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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the the lines are of any age good to have you with us. this is the news our lives from bill coming up in the program. a frantic search for survivor. it's after is really there a strikes kid civilian areas in central gaza, killing at least 14 palestinians. israel is accused of carrying out at least 8 strikes on 8 convoys and workers in gaza, even after their location was share. the top us diplomats, anthony blinking, arrives and keys in a surprise visits, while russia steps up, it's offensive into harkey region and a record $76000000.00 people were displaced around the world last year by conflict
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in natural disasters. we'll be looking at the situation incident. the israel has carried out multiple strikes and gaza, killing more palestinians from the north to the south of the strip. at least 14 palestinians were killed. and it is really striking the residential home in the new state of refugee camp that's in central gaza. the policy and civil defense is working. as you see there to recover the victims from under the rubble, dozens of wounded people have been taken to the lock. the hospital in darrow, by in a separate attack into sara, the is really military bomb to school housing displaced palestinians. many of them are still trapped inside during israel's one gaza. its forces have repeatedly struck schools, hospitals and mosques, housing display, smell, extension's houses here is honey, my mood is in there on the outside of the hospital. i mean,
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what more have you been able to find out about these attacks on the state of yes, just within the past 30 minutes, the treasure, this part is due on the fold about the overnighted talk on this particular residential home in and they'll say right, refugee camp that has been under heavy aerial bombardment for the past week, but this particular residential home, it's a 3 story building full of display as families have been shouldering inside the building for the past month. but more recently, annually displays families move to this residential home seeking shelter when it was bombed yesterday, one particular family has been inside this residential home evacuating all the way from rough. i city to a new site, right records you cam seeking safety and protection were inside this residential home. now we talked to i witness who describe the house fully packed with people, including many children's entire family. the fact that the number is very close to
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a 100 people who are inside this home. and just from talking to families who are of the remaining family members who were waiting for the civil defense, the crew members to remove bodies of from under the rebels. they're talking about a close to 40 people who are still a trapped under the rubble of so far. 5 of these people have been removed by civil defense. the crew by paramedics, the old, transferred here to lock the hospitals. there are still more people under the rubble of the talks right now is about the difficulty that the civil defense members are facing. and removing these large pieces of concrete and help those who might have survived the attacks and the fact that there is a there, there's nearly display its family under the rubble. just one more approve that there's really military narrative of safe zones and evacuation orders have been largely contradictory and misleading. people end up within days,
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sometimes within hours being killed inside in that the residential home they are taking as a shoulder and a protect you to provide protection for themselves and their families, bears on a separate attacks is really a military attack also and evacuation center. that's a school that has served for the past months as, as a, as a shelter humanitarians filter for displays. families who did not find a place in the central area, particularly in the review count the state. and that's what's going on up still this moment we're still waiting for more from the civil defense, a crew members on the ground who as i stated, they're finding it quite difficult to remove the troubles and help those who might have survived the attack that has been a close to 7 hours a little over 7 hours right now, so that chances are very slim right now. meanwhile, is really military keep pushing deeper in eastern part of robust city,
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a right now the entire janina districts, as well as the slam and the, the, and, but as the neighborhoods are on their military, under the control of days, really, military has the push time sent on the vehicles in the area, those neighborhood, they are at the eastern part of our city. but they are at the western side of sola had the roads. and that's put, put the central part of rubber city as well as there was trends, part works, hundreds of displays. families are still there inside their towns. they put their life at risk as more evacuation orders reach, take away the hospital were medical staff were ordered by there's really military to evacuated, the health facilities right away and honey, the injured from the attacks that you described earlier. many of them have been brought to a lot of the hospital where you're reporting from. we know hospitals are really low on fuel, on power. how is that locks a doing? are they still able to provide care and treat patients?
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the a quite difficult situation inside the hospital, just a few minutes before i i gave for this report, i did a brief walk around the hospital and within its core doors that i i could see how over a crowd that the court doors let alone the rooms inside the hospital where literally patients and injuries are on the floor of the hospital. yeah, i could see the exhaustion on the faces of the medical staff or been working tirelessly for department frank to provide at medical support and medical help for the injuries. and the patients, but the hosp to the right now is it's working beyond its capacity, it's running out of space. and right now the tragedy is it's running out of the fuel and with the ongoing closure of the crossings. and know, you know, other basic necessities, including medical supplies and food supplies that also water supplies are not being
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allowed to enter the gaza strip right now. there is a risk that this hospital and not only shutting down major parts of its services and departments, but the risk right now is going to reach to the i c, u, an operation rooms and with doctors are not going to be able to sustain operations that provide necessary medical interventions to save life. the hospital is hours a week from being shutting down completely all of its services. and this is very consistent with the statements we heard from the guys who were being hospitalized. that is a warning within hours, it's going to also shut down all operations because of lack of a fuel that prevents it from continuing to provide any medical intervention necessary right now to save life. now since there is honeymoon importing from darrow biologist outside, along to the hospital where they are a situation as regards power is critical. thank you very much. honey.
