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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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the the the hello i am, i am the my the welcome to the news our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. a family home and a school or among the latest targets in his rate he strikes on gaza, would have killed at least $82.00 people in the last 24 hours. the palestinian fighters say they launched moles and search the attacks on his writing. soldiers pushing into jamalia city. and so 450000 people have now been displaced in a week and rough us. this is nearly a quarter of gauze as entire population. also coming up this out of russ outside.
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george's parliament, after a foreign influence village cost protests to say it's a russian style threat to free speech. and on piece of statement with your school teams will tennis number one easiest to be on sex remains on coal square away due to double in madrid in room up to reaching the semi fault. so pete's heavy and open with the 10 straight with the hello and welcome to the news. how we begin in southern gaza. is there any minute trees pushing deep into eastern rough? uh, it's a soles has forcibly displaced nearly half a 1000000 palestinians. but the united nations is wanted again that there is no west safe inside garza for $150000.00. people have now fled rough. uh, that's 90000 more in one day the average number of palestinians being forced out of the city is rapidly increasing. but what awaits them when they leave overcrowded,
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comes with without enough food. water will sanitation. meanwhile, part of city and fight to say they have launched. but you 3 attacks on his radio forces in northern gaza. this is the highest figure in his single day this yes. is there any forces we end to jamalia 3 days ago and say they are now deep in the heart of the city and the attacks, unrelenting elsewhere, at least 40 palestinians have been killed by in his riley as strike on the, on the site. right. the refugee camp in central gaza, both a house and a school with targeted rescue work. is it desperately trying to reach people trapped under the russell, so hot against our coverage? is that saline office adult, somebody locals can phone is him
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in another room, nurses comfort dismissal. what they call him. a clever boy. the is the sounds echo across the whole. to me a reminder is a far as if this was outside this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro oh, to play the i swear to god, my heart is in pain. she tells them now the palestinian men to the pro
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changes and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street. so this has become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip. the, this finds is ready for this, withdrawing some several areas including the slides for a few g come. a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some thoughts. it's the civilians who suffer them nice . the palestinians in the north, on the south, on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be dropped off in just
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a matter of days. the another boat, the rock stopped in a sheet. this, this will as they say, he'll have his name written on the white cloth before being buried. to add is one of more than $35000.00 palestinians to israel launch. did school on garza sort of height of al jazeera who to rejoins us now from darrow, by the in the center of kaiser. and we were speaking about the attacking the in a say right refugee camp a. how was targeted, at least 40 palestinians killed among them? i think about 14 children. you were able to visit the house. tell us what you saw a well, we were able to visit the house. yes. and we saw a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble,
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heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother, as a farewell, their children from under the rubber. not only that the rescue workers were having a very hard time as they were trying their best to pull more bodies from under the rubble, the their beloved ones waiting for the rescue workers to hide them, hoping that anyone would be alive the rescue workers were using their bare hands, very basic equipments to rescue any policy and use that were trapped to of the families that have been killed in this house. were recently evacuated from dropbox as they thought that to say it was a safe space after that is really forces asked them to evacuate to the central area . a lot of other palestinians. uh we're, we're,
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we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to drop. unfortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the rubble of the rescue. workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of palestinians trapped under the rubble and their families are going to wait for them until they remove them. and pull them from under the rubble. and we've been speaking about the united nations and their figure of almost half a 1000000 people. half a 1000000 people have sled, they have been displaced multiple times from parts of garza into phone units. and then the southern, the most spots to rough. now back again, it's a narrow balance where you are, what are people telling you about the effect this has on them and the families each
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time they get used to a place they are forced to move again, this must take a terrible toll on, on these families. and especially the children was most of them. you can imagine the stories we have been listening from the people. some people have been displaced for 9 times. some people have been displaced for 12 times. some people have been in this place 1st from the north, then through the central area, then john eunice. then back to the central area, then to the file and then the back to a to that as well. as some people do not afford the costs of relocating, others do not have space to do not have. they can't find this phase. some people are looking for space in the mix of tabs, but unfortunately it's over crowded yet and that is black. and when we talked about newness, newness does to have 0 access to water. and we know that the water is very important
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for families to be able to cope and to get the space they need water for drinking. they need lots or to clean their houses. they need lots or do wash, but at the same time, that's why people are trying to relocate in hospitals, but costs. but those are already over well and over, packed with patients. they are overwhelmed with injuries and other policies that have been displaced for more than 7 months now. but again, relocating and evacuating from a place to another does not guarantee that you won't be killed by that is ready as strikes as i please do. polish to me and families who evacuated from rough off in the past couple of days were killed earlier today in minnesota. thank you so much from dara, by the hand of the who diary. so let's get more now on the slicing and northern gauze o y, as well as resumed, severe ground,
