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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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to this business uptake these voltage by the 6 bang gross dot net on the dash before to use the, [000:00:00;00] the low. this is in use our own alger 0 for the bad people, live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. is rad launches, as strikes on a rasa, and blocks water, food, and fuel for more than a 1000000 people crammed into guys's 7 most city. patients and medical workers leave a hospitals hearing attacks after is really sort of sees the rock. i bought a foster also this, our efforts are on the way to rescue dozens of people chopped off
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a building collapsed in south africa. and serbia's. i'm proud friendship with china on display president children being gets the red carpet. welcome in bel, great. in support for us, you don't reach that 1st jump you as a final, in 11 years, a beach power sanction map screwed in on the aggregate, ending and cutting them by face types of lifting the tracy with the front side for release them. at the end, the disease, the thank you for joining us is 10 g m t and israel continues to bomb raul. find the rest of the gaza strip as palestinians remain. chops that the bombardment comes after he is really soldiers sees the main border crossing in rafa between egypt and the gaza strip on monday. is there any forces struck at home in the west of the city, killing at least 4 people and wounding several others? the out loud neighborhood in the eastern part of ross, i was also showed one and
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a half 1000000 people have sought refuge in vasa. the un secretary general has warned a full scale, a sold on the city would be a humanitarian nightmare side of high rock begins. i coverage with this report. this is what people in garza wake up to every single day is riley gold warnings from world leaders including its main ally, the united states and started booming roughly a few days ago. one thing at the bottom facility i had it and stuff. i mean, it is, this is an area that you saw in the army has told us is a safe soon and outside it's it'd be of operations. what's our neighbors house to respond and our home, my sandwich, our house only head severely as well. there's no fighters who women and children has been killed and injured. may god is the starkness. adult goodness agency say that has catastrophic consequences for palestinians. israel's
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takeover of the rough border crossing with agents on choose day means no age can get in. a that's a nice line. so those living in the gaza strip is ro has also denied the un and agencies access to gaza. they say the supplies of fuel will only last one more day . during the last 7 months, israel has been forcing palestinians into rough off nearly 2 thirds of the strips population of 2300000 or displaced the thoughts 1500000 people. the city had a population of 275000 before the war, exhausted um traumatized there on the move. again. some displaced for the face and even sick time. also, israel has told those in east and rough off to go to areas that just weeks ago. what bots will fields? milwaukee han units ended, isabella. none of these areas have basic services,
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no conditions, considered livable. many palestinians, or christ's assignments on soft spring water born diseases with only extremely poor medical care available rad or long. but i know, i know we have stuff with a lot of children, see horrible things and listens for like they suffer with trauma while we're displaced. when leaving tanks and not far from us, you can see it with the bare eyes. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu and the minister of defense you off the laws have both for the statement saying the bombing of rough law is necessary to get rid of some us. and that israel will continue to quote, defendants operation owners of the gaza strip. in the south center and the news garza is often described as the world's largest open prison. and before the war was ready under
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a 17 year located imposed by israel a cx. 5 deal is still being discussed in crime, right. palestinians in the gaza strip side of desperate for the war to any sort of fight on al jazeera us. and one of the main hospitals in 7 guys is now empty. after is ready to seize the roof of border crossing patients and medical workers. flight, apple. yusef, i'm national hospital in rafa, fearing is really strikes the hospital, was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during. is there any attacks in the city? let's get an update on the situation on the ground 9 speak to, i'll just here is honey. my mode was in there all belie that's in central guys. i honey. many people from different areas of roof and not just the east where the evacuation order was issued. offering ross, i to head to the central areas including dental belie where you are. can you tell us what the situation is like?