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is really forces of carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian convoys and premises and gaza. since october, even after their locations were shared with is really authorities that's according to human rights watch. the report also finds the is really, is did not issue any advance warnings. the latest casualty is a united nation staff member killed in eastern ross on monday. it's the 1st international un casualty with more than a $190.00 palestinian u. n. workers killed since october 7th houses here as gabriel. it is under reports from un headquarters in new york bullet holes through the back window of a vehicle clearly marked united nations. the driver of the vehicle and international un worker for the department of safety and security was q. and another one was injured while writing in a convoy headed to the european hospital in rafa. while a 190 un staff had been killed in guys in the past 7 months, it was the 1st time an international stafford and not palestinian was killed. the
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secretary general condemns all the tax on you and personnel, and calls for a full investigation. he sent his condolences to the family of the fall and staff member with the conflict and gaza, continuing to take a heavy, told not only on civilians but also on humanitarian workers. the secretary general reiterates has urgent appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. and for the release of all hostages, is it fair to characterize this as an attack? yes. the head of the u. n. relief and works agency for palestinian refugees posted on the social platform x. no one is safe and gaza, including aid workers, are teams, and gods are grieving the loss of their friends and colleagues. aid workers and un staff are not and never should be a target. the secretary general has called for an investigation into all of the
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killings of every un staffer in gaza. the last 7 months. he's also called for an investigation into the mass graves are recently discovered as well. but in order for there to be an independent inquiry, it requires access for the investigators to get to the locations for the crimes took place and is real controls access in and out of gaza. so far, israel has failed to cooperate gabriel's on don't. i'll just need a united nations new york. let's talk to our correspondence, stephanie decker about this. stephanie, you're joining us from the jordanian capital amman, since the is really government has shut down houses 0. it is real. look what is real struck the world. central kitchen conroy, this was last month, killing 7 people that cause such an uproar that israel promised they would improve their b confliction and they, they, they would not make what they call
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a tragic mistake. again, this latest attack on a un convoy suggest that they haven't improved anything. us. yes, and what's interesting is that the americans really started to put pressure. why? because the world central kitchen is headed by a celebrity chef show cause a address is a personal friend of joe biden. so it hit home in a different way in a different way, unfortunately that, you know, 35000 palestinians that simply does that. and so the americans really started putting pressure on these ratings was threatening sanctions that they have to allow more age into goals. of course, americans were killed in that attack and they had to do more to protect the aid workers. so i've been covering cause it going into goals are for almost 20 years. i don't know what else in terms of the conflict and you can do because the un and other agencies, they give just specific coordinates of their school, their hospitals, they're safe houses to israel. they coordinates our movements. when there is conflict in terms of convoys, they give a whole lot of this to israel, israel,
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as you hear when you talk to our correspondence, there are these very loud buzzing of the drones is 24 hours to valence. they have eyes on, so i don't know how you could improve the d confliction issue at this point. other than not targeting aid workers now is all a said that it's looking into yesterday's incident. the only thing the army has said is that they were in an active combat zone and that an investigation is ongoing, but it simply, you know, reiterates what lot correspondence saying goal is that nowhere is safe. and that even if you are under the one, it doesn't offer you say protection. i mean, this is the deadliest conflict for you when walkers ever in modern history. yeah. and also, just as a matter of logic, yes, they were in a combat zone. that's why the confliction is necessary, otherwise it wouldn't be needed. so that's why you know, you and agencies give their coordinates, etc. stephanie, moving on. is really settlers have been attacking aid con, voice bound for gaza. what can you tell us about that?
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yes, this was the dirt ania and a convoy having left here it has to go to the doctor supplied westberg to reach the get them shut. i'm crossing, get them up. asylum in the south of the gaza strip so far right wing is really protest or stopped it new to that, set it on fire. and there's a lot of criticism, and it's not the 1st time we've been seeing this now for months, because those protests are, say, it's going to how much they simply don't want any going to the kind of thing. it's full stop. they don't make a distinction between how mouse and civilians um, but little is being done on part of these really is to stop this, these raise as we know, have an incredibly powerful security for us when it comes to, particularly looking at sort of thing and protests errors um, but they're not doing the same when it comes to these protests now. jordan before, when there was another incident, condemned it saying that israel is under a legal obligation as an occupying power to ensure that a gets in swiftly and safely. but interestingly, as 0,
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we keep talking about it's more ben to be or the right way administer. well, he's had a of the police force and he, according to many reports in the media as told the police really to not really get involved because his ideology is the same as those protest or is that he on settlements to start again in dollars that he doesn't what day to get in, he doesn't want to cease fire and he's holding to find minister to the position that, you know, if he does get some kind of a deal going and not going into the offer that he will collapse this government. so gives you the sense of the complexities, political complexities and how they are affecting even the aid convoys getting to goals of stephanie decker reporting from amman. jordan, after the is really government decided to shudder, uh, alpha 0 within israel. thank you very much. stephanie, small island in las vegas with us. you are a political analyst and professor media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. i, i do you believe that the is really operation that's currently as expanding and rasa could be the last chapter of this war?
