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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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some sort of a suite 100 on luis havent had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months out most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm just on the attain, this isn't news out like from the coming up in the next 60 minute. folks for going as these 5 wrap up in cairo says it's came from an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal, the end of the war permanency. please wait a minute tree, says 3 soldiers were killed in a mazda attack on its minute. 2 positions,
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border crossing and southern gauze. police rate, which is 0 supremacy, is unoccupied. east jerusalem, also benjamin. that's me all whose cabinets shutdown out operations in israel. so i'm on a summer and 15, panama city, platinum. our polls are about to close. and what people here are calling the most crucial presidential elections in a generation and on peace of statements with your school by labor, cruise, and still have not lost this season. no, no, no, just one match away from creating history. victory against frankfort on sunday. being saved, middle defend seek is $159.00, you wrinkled and beaten, run the whole, the latest round of negotiations for a c spot and goals that has ended in egypt and the capital. kyra and crucial gaps remain between israel and us. i'm us maintains that it one's
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a permanent end to the war's part of any deal. while israel's prime minister has family rejected back to mont funding smith's reports now from ramallah and the occupied west bank. to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough uh, it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion. based was a family home hit by his ran a striking on sunday to the negotiations issue. we've reached a disappointing stage. we're not hoping for anything was all in the heart as god may god help us and rescue us from the school deal. negotiations for a ceasefire or to stay only. how must insist on an end to the war. israel says it's willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release of captives on a visit to gaza. is rose defense minister suggested a major rough operation is coming on. the home is a and we identified alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh,
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and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. how must blames israel for the saturday to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach and his keenness in determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people and the aggression completely. she's withdrawal from the entire goes of strip returns to displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning, but any rough incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to the 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has close the count them other asylum, crossing into gauze, or to aid convoys. after homicide rockets that he's really military station nearby, how much representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say that will be back there. on tuesday in the c, i is direct to william burns as arrived in doha for an emergency meeting. with cons as prime minister to see if there's
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a way of preventing the cx 5 talks from collapsing. a bonus smith, i'll just say it right. ramallah the occupied westbank palestine correspond tara capitalism is in russell with reaction and also to the sci fi adults. palestinians generally are following closely what is happening on the diction capital regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach trustees, find agreements between how my son is really to have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days that has been recently dwindled due to the leaks of media reports about the same sticking points between homeless and isabel, regarding the agreement must from its sides, wants to bring a permanent ceasefire on the table while isabel wants it to have a temporary pose in which they will get the captives and to resume the fights. and ongoing, so this area that has been widely attacked within the past 24 hours is more casualties
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. and this tool amongst civilians continue to rise consistently as residents of houses being talked to the long side would fall months um its ongoing exchange of fire. we thomas fighters and it is really mandatory in multiple areas. of course, the territory tare capacity al jazeera russell palestine will not speak to mike hannah, who joins us now from washington, dc. mike, these folks are obviously between israel and from us, but the us is a very critical play here. do we have a sense of washington's position on all of this right now? of this, or washington has been pressing really strongly, both on israel and by a cut out on her boss to accept the latest proposals. that is why the c i direct to william burns is back in doha holdings talks with the guitar, e prime minister. now just a few days ago, the secretary of state anthony blinking was in the region. he just returned to
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d. c. on to 1st day from that particular trip. so the us has been focusing in on trying to flip personnel in terms of getting this spot established. it has with honda that it says attempted to bring pressure to bear on israel. however, this does not appear to be showing and much a success. it is also putting pressure to bed on kata to put pressure to bed on a month in an attempt to get the negotiations going, but it would appear that us influence on israel is, is waning somewhat. so benjamin netanyahu has made very clear and his conversations with the us president, that the israel will not be dictated to in these ongoing negotiations. and that stages the us as a peer to try and back away and to walk a line between appearing not to publicly pressure rise as well, but in some way behind the scenes to keep pressure on the netanyahu government to come to some kind of agreement. so it's
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a very difficult balancing act by the us administration, a balancing act at a very critical time, like kind of the in the us capital for us. thank you mike. well prime minister, benjamin espanol who has reiterated that no amount of international pressure will detect israel from schools. today, we again confront him is bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world . no amount of pressure is no decision by any international form. will stop is one from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joys states. by pleasure today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembered stay. if there's room is forced to stand alone, there's room. we'll stand alone. israel's military, it says 3 of its soldiers have been killed and