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that is what right now is it for people who are already evacuated, that are still on the road to the city? they are moving with a shattered sense of the safety of their but again, it's not largely saved or if they've re, once in a while, we're here. this constant, our dealers selling and loud explosion that the eastern part of the city we are located right now. it locks the hospital, that's the western part of the velocity that's the western side of the law had been with the city comes in between, it's separated by law had been road today's trend side and the western side. but ongoing artillery showing is pausing, is sort of of concern and panic. and what seems to be more of an expansion of the, of the military operations by these really military as of right by city. the confirm reports that we're getting right now is the, the intense bonding campaign is a standing outside the eastern part of the city to food right now. the older
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residential tower is the central part of rocky. so far we have been firm reports of a 3 residential towers. they've been directly targeted by the artillery, sending an error strikes. those are at the central part of the city just or seeing more people into further internal displacement within the past 24 hours loan in rough by city atrocities against families, any vacuum moves and displays individuals. we're looking at 35 people have been killed and the majority of women and children, an elderly, inside the residential homes, or on the road. the trying to lead a month to a $129.00. critically injured whole. it transferred to the field hospitals of the western part or inside the community hospital. right. with using your hospital not operation right now out of service is increasing the pressure on these field hospitals and a smaller psych facility the committee hospital. so there's no let up in these really bombing across the guys through agencies,
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honey. a warning that the humanitarian situation is only going to get worse in light of these latest developments. and these really have been preventing the entry of age through rasa. which of taking control off, but they claim that they've reopened the kind of level signing crossing has any age got into it to that land costs. well really, the situations in terms of the human is for an aide and humanitarian situations in general are getting the quite difficult right now with the closure of robot crossing that route. present the artery, all of the ministry an age to the gaza for it was completely closer and it's not only right and the expansion and of a spar vision in the, in, over a crowded southern part of the, the, of this, of this, the district. but also they cut off the uh, the supply of, of fuel to health facilities across the city right now with this fully closure,
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there's only it is small amount of fuel available to run power generators as it can wait a hospital as well as the field hospice to the western part of the city for the possible they relied on the ongoing supply. that was not a not, not was, not, not was not constant, but it was disconnected. somehow these operated, but right now with the full of clothes. those are, it seems that they're going to run out of the fuel that keeps these hospital oper. this is one aspect of how human interior situations is going that are getting much worse by the hour right now. now the reopening of karma was sounding most the speed of light is really monetary. is, is providing the strip right now, which is tricky to amount of a because we looked at the amount that has been allowed since the, the announcement that it has reopen is only a little bit of what needed right now with the expensive the carney's across the street and it only open because of the pressure replaced by the us administration and that the american president job id on these really government if it's largely perceived as
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a way to absorb the pressure. it's probably the america administration on days. really government honey. thank you very much for that, that challenges here. a tiny, not much reporting deadline from there out of the law in central gossip. and in other development cus sized pause the shipment of bombs, israel saying it has not address washington's concerns about a major ground operation in a rough or less bringing mom a jump june from on. this is joining a slide from amman, the jordanian capital, because israel has bind, i'll just arrow from re forcing from inside israel mohammed, what more you're hearing about these shipments of weapons that are being withheld in what's been the reaction from israel. so fully the reports that we've seen indicate that there were around 3500 bonds that were withheld by the us to israel. that around 1800 of them were to 1000 pound bombs and been around 1700 of them were 500 pound bonds. that we should stress that that is really
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a drop in the ocean when it comes to the number of munitions and arguments and weaponry. that the u. s. provides to israel none the less we are waiting. any official reaction from the israeli government, we've not had any as of yet. what we are seeing are statements that are being attributed to anonymous sources throughout the israeli media landscape. now on the one hand, you have some amount of concern that is being expressed from these unnamed government sources. and some is really publications sources who are telling these outlets that this is troubling because it indicates that the us might going forward withhold even more weaponry. they're concerned about the damage that has been done to the is really us relationship. and they are concerned that if the government doesn't start adhering to the demands of the us, that this is only going to continue going forward. now on the other hand, we are also seeing some quotes from military officials on names, military officials, with military officials, nonetheless,
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and other publications. and they are very much trying to downplay all of this, saying that any kind of disagreement between the israelis and the americans when it comes to weaponry that, that has all been discuss behind closed doors. that the issue has been solved. and they believe that the alliance between the 2 countries is still very strong. so it's going to be interesting to see what the israelis say going forward, especially it's such a critical time when you have this is really delegation entire right now for talks to try to get into this cease fire, but no official saving. yes, yes, but we are awaiting word at some point with regards to this issue fully. thank you mom and for that mom and jump to and reporting their life from amman. jordan, because again these really government has signed all just sierra from our reporting from inside israel. now for more on the latest is really actions and their implications does not speak to don perry, who's the author of the newsletter, ask questions later on the online platform,
