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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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their border as well. in ecuador communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival. and to save the lump sum of the work, how does he was view? see doing the fine glass the, [000:00:00;00] the phone. so robin watching the of the news online from dialogue coming up in the next 60 minutes. the buttons ministration says this roles use of american weapons. they have violated in such a low income so that it sends you the confidence to withhold minute 3, a south african issues. another play to the united nations top cold war to as well, to withdrawal from russia,
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saying the military in cash. and threatens the survival of palestinians inc. also the results of the route is as follows. in favor, 143 is realized slaves exactly. well, stage the un general assembly of the welding the adults resolution vaccine palestine space for full un membership and structure load is a major ground. the solves on ukraine's northeastern cup of tea region. civilians are told to leave the welcome to the fargo as well as close as l. i. a law just supply the united states as israel's use of american weapons likely breached international law. in garza, the long awaited report by the, by the administration to congress issues
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a rat criticism of israel's military conduct. but it still shows of finding specific instances that would justify withholding military a israel is ready. forces have killed 3035000 palestinians, and garza and more than 15000 of them of children. and i have 9000 women. tom accommodates as the assistant professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies and joins us on the set to get them in the store. we just spoke like a while ago when we had small correspondents in washington, dc saying the report has dropped. it was delayed for weeks if not months and now it's sort of a bit of a, a mish mash of yes, we sort of have a problem, but we don't. so it is a situation that it's hard to imagine the us being the judge and the part of the climb at the same time that they have to choose which position that and so they're not the field judge. and yes, that a partner in crime because the support thing is that so i'm not surprised when this
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the support comes this way because the americans are still holding the stick from them. and then, i mean, what's the, what's difficult about investigation investigating what assessing the use of, of, of us weapons in this genocide the, what i mean, i mean, the collective outcomes so visible. i mean, it's an insult level of intelligence. it's an insult to that the national human to pay the law for the americans to come up with such statements, weak statements. so i, i think the americans have to be clear about what they want from this war and these tactics for games. i don't think that they will fly. i mean, we have heard of it and i don't think they're going to disappear. read that because obviously everybody has been waiting for this report to be published. the thought that they dropped to the correspondence said earlier in the office, it was at 5 o'clock on a friday afternoon when they think nobody's going to pick it up. no, it's cool. so going to pick it up over the weekends and sunday in the international presses too. but it also affects the question that with bites is already saying i'm
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going to stop munitions going into israel. because that's in the all he thinks he's got a plan, his attack into a rough, a full scale. this was a boat, doesn't bode well and it sort of flies in the face of what the state department of things. wow. so, but again, is it is something, but that's one of the think he's not stopping. he's just the just stopping or the freezing. oh sending. so a certain type of permission, but i mean there's no discussion on the entire what been that are your systems or you know, supplies that are being provided, please read. so is what it is is capable of continuing disorder. and i'm sure they have also lots of supplies, you know, on the and then the storage, you know, again that's not the position we expect from the use of the solution. i think what we say so far is the embarrassment. the bible has and the solution has created. but since by embracing is led to this to this moment. no, but they happy. the room was standing behind, they not one byte and says, this is the red line of that. so red line, all the others, but none of us know what the red lines are. as you said before, smoking,
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there is it is smoking better because i sincerely believe that the by the and the solution is still committed to help isn't actually even good schools in this war and whatever they disagree on in public. it's on the tactics. they don't, they don't want these ladies to, i mean the americans possibly. i mean that because i've been in the dock and syria that are familiar with these types of fluids that they don't want to see is a, is a boat thing on, on the same conduct that has gone in and in the world at the beginning of the world, when it comes to the way it, it depends on the destroyed that, you know, they, they want, they want to see this mess. it could in its ugly way. they want the limited shapes and mid 3 conduct, but isn't as much as much time as if it started like why i was, i think that ok and good. but as much as long as this that i agree with the same goals. so the, not the, nothing tough, no they have, they can still do these things as you say, on the military front, the, on the political friends, little social front. it's so evidence about what the well, the things we saw, what do you in general assembly to today,
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we're seeing the ongoing protests that university campuses across not just america, but now other parts of the world including europe and civil society continues to take to the streets so the weekends and march, and most of the major capitals of the world. exactly. and this is what matters. what my thought is, is there is an awakening that the entire world has is seeing the tools. now, you cannot, you come up to insult people's intelligence. this way, uh yes, i mean the demonstrations, the universities, the movements i mean name is, this is very an insult to the public, to the, by the solution until nothing it was well. and when it comes to this i'm, i'm, i'm of the opinion that whatever is happening though with these smoking matters is uh, face saving measure. i mean the by that in the solution thinks that it could reduce or minimize the damage and make a trip of a selection that going to buy it by distracting people from the,
