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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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so the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm marianne demising. welcome to the news our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes from jamalia in the north to rough in the south is writing forces step up their attacks across gaza, at least 80 to palestinians killed in the past 24 hours the out of sydney and fight to say they launch sites and 3 attacks against israeli forces in northern gaza and most
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claimed by them in a single day. this yeah. and other developments, 450000 people have now been displaced in a week and rough box. that's nearly a quarter of gauze in toy of population. also coming out this now a rest outside george's parliament offer a fine influence bill is past protest. just say it's a russian style threat to free speech. and on piece of statements with your school to use will tennis number one is to be on take remain home for re to, to double in madrid and rome beach in the semi finals of the time being open with a teen straight with the hello and welcome to the program, we begin in southern gaza, where he is writing military is pushing deep into east and rough, or it's sold as forcibly displays nearly half a 1000000 palestinians. but the u. n. is wanting again,
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no way in gaza is safe for 150000 people have now fled, rasa. that's 90000 more in one day the average number of palestinians being forced out of the city is rapidly on the rise. but what awaits them when they leave a overcrowded comes without enough food. water will sanitation, meanwhile, and all the developments policy of fights is the same. they have launched 33 attacks on is re forces in northern gaza. this is the highest figure in a single day this. yeah. is there any forces re enter jamalia 3 days ago and say they are now deep in the house of the city? i mean tax has been unrelenting elsewhere. at least forcing palestinians have been killed. fine is re as drive on the, on the site on the refugee camp in central gaza house on a school with both targets head rescue work is a desperately trying to reach people trapped under the rubble. sorry. hi. rocks has more. now. the,
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the is not celine office, adult, somebody locals can phone is him in another room? no says comfort dismissal one. they tell him a kind of a boy the is the sounds echo across the hospital. me a reminder. it's a far as this was outside this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh,
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to blame the i swear to god, my heart is in pain. she tells them no. the palestinian meant to be broken by injuries and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street this has become an all too familiar scene. of course the gaza strip, the this finds is ready for this with drawing some several areas including the slide out for fiji comes a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some the sauce. it's the civilians who suffered them
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nice the palestinians in the north. i'm the south on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be dropped off in just a matter of days. the another body wrapped up in a sheet. this is full, as they say, he'll have his name, racing on the white cloth. the full being buried to add is one of more than $35000.00 palestinians to think israel launched its rule and garza saw the height of algebra and alpha. daria joins us now. from darrell by law in the center of gaza. and so is really jets bombed house. i mean is the refugee camp in central gaza. today's been reporting on at least 40 palestinians of been
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killed and this includes the number of children you was there today. tell me what you, sol the money i'm it's very hard to describe what we saw today. civil defense being trying their best with their bare hands and very basic equipments and tools to rescue at least 30 palestinians dropped under the rubber. most of these people who were were targeted by the, is there any forces are people who were displays from drop off out. i'm currently in an up to the hospital and we just received the bodies of 3 palestinians killed this palace to be inside. many was originally from a they evacuated to defy. and after the warning to evacuate drugs like the back to a 5th, tennessee dot the back to waited 2 days only. and they rented
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a house in colorado of family and they were targeted earlier today. among this family is a 4 year old baby girl called zane. and her father and mother and her brothers and sisters are still at dropped under the rubble. this of the defense team are still rescuing a policy news that have been targeted in the hospital. we saw families give bidding farewell to their beloved ones, very heartbreaking scenes. and this is not the 1st time we witness documents and reports such incidents for more than 7 months. it has been the same exact scenes with different stories, different names, different numbers. but unfortunately, the civil defense team are saying that more people are still under the rubble. but unfortunately, they're having a lot of challenges and hardships because the lock equipment the lock machines to
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has them rescue all of these policy news to dropped under the robots were so afraid they would give up and go to another house or another place where the israel the forces continue to target the gaza strip and different areas, a sense of sense the past couple of hours. and of course with the these continued attacks. we see that almost half a 1000000 people have been displaced again this, this figure, according to the united nations and, and many people, you know, initially despised from northern central garza, to han eunice and rough. now they've had to leave again, so they've been displaced multiple times. what did they tell you about the, the effects of these relocation or does on them, you know, mentally and emotionally is what is that the physical strain of having to move from place to place the people are drain, they're frustrated, exhausted,