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i ask you this because that's been the is really narrative like this. where will be finished when we quote unquote do rasa. no, i don't think so. in fact, i don't think we can trust the is really narrative. we've seen that israel told us, months ago that they had cleared areas of the north and then the central part of gaza. and in fact, they hadn't cleared, they hadn't cleared those areas. and i think one thing that's worth reminding everyone is that from us has been able to reach you with the help of israel. there has been no greater military recruiter than israel over these past 7 months. reports recent reports suggest that ordinary palestinian men, having seen what they consider a genocide, have started to join the ranks of the fighters. so from mazda is actually seen uptick in recruitment over the past few months. that's number one. number 2 from us has also been able to re purpose these. unexploded is rarely bombs. so what was a sort of weapons, crisis and ammunition crisis for from us just now i also turned into something of
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a positive. they have thousands of unexploded bombs that they can re purpose and use against israel inside of causes. that's an interesting point because one does wonder and i'm not a no military expert, but how they keep going in a purely in terms of ammunition. if only that, because they've been under a complete, almost complete blockade for 7 and a half months and clearly they can still fight. right. and i think that just that underscores number one, that they were, they were ready that they had been preparing for this for, for years. and so they had a, they had a stockpile of weapons. they had a fighting force that was some 35 or 40000 men deep. and now as i said, then they've been able to recruit and, and also re purpose these other bombs in the war right now. looks like as much of a dead end and an impass as, as at any point in this conflict because you have the us israel strongest, allied, telling them this was us extra state entity blinking in the sunday morning. talk
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shows, don't go into rafa. in fact, go out of gaza because you're going to end up his quote, holding the bag on an enduring insurgency. so the us of stealing is real to get out and is real. seems absolutely committed to actually going further in, right. i mean, it's actually fascinating to listen to the us discourse analysts. experts scholars have been saying exactly this for the past 7 months that there wasn't the military solution that is real sure get out of gaza. but they've been saying that since october, and it's just now that the united states appears to finally be getting the message . now, to what extent are actually getting the message and are going to be willing to actually exert serious pressure on israel. that's still an open question. to date, the united states has not been willing to do anything meaningful to end this war. as many people have noticed, the us code with a single phone call and all of this as we sit here and talk this afternoon, there still is no indication that the us is willing to do that. yeah,
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and they're also extremely, to your point mixed messages coming out of the us because yes, blinking says get out of rough. um. but at the same time there was the us and bass of it is real. jack lou was saying what they're, what they're actually doing with they're currently doing, and ralph does not yet cross the american president's red lines. i think that's a really interesting point because you've had this consistent stream of contradictions coming out of the us. you have joe biden mentioning red lines and one in one instance in an interview with m. s. nbc, and then about 15 seconds later, walking it back. you have this memo, the state department memo that came out a few days ago where they're saying there doesn't seem to be indicate any indication that israel's violating international law. on the other hand, they might not be doing everything that is consistent with international law and numerous other contradictions within the same or courts. just actually interesting just of just follow that narrative. yeah, i have to read that one. several times. i was scratching my head. yeah. it's confusing to say the least bomb it. it must be a political analysts. thank you so much for joining us to. so thanks
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the us secretary state anthony blinking has arrived in keith on an unannounced visits. it's the 1st time to ukraine by a senior us official since congress passed a 61000000000 dollar a package in april to help ukraine's war effort. lincoln's visit is seen as a show of supports as the nation faces intensifying attacks from russia in the harkey region. specifically, houses who has gone home and reports from keith the when the us sick 3 of state and to me blinking go off the try into keep this tuesday morning. you have one big item in mind, and that's to reassure you. crime that it's not allowing that it's allies, especially the united states as to where the difficult moment to the country with a new russian offensive crossing and to the new age of ukraine. now the 2nd i'm the secretary clinton would have in mind is weston's the us as finally go to
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prove the $61000000000.00 military a package. and the talk is about how quickly those weapons can get to ukraine. now the ground, so that was laid on monday by cool, between talk to us and you pray, military officials in which they 2, it's about the off towards the national security advisor, the us national security advisor jake sullivan said that they're looking to up the 10 posts especially on a defense units, and they also discussed the situation on the ground. now what is the situation on the ground not new front in the northeast. if you crating the hockey region when russian forces move over the border of open source at military analyst websites. the saying that russia now has between $1125.00 square columbus has caught 2 and several villages. and the regional governor of the hockey region is
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saying that they splitting now russian traits into smaller groups to try and stretch the ukrainian line, still fin. uh, and that's a real problem because this is for you cried because there's also russian troops, a balancing of a part to the front line of it down that model, 1000 kilometer front line. so it's a lot of gaps that these countries trying to plug right now as russia is definitely on the, from the town home. and i would just say to tease at large crowds and police are gathering outside the georgia in parliament as it prepares, the votes on the controversial foreign agents bill. the government says the legislation will prevent foreign influence in the country that the opponents say it could be used to crack down on defense and the rail georgia's bid to join the european union. and i'll send you a dmitri method ankle has been covering the process. you're joining us from lisa mitre and you're in your overnight report mitree the protestors were saying we're, we're coming out on tuesday because we want to be there and show our numbers and
