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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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m. c is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the tulips. regardless ceasefire wrap. up in cairo, how my says it's key to an agreement, but israel's prime minister reiterates his refusal to end the war permanent. the other ones are in doing this is out. is there a lives in the office that are coming up? israel is accused of trying to muscle, generally soft, the ordering to shut down around to 0 and reading it's punished isn't occupied east jerusalem. poles close in panama with people not voting for a new president to help flood corruption on 60 economy. plus attorney chang in east
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and me and my with finances in the military. the struggling to control one of the country's most important trade highway, the, the latest round of negotiations for us. these 5 and gaza has ended in egypt. some capital kyra, but crucial gaps remain between israel and how much am osmond things it wants to put on an enter the was part of any deal as well as 5 minutes passed from the rejected that demand. i'll just say, what's bennett smith reports now from lumala in the occupied west, back to the more than 1000000 palestinian sheltering and rough uh it must feel like israel has already started its promised invasion based was a family home hit by his ran a striking on some the, the, the negotiations issue we've reached a disappointing stage. we not hoping for anything was all only hard to called may
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god help us and rescue also from this old deal negotiations for a cease fire or to stay only how must insist on an end to the war. israel says it's willing only to pause the fighting to secure the release of captives on a visit to gaza. israel's defense minister suggested a major rough operation is coming on. the home is a and we identified alarming science at home. us actually does not intend to go into any agreement with us. this means we will start military actions and rough uh, and the entire gaza strip in the very near future. how must blames israel for the site to reach a deal so far saying in a statement, the movement of firms is positive and a responsible approach and it's keenness and determination to reach an agreement that meets the national demands of our people, ends the aggression completely. she's withdrawal from the entire guys a strip returns the displace intensified relief begins reconstructions and completes the prisoner exchange deal. the united nations is warning,
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but any rough incursion would put hundreds of thousands of lives at risk and be a huge blow to the 8 operations of the entire gaza strip. and israel has closed the car on the other asylum, crossing into gauze or to aid convoys after homicide rockets. it is really military station nearby. as representatives are leaving cairo for further consultations, but they say that will be back there. on tuesday in the c, i is director william burns has arrived in doha for an emergency meeting with cause as prime minister to see if there's a way of preventing the sci fi tools from collapsing. bernard smith, i'll just say it right ramallah the occupied westbank. palestine without correspondence, hardly got by zoom, is a rough us with reaction and gaza to the sci fi tools. the palestinians generally are following closely what is happening on the diction capital regarding the ongoing negotiations to reach trust. these fund agreements between how my son is really to have a great sense of optimism within the past couple of days now has been recently
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dwindled due to the leaks of media reports about the same sticking points between homeless and isabel. regarding the agreement must, from its sides, wants to bring a permanent ceasefire on the table while isabel wants it to have a temper pose in which they will get the captives and to resume the fights and ongoing. this area that has been widely attacked within the past 24 hours is more casualties. and this tool amongst civilians continue to rise consistently as residents of houses being target to the long side would fall months. um its ongoing exchange of fire. we come us fighters and it is really mandatory in multiple areas . of course the territory. sorry capacity l g 0, russell palestine without you said it was mike kind of joins us live now from washington dc. mike. so the optimism seems to be draining out to these sci fi tools, but what is washington's position here, mike? i'm one of the president, $5.16 as well. so it's not,
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washington has been attempting to get some kind of see spot in place that has sent various people to the region in the bid to ensure exactly that. the secretary of state, anthony blinking only return from the region a few days ago. now you have the director of the c i a william burns in contact. he is going to be heading off to israel for talks with the is really prime minister. this is just an indication of how the us is attempting to press all parties in these negotiations. to come to some full of agreement, there was no prior notice about the a c i direct to travel to the region. it basically became known when he appeared in casa, which is unusual because these visits are normally planned, a degree of time, a head. so this just indicates the extent to which the us is attempting to press all parties to come to some form of agreement, putting pressure on contact, to put pressure on her mazda, to come to an agreement. and at the same time,
