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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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seeing in station come down and many costs, well to understand how it affects our daily lives, outline forth how big a $12.00 level is labeled. food insecurity. counting the cost on outages in the palestinian fighters in northern gaza. say they have launched 33 attacks against israeli forces in a single day. as the baffled northern gauze intensifies the several. then you get to have you with us. this is elsa 0 lives from the also coming up. a frantic search for survivors after is really airstrikes hid civilian areas and central gaza killing at least 14 palestinians. but its civilians that are
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paying the heaviest price from north the south. the un says 450000 palestinians have been forcibly displaced from the southern city of ross. i'm the past week. a surprise visits and a show of supports. america's top diplomat meets ukraine's president's wild rush of steps up. it's a tax, the palestinian arm groups say they have made $33.00 attacks on is really forces in the last 24 hours. that's the highest number in a single day since the war began over 7 months ago. is really forces say that they are now deep into the heart of the jamalia refugee camp in northern gaza as they have intensified their attacks. many civilians there have been trapped inside you in schools and other buildings, houses here as honey mount motors and darrow bala outside along the hospitals. so honey, you heard those claims that palestinian arm groups saying they're carrying out
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a possibly unprecedented number of strikes on, on the is really military is really saying that they're in the center of the largest refugee camp. what are you finding out yes. well, and your body a thing seems to be evolving into much more complex situation right now. there's really a military is pushing deeper into right now at the center of your body. a refugee camp been very close to areas that is surrounded by schools. these are on or was schools that have turned into shoulders for the past few months and people have been shouldering inside is really military. it's equip states, military equipment. and the arm of the occult types are surrounding the, the schools and preventing people from evacuating and cycle the start date. if you of these people managed to evacuate these centers all the way outside of this
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refuge account, but they came under heavy fire by the time machine guns as well as the quad copper, who get the chasing them all the way till the edges of the refuge account is being light palestinians fighting groups on the ground or stating they have been conducting these house to house. and it's 3 to 3 bottles with these really military and. and just given, given the fact that they are from the area the know the ins and outs of the refuge account they are taken. they are taking the upper hand in conducting these ambushes against these really military. and it's because it's military equipment and tying fit of surrounding the area of what we know so far. it from the statement that does really monitor you put out that at least a 100 targets have been hit the overnights, an early hours of this morning. however, it's just junior from on what's going on in the grounds, the vast majority of these targets happened to be public facilities,
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residential homes. and in fact, just within the past half an hour, we were listening to a person here at the courtyard deluxe or ultimate, that it was on the phone with his father checking on his father. who is it trapped inside one of these evacuation centers describing the horror that they have been going through within the past 2 days. that the really military is pushing deeper surrounding these evac ocean centers, preventing people from evacuating and the constant shilling by times on these evacuation censor. just put the life of many of the displays families and evacuated inside the address. right now they're calling for help or a field civil defense. the crew are unable to reach or to get to the areas where these people are trapped at the pretty much it, it turn into a combat zone right now with difficult. we really want to help people evacuated the area and honey, what about the southern part of the gaza strip? specifically rough uh, the united nation says almost half
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a 1000000 people have fled in the last week. that means one 5th of the powers of guns as population displaced yet again, a yes, and this has been going on for the past 3 days. and since it is really military, identify it's that's tax on eastern part of rough city. and as of yearly hours of this morning, the military and literally i wouldn't just describe seeing is really time. saint armored vehicles and the 3 major eastern parts of rough i city that's i'm janina, neighborhood the spell out and i know, but as in neighborhood they are at the eastern part of the city densely used to be densely populated neighbors. but right now it's largely empty. from people, there is a threat, there is the risk of them is saying there's some of them are flips on their heavy machine guns and as well as the fire coming from quite scott to give chasing them out of these neighborhoods. but this is the western side of full. i had the road
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right now. we're looking at the 1st state, almost evacuation order as a 160000 people evacuated from rough by city. and then 2 days later we'll look at the 300000. it's submitted by united nations have it's would be on folding horror in dropbox today. and as of today, we'll look at at least half a 1000000 people. the vast majority of them are boring into did in bella city here . and we could see the numbers not only been doubling for the past days, but also we could see how over it's crowded, the streets that at the vicinity of the hospitals, as well as the many injuries who were transferred from the job hospital with the hospital in many of the fields, hospitals, all the way transferred to this mid sized health facilities right now that is experiencing, not only being over crowded, but it running, it's running out of a space. it's running out of basic supply. that inability to sustain its operations
