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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 11, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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lester lives in death for thoughts, the entire gauze of population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices, escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you all who could be out of office? the several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, our life and bill coming up in the program. israel orders more evacuations as it's assault on rasa, intensifies more than a 150000 palestinians have been displaced hospitals and gaza, of being overwhelmed rallies in a tel aviv live pictures right now. the families, it is really, is being held in gaza calls for more protests against the government as another
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captive dies. the protests against the war on does it take center stage of the eurovision song contest? we will be life from mountain. the sweet in other news, flash floods devastate ports of northern afghanistan, un says more than 300 people have been killed in full months, years to city, looking on stuff about lynette the sheets of a full, straight english, formulate title phone else. and they've seen points of a hospital at the top of the site. the israel has ordered thousands more rough uh, residents to evacuate the city as it steps up a tax in gaza. the un says more than 150000 palestinians have fled raso since monday, after israel warranty to evacuate the head of
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a major offensive. the conflict and the lack of fuel supplies is also left many hospitals in the area close to collapse. julie diner begins, are coverage, 7 months of displacement, and forced to see yet again, these really minute tree is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians tried to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gauze, with every corner of the target and no lights a sped in the line. and so we are leaving because of a fee. and due to conclusion, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas. a tool ova is left or unsafe. the united nation says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rougher is ro is forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian zone. in alma wasi,
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the age groups of described conditions the as a risk. the options, the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing nations that were and what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other? so we decided to the, it's better this, these really minute represses ahead with his plans to launch a full scale offensive and rasa as strikes as being unrelenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza, another area when many palestinians have fled, but found no safety cause right? what the who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without a head with my and i'm also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the injured who have no. what else to go? i likes the hospital, the largest and central cause that is likely to run out of fuel within hours. age is critically low. with this lady forces still blocking the entry of trucks into
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the strip. is palestinians dropped inside, remain in the cycle, trying to they tend to be taken out a 0. well honey, my mood is in darrow bellow. that's in the central guy. say you're outside deluxe, the hospital on a, some of the palestinians who did what is real, told him to do, and fled rasa within either injured or killed. or can you tell us of the yes on this is not the 1st time sir. all this is happening had happened before and the pattern of attacks, the part of bombings of people were told to exact weight in order to avoid being bombed. and in order via void being killed, ended up being killed in the areas where they were told to go because they are, they were told if these are saved zones for them and this is where do you want to
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get the majority of the few minutes here and support only to get killed in those very particular area. and just the incident within the past couple hours, the, the another prove that there is no safe zone in a war zone. we're talking about a family of the re inside a tent in de backed wishing zone that they were told, evacuated to here in western part of their, but i did in the wide area. they were killed and $2.10 more injuries just from the flying a trap. now they were brought to the hospital here. 2 of them were brought in in a plastic bags in pieces and they were pronounced it right away. this is the kind of of, of narrative that is really ministry has used as been usually within the past 7 months. and since the initial weeks of this genocide, those work and right between the time of the arrival of the injuries and those were killed in the tox, we could clearly hear more explosions, more air attacks, then almost non stop constant artillery,
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sending of the eastern area of the central part of the gaza strip. this is on top of the overnight attacks that unfortunately makes the central area right now with more evacuation orders with almost 860000 people. according to on already a flip. the horror of the intense bombing campaign in the southern part of the strip and rough city. and there are more 300000 as more evacuation orders are being issued. but right now, the tragedy of these evacuation orders are happening under intense bombing campaign and gives the extreme force on the central part of robot city and the southern eastern part, that's where literally 1000 of tens of thousands of people set up their tents and been shouldering in the central, in the southern central parts of the city, the central area not only were talking about ongoing at the top, but also the lack of humanitarian support. we're done going to closure of, of the crossing. there is a threat of the scar city of supplies as food, water,
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and also fuels that route present the, the lifeline for health care facilities. and right now we are hours away from an announcement by the hospitals that it's going to shut. major departments shut down major services and provide you because of the lack of a few. yeah. hospitals like the one right behind you hor, imminent risk of running out of fuel alpha 0 is honey. my mood reporting from darrow butler. thank you. let's take a closer look at the situation in 7 guys. on friday is really forces drop leaflets of the south. the south eastern part of rough, a district ordering people to leave. earlier on saturday, the is really military issued a 2nd evacuation order for neighborhoods. east of rough a city is, comes out the reports of heavy fighting in the district. the area currently marked in blue on your math is where is really forces have now been stationed. most of nasir, as the chief executive officer at foster scientific, that's a non profit charity organization. he and his team are providing assistance to the
