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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 8, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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how did you let it happen? studio will be on script part one on on disease. the is really as far as continue across calls, as crucial aid is blocked from any 1500000 people's crumbs into rough, the color. so rather they want to go to their life, but headquarters here in the also coming up we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, a di warning from the world health organization as palestinian casualties mounts in southern garza and the secretary of defense concerns washington as pulls
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a shipment of buttons to is right. so it's again wounds against a major results on rough or in other news trying these present teaching thing arrives and hungry on the last leg of his european to the railway line to funnel chinese goods into central. you remind joe, holding hungry with china is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement. it's only foothold in the european union. the welcome to the fact and we saw it in southern garza where he is. writing military is continuing. his ponderosa is riley, is fucking a full scale defensive in the southern city. and the u. n says around 50000 people who were taking shelter that have now left since monday, or corresponding time to capitalism has moved from russell this is what people in gauze of wake up to every day of the case,
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but ignoring windings from where leaders, including its main allies, the united states and bombing rough documents agencies say that task this traffic consequences for palestinians as well as take over the roof on board. crossing with egypt on tuesday means new a can get 18. that's a lifeline for those living in the gaza strip is read has also denied the un about 8 agencies access to gone. so they say this applies if you will only last a one more day during the last 7 months as well. has been forcing palestinians into rough. nearly 2 thirds of districts, population of 2300000 are displaced. that's 1500000 people. the city 100 population of 275000 before the war exhausted, antoinette ties the all in the move. again. some displaced for the 5th or the 6th
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type is read has to do some eastern roughly to go to areas that just weeks ago, went back to fields going to milwaukee con eunice. and there is none of these areas have basic services, no conditions considered livable. many palestinians are close to famine on soft spring water born diseases with a leak stream legal, medical, cat, available, rad, or loan? no, no. why not? we have stuff and a lot of children see horrible things in nissan store. like they suffer with trauma while we're displaced when leaving tanks and not far from us. so you can see it with the bear eyes most that way. he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the minister of defense of cologne. tough post released the statement saying the plumbing of roof is necessary to get rid of from us. and that isabel will continue to deepen its operation all over this trip in the sun of since i'm in the notes on
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the goals that is often described as the world's largest open present. and before the world was really on the 17 year, located in post bike as well as a ceasefire. deal is still being discussed in cairo, palestinians in because a strip of desperate for the root tar capacity, which is 0, roughly pedestal and time. it joins us now. in the evening, in rafa and target can and you talked about those desperate scenes in that report on the desperate situation continues in rafa bombing and attacks continue from the yes, that's right, it continues and it's, it's guessing right now more difficult with these. well, the intensification of military attacks from these weather surveillance,
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the germans 5 dips and also the units on the ground that had been constantly bouncing the eastern areas of rough, our districts often or during the vast majority of its people to flee to another area that will be safe for them part the realities that from bombing continued elsewhere in the western side of rough law in the middle areas. what kinds of peace amongst affiliates continue to rise within the past couple of hours if they're recruiting dozens of palestinians being injured? and wouldn't one of the latest that tax on the central area of the roof. i treat people what killed and they have been arriving to await your hospital as the bodies . and as we have been talking to locals in the ground, they have been expressing the deep frustration regarding the extension of the war and even their being displaced again from the roof of districts. some assemblies have been multiple, the displaced for more than 5 times and ending up right now in a low seat area which had been previously also being targeted. so with the green
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realities exhausted peyton here in gauze. this trip with a pull up with the quote of borders with the collapse of the medical health sector . in a rough, i'll have the palestinians are completely confused about what next to go in order to get safety. as the entire goal is, this trip has been completely on the fly. a little cool, good topic. you talked about the policy has been confused about where to go and not to is the issue, isn't it right now where all the safe options, where all the sites locations i have to is a load has them to move. because every time palestinians move, as we've seen during the past 7 months, they were tucked. yes, that is the question what, what the must, the vast majority of palestinians have been wondering about which is what to go. they have been leaving their uh, towns and there even villages on getting to areas in which they will start looking from the beginning in order to find shelter. it's quite hard to get houses to be
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rented due to the grade level of congestion is on the ground. on the same time, they have been depending on using, made shift tens that have been widely established on the coast to line between a rough or 2 dairy by the area, including a mazda. so that's absolutely disturbing, and it's kind of cool collapse of the humanitarian level in this area. and now people that have been using the own transportation, bringing stuff in it to the houses of their house items and the even try to secure the assembly members. some of palestinian said, that's our priority now is to guarantee that out. children be target as the trying to live on the very unbearable conditions would full collapse of hygiene facilities which will definitely subject and expose them to be completely target for the suppression of in sick to us diseases including hepatitis a and even diarrhea among children and women. as well. so it covers him the for us, the end of it things topic because we'll keep in touch with you through the evening