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being displaced for more than 5 times 6 times, i might have found many that literally evacuated 9 times from the north, through the mendo area to 10 units from or to 5 to 10 units to the middle area. people are tired of being constantly displaced. they're also feeling like hopeless because they also know that even being evacuated or displeased for a place, another does not guarantee that they're going to escape is really airstrikes. and this is what happened with garage or 5, many in the say it out with a big number of the victims were actually the displace palestinians from left off at. and the other thing is people are, are out of space. they're bringing all of their stuff there. tons. but unfortunately, there is no place to set up their tents. schools are crowded, hospitals are crowded, empty lands are crowded. even people are hosting their gust uh,
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hosting people as guests. but also there has been a, has been a place for a lot of this place, people who came from the north for more than 7 months now. so it has been already crowded. and 1000000 palestinians is a huge, massive number compared to the area of that, but less people are trying to evacuate. the commune is, but unfortunately some unit is, is out of water. people do not have access to water, rebels are everywhere. and another thing we have to mention is the explosives, because we know that the is where the army has been there for a couple of months. there has been a lot of of, of, of, of bonds. a lot of weapons that are due at is that still does not explode. so people are also fearing that these might explode in any minute. this is the situation right now, and i can confirm that more people are coming from dropbox still for more than 5
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days. now and it's still continuing as the air strikes, targeting it off off our spin, escalating and continuing audra fun and different areas across the gaza strip. thank you so much. thank you so much for the update. and article jerry joining us from darrow, by the in central gaza. of course, even speaking about the is ready on the resuming ground and air attacks on the densely populated parts of northern gauze. lost out of cost minus just send is this short report from inside your body of refugee camp, which is on the file just into from the center of giovanni camp as really forces the station behind the normal schools. 3. and there is a hit and one buttons that are taking place in that area between these, by the forces and the movements of resistance. the and this is the seen into very account
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the this is in the sense that it can by cannot move footboards the can see the well in all the developments. so following united states has condemned an attack on an 8 convoy card out by is ready, protest is groupon, loaded food items and destroyed the ocean, needed supplies, preventing them from reaching gaza. vehicles of crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards casa, is right. he then proceeded to set 3 of the trunks on fire. israel's restriction on food aid is caused finding across the large pots of gaza. stupid. right, so is up there is this guy, i'm ron was an eye witness to mondays attacks, which she says the police did nothing to stop. she says she was horrified by what she saw. if i might just to say it's,
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it's something that they keep going to me to say as and he's ready as a june. we have this comment in 2 days, a nation, not then over there because of your neighbor. and for me, i don't see the bus simians, and the guys as my neighbors is this my own people and i speak to you because it's happened to day. well, definitely, yes. do they do not represent many somebody, and many chose i came by so many. is it aki? yeah, it i could use when i see it on the monitors and grandfathers in jobs are begging for food. i see them. i see the reason my own eyes mbc is not something that we do . we condemn it and we hope to stop it. and this is a lot of vacation surprise that we the wrong people we own. but god, you know, this is the number you're doing is wrong. we have to stop be slow, we cannot, that is not just continue. and i'm saying because they know there's always a price, it's talking with you right now. i repaid prices and i getting tracks and interest
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and then people trying to locate really for us now in order to attract me because i was there yesterday, but i, we keep organize them all people in order for them to come until 5. and so this is know, there are 2, they give them, this is no, the society that we ought to do, even though many is what is this once piece and 1st name please. oh, ask for children and, and for everyone that they'd be interested in. it took care saying that it's joining the south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice on course, as it's condemned the deaths of civilians by him ass on october 7th, the israel systematic. he is now killing thousands of palestinians, and that is a crime against humanity announcement. com is just 2 days off to egypt, said it to would be joining the case with the news. our life from don will still to bring you on the program. we have the latest on a surprise visit and
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a show support america's top diplomat needs ukraine's presidents, while russia steps off its attacks. the police have despised demonstrates as outside the georgia in parliament and to please the operate approved a foreign interference. little new legislation was passed off the weeks of mass protest demonstrates as fer, it could be used to cut defense and stand in the way of georgia join in european union. and potentially, the new law will require organizations to get more than 20 percent of their funding from a broad to register with the authorities between evident co has been covering the protests and joins us now from to please see what's been the reaction that well, as you said they weren't as best, but look at back the whole square here, the whole area in front of upon them. it is filled with people once again and then
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a show of determination. that's uh, i'd say few people that were before when we well we have that's a huge number of police coming out busing out from the gates of the parliament onto the street. saying that they would say a guess anyone who doesn't move away. um, people did move away that was a perimeter set up. now it's gone. so there's this whole kind of cat mouse game between protest and police and the, you know, we have the old movers that loves people prepared with the rain coats. weather is pretty terrible for this time of year, and it's amazing. and the, this is, of course, the reaction to the votes that happened today on the, for an agents bill wasn't very much of a surprise that this law, or what pos, the bill would falls because the ruling georgia dream policy has, of course, with its allies more votes than is needed to, to foss this bill, but the frustration of these people was quite real. i'm saying they've been telling