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the in story which is happening now. people have been investigated now what about what has we thought? what are they are busy with the statements and what's the best position and i'll be able to bed. so that's the video thing that i think is what's happening now. what are they about coming from? uh, the uh, the high institute for graduate studies. thank you. what is it move from particular, hey, and who brought the news for us a couple of hours ago, a pass a, you know, it has to be said that the us presence threatened to cut off supplies of weapons if they, if israel goes into russia more heavily than expected, we've got the, the various commentators like tell you about coming up here with me in the hall. just talking about this whole smoke and mirrors really about what's really going on . this report is quite dumping in in pods. but the big enough, you know, and i think it's important for now, what president joe biden is doing is not related at all to this report. he can still cut off offensive military weapons as he is starting to do so,
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if the situation and ralph gets changes or at it, and we know that he's held back about $3500.00 bonds to send that message with this is a report the congress demand they want them to look into the administration to look into 7 countries, where the us is providing military aid to make sure it complies with international law. and this report would have, if the state department would have found that yes, israel's in clear violation of international humanitarian law, their immediate consequences within the law. it would have tied the president's hands as to what he could send to israel. that said, i think the in the run up to this report, the links to the media were all that it was going to be a very tough report on israel. i've now been able to get through the summer. as you mentioned, it's break and i've been real, it gives you the summary and much of the actual document that went to congress. and it really does, like most of the blame on how boss and it's fairly interested in some of the things
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they said that they did say it's reasonable to assess that is some instances israel has violated humanitarian law. but basically we can't get in there to investigate and we don't have enough evidence under the law to actually invoke this. but some of the things in this report that i want to point out, it says the idea of has the protection of civilians including requirement related to the just that the there basically said israel has done this distinction, proportionality and precautions on offensive operations, as it pertains to protecting civilians, obviously some of the images would contradict that edits of israel says that it is implementing restrictive measures to protect sites such as hospitals, schools, places of worship, and un facilities. i think we can maybe get a graphic and show you all the houses of worship, all of the hospitals that are with him, dated and bob and all of the you and facilities. i believe it's a more than a 100. and it did say that you in organizations and other humanitarian organizations,
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say the israel's mitigation efforts are inconsistent in effective and inadequate. that's not the usa that's, that's their said, well, others might say that. but basically the bottom line is when it comes to humanitarian nay. that's another provision in the law. they said at the beginning, right after october 7th, israel didn't cooperate, but they are in fact, cooperating much better now. it needs to continue. it's still not good enough, but it goes on to list all the ways the u. s. has helped to make sure a gets into god's. 3 not mentioning the fact that you, it says there's going to be a mass of famine and the children have already starved to death. so this is very clearly the state department trying to send the message that, well, some of the things that israel is doing may have started the law, but we're not ready to rule on that. we're not ready to say that it definitely has and therefore tire hands as to what kind of weapons us weapons israel can do it so interesting, isn't it patsy? i'm sure just from
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a correspondence point of view that we have been waiting for this report for weeks if not months. and yet they dropped this report on a friday afternoon at 5 o'clock when everybody's getting home. do they think that the media is stupid enough? not to pick it up on the sunday, talk shows up with the international press and got that rise closed. i don't think they're worried as much about the domestic media. um, obviously this on the sunday shows may talk about it, but it really uh sunday shows here of lost a lot of their influence when it comes to voters. as far us media actually covering this report, that seems highly unlikely for present donald trump is on trial and it would seem if you were watching the cable news that literally no other news has been happening . basically since the trial started. israel and guys are not really covered, they are the newspapers covered to some extent the wires cover it. but as far as tv you can go in entire day watching the entire cable news channel and not see one
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mention of gaza and israel. or if you do, it's very brief and you never see the images, the like the ones you see at altos, air, english. so yes, the timing is not a coincidence. i don't know that they have to take those steps, but there's a sort of a joke in washington. it's called the friday night, used up. and it's like, oh, what's gonna happen friday at 5? something that nobody wants anyone to see. that's when the government will release it. well, they actually went right friday at 5 o'clock. so, i mean, obviously they want to downplay this report to the people in the democratic party, her grand increasingly upset with joe biden. but i don't expect that this reports going to get much coverage because in the end it doesn't have any consequence. positive thought so much for you. important, of course, i will speak more as the day progresses. thank you. as well. meanwhile, south africa as well to the edge of requests that the winds top cold order is ready forces to withdraw from rasa. it says that the way is really full is the conduct thing is operation in rafa. and then jet casa, is genocidal. and this one is already full,