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. the one of the main hospitals in southern causal has been evacuated aft as rainy troop sees the roof of border crossing patients and medical workers slide the of the use of under joel hospital in rough of saving is right the strikes the hospital was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during is really a tax on the city. now the world health organization as well and the other hospitals will run out of field soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, the w joe has peoples and sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals, but without more aid flowing into garza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals probably. and my colleague elizabeth problems by team all good harris, who's the spokes person for the w h i. she explained what changes the organization has been full stomach. we've had to suspend some of the activities to the nose
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because we want to reserve that fuel for the hospitals for to ensure that they can continue their loss saving work. but that's not going to be possible for more than a couple of days. we will then completely run out how much of backup medical supplies to hospitals currently have. not much, so we pre positioned knowing that this incursion was likely we pre positioned supplies that as many of the hospitals as we could, including the hospitals as well for the themselves. but as you've heard those hospitals on the threats of had to evacuate their patients to other hospitals, we've also done things like set up dialysis units in the nasa medical complex, which as you know, was almost destroyed. but with the work where i work with it myself and all the agencies have been able to rehabilitate that. so that should open sued. and also
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we've been able to get things like dialysis units to the field hospitals, but these are tiny amounts, you know, it's a representative of say that over and over again, it's a band aid. it's a band aid on what's looking like a hemorrhage right now. in goal is a city i said, most grave as being and cover the whole ship a hospital file. assuming the officials have vague seems $49.00 buildings and the recovery process is still under way. these are the ministry lights each to the facility in march, getting hundreds of people inside the medical inside the building, including medical style shift, has been out of service for months. so the united states as pulls a weapon ship into his royal, consisting of thousands of large bottoms, see us as israel has not addressed washington's concerns of any ground operation in russell israel should launch a major attack and a rifle without accounting for and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space. and again, as we have assessed the situation,
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we pause one shipment of high height uh uh, payload, the munitions. we certainly would like to see a no major combat take place in rockford, but uh, but certainly our focus is on making sure that we protect the civilians. and we've again, we've not made a final determination on how to proceed with the with that shipment. like kind of has both on the state department, a new a secretary of defense has confirmed that a shipment of weapons to israel has been paused, pending a review. speaking to a senate committee, the secretary of defense also made clear. this is directly connected to threats. often is really operation in rough uh, an operation which the us says it is deeply and fundamentally opposed to now we've heard the same thing said by the state department, state department spokesman matthew miller. not the going into the nature of the
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width instead on hold. but the state department spokesman, also referred to, is really operations near rough uh, taking over the rough of crossing for example. and the spokesman saying that now isabel has taken control of that crossing. it's now has responsibility to get you monetary, an aide into the area. it now has the responsibility to open the crossing and allow the free flow of humanitarian workers and indeed humanitarian aid. the state department itself is under the pressure. it is due to release a report to congress incoming days and national security memorandum in terms of which is obliged to say which countries are using weapons provided by the us in accordance with international humanitarian rules. now this is something that it was us to do by the white house some 90 days ago. it's missed its initial deadline, but it is an item that is critical because the 1st time
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a us government department is going to have to officially put down in black and white. whether or not israel is using the width and supplied to it by the us. in accordance with international humanitarian rule, montana, i'll just sierra washington. those roles tried to continue on golf. so how boss and his are all engaged in cs, 5 talks in colorado, folks of the big negotiates. it's probably cancel an egypt, stephanie deca. how's the latest from the jordanian capital in the head of the ca, william barton's was back in his we're all today meeting with the is ready, prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on israel. interesting me today again and is ready media, but also over the course of the last couple of months, constantly even coming out of the war cabinet. that it is. these are the prime minister himself. that is making a deal very, very difficult, and it falls in line with what so many is read, he's on the ground. when i was into the multiple saturdays, when you have thousands of people protesting, cooling for the captives to be brought home,
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saying that he was prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and that may sound like internal politics, but it's not, it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see, it offers the law style and really to see what they could then cool as victory and goes off. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not. and going as far as to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these raise are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding pattern, we've been talking about this for weeks now. first, it wasn't as really agreed proposal. it seems how much has agreed, but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that whole continue in karo. we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of there over the next couple of days. so i just want to explain why stephanie's in amman, jordan, because, but even nothing, you know,