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a rock is attack. and the current might be southern border crossing wisconsin, and also is ongoing, says it 5 rockets as soon as really only that was nearby. water crossing is now close to a trunk switch. all kinds of moving dogs is already experiencing full blown. simon mass says the attack is a message that they are still able to hit well, that's bringing out of their senior political analyst, bolingbrook, sorry, he joins me now. here in this junior mountain yesterday, people were talking as if we were on the brink of a breakthrough. not so it seems how deepest are selling it right now. you know, it's not clear, of course, but yes, we where i saw a number of occasions when there was too much optimism. and i felt personally that that optimism was given by strategy. i called the strategy of optimism, meaning you, hiker stick so much that there is success and when it fails,
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you blame normally how much. so i think this time, i don't, it's not the case, although there been a lot of leaks and those 6 were not innocent. about what is happening, including the united states by shot and cut, the united states once got there to get to the, from us, including the bits about what's going to happen next. and whether it is going to be what off better off a has also for, or what is clear once one blocks the noise one once this, the chaos one once really looks carefully about what's going on. it's the, the, the, the, the choice if you will, reveals itself. and the truth is all i bought at this point in time whether there is going to be end of the war or not. but a duck sickly as i've been saying. it's too much of the night the united states and how much out on the same size they want the ends of the war. i know, i right,
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i mean, it's kinda funny. yeah. it is right for me. cuz for the past 67 months, the united states just by the administration dedicated itself to the destruction of from us support thing is right in every possible way, many thought and a financially diplomatic sales concept. but the united states understands by then understands that the war needs to wind down and that i know about the general side in drop off. there's not going to help. is there a piece of security or the future of them? at least i'm also saying that they want us guarantee is right, that there will be a series find the cx 5 will be last thing. i'm wondering though, about us leverage. we've got the c, i a direct the bill bands. he's in the high and started. he's now staying on 3 monday, then potentially heading to israel. is us leverage here? what is going to be me? who break for these talks? were guessing correct? this? did you get to guessing? yes, if you, i would guess based on
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a good number of the facts, a good number of reports, reliable ones. anyway, not leaks. this is more or less where we're at. but i need to add to that common sense. common sense is why in us what have mass, i agree, the ceasefire for a few days for a few weeks been order then for it is a to resume the bombings of guys on the bombing overall for the invasion of cut off by the thought of destruction. and then occupation of the guys as to why on earth, what time us accept and substitute fire? i mean, mixed up. so look, the no sense. the thing is, this must be highlighted. there's more domestic pressure on nothing, you know, more domestic pressure in the united states on the, by the end of the session. then there is domestic pressure inside a spine on how much to make a did. isn't that incredible?
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after 7 months of death and destruction, the sinews are not rising up, i guess how much is that it would have wanted them to is, or it has been trying now for good 34 months to incite the people of guys, i guess time us, in order to block them and how much the full time us into ideas. so that is really kind of continue with destroying how much. but the people are on gaza. this by looking the ones this, i tried to use the once eviction to despite 14000 deaths. i'm more than 100000 casualties. they made step 5, and they do not demand of him us to make compromises at the expense or the future of cancer. presumably hum us knows this as well. and i'm wondering whether that played into what we store kind of, we sell them today. i was trying to send a message. obviously these negotiations have been going back and forth for some time. and i'm curious about the strategy of this. so because it was obviously something like 2 kilometers from the,
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the aid crossing and now that aid crossing has been shot, that obviously has huge amount of care and repercussions given what was coming through that costs. and even though it wasn't enough, it was still something. what is the last thinking here? so if i may just take a step back because you are opening a lot of ones tonight. we've been going through this think about and this is in the words of the likes of secular of states blinking, which is really hope horrifically helps surprising for my sectors if how much i breached idea, there will be more humanitarian aid. this is admitting war, crime, admitting war, crime to say that people can eat famine will stop if the political leadership mix political concession. this is a war crime and this is the definition of federalism. what is that is
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the 1st off, or they use a force against a civilian population for political ends, the united states, and is for a long time tried to block humidity at age, especially these are, i shouldn't say there is read that to block him at that age, in order to extract concessions from how much this is better. this is war by the united states at one point later on decided you know what, we're gonna have to abandon this because we're looking back in the world. we're looking like we have some pushes to enjoy the site. so now best often talking about aids in a different way and how mouse is not emphasizing aid as it shouldn't be because it does not have the capacity right. in a war time to be able to take charge. in fact, so much of the depth of, of, of, of, of how much activists in the middle of gaza as well as in the south of guys what happens when,
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how much active is to charge of the distribution of food to the people, gaza. they weren't started gifted by is right. so in fact this, we are logic continues. when in fact we need to be focused all of us on ending the war. on the shara, out of here, a seen important political analysts. thank you for sharing your thoughts again with us on the news is really police meanwhile have raises onto zeroes. workspace isn't occupied, is true, some seizing equipment that that's off the israel decided to shut down the networks operations in the country, which is here. it has condemned the move and says it will pursue all available legal channels and response. i'm just, i'll hold hassle. and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order,
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which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so light shops of government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel out 0. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement just the, the media network condemned the measure saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than