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show our strengths on the day that they both for, you know, they, they vote on the bill and clearly that's what's happening now. yeah, i mean literally, they're quite loud. right now. we're in the middle of the process, the crowd right behind the ottoman building. let's a try and get a better view here with the as well. that's a lot of police for standing here in a human wall, preventing people from coming next to the entrance of the building. we understand that the psalm, if not all members in parliament already inside the building, there's a window with that, with those 2 flags. now some people came out here waving to the crowd, they've been identified as opposition, members of on demand. so that gives us an idea that at least some of them already inside the building. now in around 40 minutes, the plenary session is about to start on this a so called for an agents bill and for people here is of course way more important
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than just about labeling. and g o is and media as the agents are for an influence. this is about what comes next for georgia, because the, you have said that georgia cabinet to join the european union will be on behalf of, sorry, say its a bid to join the union handbook. if for this bill, they come back to me. on the other hand, the government is saying that this is a very important bill because there's about 25000 of them, of the civil and the countries politics. and that's why it's important to understand why the money is somebody from i spoke to the georgia dream member, a part of the georgia dream actually had a v for an offense committee that was in my report. i often specifically want is this all important to do is now to push this low. now we have the present solid is obviously already saying that it would be a good idea to postpone this photo off of the electrons which are coming in october . and the member of parliament said it's exactly because of the upcoming elections
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that these up. and he owes needs to be labeled as though for an agent so that the public, before they both would understand, you know, where the information is coming from. dmitri med ankle reporting from the center of police who just outside parliament. it you said the session on this bill starts in about 40 minutes, so we will check back in with you. thank you very much to be treat. donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen has testified that he got approval from trump to pay harsh money to the adult film. star stormy daniels cohen took the stand the trunk, the criminal trial in new york, which was examining the reported payments made to daniel's to hide an affair in the run up to the 2016 presidential election co until the court. the trump was not thinking about trying to protect his wife, and that it was all about the campaign. trump has pleaded not guilty to 34 counts of falsifying business records. political and this derek hand says,
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michael cohen's testimony gave a clear picture of his close professional relationship with donald trump. we actually heard from michael cohen about the falsification of the business records because he took that document that is already been verified to have allan weiss of work signature that shows the plus up of the money and shows how the falsification was actually going to work. and he tells blow by blow detail by detail how they went to donald trump's office and spoke to donald trump about this. now where the question comes in is, well, the jury actually believe this because there is no one to corroborate what michael michael cohen actually said. but we have the corroboration and how the, the checks themselves were actually made out and present it to michael cohen as well. as the information on the piece of paper by alan, why so berg, michael cohen was corroborating and filling in a lot of blanks in terms of what i think was
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a very strong foundation in terms of how the prosecution we this narrative together over the course of 4 weeks and also the fact that the defense did not object very much to what michael cohen was actually saying today. i think what we got from michael cohen was someone who did not bring a lot of the bluster, a lot of the defensive nest and rancor that many expected. and of course, the way he was described by many of those witnesses who have been on the stand today, i think we saw a very different michael cohen and it's unclear what the jury will think of michael cohen. but he certainly came across as credible the question is, will it actually stand up on cross examination? still a head on alpha 0, shut down in pakistan, administered cache me, or as a days of violence against soaring prices. i'm barney below and bought off philippine towards ins. crown jewels for the islands,
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for original inhabitants as the people are fighting to keep ownership of a small piece of land. the, let's get a nice bit of warm spring the last few days of the good part of europe and it still is the eastern europe with increasing the atlantic showing itself be rather too active for these times a year. that low, wrapped around it, pen device boss, suggests a when the storm system, which you don't really expect, i have to say in the middle of night. but there it is. all the site is produced and funding, right in the know for fonts, it'll probably be the same in the science of friends. in the next 24 to 56 hours. it changes the feel of the weather across. the british owls is near a cloudy and rainy once again. time just come down by several degrees. that will be some wet snow from this, which is no use to anybody in the townhouse, for example,
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and not slowing moving right. probably sometimes thunder a will quite likely cause some flesh cutting, maybe nose misleading the pover valley. but i'm full cost is a rather red one on wednesday of funds. we went on thursday and improving by the time you get to friday. so no size, because the shar rewriting, which is seasonal is moving and as in most countries, and it's getting a long way north was concentrated, probably nigeria probably the central after republic. it's still hot to the north. the halt and dusty all the way from chubb back towards san a goal, for example. and the size of the seasonal ryan is particularly well with the government, particularly in cape time. the, the sense that he missed the acadia and he just showed them the price as high for a family of palestinian active as so peacefully protected the community for mr. brady. secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put the