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supp stack. is that the also the format associated press head of the associated press in europe, middle east and africa. thank you so much for joining us on. i'll just narrow down just your thoughts 1st on the significance of the pause in the us shipments of weapons to israel. how do you think the next? now government will be viewing this a viewing. it was what it is, which is a signal of us dissatisfaction west, the tactical parts of what's happening and welcome to the us. i believe actually shows israel's mid level strategic goal. removing a mouse from power in garza and of course the returning the hosses. the way the words been carried out is another story altogether and us as certain things at once in his room. but for much of the past several months they want, it is real to let in much more humanitarian aid. and that is now happening to a large extent, that they wanted israel to make sure that there was a plan to avoid a blunder when they go into a rough off, which the wise doesn't impose a pencil at all. but they certainly want that to happen after the 1000000 or so it
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displays people haven't been offered a solution so that they're not in the ways fire and that's i don't see that israel's yet done right. moreover, i think to the extent that this, the, you know, partial of the stoppages of munitions to israel is the signal. so is israel's operation and gospel. this is not a rough, this has not yet the big roof and vision that has been threatened and that people who want to remove come off from power altogether and also believed is necessary. rather, it's a single home honest. and that amounts i believe diplomacy by other means in the causing pressure to be difficult to be comfortable, aren't almost indigo. she ations for the hostage deal. whether or not a mouse is capable of feeling pressure. i do not know when i have my files radically because they don't seem to care about this to the population out. i'll ask you about the negotiations in a moment because his route has sent a delegation to cairo. but i wanted to to see if a bit more of your thoughts on the us as well. relationship at the moment next now
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clearly is ignoring us policy preferences at the moment. uh, even if you, as you say this is just a limited incursion into rafa for now, the us did not want this. and so far has been ignoring these us policy preferences without any consequences. what do you think are going to be the implications of this going forward for the us as well? relationship a, it's a tricky thing because the us and israel are aligned to it, let's say on the big picture of i called the middle picture in the us. and this particular is really got rather not a line on the true grand design, which is the binding would like google pals. so he's already or some version of it to be restored to garza and barton. would like so, and it's on your own to, to cooperate with his plans for both assuming he is rarely western alliance. augusta ran and itself proxies and allies. nothing else could do neither of those things without risking his government following because his collision defense for survival on extreme way. and miss royal, this is a very,
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very delicate dance and attorney a who risk of causing real alienation on the part of a button and ministration. on the other hand, remember biting is somewhat politically limited by the degree to which you can come down hard on the to know because because the israel's become and the words become a wedges, even a better product coalition, if it goes too far towards israel, of any loses the progress is on the arrows of michigan, and if she does the opposite, you might risk losing the shoes in pennsylvania. let's talk about what's happening within israel then. so at the moment you have engagement in negotiations, israel sent a delegation to cairo, or even if it's a mid level delegation, they are there. but they also move in from the ground in vasa, as we've seen, is, is more about, as you say, domestic concentrations in israel is much now really interested in a ceasefire. i guess what i'm trying to understand is where does the momentum and
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public opinion in israel ly at the moment when it comes to the c side. and it won't surprise you to hear that on this matter. as in all things is rarely public opinion is divine, isn't this real being a genuine democracy that creates confusion. but it also creates a, you know, hybrid discourse. there are 2 schools of thought here. one says that the goals of, of, of the crushing on us and gaza in order to proceed to better times a is not contradictory, is complimentary to the goal. returning the hostages. some believe the contradict. and the only way to return the hostages is to acquiesce the almost his demands and the war this. and that would be brutal for his or at least to some of the notion that there could be an in between solution wherever has. there is a temporary cease fire and a personal house. this deal has been attractive to contemplate, but it looks like almost isn't really ready for the and i don't know, little in recent weeks is a kind of started to look as if they'd be willing to go a little bit that direction. but in terms is real kinda live was like 3 hostages
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a week. and, and the other aspects of the israel, just categories of even moderate liberal is real category to these things. so i would say to ask your questions specifically, momentum right now. as i'm saying, heard of people who say, you know what, it's been 7 months. there has been a lot of disruption. there's been a lot of the great thing on us at this point. they should prioritize any kind of deal to return the hostages. i went home, i would hope that these really, governments is intelligent enough at some point to basically say, yeah, let's do a deal and we'll take the call the hostages. but in return we offer you exile the i'm us leadership. so you are the people who participate october 7th, get out of dodge. and we will return of housing authority to power and gas or allow that to happen to work with the world community on the bottom grand design. so for an attorney all has not done this right. so his indifference to this deal, which would be really good for his room, is enraging many people in israel. and as for public opinion, the tiny house still has the majority in parliament. and they are at this point,
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sufficiently loyal to him that it looks like almost anything that happened and he might survive it's, it's really on the president. don perry, thank you very much for talking to us. don perry is the author of the newsletter. ask questions later. thank you for your time. as a senior united nations take is a warning that water production is about to be shut down in northern guys because of the lack of shield. the united nations secretary general says they needs to be a massive surge in humanitarian aid person, so nobody has more from the way it was the 3rd time in less than 24 hours that the united nations secretary general called for a cease fire in gaza. but this time, it wasn't just the leaders of israel and mosse. he appealed to a few to those we need for. so what is available to do everything you the board well preferred, even more pressure. it's natural community as a shared responsibility to promote. so you make that in the ceasefire,
