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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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up into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us toward, on the basis of rise, we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era the and is ready on salt and giovanni and north and gosh, i've talked to targets of residential areas and shelters for displaced families. the, i'm about this and this is all just a live from don't have also coming up unlawful and catastrophic. e. u condemns, is really evacuation or there's an eastern rough on hundreds of thousands of once again, forced to flee, is ready for these 5. also count on the demonstrators instead of eve or demanding
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that the government reaches a deal to release captives out in johnson had a choice between a fugitive or independence parcel was opened in catalonia regional election. the is there any forces have launched a new offensive in jamalia in northern jobs, and lots of leveling, much of it to joining an earlier, a sold attacks and homes and shelters for displaced families of killed several people. these really armies issued evacuation orders from the 1st volume and based off here, seeing the areas of dangerous come by the zone. and it's operation is to prevent thomas fighters from regrouping. but the space people have nowhere to go for that car begins coverage. i understand that the engine value refuge account in north, in gaza is really throws open fire as people's homes. paramedics help survivors
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with whatever equipment they can find. these really army had already leveled the area during its crime to solve which began in october and the people here have little hope to cling to we were bombed rocks and shells fell on me. god help us and have mercy, let the world stand with us. the only thing i ask of them, only god is standing with us. god is the only one with us. i've lost 3 children. 4 months after it declared the end of a mass and northern godsa. israel says it's fighting again. that phone as the shock one, a little sick of in northern cause, a fight to drugs have been striking terrorist target spoken of this morning. we've been kind of temporary evacuation process of the jamalia area from this area towards the central strategy. as part of our preparation for a ministry operation in the area. in recent weeks, the we have identified
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a comes by from us to restore the military capabilities in jabante area. and we are working to dismantle the company, still not on attacks, which the army says our targeting public sending fighters have already killed several children. and bait right here is there any forces have pushed the people of northern guys back to the brink of starvation by blocking aid to the region. now it's issuing more evacuation orders, but it's not clear for families are meant to go under israel launching a tax on rafa in the safe. and darrow bella and the center of the strip palestinians are unlikely to have much faith in the so called safe zones for the a car, how to 0. let's go to a correspondent topic obo, zoom, who's in debt. obama in central garza. let's talk about there's a body of talks. first of all, what's the latest that you're shooting from jamalia? a yes, a role in the fight thing is this too long going and raging in
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a very high intensity in the streets of devalue or refuge account. and within the past 24 hours, at least 19 palestinians have been killed in that area in light of the i'm for so then the rate of attacks and artillery shilling of the residential neighborhoods. eye witnesses as we have been contacting them. they have confirmed that they have been hearing ongoing bombardment that it completely ok in the heart of the to value refugee come no minute, 3 times started to push deeper into the main open areas of become on the very intense a bombing campaign. now they have been pushing, clearly the military tanks inside these areas, as the homeless flight is not trying to confront to the invasion of these admitted treat vehicles at the same time. these recommend a treat announced that they are carrying out again, a new military offensive, an operation in this camp in order to show you how much operatives in that area. now clearly, we completely understand that's the is relevant that you previously had them. now
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it's their full control over the notes and over honeywood is another part of gone as a button on areas that they've previously said that the control that they again know . confrontations are ranging from these areas which means that there is a full strategic failure for the it's really meant a treat and such a truck and such parts of the gaza strip bought people that are leaving on these on constant bombardment. and they have been heating to the western portion of gauze, a city which could be also a potential target, even for the military. within the coming days, if it's going to be more expansion of the fight thing in the north of the territory direct. thank you very much indeed. tucked about zoom in central guys, a general ball out there. of the southern guys are these really all musicians evacuation orders for tens of thousands upon the stadiums in eastern rafa. 1.5000000 people who flat attacks elsewhere and the strip of sort of refuge in the city. many of them in tens and mixture of shelters. united nations has around
