
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city has seen some of the most intense baffles between israeli forces and palestinian fights of since the war began. the event was called weddings despite twins. well that's it for me for this new south tower in jordan will be here with more than just the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept,
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from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, the filters in panama preparing to elect a new president on may 5th at the front run, their former leader. these kind of them have to, natalie has been disqualified after being convicted of the money laundering. there are frustrations about poverty, environmental damage, and economic decline. so how will panamanians beside their future stay without just us for the latest impediments, general elections. it's a school day in taiwan, but it's too dangerous for peoples of this school in one in to return to class for pin is needed here could cost more than 6000000 toilets. and this is just one of the dos and this is public buildings damaged by an earthquake. some residential buildings are also beyond repair. this apartment building was one of the most severely damaged. it needs to be demolished before it completely collapses. despite
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the 7.2, magnitude string to p o is quite the damage is relatively contained. so let's say that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare this, including its strict building. the thousands of such as gathered in tennessee to demand a deal is done to release home the captives held in gauze the jordan. this is out as they are a life and also coming to slice promise to me, i'm say they want to go home. that's negotiating teams,
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meeting colorado to try and strike a deal for a ceasefire and cause there's famine, full blown famine in the north,


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