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so they've been expanding attacks on rough uh why, maybe 1500000 palestinians, a sheltering mold of 800000 of them flat since monday. the and says these really all these takeover of the roof of boulder crossing a sealed gauze as key lifeline of 8 at a time when simon is spreading x, those individuals is really forces having testified their attacks and rough uh, pushing deeper into the cities, eastern areas buildings around a q a hospital or under fire or civilians have been sheltering for months. well, let us show you in the flat. i see that rafa cannot bear to be invaded by israel. we are many casualties, most of the injured and martyrs that are arriving at this hospital are women and children, and they've been mostly displaced. the personal mazda is armed wing because some brigade say they have hate 2 tanks. and a vehicle of caring is rarely troops disappears. a full scale ground invasion grows
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and the city comes on to intensify the text from deer. do you and estimates more than 100000 people are fleeing to try and find any form of safety? for many, there's no escape the this motor bits of through welters soon as he dies in her arms despite global calls for restraint, these really army has launched a multiple strikes and a rough thought this week. on monday this way, the army dropped leaflets or drink palestinians to evacuate. families who once called or brought the home, are now heading to almo bossy and darrow by law. but they are struggling to find food, water, and other supplies, and to no,
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no part of gaza is safe access. i'm gonna reach out to 0. folks that are totally composer is in the palestinian say we are told to evacuate the facing desperate conditions as we have been touring between the streets of dairy thought. today, as these trees are completely crowned with people in factories who are living in mid shift tends living on the streets and in the open areas. and we also come across different numbers of families who are still looking for house at this point, being place displaced for a rough law. there is a mold growing pressure on the medical center in a dairy by which unlocks the hospital right now is the main only operating hospital in derek by that, which is responsible of providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians being right now result leading of this very densely populated area, but the question among palestinians is what next to go in light of this ongoing nightmare going on the ground. they have been following the east, very military odors full days, 4 months right now. and they have been again,
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attacks on areas that are supposed to be safe for them. and we did the past couple of hours in talking. we've been hearing loud explosions. and then the say, rock refugee camp close to a different bus where a number of palestinians being killed and wounded and lose what being wounds that they have being transported to ox, the hospice of here to get medical treatment. so on aspects including the security and the humanitarian level, the situation is the to your rating without to know any kind of international support or even intervention to rescue what has left from the territory as palestinians believe that the entire international community has let them down. now with the clouds of board is under the suspension of a to flu into the gaza strip, which gives more signs of a lot regarding the humanitarian situation inside the church or or but it's been 5 days since this row has allowed any a truck into garza where simon is spreading the way and has will that unless, as well, allows to into goals of hospitals,
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ambulances and health care centers will only be able to offer it for less than 48 hours on the coming supplies of food. and critical aids can only last for a few days, a group, se, babies and incubators and the last remaining hospitals in garza will die unless the facilities get fuels of generates as to keep the power on. from the israel cut off electricity supply to gaza. back in october. now i like so hospitalized one of the last functioning hospitals in garza and the only one in central data by the doctors that are seeing that fuel supplies dwindled as in the 3 the pulse. he didn't crisis in the basement of the ox hospital with that, and then a couple assistance with that off of the likes of hospital is supplied with 20000 liters of fuel every days. we were supposed to have received that quantity 2 days ago. and we have 10000 liters is back on. yeah,
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but that's been consumed over the past 2 days beyond we only have enough fuel for 24 hours. an hour ago. we received 2000 liters. it's enough enough for half a day. all of these tanks are empty because for more than 5 days, power asylums crossing the commercial crossing has been closed, where no fuel entered the gauze was true according to the house. so they're saying that this is only the only time cause has few left and those who run the generators know, shortages here translate to the reveal problems and the worry about that on the whole, for the end, we have intensive care. we have a nursery with 24 incubators for newly born babies. such cases are at risk of going at any moment if the power goes out and we'll see, have a busy schedule of surgery runs around with florida. if the situation is not dealt with to die out, the generator will be turned off tomorrow, and the palestinian minister of have is warnings us if you will,
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does not enter the gaza strip and specially to this hospice and indebted. but it's going to shut down and you're going to target and how situation is going to collapse. this isn't the odyssey to unlock the hospital. that is the la garza palestine a lot. so hospitalized also thing is such a patients of to more is rarely strikes or rasa as it runs out of field is also running out of room to treat them. any must mean managed to get inside. but we do, well, we need that some of the images in this report are distressing. square inside deluxe is a hospital, one of the only few remaining health facilities to my operation all across the garza for this particular hospital is in defense front area. and as you can see over a crowded wood patients, an injury isn't family members who are evacuated to this particular facility, seeking shelter in the past 7 months. have been quite difficult for the health sector across the gauze. as for the,
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from major hospitals being deliberately targeted and destroyed and pushed out of service into the acute, shorter medical supplies, then the shorter supply with fuel was the remaining to my operation of hospitality . to complete a closure right now. and with more recently, a hospital in dropbox, of the city that has been pushed out of service because of the military operations in this hospital. not only suffering from the lack of a space and, and being jammed with many people, but also the services. here are a dire situation right now. we're looking at a extreme shortage of medical supplies. there are no space for, for patients, for injuries. some of them are on the literally, on the floor of the hospital are very, very devastating situation for, for the hospital to continue on working and to sustain itself. what we're seeing right now literally is,
