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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems costs on red chris, the the hello again, i missed all the time. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. tops for our goal is to cease fund wrapped up in kyra says it's keen for an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end of the world. he's really a minute treat, says 3 of us soldiers were killed in a mazda attack on it. some of the 3 positions needed to come on who's selling border crossing in, somebody is rel,
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is accused of trying to muscle john list of to ordering the shutdown of alpha 0 and reading. it's privacies and occupied easters holes of clothes in panama, where people are voting for a new president to help find corruption and fix the, the latest round of negotiations versus font and also has ended in egypt and capital. kyra crucial gap, so remain between israel and loss. how most maintains that one is a permanent end to the was part of any deal? well, israel's prime minister has found me rejected that demand fun expense reports from ramallah and the occupied west bank to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough uh it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion based was a family home hit by his ran a striking on sunday to the negotiations issue. we've reached
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a disappointing stage. we're not hoping that anything was already hurt, as god may go to help us and rescue us from the school deal negotiations for a c spot or to stay away from us. insist on an end to the war. israel says it's willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release of captives on a visit. the gaza is rose defense minister suggested a major roughly operations is coming. i'm not going to miss i am. we identified alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh, and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. how must blames israel for the site to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach in his keenest and determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people and the aggression completely. she's withdrawal from the entire goes, a strip returns the displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and
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completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning, but any rough incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to the 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has close the count them other asylum, crossing into gauze, or to aid convoys. after homicide rockets, it is really military station nearby as representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say they will be back there on tuesday in the c, i is direct to william burns as arrived in doha for an emergency meeting. with cons as prime minister to see if there's a way of preventing the cx 5 talks from collapsing. bernard smith, i'll just say era ramallah the occupied westbank. palestine. well, i correspond to hire a couple is there is in rasa with reaction indoors or the to those he's fine tools . the palestinians generally are following closely what is happening on the diction capital regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach trust. these fund agreements
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between how my son is really to have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days that has been recently dwindled due to the leaks of media reports about the same sticking points between homeless and isabel. regarding the agreement must, from its sides, wants to bring a permanent ceasefire on the table while isabel wants it to have a temper pose in which they will get the captives and to resume the fight to inc. ongoing. so this area that has been widely attacked within the past 24 hours is more casualties. and this tool amongst civilians continue to rise constantly as residential houses being talked to, the long side would fall months um its ongoing exchange of fire. but we come us fighters and it is really mandatory in multiple areas. of course the territory. sorry capacity l g 0, russell palestine. well that speak to mike how to know he joins us from the us capital, washington dc. like,
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is there anything out of these talks between israel and her mouth, but obviously the us is, is a key plan to focus through washington's position right now as well. us as being attempting to bro, cuz some form of ceasefire for a number of weeks knowledge since numerous people into the region of the us secretary of state antony blink can return from the region a few days ago. now you have uh, the director of the c i, a at in kata and on his way to as well in coming all as so the biden administration is attempting to keep up pressure. and now at the last ditch effort to prevent the latest round of talks from forwarding, a part of us has gone about this in 2 ways. one is, has been putting pressure to bit on cut to itself, to put pressure, to bet on him, us to come to some form of agreement at the same time and fall is publicly. it has been attempting to put some kind of pressure on the nets and yahoo administration to come to an agreement to come to some sort of ceasefire. now those, all, it's,
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if it's ongoing, it has been less blatant in terms of the pressure on israel because a bite and administration made very clear. it's unqualified support as well. at the same time, it doesn't see it as necessarily productive to be seen to be publicly putting pressure to bail. and then that's when yahoo government biden is well aware of netanyahu's resistance to any form of pressure. so that us walking a very fine uh type lot tightrope here in terms of putting pressure on as well, but not being seen to do so forcibly, even as it tries to do that balancing act. it seems the wind task isn't just focusing on a deal on goals itself, but is working towards a broader plan. so the region to yes, this has been in the works for a period of time now looking to a why the piece of post to conflict in gaza. now what has been happening on that line also has relevance to the gall,