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. the city is right now, it reminds us of the early, early weeks of evacuation is order to people in the northern part on golf as are they all the way throughout by city where we, we see over crowded roads and the streets that in buildings with a note with a clear on certain idea of what's going to happen next. right now, there is turning into the last refuge for people as an evacuation area. is it safe? no, of course is not safe. and we've seen many a talks happening on there, but i did particularly at this difficult time honey. my hood thinks that you're reporting on the, on the scale and speed of what's happening right now in the gaza strip. thank you very much. as we just mentioned, almost half a 1000000 people have been displaced in rough alone in the past week. that's as it is really forces advance in the north and the south. let's look at the map. the is really army has divided the strip through the so called nets a room car door,
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which it controls in the north is really soldiers and tanks have advanced further into the jamalia refugee camp. they say they're in the center of the camp now, and they've been engaged in fierce battles with palestinian fighters airstrikes in the area or supporting that round operation, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee. but escaping to the south is not an option. there's that is really buffer zone we showed you that prevents that from happening. so most people are fleeing west now in southern gaza. doctors at the kuwaiti hospital in rough i have received calls from the is really military ordering them to evacuate the medical facility. the palestinians are still trying to flee from rasa as honey was saying they go towards darrow bala in the center or 2 on the wasi. but there are reports that is now full. and as palestinians arrive in central guys have a face, relentless is really bombardment. at least 14 people were killed in a strength on a residential home in the, in the state on the refugee camp in central gaza. and who dory as more from the site, right? a new mastercard, committed against the palestinians,
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but today he at insightsquared last night, that is really for target to this house with do is ready air strikes that flops in this 3 story buildings to the ground according to the people around us right now, according to the neighbors are telling us that this was a 3 story buildings that had a lot of this. they probably didn't use that came from scrap off. we still have no idea if there's anyone still alive. we do not know that people are still alive under where i'm testing right now. but this scene has been repeated for more than 7 months. right now. kind of assume use drop under the rub of civil defense theme is trying to has them. but at the most,
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in the most times people would not get the has they need at least a top under the robust at least 2000 palestinians are still probably under the run the bar. and this has been happening really close to exactly weight being killed. where here upside many evacuated from rough off 3 days ago. it's under the rubble as is here to say that earlier we heard from the civil defense agency and gaza, they one that they have responded to over $37000.00 emissions since the start of the war, which is the equivalent of 24 years of work at the pre war pace and their equipment
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is now close to breaking down as a result on top of that they say is really forces are actively targeting their machinery, the slightest desire. he couldn't. so based on the closest, continue to a target then destroyed the heavy equipment that had passed, recover the victim above old. we are facing sop sorted of view and whereby we will come to a total hold where by thousands of lives will be lost, especially we will not be able to recover their bodies or survivors for them. i know that debris and as we speak, hundreds of victims remain buried under the robin. this is really forces have carried out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian convoys and premises in gaza since october, even after their locations were shared with is really authorities that's according to human rights watch. the report also finds b is really didn't issue any warnings before their attacks. the latest fatality is
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a united nation staff member killed in the eastern rasa. and now it's the 1st. it's a national you in casualty. there had been more than 190 palestinian u. n. a workers killed since october. the 7th. our correspondence definitely decor, joins us now. a staff you're reporting from the jordanian capital. i'm on because and will keep saying this benjamin that yeah. whose government has shut down alpha 0 in israel. so, so what we just said last month, when israel killed $78.00 workers, they said that that was a mistake. that they would now better coordinate with a groups. you know, they wouldn't essentially do it again yet. here we are with israel, killing humanity or, and stuff again, the yes, on the latest statement from the is really army is that it was in an active combat zone and it wasn't aware of its movements now the way the united nations operates, even when there isn't a conflict going on in gaza or even the occupied westbank is they are very,
