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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 9, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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in march, 1st, to may 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the present by the instructions to stop supplying weapons too as well. if it launches an assault on rafa and admits us phones have killed civilians in garza, the around the clock, this is out 0 and like from the also coming up is running, striking targets from northern dogs. it to the top, colors to be in. hines, have been hit, can be at least 30 people, including sho. another mass grave is discovered that the out she for hospital
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complex in gauze or among soft, is ready forces with true 49 for these are found. we only have enough few to arrive health services in the sounds for 3 more days and a job warning from the world health organization. this palestinian casualties mounts in southern guns. the so yes, yes, president, the joe biden is threatening to stop the supply weapons to is rarely, if it launches a large scale attack on rough and as strong as comments to date by them can from the us has already pose the shipment off weapons to israel. consisting of thousands of launch problems, the civilians have been killed in gaza, so consequences bombs and other ways in which they go after populations. i made it clear that if i go into rough or i haven't gone on roughly yet,
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they go into rough or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with or off. straight to john 100, who's in chicago, where biden is do to hold the rally shortly. and john, this is quite a shift in policy is not. c the president is said he is not going to infinity is really said he will continue. defensive weapons such as the iron don't specifically virginia israel, not the 1000000 people are sheltering there. and these are safety weapons, the big bombs in there. and we're gonna stay the, the secretary defense data members of the vast amounts to shipment. having haven't decided that shipping will go forward in a,
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in the future. but because an invasion of ross in a larger sense seems to be about to go forward. dividing administration is saying the bottom line is that publicly know is the, he's the to the guy this, the 1st time we know a bit, he simply said, no, you may not have enjoying the st. pretty soon breakfast where you are, i think of themselves, let plenty of people waiting to get that voice heard and pray to the finish to leave should be within the next. 2 20 minutes or so. so is crowd the schedule hotel receiving the palmer house hotel. you can see the police are here to separate
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the purchasers from the hotel and they have stopped the traffic. they've stopped it since rush hour. this in state street of major street. they are on the move now, and they've just been channing that they want to make sure the joe biden you're on his way out. and there a lot of the, i suspect has been. 7 for me, it's old, you're building restrictions, helicopter, and the goes on to o'hare airport. this crowd trying to follow the road is included in the should be, or i don't believe that's mountains on engineering, chicago finish. ben is a fellow, the institute for policy studies and the director of the new engine nationalism project. and she says the decision to hold back a shipment of weapons shows that protest calling for seesaw, having an impact on the white house. this is an incredibly important it moves. uh,
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1st of all, every bomb that is held back by washington means fewer palestinians will be killed . we've seen 30 people killed just in the last 24 hours in and around rasa. this notion though, this is not enough. this notion that they will withhold more of the weapons artillery shells and others, if israel attacks russia, does not take into account that israel is already bombing russia. so this is not the ceasefire that people all around the world and across the united states or demanding. it is an important move. it does show how the movement, the demand for a cease fire is having an impact on the white house. they are desperate to get out from under this divide. i think that we have to be clear that the demand for a cease fire is not being met with these actions. it is important because it's never too literally might be one life saved with one bomb. these 2000 pound bonds
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routinely killed, doesn't scores more than a 100 people at a time from just that one bond. and this one, uh, a package that was being withheld apparently had more than 1200 of those 2000 pound bonds. so that's not enough. but it is very far from what is required, partly because, as you say, is real, has received an enormous amount of weapons from the united states already and more are underway. congress has just voted to send $26000000000.00 worth of military aid and related support to israel in, you know, in a situation in which there is no accountability. there is no conditionality for the violations of international law under which these weapons are going to be used. the websites that are being withheld now, or any part of that new package of $26000000000.00 worth. this was an old agreement from a on time to go from several years ago that only now they decided was
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a good time because israel says they need more and they're pulling it back, which is good. it's important and it is not enough on the ground. and rough idea is ready, ministry is continuing to pound the southern city view and says around $50000.00 people who are taking shelter that have lessons monday, because correspondence on the ground in gaza. and because it really isn't a pallet or a new wave of displace palestinians heading for safety, but 1st target resume reports from the southern city of russell this is what people in gauze of wake up to every day. here's what ignoring windings from where leaders, including its main i like the united states and bombing rough documents. agencies say that task this traffic consequences for palestinians as well as take over the roof on the board of crossing with egypt on tuesday means new 8 can get 10. 8.
