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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 6, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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that's thanks to taiwan is designed to prepare and this, including its strict building of the is really ministry orders. palestinians in eastern is off watching the warning. it's about to use extreme, forced air, the visible put on them. and this is a live from dog. how is so coming up? silence in general, this is real shops, demonology resolve relations and rates of premises and occupied east. jerusalem stopped from china. she hangs again since you are in tow with trade relations high on the agenda. and motion is on the way in chad. for what's the 1st presidential election since the middle, the traits of power 3 years ago, the
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we begin with news from at all for that is really military has ordered over residents and displaced people to leave the east of neighborhoods of gauze, southernmost city. it says they must move to the as a wasi area near the coastline. that's a head of what it says will be the use of extreme force and the eastern part of the city. maybe one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering and off uh off the is randy military, folks the mouse moving on central gaza. would your now ball cost onto the honey? my move he is live and the alpha. so honey, what has as lady's told people to do and how they responded of the as well as of early hours this morning, there's really military bed made phone calls and then send a text message and drop leaf led across the basement part of rough i city and here at the center, it's part of the city. ordering people sharply do evacuated,
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move to the west from charge of not only are off city, but also hon. eunice on to the central part of the city all the way to do it by law . as these are the newly designated evacuation safe zone, it went on saying this is where the all the humanitarian support is going to be concentrated. now, all of this happened after almost 24 hours of evolving events. the from the almost collab. she's fired talks in cairo, the band no, no, just the europe right now. this evacuation orders is threatening people to move immediately. people that they, some part of the side of the law has to be enrolled near crossing, where giving as little as a few minutes just to pack out and leave right away. it's causing so far a great deal of may hum, panic and concern people believe there is no safety place across the overcrowded drop off city, including a loss. evacuations though,
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because it has been repeatedly targeted in the past, also in the central area and in the and find you. and it's mainly the central part then the western part of the city in light of the a. the that the central area is not also save. it has been targeted repeatedly. there's really military storms and the fight, right? rough do kind of from mid 3 and a junkyard it within the past few weeks and there is no guarantee that this down from area is not going to be invaded by these really military. this has caused this a great deal of concern and panic. there is fear, there's a status dental safety for everyone, including our solve the team on the ground. here we have our family members, we need to evacuated them as well. the hobby is activated. this will be the 5th time in a role. so it's really getting, it's all on us right now. absolutely. honey, it's an impossible situation, isn't it? i mean the word safe zones. it doesn't mean anything for people in gauze. any last 7 months off of relentless attacks. remind us about the conditions that milwaukee
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camp and, and the dangers of pertaining to somewhere like con eunice, which the u. n says, is full of unexploded ordnance from the israeli army or right. well just the term itself, evacuation zone has been used in abuse. many times to the point that it's, it's pretty much it doesn't have any meaning it's, it's empty it from what it really means at all. there is no safe zone in a war zone. we seen it here in overcrowded rock city, particularly in areas that were designated by this really military. i saved zone for people to evacuate, only to get bombed and killed inside those very particular areas. same scenario refuted itself in defense from the area in san unit. many of the of the times then conditions that these evacuations are very difficult. there are the spread of diseases as well as the difficult living conditions. but also they are loaded ordinance across all the food that according to on or what it was 2 years
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for people to start moving boxes to the cities and residential neighborhood. very little because right now for people to go by turn their entire ears and to pretty much a waste land. but the ongoing non stop the evacuation from one place to another has been speeding into some sort of permanent displacement for everyone here. including journalist people who are in hospitals and people who are just ordinary citizen who led the war zone in the heart. and god was city not. it's important to point out say, evacuation orders included area where and the jar hospital is located. that would make it very difficult for this has the health facility to continue operating as little as rough i crossing, which really is working at the lowest capacity in terms of allowing humanitarian
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aid into the goals if it, but in case they're of, on a ground invasion happening soon, this crossing will be completely shot. that's a really important points that the evaluations are and includes an area with a social hospital. honey, thank you very much for that for now. that is honey. my phones with alexis live and that alpha that's bringing on correspondence and busted ivy. he's joining his life, some of them all that in the occupied west bank of zane. how was this evacuation of water being seen, where you are, and in the context of cx 5 talks once again fluttering or well up until last night? really, it seemed that these talks could result in from the optimistic point of view in some kind of ceasefire. all be it's a short to medium term one, but that is all shifted overnight. so we are hearing reports in these really media now that the rough operation was approved unanimously by all the members of the