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us that they will continue coming tonight tomorrow. probably the next day to uh, you know, make this, make this hud. and we've also seen uh, turnkey organizations handling out gas moss to people because police did use c, i guess before we had some type of spray in the air today. got a little rough stuff in the morning when the police cleared people out. uh when the m. p 's was supposed to arrive. so uh, this continues basically, now i am. okay, how is it likely to develop then, once this bill actually comes into force as obviously a great deal of anger and frustration protests engulfing lots of certainly the capital of georgia, people that seem to be willing to let this go. you know, um we had the 30, at least 30 colleges and universities also joined, protest is today. this keeping clauses, we, sol, videos of protests,
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also in by to means another city in georgia on the coast of so protest move and doesn't seem to be dying down. they've been staging these protests nightly and daily. over the past month. i believe there was a break of one week last week basically. and now technically, the bill is supposed to be signed by the president except the president supplement . that obviously has promised that she would be separate. but again, it's only a simple majority that the m p 's needs to override that veto. so another $76.00, both out of a $150.00 that they need they have $83.00 states. so that's expected to happen, except the, the ruling policy has been saying that europe and officials have been pressuring georgia into dropping this bill because it will georgia's efforts in joining the european union. the ruling party has said that was no concrete criticism of the bill. and now that the veto procedure is going to be launched,
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highly expected to happen. they're expecting to finally hear some feedback and maybe work on some amendments that's at least once the georgia dream told us here in to lizzie, thank you. to mention that in the den, come into play c. thank you. is what are you crying now? the country is facing intensified russian attacks and it's east just weeks off to the us. congress passed legislation sending billions of dollars in arms, so it keeps defense. your sex race say on same thing, can is visit to the capital to assure the government that and not fighting alone. high false, that reports. so the fluid waste the time to get out of the days now the time involve chance. yeah, i'll cancel it because been under a time or different russian forces. it'd be moving into euclidean territory here in the northeast since friday. under the cover of strikes and onto the re
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refuge for now. he's hockey is. but it too is been on the heavy aerial assault book senior director for 5 days. we never left the house, but we didn't see anyone will be so afraid to go out. we never even opened the door . the cranes military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization and hottest deals, blankets, the elderly men and women forced to run for their lives the thoughts or chance because of us. so those are the situation is of chance because it's very difficult . there is constant shooting the enemies trying to enter the town. they will fire exchanges at the northern outskirts of the town of goods and see to be crated and presidents meeting with the us secretary of state. and keith 1st came gratitude for the release of the month, so congressional gridlock of $61000000000.00 in the us, me the tree age on was crusoe package for all the forces for our were those things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison by them
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during so it soon it was on to what was needed now to combat rushes, long range ariel power is or defense, the biggest deputies for us. i think that the biggest a problem. yes. and uh and uh, we need really, we need to day to bed, throws 40400 can region because the people on their attacks civilians. and where is everybody they are under arrest themselves on the front lines you creating forces. it'd be not, not a big house gun running showed that i munition for stipulation was in key. if the signal that more help was coming, some of this already arrived more of it will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for ukraine to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term, succeeding means simply stabilizing. holding on,
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while more troops drafted and trained, more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum. are you close it out? you 0? let's get one out from i was there is john hall in your joins us live from har keys in eastern ukraine. was the situation where you on out you on the floor in the hall key region and just the economics is from us is the frontline, this new front where russian troops on friday started coming across the board. and a mass push for ukraine says if they've done since then is separated into smaller groups to try and stretch ukrainian pools has been across the border region. we're also hearing there was an update just from the, the governor's office of hockey region. just about 40 minutes ago, you sign this a street fighting in the outskirts of both chimes full chance because it's important because it's the biggest settlement there on that for the region. that
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was almost 18000 people before 2022. now there's about $200.00. if there is that because they've been trying to evacuate people from that town, i'm from other villages that it's about 7500 people have been moved. now, a lot of them to haul, keep city to try and keep them safe. while russian policies try to advance the now in the city itself, there's been a continuing aerial bombardment now for months. i'm just going to show you a little bit about this residential building. this happened about an hour and a half ago. you can see that some of the flows have been taken out, but the minister of internal affairs, the credit was here in the city came to the side. and he says that this might have happened because of guided phones. that's something that ross has been using, especially in hockey. the effectively basically is putting 2 wings on the side of a bump, a gps system, it's slung out of a plane,
