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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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chrissy, this is something for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the the hello i'm i am in the y z. this is the news out live from dough hawk coming up in the next 60 minutes is right. the ministry says it's closing the current of a solemn crossing officer, a motion to attack. it's one of the 2 main crossings to bring in humanitarian a to gaza. meanwhile, there major differences in the sci fi talks between hamas and mediators from capsule, egypt in the us to try and hold as ralph attacks on gaza. he's ready government has announced the closure of alger 0 off to the cabinet, voted to shut down its operations. also on tony cheng and east to me and my
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with finances in the middle of treat. struggling for control of one of the country's most important trait highway in full mexican see to start color out for us remains on the speeches. see for middle white champion to be competitive high mainland gaff. i a unanimous points decision to retain his titles in las vegas, the hello and welcome to the program. it's 1300 gmc, these are the developments we've been following over the past couple of hours. be, is really a minute for he says it's closing the time i will, solemn crossing off to a more sure attack. it's one of the 2 main crossings used to bring the crucial aid into gaza. closure is set to west and an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe in the strip. i've also been major differences in folks received 5 deal between israel and
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the mass. mass navigation is in cairo meeting we the i to is from egypt. cats are in the us. a mass is demanding a permanency, sorry, permanent ends of the will. and us guarantees of israel is not going to attack rasa . but the is ready, prime minister has rejected this demand. he says that an enter the will would essentially keep home us in charge of gaza that poses a threat to israel. now in all the developments, israel is ordered the closure of allergies, their operations inside the country officer, a cabinet vote. last month is ready, parliament approved a know that allowed a band on board cause channels. the government considered as a threats to national security. the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouthpiece of a moss and israel l. g 0, the mouthpiece of homos. anyone who incites against the state of israel to anyone who harms the security of israel and the soldiers fighting for the id. yes. will no
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longer broadcast here from israel and the equipment will be confiscated. so we have correspondence and the occupied west bank, gaza, also washington dc. following all of these developments we speaking and we're speaking to rosalind jordan and the us capital for reaction on the news that we've had this morning. honey, my mood is in, is in rasa in southern gaza. now, honey you've, we've been speaking about the continuing strikes and southern gaza or, you know, concerns of an ongoing humanitarian catastrophe. a. and then also we've had this news in israel bound on algae or authoration inside the country 1st. so i want to ask you about the attack on the current boost. solemn crossing was a mortar attack, and now this crossing is going to close. what does that mean for the prospect of humanitarian aid? accessing garza?
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it's been confirmed right now. the across thing that's kind of a solid m, a closure is going to it's attractive right now. it is preventing a commercial trucks from getting into the garbage room is likely to further complicate. they already a difficult humanitarian situation across the garbage or miller here and over crowded a part of the street broke by a city where 1500000 display palestinians have been sold during inside the inside dropbox city. this will just increase the difficulties at this crossing was used in the past due allow, uh, the in trends of commercial trucks period supplies that were not allowed through the roof i had crossing as part of the humanitarian aid getting into the gaza strip . disclosure came out there is really a military statement. the said that it responded to murder,
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to talk them of the roger rock expires at the uh, the, the a gathering of israeli soldier or the new york car mobile sounding. how does it have a stop or getting a statement? it said that it targeted the very unit that's been planning and directing a tops across a rough off city. the closure is going to further increase though really difficult situations. it's interesting to see how long this will continue be in light of the ongoing to block it on the insurance, on the entry of humanitarian aid. mainly we're looking at food supplies, water supplies, and medical. and the subsidies are needed for a really desperate population in either in hospitals or inside evacuation centers across the gauze as chris. now we were hearing clips a little bit. we're hearing clips a little bit i on today from citizens and gaza. and i mean, you know, you usually just that the struggle of daily life and being able to live with mean
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that maybe there isn't much hope in the political talks that happen from time to time. but the voices that we were hearing from today seemed to say that they really are hoping that the sci fi talks will produce some response, even if it's temporary for them. what is the, how closely of people watching these folks? well as events keep involving an unexpected way right now, not only there are difficulties and tiro, nathan. yeah. how is that? am i know not sending a delegation to cairo to further make. spock rested in the talks. the battle no, to the office, the talk on a car mobil, sally man, the closure. right now, all coming together, it proved what people have expressed the cautious optimism because they don't, any sudden turn of events is going to get everybody back to square as they are,
