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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the know on the put on and this has been use our life from coming off in the next 16 minutes is where the air strikes continue across because that is crucial aid as long for me, the 1500000 people crammed into the office. we only have enough few to
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run health services in the south for 3 more days. a die warning from the world health organization is allison and casualties, mountain southern gaza ends. another mass graves discover the village of costs, which are the complex sum, dasa, and mom's off this way. so this is the 3rd parties of sound and all the news. the font is in your model, transform from a peaceful protest movement into a 5 to 10 by piece of similar with your school. it's not long to go now until rail madrid and bind munich face up in the 2nd leg of the champions league semi final. it's 22 heading into the match the benedetto with the widow facing verse here. the ordinance in the fine the . we begin this news out in gauze i was where the forces have shelled a number of houses and central rafa,
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gaza southern most city. the. the many engine palestinians were rushed to the crazy hospital. i'm following the stride doctors in the office a hospital synthesis. the risk being overwhelmed this way. the attacks continue more than 1500000 festively displace palestinians, apparently sheltering in papa. when we have correspondence on the ground and gauze of a pushing on as well as ongoing assault, many people who left eastern parts of it off or heading towards bed. i was a lot in central gaza. and, and who did, he is very 1st. let's go to thought it was. he's joining us from alpha and product just in the last few hours we have seen those continuing is rarely a tax on draft and you've been looking at the optimal off will more stripes. more sadness, ma'am. great. you feel monk proud of citizens. now a woman is shouting from betting that the she has been in during officer. she has
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those. the vast majority of have family members who attacks and residential houses not only in the eastern portion of the district, but in the middle area on the long side, even with the western side of the city that has been designated as a safe zone. but clearly we have been recruiting with the past couple of hours, more strikes or some of some type of neighborhood where a number of citizens have a ride to or to wait to have hospital as of the body. i would need causing these a month civilians which the hospital cannot really do. what are the do to the it's critical injuries because of the deductible. the medical, the basic kind mississippi's on practice, the reality on the ground in rough or new expansion about tax to reach multiple areas. and these attacks only aimed to one purpose is to intimidate palestinians to leave a rough ought to be completely empty. does these really manage it can have more operational mobility on the ground as they have been passing more evacuation orders
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for residents and another costs it for the eastern parts of rough, our district. as most families, i've been heading to a mostly in con, eunice, and also to darren. but despite their complete understanding that these areas have been also on the bottom and within the past 24 hours. so essentially there is a, there is a, a, please say to also tennessee among palestinians who does not, who did not really know what to go on at these expansion of the fighting. and also how to get this started. because as being reporting, israel has really increased attacks across it, off us, since it audits people in east and drop by to flee. well, the streets in fact that are leading to a milwaukee on today. it was about an hour, completely crowded, with a cause with trucks, with even a break kind of a transportation palestinians have been using an order to seek refuge and to get to safety. they have been leaving on the intense pom ball and the situation on the
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ground sounds critically. the now i can hear women is growing because she has lost a number of have family members, a palestinian father close. now in the front of these holding, his son is completely shouting and screaming of pain, and this is absolutely terrifying. and this is what is going on here on the ground specifically that people are leaving on the sound, the bombing them. me sorry, i was back on tiredly show a rough i district where people are just going to do these areas and when they get there, they start to search. i'm to look for empty places. but what we can see is white color, which is completely make shift tens colors that cover the entire into areas and farm land depots on mostly. and if even endeavors by it's so terrible to hear those screams of pain taught at both physical and emotional. and it is, it has of cool seen the sound track of your life, oxygen, and present to those correspond just thought it was a. joining us with
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a very makes us live in an alpha on hendo quality. isn't that all belong, which is one of the cities and gaza with palestinians a trying to flee to in order to seek shelter. i'm picking up the hospital where it's parked. we totally see the difference from yesterday to today. on our way from the far do that in bella earlier today, we also saw the amount of cars and trucks holding people, and caring people from dropbox, to add them in the middle area and where i am right now in debt and but people are still searching for a place for a spot for an empty area to settle down. but unfortunately since the morning there has been multiple airstrikes on agriculture, land, and empty events. and this is the only place left for people to settle their tents . people are still panicking. their sins terrified these been at a have
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a more uh, family members and just uh, and there's coming here to reserve some slots for them a. so the situation is frustrating. people are very desperate. they can't find a place to settle in the coast line of vetted but as the wide. and the middle area is completely packed with people at the hospital is packed where not only residents and civilians evacuated from dropbox, but also do hospitalized from dropbox, cleared and evacuated their patients to hospitalized in the middle area. so, so far more people are coming, people even not listed in the reds and danger zone and more people are expecting to arrive in the next couple of days. one of the main hospitals in southern gaza has been evacuated off to is rarely troops sees that off of border crossing patients and medical workers fled to i'll be use of another hospital. the mid off of feeling
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is really strikes. the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded june is rarely a tax on the city of the world. health organization has. one of the hospitals will run out of fuel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south for 3 more days. w joel has pretty pollution sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals. but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals. christopher lockett as the secretary general of doctors without borders and he's joining us live from geneva. thank you. as always for your time mr. lock, you really appreciate it. firstly, how are, what are your organizations operations be impacted not just by the and also border closure, but the nicest is really evacuation order for everyone in east and java. what was a good,
