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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest a warning the palestinians in gauze i will soon run out of food on medical aid. as israel closes the rock, the border crossing the main site, this is all it is there in life and also coming up making a mistake. the full scale assault on rasa would be the human catastrophe. the you and section general condemns the closure of border crossings and gaza and calls for
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an immediate cease fine for justice, take to the streets in cities across the u. s. against israel's attacks on the rock . the ukraine says it has fulfilled a plan to assassinate president allows me as an excuse to ukrainian security officials have been retained the people is gone. so but caught all soft as rarely forces took control of the palestinian side of the rough uh, border crossing. the un secretary general has one that a full scale invasion of for off of by israel would be a strategic mistake. the issue monetary and night map one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering in rafa and now being forcibly displaced once again. but with the rest of gauze of reduced to rubble, there was no,
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we're safe for them to go to our example. assume reports now from rough on the move. yes. again, these palestinian families in rough, grep, what will they have following orders from the east? really military to evacuate or risk death of one of the, one of my families made up of 4 people. there are also 4 others of my brother's family, totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of for many here were forced from central another and cause that this cape is very bombardment then what told roughly what to provide safety with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving. who will come with the, how isn't this place from, i'll shoot you a, a to on the sierra, daniel bella, rafa, and this will be the 5th displacement. on monday. we have no idea we're will go. the situation is a bad problem. couldn't see throughout the night,
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which shows over our heads is very tanks have blocked the roof on board, crossing, floating show cold, and any essential 8 coming into the street in a lot, blah blah blah blah. the closure of the roof are crossing has prevented the entry of trucks carrying mits and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization, and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who are waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lumber of the holy. she and her cousins, sustained injuries and is rarely s troy. last month. they would post a schedule to get treatment approach on the today. my name is that the buddha and i should travel to get my lex treated. they hunt. i'm supposed to have an operation because the boat requesting a shot today. i couldn't travel on sob because i didn't leave today off the 7
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months. so for the path, for more than 1500000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into a district with warnings, they could be fed the depleted 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there was no plan be for the people in rough or target kept as in oh, just a rough rough i had a story. ok, let's take a closer look at rasa. it is a c 64 square kilometer, especially in the southern gaza strip along the border with egypt that serves as a critical entry point for humanitarian aid was stormed by his really forces on monday nights. nearly 2 thirds of guns as population floods the when israel declared it a so called safe. so now it's home to move in one and a half 1000000 displays palestinians. it has an average of more than $22000.00
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people per square kilometer. and it's 5 times more crowded than before the world jeremy content. dick is president at refugees international. he says the situation in gaza resembles other was there is where the delivery of aid was deliberately obstructed of the battle damage patterns that are visible and in gaza. today look a lot like what besides the tool that po, for example, of similar tactics of obstructing aid in the war in yemen up, you know, so there are absolutely precedents for what we're seeing. i think what is what i think it's unique about gaza is in a convergence of a lot of those different difficulties all coming together to make it one of the most challenging environments for delivering aid in, in recent memory. well, there's never been here groups operating and gaza for the ford for decades. and many of the organizations that have been working there have long standing operations in gaza and have been forced to significantly scale those back as
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a result of the, the difficulties of accessing the territory now during the causal ident, as a result of the well documented instruction by the israeli military, so they're all the usa id would play within the us government deliberations is typically 2. ready to provide some of the ground truth of conditions to talk about, you know, they are a channel for relaying a lot of what they are hearing and seeing from their humanitarian partners. so what, what is the ground truth that their partners are relaying about the difficulties they're facing about the conditions that they are finding out there been some indications. there was a weak document, a few weeks ago that usa idea headset forward to the state department, the white house in which they catalog, much of the obstruction that they've been seeing from these really governments that, that was part of this process by the us government of assessing whether israel's conduct has been in line with international lots of usa,
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i. these findings that we reported and that we document indicate that at least you know, they don't, they don't see israel's behavior as compliant with that. but ultimately, that decision is one for present by and then he will take us a ideas, advice, and because in stride along with other parts of the government, it will be events and rough unfolding, as they saw negotiations broken by castle and egypt to being held in cairo, israel's prime minister says the proposal, how much is agreed to follow shores of israel's demands. it's an elantra. israel will not allow him us to return to rule in gaza. we will not allow them to rebuild their military capabilities and continued their project of destroying us. israel will not approve any proposal that constitutes a threat to his real security and future. for that reason, i have ordered our delegation that went to cairo to continue to insist on our demands to guarantee our security in parallel. we will continue our war against him