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this situation because the yours has been holding tools to solve the arabian attempting it to agree to normalize relations with israel, which could then be used as a carrot to way. but israel to come to some form of agreement on gaza. now the state department says that those talks to saudi arabia of very advanced band 3 levels. one is normalizing us relations, so savvy. secondly, normalizing solve the relations of israel. and thirdly, a greeting on agreeing on the path to a 2 state solution. so all of these elements are being discussed together. the state department spokesman says that at an advanced stage, but this one stumbling block solve the will not formalize any agreement. it reaches with the us until that is an end to the conflict in gaza. so that's a saw the red line at this particular point, that unless that red line is met, the is going to be no wide agreement involving the us involving saudi involving as well. my canada with
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a view for us from washington dc. thank you mike. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu is reiterated that no amount of international pressure will detect israel from schools. today, we again confront enemies bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world, no amount of pressure. no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only jo, estates, by pleasure today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembered stay. if his role is forced to stand alone, there's room. we'll stand alone. as well as well as military says, 3 soldiers have been killed in iraq is attack me at that time. i'll be selling border crossing with garza. i'm also is ongoing, says it 5 rockets as an israeli army base nearby. not southern border crossing is
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now close to a truck, which comes as moving cost is ready experiencing full blown size. from us, says the attack is a message that the group is still able to hit fast. is really police meanwhile have rated challenges. here is work space and occupied east jerusalem seizing equipment. and that's off to israel decided to shut down and that trucks operators in the country. how does air has condemned to the move and says if we're project past you will available legal channels and response time. the salt has more and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in of you, probably east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. i'm so nice,
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lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel al jazeera. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure, saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on
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guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really, authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network work quote, to concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which bird these really government to reverse? what did called a harmful step, adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central jersey them all throughout the war and goals that al jazeera has documented more than 50 attacks against our journalists here. just some of them in october on
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several family members of elders here as gossip bureau chief wild, i'll do what killed and is there any strike killed his wife, his 15 year old son, 7 year old daughter and one year old grandson that same month and his really straight killed 19 members of an elder, 0 broad costs engineers, family know how much i will, confirms family was sheltering in the giovanni refuge account and to send them out a 0 correspondence uninstall. sharif lost his fault but and then his rarely strike targeting his family's house in giovanni and also in december, a drone strike killed alda 0 cameron, then somebody abo dhaka, but wounding bureau chief. while i'll do then in january i'll to do his oldest son, holmes. i also found a 0 was killed when his call was targeted by a drone strike. he's been trying to interview just based civilians when his vehicle was struck. or carlos montez de la santa is a program director of the committee to protect john list. he says,
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as well as decision threatens all journalists and the region, it clearly sets a vessel and is important to be to the mind that there is no proof. there's no, they'll come back and does need made available for anyone to try to understand the reasoning behind this decision. just the obviously has been deem and that's outside by the is those cabinets. and suppose they're supposed to be a document is not as security, local or any or something like that that may have some information. but this is a pattern daddy so follows in terms of treatment allies and do not have them and then making decisions about that. and this is another very flavin step, but definitely since the president, for any international of any station or a journal this report and we the news route about what they can expect you, they do critical contribution reporting. there's a button and these are the and this goes mandatory of,
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of criminal license. you about this and i'll try and suggest the father attaching does include in journal as being killed and then being the subject of these information you can put by them that contains time to pack them is something that they are like. they're just, they're not as it's only thing on, on a basis of public interest. so in these case, by clearly banning and hold the race and then adding another text to continue to talk in. and i'll just, yeah. and also in, in the war against your knowledge, right. like he's continuously an effort to undermine the really important and necessary reporting on the war and the around the board and the region on protests against israel's war on gaza. all continuing on university campuses across the united states, even his graduation season begins students and invest if california and of on, on demanding that their university divest from companies with ties to israel and
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weapons manufacturers. folks between the universities translate on the students ongoing john henry and has more from the university of michigan and all the at the close of 2020 for his carried a heavy burden down a hard road. their education has been paused for the pen. demik moved the virtual classrooms and now this a bittersweet celebration of a generation z college career. what this class knows is that what is normal in a sense is a world and a people and a future for them that is uncertain. for some graduates like this palestinian american whose last family and gaza, the approaches go on even is the don cap and gown. it feels as though it is the only thing that i can do. i cannot operate as business as usual. i cannot engage in anything celebratory because we have all been under such events. greece,