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a $150000.00. the palestinians have already left the far as israel steps off. it's grimes of tags. b, u is calling israel's evacuation orders. unacceptable. the inspector has them another mid you, my children and i ran under fire and people died in front of us. the shrapnel hit our faces. the houses were hit by strikes while we were running. our situation is so bad. while we were running my children and i heard our legs, i found a shoe on the road and i wore it to be able to run better. we're running, we have no money. our situation is very hard and i came here, but there's no place to stay here or not. when i look long, i've seen the roof. we left, but do we know where we're heading? no, we don't imagine the stress anxiety, lack of comfort. i can't describe to you, even if my eyes don't and my heart is calling we aside and depressed our children a very tired, we don't have water, we hardly get food and we struggle with everything. i mean,
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our divisions is one of the front supplies and southern gaza will run out within hours. israel is blocked a deliveries in the past week. but you, monetary and agencies are calling for the immediate entry of supplies, including fuel, the closure, especially about the crossing and came up solemn as separate boxes for us to fuel, to supplies. and the movement of bosh monetary and stuff. it's also effectively bids of any civilians. so that's a go out to medical investigation. lots of programming reps, one out of future distribution in south by tomorrow that needs to be, that would be less totally with what has already be distributed in their, their shelters, phones and insights. as of today, we have 12 bakery supported by some out of 10 partners here in stock as of 8 have ceased to operate to, to lock a few in stock. and for that i'm are still operating and produce capacity. so they'll be on the desktop. i'm going to, like a few supplies has left many hospitals in the area close to collapse. julie diego
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has this report. let me warn you that some of the images in a report are disturbing. 7 months of displacement and food to feed. yet again, these really minute tree is ordering further evacuations in east and rasa. but as palestinians try to leave them a raining down, leaving people scrambling to find safety and gaza. what every corner is a target, and no lights, a sped scan, the line and close. we are leaving because of a fee and due to collision, we are leaving for the unknown and there are no safe areas, a tool. all the areas left are unsafe. the united nation says about a $150000.00 palestinians have left east and the rafa is role is forcing them towards what it claims as a humanitarian. so in a wasi, the age groups of described conditions the as a risk, the options,
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the desperate palestinians rapidly diminishing nations that were and what should we do here? do we wait until we all die on top of each other? so we decided to me, it's better this, these really minute represses ahead with his plans to launch a full scale offensive and rasa as strikes as being unrelenting elsewhere. bodies are piling up in darrow, paula and central garza, another area when many palestinians have fled, but found no safety left, right. what the who do i have here? they are in pieces. here's my sister in law without a head with my and i'm also without a head. what does this injustice until when will this be going on? we're exhausted. the injured who have no. what else to go? 8 is critically low. with his ready forces still blocking the entry of trucks into the strip as polished, the news dropped inside, remain in the site, trying to as a to, to be taken out. is there one coming on? actually joining us now?
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he's a political on the list. he's also professor media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. thanks very much for being with us. let's talk about the language that's being used, particularly with regard to israel's military operation in or off i initially, according to benjamin netanyahu, it was going to be an all out assault. it was going to be a major operation. the by the ministration objected to this word major, i know we seem to few, i get a sense that people are pulling back from the language that kind of strong language and very definitive language. what's your assessment of it? and how do you think that that is going to impact the way the israel carries out is operation on the ground and roughly, well, just to take the 2nd part of that question. first, it appears to me just following those for 7 months, but israel is pretty much in for the most part, doing whatever it wants to do, and that it is exerting pressure or on the united states. not the other way around . we expect that it's the us that's going to exert pressure on israel,
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but it seems to be working backwards now in terms of the rhetoric, it has been interesting to follow to find the administration's rhetoric. i was following for many weeks when the us was saying that they did not want any kind of a military operation in the off. we heard, kamala hire us, just to give one example, stand up in front of the united states and say that it was israel that forced all those gods and splintered off from the 1st place. so therefore, the us opposes a military operation there. but i think what happened was in these meetings and phone calls, israel made it clear to the united states that they were going to invade an offer regardless of whether the u. s. gave its blessing or, or not. and so now the us is shifting is rhetoric and instead of saying that they're opposed to a off opperation, they're saying they're opposed to a major off operation. so we see that it's israel, that's kind of forcing the us is the us as hand and the, the nomics of this a very interesting on the day because we're seeing one of us something that's, uh,