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thank you for having me on and what we're hearing from you correspondence is, is tragic is heartbreaking. but i wish i could say it was a surprise. we've been living in fear of this moment for, for months, months now, as you say, there's been a hospital, was evacuated in, in rough uh we ourselves have suspended. that clinic. we're stopping admitting patients in the indignation off of sales hospital, which was another hospital treating a wounded patients. so we all saying yes, another increase of casualties. we're seeing yes. another reduction in health care services. we're seeing people helping to flee. yes, again. and so this is adding to the catastrophe with more catastrophe. okay, so you were telling us that your teams have had to suspend operations at a clinic at a field hospital. what does that mean then for the people who so desperately rely on those services? or yeah, so we're not submitting patients or the,
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the reference engine field hospital on the primary healthcare clinical. so we've, uh, we've suspended but what it means is those people don't have access to health care . they don't have access to health care in a situation where they all being a volunteer. again, we're trying to, as a lot of agencies are trying to, to re plans to reorganize. but there's no options. there's no good options. hey, i mean, rougher itself is over crowded, the north is an accessible, large areas of federal bella on the around the middle area of the jo correspondence we're talking about of either flattened the over ice though because of the bomb angle places around alexa hospital were already over crowded as a whole spectrum itself, but in terms of the neighborhoods as well. and also is not surprising that people don't know where to go. and what about your teams? you know, you say that this is unfortunately not unexpected. and so are you able to even push in any contingency plans for what happens to your teams in order for them to move
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so that they can keep providing services or is that just impossible given the circumstances on the ground? but we're looking at, we're looking at options where we haven't, we haven't given up by any means. we're looking at options. we're looking at options, for example, in the general father area, near the alexa hospital where you're corresponding with, with, with speaking from. but you know, this is a moments when you know that whole she monetary an effort into gaza is on a, is on the knife edge is on a day by day for lions when it comes to um, comes to supply. we had seen uh the, the, the entries entry points into the cause of the gaza strip of being shut down over the last couple of days as this offensive sponsor. and this is in direct contradiction to the commitment is to scale up assistance out to the terrible world central kitchen and incident on the orders of the international court of justice back on january the 26th, which included the scale up a few amount of time. and a system so yes, again, we're seeing an increase in this conflict on
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a reduction in terms of the humanitarian assistance to the people of thousands. and so given all of that, what do you stop telling you about the conditions now? the patients best seeing what is i think one of the main things that our stuff is telling us at the moment is the fear and the uncertainty in which the living and i was in contact with. one of them a medical doctor is just this morning. he was describing the fear about what's actually going to happen. people moving around him himself, the guys, and i'm having to reorganize where his family was located at the same time is trying to be able to provide medical services. so it's after months and months of fear of waiting for this uh, uh, waiting for this to to happen. and living under the anticipation is happening. and now there is further fear in chaos within rasa. and what about the fee is for public health? as we see more and more people inflate to, you know, smaller and smaller areas like the milwaukee refugee can, for instance,
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that over the soul of a crowded that's a really important question because we have been a co saying the primary max of a visual that the violence, the broken limits, the gunshots, the bones of the same time. there is a thrift store of silent killings that are happening um on a day by day basis as a health cuz healthcare system has been full but to describe, destroyed. we're seeing increasing levels of mount nutrition, increasing levels of di, real disease. so this is really having a catastrophic impact on the, on the public health situation as well as those people are suffering from the direct consequences of the problems and helping to relocate mr. lock here, thank you so much for joining us. to talk about this, that is the doctors without borders. secretary general christopher lock you in geneva garza city where a sid mass grave has been uncovered at all. ship
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a hospital palestinian officials say that it zoomed 49 bodies and the recovery process is still on the way that is where the military laid siege to the facility in march cutting hundreds of people inside including medical stuff i'll ship it has been out of service for months and mass graves have been discovered in, in around 3 hospitals in the gaza strip, with today's findings, they have now being 7 mass grave science discovered and toys, o 3 at all ship a medical complex. one has been found to become on as juan hospital in the knoll center, the south 3 grave sites having discovered it not through medical complex. so far, 520 bodies have been recovered from all 7 sites. but that number was expected to increase as the process of treyvan bodies by medical teams continues. so that is the situation on the ground and gaza as, as well strikes continue from austin. israel are engaged in sci fi tools and cairo talks that are being negotiated by kata. and egypt,
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stephanie deca has the basis from the jordanian capital. as the head of the c, i a william barton's was back in his role today, meeting with the is ready, prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on israel. interesting me today again and is ready media, but also over the course of the last couple of months, constantly even coming out of the war cabinet. that it is. these are the prime minister himself. that is making a deal very, very difficult, and it falls in line with what so many is read, he's on the ground. when i was into the multiple saturdays when you have thousands of people protesting, calling for the captives to be brought home, saying that he was prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and not may sound like internal politics, but it's not, it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see. it offers the law style and really to see what they could then cool as victory in garza. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not in going as far as
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to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these raise are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding pattern, we've been talking about this for weeks now. first, it wasn't his really agreed proposal. it seems how mouse has agreed, but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that whole continue in karo. we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of there over the next couple of days. and just to explain why stephanie is reporting from oman benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet has bound out a 0 a. so we have a fortune from outside israel. now daniel, left shits as the grandson of retard, is really joining us o dad left ships who was taken captive during the october 7th attack. and he is joining us live from tennessee. thank you very much for your time this evening. firstly. um, what if anything have you heard about your grandfather in gaza?