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the unconditional release of your all last seduce, and the message such a live saving 8 in the security council chamber behind him, members gathered later to discuss the situation in a close meeting. while un humanitarians worn, they are about to run out of fuel, which is essential to make and deliver food and more without fuel tomorrow, dominion water production will be shut down in the note on the private ending time . so pollution will access up to uh or drinking water um and the same will be in and out a day for the entire south authoration the south end to meet the batteries which would be impacting 1900000 people. the security council discussed the situation behind closed doors, but took no action. the weather palestinians and rough us lee or stay put, the united nations says israel has
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a responsibility to protect civilians and with 3 quarters of gaza under an evacuation order. they war and there is no play safe for them to go. christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, as i'll speak to of delilah arian who is associate professor of history at georgetown university here in contact. thank you for joining us. abdullah, the un secretary general one is that a full scale invasion of rasa buys really forces would be a humanitarian nightmare. do you think this full scale invasion will happen right now? we've just seen tank stolen, limited in invasion. what it looks like is that as far as israel and go, we think, well, that remains to be seen. i think in terms of what the scope of the international pressure will be. i mean again we're, we're just 2 days removed from hearing word that there was a ceasefire that was agreed upon from the palestinian side that this was mediated by 2 states that have extensive connections with these rarely government. and so
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the idea was that they were representing a lot of these really positions and those negotiations to us obviously has given its endorsement to these ongoing discussions. and yet we've seen nothing but complete and full rejection from these really side uh to that, that those ceasefire negotiations that would have seen the return of captives, etc. and of course, an end to the killing and bombardments of palestinians and gaza. and of course it, since then, we've just seen these massive incursions into guys, up into the office in particular. and so there's, there's certainly a sense that this could escalate unless there's something done that will check it. and so far there what needs to be done to check if you will, there has to be of greater assertion of us pressure. and so far that hasn't been decreasing this, limited to the pausing of the shipments of weapons to israel sends the important enough signal to his right. oh, is it just symbolical? it's quite symbolic. it's certainly the as and actually hinder their ability to, to continue to wage the war that they're waging on the policy and people. and
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certainly the us has made many statements just to suggest that they don't support that invasion of drop off, but they haven't actually taken any serious measures to stop it. so now at the same time moses, you know, a situation in vasa is unfolding. there are delegations in cairo at the moment is really, and i'm also allegations in direct talks going on in, in cairo to try and reach some sort of agreement. do you think they, they could be some positive signals coming out of cairo. so no, are we far away from, from any sort of agreement? well, i mean, i think we know what the terms of those of that agreement would be. i think everything that we've seen that's been sort of late in terms of the various details, the 3 phases of, of kind of the, the escalation, the exchange of captives, etc. all of that has been laid out. we kind of know at this point what a deal looks like, it's really more about the political will. and i think on the is really side. clearly we're seeing far more of an attempt to salvage this current government's survival. so this is about a lot more domestic politics and of course,
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furthering some of the other goals here, right? that we know that these values are not really pursuing military goals. they're not achieving any kind of real military gains within this. this operation of the last 7 months, in fact, this is really about a kind of a much more devastating tool that it's taking on the palestinians. and so i think in that sense, you know, there has to be a political, well that's going to kind of bring a israel to heal in the sense that, uh, you know, this disagreement will be reached in the us. would certainly have to act as a guarantor. for it going forward. yeah, i wanted to ask you abdul, about one of the mediators here and that is egypt. they've called on israel to exercise restraint, of course, because they are on the other side of the vasa crossing. and obviously that would be security concerns from egypt. sions. what do you think is egypt strategic thinking at the moment? very involved is key mediators. and again, they're on the other side of the profit. right? yeah. i mean, i think the role of egypt has certainly been been, you know, quite significant in this case and the fact that they have never really stepped
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into defend the rights of palestinians. when we think about the fact that the blockade has been enforced by egypt along with his real, over all of these many years, but especially in the last 7 months. and now that they've actually lost control of their own border crossing, right? so now we know as of just the last day or so, i'm the israel has taken control of the roof off crossing, which means egypt no longer even controls its own border. and even when it did control it, it certainly had to con, continue to sort of pay no attention to all of these really demands. and so this is what's limited the getting in this is what of course is as the only further that the massive humanitarian catastrophe, including of course, the famine and starvation that we've seen. and now of course, the lack of fuel, as we've heard, there's only one day left in terms of the fuel supplies, which we know is needed to feed people. and then of course to treat them in terms of the kind of a medical catastrophe them unfolding. and so not can case, i think it's fair to say that egypt has not played
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a constructive role in terms of where it could actually be. and of course now it's looking at this from its own perspective as saying this could be the beginnings of what we've been fearing all along, which is a mass exit us of palestinians from their native land into the egyptian territory. thank you very much. have done that for talking to a sub delilah arian from georgetown university in cottage joining us on the new south. thank you. now a large number of is there any police officers have been mobilized to enforce the demolition of about 50 homes in the negative region? that's led to protest in the local veteran community. police presented a policy and is really member of the connective. these are the palm in from approaching the side out of senior news really and peace have criticized the government's most calling for a solution that's acceptable to all parties is routes farm, right. national security minister. it's my been very says, the demolition is an important step towards restoring governance. a group of found a city instead open file and is really soldiers. as they were storming the city of