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i'm for the last 7 months for their families, like this man who came from malaysia. does he, his son graduate, who protests left some supportive, some conflicted. i'm not against the protest, but i, i seem to be held in the universe because protests while sometimes they can get by owner or not be right. i think that they're a great way for people to express how they really feel and what they truly believe . to university professors that protested graduation or a learning opportunity for post pandemic students. and it's usually erotic that in other institutions thus far, not here, but in other institutions. university administrators have taken it upon themselves with very little reason to shut down students voices, to arrest and detain and break up the cabinets. that is served. the purpose, really of enlivening campus debate as opposed to closing it down. more than 63000 spectators watched. 8000 students get their degrees and an arena called the big house michigan stadium. there was
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a curious screening and there were volunteers there to route out disruption. but the students didn't find opportunities to hold the university accountable for its investments in israel, and it's war and got that they were palestinian flags in the big house. the students were briefly detained by police after interrupting a smaller graduation ceremony on campus across the country. students in says that with the university turnover, many of them will return to their family homes. but the protests will go on until their demands are met. john henry and l g 0 ann arbor, michigan, police have cleared and cadillac. so in need of us to have texas at austin, but students there are now joining forces with the trade unions to hold a made a protest and solidarity with palestinians including full unions to condemn israel and speak counts against the use of us made weapons,
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israel. so you have pretends it was at the university of texas at austin. i speak with evan under the, by the violins arrest. we saw a few days ago on this very, very campus. this 7th grade is because side with the made a holiday. it's a unity notice would students, in fact would be for the labor unions, labor organizes on workers as well. workers on the cornerstone of every institution around the world that makes anything happen, whether that's through labor's labor unions, excuse me, or whether that's through uh, you know, active protests. and so in order to shift our ship change or shift monitor monetary investments in these institutions, we as workers and students and labors, need to come together and use our collective voice. how's the campus demonstrations? we protested, scared, remodeling that the university of texas austin divest from what they call the as riley war machine. but authorities that are not negotiating valid, engaging with those issues. however, that haven't been successes of other universities around the country. shepard can
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see out is there at austin, texas, or 100 and c. m was born in gaza and then raised in japan. she left japan off the high school, but she's, we're time to support the 1st student protest that against israel's war. and tells us about demonstrations that the university of tokyo my name is hans young and i was born in because uh in the hospital to baptist hospital. i moved to japan when i was 7 years old and i grew up here until about the end of high school. and i just moved back in october in order to raise awareness and do as much as i can for palestine in japan. i'm here to support the students at university of cocoa in there and cut meant it's the 1st encampment in japan. um and you know, one of the students was inspired by the students in columbia and all over the states in the world now. and decided to finish up with 10 and solidarity and also to demand from the university to divest from their partnerships with israel. i know
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so a lot of people, the protest and events in japan may not seem radical. i mean, they're not very radical. however, it depends those sorts of actions don't help costs and don't help the reputation of the cause. the only further damage to the cause of the pulsing and causing the and the reputation of, of all is fine. so in order for us to really engage with society in the community here, we have to do it in ways that are more, let's say soft, but also very powerful. so we've done some, you know, our actions where we remembered all the martyrs and such. so while we painted red tears that really made that really touched everyone and made them feel so heavy most of the losses. and because the from, from israel and this genocide, the
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balance and now being counted off, the voice encouraged in panama as presidential election. 8 candidates are in that race with the right thing, all positions, nita, or 0 really, you know, as seen as the frontrunner. the voted comes against a backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown and route panama does not allow incumbent presidents to run for a 2nd consecutive time. let's. let's go straight to alice under. i'm guessing he's been following all of this for us from panama city of sound, or they've now started counting ballots. do you have a sense of when we might expect doors on? yes, and i say indeed counting is on their way. uh, we've spoken to electoral officials here who said that they expect to have a, a result in the next uh, probably 3 to 4 hours. uh uh, it's unclear it depends, obviously on how close the race might be. i can show you what's happening arrive here at the plaza convention center, where you can see behind me a number of