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israeli world council, during discussions last night. and we have to remind people that this is the most far right government that has ever existed in israel and prime minister benjamin netanyahu seems more than happy to embrace all of the pressure coming from the far right political parties to carry on with this war and to push forward, even if it crucially henders, the safety of their own is really hostages. he was really captive being held by him us in the areas where this operation is being carried out. there was a glimmer of hope from these really defense minister days earlier when he seemed to be pushing nothing yahoo to take the deal to bring a cease fire into place to secure the release of the hostages. but overnight, the defense minister you'll go on told his american counterpart, you a secretary of defense, lloyd austin, need a phone call. it israel was left with no choice, but the launch at defensive and southern causes, rough or blaming hamas. once again for stalling the cease fire talks shifting blame once again for this. this proportional violence that is realized carrying out on
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hum us using her moss as an excuse to continue to attack primarily civilian targets . and prime minister benjamin netanyahu, it has to be said, has been clear in recent days and weeks that whether or not the cease fire talks to cold weather or not. the hostages, the so called hostages were released. these rarely captains were released by how much they were still going to send military into rough. and that seems to be what we're seeing play out right now. so people are asking with this massive escalation that's been happening in rafa for several days and hit a fever pitch last night. there was an intense bombardment in the area with ongoing escalation by military units in the occupied westbank. people are asking the questions or were these escalations militarily meant to help israel negotiated from a position of power or were the negotiations simply a distraction to try to push forward with his roles military goals in the occupied west bank and gaza? yeah, very important questions and contact same. thank you so much. same personality live in some of the is rarely strikes on that off. i have claimed another $26.00 lives,
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including age women, and 11 children, 11 homes and off of photography at the desk include a 7 month old baby who had already lost his parents. survivors were taken to, i was uses a lunch at hospice within the city. is very police have rated alger 0 is a work space it occupied east jerusalem and seized his equipment. this off to benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, and the order to shut down the networks. operations of israel entre 0 has strongly condemned the move saying in pursuit what available legal channels on the son who has more and unprecedented site is really police read. and it shows he does workspace in occupied east jerusalem after prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet voted to shut down the networks operations. the government order, which was unanimously agreed upon, includes confiscating its broadcast equipment,
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preventing the networks broadcast, and blocking its websites. a new site shops of government has now unanimously ordered the closure of the incitement mouth piece of moss and israel out 0. i just need a broadcast was taken off. israel's main cable provider in the hours after the order emergency measure will last for $45.00 days with the possibility of an extension for an additional $45.00 days. in a statement just the, the media network condemned the measure saying in part, israel's ongoing suppression of the free press, seen as an effort to conceal its actions in the gaza strip, stands in contravention of international and humanitarian law. israel's direct targeting and killing of journalists, arrests, intimidation and threats will not deter edges eat up from its commitment to cover. whilst more than a 140 palestinian journalists have been killed since the beginning of the war on
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guns up. the network vehemently rejects the allegations presented by his really authorities suggesting professional media standards have been violated. and what a last month the white house said israel's plans to close the network were quote, true concerning a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical, it is critically important and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict in gaza. the widely criticized move was also condemned by the foreign press association, which for these really government to reverse what it called a harmful step. adding that this was a dark day for the media. and the dark day for democracy come to central jersey to me. that's bringing a lot of shows that he's a professor of security and military studies at the doha institute for graduate
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studies. thank you for being with us this very important morning. as we discuss what this possible is, randy operation in the alpha which they have been warning about for months now could entail. they say that it would be a limited operation. but given that we've seen what as rails limited, when it says targeted operations, what they looked like, which is widespread, civilian deaths, injuries, infrastructure, the infrastructure damage. what are they planning to do here? what do you think it went into? what was a pleasure in order to be with you now to 0, but unfortunately, i may be at a bit of a bad news. this does not look to me like a small operation, a tool, or as a surgical operation. and this is a, at least a 2 divisions sized operation in an area that is extremely small, $65.00, the square kilometer. this is the whole area of the roof covering. and when you say 2 divisions, what does that entail? we're talking about the 6 brigades. so roughly about about the 30000 people.