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an air operations. their loss of calhoun managed to send us this short report from inside feature valley, a refugee camp, which is on the file into from the center of giovanni campus. that is really forces station behind the normal schools 3. and there is a hit and run buttons that are taking place in that area between these, by the forces and the movements of resistance. the and this is the scene into by the account the, this is in the sense that it can, i cannot move footboards. the can see the smallest kind of boot reporting to us from a densely populated jamalia camp in northern gauze. now and all the stories are
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following closely, students at harvard university have agreed to end the 3 week old and countenance that was in protest against israel's will. the decision came off, the university officials agreed to discuss the questions about its endowment and to equipment process petitions for the reinstatement of suspended students. the global movement has been cooling on universities to divest from israel. meanwhile, in chicago, hundreds of people have gathered to celebrate israel's independence day. but the gathering has also drawn account of protest and solidarity with palestine and denouncing israel's establishment to the states. but he's trying to keep the rival sides of pots, and that's close to john henry news at the price as far as in chicago. tell us what's happening there and, and what people have been saying to john well, you can see this line of the lease here they are, they're separating what was just minutes ago. hundreds of people supporting is
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really independent staying we're here. busy in daily plaza in chicago, and you can see those buses in the distance. those were carrying students who came here to celebrate is really independence day. and if you look up, an unusual thing is happened here in between the american and city of chicago flags, they have now corrected as star of david flag, the flag of israel. something you don't see here in downtown chicago very often. and we have not seen a pro palestinian up there is. but if you look over here a little bit, you can see that there are people demonstrating in support of a free palace sign and in and do the war in gaza. they have come here as counter demonstrators, and they were vastly outnumbered by the people who came to support israel. but as you can see,
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they're not going anywhere and police are holding them back from the few stragglers . supporters of the main approaches because they're trying very much begin this microcosm of this debate in going on about the middle east. they're trying very hard to make sure that those 2 groups of people don't clash here because we've seen that happen. and that can get finalized, but your cargo is, is, are preparing for the democratic national committee committee this august. and this is the kind of thing they're gonna be looking out for there. because we expect protests from both sides. in any case, the, the purchase is just ended. this one still continues. thank you so much from chicago. what are we seeing is at rival protests taking place, john, 100 reporting to us all now. and other developments and following kat tell us from industries saying that sees fine negotiations between israel and him as to end the war and gaza has now reached a stalemate. therefore,
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we will not accept being uh, as i said, you've been abused by the, by the mediation process itself, or by those who are trying to positively or negatively affect their positions. what we will certainly commit to is the cause for the piece. and we are continuing our role as the mediator i do out of seeing right now. it is to me that you as a 5 minutes, they said this morning. we have used what can be described as a state of me. but we are continuing to work together to try to bridge the gap between the 2 and additive when it comes to, to discuss with, to join me here in the studio is luciano zocker, a professor of golf 26 at cats hall university. so close the priority remains the an urgent and immediate ceasefire to allow life saving aid into gaza where the situation is getting even worse now that we see is really forced is not just continuing with that strikes in the south of the strip,
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but also re entering northern gaza but it does seem as though any prospect of negotiations is, is more remote than ever if not impossible. of course, i mean nichol stating that the operates in the process started. i'm not even the people that is moving in the north to the north are facing again. uh, approx about the most up. i mean, what if i knew which also the most right. they said what the side of the beginning for the northwest were really clean and big on face any any, any, any or fight with, with how must this was whole not true. i mean, the, the main priority of natalia who we just send him anything from us. it's not happening. i mean, we not happen to military means as far as they are not able to negotiate something and to sit down and to stop this. my 2nd a with the this for me that the then i'm, i do it on saturday. i mention it. we are just confirming like we have been saying
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it seems a long time ago that the strategy was trying to gain time in order to establish. so based on to start moving people to the north to continue as the main objective which is seligman and thomas and that they are not being the rest of it being finally get through the something in terms of a extension of the piece and as on at least in the hostage it, which has to be the purpose. i mean, that doesn't appear to be a priority. does that to, that seems to be an acceptance perhaps even on the pa, these right public. that the operation in gaza in, in rasa itself. but also in terms of eliminating a mazda is more important than bringing full heinz. but of course, we know that this is going to be very difficult, but given that, you know, how much was able stage, 33 attacks on his right, the forces. so they do, do still have military potency all we then heading more towards the situation in which is writing forces and up holding pots of gaza for some period of time whilst
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palestinians are pushed into small and neighborhoods, or forced into camps where they are kept alive. by you and in humanitarian agencies, while i mean as far as they keep productivity bucks from the smaller groups from us, they will have a justification to remain in gus, i'm in this line that they've decided to have to keep after that with the, with the or the by the north and south of you know, they will be permanent presence. i've listed in part of a, of, i guess, a quarterly maybe longer time or definitively, the rough across concert. and that's from that side. these for at least can see that this how much the deal is and 3 to how much they know that to continue the the fights. so i don't see how any negotiation is possible. consumed, they started, we'd remain in the territory for much longer, but we were expecting since have a beginning. i could send the until the election. so they would have to say, we would see these kind of a behavior of the style for us under china. zacotta. thank you.