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city for that day on. oh, i see this is the story the south trying to see them moving them. some of the on the fire on it, just the, you know, the latest news was so intense that this is all. but as a lot of people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough crisis. escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else, a 0 reminder of our headlines. israel has stepped up in strikes and gaza, killing more palestinians across the strip. at least 14 people were killed in a strike on the interstate at the refugee camp. the un has confirmed that one of its employees has been killed in gaza after his vehicles came under fire. the un secretary general condemned mondays attack us secretary of state anthony blinking has arrived in keith on an unannounced visit. this trip is seen as a show of support as you frame faces intensifying attacks from russia. and it's hard to keep reaching a record number of people worldwide were displaced last year, according to the internal displacement monitoring center. it's research that shows nearly 76000000 people were forced from their homes. most were displaced by
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conflicts and violence. others by natural disasters, nearly half were in africa that you and says the conflict incident has caused the world's worst displacement crisis. this report says that by the end of last year, more than 9 people, a 9000000 people had been forced to flee. israel's war on guys are forcibly displaced 1700000 people in the 3 months between october and december and 4700000 people in turkey and syria are living in temporary shelters and containers after devastating earthquakes. there. barbara engel for reports. as a watchdog says war, dr. level displacement to a record 7 to 6000000 people. last year, the report from the internal displacement monitoring center says the number of display spe, pulled doubled in the last 5 years. these palestinians arriving at milwaukee area on gauze as western coast have been on the move since is russ one goes to become enough to buy
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a. how do i lot of that. we've been displaced 4 times and now we live with my uncles family in my wasi. but there is no space for us here. vine and send garza sit down on the democratic republic of congo, drive 2 sides of the displacements in 2023. in the final quarter of the israel's foreign cause, a force to be displaced. 1.7000000 palestinians under the democratic republic of congo. fighting between government troops and rebels uprooted 6700000 people. since the conflict and sit down started in april 9 point 1000000 people have been driven from the homes, the 2nd highest number recorded in a single country, since rick will speak down in 2008. and did a 4 year old jasmine was opened as a family, tried to escape from don to chad during fighting between rival forces while identity. her mother, who was 8 months pregnant, was killed and she was left on the road. some people found to on the road and
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pulled her back here on the road. we suffered a lot. the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people. the report says the crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. tens of millions of people remain displaced from previous an ongoing rules and disasters. extreme was a natural disaster, also contributed to the global spike of internally displaced people. floods, storms of quakes and wild foss, displaced more than 26000000 people. barbara and good judges era. let's focus on the case of sit in the summer up until we all know is the chief executive of the think tank overseas development institute. you also let the un development programs sedan peace building unit, and you're joining us from london. thank you for your time today. start by describing what life is like for internally displaced people incidentally so i see the pores. um your colleague just mentioned these,
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these the worst is the largest intend the displacement classes, these 9 median southern medium. people are displaced with into the office to give you a sense of the additional cost to me here. the goal was 6000000 people and i totally wrong me again. you mean people are on the move all the time. they have to free, i'm free again. you know, in the know the 750000 people across the top. that includes 200000 almost 20000. they were charging victory g. so people, the next talk to seek packaging does not have to start the game because the vibrancy set is not for this. so how does the, um, and we know is that the, the level of the product is for these types of meet people more than anything, you know, human rights watch, those remain to the last year. and it's been pretty much as we can see, it needs the most of the track in that for so it is, the violence is the fear of, you know, being jones,
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of course. but he's also the hung up crisis because we are seeing that the, the threats of 5 minutes dom i'm on the level to say we haven't seen for many, many years. and we have seen finally before in the country. so we know what to expect. i'd like for our viewers to get an understanding of the long term impact of something like this. when we say that there have been $6000000.00 displacements over the course of just one year. as was the case in sedan. you know that, that affects it's, it's $6000000.00 people for that year, but it actually affects them for many, many, many years to come. it's not for their entire life, a proximity to these actually 9000000 people. it was 6 points. right. not only those ross, it in the account to their flights across the board there's and yes, we know that, you know, crises when then these basement crises of people do go back to their homes for 6
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months. they are likely to be meeting the statements for 3 years, so we know that they, they see a way for more than a year. there will be back for 5 and use this they way or 3. they will be back within the company will never go back. so all these speakers, i'm going to stop this. we have done lots of research and these things in the i over the years. so we know what to expect. and more people need to margin. these were the means to be, you know, opportunities for such a long time. your, for kids not to be able to go back to school or not to be in education, or busy for in or the, for that feedback activities to complete the store. you know, to complete the course and they'll be able to, to have to be sued by obviously, but we most concerned about that. now there's nothing on saturdays, they need it to. it's all the same before we have seen so many parts of the counties at the levels of the to the security. i see many higher for the securities, calculating the range from one to 5 and last the same. but we already have a lot of data,