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is sufficient medical to stop here that's been working for the past 7 months, already exhausted, and a traumatized given the. the ongoing intense bombing campaign across the district here to, to medical and staff are trying to help one of the injures who, somebody could not find a bid for him. he's literally on the floor of the hospital, getting whatever and not the service treatment. they're doing their best to save lives here. but for the most part, injuries and patients are either on the floor of the hospital or the end of waiting go side. a lack of his business, not the only problem in this hospital, but also the extreme charge or medical supplies as well. the shortage of a seal that is threatening the hospital to shut down major parts of it. the department including the i see you on operations room. we spoke with with a doctor briefly and he just answer with one words, describing the difficulties of the situation. the past 7 months have evolved into
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major problem across this trip. more people are pouring into the hospital right now and within the past 2 days, 1000 of more people are seeking shelter inside the hospital. more evacuation orders, they sit in the southern part of the trip. first. this hospital to go beyond its capacity as more people either setting up the terms outside the vicinity of the hospital or inside a sport or literally inside the facility itself. just increasing the pressure on medical to stop volunteers, as well as in the patients and injuries inside the facility. and israel, expensive in rafa, has made a di humanitarian crisis in garza even was that. let's take a closer look at south africa's edge of request to the international court of justice. so advocates as is relevant salt on ralph. it gives rise to new facts that
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are causing of approval home to the rights of the palestinian people. in garza, it goes on to state that of raw, for a similarly destroyed that will be little left of gaza or of the prospects of the survival of palestinian life in the territory on the slide. they also stresses as the primary hub for humanitarian assistance in garza if off of holes. so does garza money? i'm jim. she is an associate professor of law at the university of colorado slow school join us on line from boulder in colorado. good to have you with us this term sheet a will and pick your findings and your thoughts one by one. if you don't mind what you've settled, sort of plays into this larger and longer legal argument to the night event that south africa has brought to the i c j about israel committing genocide. but as we spoke to one of the contributors to send a short time ago time is of the essence. the time is of the essence that, that is correct. i mean,
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you know right now with the latest request that south africa has made to the court, you know, it has made very clear how urgent it believes the situation to be inside of it. as asked the court to weigh in on its provisional measures order within a week's time, i added his listed a litany of that, that highlight the really, the only thing that the court can and should do, which is at the minimum to order israel to seize is military operation in ra huh. and though it has not explicitly asked for this in this, in this particular request, it has referenced it throughout the request that it is high time the court actually demand that israel sees all of its military activities inside of gaza. now will, is real comply, know israel will not comply, unfortunately, but this is part of
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a larger legal and political strategy to increase pressure on the united states on the bite and ministration to, to, to, to finally put some breaks on what is real, is doing to the palestinians of god that the political to be sure if i doubted the mounting already. let me just jump in that because a, in your journal of genocide research and we've been reading through it. i mean, you talk about the sort of full relationship between the genocide convention of the international human rights law. i mean, what do you mean by lots of you could put it in, you might say that piece meal times for our international views. and so in the article i talk about these are a relationship between the genocide convention and in particular the reality of what people experience on the ground. the genocide convention was written intentionally in ways that really narrow and limit what can be considered genocide . it does it comport with what, what, what, what, what the facts on the ground in many cases,
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whether in the case of god or in other situations. i think part of what south africa is doing that's really important is really trying to bring the genocide convention into line with the the lived experience of people who actually experience the genocide. so how are you, how do you think? because it sounds i forget was going to overcome this. so the i c j always it sort of work in progress. awesome. when the examples you might say re that ugly heads, and i think one of the ways in which south africa is trying to bring more of a realistic approach to the ways in which the court and international law generally approaches. genocide is really placing what is happening inside gaza within the broader historical context. south africa in this submission. so written an oral has discussed at length the degree to which what is happening in gaza is part of
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a much broader set of practices and plans. it is real as health, where is the palestinians for over 75 years. whether it's the now clause, whether it's the knock. so whether it's the 17, your speech on god, the whether it is the multiple wars in the gaza strip. all of this is part of what is happening right now inside of god, and that larger historical picture is really critical to bringing some reality into how the quarter approaches what's happening right now. the quote itself, you know, couldn't, couldn't take legal terminology, but scholars like yourself an international tv news on, cuz like me sometimes find it very hard to get guess who to knowledge the definition of occupation. it's okay when we talk about russia, ukraine, everybody knows what's going on the but when it comes to israel and palestine every won't break soft into a cold sweat. terrified of offending these riley's and the u. s. a being called on