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european hospital in rasa. and there are no tract, as we were operating for the 1st week, but with no problems. and then the, the military operations started an eastern rough uh, uh, but then it started trickling further west. uh, where our safe house supposedly was. uh, and this morning we received the uh, evacuation orders from a block 6 and dropped off for our safe house. that is no longer safe to evacuate. so we had to interrupt our work at the hospital, then go back and pick them our stuff from the unsafe house and bring it back to the european hospital. all of our medical supplies, food supplies, water, and everything. bring it to to the european hospital. in fact, when the operation started about 3 or almost 4 days ago, now, our understanding was then the military operation is a centered on eastern part of rasa. but we have what we have experienced as seen as
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completely otherwise. in fact, the bombs were falling in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house, the tower searches and physicians at the risk. we have uh, 12 us citizens. we have 3 brothers citizens living addiction citizen and also uh, from 11 position from online. so we felt unsafe in the, supposedly the conflicted house or the safe house. and we could read for nice because of the continuous, indiscriminate bombing in the area. and the as really military has also increased the attacks and the north and both gaza city and jamalia, an air strike on the edge of all your refugee camp friday. killed dozens of civilians, including a children, was outcome loads, visited the area of the attack and spoke to some of the residents. it says ready to close the service at the residential house and this i and this is one of the is why
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the target piece about so maybe what's really shopping is about 11 barrel sons. so under the rubbing salt law for them the just to meet, we're shocked. we do not know what to do physically and mentally worn out. we're on the verge of going and saying, we've been under this hell for 8 months enough. is enough. look at this garbage and debris. we're dying just to get our hands on some water or something to feed our children. this is not life. we struggle to get firewood and feet are starving children. and above all, these realities have been hitting us with missiles and bombs for months. what add insult to injury is the recent warning. for god's sake, where do we go? even rasa is coming under attack. this is not life enough, is enough?
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oh, you know, in the body we will come in the middle of the night to a loud explosion. the whole building was leveled. we've been pulling the desk from onto the rubble since then. this is a totally residential 6 flo building. we've no presence of any resistance far to nothing but women and children. more than 40 women and children were killed on innocent defense for civilians. we pulled all these dead children as they were holding each other's hands. more children still buried under the temporary all i can say is to make god punish those, committing these crimes against innocent children. and gas is health industry says another mass grave has been found. this one within the grounds of the i'll shift a medical compound in gaza city. that's the largest hospital in the strip bodies of patients when women and children have been uncovered, some of whom appear to have been shot in close range pass. graves have been discovered in and around 3 different hospitals in the gaza strip,
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with today's findings. there of no been 10 grave sites discovered in total 5 at el shift medical complex one at the come out at one hospital in the north and to the south. 3 sites have been discovered at nicer medical complex one was also discovered and is really on the check point in the north and baseline you. thousands of israelis are rallying in tel aviv urging the government to do more to secure the release of captives held in gaza. is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his government are coming under increasing pressure to reach a deal to secure the release of captives. the families of some of those captives held a press conference earlier accusing the government of not doing enough. if we continue down this path, we will lose not only the hostages, but the country itself. antonio is not only dobs to cool, preventing us from getting go. 2 last digits back,
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he's also the dobbs to call preventing the state of israel from succeeding. the government does not care about the hostages. it is leading the entire country towards destruction. stop cooperating with them. rescue the hostages and save the state of israel or benjamin at yahoo. his cabinet has been down to 0 for israel. so our correspondence deputy decker joins us from the jordanian capital. i'm on stephanie, it's good to have you in the program. protest isn't tel aviv want a hostage deal, but do they reflect the wider public opinion of israel? i think broadly speaking, at this point in 7 months on yes, there was a poll conducted just a couple of days ago that put the number that wanted a deal above that offensive at around 60 percent. if you break that down into your political leanings, the left and the center, 98 percent of the left and around 75 percent of the center favor
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a hostage deal. if you look at the right end of the spectrum, it was almost 60 percent. the prefer at off offensive that also translate to what's happened, what's happening and these really having, it does really government with the right way, really pushing that's on yahoo to go into it off. i know to a deal. and so, but it's, it's falling on deaf ears. we've been discussing these protests or no new. they have been going on for months and months and months, demanding a deal. you heard there from the cousin of one of the captive saying that there can be no victory unless the captives return home the way this government sees it is it, there can be no word victory unless they go into the hall, which is certainly what they are starting to do at the moment despite the pressure from the americans not to do so. and you saw that announcement by how much that in other is really hostage had been killed. they say by is really bombardments. it's not the 1st time how most makes one of these announcements. windows half windows