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novice in the occupied westbank footed shed online shows intense gun fired, directed the these really military vehicles, as well as a raid on a policy and home. a young man was detained before the forces left the area. and these really forces have carried out more waves in other parts of the occupied westbank based on the north shops, refugee camp in the city of to look around with palestinians fault with the still i had on this, i'll just there and use our, the peaceful, urban protesters in yamaha of transformed into rebel 5 to 10 in support actually from the end payoff as the body shop. to the advantage of the what i know least one person who set up the writing in the south of france because it's been fairly persistent. have to say what it's all moving away and as the news
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is good, unless you happen to be going down to which the trying to scan it, because that's where it's going. and with that rain disappearing, the sun returns to the closest spring sunshine. so it might take a while to stopping to lift temperatures all the way from the baltic, down through the british house, dance with spain and portugal where we're approaching the 30 mach once again. that's the take the so need more obviously side of the sun comes eyes during assessing the same time because it's still raining and sort of mentally take the sicily to reach greece by this time through bulgaria and still in romania. and you see a drop of by 10 degrees celsius in for example, side gave by the rise in temperature, pleasantly say maybe in london up to 20 to 23 or even 24. by the time you get to saturday to that right in the central med will affect to easier and libya to some degree in the circulation. here's the windows up. therefore, the sound is more like to be in the probably a bit of a risk of a sandstorm in west in egypt, stephanie, and so from libya. now this
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a have will still hold all the way from jerry, or it's 45 back to balls to gamble, but the good news is, sees no cheryl is for west africa. have made it from the coast wedding lot. and the frequently there, the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening and they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy. and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. i'm counting the costs. protest isn't the us to bond universities. divest them
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israel. how the schools make them money. washington, once russia to pay for rebuilding, ukraine must go friends to retaliate. plus what's the future for pick tone for the american market? kind of with costs pulled out just a rough the . the you're watching out a 0 live from to have remind her about 12 stories. israel has been from funding. rafa in southern guys are 48 hours updates. soldiers sees the main border crossing between the strength of egypt. at least 4 people were killed in a striking at home in the western part of process. one of the main hospitals in
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southern guys or has been evacuated. dr. is ready to seize the bottom water. flossing, patients and medical workers, flags the on this on hospital in vasa hearing is really strikes and he's really police in the negative region are demolishing about 50 policy. and is there any homes, allison and is really and these have criticized the government's move, calling for a solution that's acceptable to all parties as well as attack on roster has led to more protest across the united states. hundreds of people calling for an end to the war has been running across the country she ever time see was out of demonstration in austin, texas. this is the regular station we've been witnessing at the university of ra. there was something mobilization, part of a nation wide, and we liked it the latest offences i gave the offer. patients outside austin city, a whole crowd here today because israel has
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a noun sitting around invasion of the off, which is now sheltering over a 1000000, pulsing refugees. in gaza and it's high time that the city council take a stand. in addition to that, not only has city council failed to pass that piece by resolution, but there have been to hate crimes. here's the boston, including a staffing of the young palestinian man and west campus. and mayor watson actually use that rather opportunistically to say this is why we shouldn't passes these high resolution. oh, we go, but we can pull it out. if i is that fair enough to refund the instructions austin, in the coming days for today graduates that some of them will share with you if you ever times the out. the students across the u. k. has set up encampments in solidarity with palestinians and their fellow students in the us that spring in full. brandon, who's at oxford university in the u. k. what's the scene like there at ox, vegetable? well,
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the sun is shining for the 1st time in 3 days. the stay 3, all the protests here at the university of oxford were in front of the museum of natural history on another part of the pit river museum. and as you can see over my shoulder that are all around 3035 tents with a kind of fluctuating number of protesters milling around them, say 50 to 100 people at any one time. and they are out event that they are going to stay for as long as possible to demonstrate against what is happening in gauze. and now this is not the only university protest that we know of. we know of protests in manchester, for example, new castle london. there was a kind of sister protest taking place in cambridge as well. and the statement has been put out by the organizers of these oxford cambridge. a purchase is as far as saying that basically oxbridge is profits kind of continues to climb at the expense of public opinion lies and ox, which is reputations,
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was no longer be built in the white washing of is really crimes, not in response to the university of oxford has put out a statement saying we respect the rights to freedom of expression in the form of peaceful protests. we ask everybody to have respect, courtesy. emphasis of focus is to ensure the impact on what research and learning and creating examinations is minimized. the whole thank you very much. i sondra harris poll brendan reporting a lie from oxford university in the u. k. the in other world news now rescue as in south africa are in a race against time is a search for at least 39 people missing after a building collapse in the city of george, me a cape town. at least 7 people were killed. more than 200 emergency personnel i working with sniffer dogs and heavy lifting equipment to try and find survivors for me to mean a joyce is from the scene in the city of georgia in south africa. what's the latest somebody that on the search and rescue,
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is there any hope of finding more survivors? well, for the we've moved slightly away from that scene to this whole behind me. we relatives of those who are accounted for who remain missing or waiting to hear anything regarding their relatives hoping for good news. so far about $56.00 people have been pulled out of the rubble, but at least 7 of them have to come to the injuries. we know 16 others are in a critical condition. so it's really a very difficult situation for people here to deal with the city of georgia is trying to off as much support and information as it can. but we've heard from risk to services from emergency services personnel that it's quite a complicated operation in that they have to dig through a large amount of concrete and steel. this was