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can travel full tens of kilometers. and it's really hard to stop and track and they've been hitting haul, keeps city quite frequently. now us accident and on st, blinking has popped up on a non announcer visit to the country, talking about um sales. and that it will make a difference to the bottles the keys. does that done meaning to it, to reassure people where you are as well. i think one thing that was interesting that came out of the was president below them is a landscape without his own statement. on that meeting and he said that they talked about pot trip systems that would help in how to keep. and i think that might help to reassure people some what we're just showing you a little bit about what that going free because of the lack of defense in this region and in the city. but those pot trip systems along with the rest of the way from re a lot of it is going to take some time to arrive,
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especially heavy things like the defense units. we're talking about months perhaps many months, instead of urgently. some of the went from break is already coming in. we've, it's been reported is starting to be distributed at the front line and you cry and sides of it. does the need it? as you heard there in high res report is being out guns on the front lines in part . so the front line even before this new offensive and then no face ukrainian commodities for assignment was 7 to one that they were being out shelves. 5 russian pools is non power, so it's a huge problem. so i think that fidget won't be welcome because it's a difficult moment for you, cried at. but that went from re, some of it were arrived for months, and it called come soon enough for the full this country to try and plug stories hose. thank you very much, elder. there's john holland reporting to us from har keys and ukraine. now we go to the united states because donald trump's former lawyer,
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michael co and his back in court giving evidence in the form of us presents hush. when he trial calling told the quote that trump ordered him to pay adult film actress stormy daniels more than a $100000.00. besides, it was an exchange of silence on an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump is accused of falsifying business records to cover that. he denies all the charges, a christian. so to me is outside the course and you, you all can joins us now. what did we have then from michael cohen's testimony? the prosecution has been trying to connect the dots between michael cohen's payments to the adult film star stormy daniels and president trump's payments to michael cohen cohen testified that donald trump approve those payments to him and even work personally that he knew that the payments were reimbursement for what he
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paid to stormy daniels and an effort to silence her story of an alleged affair with, with donald trump, that these payments were not for legal fees. and that donald trump knew that trump has again insisted on his way into the court house today. that everything he did was appropriate that those payments were for legal fees as far as he knew. and as far as he was concerned, prosecutors are attempting to show through michael collins testimony, however, that donald trump was involved in every step of the way and trying to tamp down on negative news and the run up to the 2016 elections. saying that michael collins testimony say that donald trump had to sign off on everything that he did. and also they're attempting to free on to accusations that holland is the serial liars. he cannot be trusted by feeling that. 7 cohen does have a record of lying,
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even under oath on the stand that he always did. so in an effort to protect donald trump, and so the listing, the payments as legal fees is also an effort to protect donald trump. donald trump, himself on the way into sports at flying 5 orders, political orders making his case and the public opinion again that he did nothing and approach for us whether or not that gets through to the jury. on the inside, however, we missed the last day. soon we'll get cross examination of witnesses and michael trump, of michael cohen by the defense that is scheduled to happen as soon as this afternoon . i will thank you very much, chris, and sending me sending across all those cool proceedings there in, in new york, signed to kristen as much more still to bring you on the news out a rec, with 76000000 people were displaced around the world last year. by conflict and natural disasters,
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we'll look at the situation and sit on the boston celtics closing on the m, the i eastern conference finals fee to have that in for the the old, the rivers that come out of subbing for zillow swelled, and i've been so there is funding in any riverside city or turn and there's more writing to come, not so much import the leisure to us, our partner eventually rear, whose temperature will drop as a result. but south of all that and most of option teen and she didn't have a sunny size and it's not particularly or tell me what have to say we've had this night, but we haven't gotten in the full cost, right? this has moved to re, is forecasting down to 22 rising. just said history as a brief bit of cooler where that comes through and then the wind disappears. temperatures rise, in fact there's quite
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a heat wave to the knolls that extends into presented with temperatures and the low . so it is the next few days because the sunday, the seasonal rain that stretches through the know funded also brazil is still showing signs of regeneration in the far west of brazil pot sofa. for example. echo . don't even know from believe you should be west of not to the north, from the t, as in panama, but we've had so many shows recently in the kind of business i'm much, much drawing a picture. and the wind direction is give us a pretty hot weather in the night to pursue a month or right down to 33 in sherry stuff. vicious charles recently and the sides of the west and is still going on. but the trend is to go off show and then to go up to the east coast of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president joe finding right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues?
