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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 7, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the grounds to enforce and inspire you to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0, the the, you're watching the news, our live from headquarters in delphi and teddy navigate i, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. the main border crossing, bringing aid into gaza as close as as really tanks take control of the aerial thoughts. after a night of heavy bombardments in the self district, the short lived celebrations in gaza of to come us accept a ceasefire proposal. but israel says it's doesn't meet it's requirements.
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demonstrations across israel call for the government to except to cease fire due on the release of top tips being held. think also also a heads. voting is underway in india, as most populous states. we looked at how the cost system has defied politics in utah, such as the hello we began in southern gaza where the foster border crossing has been closed on the palestinian side, due to the presence if is really tanks, according to the border of forty's is really tying so now blocking the main our tree, bringing humanitarian aid into the strip parts of which are already experiencing a full blown famine that comes after a night of heavy is really bombardments. enough in southern does up at least 14 palestinians have been killed by is really strikes just in the past few hours. the
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attacks follow a unanimous votes, 5 is really war cabinets to continue its operation in the cities and come despite how am i saying that it's ready to accept a ceasefire? deal the intense spun parts, the very, very intense one bar. the error strikes rockets are tillery showing, and i think shelling drones all firing at us. i have never in my life. i am 69 years old. have i ever seen bombardment like this? and i have witnessed several wars. i have never seen a war like this one on how and i really wanted to leave to evacuate, but i couldn't. the reason was that i found this injured young man. we rescued him, but the whole area is completely and utterly destroyed. oh, well, israel has ordered least a 100000 palestinians to leave a store and a half since the war began. israel has forced palestinians to leave the north from
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gaza city to dated back from the center to con eunice in the south. and then took off. nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians are crowded into that far off in the southern most points of the strip. and now the is really military has ordered all residents on displaced people to leave the eastern neighborhoods of stuff off. it says they must move to the milwaukee area near the coastline. thought about, as boone has more from it of what was happening over night is that they use very military carried limited encourage and on the eastern side of the roof i district and the main target was to control russell crossing. in fact, what we have been seeing is that is really military tags. what were stationed inside the roof i had crossing as we have been seeing images, imagine that for these tang size, they have been just moving on the yards of the crossing from inside. and that's absolutely devastating because this is the only points that palestinians have been
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using for travel approach. i'm to leave the gaza strip block now new loan got palestinians will be able to leave the tat 3. in light of this limited operation that has been carried out by these very minutes or during the raids, there was a heavy fire gone exchange. but when, how much flight is in these very minute? 3 very intense bombing campaign that was a clear cover for with the intellect ration to that part of rough law. him that's is a very significant step that has been taken by the east by the side regarding the operations that they have been saying. that's roughly at these huge sion with the palestinian side from the crossing is very vital for that is really mandatory to control as a very important military side that will be that would help them to control that the movement of palestinians. so just hours before is real, renewed it's a tax under hema said it had accepted a ceasefire deal and for a short while,
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palestinians and gaza thought the war was over. but the celebrations were brief. as israel said, the deal doesn't meet it's requirements that that means he had a promising garza, i need and how ya has said that the group received assurances from mediators about the potential deal that was about the mediation has told us that the us president is clearly committed to ensuring the implementation of the agreement, the bowl is now in the course of these rarely occupation. we informed the mediators that we agree completely with the proposal. the mediators now so put pressure on these really side to agree as well as soon as possible. but if the occupation wants to continue the war, the onus is on the mediators in the international community. but we did what we were supposed to do, and we're patient, we will oh, now land. and i think we did everything from people. and in this stage of the negotiations, we achieved the goals we talked about. i'm assessed
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a full ceasefire full withdrawal of israeli troops. return of the displaced with no conditions and the aid from people and the deals the exchange of prisoners. we will continue until the end for you all captives from the occupations jails we have with us how much i'm doing with joining us not from the jordanian capital online. so i'm, i'm a israel has taken control of the crossing according to them. what more are you hearing about this? so that in this is what we've heard thus far from the is really our, me in the last couple of hours statements saying that the israeli military has said that their forces have taken operational control of the guards inside of the crossing the borders egypt. and that there are special forces scanning, the area, it adds, that is really military says that forces operating in specific areas. it'd be sort of opposite. they are there in specific areas of eastern rough. uh uh, also there's another statement that says that there been many people who have been