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there's a 1000 subject to the $30000.00 soldiers. yeah. yeah. so they sell them soldiers and they are regular store. does the not reserves. this is like the tip of the speed or of the of is a, the army. so we're talking about the 89th commander big, which is the special forces brigade. we were talking about the, one of the reserves of peta of troopers brigades, the 500 and 51st, and also were talking about the 2 armored we gazed. so the 7th armored and the $400.00 and 1st on we're also talking about you mechanized infantry brigade. so this is the g 5 d, the force and the, the 900 and 33rd. so this is a very significant and capable force at they will not be alone, they will be supported with air strikes and they will be supported with artillery strikes and with the naval assets as well. and they, if they is radius needed, they would mobilize more. so we were talking about the operations, the size of the sun, eunice funding is if you remember,
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they were over about 9 big gates fighting dead for the period of over 2 months. so it would be a very, very significant operation. the only difference between it and send eunice is we're talking about a very, very high population density. never seen in. does anyone else? $21000.00 persons per square. you'd want me to. yeah. and if that evacuation did not go through a very successfully and very smoothly, then we're likely to see a very high so we didn't category. and this is possible to see how in of actuation can be successful. a smooth is given even before. what's happened over the last 7 months, garza was one of the most densely populated places in the world. now what is it that is doing this planning to do with those 2 divisions with those tens of thousands of soldiers? who is it in alpha that is going off to in terms of, is it one of the most places that it can find? i think they were going to for about 4 objectives. the 1st objective is,
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is not the hostages. actually i think the plan, if you objective is to destroy whatever it is left on the cosign battalions in gaza . they assign to their own loss, has been the treatment. yes, the, the is a think of some battalions not be kids. they call themselves good tape, which is battalions. so they, they aim to a, the info for battalions there, and they called them one and yep, and one shebra, one in east over off on one of the city overall. so this is what the aiming for. mainly the leadership of these uh battalions that uh and they believe these battalions as opposed to the ones in the center in the north have some significant capabilities and they want to go off to them and probably destroy the 2nd thing is the leadership of how much they believe that the leadership of the, the political leadership and part of them and if they need to ship is somewhat involved. we're not sure about that, but they, they, they clean. so the 3rd thing is the hostages of the objective is to try to get out the, the ac supplies that have got most of the hostages out absolute,
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the $105.00 all the 253 an issue of hostages. where came out only 3 were with 80 and he's by force. yeah. and they killed the i think somewhere between 3. this is the dotted 5 and almost 12 indicted 5 bought bought by using before. so we're not sure how successful would that be. and then finally they, i think they want to cut the corner door, the philadelphia corner door to the borders between does the strip and the sign i. and they want to control it for a want to make sure that there are no underground tunnels and need to stick with support coming from the sign i to goes. so i think this is the, the, the objectives of the operations. but it looks to me that then given the, the, the size of the force and the size of how much force and that you've been so far in this, we're not finished with the, they're not finished with data, but yet, or, or places like that. they said they, they entered on the 27th of october like people out here between within the north. they're still fighting there. so many important questions remaining. i'm afraid we run out of time, but no dot will pick them up with you throughout the day and let us show. thank you
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. as always, still ahead on knowledge sarah was right wing for security minister is the window and sundays presidential election. the pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not something to say. tyler sees, thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say know, double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the
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. ringback the knowledge is here with the the you're watching all day off of me, elizabeth put on and don't ha,
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reminder of on top storage, ssl is there. any ami has ordered or residence in displace people to leave the east and neighborhoods of nova. it says it's about to use extreme full some that is rarely strikes on the said he has continued with at least $26.00 palestinians killed in the past few hours. that includes a 7 month old baby for already lost his parents. and his very, please have rated alger 0 is workspace and occupied east jerusalem and seems to equipment. it's also benjamin ethanol, whose cabinet for us to shut down the networks operations, and as well as the on a strongly condemned to move single tissue on available legal channels of china as president agent. thing is holding towards the french president, emanuel mac holland, and his 1st visit to europe in 5 years is set to discuss trade and drawn tensions between europe and china. including the, what the issue sees as an imbalance between china's exports and it's your p. an impulse that collins also expected to push the chinese president to use his