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a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations presented by his really authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what a last month the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what it called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central
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jersey them all throughout the war. and garza alda 0. it has documented more than 50 attacks against on to on the sierra. just a few of them in october. the family of alta 0 is gauze a bureau chief, while the other 2 were killed. and his really stride killed his wife, his 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter, and one year old grandson. that same month and his rarely strike killed 19 members of an algebra pulled cost engineers family. the crew comes family with sheltering him. giovanni, a refugee camp in december, the elder, they are a correspondent, honest, i'm sure he's lost his father and then his rarely strike targeting his family's home in jamalia and also in december, a drones strike killed alger. they are a cameraman. somehow we talk of a wounding bureau chief while i'll do well that spring and call us martinez, the son of his a program director of the committee to protect john this. he joins smell from new
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york carlo spots quite the list. i feel that speaks for itself, and yeah, it's dirty and acceptable. i just see a don't always have paid. they'll commit price, but companies will or to mention all the ins. and so in many cases, many come to my mind as the richards, when those happened, the father find when he's killed during his being killed while on duty. and the incredible contribution to add a point of view from guys a found the region on the war. and israel in the next, i'm probably the most significant, a lot of the most significant steps in control and the information around the war. and that's funny enough to are the most sensitive as a biologist here from a freight and within a shop that's completely acceptable. your organization has released a statement condemning israel's actions. today, you're worried that this sets precedent as it clearly sits. investment is
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important to me, to the mind that there is no prove there's no, they'll come back and definitely made available for anyone to try to understand the reasoning behind this position. just the she has been deemed and that's outside by the is those cabinets. and it's a post they're supposed to be at. the comment is not as security the color and you know, something like that, that may have some information. but this is a pattern that is the follows in terms of treatment allies and do not have them. and then making decisions about that this is another very flavor instead, but definitely sets of precedent for any internet. so that was any station or to or during our list report. then we then use route, but what they can expect is they do critical contribution for them. well, we're still reporting from garza and the occupied westbank. but all you concerns that a decision like this in israel puts out, colleagues that and even more risk. if israel now officially doesn't view out,
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is there a journalist as legitimate members of the press as it is? as i said, there's a button and a certain be in this guy's mentality of, of clement lice. and you know, the amount of time to justify the attacks and does include in, during our less being killed in the dance of being the subject of these information in front of them that contains time to pack them is something that they find like a just journalist before thing, i'm on a basis of public interest. so in these case by clearly binding and hold the race and they're adding another pretext to continue attacking. and i'll just, yeah, and also the in, in the war against your knowledge and right, like he's continuously a net force to undermine the him really and been for then and, and necessarily 14 on the war and around the boy in the region. how a political,
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unless smell under shara pointed out earlier, here on our end, it feels like there's been little outrage from is randy john les on the closure about a 0 in israel. what do you make of that? i'm not inside. he sort of, i don't, i don't know how these information is being taken and he's being read my understanding. this is a highly putting arise societies as my understanding there's some people really asking for different quotes for the more different types of completely different approach to the more one i can say being outside of israel is everyone who cares about is if you know everyone who cares about democracy next to be extremely concerned with the new so that about disposition is not about them carrying a not caring about. obviously that is about the principal that is at stake and is being clearly attacked. carlos martinez, the son of the program, director of the committee to protect john les, thank you for joining us today on to 0. so thank you. as
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the when we turn to panama now with poles are open for its presidential election. 8 candidates are in the race with the right thing. opposition lee, that who is that role and willing are being seen as the frontrunner by many of the poles. this faith 3rd comes against a backdrop of social discontent. economic slow down and round. well, let's speak talk correspondence under, i'm guessing he's following all of this for us on the ground. the in panama city of sandra is really saying on it, it feels like there was a loss of political chaos and the lead up to the sport. one is driving versus sentiment as people are going and costing their balance today that absolutely, and i space have the post as actually just closed here. and we spoke through a number of people and everybody expressed their frustration, florida situation for the economic situations in the country name particular
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against what they see at the traditional politics in the country on the level of corruption in their political parties and politicians. but for more on this, we are joined now by a professor, but not a lack of suspicion of professor here and at the university of spinal. i thank you very much for being with us of them. first of all, tell us a little bit about this feeling of uncertainty that a lot of people seem to do do do sense in this country. i've seen that this is one of the particular situation that we have today. i know so you security and stability and these because the different options that the government, they didn't do that or took during the last weeks against the clear elections. and that's why people are very christ states. i'm very upset. also these pieces have via ftp consultation that we have in front of me. what do you think will happen, given all this uncertainty, whoever wins the night?