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where there is no progress made at all. people are torn apart right now. they live in the limbo, they keep an eye on the talk. they're hoping right now. even though this whole just started to vanish now a little by little people are no longer talking about as these fire dealers, which they can go back to their homes. this whole ready vanish the thoughts right now with a positive bill, a possible expense, you know, if the ground envisioned throughout the city they're getting ready. right now, do you want to move to the evacuation going designated by this very military, despite the frustration that we heard from people that these are not, they've gone because you can to create a safe zone in a war zone. and because of the multiple failures of days, really monitor, you just given a clear assurance that the these are designated safe zones for people to evacuate. do multiple times the work ended up getting killed inside these very evacuations. so people are not really helpful right now. they just want somebody that keep them alive as events keep evolving in on, on expected ways. all right,
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thank you very much, connie longwood in, in rafa to. oh, bonnet smiths joins as lie from remodel or in the occupied westbank. and, but as you know, we began the day, i suppose, by speaking it to honey, my low down, i'll call it there in gaza, about the area continuing to india intense aerial bombardment. so there's also a fear about simon's fighting from the northern to the southern parts of gauze or. and then these see slide talks which, which appears to be going nowhere. then came this decision by the is really cabinet which met today to impose this found on al jazeera operations inside the country. have been any further reaction to this. if you've been hearing anything that in the occupied westbank and i haven't heard anything particular about the, the closure of, i'll just say it has english an hour they cooperation is here in the occupied
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westbank yet. i mean, the reason we are able to be here, but we're not broadcasting from occupied east jerusalem over anywhere else in israel, is because the bomb applies to his riley domestic territory. this is occupied territory. i'm for it to be enforced here. that'd been need to be some sort of military order from the military governor of this part of the occupied westbound, got his wife at the moment. we are able to be on a here for the bottom, gives these riley governments in israel proper permission to confiscate broadcast equipment to cut out a 0 from cable and satellite companies as a blog websites. and it's a $45.00 day long bond which can be continued off the after the gun cabinet has to vote on it each time we understand loud. is there a senior management from out? is there a looking at the options of, of a legal appeal though to this past?
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and we've been speaking about the ceasefire talks mediation efforts that are taking place inside egypt. and we've seen the is writing these playing down any prospect to an end to the will though that continues to be a mouse is named a mom, but then not just be a temporary, she's fine, but a complete is writing withdrawal from the strip a this has always been the sticking points from outset between israel on how much, how much one's gonna complete and to the fighting israel note for pad to offer that we're almost secondary. now these are these latest choose tools in cairo mediation between egypt and cats in the us. um, there seems to be little sign of any break through how much i said again, any troops must end the war. netanyahu reiterating again. but israel, as a sense of stops of the will, is to disarm and dismantle, how much in his right was not
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a cheat. those ames netanyahu's kept repeating that the disease offered this temporary truce, perhaps a 40 day truce, but nothing more. lots on the release of palestinian prisoners and from how much you are getting a smile. honey is saying that they are still keen on reaching a comprehensive see spot but ends. these riley aggression sees the withdrawal from how much of a serious deal to freeze riley's and exchange for the race of power. standing prism is, remember that the concern from these really side from benjamin netanyahu, particularly, is a belief role model, is that everybody prolonged calm in gaza within powell, his position. because the book focused on his governments, on his conduct and the war and the fall rights who he relies on to stay in power. a set the must continue with his planned invasion, a rough, but to target. how much in rough with our on the south. so that is why we are out this impasse despite an enormous amount of pressure from the americans,
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from egypt. sions, from catholic from the americans on israel, from egypt, sions, and cast off on handles. and then a general question about it is the amount of time a for lack of food that is getting into gaza. we now see the united nations has spoken about a full blind, simon and the northern part of the tower tree and not moving a further south. we have already seen many pictures and images of emaciated starving children. this attack, this motorcycle needs to come. i was selling crossing. how much concern is there about how the closure of that crossing point could affect the delivery of humanitarian assistance to gaza? well if these riley's now say that 10 soldiers were injured in that attack, but how much is claimed responsibility for on karen? kind of mothers sell them crossing 3 of those soldiers. i seriously wounded in
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israel size out of stopped a going in to gaza. it's one of the principal ways that aide is getting in the wall so made coming in through the know through the iris crossing. but kind of i was selling me the main comb void routes already. we know that not enough aid was getting in any way just a few 100 trucks. it needed before the world was 5 and the trucks a day supplying causes a needs. and after that, of course, those needs of multiplied, considerably so know it's going to have a considerable impact on the amount of aid i getting in, unless it's possible to get in elsewhere. a coming in from me, i barely scratches the surface at all. so if it's there, all drops of a going on, but it's, it's, it's really not so, you know. all right, thank you so much fun at smith in ramallah. any ok find westbank? but i just aside from washington, let's had tools and jordan. she's in the us capital for us. first of all, what are you hearing about the status of?