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very tight on their security protocol. i find it very unlikely, but i have to wait if you and responds to this, that they didn't inform these release of their movements uh from what we understand it was heading to the european hospitals. and so, but yes, more often than not what you will get if anything is an apology and that they will look into it. there's been a lot of pressure from the americans, particularly off to the attack on the world. central kitchen conroy which included american citizens and world central kitchen is run by a celebrity chef who's a personal friend of joe biden. so it really did wake up the americans and they started to put real pressure, which is also why you're now seeing these res, try to be seen is getting more aid into a goal. is that because that is the pressure from the americans? but, you know, serial i think is changing, i get aid aid workers are being targeted now they've been targeted in wars, paused and israel, you know, continues to do that. even though you have this mechanism where the un and other aid agencies very clearly say this is our location. these are the g o locations.
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this is where we're moving. this is off and yet somehow it's still continues to happen. stuff can i get you to cast your i now towards jerusalem. a group of far right is really activists entered z l. ok. so most compound islam is wholly as a 3rd holy aside with is really flags. what are you learning on that? yes it's, it's a bit complicated, but to try and break it down for you. uh, non muslims are allowed to enter the lock so most compound, twice a day during the week they are allowed to visit. they're not allowed to pray. this is what's called the state is quote, agreed upon between israel and jordan. jordan, here we are, is the custodian of the holy sites, which is why you've also had a statement from jordan's foreign ministry just a couple of hours ago condemning the fact that these is relays were carrying the slide on the call. but this is usually insightful. it is prohibited, they're not allowed to pray, what's changed over the years 0. again,
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these visits are allowed. they're not allowed to pray. they're not allowed to carry flags, but the nature of these visits have change. so you seen a change in terms of these far right wing ultra nationalist turing trying to pray on the compound. this is huge, really insightful and interesting. made people like and you and i keep talking about it to my bank if they are the national security minister, a key has in the past before entering government. i'm still close fred, toward the compound cold for right to parade cold for a change and the state is quote. so this is what so dangerous and dangerous. why? because the locks, the most compound people will tell you, is the red line that has the ability to mobilize, people like no more. and goal is the dogs. you know, not just in progress in palestine is wrong, but the wider region, which is why even the americans, when things get heated on the compound, will intervene and will always try to get this government to say that they are very clear on keeping, sticking to the state as close stephanie decor. very clear. indeed. thank you very
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much. that explanation and for that reporting are still a head on alpha 0. demonstrators have gathered in front of the georgia in front of mentioned police see as m. p, 's votes on a controversial foreign influence bill or record 76000000 people were displaced around the world last year by conflict and natural disasters. we'll be looking at the situation incidentally, the one of the biggest elections of 2024 in the general election will administer now render movies be taking increase its route across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway, voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage in the selections on our tuesday era palestinians who were expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948 still don't have
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the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built 20 houses here a world goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera i'm counting the cost israel's installations defense as tech, a whole trade for the nation to one of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins and as well as on pending labor, his livelihood could popular new weight loss. trucks reshape the industry, counting the cost on alex's era. the,
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the, you're watching else is 0 reminder of our headlines. alice thing an arm group say they have last 33 attacks on is really forces the highest number in a single day since the war began. is really forces say they are now deep in the hard to fit your volume, refugee camp, and your guys and is really forces. meanwhile, continue to bomb. across the gaza strip. at least 14 people were killed in a strike on a residential home and interstate on refugee camp in central casa rescue workers are trying to reach people, still trapped under the rubble. administrative health says 82 people has been killed and 234 others injured during the past 24 hours. the un says nearly 450000 people have now been forcibly displaced from russia in the past week . they've been forced to flee the overcrowded refuge weekends. let's get
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more on our top story, the baffle for jamalia. it's civilians as ever caught in the crossfire. there are many civilians are trapped inside you in schools. once i was a hoot reports from giovanni of the forces, now stations and incurs behind the universe to the street in the center of the value can. and all of this just combined with helicopter and cos kept a flat ringer gets the values, somebody's are trapped inside the schools in that area. and so i'm not receiving casualties on interest from that area since the beginning of the will we have taken shelter in un run schools since then these ready, so just have repeatedly rated schools enough with it together without children. we've been homeless for months and we've showed with missiles and shells now with