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are. i was gonna say broadcast in israel, but i don't know if they are, does it have any impact? it's interesting. you mentioned that because last time that they released the hutch hostage video, it was an american citizen. his family is actually cleared for it to be aired. and for the 1st time, they actually had the video in there, the message at the consent of the family because they wanted to increase the pressure on this government. usually they don't. of course, i mean, that isn't standard rules. so with international humanitarian law, but that was the message to show a put pressure on the government because they're simply not doing enough for the people. it does have an impact in the sense that it enrages a lot of these relays. who say that this government is more concerned with political survival, protect p. benjamin netanyahu a mine who is known to be a political communion, who has come back again and gotten even last time. he was uh, you know, out of government. i cover that and tell him even on that night,
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he vowed to come back to bring down the government. he did not bringing with him the most for this right in government that israel has ever seen. and these man, now that he is dependent upon are urging him, are saying to him, if you don't go into the offer, we are making your government collapse. and many people will tell you that for benjamin netanyahu is political survival is tantamount to even bringing these rated captives home. so i think again, at this point, we're going to have to wait and see, but certainly the message from all those people that you are watching their intel i b, is that if this off or offensive goes ahead in full mode, none of the captives will more than likely be coming home a life most definitely decor reporting out of the amman jordan, following the decision by the is really government to shut down houses 0 in israel . thank you very much. stephanie. ok. tumbler combo assistant professor of public policy, the doha institute to graduate studies, joins is now in the studio a cover. i think maybe i mischaracterized this and,
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and many of us may perhaps are guilty of doing this. when we look at these protests, we say they're increasing the pressure on benjamin netanyahu, but there's actually no evidence of that because he has not changed his policy as regards a hostage deals for some sort of tool. and there are many reasons for this. first of all, i mean the exhibit advocate, i mean it's basically there's also losing people losing groups in this world. i mean, 500 the most have been lost. i mean the only 2 days ago, 5 years, a soldiers worked and then they got a slip. so you put the goal, so that means that it is once eventually for the last ones in, in this war. so that's a segment of the society. but most importantly also is this hundreds of thousands of visit a is also was unable to return to the homes in the notes and also so i don't the god was the buffering, the captives families mentioned that in their speech earlier today. exactly so, so but the, so these people as well for them,
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the cup doesn't have the ability for them. the 1st is that he's publishing security and guarantees for them to to turn to their homes. yeah. so nothing else. i must have a technician, i think knows how to navigate through this complex political not. and these conflicting interest. and i'm keep going to the way he wants because the, because he doesn't have, he's not the comfortable to anyone. and you can play this politics the by then and even among the is that a society? so it's, it's really hard to model this to uh, to uh, i mean, to be at ease by saying yes, he's under huge pressure. i'm not sure with that. yes. yeah. there is no evidence of it, and the members of the war cabinet benny ganz, for instance, who joined netanyahu. you know, they, they, they could leave and they could say, this is our red line. we want a deal to release the hostages right now, but they don't say exactly and brings us back to the main goals of this work. this
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would, i mean to me, to find member of saves me the festival, was ending how messrs. rude governors, the guys and the leasing. pick up this so, so far, none of these goals have been achieved. that's the most important board or the most got the board that the i'm going to shoot. this is a section of cost me. but so far, what we see now is, is that i again back in 2 minutes with patients in some parts of government which claims it's, it's, it's the time asked for more, but not getting there. he's already fighting again in jamalia. exactly. and why is this for the concern? because it's a failure. i mean, it comes is, again, reestablish and good sense of the organizing it. so i do start missing the shooting is that it has been in full control, often does. i mean, whatever they, whatever these bailey's withdrawal from the sort of how most of the emotions again, for some reason because it hasn't been the ultimate one of them. does that since 2000 a sudden there's no, i think other property or political position. so i'm going to position to how much
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time does that mean if you think about, you know, for the student is at the age of $1718.00. now they have only known how much as i'm the dev only see how much some government. so there is no, i said it's a promise unless you come and be ok by the goes to the state and does that one try to do you stop me some governance lectures to, to pop goods or whatever. but this is the day after that ends most, which we don't know about. we don't have a lead or clarity on it. so, so far is what it is trading. and now what there's doing is just it keeps trying to prevent thomas from the emerging stalls. and we're in the 2nd no, i don't think it's gonna finish easily. so i think this will take months a month for the month to come. it's not the us, it's not over even evict inside of this, throw it off or what's. okay, what's, how much? i mean, how much is every word? it's not the building, it's an idea. it's an adult. oh gee. and eventually you need to kind of pass on and this was because even if you managed to reapply goes there should be some issue.