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well, the united nations is named itself then be killed by an attack in eastern rasa as kind of why above calling the indian national. what for the u. s. department of safety and security and gaza is the 1st international you and casualty more than a $190.00 palestinian u. n. a work has been killed since october 7th. is there any forces of cat out at least 8 strikes on humanitarian convoys on premises in gaza. since the war began, as well united states as condemns an attack on an 8 convoy carried out by is riley protest as the group unloaded food items and destroy the gently needed supplies, preventing them from reaching people in gaza vehicles or crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards casa, israel's restriction on food aid is caused assignment across large parts of the strip. as nor connor reports. they threw got to smash royce flour and other much needed food. these is riley's,
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are determined to prevent this age from reaching hello sting in in garza this combined with on its way from jordan to the seats strip through hebron in the occupied westbank where it was attacked on monday human rights lawyers appears to scan them, run fast behind us, you can see the surplus, jewish, extreme, historical aids meant for garza, the armies had the police of left. it is ready, please insist their investigating qual, i'm one says they did nothing to prevent it. i still how the police and the, i mean this is to both of them, you know, whether they just allow them to, to enable the one on the ground. i never saw that someone was arrested even i, when i was at the the sabotage didn't answer. so many of these ladies came back and said 3 of the a trucks on the floor of the light of day expose the severity
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of the damage. the white house has condemned the attack on the trucks. it is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and loading these convoys coming from jordan, going to a guy's a, to deliver humanitarian assistance. we are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this. but this is not the 1st time it's happened. is there any protests to be booking a to the priest? the goal is to of to come up with to tell them crossing from them last week purchases. he's rocks to block the road in southern israel. do is being used to deliver h to concept. drew and video showed the truck off the truck, backed up to columbus. has people in garza, a stopping the head of the you and walk through. the program says a full blown common in northern garza. it's working. it's way south there. israel
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defense for rough or severely in 2 days from entering through the time of a southern crossing when the crossing is even not functioning for a day. this is having a significant impact on the response that we are able to provide to. so for 7 days now, without humanitarian airy aids coming in, it's a complete disaster here. a complete is off to the 8 blocks and destroyed by the scrupulous radius, is just a fraction of what's needed. the un says, israel, it's responsible for what it calls an entirely man made starvation and gossum door comes out to 0. the us secretary of state is met with ukrainian president in the 1st trip to keep by seeing the american official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 a package and 20 blinking should have followed him is the landscape that moment at
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3 supports is on the way as you cry and faces intensified russian attacks in the harkey region. i'll use there is john home and reports now from ukraine's 2nd largest city of har. keith desperate defendants in northeast and ukraine. ukraine's military says this newly released video shows border guards trying to fight or for rushman cushion. near the town of both tents on friday for the attacks have continued. so the fluid and this was full time on tuesday, next week, more of its residents told to get out, well, they still tying the russian to bounces into training territory. here, coming under the cover of asteroid smell, it's hillary refuge for now is ukraine, 2nd biggest city? how to keep the hall? keith tube has been on the heavy, aerial bombardment for months. now. the residential building here is just been hit
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ukraine's minister of internal affairs, legal claim bank, who was there at the seeing the almost done you within that will. okay. go through the last few hours with several strikes on the city. that way, even the center of the city where it guided ariel palm landed. ukraine's military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization, but it hardly feels like it. the elderly men and women close to rome to their lives . adding urgency to the training president's meeting with the us secretary of state in keith 1st, when gratitude for the release of to months of congressional gridlock of $61000000000.00 a us military aid crucial package for all off the forces for our were those things. so much for this package, thanks to congress. thanks. prison by then. but soon it was on what was needed now on the battlefield to come about russia's lone range, ariel power is or defense. the biggest difference is for us,