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some sit down to read in face for which is american c and the moving costs for payments and security calculus. just brief. last last about the email feature or big topic coming into that. yeah, the faces, the phases of food and security are something we've been, we've become quite familiar with on allison 0, whether it's in sedan, whether it's in gaza, phase 4 or 5, you know, just for, for, for viewers. if it's context for our viewers here, it's based on how much food you have, how nutritious the food is that you are eating. if people are eating, you know, grass as we've seen in some cases, that's not nutritious enough. it doesn't sustain you, it doesn't sustain life. and it's also how many people actually die of this, of these food shortages. you mention children, what, there's a knock on effect for the next generation. of course, you know, obviously the, i mean, you know, talking about see, the use of predicts is $700000.00 children will die is done to 0, even the feet minus to now believe in the top mean these to them with god because
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people really cross the threshold, you know, in terms of would be, i mean, we'd be impossible to say that. but of course if you say for a lot of then the but the long term and they'll get, you know, the history a promo, the balance that is not addressed. you know the fact to be 0 for many years continue to leave in make steve, you know, these place mental they for g pass. i mean that we are, or b, c have lost the bus for generations. i need to be to be, have seen, to be honest with some of that. you know, they are well, so young. so just if you're going that important, perpetrating the box today, these words that you've been so previous scotsman seems to di didn't have a future. yeah. they become vulnerable as so many levels, sour, unplugged etc, fun to leo know, chief executive of overseas development institute. thank you very much. as i mentioned earlier, natural disasters of also displaced tens of millions of people worldwide in september. a storm daniel devastated coastal cities in eastern libya,
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nearly 4500 people were killed and more than 40000 were displaced. we spoke to a bill how many people, beta and tripoli, and he survived the floods. he told us his story is not behind me that the loss of a waiver and so kinda didn't done. my name is abdul. how many of them on cisco, by the, you know, i'm from the city of dana that i've been displaced now reside in the city of tripoli. always displaced by the flooding and the city, you know, that goes to solar mod low can motor ahead. it's almost unimaginable. it was terrifying and the sound of homes being destroyed, code the sound of children, screaming of women, screaming, a miss, a window toned of what a time it swept me from where i was too far away. i was saved. there was a mess of instruction and lots shiver taiser like it went to auction show for me,
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anybody in the home and say, just in this light, how many tell miss? i saw a terrifying things. things i never expected to see. i don't think i'll see again, young people with dead bodies every way my favorite, the bodies with no arms, no legs, no bodies completely torn apart with the faces, an identifiable, human, smoke, children of date, lovers, a met them. how many words are sure if it's a she oh sure. if the fog meeting is off, almost 32 people from my extended family cousins, aunts and uncles been and the non one move they have had to. i had to leave to change my life to change the conditions i was living in because i didn't want to remember anything. but i already saw it at the head to tripoli with my wife and daughter, st. gold dice of all the flooding hills and thank god, i've got a job here and there and we have
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a loss. we've got to hire su sofa. the government hasn't provided us with anything that is all anything we have. we'd go through the contents of people here, you know, we've seen the goodness in people. i hope that the city of doing it will return to what it was and even better is it looks like kind of walking on the water. so i hope the people will return and were you not making it? officials and the french pacific territory of new caledonia have imposed a curfew after writing triggered by proposed constitutional amendment. police were deployed after crowds damaged shops and set fire to property. the proposed amendment looks to increase the size of the electorate for upcoming elections. the indigenous population known as the connect people say that the move good hinder their representation. the demonstrations against inflation have been cold off in pakistan. administered cash mirror of the organizers have called a general strike civil rights groups say the action is to protest the killing of 3
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civilians during riots. thousands in was that far bad have been demonstrating since friday, against storing living costs. rallies, calling for government subsidies were confronted. confronted by paramilitary troops, officers come, i'll hide a reports from the regional capital. the knife is slowly coming back to normal and the cab regarding the robot all focused on administrative catch me. now for the last 5 days, the protest as has brought more major highways, they had the minds that the government, you're good use, the price of electricity because the spectrum it provides buckets onwards. housing, the megawatts of electricity, as well as what uh, now the paper that green demanding that the electricity data attributed, viewed because they were exorbitantly high. the people also want that the price of the law should also be subsidized. now the government granted to an emergency
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meeting and relented on the minds of the drug test. uh, saying that they were willing to go out $86000000.00 in subsidies. the people heard, i've always, there demanded that the guy that the privileges and bulk of the bureaucracy should be to do so. the demons of gods have now being met this project there. the now it's slowly going back, but there's been a cost to all day for the 1st 5 days. business is shrubs have been completely closed traffic completely suspended even now as you can see, there's no traffic on the road ahead and without the robot. also, the fact that the paper work is by the security of board said that bruno is that now taking place in this particular city. the anger had now gunned and do a gun. people, i've got that now backing their belongings and going back to the area and from