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and so elizabeth. hi um what am i going father? the last thing that we know about the team is that uh is a 180 days ago when my grandmother being released, the all the stuff probably is dead because he got injured in his hands, the tories shots the door of the safe room. and you've got to enjoy the news and, and they dragged him outside, took my grandmother the world hurrying the carpet with her on the motto: bike legs one side ends. the other. and the last scene of my grandfather was named b just through him by the house, bleeding and unconscious to thoughts. he's not to read us, but then in the 1st to release the 2 hostages, the only one with the white color b, r, and bleeding. next to her and then uh you got to kind of treatment and then other
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hostage came back. she'd been there for 55 days. and she said that she'd been there for 6 months. imagine every hostage. think it that 3 days over one. and she said that he was, we'd have for a months, it was actually even changing for her diapers there. yeah. all those people and he has a blood pressure issues and along with disease. and he faint and the the took him. and since then, we'd have nothing about him, we don't know anything about him in the last 6 months and it's unimaginable that my grandfather, he's the only great, the grand father has hostage in the world. that's a horrible title for 84 years old man on saturday. mister lyft, ships, i'm sure that you're following. you know, all of the reports around the seas. fine negotiations very closely given that they involved the release of his rarely captive. one of the most recent sticking points seems to be that, you know him off is willing to release something like 33 captives,
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but as well wants to make sure that the caps of that they are released are live. what do you say to that? so i don't want to listen to too many rumors in the media, but i know that the, uh, the deal to the how much uh agreed. now is the know what the spoke about before. but they know that these what made the painful them shit concessions to come to a deal. and the negotiation teams are in the chiral and i hope that they will get into making these billing and the software or for all the sides. uh, personally, those uh, 1st hostages, supposed to go out are in a very bad humanitarian uh, situation. we don't even know the situation has come off of the didn't even loved the red cross to see them. so we have no information. um, what i am looking for is that they will be able to negotiate until the deal is
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done because every day we are losing them as how does it? as you said, 33 hostages, we don't know who is alive, who is not. i don't know the real number there, but i'm sure that many of them are not alive anymore because all those people over 8 years old. my grandfather assign patty. those who fold older life for that quite existence of the palestinians. and these were alley. my grandfather was taking the palestinians to the east riley hospitality gatherings from areas border every friday to very expensive treatments of chemotherapy, bringing them back. and these guy been keeping up during you who's not from his house into books. me, you're all there. it shouldn't be released unconditionally, that's what i'm looking for that be impossible to to we are even staffing 7 months
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is after about release of all the people. i mean that's against everything that's against we just that's again the cool on that's a 3 the against every you money, terry? an issue every human human. the time we have seen the last 7 months of this war that up against yeah, every international humanitarian. no. the protests cooling for the release of captives haven't stopped since the war began. but judging by that is really government's actions. do you think that they having an impact? do you think that that is where the government is prioritizing your grandfather? the other is really captive. if we are here, 7 months is after, so it means the priority was not that fair for every part, but uh now in the last, uh, few months i see that uh they tried to uh, get into a deal. and uh, now everyone on negotiating in cairo and unfortunately, you know, in the me the least,
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someone wise told me the negotiations are under fire. i would prefer that would it be not under fire and there would be no more stuff for not for civilians in the policy in the inside and then our side. and then we should be able to get to an agreement. that's and because you know, the end of the war is down river to the release of the hostages and the i was in the ha in january and the i look on the prime minister and will comma then being out of the mind being just same of the tiny and the in his eyes, and he's telling me that he's doing everything for the release. so i call them to make more pressure and more and forth to and the stuff for everyone. and make sure all the hostages are coming back to 132 hostages. and the guys that can go back to uh, rebuild and as well, you know, i feel that the whole guy that is keeping up device on life as well. not only my grandfather, that is daniel left ships,
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the grandson of one of the is where the captives being held in the cause. so thank you for your time. what would join now biology or a senior political analyst might want to try to model one. i think, you know, we're hearing very much in his way the perspective of not just someone who is relative as being held in, in, in gaza. but also, you know, very much that's why the perspective of, of the school. i want to know if you think that that is where the government is in any way prioritizing the captives. well, just to be clear. it's a terrible thing. it's a terrible thing that and 84 year old is how captive and guys are just as we feel for the family is a little off or lost count has children and mothers and sisters $20000.00 plus children and gods. but we also feel that for the old people and for the young people a lot of health captives,