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a servers, the electoral of servers, of different parties who are looking at the counting on their way here in this convention center, we are also starting to get the 1st, the official results. so obviously a, this is very early in the accounting we're looking at right now. the 0.8 percent of the votes accounted. and so far as expected, jose, that was leno is coming in 1st with 33 point. 3 6 percent of the votes follow that, followed by a role model, a rule, cuz obviously this is obviously too early in the race. but the, the, the 1st the votes coming in are, are telling us that the a are or are respecting what the expectation was. and considering the polls
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that, that were published before the boat. so we're going to have to see obviously what happens in the coming hours. the autonomy unions are obviously expecting to find out who their next president will be. mm hm. uh sandra is it was a bit of a k, obviously lead up to the selection was that when you consider all the political drama, how is that affected versus today to absolutely look at my putting them in as here. uh uh, come out in big numbers to vote. we understand that 73 percent of the electorate actually voted, despite that great frustration against the political class in general. and that's because there is a lot of anger towards the current, uh, government, outgoing president, loud as you know could be. so he is extremely unpopular and have to deal with some of the worst protests that this country has seen. and it's a recent history. busy so had to deal with
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a number of accusations of corruption. some people were, were very angry, they're angry at the police because class and a general they want to change. but a lot of people say that they are not sure who of the candidates that are running, representing the changes that they need, if any of them. now most of the people, if and didn't really know ends up winning, she'll win because she represents former press the day. and so they kind of go maps to natalie who was running in these elections about was barred from running in lodge because he was same things to 10 years in prison for money laundering. despite that, people here tell you, yes, he is corrupt as everybody else, but under his administration we were doing well that much better than, than we are doing right now. those were seen as boom times. and so given the fact
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that people. busy are not convinced by any of the candidates, they feel that they were doing better on the 1999. would like to give him a 2nd chance in this case true. who was, is running made originally. what do you know? who essentially took up is canada chair, when he was convicted and my family himself has found refuge and the embassy of a me cut out. what more do you know visited him this morning? embrace them said that he represents him that a few wins. he'll make sure to keep them up to natalie out of prison, and to bring back those boom times that the people here remember fondly. well, will be staying across the accounting for you and bringing you a results when we do have one. for now, i just wanna run, pass you that for us, keeping an eye on things in panama city. thank you. i was on hold demonstrations. have been held in mexico city against president under his manual lopez,
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alberto as attempts to reform institutions protested say his funds would undermine the independence of the judiciary and fair elections. on the rockland reports from mexico city, they were in downtown mexico city. were demonstrators have gathered to protest what they say is the threat to the quote autonomy of mexico's visionary branch. that threat, according to demonstrators, comes from mexico's president, under this fund with no base over the critics of lopez over at all to say the president is speaking to undermine the balance of power in mexico's governments. saudi, he not on this march has been sparked by the attacks from the federal executive against the free exercise of issuing judgments by the judiciary. we've come to defend judicial independence, but the policy didn't this throw you on the president because destroyed our tournaments, bodies before your spot. and this body is one of the 3 branches of government, a, coming through the balance of his government. he doesn't like being free decisive
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telephone and they'll lopez over, although it only has a short time left in office. there are still reforms that is that he is seeking among them a national electoral reform, which the president says has made to streamline the electoral process. and cut costs. critics here say that this reform would undermine the national electoral institute. and if anything, what is risk free and fair elections here in mexico? there is a large day of protests that has been can be here in the mexican capital and, and other mexican cities. i'm on may the 19th. this will add to the several large demonstrations that we've seen take place here against the administration of president lopez over the, in the lead up to the national elections. by the way that i follow, i'll just the to mexico city. now the number of people whose died in slots in southern brazil has risen to 66 with more than
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a 100. others reported missing video or has a much of the moment that a bridge collapse. do see that torrential rains, or face up to a roads and forced more than 80000 people to free their homes for the levels and the regional capital of porto allegra also continue to rise in more than a 1000000 people no longer have access to drinking water in the regions west floods and ac is monica, and not us. has the story read skiers are fighting the elements to to a lifeline to this child. like her many others have climbed to the roof tops of their flooded homes, waiting for help to come before the water swallowed their neighborhood. at the water just asked the it's the worst disaster ever recorded in the history of rio. but i do this little state, perhaps one of the biggest disasters the country has ever seen, at least in a recent history. and it's extremely distressing because the weather has been unrelenting since monday, with localities receiving 800 millimeters of rain is which could reach 1000