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the biggest problem. and we need really, we need to day or to bed through us 40400 can region because the people on their attacks, surveillance and where is everybody there. and there are actually miss us on the front lines. ukrainian policies have been out numbered outcomes running, show that munition mr. blinking was in keith to signal that more help was coming. some of this already arrived more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for ukraine to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term succeeded mean simply stabilizing, holding on more more troops, drafted and trained. more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum. john holman, out is it a pot of key piece of dispos demonstrates is around the george and parliament in
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tbilisi. all stories approved of foreign into fair and slow. the new legislation was passed off some weeks of mass protest demonstrates his fear it could be used to cut defense and stand in the way of georgia joining european union one day. you know, require organizations. they get more than 20 percent of the funding for the food to register with the sr c's. mixing the danco has more from the georgia and capital controversial so called for an agents bill was expectedly, approved today in parliament. and the processes are still here by saying that very frustrated that saying they're unhappy and saying they will say, and they will continue coming in until their voice is on hood. now police bust out of those front gates all the a following as the process was what bashing them with the, with the feet. uh and uh, cleared out the whole area within just a matter of 20 minutes was announced that they would be using
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t a gas on anyone who does not the 1st follow the order. so if i q as. but people still came back. there just wasn't use this time. we only had a bit of pepper spray today. during the day. the police were on a lot of them in riot gear, but still the protest is, i've been peaceful. that back is still being peaceful. so this looks like a 2 puts out in the back in full that protests as a police have been playing here. so what happens next with this bill is that it moves over to a presidential signature. the president has, the problem is that she would veto this bill, but then again, the ruling georgia dream policy has enough seats in solomons to override that veto . now, it's a national organizations. i'm saying that they will continue applying pressure against the leasing. and the people who are hoping for some kind of miracle that
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they will be heard as a result reaching rather than go out just there at the leasing maxime groups k as an attorney and independent were such as specializing in for an agents will you joins us live now from paris. so how does the, the for an agents laur in georgia compare then to similar legislation we've seen crop up in other parts of the world or yeah, think it for this question. so i think that it is very important to understand why georgia and people are really concerned with this legislation, because i should emphasize that. so they understand that they can get a significant supports on significant help from non governmental organizations that are acting in georgia. and they know that this organizations are affecting in the interest of common people and not being the interest of for and power. so coming to people, professors, but they know for sure that it's simply unfair to blame. busy these organizations,
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as for an agents for so called, promote or so for an influence or something like that. if we look at the different types of, for an agent legislation in different countries, of course we can see that in a lot of countries of this legislation is far from ideal. but for example, if we look at the example of both russia, we can see that for an agents legislation used by the russian rich as just as different ties and to discriminate. non governmental organizations and media independent media simply dissenters uh through the implementation of this law. to tell me from your, from your experience. i mean, because of the office of the georgia bill, i guess they are dismissing the, the russian comparisons. they all saying that actually it's more
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a reflection of the american foreign agents registration. not too far, which applies to any agents of a foreign principle from your experiences that does not make sense to you. and i cannot agree with this comparison. it's all because people look at the, the text and so the implementation practice of the firewall from the united states . we can see that in far a law we have a clear legal connection between the activity of organizations and the interests of so hold for on principle the. busy say for an power. so the government organizations, i mean the state has an obligation to provide evidence that these kind of creative organizations are acting, or persons are acting in the interest of 4 principal on the house or for a principal or on the control defendant. principal, the drop clause from georgia does not anything and come on with this construction.