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defined administration against the mentioned yahoo correlation seems to be the one that's losing the political initiative, it's losing political points. and yet the nets and yahoo coalition benjamin naturally yahoo! himself doesn't seem to at the moment, be suffering politically. do you think that that is going to can try to go to influence the way that the, by the ministration? i'm the words that we hear from the by the administration was going forward, particularly of course, in relation to the campus protests we see, but also the elections, of course, coming up in november. i think we can expect that. let's say i increased increasing the harsh rhetoric toward israel, but the question that i've been asking, and you and i were speaking earlier, is it, is it too little too late? is biden committing political suicide here? i mean, the question that i've had is why didn't buy it and shift gears many weeks ago when it was clear that as us was very likely to cost him the upcoming election. and now
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we have all this new data that suggests that things are really looking bad and desperate for it for bite. and there was a cnn poll published now just about 10 days ago. and i thought it was really interesting. americans are saying 39 percent of americans are saying that biden's presidency has been successful. 39 percent compares to 55 percent of americans who are saying that trump's presidency is his presidency from 2016 to 20. 20 was the success. and so we see a massive difference there. see, and then also shows that trump is leading by it in by about 6 percentage points nationwide. meanwhile, you have 538 showing that trump is leading bite. and in all 7 of the swing states, there was a newsweek poll showing overwhelming support by the campus protesters for our college students. more generally for the palestinian cause. all of this bodes very poorly for jo bite. and when we think about the november election, and it's really good to get your thoughts on this,
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we appreciate to mohammed on last week. thank you very much. and next, what is any military is demolishing the home of a palestinian prisoner in the occupied west by and not even subordinate. it was detained to join the rate in february, video shows heavy machinery and troops entering bait. omar and northern, have it on so long, it has been in and out of jail for 10 years, held under administrative detention. and just really forcing some fields. the 27 year old palestinian summit romana and the upgrade on the loss of refugee job is really, i mean, satellites have killed at least $498.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank since the start of the war on gun ser film. during of how much has it as to the solving is really captive in gaza? it says 51 year old british national not a couple of well, died as a result of injury sustained and it is by the error strikes. cost number gates is added. it was unable to receive treatment because of this very bombardment of hospitals. and it's very police if he's wanting to count on to dispatch anti
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government protest as instead of eve, demonstrators have got every weeks to demand that the government, which is a deals of homeless for the release of chapters held in garza that use prime minister benjamin netanyahu of extending the war for his own political gain, switzerland has won the eurovision song, contest, box, sizes of people that protested outside the venue and mano against israel's devastating more on garza, the european event featured and is really competitive. obviously those policies reports from mama of the thousands who demonstrated in mile by unsubsidized. these were the few who made their voices heard at the eurovision song contest, the new itself, ways or it was due to compete. and the final, despite protests over its war on garza, now let me, i said it's a game genocide every day and supports theories. it sounds like the football and early a product tested the city center have police permission. this one did not. this
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demonstration has sprung up outside the vision. irena demonstrates, is now being taken away by the police officers from denmark and no way. what else i part of one of sweden's biggest step is security operations. 2 and things briefly got physical and good to as well as participation was mainly by go about getting a lot of people and hearing about a lot of people are from palestine and many of their families are getting hurt there. and they just feel hungry about the situation and how to 3, due to government and the safety as well as tons of this issue. when go on, took to the stage, it was to sing her song hurricane. it was originally cold of the type of rain, but the european broadcasting union demanded deliveries be changed to be less obviously about how much is of the type a 7 year tax on israel that was deemed enough to make the use appointment to
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entries to be a political, something with british 5th of the switzerland's entry took the prize that gave small comfort to the protest as who had lasted the nights. but he still asked why israel had been allowed to sing when russia had not pulled race out his era while my and so the 0 arm come out of the high, the in the bun job probing all the countries and red fox. good. there's been a month for hardware, we like because of an important gender palmer that they're going to die by the increase on mother's day we're going to meet the training and women's lost their children on the front lines of brushes, the
