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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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on restoration, this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. the, the israel launch was the air strikes on rough as it continues to block water, food, and fuel for more than a 1000000 people across the us on the you're watching l g 0 life and the headquarters in delphi and getting navigate to also coming up is really a forty's or demolishing dozens of owners belonging to a better one family in the mega region for peaceful for from, for testers of me tomorrow transformed into trouble fighters and serve you as iron
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clod, friendship with china. presidents, huge and pain, gets a red carpet welcome. in belgrade, the hello plumes of smoke rose over garza southern city f. f. f. following more is really or strikes. the bombardment comes a day after is really soldiers sees the main border crossing and dropped off between egypt on the strip is really forces struck a home in the west of the city, killing at least 4 people and wounding several others, the salon neighborhood, and the eastern part was also shelves, one and a half 1000000 people have sought refuge in deaf off. and the un secretary general has warned a full scale assault on the city would be a humanitarian nightmare. israel's closer of that of crossing raises concerns that already scare supplies will be further defeated and will lead to
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a catastrophic disaster thought about assume has more from that of off on the move. yes. again, these palestinian families in rough, grep, what label they have following forward is from the is really military to evacuate or risk death on all the, on one of my families made up a for p. people there also for others. and my brother's family totaling 8. where can we go? i haven't even taken down my tent. we need money to take it out of money here. we're forced from central another and cause that to escape is belly button. and then what told roughly what to provide safety with is very minute 3 strikes here. many are leaving a whole lot of how much the i was in this place from i'll shoot you a on this here. then to daniel bella. rafa and this will be the 5th displacement on monday. we have no idea we're will go. the situation is
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a bed of real couldn't see throughout the night, which shows over our heads is ready. tanks have blocked the roof on board, crossing, floating, show cold, and any essential 8 coming into the street in a lot, blah, blah, blah, blah. the closure of the rock, our crossing, has prevented the entry of trucks, caring mits, and medical equipment and fuel that is necessary for hospitalization, and has prevented the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who are waiting to travel stuff up among them is a 2 year old lemma of a holy. she and her cousin, sustained injuries and is very s troy. last month they would pose the schedule to get treatment approach about today. my name was that the buddha and i should travel to get my next treated. they hunt, i'm supposed to have an operation because the board of costing a shot today. i couldn't travel, i'm sob because i didn't leave today. off the 7 months of was the path for more
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than one point. 5000000 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid, into a district with warnings, they could be fed depleted 8 groups holding for isabel to de escalate now and say there was no plan be for the people in rough topic up as in oh, just a rough, rough i had a story as one of the main hospitals in southern gaza has been evacuated. officer is really troops sees got off of the border crossing patients on medical workers floods. yusef in a shot hospital in jeff, fearing is really strikes the hospital, was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really a tax on the city. i mean, my whole the joining us from dated by now in central garza honey. what more can you tell us about the latest strikes in garza?
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and thereafter, mass of the yes, there's a more air strikes and i've talked to reported to be concentrated in dropbox to be mainly at the eastern part just within the past 45 minutes will reports of constant our killer sealing of, of the entire eastern area, including us to allow neighborhood that's the southern eastern part of brooklyn city, where the vast majority of residential buildings have been targeted by those artillery showings, as well as by the erie strikes that a close to solar had been road the eastern part of the road and still had been cleared completely from any of the public facilities or any of the building in the area. these really military continues also to strike a defend front part of robust city as well as the southern. a central part is that some janine neighborhood, these are the 2 most a talk neighborhoods, not just within the past 48 hours. but since the initial weeks of this more,
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these 2 neighborhoods have been repeatedly targeted on not just being familiar with one of these neighborhood, the salon neighborhood as a sheltered for the past. at 5 months, them there densely populated, they're more people displaced. families will set up their tents inside a did the this neighborhood on the roads and the side roads on the litter all in the middle. if it pock, the land was turned into a more of a tent, a refuge account for displaced valley. now people are forced to move out of these areas, seeking shelters elsewhere. there are reports of many injuries who are transferred to the field hospitals at the western part of the city, as well as the community hospice. that's a small sized health facilities that have large, the only prepared for this kind of emergency that has been documented to be unprepared to deal with this with this anatomy of injuries that being born into for the past at 48 hours, being wise is really monetary and also continue with the artillery sitting at the eastern part of the since from area as was more air strikes at the early hours of
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this morning. more people reported injured. and not only that, but also causing this further, the displacement, something that has been feeding into a permanent displacement for people who are already displaced more than one time since the initial week of, of this, of this work on a separate attacks. there are reports of confirmed reports about the document as to your neighborhood and as they to a neighborhood that's at the southern eastern parts of the city. with more people reported to the baptist leave hospital in center part of garza city. okay, thank you, honey. reporting for us from dated by law in central casa to the u. s. has paused a shipment of bonds to israel, saying that it has not addressed washington's concerns about any major ground operation and dropped off. here's my kind of with more from washington dc. well, having declined to comment on what to come us so as an acceptance of a sci fi deal. the state department spokesman has now come out to the comments on