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evacuated from the area of military operations. that, of course, is not independently confirmed, but that is what the israel military is saying at this hour. they had said in the past that they were setting up evacuation core doors. but again, as i said, that is nothing that has been independently verified. and then also we've seen a statement from the israeli military saying that the get them up with that and crossing has been closed for security reasons and that it will reopen once the security situation allows. now that last point is of particular interest because in the read out of the call that happened between is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and us president joe biden. the white house read out of that call that happened on monday evening. the white house stated that benjamin netanyahu had committed to reopening that crossing for the delivery of aid into gaza. now we're hearing from the military that they have closed it for security reasons that it will reopen. as soon as the security situation comes down, so it will be interesting. just see if we hear more about that from the as really
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or from the americans in the coming hours. one more thing i'd like to mention that in is the fact that in the last hour we've also heard from the opposition leader and is really got your la peed, essentially reacting to what is going on in rough ice. today he gave an interview to his really army radio, in which, among many of the things he said, one of the things he said was that if it had been to him that he would have waited to do this operation for at least another 48 hours so that there would be more time for negotiators to try to work out a deal in cairo and to get a ceasefire into effect so that those captive still being held in gaza can be returned to their loved ones in israel. right. and how much i mean, speaking of these negotiations, we know that israel has now sent negotiators over to cairo, but they both so sides. and besides the comment that you just made by year the page is really official said that the deal is really a long way from being acceptable. what can we expect to happen in kyra as well that in it's going to be interesting to see how this transpire is because in the
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past, when negotiators and mediators, as rad, pardon me. when negotiators have been sent delegations from the israeli side to cairo into other areas, there have been often times when the prime minister, it has not given them really a wide mandate to fully negotiate where he has insisted that they continue to consult with him in the war cabinet before they can take actions that, that might ease the way into some kind of a final negotiation or final cease fire. so a lot is going to depend on how wide of a mandate these negotiators have. what's interesting about all this is that up until yesterday, even before the announcement that how much was accepting the deal that was propose to them. you had, these really is continuing to say that they were not going to send a delegation to cairo until and unless they had a response from how much that they considered to be positive. so what exactly does this mean a clearly, it shows that there is some momentum,
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but how much more meant to be as really have indicated in quotes that they've given to is really media outlets that they're still large gaps. that this is not something that's going to be easy. it's really kind of speaks to the fact that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is under a lot of pressure. politically. right now he's under pressure from the far right. we members of, of his coalition, people like national security minister, it's more been here who continues to insist that the prime minister go into it off with full force even yesterday on twitter. he maintains that stance and he's often threatened to walk away from the government. if that does not happen, then again, as in the comments we were talking about just a moment ago. the opposition, of course, is after netanyahu, people like a or la p. the opposition had in israel to try and negotiate to make sure that there can be a ceasefire, so that those captive can be released. so it's a very interesting political dynamics. it's going on and israel are right now, and it seems that the political landscape there for that's in yahoo is really narrowing as far as what he can do. it seems to be crucial hours,
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but it's very unclear what these delegation these negotiators are going to do. we'll just have to wait and see and, and it just one more thing to add when it comes to israel. of course. nothing. yeah . who is also under a lot of pressure from members of society there who wants to him to enter into a cease fire. you saw last night and tell him even hyphen jerusalem, thousands of people who came out once again on the streets demonstrating saying that the time is now. these are crucial hours and that these really government needs to sign on the dotted line and get those captives to come back to their loved ones. um, we should also mention one last thing that i mean i am now in our mind. we are reporting from jordan on all this because we are not allowed to report from israel . uh and uh, and that is why we were coming up from my mind reporting on these as really lines right now. okay. um, how much? thank you so much for all that reporting from mine will now cross over to garza. i'm bringing honey my fluids. he's joining us from the facts specifically so honey . the border crossing is closed. what have you been hearing and seeing on the ground?