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let's see, slide talks, which appear to be making no progress. a well reported lee, how moss said that to fall. there wasn't any breakthrough on saturday that it's delegation and cairo would return for another round of negotiations on sunday. and there hasn't been anything else to contradict that the talks are still. busy underway with country and egyptian officials acting as intermediaries between our mazda and israel. the c i, a director william burns is also reportedly still in cairo to help move these discussions these negotiations along. but so far, there's no indication that these negotiations to try to reach a ceasefire in the war. i'm gone. so there's been no indication that there has been a breakdown. and it'll be interesting to see if there is any official response or not to the decision to close address. there is office in israel.
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well, we've reached out to officials at the white house and at the state department. it's sunday morning here in the united states. and so if there is a reaction, it's going to take some time to pull one together. however, uh earlier in april then uh the is really government started floating the notion of closing l g 0 is operations inside israel. this was the response from the white house spokes person calling jump. yeah. and i think you're speaking specifically at least the reports that we've seen is about algae or 0 specifically, but it doesn't matter whichever right journalist more broadly. but at to those particular report, we've seen the reports, and certainly i'm going to refer to israel for what they may or may not be considering, but it is if it is true, if it is true, a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important
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work journal is around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in a, in the conflict in gaza. again, there hasn't been any official us government reaction to the decision by israel to close elders. there is operations for at least the next 45 days inside is rarely territory, but jobs outside the u. s. which does have the 1st amendment is not in the business of shutting down news operations itself. and so it will be interesting to see how in the context of these ongoing negotiations, where a ceasefire, how the us respond. if it decides to about this news about the closure of al jazeera, all right, thank you very much for the latest from washington, rather than jordan joining us as well. the committee to protect john les has been sounding the alarm of israel is cracked down and targeting all of john. this is
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documented, multiple incidents of reports has been targeted for simply doing that job. and one's the media work is across the region face a hostile environment that has made reporting on this will exceptionally challenging now and its annual report. it found that $99.00 john list and media was around the world were killed while doing that job last year. this includes 72 year old $72.00 pallets and you're john is killed by is rainy forces. this is nearly 75 percent of the world wide. total number of recorded tests of journalist was 44 percent high of of 2023. in 2023 compared to the previous. yeah. and it was the highest recorded since 2015. when over a 100 john list were killed even when then no telling the jo palestinian john was living inside gauze or itself a facing the risk of is rainy bombardment because of me the office says the 143 palestinian media workers have been killed since israel's will began,
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john is working and conflict areas are protected on the international humanitarian little, but how the senior john list accuse israel repeatedly violating that little killing, calling. so it telling the well what is happening in gaza? well tim dos and his deputies actually general with the international federation of john this, the largest global federation of john, this trade unions in the well to joins me now from london. first of all, what is your reaction to this decision by the is right government today? a cold, it's a really restful gauge. i'm ridiculous decision closing down media, closing down the television stations is the sort of thing desktops to as well make much of being a democracy. and i think the idea that it could simply closed out and into that school broadcast of considerable refuge and history is atrocious. dudley is part of a long set of actions that these really government has taken to try to re record to
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have this conflict. we know that international reporters were bod, from gaza at the outset of the conflict. and despite that being comp tabs at rack for him some numbers petitioning these, ready to go when they have been lucky, we know that the mortality rates of low cost and just as being shocking, be on shopping, some 10 percent of them have lost their lives as well, as many of the families always go to the homeless and i'm great, and we know that the groups domestic i'm is really made you have not been allowed to operate just breathing and straightforward as possible. trips have been made to correct that. a newspaper, a hold of this is the stuff called desperate suppression of free reporting. and is, is to become damned. so why would they do it? well, i can only really guess at the motivation and all the is riley. and i think this is probably the byron to pressure from symbols that like 6th street
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elements in the government. i think there are but to there's more that they've desperately don't want to see reported that they want to try controlling our to evolve. i think that's why we've seen so many journalists and gods are losing their lives. and i figured they would like to turn the narrative. unfortunately, that do i need to be precise to the wrong way. what are the implications for all the journalists and use organizations to well, i hope that they will double down and continue to and that was because that's the cap. remarkable thing about this conflict has be matched the good list in gaza despite the extraordinary phone problems that they have suffered. i've continued doing an absolutely amazing job, i think probably not, you know, about as well as they might to of one to 2 for themselves. but so far as the rest of the world is concerned, they have done an extraordinary job. and i think it's the responsibility of anybody in cos themselves, a journalist, to try and do everything they come to the court in this conflict on the state truthfully and the most impactful way that they can imagine. whatever,