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a draft claw from georgia. just say assess that if you get more than 20 percent of the annual funding from for and source. so you must be labeled as, let's say, for an agent like promote her alpha for an interest and so on and so forth. and this is. busy not fair to see, to tell me is it because you represented, you know, you represented the n g o is that have been classified as for an agents. what was then going to be done once this legislation is, is passed and is applied, i suppose. what can then be done to protect groups from being targeted and you know, for under the pretext of being foreign agents, one now actually that approach to genuinely support human rights and civil society . i'm afraid that's a, as i mean,
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coming to the bowl and benji o's, i don't have enough. i don't have enough power done. have enough the legal instruments, at least legal instrument to protect themselves from the unfair, arbitrary decisions from the states. the agent says, because these kind of laws, they don't give such opportunity to protect yourself from the arbitrary decisions because they formulate, they are formulated to broad weight. you simply don't have anything to rely on in, in legal sense. so that's why i am saying that it's a very uh, yeah, i would say very, very far. it's a situation for civil societies. and again, it's unfair. it's really unfair when you get some money. if you, for example, if you're talking about the human rights organizations,
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the organization that defending we months with childrens drives, the rights. if this organization get for an funding, it doesn't mean that it is actually in the interest of what be for and power. it has that despair in the interest of come on people. thank you very much. you know, thank you. appreciate it. mike. some christy joining us from paris. very good to get your thoughts on this on our controversial policy issue from the far right alternative to jump to the fall and he's been found guilty of deliberately using a nazi slogan. raleigh. ben hucker was charged with using symbols of terrorist organizations, trying not to have been aware that the phrase had been used by the nazis and appeals cool any a rule, but intelligence officers can continue treating the f d as a potential extremist policy. you with the news, our life from dell, how much was sold to bring you on the program. us present stops a 100 percent terrorist on chinese electric vehicles in response to what he calls on sab policies and records. 76000000 people were displaced around the world last
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year by conflict and natural disasters. we will focus on what has been happening in to don in the boston celtics closing on the m, the eastern conference finals, people have that story. the, there's been snowing, an eastern turkey up in the mountains, not a big surprise. the system has just gone through was fairly active, but it's left behind a legacy. but fine weather. you look up, you should see blue sky. there are a few channels around the full council wednesday along the south coast of turkey, one or 2 in stealing lebanon, nearby route. and of course, the eastern side of turkey itself, the landscape and increasing the nurses for on shore breezes. generally looking, find that and that's true through iraq to most of it around the residual shows that
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are around becoming lighter as the days go on. and you'd expect that this time of year they could, you can expect some pretty steady and sometimes dusty wind. but funding if they're on shore breezes off the gulf into eastern saturday, down through about rain cuts out of march, the ray. and one of these, the brian kind of the that's where the winds picked up and dust is far more likely in the atmosphere. some pretty big sun, so infrequently in cuba it could be repeated at least on the other side. so in something around, up in the mountains, in somalia, i didn't. kenya the $1500.00 is the recent big chairs are more or less disappeared from the full cost. yeah, that you maybe this circulation of show the ra cheryl's around, but they're all that many of them to be honest for the says where it moves on the gets a little bit of rain mostly be talking about dry weather after some huffington hot the if you are watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the
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territory all is, well, we'll just stream to be any stray me when my country is closing down inspection codes and networks only because what additions thinking here, this decision puts other networks working in the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought 0. we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size. i think the national court of justice on counting the cost is real installation defense as tech, a whole trade for the nation. so one of the economic costs of buying on palestinian watkins in is around his own, pending labors, livelihoods, popular new weight loss trucks reshape the industry. counting the cost on al jazeera, the
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the come back, look at the main stories of following this news out. at least 40 pounds of things have been killed. fine is rainy as far as on the on the site. right? refugee camp in central cause of a house and a school for both targeted. meanwhile palestinian on groups is saying they've launched 33 attacks on his really forces the highest number and a single day since the war began. is ready for us to say they are now deep in the hearts of giovanni. a city in northern gaza and the un is saying maybe 450000 people have been forcibly despised from rough uh, in southern garza. in the past week, i've been forced to leave the homes and fleet to overcrowded refugee camps. now the