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well, wherever we is next, i don't know what he's going to do, sees tomorrow because the country has a big corruption, infinity, and lot of public that more than $50000000000.00 and doing the less so in these governments. $60000000000.00 sales. and that's one of the i've seen that he need, we need a government who made some kind of unity in order since we are going to be in a very social explosive situation. a lot of the political drama leading up to the selection surrounded the that and the case of for my president to be kind of go, might have to natalie who has been convicted now of money laundering. he had to step down from the re spied his. the person who was his vice president is now leaving in all the polls here. why do you think that somebody who has been convicted of corruption remains so popular at a time when people say they're tired of the corruption in the political establish
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mountain? this indifferent situation. first of all, mr. martinez, he was persecuted during thing years. the process may, you'll be 9 opinion of many of the lawyers less if your relation of the due process of law. so you think he's gorman, did a lot of things, even if he practice corruption and people in your class. so that's why they loved him because he did the lot of things. the may throw a menu over, seemed that people to, they say he's corrupt, but we support him and for he's, vice president was now what do you know? he took all the popularity of marketing maybe. and that's why i've seen that the, he's leading the poles and respect what it was, a clap in today or tomorrow. this used to be a relatively stable country and central america and, and left in america. the economic situation has worse. and in the past few years, and we've seen some, almost unprecedented protests in 2022 in 2023. do you think that we can see more of
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that social unrest in the coming months? unfortunately, just because there is no any practice to prevent that and we have, we are the 2nd phone 3 and you will receive more and distributions of 12000000 people. he's tired of corruption. he's tired of many seeing the company here, but we are not in the, in the news just now for the election. because doing our struggle against the cooper mine more than i don't know us and those sent to us on those people went to the street on noble of the record. the that's a nice thing that we are going to a new explosion, social explosion. some a perfect thank you very much for being with us. professor. bear not a so difficult time. so i had for a panama. whoever will win this election that we're expecting to have a result. and the next step, uh,
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4 to 5 hours will be staying across that for you here on alex's era, for now on a sound to run patch event for us in panama city. thank you very much. hello, sandra purchased is in mexico city on demonstrating against president lopez, abra doors, attempt to reform mexican institutions. they say his plans would undermine the independence of the judiciary and fair elections on arrival or has this report from mexico city. they were in downtown mexico city, were demonstrators have gathered to protest what they say is the threat to the quote autonomy of mexico's as your dictionary branch. that threat, according to demonstrators, comes from mexico's president, under this fund when the base over the critics of lopez over at all to say the president is speaking to undermine the balance of power in mexico's government based on my cell. did he not of this mark has been sparked by the attacks from the federal executive against the free exercise of issuing judgments by the judiciary.