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press on your back to the 1st and default on the default as if how much disappears me, that the least. but us thing as will not accept, i mean ok, find for again inside the slip so it will be repeating itself again and again. so what is rid of these ladies going with this, and what are the americans going with this? the only way out is a political solution. and they have to realize this cut the losses. save people's lives in god's on an as well as when this is ridiculous. what about it's leading nowhere and is leading nowhere. and they've been almost 35000 posting and kills at this stage. we're into the 8th month of the war and it doesn't seem like there's any political solution inside summer farm. we thank you very much for joining us with us. there been us media reports that israel has built a secret torture facility in the negative desert. 3 is really whistle blowers have come forward to describe the harsh conditions, including detainees, being blindfolded, strapped down, and forced to wear diapers. in april,
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the is really newspaper. horwitz had also reported the testimony of an is really doctor who said, quote, we are all complicit in breaking the law. and al jazeera has reported multiple firsthand accounts of, of use of palestinians in his really facilities over the course of multiple years. a little flash and all the sudden we were blindfolded impatient, badly as riley forces accused us of carrying and using weapons lighted. they transferred us to an army camping as royal the late the adults unite on us and some sand on us to reach and to shoot us after 2 hours of being half naked in such conditions and moved us a few maces and told us to get ready for an execution, not most of the minute i feel pain everywhere on my body. they forced us to bend on our knees for hours, they kept asking me about the tunnels and about their captives held by how much. i told them i'm 70 years old and i know nothing about these matters. they hit me
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a lot when i couldn't find an answer to their questions for me. i. oh, with the money spent the 1st 3 days without food was that we were not allowed to go to the toilet. so we would beat and harshly over the 1st 3 days. after that they moved us to another place to some new methods of torture. but after a 3 day stop ation, they gave us a meal that is not even enough for a child. for security has been stepped up in the swedish city of mount and the head of the finals of the eurovision song contest. thousands of protesters have gathered to oppose israel's participation in the event. these are life pictures of malware right now. they want the is really contestant to be disqualified because of the war on god. a similar demonstration was held on thursday. the corresponding pull races in mail, know whether you are vision final is going to be taking place and starts in
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a little under an hour now or what are, what are the protesters towing? well, it's open peaceful here until about so it's 5 minutes. so got also a guy were outside the mama, rena, why they say the final will take place. most the demonstrations of have permission and the police have been able to sort of protect them and keep them all the way out of it. quite a few demonstrators kind of don't have a secret. and then suddenly um, start the 1st testing with all of a sudden you watch say what kind of un books then by the police. aaron, sorta taken away one by one, then there was a rush to the gates of the origin arena here awhile ago. and now they're still trying to break up. the process is we would just about to go to library or actually we're going to go post back by the police who are trying to get for the test is away. so it's old thoughts quite
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a lot more. that's okay. and the last 4 to 5 minutes, i do have one of the demonstrates the organizes with me. i say i couldn't maybe tell us a bit more about people's and say, i obviously things. right, right. yeah, actually we kind of got caught in a, in a press that are moments ago. why are people so angry about this drug add an is real. going to add a in your vision. it's because it's unfair. it's a country that is committing genocide. they aren't getting a lot of people and here in baltimore, a lot of people are from the palestine. and many of their families are getting hurt there. and they just to hungry about the situation and how to 3 due to government and the safety as well. that has kind of this issue as well. read the palestinian blacks being taken away with discard. not being allowed to. so a lot of frustration and the loss of ongoing is too much. i think it's,
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it has been relatively peaceful. it's what you can expect in this kind of situation . it's really what do you think the organizers should have done? when do you think the moment for them to have gone? i case we're not going to have is, are all in this content. so what do you make as of the reasons that given for not doing that? i think it's uh, he said, because the earlier we have seen that a view date today for, for, for a they didn't have all your pain to participate. but it was not that because of the story i meant restaurant, but it was not because of the didn't refresh. it was because of the ukraine and the received the hit prophecy. and many, many people are upset because of this. and they sort of stuff this in the beginning of the year when they are deciding you'd be then see what piece of paper also the most 60 here stuff has got
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a lot of fun to see me on hold to the election. they haven't done anything to try to pressure you or try to change it. so that is i'm looking for face to face. so many people feel that they are trying to do everything to keep this room satisfied that they can use this competition to promote the idea and to try to like push the genocide that they're doing that as a site and go on. they is riley, and trend is going to be taking the site in the final slide. would you imagine the feeling will be, have she was actually to in the concert? i think it's a big disappointment, but i think it's uh for you for your vision because the whole really tense is around to organize the context of what really happened after that. because it could be almost impossible to get the full european, kansas to come through these rooms during the war during my security, gaza. and after everything does happen between you to be kept us for free. if you
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said we, because of the competition and because of it to be unpleasant, impossible to oppose the everything that i say i post lots french, one of the dumbest i do organizes thank you very much. all the demonstrations all still had lots of on get here. i'm almost with israel's entry, i didn't go, i'm going to take the stage within the next few hours for res. thank you very much for your reporting. we're following the live pictures as you speak, and as you conducted that interview there, as you said, those, those protests heating up just outside of the convention center in mountain the suite and where the final of the year of it he's on contests will get underway. a little under an hour from now still a head on alpha 0, we mark the 2nd anniversary of sharing a place. killing is really forces shot dead the office, the return is while the reporting in the occupied with georgians take to the