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both to keep moving. just like no man that's in yahoo is a lawyer. he's not willing to negotiate. he's killed thousands of palestinians. we want to go home and live in peace. the entire population is on the run, a fearing for that children as well. then we are living in missouri. the situation in northern cause is disastrous. we are forced to move from one place to another. we cannot find any shelter or place to settle in. needless to mention the delicate, in the absence of food on top of medicine. if our children are not killed on the compartment, they will die of hunger diseases. we appeal to the whole wealth act, to have a feast fire, to end the us secretary of state. anthony lincoln has met with president bonum years of lensky during an unannounced visit to ukraine. lincoln assure the ukrainian president that more military aid is on its way as the nation faces intensifying attacks from russia into harkey region. it's the 1st trip to ukraine
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by a senior us official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 a package last month to help ukraine's war efforts. now she's here is john home and has more from keith when the us sick tree of state and me blinking go off the try in to keep this tuesday morning. the big item in mind, and that's to reassure you. crime that it's not allowing that it's, i lives especially the united states as to where the difficult moment to the country with a new russian offensive crossing and to the north east of ukraine. now the 2nd i'm the sec tree blinking we'd have in mind is westerns the us as finally go to prove the $61000000000.00 military a package. and the talk is about how quickly those weapons can get to ukraine. now the ground, so that was laid on monday by cool, between talk to us and you pray, military officials in which they talked about the off towards the national security
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advisor, the us national security advisor jake sullivan said that they're looking to up the 10 posts, especially on a defense units, and they also discussed the situation on the ground. now, what is the situation on the ground not new front in the northeast. if you crime in the hockey region when russian forces move over the border of open source at military, at least websites is saying that russia now has between 10125 square kilometers caught 2 and several villages. and the regional governor of the hockey region is saying that they splitting now russian traits into smaller groups to try and stretch the ukrainian line, still fin. uh, and that's a real problem because this was for you, cried because those old, so russian troops advancing in other parts of that front line the down that more than 1000 kilometer front line. so it's a lot of gaps that this country is trying to plug right now as russia is definitely
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on the, from the john home. and i would just say the keys and there have been brawls inside the george in parliament or m. p. 's or voting on a foreign influence bill. it requires organizations receiving more than 20 percent of their funding abroad to register with authorities or testers say it will be used to crack down on descent and the rail georgia's bid to join the european union. the 0 me to method danco is that the protest outside parliament installation there's a $150.00 states in georgia in parliament, and you need a simple majority for a bill to become law. and also a simple majority if there's a presidential veto. this is potentially very much the case, but the thing is that the ruling georgia dream policy has already 74 states. and it goes in terms of with the people's power policy, which is another 9 seats. so they have a see 3 votes out of a $150.00 more than enough to actually get this low cost unless of course,
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some votes swing here and there, let me tell you about something that's uh, actually happened here in the past 10 minutes. the atmosphere has very much changed because the people were quite relaxed. they were watching uh the session on their phones. they were reacting to the rules that have been happening in this, in part of it was just like, actually typical for george's politics. but around 10 minutes ago, there was a bit of a commotion on everybody like a lot of people ran into one direction and then you can feel in the, at something going on. you can feel a little stinging sensation in the nostrils and then the eyes. and so we, we thought people say that they saw pepper spray being things straight against against the crowd. so this is why the all my that in case of a little happens because this is a, you know, a very long this situation is going from 10 to in the morning when police pushed everybody out from the closest to this entity. all of the part of that it became a little relaxed. now it's a bit tense again, but people are still trying to,
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you know, tear themselves up, make some noise, play some music on the final result of this about who knows when that's going to happen. some people say another couple of hours might, might do it if it shows in the french pacific territory of new caledonia, have imposed a curfew after writing triggered by a proposed constitutional amendment. so these were deployed as the crowds damaged shops and set fire to prophecy. and proposed amendment looks to increase the size of the electorate for upcoming elections. the indigenous population known as the conduct, people say that that move could hinder their representation. a record number of people around the world were displaced last year, mainly because of war fighting and gaza sedan and the democratic republic of congo accounted for almost 2 thirds of the 76000000 people will have to flee their homes . and natural disasters forced tens of millions to become displaced as well.