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we've come to defend judicial independence policy that this is your, on the president. because this truth, i told them was bodies before your spot and this body is one of the 3 branches of government. 8 going through the balance of the government. he doesn't like being read these sites in the middle of the telephone and they'll lopez over the only has a short time left in office. there are still reforms that is that he is seeking among them a national electoral reform, which the president says has made to streamline the electoral process and cut costs . critics here and say that this reform would undermine the national electoral institute. and if anything, what is risk free and fair elections here in mexico? there is a large day of protests that has been, can be here in the mexican capital and, and other mexican cities. i'm on may the 19th. this will add to the several large demonstrations that we've seen take place here against the administration of president lopez over the, in the lead up to the national elections. by the way that i follow,
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i'll just the to mexico city. i was still a head here on i was a 0 a call to action need is that muslim countries adopt a resolution on garza of the gathering for summit and down the tax on tony cheng and east to me and my what finances and the military struggling for control of one of the country's most important trade highways and the under river that has one let me find out just how he did this and it was for coming up shortly with the now the reasonable and sudden showing that really pushed up into good public centrally, it's in europe is being pushed back again because these codes are cloud, which effect and from the atlantic areas of low pressure, that means usually wind, cloud and ray. and this is not exceptions exactly what it means,
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the head raise. it is heavy as property through from running through switzerland, into germany, in the low countries. and if you see it already sent to this heavier looking right and it costs it to spread up to the baltic states as cody shack coming down through, you know, our degree co, just a few degrees cold. vienna shows what happens and this reading comes through $25.00 times a 17 and a couple of days, a breezy over cost. and robert went with him for the golds does hang on and remain here. and grace has examples and ball gary disappears briefly initially because the shower was up here. but it comes back in spring bush. go quoted as 28 as you go up towards the 13 mark again. of course the sharon was introduced you now jerry, that you saw coming in there and you'd be brief. i think it's still a windy picture and a good process to have and to the north in sahara. so chap knew she had a full of dust, but the showers, which are seasonal and come a long way north this time you have finally have made it up into central. even those non 0 cells in new jersey and back through. for example,
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the offer you case welcome but heavy for the latest news as it breaks, frequent on starts fighting for access to the river. it leads to woods this countries major ports, and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country with in depth reports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. russian forces out number, it's 7 to one from the hoss of the story. this is the flight channel of a dumb full of the water in it flowing in see the kind of river which has already passed. in fact, this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have
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a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. all the, [000:00:00;00] the problem is, is 0. let's remind you about top stories, the phone, the latest round of negotiations for us. these fund and goals that have not ended in the egyptian capital. kyra says it's keen for an agreement, but is really need is to say a deal is fall from being confusion in law as well as men up street says 3 of its soldiers looking tells me the time of the southern border crossing this cause most
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is ongoing. says it's fired towards the end is really on the base nearby. that motor crossing is now close to a truck. is there any police rated out there is what space and occupying the stories of seizing equipment that sent off to israel, designed to, to shut down the networks operations in the country as a 0. it has condemned to move and says it will cost you all available legal channels in the guy. martha is the executive director of plus 973 magazine which provides independent comment tree in news from israel and palestine. he says, the ban on al jazeera stifles these ready public access to information is clearly a criminal and very dangerous decision, an attack and free speech and freedom press. um, it's also an attack mostly on the sort of citizens because i think the 2 main
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things that are going to happen alongside the attack and i'll just do a journalist which are also of course victims of this will be one that while you're doing will be able to continue reporting around the world, they will not be able to do reporting with them as well. so the voices of these ready society will be heard less filed from 0 because of this. so this is one hard to disrupt the site. the other is making it more difficult for sure. different choices. we have very limited access to information coming out to the cause of him . yeah, he's great media outlets and i think it's essential for his role is to have other media outlets to go to and check and read and see and view to get information. that is not there is randy sources. we have this issue that, you know, and these party in the fall, right? i have been failing the sport. this is, in fact, i'm not even talking about the massacre of tens of thousands of palestinians be i think i'm going to disruption all of that. but even for me to really perspective
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after 7 months, people are saying the hostages, most of them aren't that many of them are dying. it doesn't seem like there's a victoria tend. so doing something like this is a way to appease the banks to say, look for doing something to fight our enemies. and let's pin all our failures on under 0 just like we would on the students and us campuses, or speaking of students protests against as well. as war on garza all continuing on university campuses across the us, even as graduation season begins, that students to the university of california and of on, on demanding that the university divest from companies with ties to israel, weapons manufacturers, folks between the universities, cronsa and the students the ongoing, meanwhile, students and kansans have been cleared by police at the university of texas at austin, that student protest as a now joining forces with the trade unions to hold a made