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that's a lifeline for those living in the gaza strip is read has also denied the u. n a agencies access to garza, they say the supplies of if you will only last a one more day during the last 7 months as well has been forcing palestinians into rough. nearly 2 thirds of districts population of 2300000 are displaced. that's 1500000 people, the city 100 population of 275000 before the war. exhausted, antoinette ties the all in the move again. some displaced for the 5th or the 6th time is read has told zeus in eastern rough i to go to areas that just weeks ago, went back to fields going to milwaukee fun unit. and there was none of these areas have basic services, no conditions considered livable. many palestinians are close to famine on soft
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spring water born diseases with a leak stream legal medical care available rad or long. but i know i know we have stuff and a lot of children see horrible things and listen, stalling. they suffer with trauma while we're displaced when leaving tanks and not far from us. so you can see it with the bare eyes most that way. he's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the minister of defense of cologne, tough post released the statement saying the plumbing of roof is necessary to get rid of from us. and that isabel will continue to deepen its operation all over this trip in the south center. and in the news, guns is often described as the world's largest hope at present and before the world was really under a 17 year locating post bike, as well as a ceasefire. deals are still being discussed in cairo,
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palestinians, in because this trip disparate for the root tar capacity, which is 0, russel patterson. now good reason 0 by which is one of the cities and you guys were kind of sending to fling to in order to seek shelter. i'm picking up the hospital where it's parked. we totally see the difference from yesterday to today on our way from the far do that in bella earlier today. we also saw the amount of cars and trucks holding people and caring people from going to, um, uh, add them in the middle area and where i am right now in denton. but people are still searching for a place for a spot for an empty area to settle down. but unfortunately, since the morning there has been multiple air strikes on agriculture, land, an empty events. and this is the only place left for people to settle their tents.
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uh, people are still panicking. their sin terrified these been at a have a more family members and drop off and there's coming here to reserve some slots for them a so the situation is frustrating. people are very desperate. they can't find a place to such an in the coastline of veteran but as the wide and the middle area is completely packed with people at the hospital is packed where not only residents and civilians. uh um is like you waited from drop off, but also do hospitalized from augusta cleared and evacuated their patients to uh, hospitalized in the middle area. so. so far more people are coming people, ethan not listed in the red and danger zone. and more people are expecting to arrive in the next couple of days. of one of the main hospitals in southern browser has been evacuated. officer is ready. troop sees the roof in border crossing
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patients and medical workers that we use if i'm not jo, hospital in rafa ferry is really strikes. it was one of the few medical facilities treating patients wounded during his ready attacks on the system. the world health organization is going to all the hospitals will run out of fuel soon. we only have enough few to run health services in the south. for 3 more days, w joel has pretty pollution sums up lies in warehouses and hospitals. but without more aid flowing into gaza, we cannot sustain our life saving support to hospitals and dogs. a city of the mass graves be non coveted, dallas chief of hospital palestinian officials say they've assumed $49.00 bodies and the recovery price is still under way. these rarely minute treat. laid siege to the facility in march coming hundreds of people inside, including medical stuff. i'll see if it has been out of surface for months and mass
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graves have been discovered in around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip. but today's findings, they have now been 7 grave size discovered entitled 3 at al ship medical complex. one has been found to come out and one hospital in the north until the south 3 grave sites have been discovered at nasa medical complex. so for 520 bodies have been recovered from all 7 mass grave sites. that number is expected to increase, as the price of retrieving bodies continues. as israel strikes continue on, god so have mass and his rel are engaged and sees far towards in colorado discussions that are being negotiations by kata. and by egypt, stephanie dec reports from the georgia. i didn't capital of a month at the head of the ca, william barton's was back in his we're all today meeting with the is ready, prime minister, the americans are trying to put a lot of pressure on israel. interesting me today again and is ready media, but also over the course of the last couple of months,
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constantly even coming out of the war cabinet. that it is. these are the prime minister himself. that is making a deal very, very difficult, and it falls in line with what so many is read, he's on the ground. when i was into the multiple saturdays when you have thousands of people protesting, calling for the captives to be brought home, saying that he's prolonging this war for his own political survival because the right wing and that may sound like internal politics, but it's not, it's really the men that keep him as prime minister in power don't want to deal. they want him to go full on into the alpha and what they see it off as the law stands really to see what they could then cool as victory and goes off. and of course, and then you have the americans that are saying absolutely not in going as far as to now withholding for now a major military shipment of heavy i, munitions, which these raise are not happy about. so this is where we're at. we're at a holding potter and we've been talking about this for weeks now. first,