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december. and yeah, that's true. and i think that unfortunately, the fear of being of being called anti semitic fear of otherwise, you know, being sneered. it has driven a lot of hesitation amongst scholars amongst journalists, among public figures, to actually name what's happening inside of inside of god. the inside of the west bank, inside of israel proper to the policy and to live there, there is a lot of fear. i think that people have that prevents them from really honestly weighing in on the evidence, which is substantial about how it is real, treats the pallets, city and systematically has treated them for decades and decades. and the genocide that's currently happening inside gaza right now has put that in stock, release the term sheet. we have to leave it that i'm afraid it's the media good
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talking to and thanks very much for your thoughts. thank you for having me. so hard to fold out is that it will have the latest round of the pages. it's a pool is a pot aside from across the world. and the governments in mexico, those drugs to fee, but use the number of people to fix things to class as missing will tell you why after the break, the hello welcome to look at the international full cost has been a reading. what stop reco, breaking wet start to the month for sidney, and i'm afraid it's gonna stay that way as we go through the next couple of days. this weather system here. this trough that's going to continue driving its way across the south wells, pushing over towards the east coast here, right up the eastern seaboard and see plenty of showers on show, a breeze,
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just bringing that went to weather and bumping into that system. so some live you down polls very fast, a going on into sunday behind the database generally drive for good, possible straight. yeah. maybe seen one or 2 shots creeping into the south west into the early part of next week. what's the weather coming in to tasmania? hopefully a little try for sydney as we go on through monday, is that dry weather just starts to push this way. a little further east was dying dry and fine across new zealand and find a trifle the time being in japan that will change. we've got some rain making his way outside of northeast in pots of china that a roll across the yellow sea into the korean peninsula, central and pump. some pots of china sing some more heavy down pulls, i'm afraid. so we are likely to see the flooding exacerbated across the south for a time. dry weather comes back in. is that what the weather makes, its way through the queue issue and western parts of japan of the
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this is the 1st one they saw that we see the real time it's the victims themselves . there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red chris
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the about you want to the old zone use on with me. so he'll run their mind to of, on top stories. the us says it's close all i as well may have violated international humanitarian lowering concepts. but using weapon supplies by an american manufacturers, the state department has published a local agent review of the use of the us weapons by israel's army in guns that so if i forget who has on see international court of justice to old and he has really been a treated withdrawal from rough uh, the lot of the unimpeded access of humanitarian aid into this. but south africa's lawyers say, as well as assault and the southern city is causing
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a rep for both the lines of nations. general assembly has overwhelmingly voted to support policies bid to become a full member. 143 countries voted in favor of the resolution which expands palestine is rights in the u. n. uncles on the security council to reconsider the membership id 9 voted against and $25.00 upstairs. it shows that as well as growing isolation on the wells stage. the country is of value to the gains the most include the united states and option tina, as well as a pacific island nation's gabriel alexander reports as a round of applause in the united nations general assembly. after overwhelming majority of member states, really in favor of a resolution that says palestine qualifies for
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a membership. and as the security council to reconsider its bid, we did not try you on charter. we did not enact international law. we just demanded to see them apply to us and have been until now denied their protection in inactive beatrix using a prop, israel's ambassador said, any human rights or privileges bestowed on palestine would be akin to shredding the un charter, a spokes person for the secretary general rejected this, there's many charters, there's one right here. the charter is intact. it's ideals her entire, the draft resolution agreed to had some symbolic privileges for palestine like allowing them to sit among full members and also some more tangible benefits. like allowing palestine to participate in most un meetings, something they could not do before. but the watered down resolution,
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which the u. s. voted against specifically maintained palestine with non member observer status. full membership to the un require security council approval. last month, the us vetoed palestine is full membership, bid us contents, palestine should negotiate the issue with these real argument reputed by pakistan's ambassador negotiations must have a level playing field. this is, is, was, is negotiating is a full member of the of the united nations. so to show that this time, while the resolution over whelming, we adopted by the general assembly calls on the security council to reconsider palestine is bid for full un membership. it's unclear if they will actually do so. we should know in the next few days, but even if the council decides to reconsider it,
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it still faces the same obstacle as before. us has already said if necessary, they would be to it again. gabriel is on joe. i'll just see it at the united nations new york. tony is the line from washington, dc is due to policy, the executive vice president of the quincy in june to us think tank mr. policy good to get you on. i'll probably come in to talk about this. i mean the, how much difference does this particular they may come in either the us veto days and if it does had towards the security account. so again, we know the us is already set is going to veto, is again, oh, certainly, but this is never the mess an important step in the direction of making promise time, not only a full member, but eventually establishments all the palestinian stakes. something that the us says that it is in favor of that it's been at the center of its middle east policy, but we see again and again that when it comes to taking tangible steps towards actually materializing god vision,