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a protest in solidarity with palestinians. they calling on unions to condemn israel and protest against the use of us made weapons in israel. she pretends he has moved from that protest on campus the secretary even under to by the violent arrest. we saw a few days ago on this very, very campus. this demonstration is because side with a made a holiday, it's a unity notice with students and faculty for the labor unions, labor organizes on workers as well. workers with the cornerstone of every institution around the world that makes anything happen, whether that's through labor's labor unions, excuse me, or whether that's through uh, you know, active protests. and so in order to shift power or shift change or shift monitor, monetary divestment in these institutions, we as workers and students and laborers need to come together and use or collect a voice as well. the campus demonstration was we protested, scared, remodeling that the university of texas austin divest from of equity is riley war machine. but authorities that are not negotiating valid,
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engaging with those issues. however, that have been successes of other universities around the country. shepard can see out, is there a austin, texas, 100 and c. m was born in gaza and then raised in japan. she left a panel of the high school that has returned to support the 1st student protest against israel's war on garza and tells us about the students approach to protest at the university of token. my name is hans young and i was born in because uh in the hospital to baptist hospital i moved to japan when i was 7 years old and i grew up here until about the end of high school. and i just moved back in october in order to raise awareness and do as much as i can for paula sign in japan . i'm here to support the students at university of tokyo and there and come in. it's the 1st encampment in japan. um, and you know,
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one of the students was inspired by the students in columbia and all over the states and the world now. and decided to pitch of attend and solidarity. and also to demand from the university to divest from their partnerships with israel. i know so a lot of people, the protest and events in japan may not seem radical. i mean, they're not very radical. however, it depends. those sorts of actions don't help cause and don't help the reputation of the cause. the only further damage to the cause of the pulsing and causing the end the reputation of, of all this fine. so in order for us to really engage with the society in the community here, we have to do it in ways that are more, let's say soft, but also very powerful. so we've done some, you know, our actions where we remembered all the martyrs and says that while we painted red tears dot really made that really touched everyone and made them feel so heavy most
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of the losses. and because of from, from israel, in this genocide, this is ation of islamic corporation has called on member states to take political and legal measures against israel forts for on casa v. oh, i see made that call and a resolution passed by leaders from the block following a 2 day summit and the gambia and capital bundle homes on the home. and was out that some of the hall chinas presidents agent being has arrived in from a red visit with president emmanuel mack on this set to discuss the trade made of growing tensions between europe and china are running balance between china's exports and european impulse. back on is also expected to push the chinese present
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to use his influence with russian president vladimir, present over the war and ukraine. the knee on the bottle for the board of the town of may or what he has raged for the past 3 weeks. riddles and the governing military john to all fighting for control of the area near the thailand. the rebels have gained significant ground in the east, including critical border areas of chi in stage one of and most most important trade links of thailand. fighters and popular defense groups of also launched major operations in the north and the west, taking control of launch punts of ro, kind and shun states and disrupting a key trade route with china. the resistance now controls more than half of man, all the drums as well as well june to the forces of stretched fin each week. troops
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of bands and more outposts and retreats into the central region where fighting is nearing the capital. out of your is tony chang, travel to the front lines that for us in ty and state. when he met one of the rebel commanders in the 1st of for special reports, the battle familiar? well the has now raged for nearly a month. the town on the boat at between thailand, a man is incredibly imposing strategically. a $1000000000.00 worth of trade goes across every year. a month ago it fell to the korean s, and they called me then just a week ago, it seems that me most military re gain control a certain specific strategic points inside the town who controls the area, the countryside, all around. eldest eric, getting the exclusive access, and this is our post. fight has from the pro democracy people's defense posts take defensive positions. this is the main road between the time border and yang going
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man, most commercial hub, the town level by palms from the military gym to or a say see state administration counsel. the civilians long gone. the cattle ran freely in the streets. they even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s i c had been pushed as of but it's still not completely under control. the pro democracy forces and they were fight suggests in the yeah, so they've been very careful about exposing themselves in the bathroom along the agent highway has been this leaf columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder most have been still say the fight is that some did slip through had a constant threat from the that even the heaviest weapons can do little to with him
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. the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is grace is concerned, isn't the military genta. but unity and within the opposition they know about we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing you're talking about, hillary or stripes, and not just the vision. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united and on the move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well. pdf site is on the korean come on, travel freely through the countryside. looking tracts turned into the supply chain, highways hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in trying to tax a new weapon. the military is deployed it. oh yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we are mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting to fight,