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the decision to close down the run across it because of the, the presence of bedridden military tank. and we've seen a video of hows rid of tanks and armored vehicles are causing great deal of banjo inside the poverty of the rough. i was then just causing now a great deal of answer trinity, what's going to happen in terms of the flow but given a tree and 8 into the gauze and for my rock by crossing for the past months has been quite bible even though it was on a slow and a low level in 3 of them and a 3, but it kept blowing every once in a while providing nothing necessities and much needed at 8 for do a right now with this complete exposure is on top of the ongoing intense bombing campaign that is started within the past 24 hours that it started with evacuation orders sharply ordering people to evacuate through designated safe zone into a deep evolving events of intense bombing campaign. that is,
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started with our tillery shilling, and as an early hour this morning, we can simply say that it's really monitoring and thinking over the eastern, the entire eastern part of revised city under give you coverage of intense bombing and, and, and fire and artillery, showing all the way through crossing the gauze to right now is sealed off, cut off completely from the remaining parts of the region. not only it's, it's causing it to prevent people from leaving or coming into the guster. but it also is going to stop the flow for humanitarian aid. that's an issue that has been quite a critical within the past 7 months. and it develop into the company quite difficult run across it. because one of 5 moorland crossings that have been virtually blocked by these really military, including the one into another part that series crossing. and we say it's really military stated that is going to allow more humanitarian aid. but in fact, it did not happen. all the trick of amounts of it, but this altogether has been causing a great deal of, of
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a trauma on people and rough, particularly the 1500000 people have been displaced, traumatized, and yet they are evacuating for the 3rd, the 4th. and the 5th time, right, so many of them and trying to find shelters elsewhere. as on my way to this site, i've seen tens of hard hundreds and box of cars carrying the taking people to other parts of new right now, this is a car bringing injuries of from the eastern part of the city as the bombing continues due to happen. yeah, so jaime, when people are told to evacuate to these, so called safe. so i mean, as we've been reporting throughout months of this war, people have been telling us there's no safe area in gaza. so where do they actually go to well, people are taking the matter in their hands right now and they're trying to find the wherever there is a possibility. just a tiny bit of safety knowing in fact there is no safe place at all in gaza,
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but they're not taking these really narrow in terms of safety phones and safe area across the guys and for the past experience have been very difficult for display spam is we ended up being killed. busy or the, or bombed within these saved zone within hours and sometimes within these, of their arrival. this has shattered in a sense of safety, a create a huge deal of mistrust, of what is really military, they think. but what was it on the ground so far is contradictory, misleading, and big, largely, the very areas that designated, that feed zone for people are not in fox. they was seen as low as the evacuations on that. that was been part of tanya and it's and rough city where bonds repeatedly, people in their tents were killed by the flying crap nose and the debris spaulding and killing them inside out on top of that the the special operations that were conducted by these really monitoring inside of them all on the exactly which is on,
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within the past 2 months, just 8 shot or any remaining sense of safety for any talks about there are actually saves on what people are right now. talking about is this is a war zone created by these really military and you can have a safe zone, you know, wars on. okay, honey, thank you so much for that update from it of last name garza or well here's what we know about the contents of the proposed ceasefire deal. so the proposal includes 3 phases, each last thing, $42.00 days. the 1st phase of the deal includes providing passage for displace palestinians to return to their homes. then the 2nd phase of the deal includes the withdrawal. if is really troops and the announcements of a permanent and is really military operations. in the 3rd stage, there is a provision on ending the blockade on the gaza strip. were now joined by marco owen . jones is an associate professor of released studies at the time. i've been kind of a university welcome back to elgin 0. so i just take stock for me of where we are right now. how much that they accept this piece for our proposal. there's really is for
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now something is allegation to cairo. yes. well, we are waiting for the is there any response to this? but let's bear in mind that about 3 or 4 days ago, israel and yahoo also left cairo in what looked like a sabotage of the ceasefire towards right. an interesting aspect to the recent one when i said that they'd accept a big top egypt mediated proposal. and it was then reported and is really media that this was a ruse designed to make israel looked like pay and sabotage the the deal. but in fact, we know for about 3 or 4 days ago, that is where it was done. had done the very same and there was an all pet and harassed saying the very same thing that netanyahu had deliberately been provocative during those, but looked like positive, sees fighting negotiations. he had said during the negotiations that he was not going to budge on the invasion of a rougher and then this on the mind, the whole negotiation because this was still very much on the table. so it seemed that he was sabotaging the ceasefire deal 4 days ago. and that's why the is what is left cairo. and so, so we have this kind of situation where the blame getting going on, but it's very clear that netanyahu, as he has been the whole 7 months,
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not interested in the sci fi, and the reasons have been states many times. he does not naturally want the war to end, right? the will be at the end and for him means, accountability. not just domestically for his various criminal accusations, but now potentially by the international criminal court. okay. so, so you really talk what's right, going into these talks and what do you expect to happen once you understand the, the mandate to be for those uh for that is really delegation team there i think is what your delegating team will be stuck on a number of things, one of those will probably be the fact that one of the demands now or one of the, the, the kind of propositions introduced by a is to end the is trying the blockade of gaza, which has been going on for a long time. that was always one of the sticking point, but that was always the one of the 2nd point. so i don't know how they're gonna use this one, but the other one is, was roughly, i was curious about this as now as well. i've actually gone into a rough or at least to bum increase the funding that the increased kind of mobilization of troops around norfolk it won't be a plus things i've told people to leave. is this a way of netanyahu to try and same space thing,
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but he did go into rafa and that he's, he might draw a line on it just so he's able to, i went into rafa and then it stopped or not because i think this will be the issue, i think the complete military withdrawal of israel from guys is also gonna be another sticking point. but there might be some negotiation about that. i think some of the demands that maybe have most of the accepted in the still ones that they might be willing to drop the blockade of gods. that might be one of them. i think that has to be full will rather be part of a political solution down the line. but i wonder what makes you say that because that is something that from us always said that is one of their key to not it's a key to mind, but i just don't think necessarily that that's going to be the political support for that demand. and it's not something that the people are brokering, or at least trying to guarantee that the kind of longevity, deceased by such as the united states. but nothing we see is a priority. so they might be saying to him, i feel like this one is not just really going to be one of the priorities. and i think at the end of the day that political solution will be sort of kicked further down the field. at least that's, that's my analysis. it could be wrong. does the operation pressure how mass in any way and is natalia and nothing?