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influence with his adding uprooting over the war and ukraine. it's bringing melissa chad. she's joining us live from powers and presidents back from seems to be sending mixed messages to she. melissa. yes, and that has been a criticism of the friendship approach to china over the last few years. it seems inconsistent. sometimes you have a moment with president con saying things that are quite harsh to badging and other times quite sanguine. and you can see what you just said in terms of visit the different goals that he has, right? number one, he has to talk to the leader of the us, china shooting king about russia. and then of course, the issue with electric vehicles and chinese subsidies, in other words, producing inexpensive chinese cars and then importing them to europe and subsidized at a cheaper rate. and that's a anti competitive behavior that isn't about content. spearheading with brussels in
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terms of investigating this mat in the chinese have said and threatened to retaliate by having issues in banning potentially or putting terrace on french con yet. so you have these, this economic tension and you also have this political tension, but we've also seen the president of president my con, rather say that he wants to work closely with china on climate change. i think overall the strategy is one of independence. the french policies of independence because we have the greater story of the grand strategy, great power play between the united states and china. and often there's a situation where there you appear in union and european countries feel like they're caught in the middle in the corner, has chosen a strategy of a case by case basis, working with china, where it makes sense. and then speaking to china, about where it doesn't make sense and will not have any impact on china's relationship with russia, and how much influence it, it puts on that improvement. because that con is expected to pushy on china's assistance and bush's war efforts. what do we know about that?
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yeah, we certainly have seen president con, speaking quite confidently about his ability to engage with the chinese leaders on this particular issue of russia. but i think from the chinese point of view, i mean we have to keep in mind are there you just said that this is a chinese leader shooting piece 1st visit to here at the dependents to velasco? it's a false topical question right? because he visited moscow last year, met with cooling, is russia part of yet because of the invasion of ukraine. and on the chinese side, they say that the relationship with russia is one that is just the unbreakable. right. and that's, that's very strong language. and i just wonder what kind of leverage both europe and france has in terms of track changing time is position on this matter. and just to thank you very much for that. that's melissa chan. joining us live from paris 10 am to chad now with pose of open for it's presidential election supervision for the next leda to replace the country's transitional council. 10 candidates are running
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for the top job opposition. groups of asked people to boycott the election saying the process wasn't fair. on sunday, members of the security forces and champions bold costs the balance of interest reports from the capital jemina. this is one of the forest countries in the world struggling. and political stability is also a major issue and then your infrastructure differences, roads, educational institutions, health care services, named them, adversary is almost lacking in this country. and these are some of the issues that people here want to address. they also want to be governments, wherever it takes power in this election, should address the issue of rising corruption in the country. charged producers oil . and a lot of people who has spoken to say, they don't know why that revenues are going to know. apart from that, we also have internal crisis. this is a deeply divided country, the competing, the run up to the befriend them, and pulse of a friend. we're seeing people kill what see several divisions,
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several of cracks in unity in this country and whoever wins this election will also have to address these particular issues. and apart from that, we understand that people are really, really desperate for the government to fix education and also jobs. we've spoken to universities, students, we understand that every year, hundreds of students graduate from universities with no prospects of getting jobs. those we spoke to interest, but the government needs to urgently before it reaches a crisis point, a full, a security administer jose. the only note is set to become panted most new president off the elections. on sunday, he stood in for for the president, ricardo mont natalie after march of $98.00 was convicted of money laundering on a sound around p. a. t. the ports from panama, the new president of panama was and i, we moreno will face the formidable task of trying to unite a country exhausted by years of declining economy and pervasive corruption.