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but i don't want my comrades to have died for nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a long but this month's chump pres for the dead. the last rights rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony ching, out as their tie in states yamma. it will occur in ethnic ami and the pro democracy forces have very good control of the country side, and they are pushing hard to get the town of me while the back, but they have to do it soon. the monsoon season is on the way the reins will start in a couple of weeks time, and that's a time traditionally fighting and me and my slow so a crow. and in the 2nd about special reports from inside band on tony chang. but exam the impact that the financing has had on civilians as millions across the country. a force from now homes, that's monday, right here, around to 0. hostile ahead. this new zone. hold, hold on
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a show and you're gonna come and ultimate and match, and i'm field that's on the way. so the ins forced repeat, the humanity is open the gates of hell or into seats is having orlando's effects as the world discusses how to reduce emissions. supposing an existential threat to humanity, a new oil rush is displacing. you've got the people empower, investigates, the relationship between the mikey oil giants of the global noise and the developing nations of the global south. crude mistake. talk to of, to on just a week to look at the world's talk business stories. how much of those plans going to cost is the rebuilding going to cost and who pays from global markets and
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economies to construction and small businesses. we have just started seeing in station come down and many costs. well to understand how it affects daily 9 outline for us. how big a problem is labeled food insecurity. counting the cost on outages of the the time for me to start there. thank you so much. i will start in miami. whitland. norris' has just spun the mex for stuff. and so when his 1st day, the grown pri for stuff installed in from po as he has done for every race the season. but there was a near misstep, the 1st tune as
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a friend pick so that your parents almost combined into these teammates the right stuff and leaving comfortably. but then came a re mistake. he drove into a followed that wrote about a little safety called a collision between logan sergeants and kevin mag. listen, been pulls out another safety call its title 2 and an artist benefit encompass taking the lead is the paper stuff and extending that gap. as for stuff and struggled gripped, and you went to a miami help the for stuff and one of the 1st to notice who started going to be coming back science 1st place with a since the 10 the i'm going for you almost 3 years ago by later cruise and keep marching on, they have still not lost the season extending. they run beaten, run to $48.00 games with the convincing $51.00 victory against frankfort, and they did it without manager chevy. alonso who was saving a one match touch line suspension. you started looking to become the 1st team and
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jim and the secret history to go an entire season. i'm beaten champions on now just 2 games away from doing. it's granted shaka opening the scoring 12 full back, jeremy framing home school. these 13 go love the season in the crushing victory. they've now tie, been fee as long standing and beaten, wrinkled in europe, which they said between 19631965. the little pool slimmest hopes of winning being discriminated titled remain alive of the full 2 when ever taught them. hotspur in youth in top sick and lost game enfield it started well for the raids when mamma sought i handed them the lead off the 15 minutes and the robinson and cody get both schooled either side about the time. so it gets 3 mills at this stage tucker was steering at a full straight lead the fees and it got worse for and plus the company's main. all the elliots with the peak of the goal, setting them up for a long range of b. c. the things that
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have come back to resolve this and then sonya mean both schooling later on. but it was too little to say before that as we're going to squander the chance to ramp up both places, they last one know the brighten shell pedro mislead penalty. but it was a for the rebound hold i champions the qualification is still in both hands with 2 games remaining elsewhere. chelsea have moved about bench as the united into 7th up the threshing waist them 5 mill co. palmer opened the scoring and the 15 minutes would be the 21st lead goal of the season. they were 3 and a lot of time following that international kind of gallagher, adding the 2nd well known even by the way, k nature, the food forces. nicholas jackson names called twice and the 2nd off to complete the resulting victory. and now last, just one of the last 12 matches. but united can go back above them. if they avoid defeat against crystal palace on monday space. we always have and i have one that has that's need. so i mean 6 use
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a 2 games to space i needed just to point to sundays, match against score. the rest of them picked up all 3, but a full 2 wins to continue with dominant season, which is so far seem to lose just one match score and $107.00 goals and conceding 19, it's the clubs 25th domestically drive. the 1st major problem for coach peter bush really took jones at the start of the season of to put a recent run a full monday route blaze as turned it around when the madrid opened as he beat fee associated alias team in 3 states. going into this tournament, herb lives had one just one match since it was disqualified to swearing of the line . judge at the do by opening any much. yeah. he took on an opponent fresh from receiving the best about what causes you to engine opponents. and it was these opponent, those alia, seem the one the 1st phase, who believe, who had a superior $31.00 rate quote, against the canadian falls back in the sick and states taking the decisive breaking the 12 game. it was a li,
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a scene this time who was struggling with an injury in the 3rd phase, and who believes took advantage to win. that's just the 2nd most is $1000.00 cycle of the winning at monte carlo last year. but even kevin, the as a through to the eastern conference semi finals of to they beat orlando magic in the decisive 7th game. donovan mitchell installed for the cabin is the school study . 9 points is the franchise when they 1st playoff series without the bron james and the combined 9 comes to the really, it was an impressive come back from the side. you were training by 18 points in the 1st off. they will now face the best in the east, the boston celtics for replacing the conference finals as the cold cuts at night. right. as i've move to top spots in the ip well after a 98 run wind over the luck. now super joins. so now on there, i'm power $81.00. let me so many. $39.00 deliveries is to come to a mass to $235.00 to $6.00 to may. 20 of is in response. luckily it will allow for