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all the strictest, i hope with all the international news organizations will step in and, and how, how does era while they on meaning what uh, if it does turn out that for a period, they don't have their own stuff in the country. certainly haven't the international federation of janice to stick with a we've out of there before during the blockade for example. and we make as much noise as we can about how regretful this move is and how the restrictions on how to say it was operation. troops with people to attend. thank you very much. tim dolson from the international federation of joining us for joining a staff from london. while i was there, a senior pleasant all his motor warm discharge joins me here in the studio. so just taking off on some of the remarks we hearing from tyndall, some of the international federation of john list that to i suppose the timing of this is somewhat interesting. and i was speaking before about the extremist elements of, of nothing. y'all, whose cabinet, but 1st of all,
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maybe we can touch on the idea that maybe this comes at a time when israel is losing the the narrative battle to the palestinians may be making that having a significant effect on public opinion around the world. yes, absolutely. i think it's so i can only explain this part of it is really feeling of vulnerability today is right. has kept josie or on other uh, networks that are reporting from it started by this time for, for as long as they did because they had been confident the decision to ban. i'll just see it all is a decision that reflects vulnerability weakness on the part of his ride. i think that should have been avoided at any cost if this government was clever. if
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nothing else is as clever as a clever, clever is showing himself to be clever, he wouldn't have accepted, takes us decision. because the that is all for us. i thought it was 0 is minimal in comparison to what this is going to show is read again to be among its own allies. that it is a despotic, that it is a little, but that it is a weak government that it can't even face the reality that is reported by and that, and that's why i know that's anyway. oh, so the timing here is very important and why i'll just see it needs needs to needs to. i'm not gonna say must but needs to use this as a metal because a company that is invited at the i c. j at the national court of justice for
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a plausible genocide. i come to the us bank, i. bens, and by its allies, a country that is been exposed that on that was for could we think war crimes for this government to be binding. gotcha. 0. and this is something that this not to work that has been winning one award after another award, including in the united states. and you know, for being the best channel, the best news channel here. this channel should be proud to be proud. not intimidated should be proud of being banned by a government that has been indicted from forcible genocide. so what does israel hope to achieve by doing this? i think on the one part because they are frantic about how they're standing in the region around the world has been compromised by their world crimes that they cannot stop the war crimes immediately. so they stop those who are reporting on the walk,
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right. that's why they call us inciting, why we ought to check for, in fact, reporting. now, to my mind politics doesn't always happen at some huge, profound global. you know, mess that mind kind of level. it's happens sometimes at the most ridiculous level. i'll give you one example. we are just here. we are watched around the world. i just had a lot of it is watched around the out of world. i mean one friends of nothing. yeah . whole living in london fat as new york or another new best friend. and some of them capital focused. and if any, alan says, you are looking bad and you are making us look looking bad. here we are, is there as friends in europe, in the united states, and in some parts of the world, i'm looking really bad then you know what? what 1st of all, because you are getting the war cries in gaza and the west bank and so on. but also because you're allowing this news network alt,
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i'll just see it all to broadcast your debt to i'm pretty out on the world. so sometimes it's as simple as that. it's as simple as that. the now not exactly feeding, but this object 0 is all about because he has an is riley's and he's on equal system much as ministers. they watch, i'll just see it on their watch or a ton of 14. you know, that i have to go right. china themselves to what you don't know the effective by just the one, but the friends in various i've capitals and in various western capitols know the effect of just the difference in africa. i'm not that america know about the effects of the 0. so a good number of phone calls by is there as to why is that just doing ours by nothing else on doing that was i'm back as in london and paris and elsewhere saying to him, your, your action and kind of stein and the way it's been reported by out jersey are around the world is compromising our friendship with you is putting us on the line by and as we need you to shut down this message. all right, my wife now thank you. that's got a quick check of the weather. his jeff,
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hello again. you're going to feel its thing, what's the way, and if you're in the us software, it's time for one. so here's the details. we're talking specifically, nevada, arizona, colorado pushing into utah in wyoming. wins will pushed past 80 kilometers progress of sand and dust storms do seem likely in sun spots for the upper left a disturbed weather here. seattle, portland, some showers in the mix. the same for the other side. border and canada for vancouver. and it's also re new pitcher across the great lake submitted by and taking the us northeast here with breasts of rain today on sunday. and for flight hit areas of texas. this is not good news. more rain will be falling for the alerts and play northern eastern texas, stretching into oklahoma is also been flooding in dominican republic and it looks like we've got some more rain in the forecast here today on sunday for brazil. let's talk 1st about the north. we've got rain draped over the north of the country here, but if we go to the south is where the devastating floods have been in real ground
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data, sol, state, it's capital for the lakers here. we know, at least 60 people killed tens of thousands of people have been forced from their homes and there is more rain in the forecasts today on sunday. but the good news is over the next little bit. we'll see that rain push out towards the south of biotech, so things will begin to dry off. that's your update season. all these payments, those are bring you on this news hour. turn your attention to panama. moses are electing a new president's and then you're worried about corruption and an economy that has been deteriorating. and then in school as any edward stance of the symbols as they get the bachelor of the defending and the champions in the playoffs . the humanity is open. the gates of hell or in those seats is having orlando's effects.