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news, a record number of people worldwide were displaced in 2023 according to the internal displacement monitoring center to reach the research shows that needed 76000000 people will force from the homes last year most which is biased by conflicts or violence of as by natural disasters, almost off or in sub saharan africa, the un says the conflict and so don has caused the wealth was displacement crisis. this report confirms that by the end of last year, well the 9000000 people had to flee. israel's war and gaza forcibly despised more than one and a half 1000000 people in the 3 months between october and december and moving for an off 1000000 people in turkey and syria, and living in temporary shelters and containers. officer, the devastating us quite that. i'll just, there's have been morgan reports now from don. this displacements camp is the latest open incidence eastern city of port sedan. it's home to some of the thousands who fled fighting between the sudanese army and the power military rapids
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support forces in big capital hot to them and elsewhere around the country. including fuzzy of the law who fled from her home in northern her tomb. shortly after the start of the conflicts last year. for like a lot of mean, just see if we fled in june. we left and decided to stay in money. the are a stuff attacked our home and cut a room. i was with my son and we were in my father's house, and that was my sister's. one of my sisters is married. we, i'm is the year long conflict here has created the world's largest displacements crisis. according to the un, 9000000 people have been displaced. many have been repeatedly uprooted as fighting expanded across the country. the why didn't give me give you. we slept when the fighting started and went to 0. we brought our children here and decided to stay. we saved into 0 for 7 months. then as
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a somebody who would go to 8 organization, say more than half of the dance 47000000 people are in need of aid with 5000000 facing famine. those displaced are the ones most affected, but slicing has hindered access to them. we really have an issue with access. uh we need better access uh across the lines to being able to move uh from here in ports it on across the country across uh the, the front line. so of the conflict. yeah. but we also need to have access uh from the regional countries, from size to don, from chad. so access is the main issue, but of course we also need more resources and we need flexible resources so that we can take oppertunity as they arise. there is no indication the confidence here in sedan is close to an end, which means more people who will be displaced. those here say, while they're able to receive aid, would they really want is to return to their homes and the lives they left behind. hey, but morgan, alta 0,
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a pfizer and joe biden is shot the raising tower of song in pulls from china enough to protect us jobs the head of the election in november. the charges will call the electric vehicles bass reasons, time you conduct those white house of the tire sort, apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. the decision will likely increase tensions with china, which is called on washington to drop the measures. and one of the decision would severely affect cooperation between the 2 countries. so let's head to our white house correspondent, kimberly how could she joins us now? how big a problem to the us economy, our chinese electric vehicles? well for example, what we know with these electric vehicles is that in the case of the import of these, what they've done is they've really flooded the market. and so it's made it difficult for american manufacturers. we're trying to also make electric vehicles to compete
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with the electric vehicles that are made abroad. and so what the us president has done is put a 100 percent tariff on the move vehicles that are coming from overseas in order to allow the american a vehicles to compete. and that's up from 25 percent. so it's a half the high, and the reason for it is because this is really to count or what the united states has or unfair chinese business practices. and essentially this is something, but that's just the united states as is happening, but it is a global business practice that the chinese are not playing but the same set of rules are for. c the market was cheap products, as the us president says, they are not just competing, but in fact, she didn't take a listen. the price is on fairly low because chinese companies don't need to worry about a profit because the china is going to subsidize them. and subsidize them heavily in china is relies on other end or competitive taxes as well. by forcing american
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companies to transfer the technology in order to do business in china, i spent a lot of time sheets in early on i told the reason why my been unfair, which i know i looked for i said look, so play by the savings. if you want merrick is i want to make is clear, notwithstanding what the other guy say by any kind of car they want, whether it's gas or electric or high. but we're never gonna allow the china on fairly control of the market for these cars period. willis announcement help president biden, and his campaign for election, cuz you know, that's what this is really about, i guess. yeah, there's no question the, the rid of this is politics and the us presidents are bivens saying, but this is really going to help american businesses compete. they're gonna allow to be pulled ahead. but the former us president donald trump is already jumping on this thing, but this is too little too late and it's really not going to help americans pull ahead and fax and falling further behind. could even allow for high inflation to go