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doing the same to israel. but in the case of israel, the biden administration throughout has been wary of being seen to impose public pressure on israel as the biden administration line. all the time has been that it will not prescribe to israel. it's foreign policy. so they walking that fine line between urgent as well to come to some form of agreement and not being seen publicly. but in doing that might be us also seems to be pushing a multi layered diplomatic approach of involving saudi arabia to. so this is something that has been ongoing, the us has argued that it has also got to look forward to what happens off to the conflict in gaza ends. and that is a 2 state solution in the eyes of the united states. now to this end, it has been engaging in diplomacy with saudi arabia, the state department, recently a briefing on exactly what stage these negotiations off. now they have centered
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around 3 points, 1st of all, normalization of us relation to saudi arabia. secondly, normalization of solve the relations with israel. and thirdly, agreement on the steps taken to reach a 2 state solution. now this also plays into the current negotiations because no doubt us was hoping that he would get some kind of agreement from saudi arabia. it could then use as a camera to israel, saying that if you accept a cx 5, then you may get recognition of saw the already there, which is something that israel desperately once, but the whole process is stopped by a simple solid. the insistence that they can be no formal agreement on any of these issues, while the conflict continues in gaza. all right, so i'm, i kind of life as the in washington dc mike frontier. what is, what else? prime minister benjamin netanyahu has reiterated that no amount of international pressure will do to israel from its goals. today,
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we again confront him is bent on our destruction. i say to the leaders of the world, no amount of pressure. no decision by any international forum will stop as well from defending itself as the prime minister of israel, the one and only joyce states. by pleasure, today from jerusalem on this holocaust remembered stay. if his role is forced to stand alone, there's room, we'll stand alone. meanwhile, as well as ministry says, 3 soldiers have been killed in a rocket attack near the cut i'm selling boat across and with guns that how much is on wing says it fired rocket. southern is randy on the base nearby. the southern border crossing is now close to a truck, which comes as northern guns is already experiencing full blown. simon says the attack is a message that they are still able to hit back is right, the police of write it down to 0 is workspace and occupied east jerusalem. seizing
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equipment that's off the israel decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. colleges here has come down to move and says that the pacific o available legal channels in response to some of it has more and unprecedented site is really police read and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations, the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment, preventing the networks broadcast and blocking its websites. i'm so nice, lots of pay for the government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel l g 0. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an
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extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement which is either media network condemned the measure, saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations, present, advise really, authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what the last month, the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press,
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it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which bird these really government to reverse? what did called a harmful step, adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy and the central as well throughout the war and gaza out to 0. it has documented more than 50 attacks against all journalists here are just some of them. in october, several of family members of al jazeera was gone as a bureau chief while daughter were killed. and his really ass try killed his wife 15 year old son. so my little daughter on one year old grandson that same month and his riley strike killed 19 members of a now to 0, broke cost engineers,
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family mohammed to become sons, family. with sheltering in the giovanni a refugee camp in december, i'll just say our correspondent uninstalled shareef, lost his father in on his reading, strike, targeting his family's house in jamalia. and also in december, a drone strike killed out just a or a cameraman summer. i bought the car while wounding bureau chief while daughter. then in january i died those oldest son homes that also works out to 0 was killed when his car was targeted by drug strike. he'd been trying to interview just by civilians when the vehicle was hit. well, how do i much, how is executive director of plus $97.00 to magazine, which provides independent common training news from israel and palestine. he says the bottom amount is 0 stifles these, right? the public's access to information security. a criminal under dangerous decision, an attack and free speech and freedom press. um, it's also an attack mostly on the sort of citizens because i think the 2 main