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yeah. who trying to perhaps change or influence the facts on the ground ahead of these as these negotiations take place? well, if we look at the timing is very interesting, so you know, how much said they had accepted the $65.00 deal after it became clear that there was going to be a campaign and rough. uh right. so it seemed that how much were very much reacting to whatnot and to head orders and breakfasts. so it does seem that if that was a pressure move that was successful. alternatively, maybe how much we always knew that, you know, she was going screwing off of that and, and this was part of the play and then her left car about to go back to arrange this revel. smith, i think we'll put pressure on them because it shows that there is a willingness to go into to wrap it. and we saw that, you know, the people celebrating him qualified for the things by shows that there is a strong desire, most palestinians to end this world, but also at least have a ceasefire. we also know that these writers have been very much trying to demonize how much within garza to get past and send against them. how much can only, you know, maintain a certain level of power in, in, in gaza,
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so long as they have some degree of systems and public opinions. and it clearly looks like there's such a strong design of c spot in, in gauze, or it's, it's going to be on tunnel at some point to how much to keep a, you know, basically not agreeing to a deal. even if that deal is actually on just been on fire and, and is mostly driven by is really interesting. okay, thank you. mark. ellen jones, thanks so much, but within is real pressure as you've been hearing, is building on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to agree to a deal. thousands of people have been holding demonstrations across israel, demanding his government, brings the captives held in gaza back home. barbara and go for reports thousands of protest as luck. a highway in tennessee that demand is ready. prime minister, benjamin netanyahu government brings kept just held in gaza back on the screen building after the war. covenants announced to go ahead with the military offensive and rough or putting the lives of the relatives at risk. i think this,
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our government is not willing to seize fire, and that's why i'm so worried. i think our government is about to enter roughly. and this will be a death sentence for the hostages and as wells for our soldiers. and for many, many, many colors, damian's israel has already conducted as strikes an eastern rough. right. absolutely. crazy. got the do not bring any peace more. the senior civilians, of course, to our soldiers, and it was to our hostages. demonstrate to say the window to be kept his back home safely. good news. if ministers don't, if we the proposal except to buy happiness for sure,
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of those from us and feel that the accept deal should say yes, let's see it and talk and do everything we can do to bring doctors at home. so i will go from and to months of stalemate, cease fund, negotiations appear to be at the critical stage. netanyahu says the latest proposal doesn't meet his rouse demands, including the destruction of hamis. but he says, israel will send a delegation to contact for to barbara and go out to san 2. is really soldiers have been killed and a has bundle drone attack. the cross border strike launched from southern 11 on hit targets near the northern is really the settlement of the 2 of them. it was part of a series of attacks by hezbollah, that included rocket attacks is really army said it's instruct several has been the structures and compounds in the south of fleming on the hood. that is joining us from much are you in the south of love and also is in uh, just talk to us about 1st of all,
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that has been the attack that killed 2 is really soldiers to well, yes, to is ray, the soldiers killed and a how's the butler claimed attack, they used an arm drone to hit and is really military position in mid to low. that's along the border. in fact, it's the hill just behind me. now these are, these were not the 1st is really casualties. and this ongoing confrontation which began when has, well i opened up a front to help it's ally home us in gaza. now hezbollah as a tax become more lee. so when it wants to send a message, and they also become more lee. so because of the timing coinciding with international efforts to try to end the war on gods, so has been. 7 sending a message to the israelis that they can cause harm. they can make them pay dearly if this confrontation continues. but over all the nature of the conflict is still
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the same. and the sense that the unwritten rules of engagement are still being respected by both sides military targets. that's what's being hit on both sides of the border. yes, there have been civilian casualties, but over all largely military targets. and the trajectory of this conflict over the past 7 months have been, you see this for roddic escalation, time and time again. but both sides so far, at least for the time being. uh, you know, not taking that step to widen the conflict, but that could all change depending on developments in garza because this front is linked to developments and got so yeah. so, you know, that's exactly as i mean, since the beginning of the war office bella has said, look, whatever happens in gaza, the events on the ground in gaza will dictate the events on the ground in the south of loving on friends. exactly. so what happens whether or not there is a deal whether or not the war on gaza,
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and that is how has, while it will will react if we remember back in november, there was a cease fire for about a week. uh this will this border remain quiet as well as said that it would hold the fighting? it would respect any decision made by its ally from us as well to help fire at the time. but the biggest question now is if this, if they agree, let's say on a temporary cease fire and the guns fall silent will that be enough for the israelis, these raiders keep on saying that they want a new security arrangement along the border. and they want hezbollah to pull back from the border to withdraw from, from this area. a few kilometer us back now as well as position has always been for us, we understand un resolution 1701 to mean that there will be no visible presence of arms and fighters along the border. so that when you know that the issue will have to be brought up once we get some sort of a settlement deal, a ceasefire in garza. so it's really all depends, but right now till this moment of this spot,