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$137.00. the 9th right is top of the standings, although they have paid mix to match which and seat as main have one. the rugby 7 started over the 1st time they aged over the line. at the last regular season. events in single fighting from 10 points down the beach, south africa in the 5th phase slope, argentina who won 3 events earlier in the season, finished 2 points and hit the island in 2nd place. well, that being said, it looks like new zealand will be the nation's beat of the pattern. so lympics service competition in the team. i'm son. they complete the best. the best doubles in sydney with both the men's and women's teams, taking the trophies that's off the they did the same thing last month in hong kong . even the women beat australia in a way to take full final to play and decide. brooks get the best goals with when full titles on the live, to him, the american one, the latest single tournament, a single pole by to she wants to find the full 1000000 dollar 1st prize. it's a decent form that he prefers to defend these pga championship type later this
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month. where he'll be aiming for major number 6. and the thrill at the $150.00 is kentucky derby. the 1st time in 76 years there was a 3 holes photo finish, mystic dan and junky. bryan jimenez, junior cha, staging up sierra leone, buying those with forever young, coming in. 3rd, it took several minutes for students to review the results and declared the official window with mistake. then taking the 1st events and whole spacing was famous. triple crown syrians. yeah, and that's what it's supposed to be useful to nights. most of you. thank you so much visa, 12, yes, of the ending a nationwide protest movement. farmers in india have revived to the action. they want the government to protect them from marketing regularities, by offering a minimum base price for their projects. and michael, sam, shirley, if possible this, now these phones have stage to put this on the board of the northern states of
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punjab. and it's can to this crossing, you're really station of the security forces disrupted the emission much to what's captain you, denny infected. the farmers unions of demanding higher 6 prizes for the crops to shield them from market fluctuations. the old one, the loans council, as promised by the government with separate rounds of talks, have failed to find a restitution. well, how do you mind get put in? and they have not fulfilled the demand, and they've done nothing to secure our rights. so firm as a continues to protesting to press for the demands. the status of the job is among the largest produces of leak in india. but pharmacy profits are decreasing with the minimum prize offered by the government, not keeping up the production cost. that's forcing farmers like 29 year old, almost the same, to find an additional source of income. he drives the schools on to provide for his
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family of 7. he says, a minimum guarantee prize only for wheat and rice. this caught in just fall most from calculating all the profit making crops in the ninety's he lost are they? we can so sugar cane mace, but we don't get the minimum support price in the market. we have to sell it as a throwaway price, and the market, or hard work goes to waste. in years, in the middle of the 6 week long generally election from the stand, the reading to moody and his bought the agenda party seeking a 3rd time. the government is accused the stipend, the protests and containing them to punjab, which boats and the 7th unfunded face. of the election onto foot in 2020 hundreds of thousands of farmers leather your nationwide movement against new agriculture news. suppose the government has looked at laws a year later, among the many elect to the promises of the more
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d. a campaign in 20132014 was a dumpling farm, was that it comes in 5 years now. no one talks about it, dumpling, a problem as it comes is not mentioned why? because farmers income have not increased at all. almost foreman logins in to mention voting blocked in the country, according to government data, about 250000000 people book in actually the country in india, accounting for about 45 percent of its workforce as political parties, voters almost as a back on the streets. and from to intensify, they approve the consumption and just leave you now with some colorful pictures from the ukrainian capital keys, ukrainians, or celebration orthodoxy still with traditional folk songs, worshippers at the 1000 year old, same saffir cathedral on his soldiers fighting that on the front lines pricing,
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the latches on traditional price cons. a collection was also made for weapons to support the war effort against russia. and all that set for me and associates have for this news as it don't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with another one. stay with the one of the biggest selections of 2024. in the general election. it will prime minister now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment suede boots as in key states, and will the media be able to come of a freebie unfairly ongoing coverage. the india selections on out is the area. now is the time to be direct. israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but this was not a jew, israel's, of state. and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the
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tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even half. this is most important, which of these are going to negotiate, poll unapologetic, i'm just asking awesome upfront on algebra. 2 error writers from different countries, but with much uncommon moraine upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry. what's the width and he used to fight the whole world. and course something to do. a syrian professor with lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement in lebanon, syria. how this going to the rock that comes can see him was not behind. rebel writers, palestine and syria, on that, which is 0. you wills the caught a duty in a grove using fruits. p use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the
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cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on requested and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems costs on request or the the hello again, i'm still here today and this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. tops for a goal is to cease fire. rock stuff in kyra says it's keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to ends at the will. permanency he's writing a minute. treat says 3 of us soldiers were killed in
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a mazda attack on it. some of that 3 positions we have the time of who saw him border crossing in some of the israel is accused of trying to model john list of to


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