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the matter, saying that a must not accept the cx 5 proposals, but they made a response. he goes on to say, as they say, they responded as people do in a negotiation process, but it was not an acceptance. now, this is a complicating factor. given the fact that the parties will be discussing this matter in cairo, given the fact that a month in this view has accepted a cx 5 proposal drafted by cut to an egypt and some sources indicating being endorsed by the united states. so it would appear that the only party that is not accepted this drafted ceased by proposal is in fact israel. but the talks continuing in cairo, the us remaining hopeful that that will be some agreement in these ongoing negotiations. but the us phase of the discussion of the sky to, to, when it comes to reports about alms deliveries, to israel. now,
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several reports indicated in recent days that the us has suspended some sheffield um, shipments including those of precision guided missiles as a way to use leverage to post israel to come to some find of agreement. the question was put at the pentagon. they declined to comment and it was also put to the state department spokesman, who had this to say, our support for israel tried to defend itself. our support for is was right to ensure that october 7th never happens again, remain strong. and with respect to any individual shipments, i'm just not gonna speak to them from here. for the record, they had been several occasions and recent we x with the state department has commented on alms transfers to various countries and sometimes the sanctions on such transfers. however, when it comes to israel, it would appear that they simply do not want to discuss the matter. my kind of, i'll just the era washington. well, israel has shut down,
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i'll just say resolve ration. so we're having to report from outside. israel will bring in the hama junction, who's joining us now from the jordanian capital. i'm not any official is really reaction on the pause, a weapon shipments by the us. mohammed's a good thing. we've heard nothing official from any government leaders in israel when it comes to these reports about the whole thing of the shipment of weapons. what we are seeing, we starting to see our comments attributed to unnamed is really officials in some outlets. you have comments from these officials suggesting that there is a concern on the part of members of the security establishment that basically this is a 1st step that the us is taking because they are frustrated with israel and israel's intransigent. and that if this continues, that they are worried that this is really going to harm the us and is really partnership. there are a quote suggesting that these officials believe that the us will continue to
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perhaps hold with an weapon shipment. if israel does not start getting more serious about entering into these ceasefire negotiations more and more. and if israel continues to go into further parts of f i, there are also indications. in other outlets, there are a quotes from a named military officials in which they are saying they are down playing. and they are saying that the is really us relationship is find that any disagreements have been handled behind closed doors and that they don't think that this will impact military assistance from the us israel going forward. we should mentioned that in the report that we've seen, we're talking about around 3500 bonds that were perhaps halted from being shipped to israel. that's around 180-2000 pound bombs, and around 170500 pound bombs. and we should just mention that this, of course, is just a drop in the ocean when it comes to the overall total number of armaments, munitions, weaponry that the us gifts to israel. so there does seem to be some concern from
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some officials that are being courted and some is really outlets. and then when it comes to, there are some military officials that are being quoted. and others really outlets that are very much down playing the saying that things will be business as usual when it comes to the us. israel's military relationship going forward, right. and in terms of what's happening, the inside is real and the demonstrations inside of eve by the some of the hostage families demanding deal with. how about us, how, how big are those demonstrations getting now in any sign that they're impacting, impacting us in the a little as well. so that in there was a very large demonstration in tel aviv that happened this past saturday night when we were still able to report out of israel. i was there, we spoke to members of the groups that are uh, these are relatives of captives being held in gaza and they were saying these are crucial hours. they are saying that the nothing yahoo government needs to go ahead and sign on the dotted line, get into a ceasefire. make sure those captives can be returned to their loved ones. that was
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a big demo. and you see these demos getting bigger and bigger in tel aviv every week on saturday. since how much announce 2 nights ago that they were going to accept a ceasefire proposal. you had the last 2 days, people coming out into the streets and tele, be in and other cities like hyphen and in jerusalem as well. this morning there was a small demonstration intel, a, b. you had a couple of dozen by most accounts. uh, people uh, blocking a road in northern tel aviv avalon road in iowa and highway. and the police finally dispersed that we're told the police issued some traffic fines and that they have this 1st step protest. but we're told that basically the people that were out there had been, are saying, save, who can still be saved. they are trying to put more pressure on the government on the prime minister to enter into a ceasefire when i was in tel aviv on saturday. the folks that we spoke with said that they are very concerned that if a ceasefire is not entered into now that that is essentially the last chance to get their loved ones home. because they're worried that if there is an all out invasion
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incursion into stuff like that, that would mean that their loved ones would be in harm's way and that they could be potentially killed as a result of the fighting that would go on settings. all right, thank you so much for how much i'm doing reporting from a mon. well, a large number of is really police officers have been mobilized to enforce the demolition of about 50 homes in the negative regions. and that has led to protesting the local better when community for lease prevented a palestinian is really a member of the can asset from approaching the sites. palestinian is really a piece of criticize the governments move calling for a solution acceptable to all parties. israel's far right national security minister, it's more been veered, says the demolition is an important step towards restoring governance. it still has on al jazeera emergency personnel scrambled to rescue survivors. after a 5 story building collapses in south africa, the