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things that are going to happen alongside the attack. and i'll just do a journalist which are also of course victims of this will be one that while elderly will, will be able to continue reporting around the world. they will not be able to do reporting with them as well. so the voices of these ready society will be heard less file from 0 because of this. so this is one part to these room. so i teach the other is uh, making it more difficult to hear different choices. um we have very limited access to information coming out to the cause of him. yeah, he's great media outlets and i think it's essential for his role is to have other media outlets to go to and check and read and see and view to get information that is not there and it's ready to sources. we have this issue that, you know, and these party in the fall, right? i have been failing this work. this is in fact, i'm not even talking about the massacre of tens of thousands of palestinians be i
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think i'm going to disruption all of that. but even for me to really perspective, after 7 months, people are saying the hostages, most of them aren't that many of them are dying. it doesn't seem like there's a victory intend. so doing something like this is a way to appease the banks to say, look, we're doing something to fight our enemies and let's pin all our seniors on under 0 just like we would on the students and us campuses. so protests against israel is one gaus, continuing on university campuses across the us, even as graduation season begins. students at the university of california and of i'm demanding the university divest from companies with ties to israel and weapons manufacturers. folks who came to universities, johnson and this to this on getting unencumbered funds have been created by police of the university of texas at austin that students, i'm out joining forces with the trade unions to hold a, made a protest in solidarity with palestinians. the coding for all unions to condemn
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israel and speak count against the use of us made weapons in the will after they were. she advertise who brings us more from the university of texas. the people here have been under tab by the violins arrest me. so, a few days ago on this very, very campus, this demonstration is because side with a made a holiday. it's a unity, you know, just with students and faculty for the labor unions, labor organizes on work as well. workers with the cornerstone of every institution around the world that makes anything happen, whether that's through labor's labor unions, excuse me, or whether that's through uh, you know, active protests. and so in order to shift power shift change or shift monitor monetary investments in these institutions, we as workers and students and labors, need to come together and use our collect the voice of the campus demonstrations. we protested, scared, remodeling that. the university of texas austin, divest from of equity is riley will machine, but authorities that are not negotiating valid,
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engaging with those issues. however, that haven't been successes of other universities around the country. shepard can see out is there at austin, texas. well, i didn't see i'm was born in gauze and raised in japan. she left japan after high school, but as were ton to support the 1st student protest, the against israel is war hunting, tells us about demonstrations at the university of tokyo. my name is hans young and i was born in because uh in the hospital to baptist hospital i moved to japan when i was 7 years old and i grew up here until about the end of high school. and i just moved back in october in order to raise awareness and do as much as i can for pablo sign into time. i'm here to support the students at university of cocoa in there and cut meant it's the 1st encampment in japan. um, and you know, one of the students was inspired by the students in columbia and all over the states in the world now. and decided to finish up with 10 and solidarity and also
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to demand from the university to divest from their partnerships with israel. i know so a lot of people, the protest and events in japan may not seem radical. i mean, they're not very radical. however, it depends. those sorts of actions don't help costs and don't help the reputation of the cause. the only further damage to the cause of the pulsing and causing their and the reputation of, of all is fine. so in order for us to really engage with society in the community here, we have to do it in ways that are more, let's say soft, but also very powerful. so we've done some, you know, our actions where we remembered all the martyrs and such. so while we painted red tears that really made that really touched everyone and made them feel so heavy most of the losses. and because the from, from israel and this genocide start fresh off right here. and i'll just here,
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right, when we come back, a call to action leaders of muslim countries adopt a resolution of gaza altogether in for somebody in the down. the one that stay with the to i was still sitting out moist womack from the gulf of mexico, of through most central us states. you know, that texas had a problem with big thunderstorms as a result. but usually where you've got to contrast in the world against the coal, when that's happening now, as of a broken to the coaches really are showing a swelling up of the cloud. casper wyoming might have a robot co de, over 12 degrees dropping down as you might even feel. so with the but it's development of thunder storms in the midwest. once again, that could be rather boring. come tuesday. but the best in use is down in texas,