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this quote along this border is really the same. it's been the same over the past 7 months, but, you know, like we mentioned the events concerned depending on developments in the strip. okay, thank you so much and also the reporting from much i it still had on the all to 0 and who's our attorney chang in the jungles. a man with thousands of young men and women come to join the ranks the pro democracy for the recent heavy rain in france, particularly central fonts and southern jeremy's cause some southern around strasburg will part of this link system which is effectively a frontal system. so the noise of it is cooler, but it comes sunny getting south. it's still pretty warm along the lines some fairly heavy right from the south of friends on tuesday,
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through sweets and still some spring started to come. not much use because they're all the same. right out through you trying to western russia. so i was heading cyrus, it'll eventually reach romania book arrest as light. see it comes through late on wednesday with sun sundry rate and we dropped from $27.00 down to 16 as a result. so it's about 10 degrees, dropping temperature. and given that these cooler eric comes across the water here of the west and met, produces some storm rather than the by the average release when the weather for time and big thunderstorms are possible. and possibly today, maybe malta, and of course the weather then just across the route you have a to easy and libya where there is indeed a stipulation spinning up, helping to pick out the signs of the dust, them in the homeless, the houses, the har anyways, fairly dusty bodies being tempted now by the seasonal shafts, which are making some good progress from the coast in land through pretty wes in nigeria. and that might even reach southern new share. the same is true in sierra leone. of the
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unique perspective. why should the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so and about each other for discussion from time on hub voices, tick tock had been a place for organizing politically for getting people to vote for getting people to protest connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the television, the top stories on the algebra, news, our, the gaza crossings. all 40 says the is really army has sentence people in district to death. after a close down the border crossing is really changed or not blocking the main order rebuilding a bringing humanitarian aid and so distressed parts of which are ready experiencing full blown. simon, israel's war candidate has voted unanimously to push ahead with its assault on
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dropped off despite how am i saying it has a semester as fire zeal. palestinians have been seeing eastern parts of the cities after israel warm the full scale military defense. and 2 is really soldiers have been chosen a drone attack. last why has from the strike from southern living on hit targets near the northern is really settlements on that to the the announcements by him. us that it's accepted assist. far proposal came just hours after is really ordered, at least a $100000.00 palestinians to leave enough money, had been displaced multiple times. and they're now heading towards con eunice and data in bella. but those 2 cities have already been almost completely destroyed and then pulled out a report from hi eunice on what displace palestinians are now facing the i'm kinky, standing on venue. so hey, let's sound about in some units. and as you see, hundreds of palestinians are currently evacuating from rough off after the. is
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there any forces or did some to, to wait? or the year today, the clothes were ordered by the is there any forces to invest some way to newness velocity area? and also to there is been a, has central gods about the as you see behind me, can you, this is completely destroyed. allison, you had been telling us that they have been displaced multiple times. they are bored of being displaced from one place to another. then they also do not trust the is rodney courses, and that is where the army because they have been telling them since the 1st day that was a safe area. but i you see behind on these people are evacuating. that's why people are desperate. there is a panic said, angry despair and frustration range and also fear that they,
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there is no, they say, regardless of these people have no idea where they're going because it's right. there is bella and the central area is also past. we're talking about you and hosp, the u, as in facilities, hospitals, schools, he's been empty. agricultural labs are now tens and hundreds of thousands of people settled their distaste multiple times from place to another. from central to the south, high listing you are left in despair and fear not knowing where to go, where no place in the gaza strip is safe. this is in the pull that i'll just see, the community goes off how to sign in the us protests against israel's were on guards. are continuing in spite of po missed crackdowns. the latest demonstration in new york city targeted the met gallop. reynolds wraps up mondays. developments
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across campus since student protesters converged near new york metropolitan museum . as it began its annual celebrities studied high society fashion show. and gala dinner police made several arrests. some of those protesters were from columbia university, which has been in the vanguard of the protest movement. on monday, columbia canceled its main graduation ceremony upsetting students who are due to take part their high entire justification for setting dial me and tablet, or everything else they've done on campus was so that they get ahold of commencement or so as soon as like the whole graduation as normal, and then just to cancel, it just feels very, feels ridiculous and i feel what kind of a slap in the face to everyone involved. honestly, i'm very angry. you know, i'm, i'm a senior and for my high school graduation out that was cancelled to because cove it so now you come to this, this next milestone in your life and you don't get to celebrate that either. across
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the u. s. university administrators persisted in using police to suppress peaceful student protests. that you see a lay about 45 students, attorneys, and members of the press were arrested their hands. zip tide by police in tactical gear, their offense gathering in a campus parking garage less than a week ago, a mob of several 100 pro israel people from off campus violently attack. you see a late protesters while well over 100 gaza solidarity protesters have been arrested since then. none of the attackers have been apprehended at the university of california, san diego police confronted student protesters at their own camp and tearing down tents and barricades and making more arrests. other student protests were held on campuses in massachusetts, in virginia, and in new york. with graduation approaching universities tried various ways of