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his cabinet and his ram has been dial dra 0 from reporting from within israel. so we're reporting from outside the country are still a head here on i'll just the excitement bills and most i, as the olympic claim reaches, it shows the head i'll think label show piece empowers the despite his ex former caught them on need the car to squeeze the mall is set to run for president when the spanish region polls early elections. could this political return reignite the separatists bid for independence? and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey, the in depth analysis of the days headlines. that is, the failure to free the captive still being held by him. asked how difficult a moment is. this for the prime minister netanyahu is trying to stay in differently as 5 minutes to the know the state, possibly else of j. frank assessments. how to relations decline between them is uh,
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and the united states of america. the crux of the matter is new jazz choice of ministry partners and specifically russia inside story on out. is there a unique perspective? why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government from time on hub voices. 6, i've had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the
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lucky what you have is there with me. so who rahman and a reminder of all the top stories? israel has been bombarding, reference, southern gaza, 48000 foot soldiers sees the main border crossing between the strip and egypt. at least 4 people were killed in a strong prototype and the western pulse of the 6 and a 3rd mass graves beat them, cover the guns and i'll ship a hospital. i'm a city officially said that it seems 49 bodies and the recovery post. the system underway is there any minute treat late seats to the facility in march, getting hundreds of people including medical sense and the world health organization is moving, but there were any 3 days to left full health services in southern johnson. the w h . i added that it cannot sustain lice support to hospitals without paid entry because of strep of 0, senior political and his mom shot records. this i have in studio for the last, certainly few weeks have been talking about the pressure on israel to try and find a way to make sure that they don't go into rasa. yet. we haven't really told us
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suppose as much by the pressure on the united states has become more evident. perhaps it's new, own space become more evident to the last what 72 hours. i think william burns, the man who is leading the negotiations in cairo. i will describe it as the seasons politician the season. diplomats he's the head of the c. i a he's no full. he's been in the game. the yet small one. yet it seems. why would he have agreed? how must have agreed to an agreement, but that is a push to one side by washington dc. it just feels like he's being pushed on to the boss. it does feel that way. it feels that he will stop, even in the back, in the sense that he understands the person by the needs of the badly or otherwise is going to become his vietnam. he's certainly got the father to, to negotiate uh, mediate ideas between is are and how much would that have caught that nature. 3 and the man has been working with them at least for the past 40 years. and factual is
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1984 when he for size a session to 40 years since he started in his book back channel. he describes with intimate details his relationship to the region. both is what i thought his time here on the whole bit. so he understands a told you was he understands is part about the blinking is the secretary of state does. so it seems that this time around and after many, many weeks of attempts at that i think that's something he did. i've had a some sort of a version of i propose that that should have been accepted, was based on originally on the gyptian. purple isn't accepted by his or whatever the nitty gritty is odd. he did prove in the end some kind of a version that should have been accepted by the, by the administration. as soon as i was the rejected by nothing you know, by didn't on blanket did not give burns the support that he should have or admitted to. instead, they basically told him to go back to kind of go back from not squared one,
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but certainly, you know, to take in consideration all of the humbug that uh, nothing. yeah. whole, uh, spit out. uh, just because he doesn't want to deal in the end of the day, it's about prolonging the world. i don't see any real logical reason for why this happened. surely. this is the thing, right? i mean that's what's part of books. it go this couldn't come by the suite number by didn't needs a ceasefire deal in order to focus on the elections. the economy is good. in the united states. he just needs some kind of a step into on foreign policy or so he can win the them elections, right? nothing now feels that if there is a ceasefire, his premier ship is over. so one feels that his survival or the set of all of his presidency depends on as these via the other fields that he's pretty much it depends on the absence of a cease fire. you know,
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just to be clear. it's not just nothing you know, but then you know, the general is the fanatics and the freshest all across the board in these are the government and the walk cabinet and basically the guy, but i do not want a ceasefire. they don't care for the cactus. you know, i just heard the testimony today that was given a conference in is read by a former captive. she said, apparently that's not just her audience or the other on the other captive is that the word freed defensive to this? she couldn't meet us. think of this, i know for sure. since she was released from her captivity, had mother says, i meant everyone from my go to so knocked. i don't know whom. you know what kinds of word leaders, but they couldn't meet with these really needs or is there any you just don't care for? these are the captives. they cared about their position, their interest, the popularity that comes up, the coming war, heroes destroying gaza using gaza as
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a pretext to take over whatever is left over the westbank jocelyn. and as we've heard today of his restaurant, which is why we see so many israelis on the streets as well as a whole, whole range of reasons. the of the thing as well that's running and powerful with this is the, the hold on munitions going towards israel about souls, the closing bite and the problem from within his own policy and from the republican state. and it's coming at the same day when they're blinking again. and i don't know if he's the for them 2nd serve united set to raise red. but he postpone the report that he was supposed to give to congress today, basically uh saying whether he, his department believes there's this wireless thing and that i shall be my daughter in law or not. and here's where the shipment should go for whether or not it shouldn't be that complicated. it's been good. they've been looking at it for that