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what was the look at the international forecast see more body shop showers across western parts of indonesia, west sinatra, sing some really big down, pause, 114 and made this also of rain that for the dying. and we're going to see more about where to, where the coming in, across a good positive setting course at western side of the region in particular, but live, it shows to, into good positive bonia more in the way of showers now cropping up across a good pond to the philippines, the temperatures given to me said he's about where they should be for the a shouts to across the endo china. and again, that is helping the seat to a bite. some want hear some of the pictures we go on into to style a little dried into southern parts of indonesia, but java could see it a shop travel to here as well to comp, to say some pretty lovely showers from time to time. lots of showers are in the process of clearing away from that is to sort of
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a stray to this area of low pressure will continue to trip this way. further east was gradually making his way towards new state and the site for the next couple of days. these even looking fine and dry the west to weather will make his way through the west of weather to coming into western australia as we go on through monday. shells creeping the way a little further east was. was that dry weather? i have it towards east coast at long last i'm warming up in sydney the . ringback the,
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the, you're watching, i'll just need a reminder about, so i'm sorry, is this. uh, is there any forces of launch a new offensive? and there's a body of refugee camp in northern garza, residential areas and shelters for displaced. families have report a moving target, and several people have been killed. as of strapping up a tax in the southern areas of jobs, the armies order tens of thousands of palestinians to leave eastern rough on the you and says around a $150000.00 people already fled to the area. these are the amenities, demolishing the home of a palestinian prison and the occupied west bank, that even some of them was detained during
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a raid in february video shows heavy machinery and troops and to the bank almost in northern pencil. a voting is now underway in costs alone, am in spain, the governing, separate as party called the polt off to parliament, failed to pass the regions bunch it, it could re ignite debate about capital on independence. and even this debility of the national government, 6 years ago, the region held a referendum to break away from spain of votes. the madrid did not recognize several separatist leaders and not in jail or fugitive positively to college for general campaign from france. but other i spoke to fund when do you guys are? well, he's a professor of political science at the university of valencia. he explained that independence is no longer the hot button topic. it once was daily the politically because it has changed a lot and even mixed up with them on that to start the beginning of the, of the complaint focusing on she's uh promised to come back and do re stage to,
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to recover lee that she be noted to uh, follow with the for independence movement, but the company has shown that all the political parties include me, so the push them on has tried to focus on of already 90 policies, which i don't know the more important for, for, for the leg today. we have to thank you for coming that the there is a white impression that during the last years after that you think a market by to bring, defend this movement, that somebody has lost ground, important bodies. he's like health and, and then and the location for reasons. and i think that piece going to be more important and you'll be know folders, you know, the to the side, their choice space, 5 minutes to append to sanchez had been going through a fairly tough time. and just recently, one kind of things as a facing at the moment, what's a state for him? and this clearly the got you on an election is a key moment for the beginning of his the government,
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the parliamentary term. because in pennsylvania induce election. he's going to check whether uh oh, to what extent they've got a lot of people to bores piece of bread magic approach to normalize the relationship between spain and control only have to do the huge. it's additional prices. tens of thousands of people of raleigh didn't. george's capital against a proposed law, they say will silence this, send that off. here's the legislation could cost georgia. it's better to join the you the measuring medical reports from w. c of the. this is the largest protest. bbc has seen this. yeah, thousands of people saying they don't want parliament to adopt the so called for an agency. some came with got as much as police used to you guys before. yeah, we have the freedom. you know, our government, they do not respect our wish. you know,
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they go the way we are not liking these. that's why we're here. the law would force n g. i was a media receiving at least 20 percent of their funding from abroad to declare themselves as agents of for an influence. a similar law was adopted by russia in 2012 the u officials, who gave georgia a candidate status in december, save a little as a step in the wrong direction and could hinder georgia speed. we are against russian road. well, we don't need to rush, and so we protest this, and do we want to go to the us? presidents sell amazing, obviously has promised to veto the law if it passes the 3rd reading and punishment . her brother was among the protest this every time she said that the cdw should do is the choice of who georgia and used to be a rip you described in the did the constitution. george's prime