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a 4 story block of apartments that was being boat and collapse late on monday afternoon. so now almost 48 hours since that collapse took place, but to give us a better idea of, of what people who are going through, we're going to speak to bella, my gamble, how cousin has been trapped. she understands in that folding since monday without of course this must be a very distressing situation for you. tell us what you've heard so far. um from what i heard from the day i can't deal with this money. it's like they told us that they can hear the sound of one pacing, which is the time. so it has to have that pass and out it say, i think this, i say these are white guy by their voice. sounds like you're wise guy. um, so they said from there they'll come back to us and tell us what's going on. we have heard from risk to personnel that they're relying on hearing from people below
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the rubble. at one point they had contacted about 11 people on the mobile phones. have you tried speaking to your cousin in the same way? have you heard anything that perhaps gives you all to be as a savvy one? after from monday, when the building collapsed to reply to giving me a call of which he was not responding. and after that, the phone went to voicemail of which we have been trying so hard to reach him by the weekend. we just thinking that maybe he's in the position way by he can move or get hold of us. or else we thinking maybe it might be there by 3 long. does he have family here in george and, and what is the concern from the family besides you as a sister? okay. he has the wife your voice. now we can't allow her to come on these sites. we have left it home with 2 children of which she is a got to hear from us. like what's going on. she has been like us getting like,
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can you please tell me the update of what has been going on this money of which we haven't had anything from morning up until now people are we'll leave it there for the moment. we appreciate your time. thank you very much and we hope that you get with you soon. we do know that emergency personnel uh trying as quickly as they can to find as many people as possible. but of course, as you said, they folly, your time is against them, racing against time. they all concerns around the condition of those people under the rubble with a, it's a potentially a lack of oxygen dehydration and also exposure to the elements. but we'll keep you updated with regard to how those search operations are going, of course, and was checking with you throughout the day here. and i'll just hear from you to thank you very much for a moment for me to meet every 14 their life from georgia in south africa. china as president region thing is in sylvia for an official state visit on a symbolic day 25 years ago. 3 chinese during this were killed when nato bomb the
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chinese embassy in belgrade. she has already been in france, where he, how talks on trade and russia, the boss in his life for a scene downgrade a warm welcome set for the chinese president. in contrast to the china, you tensions? absolutely. yeah. he has chosen a very interesting item already on his uh, european trip. it was a bit more cold, i would say in front, so the atmosphere more difficult talk so now he has definitely arrived in a warm bath uh just a few hours ago and that he was welcome to here at the palace. there were thousands of people coming in from uh, all over serbia and many of them uh, taken here by buses waving at the chinese president the same thing. him for all the investments here in the country. so yeah, is china as large as the biggest? so you are paying friends and china is so,
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so because of the most important trading partner and investor. so there is speculation here and suggested that so she is basically using serbia to create product divisions among the european countries after visiting france, where there was some pressure on him to use the relationship with the president puts in a to talk about the war. and you pray and then tone down what's happening and even make some of these resolutions for this war in ukraine. but now he is here in serbia, which has a much better relationship with russia on this moment this day when it's 25 years after the bombing a buying nato plane of the chinese embassy here, basically telling nato that yeah, you are, and a dresser as well, so this is an important message that she wants to send from serbia not much more about economy because they have already this free trade agreement. but it's a lot about politics and very symbolic steps. thank you very much for that. that's
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that boston line force the in downgrade the, as in the last so violent is there a special reports inside myanmar? tony chang looks at the people's defense force. once members of a peaceful, evan protest movement. it's fighters are on the front lines of battles around the strategic border time of me, a watch fight is through the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. in the, off the, most of the military coup, peaceful protest is took to the streets of old man. and mazda may just sit his thea, but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the
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ministry crank down that followed was hundreds going down in the streets. 1000 small hold a way to detention as the protest as were left with the stock choice submits, move to the boulders and points for tomorrow. from that i a ross in this area around august 2021 with the new k and l. a. force in the lake, a count area, my a y d. i decide to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training i decide to work as many train play as nick, korean rebels who's been fighting for autonomy for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one rifle for every 2 fighters . now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months. is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces and the last couple of weeks
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set the me of them a knuckle, not just those that the young up and fight is a, using their social media skills to for the to g was a famous hip hop artist. now he tools rebel bases, raising neuro nearby and funds. say about trying, you know, we would have done this kind of fund raising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack us. so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. but they worked with the song who's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and wrapping, executed by the electric generator. in 2022. as the sun set, spite to slip out of cover to wash and the river educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. but despite all the obstacles to find it could well when tony chang out to 0, chi and states eastern me,