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keeping protestors from unsettling. the ceremony weeks after dozens of guys of solidarity protestors were arrested at emory university in atlanta, the school announced that commencement would be held in a non descript sports center about 40 kilometers from campus no matter how or if they celebrate their graduation. this season of protest will be an indelible memory for the class of 2024. rub reynolds l g 0. los angeles. the 3rd phase of india is general election has taken place and 11 states, including the home state of prime minister and a remote e who cast his own ballad. early on tuesday, the 1st 2 phases of voting salt, lower voter turnout, compared to previous elections. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote during the 6 week election. well,
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the indian government has failed to give visa to alpha 0 as correspondence to cover the story. so we've been forced to report from outside the country. for years, the cast system which divides the majority into community has defined regional politics in india as most populous states. and we go so i'm sure it has more no fall from the same as taj mahal in the move in indian state of looking for these visits. well, i think the industry in the city or fall, grow it employees millions of people like old pro cos who owns about $70.00 to $90.00 a month. he belongs to a community that falls at the bottom of the cost hierarchy. for centuries, develops with once known as i'm taught, you both have been just social isolation and forced to look as could knows menus, kevin just unpublished. so as part of the deck. and so the effort to improve the lives,
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the government has reserved jobs and education seats for them. but don't precautions on to the governing bgp opportunities have declined. yep. they'd be the sort of idea. yeah. any definitely. since b j p has come to how i think the employment opportunities on the reserve category has gone down and they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty, but it seems stable, eradicate the party. okay. them go to the community. that includes develop forms of portion voting, no, accounting for 20 percent of the state's population of the open vote on the basis of cost. i think they need to split preston. look for the age of music when we go the public, once a leader who is connected to the masses and works for the benefit of the people, gives me the name of any b s p leader who is helping the people who come on. it's the same with the congress . on the summit, you are the party. we see them only during the election season up the beach if he has the government, the politically crucial states since 2017, monday through this being
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a rise in fines against stomach. according to india's national crime, breakfast futile the opposition. the lines accuses the bgp of dividing indians along religious and ethnic lines, but even the middle to come with says it's, it's selected. it will ensure a nationwide costs based sense is to implement corrective action from this didn't ring to move the test rejected the idea and because the identity of the cost remains a very, very important to us picked off mobilization of the people and people who find it it'd be made group in which they can go and mobilize, i think, goss cuz we made the important follow to them on which and in politics is to the ones. for many indians, like own precaution is to children who also work in a shoemaking factory. they want the leaders to improve the living and working
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conditions. of course, i'm sure you've all just eat, hold on. just a reminder, once again that alpha 0 as journalists were not granted, visa is by the indian government to report on the election from inside the country . so we do have to report from outside the country. we're taking you back to one of our top stories and that is that the fossil border crossing has now been closed on the palestinian side by the is really is and we'll cross over to it. i thought i'd speak to sam rose is owner was director of planning. thank you for your time. mister rose. tell us what impact this border crossing has had the closure of the crossing. i it's the same says sundays, i'm catastrophic impasse on everyone in the office involved. so this has been the main street going for guns coming in chicago, there's only been a trickle of guns coming since sunday. the crossing has been closed completely and
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this has devastating impasse, the people all the rubble ready on the verge, all sign. so no, a committee meeting, no, a distribution. after a couple of days, i need the terms. the only entry binds the fuel and got some without the fuel. there's no, but i think the trucks to move around has no ability for the starting nation. us to operate and provide said was that there's no electricity. it comes on everything, right? ervish along the lines below the small amounts of guns. the media is a gun. so since october, so absolutely devastating. so um, as owner, well, what would you say? your biggest concern is right now with the, with all of this happening. i mean, it's very difficult to narrow it down to one cause we have a major concern, as i said, about a fuel, because without a fuel, there is no laws, but we also have a major, major concern that'd be concerned about these units are in the us of the operation
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which appears to be stopping in the eastern route from, well, these are people who've already enjoyed some show 100000 people in the nearby relation area. so, but may more in the, in this around the narratives are choosing to move. so we are real numerous area and also one says, real concerns about accounts and us see all our operations, we have fuel from all the days when the operations. that seems my internet's are and community inside the service across it gets closer to any extended duration. it will be a whether it will be devastating, as i said, what this of the clothes are main for your teams in deaf off. will your teams be evacuating and how do you see her? well, being able to continue with we're no, no, we stay where we are in science, right? so we have a small number of installations inside the population area, but i'll make operations in arkansas as little time and close that the we are
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staying exactly where we all enough seems across the gulf, spread of several 1000 staff working on a given day. and we will say when we are on the issue, is, are they looking to continue with delivering it a brand new sustain generation of timing does processing models remain closed? what are you calling for? what's the message she wants to send out to the international community? to the managers, this has to come to an end of the si, fi, it has to be re, the conditional condo off of hosted users, and most today we are no longer discovery fee companies that needs to come to an end now more easily, but we'll steps needs to be tightened soon as secure as it goes. passage of fuel for the raw curve show all crossings. okay, sam jones, thank you so much for your time. and thanks for speaking to us from what of off.