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is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the canyon government has forwarded thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have slotted many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino with a phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says when it overflows the water comes to that. how is this? the problem in that robi has been watson by poor drainage and he's taken the bill set, told him that people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there,
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but it's the only place they can afford the welcome back and the main stories are following. now, at least 40 palestinians have been killed by and as riley as strike on the, on the side of the regular g camp and central casa house and a school both targeted. meanwhile, policy and on group say they've launched $33.00 attacks on his writing forces. this is the highest number in a single day since the war began. is there any force to say they are now deep in the hearts of jamalia in northern cause? and then elsewhere, the united nations is saying that is 450000 people have been forcibly despised from rough on in southern causes. and just the possibly has been forced to leave the homes and flee to over crowded refugee camps where they don't have enough to eat or drink a honda,
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so hoot explains now how policies have been displaced by 7 months of war. most palestinians in gauze, though, have now been forcibly displaced, pushed out multiple times in the last 7 months. in the 1st few days of israel's war, on gauze all around 400000 were forced to flee. a week later, these rarely army ordered more than one point. 1000000 people to leave northern garza and head south to hon. eunice, and stuff off. on october 29th. israel's next target was the quotes hospital in garza city. were more than 12000 palestinian civilians were seeking shelter. and just 2 weeks later, israel ordered the unprecedented evacuation of a ship. a hospital in the north is the largest medical complex in the gaza strip. were nearly $50000.00 displaced palestinians were taking cover. some of them forced to wave at gunpoint by early december is really forces heavy gun,
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barebones apartment of hon. eunice in the south. it's the same area where palestinians from the north were initially told to go for their safety. the people are forced to move uh multiple times in the past. uh several months since i did find the escalated in october and the recorded a 3400000 1st movements. but again, the cost of the speaker to be an under estimate because to be so families being forced to pack all the belongings many, many times as the front lines, but i should think on december 23rd, people in central parts of the strip, including the most as a good age and on the site out were told to leave and head to data by law. fast forward to february of this year. and these really army ordered nearly 2500 over ready displaced palestinians. so we've noticed that hospital and con eunice here in the south, on may 6th,
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more than 100000 people were ordered to leave eastern drop off, and had to l o. s seats on the gauze, the coast. and since then, 450000 palestinians have fled. and most recently, on may 12th, there was a forest evacuation of japan. yeah. and its surrounding areas in the north. israel has now forcibly displaced nearly 2000000 palestinians since it's launched, it's more ongoing. so what i'll do is there a journalist as ease of root is one of the 10s of thousands of palestinians displaced by the war and gaza. he mapped out the route that he and his family took to seek safety. this is his johnny and me, i'm like the roof off. all of the people around this. the space was going to be sent.