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as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global notes and the developing nations of the global self crude mistake talk to of to on just now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict. design is, i'm a judy as a, but it was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what, this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen. this is the most important. you're going to enforce a cold, unapologetic, i'm just upfront on out of the
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the, i'll come back with the news. our quick reminder, the main stories is right. the minute tree says it's closing the come. i was solemn costing officer a more to attack that this is one of the 2 main crossings to bring humanitarian aid into gaza. and it comes as the united and what nations one is that part of the strip of facing full blown finding. major differences are still very and tools for us. these find deal between israel and a mass and dedication from how how much is in cairo meter, the mediators from egypt council on the west. the group has said that they will not accept any deal which doesn't bring a palm and end to the war in gaza. and all that headline is there any government is ordered. the closure of algae is there operations in israel, off to the cabinet,
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voted unanimously in favor of the decision, but cannot said already approval in april, allowing the government to bind broad costs channels that can sit as a threat to national security. so earlier we spoke to a key out there, he's a political analyst and contributed to hearts he's. one of the is ready, authorities could contact him the token 12, which is era. i am not sure how many is rarely watching the edge as you know up to me. i will be very upset when i will not be able to well, what you up on my television should, but i'm sure that they will not be able to remove you from the side of the network. and on the net, i'm sure that is riley's, who addicted to a just view. uh,
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as well as myself will be able to watch us. um, i am not sure each day uh, going to take steps against uh your correspondence. oh maybe this is also my last interview on uh i just you i, i have so when i get back home, i am on my way now there will be a police officer waiting for me. i oh no. but uh, the, the, the reason is of course, so when you book your, this, the move to seem to be of the public opinion they that is very disappointed. some of the conduct of the government in garza and in the national have every now and this is to please the father is from there would be good. right . and this is, i'm afraid not the last step. we know that the ministers, the money,
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the mirrors that oh, shoot me an application that that is looking at and not the networks including is rarely channels that, um, not satisfying the government to where were you and other story been following closely from bon joel west. the lead is from the organization of islamic corporation have been gathering this is the gambia and capital. what they are doing the final day of the summit to discuss israel's will on gauze, the representatives have been considering a resolution to the conflict in the occupied territories. tensions between israel and iran, the war and sit down in the rise and as i'm a phobia and racism will also on the agenda. i'm a honda joins us live now from angel. what have you been hearing from representatives in officials that money on the somebody to to come financial for the next few hours for the past 2 days. delegates indeed is from more than 50 countries across full continent for
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presenting closer to the little people i've been making in that building behind them discussed. as you said, a number of issues from climate change to the plight of the refugees to is lemma. for the racism, but there is one issue, one issue that everybody need. everybody didn't get whenever they took the state to make the speeches that was very close to them and that's gives rise war and got there. what kind of nations they want demands for immediate, sees the calls for more humanitarian aid to be a log into the gaza strip. there was also calls for justice for palestinian civilians killing is advisable. embodiments need is thus folk also called for justice for palestinian civilians. the walk a long day commended as some optic, a full taking insight into the international call of justice. and we spoke to the palestinian delegation and they seemed disappointed in the international community when it comes to the reaction to is right as well on gods. so one of the things that we have seen, the delegation said, is that it's a double spawn. that's how they reacted when
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a rushing they did ukraine and how the the, the have responded to is that right? as long as that is that the policy in an issue is very close to the heart of the oh, i see this 57 countries across 4 continents. the, well i, you said the palace fund is not just a member. it's one of the funding members. in fact, as the oh i see was established in 1960, in 1969 when there was a deliberate 5 bump bump on possible lock symbols. so when we speak to dana gets here, they keep on mason in palestine and they keep saying, we thought all a sudden that would have been no, oh i see back to my you. thanks very much. i'm a honda out protest against israel's war on gauze or continuing on university campuses across the us. even his graduation season begins . alger there is john 100 and has moved from michigan's college in the town of alba . at the close of 2024 has carried a heavy burden down
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a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen, demik moved the virtual classrooms. and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is they don't cap and gown it feels as though it is the only thing that i kind of do, i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such immense grief until the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia disease son graduate, who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i feel like you're not be held in the universe because protests while sometimes
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they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually a rudnick that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain, and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. more than 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees. editor rena called the big house michigan stadium. there was a curious greeting and there were volunteers there to rude out disruptions. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and gods and they were palestinian flags in the