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m o. for more on the situation in my way now, joined by shawn tunnel, who's a myanmar specialist, an author, he was earlier and economic policy advisor, don santucci, and was jailed by the june to for one and a half years following the cool, his life from sidney. thank you very much, sean for being with us. i wanted to get your thoughts 1st on on people's defense forces. how big of a threat do you think they are to me on march, june to today? oh, it's a story, right, right. i think i like most people have been surprised at their incredible resilience and the games that they've made against me and my as no tree either the last the amount is really the size. now way the, the junker is very much on the backboard militarily, financially, and, and all sorts of why. so, you know, the media for a very real threat to the job. where does the strength of the movement come from the pdf and how much support has the resistance movement had from the international community? the type of hardly any support at all for me to the actual community. so it's very
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much self generated. you know, the impact, i think the basis of it strikes just comes from me through easy as i'm, i think of them are all, most of the people a young day, the sort of people, really in spite of what i was working every day about and being not willing to sail from the tree room. so yeah, just learning much from the opposite to it's a self generated movement. yeah. i'll ask you about your own experience and then more in just a moment, but i just wanted to get your thoughts also on, on the june di they've ordered this force const conscription of people many don't want to fight with the june to despite this recruitment law that was passed in february. how do you think the military has been effected by valid and what's mariah like within the military's box? and it'd be mid decision to reintroduce subscription was an incredible iron goal, cuz you bought a situation now where there was some people in me and my sort of sitting on the
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page waiting, waiting to see what happens. but if you're a young person, then your face sweeping conscripted into these very little, quinton, frankly losing on me. you might just join me out of the side. so you know, the, the data that we have and there's not much immediately. but it is suggesting, actually been seen carriage people who joined up with the p h would be organization to the georgia wrong or in for georgia itself. but it's certainly simple, i think could be reasonable desperation the doing that has at the moment. but also i think the resources through which they are willing to use the results of me and by the same path. yeah, let's talk about your own experience and, and so how, how you see displaying out, of course, as we mentioned following the military cool. in february 2021, you sean were imprisoned alongside uh the, the democratic leadership of myanmar. alongside on time sushi. and after a year and a half you were released in november 2020 to can. can you reflect on that time and where you see me on more headed?
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are you hopeful that democracy could return to the country? i don't, i am still hopeful for all the races that we've been speaking about, but also because of the incredible resilience and encouraging brand these people generally, as you mentioned, obviously in dialing the mouth of either of you and off and i was kept alive by my fellow prisoners, the political prisoners, the ordinary people with me in law, who, you know, what do you mean? immeasurably was position that i was need throughout just supported me and kept me alive. right throughout that whole period. so name a wrong way, even under the most terrible circumstances in some, you know, a prison environment was nothing less than maybe able but yeah, but they him are wrong and they resilience against all of that was just extraordinary. and so i think for me, but my experiences as a prisoner, they a sort of being reinforced the p like after after the event, we want one way thing. now sean, thank you very much for talking to us sean channel. joining us there from sidney.
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we appreciate you sharing your experience with us. thanks very much. i and still ahead on use our after another champions league exit last way, p s g goes from here that's coming up and supports with the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination and due by
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the business late industries sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the the i'm not sports his gemma, thank you for the for. so you don't mind. skype says the dream is no 5 yet soft to his side. the power sanction lied to reach that 1st champions league final in 11. yes. p s g broke all down from the fast lag and had no shortage of shots. isn't
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this one? as a tried to get back in the tie, they hit the post full time. he has to stop say the, came a march, not taught us, and that's how most adult means in front, which dispute minutes go, not made it to them on aggregate. it's almost like you don't to give away a pedal said his phone has been done better. he wrote to be sure outside the box via she couldn't turn things around so it was don't mind who was set up. i shouldn't have the final whistle. all clean and last night was left to reflect on what might have been to the exec go down here it's you can be seen as well and it's quite surveilled. we managed to do it. i believe that over to 2 legs, we does have to reach the final when you went to games and keep it clean sheet twice against such formidable opponents. it is of it. i'm very proud of my team, my staff and the entire club is for the side of the white continues a pastor who stuff at a loss in the champion state in 2017. they blew a photo laid against ball. so later in the round of 16 losing 61 in the 2nd, like 2 years later, they would knock sound to the same stage by manchester,
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united despite leading to nails. they were beaten 31 at home past you did right. the find it in 2020 but they lost one mill to bind munich out in 2022. they were to the left. it gets around the street in the last 16 with a 17 minute current beds and a half tricked adult to the mountains, the tournaments we spoke to. so put you on the list of jonathan johnson who's based in from send was out tuesday's game. he believes and p s t over performs this season and could actually benefit from them by leaving i seem to look here stripping, latching in the past, says to me with some of those big names as being uh, an over emphasis on the individual quality, as opposed to the collective, they now have a couple more collective approach under louis enrique, where that file resides in the team. you know, unity as opposed to just, you know, relying on one or 2 individuals. they still have an element. so i'll start with kidding. my favorite, like you said, you know, he is now likely to have finished his story with p s. j. i'm moving,