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now is going to be people moving to now we're i stopped recording from roof off and moving good with my colleagues. i mean to doing this is a lot of steps from evacuating a from our driver is trying to find a student we because of the, the crowd of people who are evacuating the still in the drop off. and but, but the say it is a close to a new and it's, and the main road most of the people to think of defense. and this, this place was fluid photos for this subscription is everywhere. so we are
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surprised inside some eunice as you can see here. the other thing is truly so we have now towed in now where, where each of the house and the whole family now uh is thought to uh get the contents and luggage is uh to the house to the interior of the house. so i, i will still be filming now to help them uh, cutting the content now to a story about worldwide displacement a record number of people are fulsome now homes in 2023, according to the internal displacement monitoring center. its research shows nearly 76000000 people were forced from their homes last year. most were despised by conflicts and violence. all those by natural disasters. almost hoffer in sub saharan africa,
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the un says the conflict and sit down has caused the wealth was displacement crisis . and this report confirms that by the end of last year, more than 9000000 people had been forced to flee. israel's war on gauze, a force of the just based 1700000 people in the 3 months between october and december and of a 4 and a half 1000000 people in turkey and syria and living in temporary shelters and containers off to the devastating of quakes that i'll use there is hipaa. morgan now reports from to don. this displacements camp is the latest to open and so dense, eastern city of port sedan. it's home to some of the thousands who fled fighting between the sudanese army and the baron military rapids support forces in the capital hot to him and elsewhere around the country. including full z, i belong, who fled from her home in northern had a tomb. shortly after the start of the conflicts last year for life, a lot of me just see if we fled in june. we left and decided to stay in mid any
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b r a stuff attacked our home and cut a room. i was with my son and we were in my father's house on it, and that was my sister's. one of my sisters is married to me. i mean, the year long conflicts here has created the world's largest displacement crisis. according to the un, 9000000 people have been displaced. many have been repeatedly uprooted as fighting expanded across the country to the uni, dizzy area. we slept when the fighting started and went to 0. we brought our children here and decided to stay. we saved into 0 for 7 months. then as a somebody who would go to 8 organization, say more than half of the dance, 4 to 7000000 people are in need of aid. with 5000000 facing famine. those displaced are the ones most affected, but slicing has hindered access to them. we really have an issue with access. uh we need better access,
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cross lines being able to move uh from here in ports it on across the country, across uh the, the frontline. so of the conflict. yeah, but we also need to have access uh from the regional countries from size to done from chad. so access is the main issue, but of course we also need more resources and we need flexible resources so that we can take oppertunity as they arise. there's no indication the concepts here in sedan is close to an end, which means more people who will be displaced. those here say, while they're able to receive aid, would they really want is to return to their homes and the lives they left behind. hey, but morgan, alta 0 marianna, kara lucky is a journalist and research at university of branding. and she's also the co editor of critical perspectives on my question. in the 21st century. she joins us now from cambridge in the u. k. so when people are displaced very often we hear from refugees that they wish to return to their homes to rebuild in some way,
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even if it's violence or conflict, but as forced them to flee. but what we are seeing now is it very often, this displacement is not so much a temporary situation. people remain in a terrible sort of limbo for years and even decades. this is very much true. we have to understand why people are misplaced, and usually all the time is because of war, causes of it could on the crisis and natural disasters versus something, but it's not going to stop. whereas what we're seeing right now is that the global noise welcoming architecture has actually stalled. so we'll go, we're seeing more and more examples of people who are being displaced internally. internal displacement has all, has always been happening and saw something new. but i fear that is going to be
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something that will increase even for those who have the economic means to migrate to towards the global mark. meanwhile, they don't tend to get much support, says no local integration, very often, no real assets a resettlement. how vulnerable on any of these people to exploitation violence, crime, one of the challenges they face very often just to stay safe and survive like alone, access basic services like health and education, they're extremely vulnerable. every migrant is considered a board number. this is what i get in my work, in general when it comes to those core internally displays. if we look at guys and what is happening there, there's no safety in guys that guy that has been and nothing to ever praise them for decades. and people who are facing approach at the moment have nowhere else to
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call them more internally. and garza that cannot go to europe. and even if they tried to come to your, of your blog, welcome back. because they know migration has made movement impossible. and if we look at the global migration in general, we have noticed that the past they came and i would say that we're seeking more money. there is ation on migration roads and more closures and more walls. and so, as you say, that's very wiring that you will save countries that very often politically and economically involved in the the fact is which caused displacement then, you know, raising the drawbridge and to doing nothing to help these people. what about sub saharan africa? let me ask you about that host 46 percent of the wells id peas. and so how consigned to you about this region where we seem to be seeing this, a very dangerous mix of conflict in violence with also, you know,