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the united states is the obstruction. as dr. vetoes that were on the minds that in other ways this further isolates not just israel, but also the united states on the international stage because it shows that there is a tremendous amount of support for the establishment of a palestinian state. and that the us is forced to use it to detail and the security council, which he doesn't have in the general assembly in order to block di another less also. i think it's important to note that this was a mechanism at least, and that phone your draft of this resolution that would have enabled the policy is to get a very significant amount of rights and privileges short of actually being a member state which could have led to the us being forced to deform the un because you westlaw says that if the palestinians are made a member or uh, it has of moving writing and such a body. the us has to be from the united nation. i mean, as a, as you say, a small steps just a, you know, place around close to what palestine the aiming for. but i sense the big picture is
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that the us, it is well, just all reading the room all day and that room is very big. are they are clearly not reading the room and what these steps do was at these increased further, the cost of the united states pursuing a policy that is so blindly and support are very expansionist and maximum. this is really objective stuff completely contradict piece of stability in the middle east, but also contradict us. the interest had it not been for the body to ministrations, almost total, lack of willingness to listen to its own and extra i think the cost, if you wish to have the courage so far would have forced other administrations to change gear and, and try to pursue a path that would be much more balanced and the one that the buyer ministration has pursued. is there a fee? is that the us perhaps is in danger, already becoming an unacceptable all but in all of this, is there any other nation that can come in?
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you might say on the side of the palestinians with the same sort of support level money and power the israel high. i mean us has the israel, i'm just thinking of the way that china k main to get saudi arabia and iran to salt the qual, roland feud out. that really has showed china in a different light of the us might not like yours, but certainly a lot of other countries have opened up the rise to china being a powerful all but to in lots of ways. and i think there's 2 different things. it's one thing for the us to lose is credibility as an arbitrary. it's a different thing for another state to be able to emerge as an alternative orbit. when it comes to us losing or risking losing its credibility as an arbiter that has already happened. the last 7 bonds have essentially sealed that face in which the us, by no stretch of the imagination, is seen as such an arbiter. and there is
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a growing demand in the region to be able to find solutions that are not dependent on the united states. they're not seeking to isolate, to exclude the us because the us is too powerful to be excluded, but it is no longer powerful enough or credible enough to be the party that leads these things. at the same time, the chinese show that they have a capacity in the case of you all know, saudi arabia, which is of course, is a complicated case, but nowhere near the level of competition as you have in the israeli palestinian conflict. i don't think we see any clear signs and yet that the chinese are willing to step in and replace the united states. but i think we may start seeing the chinese willing to step into the part on a larger solution that also includes the us, but is no longer dependent on us leadership since it no longer has credibility to the policy is always good to get your insights. and analysis,
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thanks so much for joining us from washington dc. thank you for having me. this is the end of the day of people showing sol as obviously with palestinians in garza around the world. while thousands of your employees have taken again to the streets, incentive protests of as well as oregon. so it'd be who the levels of most of instruction city every friday. this is where a lot of the sold on the strip, you know, teva crowds altogether. and jordan's come to a month to show solidarity with the palestinians, protested schools, let's see, sign demanded as well. and does a tax on the run and demonstrations of rallied demonstrations pub, me rallied in the pocket stony port city of karachi against the us as well and sweet. and they include sweet due to recent incidents of bedding crumbs in public. the use of the days of these though 2 people have been killed during rush and shelling
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in ukraine's ne in khaki region. the local governor says the town of extract which lies less than 5 kilometers from the russian border has targeted at least $3000.00 people. and they've been forced to leave the homes. you craze of the forces of rush reinforcements to concave. the ukrainian president says that phase financing is taking place in the area. it's on hold with, as well, from keith as it was in the early hours of friday morning. the russian forces a box to cross the border. i mean to north eastern ukraine in the heart of keith region. now this region is especially important because it has ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep the city and this, uh, uh, fonts and offensive wasn't just on the ground resume. so we have an aerial from above, and it was at villages and towns being evacuated as well on that front line on the hockey region. what president below them is the landscape ukraine said that was for now. you craning defenses a holdings, but the
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a fee is $5.00 to was being full. obviously up which along the way, the content enough to bodily g mitchell, russia launched a new way to the counter offensive in this direction. ukraine met them with our troops per day. it's an artillery, it's important to understand that they can build up and consolidate forces in this area. it is a fact of it's, but i'm literally come on this, you about it and calculate the cost is in order to meet the enemy with retaliatory file is odyssey there. now there was a brief hold back all the ways are scalable. and then i believe that we stopped them without to re fi for the moment. we don't know yet if this is just a probing, a type by russian forces. or if this is a whole new front that's about to open up in this will. but either way, so you cry, it's a big problem. it's suffering from a severe lack of non power and it's all me. and also a real lot of west, from rate, with the lots of it's been promised lessons from the united states and from it to europe in life. but most of those,