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barbara, and go for reports. a watchdog fast will drift level displacement to a record 7 to 6000000 people. last year. the report from the internal displacement monitoring center says the number of display spe, pulled doubled in the last 5 years. these palestinians arriving at milwaukee area on gauze as western coast has been on the move since israel's war and gossip began in october. as a half hour lab, we've been displaced 4 times and now we live with my uncle's family in my wasi. but there is no space for us here. the violence in gaza sit down on the democratic republic of congo, drive 2 sides of the displacements in 2023, in the final quarter of the israel's foreign cause, a force to be displaced. 1.7000000 palestinians under the democratic republic of congo, fighting between government troops and rebels uprooted 6700000 people seems to
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conflict and sit down started in april 9 point 1000000 people have been driven from the homes. the 2nd highest number recorded in a single country since rick was begun in 2008 and did it. 4 year old jasmine was opened as a family, tried to escape from don to chad during fighting between rival forces while identity. her mother who was 8 months pregnant was killed and she was left on the road. some people fall into on the road and pulled her back here on the road, we suffered a lot. the rapids support forces killed and wounded. so many people. here. the report says the crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. tens of millions of people remain displaced from previous and ongoing rules and disasters. extreme with a natural disasters also contributed to the global spike of internally displaced people. floods, storms of quakes and wild frost displaced more than 26000000 people. bopper and
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good. i'll just say era. that's it for me. several then. yeah, up next is weather. then inside story, we'll be looking at rushes advance on ukraine's for key region and how the west might respond to that. the re, navigator will be with you at the top of the, the the as i told from this, just come out of mongolia, this one here looks fairly benign. doesn't to incapacitate of this what she's taking right now. offshore, on the left, japan, quite dry. but that's not a benign from his current active move. please give some significant right into the korea and present, you know, i think, and in hands a return as of right into some pots, some home shift. however, it also leaves most of china, fairly dry. the exception is do not maybe west and found gee,
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where it doesn't look when it's, but it's a big change for hong kong. brayland, for example, a non trying with the sunshine, browse of the big sheriff. and even this on that 1st, a roth or wet potential, that even the stormy potential of day on the western side of hardship on the couch . do you like the hot weather in india prevails but as increasing the being invaded by humidity and therefore a big dime paused in fact, to rub a damaging stones in moving by in the last 24 hours. and these little blue structures suggest is right up in the deck implants are not. so it's hot to the north and drive to the north attempt, you see, in the low to meet forces 20 places higher than that. but that extends into pakistan as well as to be expected. otherwise it's a dry looking picture. but once again, there is an element of west suite step and springing shaft who i've done this time eventually may be tindles and practiced. the
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few cranes president says, is true some baffling in the northeast where russian forces are capturing villages and attracting energy facilities. how significant is the slightest russian offensive unsolved case. this is inside story, the .


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