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millimeters. so the, the floods have, we have all in at least 300000 cities, destroying bridges, and rows. more than 40000 people have been forced from their homes. many others are isolated, with no electricity or internet porn. former authorities of their whereabouts are the same of this tuesday. we had no news of our relatives, but thank god the part department has told us they are safe in the states capital, both by legacy. the way up a river has broken its banks for water treatment plants have been closed and the mayor has alerted the population. the drinking water me soon become scarce. the rains have also cost land slides and the partial co op. so the dam results president, losing us to laura, the silver has promised the survivors federal aid to rebuild the homes and local infrastructure. we all should go. thank you. bye bye. no,
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you will need resources to repair the damage. but 1st and foremost, we have to save lives. thanks. but scientists say, unless something is done to tackle global warming and climate change, disasters like this one will continue to happen. monitor, you're not, you have all just, sarah. well, still ahead here on out here. a call to action lead is as muslim countries adopt a resolution on garza off the gathering for summit and the gambia thoughts on tony chang in eastern me and my website is in the middle of truth struggling for control . one of the country's most important trade highway the now we've just gone through, it's about a fairly wet weather in new south. where else is this jerry stuff here,
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but that in the forecast is fading away. so the picture, for example, on monday is still on the show, right? rather for sydney, it also has been not the same extent on whether students and welcome sherry stuff in west australia. there's not much of back left on the post about 21 from me to 24 . by the time you get to choose, they are drawing a picture of a news as well. so still probably ever cost sydney north was up towards brisbin and using the pictures quite benign at the moment. elijah's grades but the direction is almost irrelevant. the sun is at 12 degrees in christ church. rather, what's the weather in indonesia said in the eastern side, this in the band to see shows where the actual range but it's and hanging around a bit further west, for example, in southern solar waste. and he is pretty widespread flooding rescues necessary. now this is in some places 3, meet the defense, a rush through, but typically is pretty wet weather anyway at this time of year should be fading out. but you saw what the full call said eastern side of into the still like to
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have some big house further west. okay, until you get to see march event looks fatty when he come the good policy at now. laos and still southern china is joining with heavy rain along with good profit your time. on monday charging voters have a decision to either keep incumbent how much it risk a b as president, or to place him from a list of the type of candidates. what's important for the charge in boulder is ending tickets of under development, political and economic on subject to mid worst by climate change. obviously that would bring a detailed coverage of child support, especially like why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line,
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i'm counting the calls protests in the us developers, universities divest them israel, how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for picked on to the american market? kinds of the costs on al jazeera, the the welcome back to watching al jazeera. that's remind you about top stories besides the nicest round of tools for us to use fun goals or have ended in the egyptian capital. kyra, i'm us. it says it's came in front of ramon's, but is there any need to say a deal is far from being reached?
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israel's military says, 3 of its soldiers have been killed in iraq is attack any other time i'll be selling . border crossing with calls from us, as i'm doing says it's 5 towards the end is really on the base. nearby water crossing is now closed age is really police have rated alger 0 is web space. unoccupied is to risk them. seizing equipment. as of the israel decided to shut down and the tribes opperation and the country out of there, a has condemned to the move and says it will to suit full available legal channels . and how god, mazda is the executive director of plus $97.00 to magazine, which provides independent comment tree and news from israel and palestine. he says about on al jazeera, stifles these really public's access to information, a security, a criminal and very dangerous decision, an attack and free speech and the freedom press. um, it's also an attack mostly on the sort of citizens because i think the 2 main things that are going to happen alongside the attack and i'll just do
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a journalist which are also of course victims of this will be one that while i was just it was, will be able to continue reporting around the world. they will not be able to do reporting with them as well to the voices of these ready society will be heard less filed from 0 because of this. so this is one harm to these room society. the other is making it more difficult for sure. different choices. we have very limited access to information coming out to the cause of him. yeah, he's great media outlets and i think it's essential for his role is to have other media outlets to go to and check and read and see and view to get information. that is not there is randy sources. we have this issue that, you know, and these party in the fall, right? i have been failing this work. this is in fact, i'm not even talking about the massacre of tens of thousands of palestinians be i
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think i'm going to disruption all of that. but even for me to really perspective after 7 months, people are saying the hostages, most of them aren't that many of them are dying. it doesn't seem like there's a victoria tend. so doing something like this is a way to appease the banks to say, look for doing something to fight our enemies and let's pin all our failures on under 0 just like we would on the students. and us campuses on the road a is a political less than run, lola. here's what she had to say about israel's move against down to 0. i think we need to understand that this is not just about trying to shut down as a 0. this comes in conjunction with a, an atmosphere of incitement against journalists covering the news for us as a to harassment almost on a daily basis over 50 incidents just in the past 7 months were reported by colleagues working in the occupied west duncan, inside israel. so