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where things are much improved. looks fine. so to 2 in houston, for example, the california coast is sunnyside, still snowed fully in the rockies. you'll notice just a reminder is may right through the car, being plenty of charles here, sent me through for the rico who's from your back to cuba, the bahamas, tux and k coast. i take you all the energy at both time to get back to was nicaragua, 100 years, very few shares left. but in science america, we seen flooding from the number of sliding moving some of the storms in both the legs. right now. they have guns for the serv, so the potential for producing, for the flooding, further south into uruguay exists here. and it's still pretty health in for example, rear the the
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welcome back to watching out. just a real quick reminder, lots of stories here. this uh, the latest round of tools for our seats are in gaza has ended in the kitchen, and capital kyra says it's keen for an agreement, but it's really need to say a deal as far as where the ministry says 3 soldiers have been killed in a rocket attack maybe come across in wisconsin. i'm us ongoing, since it finds fluids and it's really only based. i bought the boat across thing is not close to a truck and is ready police of write it down to zeros workspace. in multi bodies truce of the seas. and equipment, that's optic is rep, decided to shut down the networks operation in the country. obviously, it was condemned the moving sides in pursuit of a legal channels in response. now the organization of islamic corporation has cooled on member states, take political and legal and measures against israel effects war on concept though i, so you made the cooling a resolution passed by leaders from the blog funding a 2 day summit in the gumby and capital. i'm how many reports now from the summit
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and bunch of oh, i see somebody's lead us often got to talk about politics and development. but these here is the rights war on god's top the agenda. the adopted resolution calling a member states the can see that economic sanctions against is right. and for israel expulsion from international organizations, they also demanded an immediate, an unconditional sci fi in gaza. speaking to us does ita becomes the gum. yes. president adama bottle, who's also the all i see is new to say, dinah, oak is the only way forward, really seemed precise. independent student before the struggle have been there for long what the past is, can it i believe days know probably be taught this one was a do all or so to be believe this
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would also be of the all i see has been calling for a ceasefire. in kansas is november, the brooks redesigned the position. they know the closer to the young people, the able to present, want to see and these rise was on guns. but is it right? it's threatening a ground invasion of brussel which goes to 2 medium palistine your thoughts with, with each from its bombardment of other parts of gauze. it's very clear that you know nothing else determination to enter into what of and to destroy it off. it shows that you know nothing, you know who is not true, you're looking for the release or false is not the he's not be dropping for the ceasefire, but he's looking for the continuation objects, prolongation of the ward, and he wants to be the, to destroy it all the possibilities for the possibility as far as the summit and the quotes for a c spy. instead the meeting being you an out on the streets of a bunch you loud and clear. how does that, how much does 0,
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then you become the balance of being counted, adopt and voting close in panama. as presidential election? 8 candidates are in the race with the right wing opposition. lead to jose. and i'll melina, seen as the front runner by many polls. the vote comes against a backdrop of social discontent. economic slowdown and drowned kind of models not allowing company president's to run for 2nd consecutive time onto 0. is that a sound from the support from panama city, a ton of millions here come out in big numbers to vote. we understand that 73 percent of the electorate actually voted, despite the great frustration against the political class in general. and that's because there is a lot of anger towards the current, uh, government, outgoing president, loud as you know could be. so he is extremely unpopular and have to deal with some of the worst pro fish that this country has seen in
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a recent history. a also had to deal with a number of accusations of a corruption. some people were, were very angry. they're angry at the political class in a general de once changed. but a lot of people say that they are not sure who of the candidates that are running represent the changes that they need, if any of them. now, most of the people, if and didn't really know ends up winning kill way. and because she represents former press the day, and so they kind of go math to natalie who was running in these elections about was barred from running in lodge because he was same things to 10 years in prison for money laundering. despite that, people here tell you, yes, he is corrupt as everybody else, but under his administration, we were doing well, but much better than, than we are doing right now. or the number of people who have died in floods in