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thank you. last week me in mars military government band, conscription, aged men from leaving the country for work as it continues to take losses and fights against multiple arm groups. so the new law came after tons of thousands applied for a visa to avoid military conscription, but thousands more are joining arm groups to oppose the gentle. and the 3rd special report from inside me and mara tony chain, met some of those who draw their fight. the gentle been joined the ranks and see through to the factory price point is charging me permit, hidden positions for the moment. however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles unreal to new recruits. but they have no doubts about what the training for. so if i have to, yeah, i would prefer my may target is like to become
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a ministry daughter. but if i have to, so i think i went to that if i choose to carry the p, but that's fine. uh does not because of the hate of the so job. so i focused to i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully the military sponsor planes that drilled on an open that parade ground. put through the paces in the baking heat. teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. no allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came into the 4th, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the military genta, enjoying the rings. the military has been showing all its new conscripts to mount
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sing to the beach as a bra spend. but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill their ranks of the fulls of fresh supplies handed out in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from you recruits, you say the basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some, the general who friedman m. uh from british rule, the, the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the base, forced conscription makes resistant force is stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more use joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in
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a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony chang else's era, eastern mamma. and in tony's final report from eastern me in mars, you look at the people's defense force or the pdf and the fighters for taking on the jump. so we can now speak to john quinn, the who is the director of 44 rights. that's an n g o focusing on human rights in me in march, running us from bank off. welcome to algebra 0. i understand that you were recently in currently state in may and more tell us what you saw. yeah, that's correct. thanks for having me today. um i was recently. busy a few months back in 20 state in um, liberated areas that were liberated by resistance portions of the time when i was in pretty state, actually one of the large announcements about, of course, the description was made by the military, jumped off and i was speaking to candy asked, forces at that time, and one of them said, you know, this is actually a really good thing for us for the people that are on the fence. the young man,
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women, that are almost sense that may not want to join resistance forces are now going to join in big troops. and so what you have now is young man, young women going up into the liberated areas and joining the armed resistance to fight for democracy and human rights. those that are joining resistance forces are, are seeing the country. so you have refugee flows into may saw and off along the tiny of our border, we also have refugees flows. um, on the bottom would actually i'm our border and we would call on those governments to welcome record to use and particularly those being forced conscription. right. and those refugees who have fled due to the conscription order, what they told you. yeah, we've been speaking to people that have gone into fighting or flight across the board or, i mean they're fleeing and you know, in
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a lot of country is on construction, is, is legal. united states can come script forces, but the problem and me m r is the military is no legal regime. they're attacking their own people. they, we've documented what amounts to funds against humanity and war crimes. that means murder adoption by enforce disappearance by slew of air strikes throughout the country. and so the men and women that are fleeing don't want to be a part of the me, a more military because we, me in our military has been approximates on people for decades. now, until there is accountability, they will keep attacking the civilian population and make resistance armies where our, our team at for the for rights is actively trying to speak to people that have crossed into thailand that have gone into hiding in miramar. recently, on the bottom of that,
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mia mar border. i spoke to to the men that had been conscripted for 10 days, gone through military training. and mom del township in west similiar in real time space and they fled to mom and action, became refugees and violent action. they told my colleagues and i have 4 to 5 rights house. they didn't want to work for the legal military. and that, you know, the military in 2016, 2017 actually committed genocidal acts against the right and get people. and now are trying to unfortunately, recruit them one more time say, so these young men sliding in our seeking shelter, involved in x. right. and when they go to countries like bangladesh or even thailand, where you speak to us from, how are these countries dealing with those of those people from me and more who are, who are fleeing? conscription orders the yeah, the type government is well to mean some refugees we've noticed decrease and push
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back strongly tying the m r border. we would encourage the tie authorities to continue to accept refugees in especially along the may saw, especially into may song where there are a lot of people are fleeing now. uh, you know, thailand has an obligation not to have a fall refugees back to their places where they could experience ongoing persecution. in the past, we've documented palletized sorties of pushback. refugees destroyed bridges that refugees use, makes it bridges, and they used to be able to cross the border. we've also documents weird house high authorities and may saw have extorted refugees and sometimes detain them. so we really urge the new tied government, which is a lot more progressive government than the price of government before with the ticket, which was a dictatorship to be able to supply into a policy rights respecting policies for refugees. and that includes allowing them freedom of movement, right, to work uh, you know,