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minister says the law is necessary for transparency, but he says georgia remains committed to a new membership. separate bills on the website is georgia will become a new member very soon. we are putting all our effort so that in 2030 i'm sure we, we will have your membership and not later, i'm sort of speaking to them. some holes show at least 80 percent of georgians once the country to become a member of the you, the size of the country's history where georgia essentially to visit spears or things like they will continue coming out until their voice is the the queen size is moved to full size and people, the safety and the coffee region. after a heavy fighting video showed emergency workers moving people close to the border. russian forces say they've occupied 5 villages as they advance further into the
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area. the training and president says, fears bottles have been taking place. the 70 villages on saturday. we want families in ukraine. we're mach mother's day on sunday at a time, and this seems to be no end in sight to the rushes war. the government says at least 41000 soldiers have been killed. after more than 2 years of conflict, john homeland has been speaking to the mothers left behind. despite the presence of the flowers, these ukrainian women of this day is tough to celebrate. the son started fighting in the will be and his boy bloody slough was 2 days short. these 28th birthday when he was killed, embody upon the last time we talked to him, was march 18. 2022. you said the words that will stay in my heart for the rest of my life. i have big plans for the future. i want you to know that i don't regret anything. after that,
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we lost those connection. makalya helped organize this event and keep city who grew organization and broke her mom's it brings together those who blow someone wrong son died in the 1st outbreak of possibilities in 2014 to miami miami. what does it mean? we don't have the understanding of support from the community that we'd expect. we lost our relatives and they were afraid to talk to us about it. so we got together and decided to start a community organization and support each other this way. multitudes of now died on both sides in this conflict. each of the flags is planted here in the hall. the capital is for you craning, killed in the course of this will that tens of thousands of sons, daughters, providers, that won't be with that family this month. as many mazda 0 so a lot because the suns or husbands are at the front. you crying,
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so i'll be desperately sure. man, it means that some a serving for months or years without leave is just tanya. a 3 year old mother and a boy mirror slot. this mother's day is it has been for the last 6 months. you so the value of being can mother and how much your kids media, because their father isn't near. there's a need to raise your child's right so that she has a memory of her that if she dies, eating and knows where he's, what he's doing, and the wife with the memories, at least something to sustain the breed, mothers back to the city. whole heroes never die has become a saying he the problem is the pain. so last, john, home and i would just say to keep bombs and pakistan are facing big loss as of to
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the government at large private companies to important millions of tons of weight to despite the bumper harvest, it's part of the market causing prices to full come off high, those travel to plunge up problems known as pakistan's bread basket to speak to farmers a farmer job broadcasting across the fine job province. despite projection for the record to harvest this. yeah, the government is buying a suite. usually it per kid is around 20 percent of the fall, much golf at a fixed price to stabilize the market and prevent harding this year. it's buying less than half that i'm at the we are compelled to protest for our rights as the government has failed to buy all we and we are left with no other choice but to burn our parties and not comfortable. again, the government reported 3400000 tons of wheat at the end of march. industrial birds have criticized a $1000000000.00 purchase thing at the game at the time when bucket done was
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running low and foreign exchange reserves and ag receive short term international monetary fund, loan millions of farmers across bug just on know how resting their weed crops by day why did they may not get a good price, because what they say is the mismanagement of we import out in the countryside. farmers are working around the clock to finish harvesting. it's manually work and everyone helps out. it has a good coverage this year, but he's worried about supporting his family phone member to the chair for the past 6 months. we have been in the fields trying to produce a good crop this year, even borrowed money for seeds, fertilizers, an additional labor. but now we're worried about how to cover these expenses because the government failed to buy or harvest from the fees the read this ground supported the state run storage facilities. the fall of last year is harvest and import.


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