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a lot comes with that decision, a, you know, if just on its own, i think uh, reminds us of the dangers that the o g, a z or a family puts itself in front of in order to bring the story to the audience. a worldwide in arabic and english, i think there is no question. the discovery of government is acting in his room is acting in a way that is quite on hand. a feeling that it can get away with it. but you know, people should be concerned. this is not just about elders either others, either perhaps as the most prominent target of it all. but i think this happens, a lot of organizations, perhaps even a some progressive is really at news organizations that have been critical of the war that has published investigative reports, exposing a lot of the misinformation dished out by the office of the is really a prime minister so this is a, you know, i saw the app,
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the brand that is real tries to always remind the world of that it is a self proclaimed democracy that it shares those values with western democracies. and i think increasingly over the past 7 months, this branding has taken a serious hit because it is really actions. it's become nearly impossible to defend even for israel's closest allies. 6. well, what when i zation of assignment cooperation has a none of the states to take political and legal measures against israel for it's for on casa v o, i see made the call and a resolution passed by. the bulk fleet is as amusing in the guardian capital dental hands on the home that was at that summit. oh, i see somebody's lead us often got to talk about politics and development. but these here is the rights wolf and guts top the agenda. they adopt a solution,
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calling a member states to concede that economic sanctions against is right. and for the threats expulsion from international organizations. they also demanded an immediate unconditional sci fi in gaza. speaking to us to zeta becomes the gum. yes, president, a dime? a bottle? who's also the oh i see is new to say dining oak is the only way forward. really sympathize, independent student before the struggle have been there for long. what the pass is can it i believe there is no probably you taught this also. do all or so to believe this would also be true. of the all i see has been calling for us. the spot in front of us is november. the brooks redesigned oppression. they know that the close of to be young people, the able to present want to see and these rise was on guns. but is it right? it's threatening a grand invasion of brussel which goes to 2 medium palistine. yes,
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absolutely. refuge from it's bombardment of other parts of guns that it's very clear that you know nothing else determination to enter in to drop off and to destroy it off shows that you don't have to know who's not to you're looking for the release or false is not the he's not the new roping for the ceasefire, but he's looking for the continuation objects, prolongation of the ward, and he wants to be to destroy it all the possibilities for the possibility as far as the summer ends, the quotes for a c spy. instead, the meeting being you an out on the streets of fund you loud and clear. how does that, how much does the funds you become the china as president as agent being is in france for a red visit with president annual max on the visit comes and is growing tension between europe and china, opening balance between china's exports and it's european import aqona is also
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expected to push that c to use his influence with the russian president that i'm a person for for the war. and ukraine often has strep to fronts present. she will continue on with the sub. yeah. and then hungry katrina, you report from beijing for the 1st time since the beginning of the curve and 19 pandemic. chinese presidency didn't pay just heading to europe for the phone. what this visit is of great significance to promote the overall development of china's relations was from so sylvia hungry and euro. we also inject a new momentum into a peaceful development of the world to me on the last visit the continent and 2019 the 3 nations he's visiting, hoping to attract more chinese investment. first stop from what you will be hosted by president. and then one account that you mentioned dating last year, they're expected to sign deals on nuclear energy and agriculture, as well as china is purchase of of us across the conflict in the middle east is
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also on the agenda. presidency will meet with your pain commission president, us live on the line, who is accused of painting a flooding. the market would understand the subsidized goods. last year, the you launched an investigation into chinese electric vehicle imports. presidency wants to deepen ties with your as it moves closer to the us attentions, but the look are running. you criticize trying to support a rush that during its invasion of the brain and some st. aging poses and increasing national security risk. last week, doing police arrested for suspected chinese spies in general. european leaders are not as hawkish as the americans are. they understand the need for some type of cooperation with china, perhaps maybe on the economic front more than the political fund. but the main objective for china is to sort of pry europe from, from what it uses the american orbit in serbia. she will meet president alexander,
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of which it's believed is referred to reach of as old friends. his truthful and with the 2 days. and who great prime minister isaac to all that has moved to the country, closer to beijing since taking office hungry is the only you country dissipating in china, is built in broad global infrastructure initiative. while the presidency is expected to announce the building of a new chinese electric vehicle plant and oil pipeline and several railway projects between you all to 0 aging in me and the bottle to the boat, a ton of near what he has raised for the past 3 weeks rebels and the governing military joint. uh, fighting for control of that area. in the a thailand. the rebels have gained significant ground there in the east, including critical border areas of kind state, one of the in laws, most important trade links with thailand. fights is unpopular defense groups of