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streets has demonstrations continue against a controversial proposed new role in sports and abrupt tend to the reality of fortune goes to this to time world champion richardson will have the story. later this the hello that we have seen flooding recently into northern parts of afghanistan, said a little every, the crowd here, western disturbance asked making his wife was more than puck this done. but just guys will come back and behind them. it is drawing right across much of the middle east temperature. just all think to ramp up into the mid to high thirty's. it goes month to via raping peninsula i see even though ha, kick it close to 40 degrees celsius into the early part of next week. we're already into the fault is the q i add full back that we have got to some showers to the
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north of that just to cross the central and eastern part of the evening between the black sea and the caspian sea. wanted to show as to just coming in close at eastern side of the met. it's right. you might even catch a shot with the in gaza. so much of north africa when you have a had, it is general re trial. we may just see one or 2 showers cropping up across northern parts of rock. i. plenty of showers now showing the hand quite nicely. the seasonal range getting underway quite nicely. then it costs much of west africa. the weather is weather will be around the goals with guinea. nobody say too much right across the tropical belt as we go through sunday and into monday that some welcome relief for times in a at also can only one or 2 showers around, but he could catch a shower with 2 eastern parts of south africa. i'd also mozambique a 106 kilometer stretched remote and perilous jungle. the only land route through
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south america for migrants, tequila side of the united states. a voyage, but for some is their loss. none the less for come to some of these. it's a risk they are willing to take fault lines and box on this unfair giving journey to tell the story of one of the children of the barium go on. the jersey to the latest news wave was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the target population of 2300000 people do not have enough. prices, escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they won't the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office the,
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the, the, you're watching out for 0 reminder of our headlines be, is really military is expanded as ground operation in the southern most areas of the gaza. strip desperate families have been fleeing eastern russell after another is really order that you and says a 150000 people have fled. the south so far from us is armed wing has announced the death of a british national, held captive in gaza, saying that he died due to and is really strange. families of the captives have held a press conference, demanding, and into the way it's been 2 years to the day since social 0 during this sharina buckley was killed. drinking is really military raid, and the janine refugee camp. an independent investigation confirmed that she was
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shot in the next line is really sniper, serene was palestinian american. the u. s. government agreed with the findings, but no charges have been brought. there's been no accountability for keeley, st. mr. ivy has more from ramallah in the occupied with the. c may 11 2022 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied was a journalist and nice life list below a treat for friends, desperately trying to get to her. but it's really gunfire is to have in the 2 years since the targeted killing of old 0 corresponded sharing of israel has killed 2 other oranges or a journalist. both in guns, cameraman summit were killed in a drill and striking december and cameraman homes of the to killed in an air strike . the following month holmes always goes. the bureau chief, wild eyed to his eldest son and the 5th member of the family to be killed in the
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war. in fact, since the war began at least 60 relatives of old 0 staff have been killed and seemingly deliver it is really a tax. the risk to journalists were already extreme when serena was killed. 2 years later, conditions on the ground in garza and the occupied westbank are even worse and days before the end of the 1st 3 of her death is real ordered to shut down about 0 in jerusalem expelling reporters and confiscating equipment. it's clear that they are tired of getting their jersey and the 0 stuff and they trying even to kill the facts of the tools. not only about this will about own what the but i seen young's stuff already under the is riley book evasion. and that is very well, at least 143 journalists and medial workers have been killed in gaza since the war began. in the occupied westbank were shooting, was gone down. journalist reporting on the intensifying military rates regularly
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come under attack. even in memorial and remo look dedicated to shooting has not been spared indignity during the rate in december as really soldiers surrounded the area and posed for pictures. sharing was a household name in the arab world. a woman of the people for stories captured every aspect of the palestinian experience. she was bold, unapologetic, and her murder was considered so tragic. so r dishes that it has become a milestone in the country. her friends say they miss her sense of humor. i cannot witness, but any i used to attempt to 0 to see shane who is very hard to or tuesday or now suffering after she died. i said, i'm not going to watch the news, but nowadays we watch all the time. i'm not going to lie. sometimes i expect to see her, so we miss her. most shooting has a very special story. hers is a legacy built on being a voice for her people, reporting or the injustice and oppression of israeli occupation. a job she died
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doing in her absence felt no more than ever as her people suffer the worst, the violets they've ever seen. the same bus route, the oldest hero romanella the occupied westbank, palestine, and uncouth more as a member of the palestinian during this syndicate. you're joining us live from to current mindy occupied westbank. thank you for your time today. for 2 years on what would you say is the lesson if sharon's killings, the policy? and during this the 1st and foremost the shipping would be remembered. obviously if i was in, that issue has become the will not always across palestine. i mean was one of us if you how many from total loss down of love was when it came out that adjustment by this time whatever. but it's been hands off and i'm just struggling for accountability and for a and the case of shit in was and still is