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it wasn't as really agreed proposal. it seems how mouse has agreed, but there had been amendments that as well as now have not happy about that pulse. continuing kara, we're going to have to wait and see what is going to come out of there over the next couple of days. just to explain why stephanie deck has reported from amman, a benjamin that y'all who's cabinets has buttoned out to 0. and so we're reporting from outside israel. so the head here on out 0, the just told rise in brazil pulling devastating floods as rescue as race to find survivors plus the railway line to funnel chinese goods interest centrally remind jo, holding hungry with china is spending billions on manufacturing an infrastructure to cement it's only a foothold in the european union, the 2 era writers from different countries,
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but with much uncommon moraine upstairs. so a palestinian resistance poets jailed for his left when views his poetry was the weapon to use to fight the whole world and cause something to do. a syrian professor, lots of behind the scenes. there wasn't a secret movement 11 and syria had us going to the rock. that konstantin was not behind rebel writers, palestine and syria on that, which is 0. the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum through peer border. and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival and to save the love of the world. how does you, as you see, doing the fine glass despite his exile form or cut them on lead the carlos,
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whose demo is set to run for presidents? when the spanish region holds early elections, causes political return, reignite the separatists bid for independence. and how would it impact spain's political landscape? the catalonia elections on a jersey to the the, the you're watching out 0 or one of the top stories this out. and you, as president joe biden says he will stop supplying weapons to israel. if it launches into salt and rafa is comments come off to the us, confirmed it, and pool is the way the shipment to as well as it concerns if it's not doing is not addressing the safety of civilians is what is being bombarding, reference, having gaza. 48 hours officers soldiers seized the main border crossing between
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strip in egypt and these 30 people have been killed in fer it strikes across gauze on wednesday. the world health organization is one. those are the 3 days of fuel left for health services in southern gaza. the rich, i says, it counts this thing likes to for life saving support to hospitals without paid entering the strip the death toll from flooding and brazil, southern state, the rio grande. so has risen to more than a 100, at least another 130 have been reported missing in the countries was flooding in any 80 years rescue teams from the army. the police and folding chairs helping bring thousands of people to safety. present do is necessarily the silver cold on congress to acknowledge state public emergency. out is there is less in america added to the c. and even as the latest on rescue operations in southern business, we are in the military central command for this emergency. it's actually within a cavalry unit of the army,
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but it's been transformed as into the what they called there. war room, members of all representatives rather of all of the institutions of the country are here, the army, the navy, the police, the health ministry. just a few minutes ago, the minister of communications came in in the hall and the helicopter. we went out into having a cover ourselves just a short time ago as well, but now they've been thunderstorm. so everything is rather paralyzed is the central commands that from where they send out a rescue teams, medical equipment, everything they can, but it's got to be done in helicopters rather than in large, large vehicles or, or aircraft from uh, from an airport because the airport is absolutely flooded. so of the road. so does that hinder very, very much the rescue effort and as with a number of dead, we are hearing here also record that they expected to go much, much higher because simply they haven't been able to find bodies in this
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catastrophe. as they call it, chinese presidents using paint, has arrived and hungry for the final stuff on his visit to europe. a china has invested close to $10000000000.00 in manufacturing and infrastructure in the country. and probably mr. victor open is king to maintain good ties with the major academic partner. she's trip to hungry buck, 75 years of do about the relations between the 2 countries. during the whole reports now from deborah's of a construction site for now near the city of deborah, sending east and hungry that only hidden city its future significance. it's the country's largest of a direct investment project, an $8000000000.00 chinese factory that will produce lucy of mine, electric vehicle, batteries, chinese batteries for chinese, cause to be sold inside the european union. it's also we're hungry, emerging opposition leader has been making inroads on the campaign trail through in
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crowds in the traditional hoc lands of the reading feed. as part of the 2 things. i don't know if i'm related just to you around the deborah sense 7, the chinese method effect 3 under construction. and the arrow more is that more than for $40000.00 people? votes from from ambrose and people in are they worried about? yes, anybody on the go a gathering like this with the feet and think about what chinese investments in this country scene is delivering nipple through a very faithful a galvanizing support for one time government inside the p to my yeah, it's early days yet, but there is a sense that some of the chains is being built on the back of china's role in hungary prime minister victor oil band has long no tube will relations with china is she didn't thing hungry is the only e u. member participating in china is built in rhode initiative. and while the e u generally tries to limit the chinese economic influence or band keeps the back
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door wide open, offering investment friendly opportunities for china to avoid e, you import tatters. the government has but a few friends in the european union ending abroad the transatlantic alliance. so. so government is looking for new friends. and china is, is somebody who is interested in having a very good friend within the european union. this, this railway line is being upgraded, that chinese expense, connecting budapest, bob bel grade to the greek pull to the race, now controlled by china. eventually it will transport chinese goods at high speed into central europe and borrowing political upheaval. the few c s. m, and it's another project that will help segments. china is only foothold inside the european union during the whole elder 0 douglas and north macedonia is right where your position is one parliamentary elections. that means that the bulk and country