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also launched major operations in the north end and the west taking control of launch pots of rock kind and shon, states and disrupting a key trade route with china. the resistance now controls more than half of me and not the don't as forces are stretched. then each week trips abandoned more outposts and retreats into the central region where fighting is now nearing the capital. out of there is tony chang, travel to the front lines that for us, and kinda in stage where he met one of the rebel kilometers in the 1st of full special reports. he tells us more from outside the me, on the embassy in bangkok, the band hall familiar? well, the has now raged for nearly a month. the town on the boat at between thailand, a man is incredibly imposing strategically. a $1000000000.00 worth of trade goes across every year. a month ago it fell to the korean s, and they called me then just a week ago, it seems that me most military re gain control a certain specific strategic points inside the town who controls the area,
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the countryside, all around. eldest eric, getting the exclusive access, and this is our post. the fight is from the pro democracy peoples defend suppose. take defensive positions. this is the main road between the type, bold and yang going and most commercial hubs. the town level by the bones from the military gym to or a say see state administration council. the civilians long gone the capital room freely in the streets even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway, everything call correct. i mean, what is an area that the s a c had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control, the pro democracy forces and they were fight suggests in the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves here. the battle alone the asian highway has
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been this. when these columns of military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most of being still say the fight is that some did slip through a constant threat from the yeah. that even the heaviest weapons can do little to repel the man in charge of pdf operations. so this is, grace is concerned, isn't the military genta. but unity within the opposition, you know about, we are not afraid of the weapons. we say are the one thing group off about hillary or strikes, and that's just the vision. we don't care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding well, pdf fight is under korean. combined travel freely through the countryside, looking tracts, tendon to supply chain highways,
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hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for flight is killed in turn to tax a new weapon. the military's deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i commerce die, but we are mentally paff, with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about quitting the fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot, but this monks trump pres for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went, tast tony trying out as their tie in states yamma the full of korean ethnic ami and the pro democracy forces have very good control of the country side. and they are pushing hard to get the town of me while the back, but they have to do it soon. the monsoon season is on the way the rains will start in a couple of weeks time. and that's
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a time traditionally fighting and me and my slow so a crew. and then the 2nd of our special reports from inside man la tony chang, will examine the impact of the fighting has had on civilians. as millions across the country are forced from their homes, thoughts from 7 g m t on monday whitehead announce, is here. millions of champions are heading to the polls on monday to choose their next leader. replacing the countries transitional council from a list of 10 candidates on sunday, members of the security forces and try the into a broad, ready cost. edwards. i'm gonna address or voice mail from the capital engineering members of charge security personnel queue up early to have their site. they have voting a day early, so they can be free to work during one disparate special that much. they bureau, i read a caesar election centers opened at 6 o'clock in the morning. the turn out was impressive. the military's voting process went very well,
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charges will leave abroad and nobody community is also voted on sunday. 8 and a half 1000000 people have registered to vote in this election, hoping whoever wins will address the desperate conditions they nipple by somebody supposed to do. the principal concerns of chaldeans right now are security health fighting corruption, good governance, inflation, jobs for young people. consolidation of law and order and justice, one to let me share the closer to the outcome of the election. a young voters, especially 1st time us, is that the voting block is divided between keeping the current military rulers or voting in new faces. or what they all agree on is a country needs new ideas, regardless of who emerges victories different on the tied to for a long time chad has been a dictatorship. but with this eviction, we can at least quote it to democracy on what my word is for the reconstruction of
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the country. we have been suffering for decades to kind of be struggling as years of political instability and climate change. take their tool on people in one of the wells, port us countries, charges of cost of the $5.00 gentler government stores the elections in west africa . and this i have a but i like the other countries. why the ministry to problem? it's phase little international pressure because the western countries, including for my colonial policies because the, the chart unimportant and the build up to the vote. there was widespread just content triggered by a disputed referendum on the selection of presidential candidates. many last out, and asking for either a boy called, or suspension of the election process. yet, and his own with this could be tad's military government breached the constitution with the help of the constitutional counsel and the election commission. and the members of the boards were appointed by the president. they all belong to the ruling party. that's why we demand the entire process be suspended. so the