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a start in the end and community, the beginning of shame and many of those before her. but the hope was the uh, the level of exposure, uh they live in the advanced lives of different investigations that took place without actually highlight this issue and contribute to the ending of the oh for in the general this, what we've seen sales then is the opposite and it's deliberate of exposure that seems to have involved in base right in the army. okay. out, what was the biggest crimes against journalism ever? calculated campaign of deliberate body single general list because because i've been so far on the beginning of more than a 150 page on this design, the last almost 8 months. that was also seems to be, have it in, is the fact that the, the, is there any,
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all me and took the lessons from shoot in the case of this, or do for accountability in going as far as it concealing the evidence and destroying the evidence. so if evidence is been unable to be incriminating, isn't and decided that the best course of action is to block, does not allow any international jars different then, and also to children. i'm linked to in this sort of moment, the most important source of information. and i wonder, i wonder, has it changed the way palestinian journalists work specifically in the occupied westbank? look what's happening and gaza is, is horrible. and it's well documented as more than one journalist or media worker killed in every 2 days. more than that, as you said, more than a 150 people killed since the beginning of this conflict during list and media workers. i'm wondering in the occupied westbank, which we talk about
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a little bit less. has charlene's killing, changed the way that you guys work? the most extreme is the biggest thing the endorsement comes of receive up to that point. but since then, every time i've been saying this and the rest of my dreams about the getting the thought of do things over from san jose and also that that's the photo has been happening. but again, just to find since the since october, i guess, just the west bank, whether it's a best buy the suppliers by all means that is amazing detention every single one of these incidents are viewed by just as a, as a, as a dining president on safety right, and that includes more member of the palace the syndicate. thank you so much for joining us today. the,
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the thousands of people have gathered in georgia is capital in protest against the government so called foreign influence law. large crowds have been marching through the streets of police in response to the proposed legislation. it would require media and non commercial organizations receiving more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to register as agents of foreign influence. the bill passed into law as early as tuesday, as bringing houses here as meeting the danco was in the george and capital. so green tree, it's a, it's past 10 pm where you are. clearly, there are still large crowds, industry. what a protest is telling you of the oh yeah, despite the yeah, drizzling weather, i'm quite wet here right now. people have been going and going with huge numbers. central police, he's just one big crowd of people that we have seen are supposed to have. the $50000.00 people have come out to say they don't want this load to happen to say they want to be hard to say that the government is ignoring the will. and they say
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that it's a big, good choice. basically a place not just about this law on, for an influence. this is about george's future, because if this law is adopted, georgia as a bid to become a member of the e u. b handbook. european officials have said that as low as anti democratic people here, a great example. they don't want this jones to become a member of the you to rest on the you know, on the face of this, this bill which as you said, could be read on monday. and most likely will be voted in on tuesday. and dmitri rushes shadow looms large over all of this. can you explain that towards us? well, yeah, this lloyd is actually labels the russian law. similar law enforcement agents was adopted in russia in 2012. basically, russia was also going to say that it's a volume for transparency here, but what it has become over the past 12 years,
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is that the government can basically take any person, even physical citizens, for private entrepreneurs, receiving any funding from abroad, any some, and labeled them as for an agents and therefore cut them off from advertisement money cut them off from being able to participate in public events and basically cracking down on the set people here say they don't want that to happen at all. so basically, the russia has become a sort of political boogeyman in georgia in politics because every policy, when they need to criticize the other policy, so cues each other playing. and so russia's hands, so this choice between aligning with europe and a sing along which is very similar to what moscow has done is this outside of the people say. and the anti russian sentiment is pretty strong. polls suggest 80 to 90 percent of respond to say they want to become a member of the you and this is why they want to be hot and these process. okay, me to move it into a reporting from the georgia and capital. thank you. and nearly 2000 civilians have
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been told to leave their homes and parts of ukraine's hearty region. the governor of the northeastern territory says 3 people have been killed. russian forces say that they have occupied 5 villages north of the city, as they advanced further into the area. ukraine's military says it's sending reinforcements. the world food program says more than 300 people have been killed by flash flooding and afghanistan, northern province of bergland, thousands of homes and houses have also been destroyed. emergency personnel is searching for survivors, and the province of babylon. 50 monahan has more. this is all that remains of a village in afghanistan is background province. the region has been hit hard by flooding. survivors are morning, the dead. i'm trying to figure out how they can carry on me lots it on how much you to say last. people are under the water o children under the floods their legs and hands are broken. we do not have any place to spend the night. the dry winter is effected,