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changes in the climate as quite natural disaster that is either causing more people to be displaced or prolonging that displacements and i fear this is something that it would continue to happen because if i am allowed to say people from stops to harm africa has been discriminated against when it comes to migration that will help soon. but the global note has been the welcoming people from the, from ukraine, for example. people of people from syria. but when it comes to such a hard and often comes even during the during, they cannot say that if you did cries inside the 152016 we're, we're still seeing a estimate the ethnic discrimination when it came to start much nice it's and this could be because the complex that are not recognized as a conflict, which means that some of the countries are considered safe countries. and of course when it comes to climate refugees,
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there's no proper definition when it comes to that. so we will, we need it specifically when it comes to such a higher back because we're going to see more in the more in fairly good displacement or displacement which trade in such a high to high are in countries. but this does not mean that the people who would be safe and the fear that we're going to be seeing more and more violence and more the more bar the closure is. thank you very much, maria. kind of good luck. like the doing a sat from cambridge now and all the stores are following today, president joe biden is shot increasing terrace on imports from china and an asset to protect us jobs that had a v election in november. charges will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semi conductors white house that the task that apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. badging has one of the decision will severely affects the last row cooperation. we'll go through that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that
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you're trying to always opposes unilateral tariff increases that violate w t o rules and will take all necessary measures to safe guard its legitimate rights and interests. let's go to white house correspondent, kimberly how can now and so kimberly is that much discussion there about how china might retaliate as well. there's certainly that concerned about how china might retaliate, but there's also the question about who could potentially benefit more from this announcement by joe biden. whether or not it will be the current president, or whether it could be the former president donald trump head. of course, this is an election year, and often this is done for the benefit of what could happen in the november presidential election. and while the white house insist that this is in terms of these tear of which we should point out, were put in place by donald trump back when he was president. but they are be sort of double down, or in some cases,
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triple down by the current us president joe biden. what we know is that they are certainly going to have an impact because the white house insist they're not going to cost inflation. these tariffs are not going to raise prices for consumers. what they're going to do is protect american jobs. so that's what they're designed to do . but the argument is going to be played out in the campaign trail between now and november, whether or not the united states. as a result of these tariffs is going to pull ahead as the current us present to abide in claims or whether it's going to fall behind as for the president donald trump claims. and so that is the big debate in all of this. the bottom line is, is according to the national security advisor, jake sullivan. china is not playing fair, it's not playing by the rules. it's flooding the global market with a cheap product and as a result, in order to protect american jobs, these tariffs need to be put in place. and that's why the president is doing best.
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and so that's what we're going to be here for the presidency, makes this announcement. the bottom line is, it's still really early to find out whether or not this isn't how this is going to play out. it really is a matter of seeing how the market adjusts once these announcements are made and we should point out is going to be put in place in 2024, but that will be phased over a period of 3 years. all right, thanks very much. kimberly, how can washington is still a head for you? so you'll be hearing from mike tyson as a former heavyweight champion propose to make his come back the business latest to be sponsored by interlock talk. he's real estate consultant.
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the business like just to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant, the
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the time for support. now peter's here and thank you very much. will tennis number one? he gets feeling sick, remains on coast. we're red due to double as she aims to add the tiny and open cycle to last weeks. when on the clay in madrid, she's reached the semi finals in room with the straight sense victory of the medicine keys. it was a repeat of last week's madrid open, semi final, which we all take a so once with the same school line, 6163 opponents already a 2 time champion in rome. but now she's also attempting to become the 1st woman to win back to back titles in the drug and rome since serena williams in 2013. it's yet another waiting on the site cool aston villa, it is closer to securing a place in the champions league off the coming back from 2 goes down to 2. 033 with a little pool in the premier league. but it made a terrible sauce a goalkeeper and maybe on a martinez fumble this cross in series on met just just 2 minutes in the new site
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and side were behind for long as you reach the bottom. equalize full for the typical with 2 went up. it all the time and they go to another, just go through the break through jarell kwansa some, some of the play by level who was punished by john during the maybe 3 to with 5 minutes left. and he wasn't finished. the grad school in the 2nd of the game, 3 minutes later to rescue a point for better. but still the delights of funny would actor and listen to all my step result means to the most to be mentioned at the city lights on the spot. and that champions league face will be brothers. so if you have a massive incentive of a right and going into tuesdays match, victory will move them top 2 points clear of also keeping the pre many type of racing their own hands going into the final day of the season. i would love to be demoralized that i send out in june of the competition one month ago, but is not the case. so is that a waiting? we draw