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there's absolutely no doubt about that one cannot prioritize human suffering. and i think for daniel, just like i've seen before, i knew the auditorium how much didn't goes on. but there is a political issue involved here. what has to be very clear about the humanitarian, but also what has to be very clear about the political st. today's audits, newspaper editorial today the paper, a mainstream paper accuse and benny guys were supposed to be the work cabinet of lying to these really people. when he says that we are attacking that off to save, the captains accused him of lying because he is like that then. yeah, i was like, i have caught those lying. they are lying. when they say we do not accept the captive to prison. there's due in order to serve the guest and you're saying that
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because i think it's only something like 3 is rarely captive. the number of his very captives that of being rescued in this way. the operations compared to the number that were released through a ceasefire agreement, it pales in comparison. it's insignificant, isn't a basically absolutely not. and it's a switch. it's actually much worse and back. and of course, one of them was not have what, how much the 1st one had they killed the 2 of them holding white flags and so on, so forth. so no, i mean, this doesn't even compare is earl's policy towards its own captives has been criminal, but it was clear from day one, nothing now and who's woke up and they said, we have a number one is defeat to come out. as number 2 is a captive and they all have gone along that way. for the past 7 months and in the process, this can count to spanish cities. so once again, we've identified with the suffering of any is riley. we have to bear in mind that more than $100000.00 casualties have already paid the price with the thought of destruction of guys,
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guys that today is not $10.00 hosted by how much because of today is hosted by is that right? because most accepted the deals with what's provided to us by the united states. yeah. by bill barnes, the director of the c i a let me say something which i said, which i find quite disturbing. and i think something needs to be looked at and i haven't seen many much on it. bill barnes is a 40 year old debt by the award for one democratic and republican administrations. i've just finished his book back channel is a very, very season different about that and it was very well the out of well, i think when he reached that did he reach the final deal that basically should have been accepted by his read after it was accepted by how much because he did not vote for something from the top of his mind. the fact that we are now going back again to the cycle of diplomacy as if nothing happened 2 days ago. it tells me that there is a problem in washington, not just infinities. yeah,
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that's exactly what i was going to ask you. what game is nothing yahoo playing by saying that the deal that i'm off agree to is not one that is well agreed to when it was put to him of us by kasha and egypt, and the us, which strongly wouldn't put a deal to have us. that the, you know, that as well would integrate to nothing you know, is known in international circles and his reading the circles as the ultimate flight is a logical layer. and he does not want a ceasefire. he wants a total of war and goes off on guys out on palestine and he wants to adult occupational of gosh, that's what you want. but that's not my problem. i, we've known that for the past 7 months. i am talking about something different here . i am saying that's expected for nothing. you know, what is, what's expected is why is bill burns being stabbed in the back by his own administration? that's what i'm talking about me. why didn't blink and support bill burns the past? 48 hours when best buy has came back with
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a d a that should have been accepted because bill birds accepted the face value as this has to be. yeah, this was the american deal. as i said, here's far more experienced. i'm blinking. the secretary of state, just far more, she's a diplomatic, he knows that agent and he knows his right isn't part of things alter words when you reach that did it was on the basis that the judge is, is right. and is the categories on how much on board the fact that been this was a projected with some high, portable hyperbolic language by nothing, you know, without him being supported by his own administration. yeah. so the question, the problem. yeah. so the question then isn't, why does nothing you all who do that? it's why is the us administration supporting the head of intelligence? absolutely, and i are, there's a good number of, um, i know you can't guess my, my 1st educated guess. and that's why today the state department, once again, what's not, what's a good it postpone that deadline to as of that simple question is right of
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violating american law and international who mounted on law and no one in the world knows his rights, violating internationally. but anyway, i found it as a very complicated report. yeah. but the cit, the problem, does it mean that as it may, blinking, has gone out of his way for the past 7 months to justify, is there as well crimes, and to defend his right no matter what the case is. and he has the president's here at the president of already yes, of declared designs. but the president has his presidency at stake at this point in time. as senator sanders said, this is his vietnam. he would be like jonathan a one time president if he continues on the same path a 2nd. so direct the burns brought them a deal that is excellent for everyone and could wind on the war and bring the have to hostages, the captors back and release. prisoners and ends, the unfolding genocide and gaza, injected that and the united states did not stand behind its director of