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even higher. dr. price is higher, bottom line, and all of this is that what this could do is it could exacerbate the trade pensions that already exist between the 2 nations. but what is happening in terms of competition? we know isn't the 2 presidential candidates, donald trump, joe biden, for november's race? well, they are competing between themselves to really see who is tougher on china. that's what this actions about. thank so much kimberly how ok to the white house are joining us now from rockville. maryland is robert scott. he's an economist and financial adler. so it is. kimberly was explaining that you have sent me conductors terrace on still dominion and a 100 percent tariff on chinese electric vehicles. how effective are these measures going to be? well, i think that the earlier the steel chairs, which were 1st imposed by president trump in 2017 and 18 proved to be very
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effective, a load to tens of billions of dollars and investments and new steel processing plants here in the united states. and, and, and to job creation and to increase profits for steel makers. so these tears work, they have to domestic industry and they were not particularly inflation or they have little impact on the overall of price levels and is likely to dive terrace, proposed by president biden. well, likewise parent little impact on installation. what about the blood back from china? that bound to retaliate? they're going to try to retaliate, but typically us imports much less than china's an export to us us exports to china. only about one 3rd of the size of china is exports united states. so they're much more vulnerable in a trade war. uh so. busy i think the talk of the trade war is, is really much more of smoke and mirrors. that actual reality
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in this case. i mean, is this, is this really about protecting us jobs and us can seem, is all it's, i suppose it's really all happening against the backdrop of the 2020 full presidential race as you well know, prizes and fight and trying to distinguish his economic policy from that of donald trump, but of course donald trump is very savvy when it comes to his uh, his rhetoric and his approach to this sort of thing as well. i think the difference is, or to present body has actually invested heavily in the bi partisan industrial policies . to do some parts of development, american industries and electronic vehicles and batteries in structure uh at least the, the shirts are designed to compliment that for president trump. i think the parents were strictly transactional. that is, they were imposed in order to make good on campaign promises. and discussions with
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the industries and workers that were affected, but it really was much, much less a new way of support for those industries. he talked to the game and talked about the infrastructure. we cost certainly, but it never actually came to fruition during the traffic ministration. where is this heading? the you have each has are trying to act out. do the this could lead to very serious tensions of a country that you really, america has needs. it's cooperation, not just necessarily on economic issues, but on that matches of security can use. we see those challenges likely to get worse in the coming months. and he is particularly in the run up to the selection with what might be, what is happening now in the mid lease, but also with russia and ukraine. once you go down this road of a tit for tat punitive measures, you know, we could this get much less under
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a trump presidency, for example. is he going to advocate for even harsher measures on chinese goods as well? i think that's entirely possible. but as i said, i think that the pursuit of effective trade policy is really a has bipartisan support from both parties and congress on like some of the other policies that to uh, president trump tried. mike tried to pursue such as a reporting uh ultra conservative. the court justices, and so on and, and, and producing rights for, for health care to women. and those are much more things here at confrontational issues. i think trade industrial policy. there's a lot more agreement on, in the united states. i think the partners of china's in terms of security concerns is, is perhaps overstated to the biggest, uh, i think weapon in the battle. china on that front is perhaps to have a strong military and bite and certainly not falling short on that measure. he
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certainly support increased investments in military and domestic or industrial policies. so thank you very much for your thoughts on this story. robert scott joining us to still i have for you on the program. we're going to hear from mike tyson as a former heavyweight champion revised to make his come by the business latest is brought to you while he peg. this is a live supply on one of your this makes modern plains. the
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business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the announcements for peaches. yeah. and thank you very much. we minutes away from kickoff in a huge game that could help the side. the seasons english premium,
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the champions manchester said he take on talk to them in london. victory for said he will move them top of the table. 3 points clear of also keeping the print, any type of race in their own hands going into the final day of the season. on sunday, i went to the last of the demoralized smell in june of the composition one month ago, but is not the case. so is that a waiting? we drove points to have to change and in our so hands to let's getting into it and to in the permalinks. so it's awesome. could do the biggest rivals, also a big favor and the type of race, just waste some space fans with mixed feelings getting into the city game. but coach and supposed to call blue is clear with he's these. i will never understand. if somebody wants to be around to until that he's all just that doesn't, that's not what sports it may have. if you think it, the majority of our fans are going to want us not. we more than say that, why are they have fans?