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big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus. across the country, students and says that with the university term over many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 ann arbor, michigan. and let's go to chris. incidentally, he's at columbia university and you know, 1st of all, how much activity we've been seeing on college campuses in the country. a question . the yeah. so in the early morning hours in the university of southern california, police moved in to clear an encampment there. uh, this was the 2nd action at the university of southern california and police moved in and made the announcement that they were going to head in and clear out an
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encampment there at 4 15 in the morning local time. so it was a commer seeing then, the 1st time they made arrest their back on april 24th. when 93 students were arrested in a much calmer scene than what we saw at the university of virginia on saturday. when another 25 pro palestinian demonstrators were arrested their, their police, the used pepper spray moving into uh, get the students off the campus there with police in riot gear surrounding them. and of course, we saw what happened at the university of michigan there yesterday with students disrupting the graduation ceremony, briefly waiting palestinian flags and chatting antiwar slogans during the commencement ceremony. interesting at the university of southern california that the demonstrations have gone on there. they 1st started not only over the situation in gauze, in the ongoing war and gaza,
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but over the schools decision to cancel the speech of the schools valedictorian out the graduation ceremony. a muslim woman that had sparked protest from jewish groups. they are the school said they were concerned about safety. so they ended up canceling the main graduation ceremony altogether, where 65000 people were expected on the grounds. but this week coming up, they have smaller ceremonies plan that individual schools and programs on the campus and list the latest movement seems to be in anticipation of that to clear the grounds as smaller graduation ceremonies are happening on the campus there. all right, thank you. kristen, so to me the now we've been following an important story out in the, in the back,
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the left for the board. a ton of me a while he has been raging for 3 weeks. rebels on the governing, military gentle fighting for control of an area near thailand. this is the latest front in which reval groups have pushed back the military, which is on the defensive in large parts of the country. so the levels of gains significant ground in the east, including the critical board areas of chi and stay on of me and mazda, most important trading links with thailand, fighters and popular defense groups of also launched major operations in the north and west taking control of launch pots of rock kind and sean states, and also disrupting a key trading with, with china. the resistance now controls moving huff of ne, in la regencia as far as, as a stretch fin. each week troops a band and more outposts and retreats into the central region, west fighting is nearing the capital. so in the 1st of full special reports alger, there is tony chang, travel to the front lines and tie in state. he spoke with one of the revel,
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come on, does that fight is from the pro democracy people's defense force. take defensive positions. this is the main road between the type all the yang going and most commercial hubs. the town level bite bombs from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone the capital room freely in the streets even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway. everything call correct me or what a, an area that the s i see had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control the pro democracy forces and they were fight to just in the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves the battle on the asian highway has been this when these columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men
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tried to break through to the boulder. most of being still say the fight is that some did slip through a constant threat from the yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do little to risk. so i'll be with the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military contact, but unity within the opposition, you know about, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing group off about tillery, or strikes, and after division. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united and on the move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf point is under korean. come on, travel freely through the countryside, looking tracts, tendon to supply chain highways, hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is
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killed in turn to tax a new weapon. the military's deployed, you know, oh yeah, well yeah, i'm sad. whenever i commerce die, but we are mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died for nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot, but this month's chum pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and a victory. they now went taste to anything else. is there a tie in states? no, i'm a and then the 2nd of all special reports from inside me in law, tony chang is going to examine the effect oldest fighting has had on civilians. as millions of people across the country, a force from that homes that's going to be on monday right here on alex's era, don't miss it. first thing is on the way in panama to elect a new president. there a candidates in the running with the right wing opposition ito,
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just around when you know, seen as the front wrong or in many polls, low comes against a backdrop of social discontent, economic slowdown and droughts. alexandra m p. s. he brings us the story now from panama. mr. that he gets hopes for panama. next presidential election are as low as the water in this tab and see ever yeah. are they close the water with no warning? most times it takes a days to get it back to one terminal when for about 16 days without. what of the 65 year old form of public employee living west of the capital says these have those problems 4 years because of the poor distribution system. we since he was tired, he says he's receiving only 2 thirds of the pension he is do, which is not much given the spiraling cost of living and says, corruption is to blame. so you don't get on 40 to coordinate sleep points. that's why i don't believe in politics inputted fusion nor and convinces me because they