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a points too hard to change and in our so and so less getting into that into window parameter. so talk, i'm could do the biggest rivals, also a big favor in the title race which is left some space spans with mixed feelings ahead of the game against see, but coach and post. the cognitive is clear with these views. you will never understand if somebody wants to be around thing to lose or just that doesn't, that's not what sports it may have. and you think the majority of the fans are going to want us not we more than say that, why are they are fans? majority of that fans will correct. yep. mosquito weiss greater in games and as i said are respectively but again, football the when and that's what in the n b a playoffs, the boston celtics. so now just one went away from the eastern conference finals. the broan james was in the stands to watch them take on. he's form a team to keep them cabin is adding speculation as to whether he'll leave the lakers next season. the cats could maybe have done with liver on out on coal. says
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they were severely hit by injuries and last 109102. jason, take some score and 73 points in gen brown, adding 27. so moving 31 ahead of the rules. the suffix can close out the series and came 5 on wednesday, back in boston, or anything for a regular 18 thing. be a title. but 1st, since 2008, 10 from 3 point things all, much closer in the wisdom conference with the oklahoma said he's on the square things up against the dallas mavericks. with 22, st. on the road shake, you'll just alexander school 54 points. if the top seat of some the age of the game for 100 points to 96, getting 5 is wednesday nights in oklahoma city. former heavyweight champion, mike tyson says he wants to show the world. he is still a great fighter. the 57 year old is preparing for his 1st professional fight in nearly 20 years against youtube, a jake full, 50 years younger than him. the financing texas on july 21st and 1st became
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heavyweight champion in 1986 is a 20 year old, which is still the youngest. i really like take a lot, you know, but, but once again, i really have to pray like of life depended on it because it will be i do think that the older generation wants people to see like, not me, output. at the end of the day, i also have the kids, the middle schoolers, the high schoolers, the college students running for me and want to see me and mike from new york to kentucky. which side of the woods is preparing for the 2nd major of the golf season? the us pga championship. it takes place at valhalla and woods. want us to admit that that costs 24 years ago. but the stalls one game away from the west. and finally, the n h l failed. swipe johnston school twice on the 21st 1st and they 51 victory of the colorado avalanche. the wind put some 31 up over the carolina
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hurricane refused to give up in a series against new york ranges. you with 3? nothing happened. caroline. i have that 12 games in a row to bring it back to 32, only 5 seems in history of ever ready from 3 down. so when a playoff series and nothing since 2014. 0, that's what was suppose. thanks for the time being there. oh, thanks very much pizza and i'll just enough time to bring you this story about members of the r t tribes in a popular philippine results. now they say that they've been forced out of that land by developers. government have given the islands original inhabitants the property, but it now says that it's better suited to terrorism on a below reports on this a warm welcome for the children of the crown jewel of philippine tourism. but it's a scene, most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land, away from the crowds. now try builder say they're wanting to bring up losing what
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little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has been fenced off after their homes were demolished by developer in march. something i. e, i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to a big test um, in the private company to took the property says it did. so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018, then president would be good to 13, awarded brock ice indigenous at the people with certificates of land ownership or close placing their properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been rebuilt because the government has ruled the land isn't suitable for agriculture. the country's agrarian reform secretary says the decision was based on tests done by soil experts. the each one's all the clause then has no leg to stand on. it does not have any legal basis on only lands
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that are suitable for agriculture are those that can be covered by the grid and farm. but the of these have been able to grow foods, and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere. the said, you know, any of us, i mean, they fooled us, they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to whether telling us to relocate, we don't trust the government. it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement at a time of a tourism boom. and one that they believe has cost to life. in 2013 text or contests, a young at the leader was shot to death. but instead of letting fear take over, they say they must honor his memory by continuing to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney, below al jazeera, what guy, the philippines. so that's everybody's out, but i'll be back in a moment. good morning. today's news for your full pallets and coming up in just a minute or 2.
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the of our oceans are under swift. by a for roasting fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back. eating off the choices, sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now, marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the gentleman of the people. for years they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities. their rivers poisoned with mercury, rendering water, i'm drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us to let us to send
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a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. they're still facing strong resistance from the powerful lobby in congress to the same vill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. palestinians who are expelled from there and then in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return by is out of the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes partisans. my grandparents stay here. why aren't i here?
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return to palestine on al jazeera for the firm, jabante and the north to run in the south is ready for us to step up their attacks across cause at at least $82.00 palestinians, a kills in 24 hours. the low i maria, minimize the, this is alger 0 at live from del, so coming up on the program side of city and fight to say


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