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a still yet to arrive in that window before they arrive, russian forces are expected to try and press home their advantage. they're already push pushing in slowly above the sink at all the areas of the front line. and now this looks like a new hole that ukrainian force is going to have to try and plug john home. and i would just say to keep as in india, the top colt as grunted failed to jail opposition leader and chief minister of the capital, new delhi. and gets resolved, was arrested in law shannon offering the corruption case seen by many as a political move by the front of me to send to and remove these couple of the general election. the country is that with the middle of its 7 phase parliamentary poll, because recall has been allowed to contain some pain. but these will be required to spend to 12 hours is to get up to voting, ends up supreme court. i want to think the judges of india supreme court for letting me be present in front of you off today. i appeal to
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everyone to come together and saves the country from day to ship. at least i think a lot of people have been killed during flash floods and regardless of the base of the victims, all women and children on the number of dead are expected to rise central to some parts of bungling providence in the countries north on friday. what would you say the funding was caused by heavy seasonal rains and residents, unprepared for families of missing people, have been protesting in mexico. now it follows a cuts by the mexican government to the number of people officially declared as disappeared. and the total has gone from about 113002 less than $13000.00. but somebody say it's a political move ahead of elections needs many missing mexicans that accounted for judy italy on the report. so from mexico city, as several 1000 people are marching right now in the mexican capital towards the presidential palace where they're demanding answers,
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answers from the government about the whereabouts of their loved ones for talking about their sons or daughters. in some cases, their parents, people who simply spanish one day were never heard from again, and assemblies just by their efforts that have just not been able to know what happened to their relative. so basically, a lot of them others we've spoken to today say they need to carry the names and the images of their children because they say otherwise, it's as if they never existed the government, it's just not have knowledge that these people lived and that they're no longer here, they say that is simply unacceptable. some of those slogans that we're hearing the mother's here chancing is basically if i don't look for them, i will never be able to find them. and that just speaks to the lack of supports. they feel from a government that has basically given no resources to the search for missing people, we're talking about over a $100000.00 people that are supposed to be missing and believes to be missing in mexico, even though the government disputes that figure. but you know, dozens and dozens of tens of thousands of people are missing and these families say there's just no interest from the government in finding them. now. the other thing
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is that mexico is currently in an election year in no less than a month. mexico will have a new president and it's expected to be the candidate from the ruling party. so for these families, it's really important to make their presence known so that this new incoming government changed something in the approach that the government has taken to dealing with the crisis of the disappeared. and they're concerned that because of the candidates, especially expected to win comes from the ruling party that may not have it not may not happen. so they feel very strongly about the need for them to have their voices really heard very loudly today. i'll just be around next to the city. commit to wait a me a shake. michelle. a lemon does. how about has dissolved parliament and suspended some articles of the constitution. he says the country is facing hard times and that tough decisions have to be made disagreements between the government and pile them into the 2, several cabinet. reservations in recent wings. the biggest points of contention have been planned,
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changes to the general welfare system. south africa's top cold will decide on an appeal to have full but present jacobs the but the class is eligible to run investments collections they that troll buddy all can use that because the bill was given 15 months in jail. in 2021. he should be prevented from holding public office . they met with sentence for refusing to test to find a corruption investigation. he's heading the newly formed m k policy, which is challenging the ruling and see in georgia of protests against the so called the following the info. it's bill have been getting on the phone and the a month demonstrates as have been gathering in front of parliament demanding the proposal. the withdrawal of sarah spoke with well, protest are about why the country's youth is taking to the streets. my name is joyce. uh, doing buzz, i am from about to me, a georgia. i'm georgia and i was interesting into politics from early age. right now. i study low in georgia and international institute of public affairs. of
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course i love my country if you are going to fight for freedom or you are going to become like colonial of other countries. of to me ladies. georgie always had 2 choices, either european countries or in the north, russia, and post some of it a countries. we don't only want us, but you were up and you were communion. we consider ourselves, europe's as. i was actually at the 1st lights, i was one if there were going to is a thursday of for these for this i was getting into the tune at least after a 50 seconds. i hear my name is sunday and often one second, i am interested. i lost my glasses and they were beating me. they were shouting at me and that continued like for one or 2 minutes when the moment
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is calling you and keeping you 2 choices. every time georgia has accepted only into one correct choice, and that is for fighting for freedom. that's what is great in georgia and people are still a head here on out by the name john grecko
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the book about explains pennsylvania region is holding early elections on sunday. they came about to have to the regional parliament rejected the minority governments budget. so he gave you a report from buffalo to a car salons prepared to vote on sunday. they will be facing a choice, continuing with a pro separate as government or opt for change under pro spanish unity leadership city. 70 years ago this region was plunged into chaos as a referendum that was declared illegal, was held in a bit to separate spain. it triggered off one of the most serious constitutional crises in spain. since there were tons of democracy with a full or against independence, feelings ran high. there's pushing for succession, engaged in a power struggle against spanish. he knew this well, leaders of the independence movement were arrested,