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where they came. but this is indeed a message for the government. and it's not my, but it has to be cognizant of the fact that the paper one really and if they don't get their relief, they will be back on the streets. come all the data off without for a lot is rescuers in afghanistan are searching for dozens of people still missing from floods in the country is northern baghlan and province. many parts of the province remain buried in mud and debris as local struggle with rudimentary tools to clean away the sledge. at least 315 people have been confirmed dead so far. members of the t drive and the popular philippine resort town of bork, i say that they've been forced out of their land by developers the government and give them the islands original inhabitants of poverty. but it now says it is better suited to torres and the r t say they can't trust any offer to relocate them. barnaby lo reports. a warm welcome
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for the children, put on the crown jewel of philippine tourism, but it's a scene. most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land, away from the crowds. now try builder said they're on the brink of losing what little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has been penstock after their homes were demolished by developer in march something i. e, i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to evict test um in the private company to took the property says it did. so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018, then president would be good to turn to awarded brock ice indigenous at the people which are typically as of land ownership or close. placing the properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been revolt because the government has ruled the land, is it suitable for agriculture?
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the countries, greer and reformed. secretaries says the decision was based on tests done by soil experts. the each one's all the flow was then has no leg to stand on the top of any legal basis at all. only lands that are suitable for agriculture are those that can be covered by the grid and farm. but the of these have been able to grow foods, and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere in the system. you know, any of us. i mean, they fooled us, they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to where they're telling us to relocate? we don't trust the government. it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement at a time of a tourism boom. and one that they believe has cost to life. in 2013 text or contests, a young at the leader was shot to death, but instead of letting fear take over,
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they say they must honor his memory by continuing to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney, below al jazeera, what guy, the philippines. cause expands, former economy minister has been convicted and sentenced to 24 years in jail, for the torture and murder of his wife. cory on dick mission by of 7 week trial, was the 1st to be streamed online in the country. still baffling to secure a basic women's rights. after weeks of pleading innocence, the 44 year old eventually admitted to beating his wife. and the court was shown cctv footage of him arguing with her the night that she died as well as other videos of his abuse. the wily watch trial has sparked caused a stronger laws against domestic violence. a still a head on alpha 0 business leaders, policy makers and experts from around the world or in doha to discuss, pressing global and economic issues. and high android, we look at why
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a lack of water has drastically reduced the number of ships passing through the panama canal.
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the the tickets are economic for him is getting underway here in the global business. and government leaders are discussing economic challenges and opportunities to 0 is a some of inch of aid. is that the form into how some of one of the points of focus here. one of the areas of emphasis has so far been the war and gaza of the world as the elephant in the room. that as soon as you start talking about the economy,
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about investments about this in the state of being for various countries in this region. you have to talk about, let's talk about the situation that is happening in this area, especially in this country. but there's in thing across organ trying to bring the sites together to find some sort of a solution where they can be a ceasefire. there can be aids that can be allowed in an obviously the release of top this i'm here and opening sections of the economic for them, the problem and just to ship them to find a tiny, talked about not just the efforts deposit is putting itself in the middle off, but also how important it is, a full confuse to come to some sort of solution. but this seems to be a still me, especially on the, is reading the side of things as they keep going back and forth and trying to put proposals on the table. and they keep being rejected by israel when they're on the 2 parties want to agree on something you need to agree on, on the baseline. this one and i believe that's what we are seeing. there is
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a fundamental difference between the 2 parties. there is one party who wants to end the war and then talk about the hostages. there is another property who wants to the hostages and who wants and wants to continue the what i'm as long as there is no, any comment on a few between those 2 things to want to get us to address of some of beyond the issue of guys or what else are participants talking about? a while it is going to be a general taking stock called the economy, not just in this country, but across the region you what hundreds of delegates and as well the to is here. we're talking about not just conflict, but also investments into energy, into technology, into how the transformation of rocky and technology is taking shape. and that's the reason i said that there is trying to invest about a $9000000000.00 fund individual transformation. so there's a lot of money involved, there's a lot of, uh, an investment and future of economies involved here that it is being discussed in
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the pro rated. well, the does business, the just, they're all going to be talking about a solution or a multiple range of solutions going forward, making sure that young people are employed, there is enough capital in the market. and then economies continue to go towards the green rather than fortune on all of the geopolitical issues that we've been seeing in the last few. okay, with some of mentioned beta reporting from the law. thank you very much. i, a severe drought in panama has drastically reduced water levels and one of the world's busiest trade passages authorities have restricted shipping through the panama canal as a result. but that's disrupting global trade as a central rep. yet, the reports from panama for almost a year. the number of ships passing through the panama canal has been reduced to cope with a severe drought brought by the new weather phenomenon. without enough water to raise and lower vessels through the locks, officials were left with no alternative,