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the soil making seasonal flooding much worse than usual. baldwin has been effected the most, but other regions are also suffering. thousands of homes have been destroyed and large trucks of agricultural land have been ruined. many people are stranded and thousands are in need of supplies and medical attention. the government has declared a state of emergency. it says evacuations are under way, and health is being dispatched. so those in need sent in monahan out to 0. there's still a head on alpha 0, the northern hemisphere bays, and the light show is a massive solar storm hits the earth and in sport. the late goal has given this japanese team a good chance of winning the asian champion, for the 1st time, the the amazon home to indigenous people and diverse ecosystems is being destroyed by relentless drilling for oil. they're living in direct contact with petroleum
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through fear, border, and so in ecuador, communities of fighting the corporate joins in a battle for survival, and to save the love of the world. how does he was view seems doing the fine graph, the sub submit the acadia, and he just shoot them the price as high for a family of palestinian active as so peacefully protected the community from is brady, secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put the latest for that day on. oh i see. this is the story that's i'm trying to see them moving. dab some of the on the fire on that just the you know the, the
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assumptive sport with andy richardson who's joined us sandy. thank you so much sir . well, much is the city looking on some of them at the streets or by full straight english premier league title city basing for them full meals. and i see points about austin, of the top of the table. a city defend just goes audio, opening the store and in london, putting his feet on my way to a 7th straight leguinn. 3 more girls came in the 2nd hole. so 5 minutes to the 2nd, focused on no gallagher that just one of the many city farms enjoying their afternoon bottles. so that is the his 2nd. so might the game. so it is safe. i usually alvarez penalty wraps up the wing 5 city and also me i will have 2 games left in this reason. this is a city next in action against something that answers no. the problem is that we
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don't have time to always just 2 days. but we're playing for the tires at all in our minds head. she goes, the challenge is so big. that's why we're going to do to do our best. i ran my credit for the one the spanish lead time to but they're offering no response to their opponents. of goals from behind, the helping them to a school know when other granada right i will take on jimmy's pressure to remember the champions make fun of that's coming up when you choose the 1st or rather expected to welcome killing them by into the ranks next season. them by a consent on friday, he would be leaving party son, german history, head coach, loose and rica insist the same can improve in the future even without the departing world cup. when you're sort of put a lot of money is akita and i pay all i can say is marvelous things about gillian
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as a footballer and a person i understand his decision. we've been here for 7 years and he is a club legend. i wish him all the best. these are things that we have known for a long time. it's only made public on friday, but it doesn't change anything in terms of our general outlook. everything will stay the same regardless of those who are here and who are absence. my aim is to be strong. next season, the lobby on, on each of them, you'll come home a f marine is how the advantage after the 1st like the asian champions league, final oklahoma with the whole scene for this much they came from behind the b l i. n is the united arab emirates mohammed alba, she with the early goals of the 2003 times a witness. so he will not get and casa watson will be school for jeff, and he saw it in the 2nd office. they secured a 21 victory, yokohama, i mean, so when is told me for the 1st time to return, like when i saw it, it is in the you a on may the 20 have to understand that there's a, another 90 minutes to be played and it's going to be very difficult, but these are the challenges that i set my team. we said ourselves and we look
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forward to that. so that we now have to, we have to concentrate. we have to work hard and just tardy up on a few areas, but i said they can enjoy the moment. but again, there's still a long way to go in this time. i'm very confident because we play at home. and we know what does mean they at home with our funds, and i think he's going to, they was not that easy because the 5 shouts and so part of their team. and in 2 weeks that we'd be, we'd be the opposite when we need to take advantage of that. we believe that we can do it 10. so i'm champion russian at dallas, played his last match in the italian, opened his now cast bounce on whether he'd be able to feature it. so one last friendship from the lights are on this month that i was bates and in round 3 in wrong via a but a catch for the 7 year old. instead of,
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we were talking at the end of the season and seemed unsure as to whether or not to be ready to flight and the grand slam where he's had most success that's different . sharpen, let's get some of the way in 2 weeks time. if i fast to say, what's my feeling and how if you feed my mind, if he's closer to one way or the other way, i going to say uh, being rolling the arrows, i'm trying my best. well, one of the chocolate chip is the same funny sort of his mini draw on a friday when he was accidentally hits on the head buying a funds, bolts of buffalo, as he left the co chair, bring a cycling, how much on his way to a practice session in wrong the, that's what happened to his went on friday, the vocals to announce the thumbs back practice. he's leaning on us to get an autograph that you all can, which okay, that he will play chillies a 100 tabular on sunday and the women stroll substrate industry on. so i guess
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through so last 16. well, number one of the coming to a 2nd set slumping home actually is usually a kitchen, save of catholics done so on site 151 down before winning 5 games in their right to seal the match in straits. now to tell them will ronnie champion kelly roman power has crushed out of his lights. his rice this front of the championship taking place in portugal finished drive a saw his rice coming to an abrupt and rubbing power, hopping leading the rice before. that's the 23 year old is only competing select events this season. so isn't saying will title consumption fest crickets most prolific fastball is set to retire from the international game. england. jimmy anderson will play one final test that will be against the west indies in july. it loads and wasteful to when he's taken $700.00 tests. what gets putting food on the old time list? behind my time, ernest, and assure lanka and australia is shane war. and then if i legend some abrasions on