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7 months. is read, violating what the was, the laws of war, international, humanitarian law, international orange. i don't, i mean is there it is, is invited on a plausible genocide for god's sakes. so it's going to be very complicated for blinker to come up with a reports instead of congress that is there as while i think, but he's even postponing that was the one that does become public of interesting conversation. i'm sure that as well. well, and for the moment, thanks very much. i, i know to the days of the news chinese peasant, changing things as arrived and hungry. the final stopped in his visit to europe. china has invested place to $10000000000.00 in manufacturing, an infrastructure in the country. the probably been a civic to old on is came to maintain good times with a major economic partner. she began his european trip in front, followed by a visit to serve you as 3 day trip to hungry now mock 75 years of diplomatic relations between the 2 countries. trying to hold reports now from the rest. a construction site for now near the city of deborah,
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sending east and hungry that only hints that its future significance. it's the country's largest of a direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of mine, electric vehicle, batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry, emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through in crowds and the traditional hoc lands of the ruling feed as policy for 2 things. i don't know if i'm related just to you around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 on the construction and the, the arrow more is that more than for what the 1000 people be brought from from ambrose and people in are they worried about? yes, i'm not even on the go. i gatherings like this would be and think about what chinese investments in this country scene is delivering little fraud, receive
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a galvanizing support for one time government inside of p to my. yeah, it's early days yet, but there is a sense facility change is being built on the back of china's role in hungary, the prime minister, victor oil band, has long no tube will relations with china is she didn't think hungry is the only e u member participating in china is built in rhode initiative, and while the you generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or band keeps the back door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e, you import tatters. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad. that's transatlantic alliance. so the government is looking for new friends. and china is, is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this, this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest,
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bob bel grade to the greek port of peter reyes, now controlled by china. eventually, it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval that few c as imminent. it's another project that will help segments. china is only foothold inside the european union. during the whole elder 0, deborah sent the death toll from flooding in brazil. southern states of via the serial has risen to over a 100 people at least another 105. they have been reported missing in the countries was flooding and nearly 80 years rescue teams from the army place on volunteers helping tubing, thousands of people to safety present. reese, it also included the silver cold and congress technologist states of public emergency attraction. florida has a definitely postponed the trial of the former president. donald trump. trump is accused of illegally keeping classified documents such as a states after leaving office cases though, unlikely to come to cold ahead of the us presidential election in november.
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scottish national policy lead the john sweeney has been sold. and now as the 1st minister sweeney won the noble nation and a pile of entry both on choose day, his main goal is to an independence from the united kingdom. a deal it takes. i just finished its 12 day journey from athens. html site. that's over 150000 people gathered to the south coast of problems to walk you to arrive over a 1000. but it's a company the 3 master chip called the bell. m, as french olympics, we met champion and floral magnitude brought the flame to land. the flame was led to an ancient linea. earlier in april and on thursday at torch we, they will start across the country. it will end in defense of capital with the lighting of the flame on july, the 26th to month, the stones of the paris olympic games 2020 full. of course, you can follow those stories on our website that i'll just say what comes of texas throughout the day, i'll be back good movies. and just in the hoffman's time the weather was next and
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inside store like somebody as well. caesar of the rough across from me on the team here, thanks very much for your time. i checked on the, it had a lot of this and welcoming whether it has arrived in se agent in places that have been sizzling in recent weeks. but before we get that, let's have a look down on the in australia and some what weather is pushing its way further east bringing a threat of flooding to the likes of queensland and a new south wales on thursday in to friday. we've also got some coastal showers that remain consistent for places like sydney and despite being rather dry over the past few days, we all going to see some wet weather start to march its way into pub over the next few days. bring a chance of thunder. rashaw was there on friday. the showers on staff,
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the date will cool things down. now we've seen something of a cool down across new zealand thanks to a southerly flow of and that will support some snow flurries to parts of the soft island and look for weather here on the north island on thursday. rise up on friday . we 1st saw was coming into the south of the south island, but the temperature will be pushing up for christ. church and temperatures have come down across indo china as we move to south east asia. it does remain rather humid, but those numbers have dropped. you can see the west to whether starting to push its way further south. we are expecting some very heavy falls to start to work their way across the malay peninsula. on friday of the
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is around the seizure of the profit crossing wilson's and already done a situation for $2300000.00 palestinians in garza. the last gateway to the outside world now clause. why is this well defined? the us sort of this and what could the consequences be 4 sides. this is inside story, the .


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