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5, a popular monday to the legitimizes meet before you and the rest of the country the you know, to, because someone put me here because someone's thing defended me the majority against 8 of the presidential candidates with here ready to face this tremendous responsibility. what do you know right wing for more security minister, replaced x president because natalie at the top of the ticket might be nearly, was barred from running after being sentenced to 10 years in prison for money laundering. on sunday, after casting is both willing, a visit. this might be nearly attended, colorado and embassy, where he was granted asylum in march. despite this conviction, martinelli a business state coon remains popular among panamanians, who remember his presidency from 2009 to 2014 as
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a time of economic prosperity. i'm like, now i'm most everything is worse now. people don't feel safe anymore. 40 super expensive. saturday, the minimum wage is just $500.00. on the basic food basket, it's almost $400.00 per month. what's left for the pool? open the menu. nothing. this is fine, this is a rich country, blessed by gods. the inequality is unacceptable and we need to reduce the gap. many point of manian stooped through the streets in mass rallies last year to protest against corruption in the high cost of living. and he was angry about a couple of mind contracts they say affected the environment and was riddled with political graft. so you'll get groups on the constitutional law professor mcgill, and then you'll get another says molina will face many challenges, including the trouble pension and health system, high levels of public that and recurring droughts affecting the panama canal, the level of document that kind of made you into a going through very difficult times,
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the high cost of living the how to control public debt, drought, the original mentioned in the hospitals. the truth is that this country is a disaster unless real and effective change comes, this is going to explode. what do you know? it's promising to bring back the good time. so many problem unions feel they have on their minds to natalie and it's promising to keep them out of prison. then most people believe that unless he'll be able to show results quickly, find a manuscript rapidly turn their backs on him. i left them that i'm 50, i just the and i find them. the number of people who died in floods and southern brazil has risen to 66 with more than a 100 others. missing video has a much of the moment to bridge collapse. as torrential volumes swept away voters and moving a few 1000 people to flee their homes. it is the regions was flaws in a t. yes. and that's it for me. that's it for me, elizabeth, put on them for this half of new this you can always keep up to date with all the
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nations developments on our website that's out of here. i don't com. chopped salad zero's the the hey there we had a line of sonya songs about 500 kilometers long in this part of w. a did see some of that was whether spread into perth, but also for the other end of the country. for the ease we've got some showers here . this is going to be prolong spells of showers along the coast of new south wales . so unfortunately it is looking like a damp week here, but i think most of the intense rain will probably be to the south of sydney. this all has to do with that reads off the testament, see here for new zealand, whether it starts to pivot away from the east cape. so it gets been still a few lingering showers on tuesday. but if a cool breeze here through
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a temperature slightly below where they should be for this time the year and do an easy, it looks like this too much or is looking white. same goes for borneo, but less so right across the main island of java. and we've got thunderstorms really right across the thailand that's dipping right across the gulf of thailand into southern thailand. so it's going to knock back those temperatures, but still hot in the philippines. let's go 36 in manila, 36 in devout and still more of the storms of locked into southern china, likely to produce some flooding. when be surprised, if we see some hill storms in there as well. and it really what forecasts for japan's honshu and tokyo islands, suppor 19 decrease for you on tuesday. the history is for good. that's all peril. yet in spain, states imposed amnesia was enshrined in law. diminishing the plight of countless victims of frank coast. 36, he had to take the shape with
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a group of surviving. it says launched an international law suit hoping to bring those accountable to justice and forced the country to acknowledge its fascist bost . the silence of others witness on now to sierra the ties between greece and israel have strengthened it recently, is the spot a long history of supporting the posting in close relationship fuels, in part by a shared mistrust of another regional power to put in light of israel's war and gaza, greece is now forced to play the role of critical friend, while the same time advancing a full blown and confrontation with his old address re. i'm correct. join may need falk over the next hoffman house spaces for administer. your go square for treatise talks to i which is the.


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