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but to cut off peroration creating headaches for shipping worldwide bends of thousands of dollars. i draw. the juice that belied at the bottom says new water sources are essential to maintaining the canals. perfect ability. the cut out was the sign more than a 100 years ago. for a certain amount of water, the number of transfer, it's on a certain population, leaving in front of my city. and now the mind has greatly increased, therefore, the panama canal and needs to increase its water supply in order to meet that water . the canal preparations depends on fresh water from artificial lakes that also supplied drinking water. for half a pint of must population in a country where almost 50 percent of potable water is lost to port management as a spine them as population grows and the sea barn trade expense, the government to worry that the demands for water will gray police are past the
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available supply by 2050 the canal though tory t says they're considering various options, including costly diesel, the nation plants and creating new reservoirs which would require relocating. thousands of people for sans in the for the canal is important because it generates income growth. we need to guarantee its best management, but it was preserving peoples, right, the volta and blond than that, it's one of the last year deadly pro just broke out with the government to allow the canadian company to expand its marketing contract impacting water resources. the country supreme court eventually ruled the government's contracts with the company was unconstitutional. lessons that scientists say things could improve in coming months and the canal could return to normal operations in 2025. the climate change means the cycle of drying wet weather could continue to become more severe and unpredictable, like both, se,
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his case tell him i'm in the little while. if that all hard purposes is that global warming will continue to make climate events like the nino and in the phenomenon was. so we need to listen to the warning. let's go with the most news elected president. the find them i was that i wouldn't really, you know, has not presented any concrete plans for the future of the canal. but the clock is ticking for panama as most important business, and a key transit route for the world. alice and then a bit as, as the find them a, the heavy rains of triggered flash floods in land slides in the indonesian province of west to marsher. at least 50 people have died including children. rescuers of searching for dozens were missing. i said make reports. the often most of devastating flesh that's c a could from the flow of rivers originate from the slopes of demetrius maxima, ruthy it's remains one of some options. most active volcanoes. a code of lava flow which is a mixture of volcanic ash, rock,
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debris and volta. after 200 rains caused lens lights and floods, emergency crews are still looking for the dead. but the shortage of heavy equipment is making the task difficult and slow. at the moment we're divided into 2 teams, a ground team that covers a 2 kilometer radius and another team clearing damage material with heavy equipment . currently here we're looking for 2 missing victims, both of whom are over 60 years old. villages have come together to try and clean up the car and leave the men of working together to clean up the debris that is still piled up and left in the houses. then all of the women are helping by setting up a public kitchen at the evacuation center to provide food. there's also a need for a central food. there was no warning when the flats came and some roads remain closed. at let's say we need clean water because clean water here is no longer available. so residents have difficulty. it's far away and only
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a few spots to the left. we also need close to help those affected by the disaster . displaced just exhaust that has displaced hundreds of people and cause extensive destruction. i start big of does a demolition cruise have removed the heaviest remaining section of the francis scott cambridge in baltimore, of the control explosion as part of the clean up operation to restore full capacity to the waterway. the bridge collapsed in march when a container ship lost power and rammed it, killing 6 people, shipping traffic and the channel has since been restricted. and that doesn't for this news hour, we're going to take a short break. we will be back at the top of the hour with a full slice of world news, where we are following the latest is really our strikes on the gaza strip, which of killed at least 14 palestinians in the central new state on
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the if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory all as well, which is shrinking to be any stray me when my country is closing down the spectrum towards the networks only because patients being came here, this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was time for inside israel proper. also, independent journalist would be targeted we, i thought it was 0. we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size at the national court of justice. i'm reaching of mines, the tragedy for me, of a democratic solved effort there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global news, the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and
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photographer shock you do on, on active is under crisis and guns. what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now there will be people asking, how did you let it happen? studio will be on scripted part one on on disease. the a unique, effective denial is wild on 6 of the pole share the history of the genocide without any research on hud voices. why is it the doctors don't get to have a site? and then if this is
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a medical workforce has been so and divided by the british government for such a little time, the stream announces 0. the a frantic search for survivors after is really airstrikes hits civilian areas and central guys are killing at least 14 palestinians. the serve. any age good to have you with us. this is alice has 0 life. and also coming up that you and says nearly half a 1000000 have been forced to be displaced from the southern city of rasa in the past week. israel is accused of carrying out at least 8 strikes on 8 convoys and workers and gaza, even after their locations were sharing the top us diplomats. anthony blinking arrives in keys and


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