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of too many people will have its 1st female president go done. and so general scott cover the return of the right way. opposition to pub is likely to select the country's integration into the european union. the, the people's defense force and me and my were once members of a peaceful and protest moving, but it's fights as a now in the front lines of battles with the military. around the strategic board, a ton of mile warranty. tony chang tells the story and the false develop. 0 special reports from inside the in flight is from the people's defense pulse speed along the roads of canyon state. aside from the threats in the yeah, they have the countryside locked down. a well organized discipline, melisha, bone of a peaceful disobedience movement. and the often most of the military coup, peaceful protest as took to the streets of old man,
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most major cities via but use 10 z. i'm willing to give up the freedoms of democracy. the ministry cracked down, the followed was hundreds gone down in the streets. 1000 small hold a way to detention to the protest is we're left with a stop choice. submit move to the boat is and find a mile from that. i a ross in this area around august 2021. i was in the k and l. a . force in the lake, a cow area, maya wadi, i decide to take up arms and flights back and usually off of the training, i decide to work this medic, a train by a sneak korean rebels who, being fighting for autonomy decades they lent you skills. but a shortage of weapons and ammunition, that's only one rifle for every 2 fighters. now, all of that has changed. one of the things has made a huge difference in the last 6 months. is weapons, the pro democracy forces has seized from military bases. they've over run these and
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just some of the rifles they've taken from faces. and the last couple of weeks that the many of them are not good enough just don't. but the young up and fight is a using the social media skills to for the 2 g was the same as hip hop on just now he tools rebel bases raising neuro nearby and funds say about trying to, you know, we would have done this kind of fundraising many times before, the enemy uses all the power and resources to attack, cuz so we have to raise funds by any means, such as collecting donations from people online. but they worked with the song, he's singing originally performed by zeta tall politician and wrapper executed by the electric generator in 2022. as the sunsets fight to slip out of cover to wash in the river, educated and professionals turned into jungle guerrillas. despite all the obstacles
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to find they could well when tony chang out to 0 k in states eastern me, i'm the man known as the master of north korea. and propaganda has died at the age of $94.00 competing. i'm sub to 3 generations of the north ruling family, dentistry of mcbride reports now from the sol. as north korea is mazda, propagandist, and kim quay nam health cement the lord of the came family, tennessee as assigned is important. so the current rule that kim jong does lead overnight tribute to his mental state run media. you're the guy who's memory helping the reading and the whole was wrapped in solver over the last of a veteran of our policy. and the revolution may even be starting with chemo. some north korea's founding father, tim keen, them witness the passing of power through 3 generations. a unique event in the
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communist world. although not that well known outside of north korea, kim ki mamms legacy will be the remarkable propaganda machine he helped to create. that's been developed in recent years with the hollywood style amaica and attempts to transition to the age of social media. more recent musical creations idolizing kim jung then have gone viral, finding a global audience by this has to be done this over to seems reaching the age of 4 to this year. we few strong efforts to upgrade his position to absolute power with control on being referred to as the great father. so and with kim introducing his daughter as a likely 4th generation successor. it's a propaganda effort that shows no signs of slowing down on mcbride. i'll just say era, so we'll finally, that'd be dramatic scenes as simple as thoughts. boeing, 767 tall, good plane was forced to land on his nose on the runway after its landing. it felt
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a 5 fights has rushed to the plain to sure, but no fuss broke out. and that's it for minute clock. we've got the weather coming up next enough to that inside story. we'll examine israel seizure the rough for crossing and what that means for the palace, deeds of costs, the low, the pots of south asia will continue to civil under exceptional heat. over the next few days, we've had amber, lots issued for shore line cut for at least the next 3 days with temperatures set to hit very high levels of costs move in and eastern areas. but also western parts of india will continue to see the mercury rise utilising $42.00 degrees celsius. the good news is that will be some relief coming in in the form of some showers on
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sat today with the chance of thunder storms. knocking the temperature down slightly that the temperature is all set to come down across pakistan. as a westerly disturbance moves its way from us, gone this time across more northern areas. as we go into the weekend. the weather is set to develop from northern parts of india and across to the east, with some pretty ferocious on the storms coming in. west bengal and possibly a beach as well through to the weekend. and the weather continues to play southern pots of china. we move thunder storms and terrestrial down pools. working their way from one g across into one down as we go into friday. and this is the story of exceptional heat for mongolia and northern china, but the blustery wins will push the west to weather for the east, bringing the temperature down invasion $26.00 on friday, the examination being proactive. today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe
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what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the sites are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care. international filmmakers and we'll cross journalist, bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis for climate revolution. going out, your 0 is around the seizure of the run for crossing wilson's and already done a situation for the $2300000.00 palestinians in kansas. the last gateway to the outside world. now clause, why is israel to find the us sort of this and what could the consequences be for sides? this is inside story. the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm toma cried.


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