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intelligence. the c o c i a, which is i think, a problem, i think even in terms of not just what happened the past 3 days. but also what's gonna happen in the next 2 or 3 days and 3 weeks. because every, if every time birds william birds is going to need to did, that's going to be torpedo by. these ran is on the binding. and especially it was like at this time for it, then what are we doing and inquired one to hand deliver. yeah. what are we doing? i'm told we run out of time for this one. sure. but still giving me honest as the bank more question. so now that is a senior political analyst model on the shadow of the still ahead on the news allah, the death toll rises in brazil, photo and devastating floods rescue as race to find survivors as most storms of full cost. in the coming days. north korea's leader come, john pays tribute to the man who wants to mind that the country is international image across all 3 generations of the chemist on the state and excitement, bills in law,
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say as the and i'm to explain which is that show us ahead of the global show pete, some powers the for the day. also the weather over a good part of tokyo and the vanity is client with a lightweight and majority sunshine in the sky. yeah, there are a few sharon's increase in running into west into a given not much what that bit of a breeze into his temple attempt just down here. i think more or less. and sylvia, down towards egypt, a light to rise in the next couple of days as the sun is the dominant teacher. i'm what cheryl's there were. no, you're wrong dying. i brief intensification here running through my shopping to weston. afghanistan is a frontal system come through that could bring sounds films. but that's a bit of detail. the big picture is normally one of warm sunshine, even hot sunshine. this time here with increasing breeze down the go fairly obvious,
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it will hit the car was 2 days of dusty when it gets hot. so that's like when tons of it burned to the northwest during saturday. and it strengthens to bring quite possibly, just dollars towards mecca, sitting on the west side of sadie a season or in the night and still getting on 2 big childs in kenya and throughout some ali the see if you'd hogs and to come to the coast of tanza near those seasonal range of move type to southern africa when that would, should be going into winter. yeah, we've had a record breaking the high temperatures in east london that were last attempt to his dropping down to 20 by the end of wednesday. the now let me tell you about safari. the cool result is the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the coupon occupied right now, able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here,
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like come in here sits on to a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal resulted in god, a 106 kilometer stretch of remote and powerless jungle. the only land route to south america for migrants, city, the size of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for comp, just families, it's a risk they are willing to take full lines and box on this unforgiving journey to tell the story of one of the children of dairy and go on up just of
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the you watching all just the out of me elizabeth put on them and don't have a mind to about top stories. casela is one has been bought into the in southern gaza, 48 hours off to its soldiers seized the main fort across it between the strip and egypt, the peaceful people were killed and strive for the home and the western part of the city. a 3rd mass grave has been uncovered at goss is all ship a hospital palestinian officials. so the june 4940 is in the recovery process. still underway is wally military, late stage 2 for 17 march, killing hundreds of people including medical and stop. and the world health organization has, there's only 3 days, a few left for health services in southern dasa, the w h o added that it cannot sustain live saving support hospitals without
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a to ensure an boss of the us state department has post a shipment of bones to as well off to boston, concerned about his plans to launch a full scale assault on lava and the last owls state department officials have been speaking about the decision. let's go to our correspondent mike hannah is joining us live from the state department in washington dc. and mike, the state department spokesman us and matthew miller very much concerning. you know, those reports that we had been seeing for the past day closing on named officials concerning the shipment of farms being paused and why yes. as being consummation within the last 24 hours, the state department spokesman reconfirming that there has been a pause, but to be very precise about what he said. he would not going to the details of what the weaponry was, that within the next shipment that was posed, he would not give any further details. he says that his department of defense who know exactly what the width and so going and what particular shipment and at what time, however,
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the state department spokesman added as well. but the shipments are being reviewed . what this means is not entirely clear, but the one thing that we can take away from all of that is that at least one shipment of unspecified weapons has been paused for what reason? we do not know what the width and we do not know what's coming at this juncture. in the ongoing negotiations, one customize that this is a way, a leverage being placed on israel, the state department to the supposed to come up with the report by yesterday at the national security memorandum in terms of which it's supposed to provide assurances from countries that are receiving weapons from the united states that they are being used in accordance with humanitarian. lo will that the deadline is of the state department now says that it will be released to congress within the next few days. like thank you very much for that. mike handle with the latest from the us state department.