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. us. our entry into rafa is a very important step or army is on its way to destroy the remainder of their capabilities. how much says if israel's ministry in question continues, in rafa there will be no seas 5 deal, the senior spikes, best and full. i'm also some a handout and says it's now up to israel whether or not a deal goes through. no, i do not thought that i would then we would like to stress the fact that the boys know as a knitting out was quote. and the behavior and attitude after we announced to agreement, reflect determination by this criminal to foil all attempts of mediation, including those of the united states and expresses his carelessness for the lives of the captives. what threatened every day to the bombardments of the is really military and of israel has stopped down and is there is opperation, is that and we are reporting from outside israel. stephanie deca is in the
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jordanian capital and explains the assets currently on the way to reach a ceasefire. i do now have old players in cairo. you have him, us, you have israel, you have called us, you have egypt, and you have the americans led by the head of the c i. a william burns has been engaged in intensive a shuttle. diplomacy arrived in cairo on friday. i'm off. how does it got a delegation that is all refused to send one? and they said only once the masses response is positive, you then went to don't have caught that, then you have the positive response. then these rays, as we see, they sort of reject to that, but not really because they still sent a delegation. so i think we have to say that there remains momentum in the sense that a deal is an off the table. at the same time, you see the operation in the fall going ahead in some form. i think we can say that it's not the mass ground invasion that the americans have insisted will not
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happen. but it is something that is certainly playing into the hands of measuring yahoo, right. we allies, we also heard him say that, you know, is really presence on the alpha border on the part of speaking inside is essential to stopping have masses ministry capabilities. they've always said they wanted to present along that border. and they also said that that also offensive was vital key really to bring the captives home. now this goes against the majority of his really civilian to say that any of the fall sense of well more than likely be a death sentence for the captives that remain alive just briefly. how about the books person earlier said that the 17 year old female captive had died due to his reading shelling we call and confirmed that independently. but that gives you a sense of the kind of pressures that netanyahu is under. they are crucial times. they are pivotal times. busy all the players in colorado, now we're going to have to wait and see how things play out over the next few days . and just to remind you why stephanie deka is reporting from on benjamin that,
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you know, his cabinet has found out a 0 from israel, which is why we are reporting from outside the country is now senior united nations thing is the one that worship production is about to shut down in northern gauze because of the lack of fuel. the ones actually general says that needs to be a massive search in humanitarian aid. christmas leave me reports from un headquarters in new it was the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that the united nations secretary general called for a cease fire in gaza. but this time it wasn't just the leaders of israel and mosse . he appealed to. i appeal to those we need for so what is available to do everything you the board? well preferred, even more pressure. it's natural community as a share, the responsibility to promote. so you meditating the ceasefire, the unconditional release of your all last seduce, and the message such a live saving 8 in the security council chamber behind him,
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members gathered later to discuss the situation in a close meeting. while you and humanitarians, warren, they are about to run out of fuel, which is essential to make and deliver food and more without fuel tomorrow to mean water production will be shut down. in the note on the private ending type of pollution will access into a wall of drinking water and the same will be in another day for the entire south authoration, the south end to meet the batteries which would be impacting 1900000 people. the security council discuss the situation behind closed doors, but took no action. the weather palestinians and rough us lee or stay put, the united nation says israel has a responsibility to protect civilians and with 3 quarters of gaza under and evacuation order. they war and there is no play safe for them to go. christian
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salumi al jazeera, the united nations, as well as the attack on rough a has in spied protests around the world. teresa both brings us this report from a new courtney. 7 people were detained. i'm here right in front of new york city is public library and there's hundreds and hundreds of people that have gathered you to protest against the war. and guys have to protest against incursion in rockville and that's in southern gaza. you can see them right there. they have been demonstrating 10 take more, chanting, the swell. how many kids have you killed today? and that's what they had been chanting throughout a cd. they gather with initially in union square downtown. and they have been marching all around the city. you have to also see here the presence of dozens of police officers, they're carrying. zip ties along the way. we have seen at least 7 people had been
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detained. there's also been lots of scenes of tension between processors and counter protesters for caring is ready to go from the united states, among other things. so this just adds up to what we have been seeing this past week here in new york stated with students carrying out in temperament in new york city, with students being suspended, expelled, and arrested. hundreds of them here in new york city for protesting against the war . now the students have taken their protests from the campuses through the streets right here. they have joined hundreds of other protesters, and this is where they say they remain to protest against the ongoing war on gaza. there is have all kinds of new york demonstrations have also been held in the united kingdom against israel's actions. in rafa, tony angela reports has been hastily convene and reactions. it is wrong cousin into robins calling for an immediate response for the u. k. to end in