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all come with pharmacies. but when they reach the top, they forget about the people. and the next is not alone. some of these presidential election takes place at a time of widespread frustration with the political establishment and couldn't decline. and i mean, yes, you, but i mean you've, the outgoing president allowed encino could be so it's highly unpopular and that's faced corruption scandals. his administration, do lodge protest against inflation high unemployment and you know, position to cover mining, add to the mix, unimed precedent, the drought affecting the panama canal and awards and for an investment climate. yes. well platinum amc corruption is one of their most pressing problems. paradoxically, the majority of the front runners in these elections have either been questioned for or have already been convicted in corruption schemes. jose,
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i wouldn't really know what's trust to the top of the ticket. after electoral tory teaser, we moved former president to the kind of go minus the natalie from the race after a 10 year sentence for money laundering. so, you know, sent the visa. yeah. but i'm was one of the leaders of the 2023 protests says the general apathy is because of the lack of realtor. and that it's say the looks here to the people are anxious. they don't feel represented. those who will vote are likely to do so for patsy. economic or political interests. but the truth is that in panama, despite having different parties, there's no ideological differences, you know, different ways of managing the state data, easy with a quarter of both are still on the side of the outcome of this race remains on certain back as nest those house he says, whoever wins will have a hard time using the tensions in gaining people's dress. less than that,
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i'm get the address the find them. joe's hand out the support moran. thank you. makes can save style. can i know alvarez remains? i'm the speech of super middle white champion. he beat competitor had hi may move gear by a unanimous points decision to retain his titles in las vegas. it was long. yeah. who edge the early rounds of a mentally shifted in the full can i landing a right off the coast to assume gear from this? can i dominate it to hand gear? the 1st defeated his career. 33 year old outcries extend. his record to 61 went to tools and to last night they might time and i don't want them a nice day. so i did what i supposed to do to wait in and, and you don't want the storm fighter. you need to be careful with that. defending and be a champions the denver nuggets have lost game one of the play of semi final series against the ministration symbols to time and the pain nicholai ok. she managed 32
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points for the home side is out. so i'm like, i'm from edwards who made a brilliant blogs and the to move took full advantage racing down the other end of the quote to school wasn't just as defensive play that impressed as edward's top school with 43 points to create high for him in the post season renaissance to taking this 1106 to 99. and they had a child the bus route and school didn't over time to be the turn time maple leads to one. so when gave 7 includes the 1st round playoff series. both of them will face the florida. com susie mountie want a 1st season at royal madrid. it's been for jude failing. and the englishman's national has been instrumental in helping rail become spanish champions for this $36.00 time, which would be candidates 3 now on site today. for him. d, as with a great, open a at the burnaby, letting him go in on the, at, with his a to go in 26 valley games. offline is defeats at 0,
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no later in the day handed rail, the title was full games display. and this is how the royal play is reacted to becoming champions, celebrations with that funds. we'll have to wait as the team is now focused on the 2nd leg of the champions league, semi final with fine munich on wednesday. the type points to a to as i said on when i get off on task, because it's been a fantastic league and i think we just have to, when it was very happy, to be honest, we would have loved to a celebrate to with our friends. but i think they understand that we go to very important challenge a wednesday. we want to prepare very well to give them another moment of happiness . we'll send a break the lead guitar until next weekend. p. s b eindhoven have won their 1st link title in 6 years with 2 games display they need to just to point from sundays, much respond to ross, have them picked up a 3 with a full
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t when the continued tillman in season, which is so false, even lose just one match, score a $107.00 goals and concede 19 is a comes 25th domestic league title, and a 1st major crowns of coach pizza. bush really took charge of the starting season. it was the pay for the premier lea title race. so they mentioned sticky, do still have the up hyundai but also in holland school. the 1st off have trick to help cities fresh moves, 51 city a 1.5. lead is also the crucially have played a game less. so 1st to win, the remaining matches, it's city who will list the trophy for the full season in a row and went on to school full. he now has 36 goals. and petitions was also a trick for christy on rinaldo now. and this is like this when we're now the school with his right foot, his head on his left foot. it's a complete what's known as a perfect trip, of which he still has $32.00 new goals. so needs 3 more and his last 4 months is to
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break the sound, the pony single season goals, schooling records. now the balance when a leno messy had a restful, assessing link for into miami in the mail. this is go to go and i had 5 assistance id in your rentals. 6 to the 1st time of play in the lake has had 6 gold contributions. as a hot, truthfully suarez, and must see us. what all has schooled twice. let's see is what has now have a lead eating 10 goals each. when extends miami's, unbelief run to 6 matches and keeps into a single i'm afraid for the storm down. you know, staying in florida, writing form in one world champion much the stuff, most thoughts on pulses, sundays, miami chrome, pre. the rental drive out who added another 8 points to his championship title by waiting sense of a sprint, rafe was purchased around the circuit which surrounds the miami dolphins stadium. is the 2nd state colin 6 races the season signed the record set. my alarm prost in 1993 too far east will be right behind them on the grades,