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the russia has stepped off. it's a tax on your claims energy infrastructure, a badge of drones and missiles of targeted possibilities in chief and success of the cities full. so you're trying to limit energy supplies across the country on home and reports from cave of the keys. so it's like trying to pick out drawings in the early hours of wednesday. for the cleaning at defense is can still move. explosions were heard in several parts of the country. brushing full seasonal, it's 50 missiles and 20 drugs, said the craning government. there was some damage in the key region, but the main victim was the country. so electric plants, pots, if you crate enough, struggling for power, where the 80 percent of the text them are, electric generating capacity has been destroyed. it said, but it's not just the energy sector. suffering frames revealed the boxes. now with
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this russian forces, it includes the front line in the east and its 2nd city. how to keep is under constant pop up and add to that the cranium, security service says it's just fluids and attempt by the russian secret service on president. below them is lensky is life. 2, u, craning candles in the unit is meant to protect him, and other senior leaders have been arrested. calling the president himself speaking to more universe through the soviet defeat of nazi germany, was defined recently that the 8 years ago, millions of ukrainian supports to make nazis and lose whatever. but again, today, ukrainian said preventing the evil which was revived and wants to destroy us again . and you main army is murdering and torturing, and sweeping severely on cities and villages of the face of the soil. this evil is
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called the russian factions all who was in the school basement were almost 400 presidents, were held by russian cruises in 2022 ukraine, still waiting for wet from re promised by the united states and its european allies . somebody's trickling in the world, the rest has yet to arrive. russia's pressing home, its advantage to own home. and i would just say to keep of the people's defense, false and young ma, one's name is a peaceful and protest movement, but as far as and now the front lines of battles with the military around the strategic board, a ton of mail, lady tony chang tells the story and the fullest of algio, special reports from inside me on my flight is from the people's defense, both speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah,
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they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline militia, bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often most of the military coup, peaceful protest is, took to the streets of old man, most major cities via but use jen z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the ministry crackdown that followed was hundreds. come down in the streets. 1000 small, hold a way to detention the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit move to the board is points for tomorrow so that i a ross in this area around august 2021. i was in a k and l. a. forth in the lake, a count area, my a y d. i decide to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training i decide to work with medic to train by us nick korean rebels. he'd been fighting for autonomy for decades. they lent you skills, but a shortage of weapons and ammunition. that's the only one rifle for every 2
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fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months. is weapons, the pro democracy forces have seized from military bases. they've over run these and just some of the rifles they've taken from faces and the last couple of weeks set the me of them a knuckle. not just don't that the young up and fight is a using their social media skills to for the to g was a famous hip hop artist. now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds. say about drive me over to you. i have done this kind of fundraising many times before. the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack us. so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. but they worked with the song who's singing originally performed by the tall politician and rapid executed by the
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electric generator. in 2022. as the sun set, spite to slip out of cover to wash and the river educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. but despite all the obstacles to fight, they could well win. tony chang al jazeera cayenne states, eastern u. m. the desktop on the flooding and brazil, southern state of rio grande they. the soul has arisen to over a 100 people, at least another 130 have been reported missing and the countries worst flooding and need a t is a rescue team from the army, police and volunteers to help him. but thousands of people to safety, president luis, and also to the silver quote on congress to acknowledge a stage of public emergency, the spring and all latin america, edited to see a newman, she's joining us live from the regional capital portal and legs a with tens of thousands of spent days without electricity, water. you see
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a tell us about where you are. of the hi there we are in the military central command for this emergency. it's actually within a cavalry unit of the army, but it's been transformed as into the what they called there. war room, members of the all representatives rather of all of the institutions of the country are here, the army, the navy, the police, the health ministry. just a few minutes ago, the minister of communications came in in the hall and the helicopter. we went out into having a cup cross cells just a short time ago as well, but now they've been funder storms. so everything is rather paralyzed. it's is the central commands that from where they send out a rescue teams, medical equipment, everything they can, but it's all to be done in helicopters rather than in large, large vehicles or, or aircraft from the, from an airport because the airport is absolutely flooded. so of the roads so that
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we can do a very, very much the rescue effort. and as with a number of dead, we are hearing here also record that they expected to go much, much higher because simply they haven't been able to find bodies in this catastrophe. as they call it, and let's see what went to public emergency declaration mean for those efforts to deal with the flooding and its impact. in essence, what it means when it does free, the government's hands to release emergency funds, which they so badly need in this area and to bring it immediately to real brands. and also, as i said, the communications minister is here. the president's wife was here a short time ago, presumably to also tell them exactly how soon that aid will come. clearly it can come soon enough, but just getting it in the logistics of it would be incredibly difficult. so yeah, thank you very much for that. that's how that's what america edits understand. human joining us live from pool. so allegra a this west u, as in south africa are in
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a race against time. is they search for at least 39 people missing off for a building collapsed in the city of georgia near cape town. that these 7 people killed more than 200 emergency personnel are working stiff adults, and heavy lifting equipment to find survivors. as scottish national party leader jones, when he has been sworn in as the 1st minister when he won the nomination and upon commentary, voice on tuesday. his main goal is to win independence from the united kingdom. to achieve it, he'll have to rebuild his policies, reputation off to a strong of scandals and political missteps. to the head on the news, all of the sun rises high, divide chase down the indian premier league target in recruit, breaking time. that's on the wave of the business like this. this route to you believe i guess is a line supply on one of your makes modern plates.