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that moving north with the sun, the seasonal rains, have moved away from jobs. and as of this is more or less the line of potential risk. and it has been some funding recently and sort of why see, and it's been particularly wet from west popular through the, the band to our competitor. not reaching really the staff of the philippines for the sheriff are looking more frequent here and seems to through bonia and back towards to marcia. and increasingly, in this part of the southeast asia, thailand, me in my where you were from the low fourties 3 days ago. and now in the middle thirty's, it is humid and it's frequently sundry. they are bangkok, 3 day full cost of this country every single day to in contrast to what's happening, australia. but i have to say even here, things are developing once will the streak of cat is not quite a streak of fat, it will develop. so i'm just films or at least big charles in the back, and then eventually it's moving down towards the more populous areas of new south
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wales. this is come friday, right? you saw a flash of orange. that means a big dime pull. disappointing down the cases. what was the on show breeze for sydney, for example, and purpose is slightly toting, whether it was a risk, if some right, i think maybe like couple a bit of some rain on friday. aspen usually learned quite looking picture things on the cold side. maybe if it says they are the 10 degrees in christ church, the unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a site in any of the medical workforce has been so and devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al
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jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the color again, the top stories on al jazeera, this, our israel turns its attention to odessa in southern gaza. a day after its soldiers sees the main border crossing between the strip and insurance of least 4 people were killed in a targeted strike on a home in the western part of the city. one of the main hospitals and southern guards on has been evacuated. officer is really troop sees the border crossing patients and medical workers floods of
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a usa from the side hospital and dropped off. fearing is really straight. ukraine says russia seriously damaged critical energy infrastructure in an overnight air attack. more than 15020 drones were launched, leaving smoke hanging over the capitol keats john home and has more from keats the top of the top. so 1st thing in the morning and there was some damage in residential areas. one, residential building, diving, several houses just in the key region into these leads you. but the main focus of the attack seems to be on ukraine to energy. great, and particularly it's the energy products that company indeed tech. 3 of its been or energy thoughts have been seriously damaged. and this isn't anything new. the company said that in the last month and i thought they faced 5 serious types of them, and they send the costs to 80 percent. that generates some thoughts i've been dying . so this is a real concern to type by russia, not just now,
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but in recent weeks to really know count, ukrainian energy, great, ukraine's on the box the you see that in a 2nd major city hockey, which is in, during almost daily aerial strikes. so that you will see it on the front line where you cranes, antique amanda has said the rush is attacking it's several different points and it's some of those points. it is ancient fluids and managing to gain an advantage. well, that's linked to as well as mine pelting crates, but it's like a width from re a chinese presidency. jim ping is in serbia for an official state, visit us on a symbolic day. 25 years ago, 3 chinese journalists were killed. 1 may tow bomb the chinese embassy in belgrade. she has already been to france, where he held critical talks on trade on russia. later, he will travel to hungry. the trip is 1st european tour in 5 years. our
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correspondents step boston reports from bel grades. so it'd be a, has gone out of its way to make the chinese lead a feel at home arriving from friends where you have critical talks on traits and to russia. teaching thing has chosen one of china's most dedicated european friends for his 2nd stop. so it'd be a, has long been trying to become a member of the european union and decided to look east towards our politic is the vicinity cation because we don't want to, to be defended from anyone, not from china, from, but i shop for them. they dropped in because we want to build our economy a. she's a rifle on this day is no coincidence. in 1999 need to bumps destroyed the chinese embassy, killing sweet chinese journalist. it was part of a nato bombing campaign in the former yugoslavia. the united states, sadly attack on the embassy was an accident. china has never believed that this ryan, with a chinese embassy used to be,
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it's not only meant to commemorate the victims of myself and for many, and so it'd be china. i'd also marks nate to a russian and the ships feeling offers that meant towards the west. with his visits on this particular day, many believe president teaching was to send a message to the military alliance. according to analysts, he wants to point out double standards in the west and nato's war mongering tone when it comes to russia. in contrast to china as messages of peace and dialogue, china is like, it's the, it's the future we're oriented towards the future. we may be pushed by the west. we may be pilloried in the u. n. we may be sanctioned, but we have friends that are going to be incredibly important in the years to come symbolizing what they call the iron collapse. friendship is the country's largest steel plant. and submitted april teaching thing had promised to
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rescue the plans and say 5000 jobs. his promise came out of cost. with this n g o c u air pollution from the plan has caused cancer rates to go up. we have the economical benefits that, that's true, but we have a big problem in the forty's, the color correlation with the since you've been going to see him because it's so, so he started over as a man that we did economic of benefits. if you come send the also 3 started on the place to administer this as a free trade agreement with china will be canceled as soon as this country becomes part of the you. but until that happens, if ever it has found less demanding front, when it comes to democracy under rule of law steps last and l just sierra in bel. great. okay, and we can now bring in steps just joining us once again from belgrade. so step, why has the chinese leader picked serbia? so the 2nd stop for this and you trip the