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id cards uh and protections under the law. okay, thank you so much john. currently thanks for joining us from bank off a. thank you very much. still ahead on the houses, there are new is our, a vietnam is marking. the 70 is on a verse 3 of the battles. i brought an end to french colonial rule in southeast
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asia. the iran is holding an international conference on nuclear energy. the country is energy rich,
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but wants to wean itself of oil and gas towards nuclear. with some consider greener results or has more from us for hon. you run is hosting and international confidence on nuclear energy and sciences in a sense of promise off s behind that are over a 1000 participants majority of them. on the reading nuclear scientist, when we'll see, shall see. the aim of the confidence is to promote the nuclear technology for the cdm purposes. however, there are concerns about the transparency of the company's nuclear program. if it is exclusively peaceful, have a few laws for me to enter your organization. how about this? let me say is his company is nuclear facilities on costs of the monitored by the international atomic energy agency. how will cooperation did the all yay? these into safeguards agreement and empty is on your ons, top agenda. all ya, ya has conducted 22 percent of its inspections in need on, in 2023 wide you. no one has only 3 percent of nuclear facilities globally. have
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a whole nuclear watchdog. roughly, a grosse is also expected to attend the confidence. because last was it through the company was in march 2023 seats. then do i use is they have face some limitations to garden inspections. the confidence is taking place in his behind which was several nuclear facilities, including the theme is not cause nuclear power plant. this fall improvements was recently targeted in on his right to attack. this claim for us is post of its kind in iran, your mind is an image of each country, have a, it says it's once we itself, both gas and oil. the more to of the confidence here is the nuclear energy for oil and nuclear weapons for non lets you set that up to 0. this box, vietnam is marketing. the 70 is anniversary. if it's a victory over the french forces in the battle of jen, jen, food, it's seen as a pivotal moments and ends in french colonial rule. and what was done in dough china, the us supported france and
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a conflict that ultimately led to the vietnam war, brought mcbride hospice reports a wage stove, 8 weeks in a remote board area or of northern vietnam. the battle of jim getting food would have global repercussions. a modern french force defeated by a gorilla army, despite support from the united states. the battle and indo china is critical. and i expect the french, dwayne, it led to the us building the void left by the defeated french, but they couldn't stop the news. ultimate victory in the viet nam will. 20 years later. this is a mammoth display of national unity because fighting and the feeding, the foreigners is part of the legitimacy of the regime given pride of place, that the celebrations vietnamese veterans of the battle now well into the nineties and then the okay, so you are young at the time you used to heart of living, we didn't have enough to wait,
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but we enjoyed it. no one complained. go and joining them, some of the loss of iving members of the french garrison is that the g. it's a country in which i suffered enormously, but today i have drawn an unimaginable strength from it. beyond the inexplicable, this sign advisory comes as vietnam is still reeling from corruption scandals that have forced the recent resignations of seeing the political figures for the government in hanoi. it's a welcome chance to display national pride in unity. public broad, i'll just say are a left wing rebel group and colombia says that it will resume kidnappings. the e l n or national liberation army. so as a government has failed to live up to agreements, majoring, ongoing peace talks. the american aerospace company boeing has called off the launch of its star liner space to have just 2 hours before lift off. astronauts were strapped in their seats, when engineers noticed
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a fellow was fussing assign it could be about to fail. so the company said that the crew were never in any danger. the next launch attempted as scheduled for friday morning, send out the 2 error writers from different countries which with much in common main upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left wing views, his poetry. what's the width of use to fight the whole world and call something sort of a syrian professor who lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. the latest news as it breaks, frequent upsets, fighting for access to the river. it leads to woods, this country's major reports,
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and that's where drugs are traffic out of the country. with in depth reports ukraine struggling to find men to fight in some sections of the front line. brushing forces out number, it's 7 to one from the heart of the story. this is the flight channel of its um pool or the water in its flowing in see the ton of river, which is already passed since by the fast lane or 2 weeks.
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so the total does not contain the is really things take control of a major border crossing into guys closing off a supplies, thoughts after a night of heavy bombardment in the south. the, you're watching all to 0 light from headquarters in delphi and teddy navigate the also
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a heads sort of celebrations in garza after cutoffs except spar proposal. but israel says that it doesn't meet its


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