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supply of all the is around a now in utah the people around the combination in the background. and they all united in the same or in garza, well, just a kilometer away, students from the university college of london. and so i had stating that a protest earlier i spoke to one of the organizers from the pub is to me and so desirous yukon page, benjamin all about was we're here to the mom. what should be the obvious consequences sanctions opponents really should be treated like any rights abusing states? an immediate answer on sales. and the you take government, supposing action by the international criminal cold, the r c c have indicated they might issue arrest warrants for events from that. you know here we should support that process. i'm the ongoing investigation in the i. c . j were outside down the street 5 minutes originally,
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so you're not from the residence. it's not clear if he's inside and whether or not he can heavy as tom. so what is the impact new york man signing on that front yet in march you need is unanimously agreed that israel must not invade rafa. however, he said that the international community must now put in the reaction the source, the police of the university of chicago have played an empty room incumbent where hundreds gathered in solidarity with palestinians in gaza. tensions had been mounting off the students cool fleet of se to divest from israel, john 100 reports, campus police here at the university of chicago swept in around 5 am. as students
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were sleeping. there were dozens of tents and the students that occupied an encampment in a large space out here in the central quad of the university of chicago. the talks had come to an impass university city. it could not agree to the students, commands. faculty came out on monday and said they supported the students, many of them and the students remain in camps, but knew that something was going to have to come to a head. well, campus police came in and they tore down all of the tents that students had pulled up the the break up with the encampment at the university of chicago has people here at depaul university wondering will they be next? we are very much concerned as of right now, but obviously if things can tend to change by tomorrow or the day after or even by the tonight, you never know when chicago police were called in to break up
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a demonstration at the school of the art institute of chicago, they showed little reluctance to come in interest, dozens of individuals, john henry, and al jazeera chicago. still ahead on talent is there a tony chang in the jungles, a man with thousands of young men and women, comes to join the ranks. the pro democracy feels on we look at the scientific massage that is attempting to let us speak to somewhere else. the still plenty of floods in the southern china and every now and again using is going to improve and they tend to still build once more. if you follow this line here, which is the last lots gone off shore through ty,
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wrong in theory from pacific wraps around to give showers in japan, but it's just charles sunshine's the for the creative place. and most of china, this is still the potential for funding, and neither shows bill the northern vietnam as well, which is probably a good thing. they spread down towards thailand to me and my where it's been hot recently. and that's, he's been replaced by shumate. but when the weather and this is to got to bring some shelves in quantity, possibly less, they've gone down in southern china. now the rainy season is coming to an end slowly and an easy, a budget to slice, otherwise the pots and open bonior west, papua still look potentially wet job. and i say sumatra still in the game day potential fresh southern here. and the giant shows of this time of year for eastern india and bangladesh have produced some pretty damaging weather just recently, strong winds heritage and potential to and i did that still arrive drifting a bit further in land into the eastern side of india most to go on the deck in plat, so to the north without through goods or off and into pakistan,
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the temperatures off to a couple of degrees above where they should normally be. so it's hot to the calling attention to any quality pollution meant extra do visual killings. and can he has low income communities. silent brother was killed by police. they don't fit the voices but the one past one day and organize that are on the record. how old are these people for the begun supplementing buffer then it helps you if you didn't put on the bus that april gorbinko who brought in generation change, can you change is coming is no doubt about it on a busy you know they're
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watching out of their mind on top stories this hour, these are the military has seized on close of the palestinian side of the roof of border crossing. it is a vital entry point between garza and egypt unused to transport humanitarian supplies into this. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that how much is fees? 5 proposal for shorts of as well as demands. and i feel, i mean, will press the head with it's offensive and rough. uh, how much though, has an insistence that the pool is in israel's quote. now ukraine state security services. it's foiled. an assassination attempt on president zillow, to me as an in ski, as well as other top ministry and political figures. cave says it has to attain to ukrainian security officials. it says we're processing to kills and then skiing things or it accuses rushes by agency of being behind the planned ukraine says they
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happen at least 10 attempts to assassinate the president. since russia invaded in 2022 john home and has moved from keith the national security service, if you crime yes, be, are put out quite a lot of details miss seems to have been more than one plan here. one of the plans was to kidnap and then to president brought him is a landscape. this was involving 2 tunnels who have been arrested allegedly this was involving them in the attempt to, uh, get on site at people in the military that were meant to be protecting credits, presidents landscape so that they could nothing and then this assassination could take place. so that was one of the plans that the russian security service b s s page was allegedly developing on the other one was also at to assess tonight the head of military intelligence carrillo, who done no. and you crying. and the way that they were planned to do that,