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transitional government call support could compete. illegal, says it will go ahead with the election regardless greece, i'll just see that german close to the head here on al jazeera. the indian problem is renew nationwide. protests as the country continues its 6 week long national elections. the o g 0 brings you in depth analysis for the so comply take our crash being exposed to many of those companies that failed so miserably on that day. they said 75, selling and testing with things in gaza as we speak. these really speak every ones. no, we're giving each going finish. and the fact that each route is that the international
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court of justice shows how much deeper than nothing on this goes nothing. yahoo success may be better, maybe was but it's the one that has to address that suspended. stay with us for the latest developments on out just sierra is investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. now to sierra, this is the 1st genocide that we see in the field. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is cut. the . the
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welcome back. now to yes of to ending a nationwide protest movement. farmers in india have revived the action. they want the government to protect them from market fluctuations by offering a minimum base price for their punches. face demonstrations come as india votes and a 6 week long general election. it may cost him sharif reports to this. now these phones have stage to put this on the board of the northern states of punjab. and it's can to this crossing, you're really station of the security forces disrupted the emission much to what's captain you, denny infected farmers, unions are demanding higher, 6 prizes for the crops to shield them from market fluctuations. the old one, the loans council, as promised by the government with supper rounds of talks have failed to find a restitution. well, how do you mind get put in and they have not fulfilled the demand and have done
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nothing to secure our rights. so firm as a continues to protesting to press for the demands the state of the job is among the largest produces of leak in india. but pharmacy profits are decreasing with the minimum prize offered by the government, not keeping up the production cost. that's forcing farmers like $29.00, you know, she seems to find an additional source of income. he drives the schools on to provide for his family of 7. he says, a minimum guarantee prize only for wheat and rice. this comment just fall most from calculating all the profit making crops because then i, he lost, i may, we can so sugar cane maze, but we don't get the minimum support price in the market. we have to sell it as a throwaway price in the market, or hard work goes to waste. in years, in the middle of the 6 week long, generally election, prime minister in the range of moody and his bought the agenda partly seeking
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a 3rd time. the government is accused of typed in the protests and containing them to punjabi, which boats and the 7th unfunded face of the election onto foot in 2020 hundreds of thousands of farmers leather your nationwide movement against new agriculture news. suppose the government has looked at laws a year later, among the many elect to the promises of the more the campaign in 20132014 was a dumpling farm, was that it comes in 5 years now. no one talks about it, dumpling, a problem with incomes is not mentioned. why? because farmers incomes have not increased at all. almost foreman logins into engine voting, blocked into country, according to government data, about 250000000 people book in actually the country in india, accounting for about 45 percent of its workforce as political parties, voters almost as
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a back on the streets and from intensified to approve the consumption east and just see the move in to 100 people have been killed by floods and land signs in kenya and thousands will have been displaced. among them is james car, yuki, he lost his wife, his child, and his home. his a story and his own wants. my name's the jim's got us get all that. and i my my life was on sunday night. yeah, sleep. my family. on our side in god something move it pushing us. nobody to new the door to soften just out the bed. but i load myself, you know,
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the sense of fits when i try and check my wife and much that i like watching it today. so yeah, just to convince my husband and my id though for me is that why the house does nothing i i see within my cold um we are saying this double. yeah. but no, yeah, yeah, yeah. we are just waiting for the national minimum and
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a lot of stuff i was just waiting for the help as well that set for me as tanya tyson, this news out a hand you over to darren jordan will be in next with more of today's news to stay with us here on now to 0. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong? this background is us president. you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost
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on the web presence and remember it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems customer ridgecrest of the . ringback the sort of 10 year journey, which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm in to see how to big language, world wide shaped, come out a word for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of
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the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the tulips. regardless ceasefire wrap up. in cairo, how much says it's teen for an agreement, but israel's 5 minutes to reiterate his refusal to end the whole time and the other ones are in jordan, this is out. is there a live nto officer coming up? is where i was accused of trying to muscle journalists off the ordering to shut down a volunteer 0 and writing it's punished isn't occupied east jerusalem. poles close in panama with people not voting for a new president to help for corrupt.


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