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southern brazil has risen to 66 with more than a 100. others reported missing. video has an edge. at the moment a fridge collapsed. to venture rain set to my rows and forced more than a 2000 people to see the water levels and the regional capital of 4 to allegra continue to rise. more than a 1000000 people no longer have access to the drinking water and the reasons, worst floods in activities. to me, i'm on now where the battle for the boat, a town of near what a has raged for the past 3 weeks. rebels on the army are fighting for control of the area. and the 1st, the full special reports out to 0 is tony chang, traveled to the front lines in kai in the state. he spoke with one of the middle commanders, here's his ripples. the fight is from the pro democracy people's defense force takes defensive positions. this is the main road between the type border and yang going in most commercial hubs. the town level by the bones from the military gym to
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or a say see state administration council civilians long gone the capital room freely in the streets even say no, not to go too far. beyond the barrier is no man's land. this is the ocean highway. everything call correct me or what a, an area that the s i see had been pushed out of that it's still not completely under control the pro democracy forces and they were fight to just in the yeah. so they've been very careful about exposing themselves to pass along the asian highway has been this when these columns that military reinforcements force of 2000 men tried to break through to the boulder. most of beans still say the fight is that some did slip through had a constant threat from the yeah. but even the heaviest weapons can do little to
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risk. now, i'll be the man in charge of pdf operations such as grace is concerned, isn't the military genta, but unity within the opposition department, we are not afraid of the weapons we say, or the one thing group off about tillery or strikes and not to the vision and the limits we do not care about any of the powerful weapons by any food is that we will not be united gentlemen. move the alliance between the korean as an economy and the pro democracy forces is holding. well, pdf point is under korean. come on, travel freely through the countryside. low contracts tendon to supply chain highways, hidden under the jungle canopy. they've taken casualties. this funeral for fight is killed in turn to tax a new weapon, the mid letters deployed, you know? yeah, well yeah, i'm sad whenever i come red dye, but we are mentally paff with sacrifices and casualties. sometimes i think about
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quitting to fight, but i don't want my comrades to have died, but nothing. so i keep fighting until the revolution succeeds july like a lot, but it's months, tom pres, for the dead. the last rites rebels who died for a cause and the victory they now went, tast toni chang out as their tie in states yamma. the 2nd of all special reports from inside me and ma tony chung will examine the impact that fighting has had on civilians. as millions across the country are forced from their homes. that's from 700 gmc on monday here on august 8. no launch fires burning of the street in a bill. city in northern iraq, firefighting teams are working to bring the plays under control. witnesses say the play, stop it inside a shop at the market? is the 2nd major. find how to build in a month? planes and go another bizarre on april the 8th causing millions of dollars of damage. millions of people and chub had to the poles on monday to choose the next
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lead up replacing the countries transitional council from a list of 10 candidates on sunday, members of the security forces and champions abroad cost they have that's all for me to just support from the capital jemina, members of charge security personnel queue up early to have their say. they are voting a day early, so they can be free to work during monday as presto, shall they much. they bureau, i read a caesar election sent as opened at 6 o'clock in the morning. the turn out was impressive. the military's voting process went very well. chad, yes, we'll leave abroad. and the magic community is also voted on sunday. as 8 and a half 1000000 people have registered to vote in this election, hoping wherever wins will address the desperate conditions that nipple could buy some principles the did the principal concerns of champions right now are security health fighting corruption, good governance, inflation,
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jobs for young people consolidation of law and order and justice share caution on to the outcome of the election are young voters, especially 1st time is that the voting block is divided between keeping the current competitor rulers or voting in new faces. but what they all agree on is the country needs new ideas, regardless of who emerges victories, different on the tied to for a long time, chad has been a dictatorship, but with this eviction, we can at least quarter to democracy on what my, what is for the reconstruction of the country, you know, we have been suffering for decades just to kind of be struggling as the gears of political instability and climate change. take their tool on people in one of the world's porous countries. charges the 1st of the 5 gentler governments to hold the elections in west africa. and this i have, but i like the other countries. why the ministry to problem? it's phase little international pressure. because the western countries,
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including for my colonial policies, costly to charge unimportant and the build up to the vote, there was widespread content.


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