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involved at the members of the state at security service that were meant to be guarding him. and also guarding of a security officials revealing the location of where he was staying. that was then going to be a real good attack, and then a drone attack to more pop anyone that was still alive and then and miss all the cost of that to eradicate any trace of the driving attack. this is a little obviously, according to the s b u, the national security service of you crime. and they mention the fact that these 2 colonels hit that they've arrested. they said that they had handlers from the states, russia, security service that we're trying to get the ball rolling on base. the costs of all is hosting a regional summit to tackle legal migration foreign ministers from latin america in the us. next year. states are in attendance to me, blinking has announced that the us plans to step up efforts to dismantle networks. it says, all praying on vulnerable migrants, money, or part of his,
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the support from mexico city. representatives for more than 20 countries met in guatemala city on tuesday, to discuss multi lateral strategies to curb migration from latin america. the summit represents the 3rd gathering of the los angeles declaration on migration and protection. and it's what it's ok to present that the efforts represented by this meeting is extremely important. it is a hemisphere can counter that reflects the interests of the countries in the region in addressing the phenomenon of migration comprehensively to make. it focuses on coordinated and solidarity based actions among the involved countries. among those in attendance was us secretary of state and to be blinking outlined efforts by the us and regional partners to address the root causes of migration from central america and south america. secretary blinked, it also announced that the us state department had imposed new sanctions on several, columbia, and companies accused of illegally transporting migrants through the infamous
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darian gap, which separates columbia from panama, a region where tens of thousands of migrants transit every year. we stepped up efforts against those spring unbelievable migrants. as february we announced a new visa restriction policy. the targets individuals who knowingly provide transportation to those intending to migrate a regularly to the united states, including the charter flights arriving in nicaragua. yesterday we announced these restrictions on executives of columbia maritime migration companies who are facilitating irregular migration and united states has quite more than $330000000.00 in long term development assistance to latin america. but adds that curbing migration from the region is a shared responsibility. by the way that i follow al jazeera mexico city. and most ministry, governments has banned conscription, age men from leaving the country for work and size, and continues to suffer. losses in baffles with groups and you know was introduced
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last week off. the 10s of thousands applied for visa is to avoid monitoring conscription. and the 3rd if is special reports from inside, man matoney chang met some of those who draw the flight to june. to then joined its ranks and see through to the factory price points is charging from a hidden positions for the moment. however, their enemy is imagined and their rifles aren't real to new recruits, but they have no doubts about what the training for if i have to. yeah, i have proof of my may target is like to become a ministry daughter. but if i have to, so i think i would do that if i choose to carry the p, but that does not because of the hate of the so job. so i focused to, i need to protect my family and my people that watching carefully to military
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sponsor planes. drilled on an open that parade ground. put through the paces in the baking heet, teach them to follow waters, experience hardship, and work together. allowances for the female recruits. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance to the people's defense rules. since the new conscription laws came as the forth, thousands of young men and women have come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the middle the region to join the ranks . the military has been showing all its new come scripts to mount seemed to the beach. if a bra spend. but new laws, forbidding men from working overseas indicates the struggling to fill the ranks beyond. pulls of fresh supplies handed down in front of the cameras. contrast with stores from you recruits,
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you say basic equipment is in short supply and the pdf have a secret with them. on some the general who friedman m. uh from british rule on the, on the actor who played him in a recent film about his life. now training you recruit the base, forced conscription makes resistant force is stronger. now what accepts that load? so youth, so now joining the people's defense force instead of being constricted by the military, we have seen many more use joined since then. oh, no bra spends here. these volunteers paying and sweat and hardship for their belief in a democratic future. a belief which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives . tony chang, l 20, eastern me, m. rescue is in south africa, a searching for thousands of people who are missing off to building collapse in the city of george nick cape town. for me to admit that reports,
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at least 200 emergency personnel has been watching through the past 24 hours to try and rescue as many people as possible. the head of disaster management has told us that it's a complex operation simply because of the amount of steel and concrete, they have to dig through the fault in music into amount of large machinery. but once they get closer to those trapped under the rubble they, they have to dig my hand simply because it is sensitive and some of the area they have to dig through is unstable. a sofa, the risk to the, to 3 people. the still 42 others remained trapped and trapped under that collapse building and the emergency personnel have said that at least 7 people have been found dead. they do say, however, they remain optimistic. the remaining car, each by the amount of people that the risk and for the next 2 days, this will remain
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a search operation because of the large amount of people they still have to find under that problem. let me down below 0 to 0. george, the wisdom tapes of africa. oh, spun wells all communicating in a way that's more complex than previously expected. it's the conclusion by scientists who've been studying the animals in the caribbean research to say that vocalizations. so what they say is a phonetic alphabet. alex bed has the story of these just clicks or are we listening to a complex language? that's the question signs as the graphing with which could change our understanding of the joint lorraine, metals, room wheels communicate with each other using little bursts of switching noise a. so called co does that sound a little bit like morse code or research shows that these code is how complex internal structure with similarities.


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