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how to launch the lights, his round of the e one own electric power board series and finish some of the 2nd events in this new compensation which had his 1st racing saudi right here in february. right. use that same on, on his by one that i'm putting rice other always include wrapping it down there at coley. drop. right, but it's nice voltage looking finance. all right, and the richardson, thank you so much for that. so our planet is experiencing is most powerful jill magnetic storm in more than 20 years. and that means a major increase in auroras. and natural light displays around the world could trigger a power and communication blackouts as well. how are we false? it has more look at the sky high. oh, oh my gosh. it's beautiful. in the dog around the world, red color rippled across the sky, red oh, was reflected back. this was the strongest june magnetic event,
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the more than 20 years accounting for the vividness and variety of color, including the unusual pinks and blues, and the spread of the roll rate fall from the usual potable attitudes. this was southern england. this was central germany. what happened during the last few days, that is a system of very complex sun spots the came together and formed a huge truck division of the saw. and these are extremely active in the span of a day or the how they last uh, i believe something like 7 quarter, we must injections those huge bubbles of gas sent charged ions, racing across space, and bumping into oxygen and nitrogen atoms in our eye on us fear delivering an extraordinary display and to the products magnetic field, a powerful assault. what's nice concerning now though, is that we live in the 21st century where we have it to exponentially increase our reliance on communications and other technologies that are in space and on the
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ground where electrical indifference is, can actually disturb it from this to your magnetic storm and that's something that we're watching quite closely right now. so what about those who would watching on friday nights, will they get a 2nd chance? it might not be visible this fall south of southern florida or even know the policy basically, but well was giving it a go and don't forget our friends down on the the southern light. so aurora estrada's may will be visible once the game across the southeast of australia. i'm much of nice england expert say the main most powerful interruptions from the some have already hit saturday nights on cool. isn't expected to be quite so intense. are you close it out to 0? 0, exit glow over a space, whether service coordinator or the european space agency. and you are joining us, live from the dorm stuff in germany. thank you for being with us. look, i did my best to understand the science behind this. i get that it's the sun flare, isn't this, then? it ultimately triggers these lights. what's behind the sun flaring a?
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hey, exactly, so this time, just a moment susan is very active, positive. it's 11 years cycle, what we call so the maximum, i mean i have a very active region on the sun that has a for the last few days, purchased a number of major flowers. i'm to run them by suggestions. these are really larger releases of magnetized plasma. so charged particles that raced through space towards the earth. and when they reach the earth's environment it's, it's uh, magnetic shields magnate disappear. they interact with the, the environment to trigger a celebration process. there's an ultimately, yeah. the, the process has that lead to those energetic particles that impacts our wrap. the steering, who is the, the spectacular bright lights that we, uh, we know is the aurora. and is this something that you had forecast and if so, how long ago or was this a surprise? we wake up one day and we say, oh this, the son is particularly energetic today. indeed we've been following this,
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this active region for, for quite some days. and start seeing the bowl senior get launcher and more complicated. and i have always of the days being releasing information notification, updates and forecasts of how we expect the, the conditions to involve the challenges involved in space, weather forecasting. but indeed, so we were able to, to communicate in advance of uh, this extreme, not level disturbance that we've been experiencing, that we expected to substantial disturbances to, to, to be on their, their way. they sometimes this then to, to notify not only the general public but also operators of equipment system that might be affected by a space. whether, oh, okay we, we did. so we don't cross communications blackouts. do you actually expect that to happen? i mean, how likely is that really a i think it's, it's a,
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i'm a question of awareness and mitigation. that's not the ways aim for and not providing the forecast information belie lee and in yvonne's face give soccer ranges of effect systems. communication system operates is navigation system also is sufficient information to be able to mitigate the impacts and avoid the potential lap black hacked, so most serious damage. okay. lexi lower space weather service coordinator at the european space agency, the se john just just joined us from darmstadt. in germany, thank you so much for your time. thank you for your explanations. i am much wiser for having spoken to you. thank you very much. all right, thank you so much and that's going to be it for me for today. after 0 is mary, i'm the mozy will be with you in just a moment. we're going to take a very short break and we'll have a full round up of your world news that will be at the very top of the hours. don't
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go anywhere to stay with the exam and it's being proactive. today's headlines, i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future by the prices for climate revolution. on alger 0. after controversial presidential campaign and the contested victory proposed to be unto is said to lead indonesia, se, asia's largest economy. a diverse nation with more than 1300 ethnic groups.
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political, why we're comfortable with the people. we're not going to be determined by for in a narrative. the presidents alexis, indonesia, provo, sabean, so talks to l. just the room. our oceans are on the switch. by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling, brack. easy off, the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now, marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. you will see caught a duty in a grove using for the p. use a caught, to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients visit the costs are
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requested and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the, the displays, palestinians, flu southern gaza by the thousands while israel intensifies attacks on rough on bombs, were following in the neighborhood where we are within a distance of less than 500 meters away from the supposedly safe house that would power surges and physicians at risk across this trip. hospitals have pushed a breaking point with no access to fuel or medical supplies. the.


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