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moving on. so that now gives lewis enrique at charles to sort of complete eschews transformation into more of a team than uh, sort of a collection of individuals. we think passing it was already and achievements get to the semi finals. i think if you told us to you at the beginning of the season that they would do that even where they were at the end of last season. and so that's the number of stock challenges that moved on. not just the likes of name or messy. the likes of it out to you as well. have been that for a long time. i think they would have signed up for it. so it's, yeah it's, it's a work in progress. it's going to take a bit more time. but i think that finally on a route, similar to that taken by manchester city, which we saw ended individual challenges, vague success. and perhaps you will hope that at some point in the near future, you know, that's also on the horizon for them. don't mind. could i end up facing button munich for the time, so that wembley, which would be a repeat of the 2013 final which was also how does the same state do the 1st bind must get passed around 100 and the 2nd time you find out later on wednesday, the tie is points,
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the tool after the 1st leg is competition is binds los chunks of silverware. this season having already lost the buddhist vegas high school to buy lubbock using or i think a big part of it is accepting it. that's not everything will be, it is possible that not everything will be perfect for us, but it's still possible to overcome. it's possible to, to overcome difficulties, to hang in, show the right mentality and quality to, to fulfill our dream. we want to go to a wimbley to the enemy. i play us now in the boston celtics dominated game, one of the eastern conference semi final against the cleveland capital is jalen brown was the stand out for full most of the top seats with $32.00 voice as a runaway with us on that home coats winning once, once 8 to 95 direct white school, 25 including 73 points is going to if the best of 7 series is also in boston, on thursday is how 6 a chasing a record 18th and the championship with us since 2008 over in the western conference,
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the top seated climb assistance on the struck 1st in the series against the dallas mavericks shape. you'll just alexander has the 29.9 rebounds. i might assist having seen one in comfortably 117 to 95. remain on the beach and in the file. again gave c as on size a in a climate this. this is also a playoff time in the night telling the colorado avalanche pull it off a great come back. so when they're writing a game against the data stalls, the stalls the top save some of the freezing stream. nothing ahead of the built off for the 1st quarter, i should say in dallas. so that came the envelopes and they said we couldn't go through some level of $33.00 that full for gaming. so over time, and it was models which we want it to colorado, them out one when i went up in the western conference, any final series, but it is the fastest for when just a long way to get there was another place came in, the east didn't conferences, the new york ranges be the town on a hurricane. and 2nd, over time, vincent, detroit checked with the winning goal. and this one that puts the ranges to nothing
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. ahead in that 75 for the sound, the resources of on the 6 game in there. right, but it wasn't sure. hey, it's all you sit out for a change with the bases loaded it. does the stadium next month? see his grandson as they be in the miami model, is 8 to the doses of one assessing a 15 and sit 12th of the national league with the probably the cyclist johnson milano on the 5th stage of the j. right. it's holly a office print, finished the little tract, right? it going one best. so then the 2nd place, the day before, the claim, the 2nd 3 of the stage when in the chair, right, there's today's the got so he would change the overall eat as paint, just being is it 2 times to the front when it's 36 seconds here? at the lympics lane is on board. this ship is approaching from the side of the paris olympics. the vessel close. the balance is due to docking loss, se later on wednesday, and estimated a $150000.00 spect sites as are expected to gather at the port. to watch the welcoming ceremony. the torch relay will then be getting across the country a little and the french council with the lightning of the flame on july,
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the 26th. to mock the stats of the games. that is what you'll support for now. i will have more light to fully thank you very much for that. gen ma'am. now the man known as the master of north korean propaganda has died at the age of $94.00. can key non served 3 generations of the north is runing. family dynasty, rob mcbride has more in his life himself as north korea, as mazda, propagandist, and came key nam, health cement the lower of the came family dentistry. as assigned if it's important . so the current rule that kim jong and lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media use of jobs to his memory. the reading and the whole was abrupt in store for the loss of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution. the starting with kim il sung, north korea's founding father tim key. now i'm witness the passing of power through
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3 generations. a unique event in the communist world, although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms, legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine. he helped to create that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing kim junglin have gone viral, finding a global audience by this has to be done as i was, paul seemed to reaching the age of 4 to this year for to refuse strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down on mcbride. i'll just say era. so a and that wraps up this is our on al jazeera from me for the back to the whole team. thanks for watching during obligate to is with you next bye. for now,
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the despite has excited former catalog leader carlos please demo is set to run for president. when the spanish region holds early elections. could his political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to a 106 kilometers, stretch of remote and perilous jungle. the only land route through south america for migrants. city, the size of the united states, a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp, just families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of a dairy and go on up jersey to now is the time to be direct.
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israel's project has been to completely conflict zionism and judy as a. but it was not a jew, israel's a state, and they need to be treated as any other state. what. this is where the tough questions are, as can you see negotiations being even happen? this is most important, so if you're going to bushy poles, unapologetic, i'm just awesome. upfront on, out of the canyon government has afforded thousands of people across the country to move away from winter months. that helps a lot in many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino with a phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when a toolbox flows. the what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and easy to settle next.
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people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the israel watches their strikes on dress and blocks water food on fuel for more than a 1000000 people, crowns. it's a garza southern low city. the, you're watching all just the real life from my headquarters, and i'm telling you, navigate is also coming up. patients on medical workers leave


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