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the yeah, the china is leader has uh, selected a very interesting i tend to re for his european trip, up to some tough talks and friends. he now has arrived in one of the friendly as european nation, so to try it out. and just the half an hour ago, they were tens of thousands of people here at the palace. it's not all cleared, but it was a big party. that's a president alex on the footage of the serbian president trump for president. she and they were both here behind me on the stage when the crowds was cheering at the chinese president because they are thankful for all the chinese investments in the country. it's. we're talking about billions of dollars a high speed train. this field plans, but also renewable energy, and it is a symbolic day. yesterday was the day 25 years after this. uh uh, very sad nato bombing with chick fil to chinese. during that is as
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a chinese embassy and people say she is trying to maybe create some divisions within europe because when talking to friends, friends and they, you is trying to push uh, she or at least convince him to use his friendship with the president, puts in a to tone down his his actions in ukraine about here. so be, i is also still of the, you much of friends of russia. so you sending a very different message from here. so that will be talks on, on freight. there's a free trade agreements between serbia and to china and the president's wealth of finished with a statement later on today. all right, stuff. thank you so much for that reporting from belgrade. the in the last of alpha 0, special reports inside me and mark tony chang looks at the people's defense for us . once members, if a peaceful,
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urban protest movement fighters are now on the front lines of bottles around the strategic border town of mail. why the fight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats and the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often, most of the military coup, peaceful protest is took to the streets of old man. mazda may just sit his via but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the military crack down that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets, 1000 small, hold away to the tension. the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit. move to the boat is and find a mile from that i a ross in this area around august 2021. i was in the k and l a
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force in the lake, a cow area, maya wadi, i decide to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training, i decide to work this medic to train by us nick to run rebels. he'd been fighting for autonomy for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one rifle for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months. is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases? they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks set the 1000000 down on the phone, the the young open places are using their social media skills to for the to g was a theme is hip hop artist. now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds . i just said about to, and you know, we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all
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the power and resources to attack us. so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. but they worked with the song, he's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and wrapping, executed by the electric generator. in 2022 is the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river. educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles to find they could well when tony chang l to 0 k in states, eastern me, m rescuers in south africa are in a race against time. as they search for at least 39 people missing. after building collapsed in the city of george, near k town, at least 7 people were killed. more than 200 emergency personnel are working with
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sniffer dogs and heavy lifting equipment to find survivors. farmington miller has more from the city of george. are they all racing against time to try and rescue people as quickly as possible? because some of the main concerns are the extent of people's injuries and also access to fresh a exposure, dehydration of those that they have found, they have sustained quite serious injuries and they were in the hospital. and as you said, best even people have died. so really time is of the essence. i'm just going to step out of shots for a moment to give you an idea of what it looks like. it looks quiet at the moment, but that's because risky was moving to a different section of the collapse funding to what was the basement which was supposed to be in the parking area. and that goes down to about and so that's sort of as far as, as riskless has, have to dig by this afternoon,
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it'll be about 48 hours since the collapse took place. risk it was have said that they were encouraged and they were confident about the access to the site and being able to risk you more people at this point, it continues to be a search and rescue operation. they say it's far too early for it to be recovery, and they say they will continue for this another 2 days. with these a search and rescue operations, rescuers are rushing to evacuate people stranded by devastating floods across the southern brazilian state of rio grande data. so the state capital of poor to like right, has been virtually cut off by the flooding. deductible is rising, following to rental rains. at least a 138 people had been killed or lot in america, editor of this year, no man reports from porto alegre. soldiers continued to evacuate residents of port league,
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they trapped in their homes since the weekend selected by rivers continues to rise in the historic downtown area where sewage has overflowed onto the streets, turning them into contaminated pools, military boats, bringing they've actually used them in the city across the river, maria it was a central says she until when you old baby are lucky to be alive. a lot of people drama. you still did horses floating on the river. it was like a to nami. most of those day the will just us a drive and it 5 in the morning. we escaped to the top floor of a screen yet about a 150 other people know what to know food people with this know when you what is happening? funny a daughter that and her brother was finally rescued but had to leave everything they had behind. i ask mario santos with he and his family will do that and i'll


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