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the business leg just is free to you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model leads
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the, the scientist for she has pizza. hello. thank you, elizabeth. we start with the champions league and buying medical and looking to join. they've been to seek account support for the adults and in the final ad wimbley to set up a repeats of the 2013 final at the same venue. but 1st they must get passed round madrid in the 2nd semi find later on wednesday. the ties boys that to hold off to the 1st leg. this competition is binds last chance of silver with the season. having already lost the buddhist legal title to buy labor cruising around the grid will have other ideas on how to i liked when easiest. julia penalty rescued a drawing munich last week and madrid boss called on july. the question besides commitments, rail oh, looking for an extending or wrinkled,
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expanding 15 champion street cycle. so one of them will face documents off the baby power send you man to reach the 1st champion, sleep finally any live in use. if you see where a goal down from the 1st leg and at another shortage of john susan, this one. as i tried to get back in the time they hit the post full times, 15th task became much auto and mess hummel's. had to come in front of 15 minutes gone, submitted to new loan advocates. pulse was lucky enough to give away penalty is found on this month then billy moved to be just outside the box. so you could not change things around. so just don't want to be celebrating that the final whistle walk in in a bumpy, was left to reflect on what might have been. so the way it continues to p a c itself of the lots in the champion speaking middle one that's in 2017, they blew a phone to lead or gain. sponsor learning the round of 16 using 61 in the 2nd leg. 2 years later, they were knocked out at the same stage by manchester,
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united despite leading to know beaten 31 at home. the street didn't make the final in 2020, but they lost one. no, 2 by munich. any 2022. they would tell up against round the druid in the last 16 but a 17 minute kareem bends. i'm i have trick. knock them out of the tournament. a. we spoke to football journalist, jonathan johnson, who's based in phones and it was that tuesdays game. he believes p a c over perform the season and could actually benefit from above a leaving. i think to book yesterday been latching in the past, says to me with some of those big names as being uh, an over emphasis on the individual quality. as opposed to the collective. they now have a couple more collective approach under louis enrique, where the prioritizing the team, you know, unity as opposed to just, you know, relying on one or 2 individuals. they still have an element. so i'll start with kidding by favorite. like you said, you know, he is now likely to have finished his story with p s. j. i'm moving,
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moving on. so that now gives lewis and rake at charles to sort of complete eschews transformation into more of a team than uh, sort of a collection of individuals we think and passing it was already an achievement to get to the semi finals. i think if you told us to, at the beginning of the season, that they would do that even where they were at the end of last season and sort of the number of stop times that moved on. not just the likes of name or messy that likes of it out to you as well. have been there for a long time. i think they would have signed up for it. so it's um, yeah it's, it's a work in progress. it's going to take a bit more time, but i think that finally on a route similar to that taken by manchester city, which we saw ended individual challenges vague success. and perhaps you will hope that at some points in the near future, you know, that's also on the horizon for them. all right, that's the way for champions league. let's move now to the conference league. way. if you wanting tina have booked a place and this is final, say the top real good. 32,
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coming into the sick and plague vaccine. the cope is go mated one the midnight to the belgian club, but the civil side were awarded an 85th minute penalty for advance of the lucas fell suddenly make no mistake from this false. they will fail either of them bianco . so estimates all that in the final the lympics lane has finished, it's 12 days you any from athens to most say as of the 150000 people, gathered it to the south coast of fronts to watch it arrive over a 1000 boats, a company the 3 most of the ship called the bellum, as a french olympic swimming champion, florida no, do brute the fling to land, but the flame was lifting ancient olympia earlier in april and on thursday, a toll free day will start across the country and will end in the french capital, but the lightning of the flame on july 26th. to mock a start of the paras games and the marys pods as the patient in the friendship. and later this month is looking good with the news that he's returning from injury to play at the geneva opened next week. the 3 time grand slam champion damaged ankle.