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which tells the cook and 2nd i'm call a science inside 10 as well. the more the guestroom tech is now one. every big play quote event on the w t. a tool sheet and that's and she's meant by changing the madrid open trophy shown. think for hall and for over 3 hours again, studying us sub olenka, the full time of grand slam champion, saving 3 match points on the way to eventually winning this title. decide doing a 3 set time break. well, number 2 sutherland had beaten sharon taking the last is final is a 20 a 3 titles to the poll. i mean, she enters huh. 100 and 1st week as number one with another try see. seems that barely a day goes by without so here tony reaching another major league baseball mile start. and this time, the japanese thought has become the franchise leader for most time runs by japanese born player. to be late torches, he hit his 8 tyler of the season. supposing the monk set by the judge's court manage a day, robots. when he was a play in the early 2 thousands judges between the atlanta braves,
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11 to 2 books kept for the 1st go for twin full titles on the live told the american one the latest tournament, and single by 2 shots to claim the full $1000000.00 fuss price, it was a decent form as he professed to defend his pga championship title. like to this one. some of the world funds to sprint is, are in the bahamas qualifying for the olympic relay event of wells and olympic champion, spend cable and no eliles help the teams, the best boats, both the netherlands in the full by 400 me to mix on lisles and to be usa, to clinch that title for the food by 100 recent men. we like it all for to teens made it to paris was to most thoughts be what do you like to know through the 150 is kentucky to be so the 1st time in 76 he is there was a 3 holes try to finish mistake done and jokey, brian hernandez junior,
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just edging out sierra leone by a nurse with forever young coming in. but it took several minutes the students to review the results and declared the official went up with mistake. done. taking the 1st event in horse racing, famous triple crowns. all right, that is all useful. now people will have more lisa, very lovely timeframe, much joe. now and are bringing the 6 african women's film festival. explaining plays in the sunglasses capital, with films on the same of climate emergency and peace. nicholas hoc reports from da com. tucked away on the quiet street in central of the car is the old. the medina sent him still showing its opening night for the screening of a palestinian short film. when exiled you went out there a visual poem of loss and long forward physics teacher turned filmmaker visit lab. well, it has found a home for her work at the african womens film festival incentive go from the projection room. she keeps a close watch note on the screen,
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but on the audience searching for reactions. do they get it? she wonders her film, she says, is a small window. it's what it's like to be posting in today. cinema is a way to bring light to all it. history or suffering or exhaustion. defend the shining message to the ward or beyond the theme of peace and the environment. the african women's film festival features 69 films. stories of betrayal of defiance of solitude in the face of love. plunging the viewers into story, telling by and for women among them, jesse comes selected to make her 1st bill. she's chosen to produce a short musical and pollution. in real life, i'm a community manager, but as a direct to i can be so many things. i can be adult to a lawyer, i can become whatever i want. that's what some amazing we can experience so many
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lives through filmmaking. but such film struggled to find an audience because independence in him as our closing down and able to compete with commercial content found online elements or was one of the few remaining independent sitting modes where people used to come in wants to african films. but look at it now. the owners have turned it into a supermarket. they say, selling food is more profitable than showing african film. the video cinema is an exception. a place where the zillow can not only show her film, but tell her story to a captive audience. she recites a poem for those films. and filmmakers who don't always feel like they belong. there is a home for them in the cars. medina, it's then it goes african women's film festival. nicholas hawk elgin's here at the car to will that wraps up when he is out, but i will be back in a moment. was more of the days news for you around off the top stories coming up in
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just a couple of minutes. i'll just say around it brings you in depth analysis for the so comply take. now what has been exposed to many of those companies that failed. so miserably on that day they said $75.00, selling and testing with things in jobs as we speak, these really speak every was know we're giving each going finish. and the fact that each route is at the international court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing you on the east coast, nothing yahoo success and maybe better, maybe was. but it's the one that has to address that systemic problem. stay with us for the latest developments on out. just, sarah, this is the 1st genocide that we'd see. there's this disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers have in use is covered in the brazilian amazon,
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a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the yellow body people for years they have borne the brunt of the legal minding activities. the rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us. one of us, 2 of us, sent a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they have come to realize that having government support is not enough. they are still facing strong resistance from the powerful form lobby in congress to the same village stand the fight from their villages to the census court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives.
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the israel's military size. it's causing the karma with solemn border crossing off dra motor attack near by. it's one of the 2 mainland crossings to bring humanitarian aid into gauze. the hello, i my m i z. this is alger 0. live from dough also coming up on the program. are major differences in sci fi jobs between how mice and media just from cats on egypt and the us to hold it.


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