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tried and imprisoned for that hoss and the referendum. the regional president kind of list please. the one went into self imposed exile where he remains risking a rest if he was who were to las mains. prime minister pamela sanchez, issued a pardon and released the other convict to separate his qualifications in 2021. he held a bond on the holding public office, a controversial on the studio. he struck with a separatist, has gone some way to call me the tension between madrid and buffalo to get throughout the time while the desire for independence has diminished. and of the issues of taking precedence, yours instead of in a space to me, i want to see a change. the issue of independence has been, i've done some of the issues have been neglected to say no, there are more important things to focus on, like employment and social welfare. they could have done that, but they haven't because of these elections. so those who say that the dream of an independent catalonia is
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a false long prospect. there are those who believe it is the only credible future for the region. just because people does, he does, it was the money because he was done. but the regard to put to them on and everything he did, it is important, especially since some time has passed. so we can a tip independence in a called more fashion, godless of where they sit on the debate. most people here say that should be legitimate referendum on the map to to resolve this question, once unfurl with a pro spanish unity socialist policy leading in the polls, the appetite for an independent catalonia may not be enough for those wary of further instability. sonya guy ego alger 0 loss. so now cubans and russians living in havana, happy mocking victory day. the picture day is that the ration will be said that unions defeats, of the not season will go to cuba and russia have been license the cold will. but
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the 2 countries have remained place since most laws in evasion of ukraine. in 2022 police obtain the brother of bruce, president data ballasa as part of it. why being corrupted inquiry involving the peruvian leader. the home was weighted by police weeks ago because of undergrad luxury goods. her brother is accused of beating a corruption network and which officials are appointed in exchange for bribes. environment like this in germany have tried to still be fine created by electric call and make it. has the navy comfortable in hundreds of people, breaks, replaced slides and attempt to occupied the plant. back to this, want to stop the call and make his plans to expand it. when you get to and capabilities several demonstrates as a rested in at least 3 police offices injured in scuffles. factory is located near a protective forest. a company in south gray has such a new world record for flying. the largest number of drones in a single light show walls and 5000 made up the display. rob mcbride reports of in
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june in southern career in the night sky over the port city of inch on a synchronize show comprising 5293 points of light. each a single drove just a few years ago drug and shows like these when measured in the hundreds increasing in scale and sophistication. they represent the cumulative efforts of a small army of technicians all working to pull to not to stick vision into the sky . a mission that this team says it never ties of just the level of creativity that goes in and the level of passion. it's always, it's like art. there's always a sense of passion, excitement, when you see something. when you see that what people to do with technology, that technology now allows for drones being moved in swoons with an accuracy of less than one centimeter. it's a stunning demonstration of grown power that's on show with the nearby exhibition center,
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showing off the rapid integration of drones into virtually every aspect of our lives. the business of commercial drones is full cost to see double digit growth in the coming is enabled by rapidly developing technologies from the occupational intelligence that controls them to the factories. the power of the whole industry. that until relatively recently, didn't even exist and like other, technologically driven industries, promising boundless possibilities. we don't even know about yet. so even with us, 5 years ago we saw we were doing shapes and the skies as we push the limits of the technology. as we push other technology that there's going to be more and more new industries evolving, we kind of are just barely looking over the horizon, getting a sense of but horizons, it seems that will increasingly be filled with drugs. rub mcbride, douches, era in john, south korea. a cause i say it's from me,
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all the news on the clock will be here within the full half hour of news. until the end from all of the news. i think that's a good time and your company, the author controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, southeast asia is the largest economy, a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups for that to go by we're comfortable with the people, we're not going to be determined by for in none of the presidents alexis, indonesia proposed to be unto chokes,
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to l. just the room of the . ringback the vouchers solutions that gives us know for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person and yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life in my life, those dishes we want, we want the education, we want to go great. because the women in my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not so nice all a to we are human beings in this area to be trees and the coins. we are walking in
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the footsteps. our ancestors whatever has been done before, can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you to the the by the ministration says, israel's use of the american weapons may have violated international lauren, gaza. there isn't enough evidence to withhold from the around the clock. this is out there, i'd like to come down south africa issues. another place to the u. n's topcoat toward a israel to withdraw from rough or so in the military and cousin instructions the


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