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ligaments of the miami opened last month, but opted not to undergo surgery. having previously said that he would like to have a tie at the end of the pressure some up to him. it organizes in switzerland announced that they have given the 36 to of the wild card for the play tournaments . seen as a key will not be been for the french open, which mary one back in 2016 battery is a 2 time wimbledon and olympic champion. and we'll hope to be fit for both of those events in july. and the plate are expected to be in, but he's final year as a professional is ref, elena del, and the 37 year old has opened up the bodies pending for time and saying that these buddy doesn't have what it takes to keep up the road. mazda is, will mock the spanish sphere tournaments in a row, and it comes of the back of a decent one is home to unlimited the madrid open. when he reached the last 16th, he will go in pursuit of a wrinkled, extending 15th branch up inside the lakes of this month. but you'll have to build up some more form 1st. starting with the 1st on match against on. see the belgians
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easy bigs in these have the and capital when i am talking about what i, where the diamond is not because i'm not happy anymore. blink danny's or not because i'm not feeling myself competitive enough. that's not the case. it's about the, the body was not able to, to play weeks in a row, was not able to, to allow me to practice and to enjoy the practices in a diety basis. and then the rightful moment. that makes sense. now because if you're not able to do the things that proper way, uh, in, in your diary basis and you are not able to enjoy because of the pain and of the injuries in your database is that it's, it's almost impossible to, to have success or to keep fighting for the things that really motivate them in the sun rises hyderabad. have have a deluxe. now super joints by 10 wickets in the indian premium. need like now back to the 1st band. thanks to a $99.00 run foot. we can talk the ship between the nicholas for rent and our use,
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but only were able to post 165 for full being the 20 of is ordinarily, that's not a bad school, but travis head and i'll be stick sharma made it look like child's play. sunrise is opening a chasing the target down in less than hall fe endings. it's the largest total chase down inside 10. eva's c 20 history to be in the playoffs in the boston celtics dominated game, one of the eastern conference semi final against the cleveland cavaliers. jaylen brown was the stand up performer for the top seats with $32.00 points. as i ran away with the home cool, winning one under the 29, c 5, derek white school, 25 including 73 points is going to have the best of 7 series, also in boston on thursday, the celtics on chasing the record 18th in b. a championship, but 1st, since 2008, i bring the wisdom, confidence the top seat of oklahoma city sun. this struck 1st in a series against the dallas mavericks che, gives us alexander had 29 points,
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9 rebounds and minuses and see when it comes to be 11795 to remain on beach and in the playoffs game tvs in oklahoma city on thursday, the los angeles dodgers of one, they 6 game in a row, but it wasn't show, hey, o'donoghue stood out for a change with the bases loaded a don't just stayed in mex months. he had a grandson as they beat the miami mullins, 8 to the dodges of 113 or 15, and so top of the national league waste. it's also play of time in the n h l and the colorado avalanche pulled off a great comeback to win the opening game against the stores, the stores, the top seats, and with cruising 3, nothing ahead of the 1st period in dallas. but back came the other lunch and nathan mckinnon. go to the level as 33 that fills the games over time. and it was miles would who want us to colorado and now one up in a western conference, any final series that it's the 1st to feel wins. so a long way to goes to there was another test,
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gave me the eastern conference as the new york ranges, the, the carolina hurricanes and secondary son, vincent trow, checked with the winning golden. this one that puts the ranges to nothing ahead in that's in the final. that's what was what was the for the time being, i live another updated with ladies and thank you very much for that. finally, this bulletin demand, known as the mazda of north korean propaganda has died of the age of 90. 4 kim came down to 3 generations of the north fulton family dynasty, from the fried reports from sol. as north korea's mazda propagandist came key, nam, health cement, the lord of the came family, tennessee as assigned is important. so the current rules that kim jong does lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media, use the jobs to memory, the reading and the whole was abrupt and start over the last of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with chemo. so north korea's founding father, tim, keen,
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them witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the communist world. although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing kim junglin have gone viral, finding a globe below audience by this has to be done as of, as paul seems reaching the age of 4 to this year for to refuse strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down mcbride. i'll just say era . so or that's what somebody elizabeth put on for this new job,
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but you can always keep up to date with all the license developments on the stories we're covering on websites onto 0 dot com. stay with us. so head rahman is here and just a few minutes the, the latest news rate was so intense that this is all. but as a lot of people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gaza. population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices is escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you all who could be out of office. brian pass up on one says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, the gold was big, will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's
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economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna and his fact i go to says and find cars, commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the the police, sabina, racing, a legal money operating another license, undermining the new car and the government. he does want people to change that money back and not many here. haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years is be more stable. that's always money. to use the currency, doesn't these value rapids that could exchange, take them into your will, scott, a duty and a growth using for p use the cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands
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of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs of wordpress. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases sustenance costs on red chris the, the is that is right. continue across calls the roads. crucial aid is blocked than any one point. 5000000 people crammed into ross on the island. so rahman, what deals is there like my headquarters here in the also coming up we only have
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enough few to run health services in the sounds for 3 more days. but i warning from the world health organization is palestinian casualties,


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