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majority that fans will create yet must be available. weiss gregory, and i'm games and as i said are respectively but again, football, the women, that's what we can for my also and fronts is 2018 will come champion olivia's, you has fun with los angeles, etc. offer announcing yesterday he will leave ac milan at the end of the season. the 37 year old is he's countries old time leading gold score as well. tennis number, one of you used to be on site remains on coast for a raid due to double seems to add the 10 in open title to last week's window on the clay in madrid. she's reached the semi finals in room with a straight to its victory of a medicine to use. it was a repeat of last week's madrid, open semi fun, which be on site. so one with the same score line 6163. the poll is already a 2 time champion in room, but now she's also attempting to become the 1st woman to win back to back titles in grid and rome. serena williams in 23, which is another way in the means to them and succeed step one of the 60 pos
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reach the close, the finals degree came through long as we on tested against the strategy of mine, seed alex them, and old 6162 it took him only an hour to think he's placing the law state where he will face to lay and nicholas jerry replaced and lifting food c that is on has been able to reach the cold finals with the wind of the portables, new vogis, the german has made it to at least the 4th round at almost as 1000 events this year . i just want letting slip in any break lead. he kept his focus to beat his opponent 6 to 75. but the capitals are right back in plato contention in the ip for 19 run, when a blackmail stupid joins. i'll be ship, pour out top school, the $68.00 for danny who passed the 1st test of step bill. so he 57 on out of the school of 208 for full block, mount chase, the volume p, wasting the store and making us foreign with the best of the best. when was 61. but in the, in the super jonesville showed on $189.00 for 9 video fast,
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but only trial the sunrise is 100. but on mid run rates in the n b a playoffs, the boston celtics. so now just one went away from the eastern conference finals. the brown james was in the stands to watch them take on his form a team that even kevin is adding speculation as to whether you'll leave the la lakers next season. like as could maybe have done was never on out on causes. they were severely hit by injuries and loss, 100 non 102. jason said some scrolling 33 points in gen and brown, adding 27 to move them 3. want ahead of really the self explain place. ok and close up the series in game 5 on wednesday back in boston. they're aiming for a liquid 18th and be a typo. but 1st, since 2008. this pose 10, some 3 things are much closer in the west and contents with the oklahoma city tend to switch things up against the dallas mavericks. with 2 3rd thing on the right shade deal. just select zone with 34 points as the top see the some the age game
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for 196 k 5. it was wednesday night in oklahoma city. former heavyweight champion, mike tyson says he wants to know, will show the world. he's still a great fight to the 57 year old is preparing for his 1st professional find to needed 20 years against youtube. but jacob pull, who was 30 years younger than him. the fight is in texas on july 20th. i really like take a lot. you know, but, but once again, i really have to pray like of life depended on it because it will be i do think that the older generation wants people to see, like not me, output. at the end of the day, i also have the kids. the middle school is the high schoolers, the college students running for me, and want to see me and mike over in kentucky, tiger woods is preparing for the 2nd major of the golf season for us. pga championship takes place at valhalla and woods won this tournament at that cause 24 years ago. i still feel that i can i can wind golf comments. i still feel i can hit
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the shots and still feel like i have my hands around the greens. i can pump, i just need to do it for all 4 days. not like i did, i guess i for all it to. okay, we'll leave it there for now. i'll be here again in a few hours with most people are looking forward to it. thank you peter. the members of the r t tribe and a popular philippine result town say they've been forced out that line by developers government to given the islands original inhabitants to property. but now says it's better suited to terrorism on a be low reports. 7 a warm welcome from the out the children of put on the crown jewel of philippine tourism. but it's a scene. most visitors don't get to see because the islands original settlers have lived in small pieces of land away from the crowds. now try builder say they're bound to bring up losing what little they have. one of the 6 lots they occupy has
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been fenced off after their homes were demolished by developer in march something i . e, i even just the faint noise scares me into thinking it might be their security guards again coming to a big test um, in the private company that took the property, says it did so after the government canceled the state granted land titles in 2018, then president would be good to turn to awarded brock ice indigenous at the people which are typically as of land ownership or close, placing their properties under the agrarian reform program. but now those titles have been rebuilt because the government has ruled the land. is it suitable for agriculture? the countries, greer and reform secretaries says the decision was based on tests done by soil experts. the each one's all the flow was then has no leg to stand on the top of any legal basis at all. only lands that are suitable for agriculture are those that can be covered by the great and farm.
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but the of these have been able to grow foods. and now that they put into work, they say they're not going anywhere in the system. you know, any of us, i mean they fooled us, they gave us land or need to take it back. so why should we move to where they're telling us to relocate? we don't trust the government. it's been a years long struggle to find a permanent settlement. at a time of a tourism boom, and one that they believe has cost to life. in 2013 text or contests, a young at the leader was shot to death. but instead of letting fear take over, they say they must honor his memory by continuing to fight for their right to their ancestral land. barney, below al jazeera, what are the philippines are not safe from me for this news hour, but not even so. he will be here shortly was more of the day, the
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palestinians who were expelled from their nuns in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built 20 houses. here a world goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera hearing the fact short populations of decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams
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across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. now let me tell you i'm on safari valley. the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the coupon occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only looked at very close here, like common here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private now. thanks royal, i can also offer somebody probably equal, resorted in gone. you will cekada a duty and a grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy, revise wells and increases systems cost on request
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or the family home on the school are among the latest. is there any targets in gaza at least 82 people have been killed in the last 24 hours the today? well i money in sight, this is alan. is there a night from day? oh, so coming up hollis sticking fine to say they've launched moving ceci attacks on is writing so just pushing into to body as city.


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