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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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always come 1st of a sweet 100 on luis heavens, have gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. i will most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the plus, the half a 1000000 palestinians are displaced as these really ami continues as a sofa on the rough. when more than half of gauze this population has been sheltering. the hello, i'm down and doing this is andrea or a life and also coming up follow something fine to say they have loans, molding sachi attacks on his riley soldiers pushing into giovanni as such a yes, president joe biden unveiled sleep terrace on chinese influence,
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accusing beijing of not playing fat and cheating on trains out of coffee was imposed on the pacific islands of new caledonia to protest by the indigenous population of right. profess changed to the constitution the we stopped in southern gaza where these really minutes res, pushing deeper into eastern rough up. it's a sold as forcibly to space, maybe half a 1000000 palestinians, and the you and has wound again. but nowhere and gaza is safe for 450000 people have now fled roughly in the past week. that's 90 pounds more in one day. the average number of palestinians being forced out of this city is rapidly increasing . um they arrive to over crowded camps with inadequate food, both at o. sanitation. meanwhile palestinian fine to say they've launched 33 attacks on his ready forces in the new so the strip is the highest to get in
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a single day. this yeah. is really 4th is reading to jamalia 3 days ago, and then how deep in the heart of the city and the attacks, unrelenting elsewhere at least 40 palestinians were killed by his randy. strike on the, on the stand up with a g comp that's in central, gaza house and school. what targeted several higher up against coverage is that lean off the top of the locals can phone is him in another room? no says comfort dismissal one they tell him a clever boy the is the sounds echo across the whole. to me
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a reminder is a far as if this was the outside this woman cries quietly. a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro oh to blame. i swear to god my heart is in pain. she tells them now the palestinian men to the pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street this has become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip.
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this finds is ready for this with drawing some several areas, including the slides for a few g come a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some thoughts. it's the civilians who suffer them nice . the palestinians in the north, i'm the south on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them. they've been forced to be rough in just a matter of days. the another for the rock. so in a sheet this, this to uh, they say he'll have his name racing on the white cloth before being buried. so as is one of more than $35000.00 palestinians to israel launch,
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did school on garza photo height of al jazeera. a handheld co today is in central garza and went to the house that is ready for his bombed, indeed, necessary rep refugee camp. as we saw a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble, heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother as a farewell. their children from under the rubber. not only that the rescue workers were having a very hard time as they were trying their best to pull more of bodies from under the rubble, the their beloved ones waiting for the rescue workers to hide them, hoping that anyone would be alive the rescue workers were using their bare hands very basic equipments to rescue any policy and use that were trapped to of the families that have been killed in this house. were recently evacuated
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from dropbox as they thought that to say it was a safe space after that is really forces ask them to evacuate to the central area. a lot of other palestinians we're, we're, we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to drop. then fortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the rubble of the rescue. workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of policy news dropped under the rubble and their families are going to wait for them until they remove them. and pull them from under the rubble. well, that's good. move on the fighting now in northern gaza. more of how salute has been inside the jabante, a refugee camp, which was on the 5 at just into from the center. giovanni camp as really forces
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station behind dealing with schools 3 and there was a hit and one buttons that are taking place in that area in between these ladies most is in the movements of resistance. the, and this is the scene into by the account the, this is the same, tells you, but it can, i cannot move footboard the can see the meanwhile, the united states has condemned an attack of an aide con boy, carried out by his riley protest as the group, i'm loaded food items and destroyed the ocean freight needed supplies, preventing them from reaching garza, the vehicles with crossing through hebron and the occupied westbank heading towards gaza. israel's restriction on food aid as cause funding across large parts of the
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strip lubricant results they threw got to an smash royce flour and other money needed food. these is right, these are determined to prevent this age from reaching hello students in garza this cold boy who is on its way from jordan to the perceived strip through hebron in the occupied westbank where it was attacked on monday. human rights lawyers appears to run the steps behind us. you can see the surplus, jewish, extreme, historical age meant for garza. the armies had the police of left a is ready, police insist they're investigating. while i'm on says they didn't nothing to prevent it. i still how the police and the, i mean this is the both of them you know, whether they just allowed him to do an able with the one on the ground. i never saw that someone was arrested even i,
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when i was at the the sabotage didn't answer some of that. many of these ladies came back, incense, 3 of the a trucks on 4 of the, the light of day, expose the severity of the damage. the white house has condemned the attack on the trucks. it is a total outrage that there are people who are attacking and loading these convoys coming from jordan, going to a guy's a, to deliver humanitarian assistance. we are looking at the tools that we have to respond to this. but this is not the 1st time it's happened. is there any protests to be booking a to the priest? the goal is to of to come up with some crossing from them. the last week purchases use rocks to block the road in southern israel. do is being used to deliver h to concepts driven video, showed the truck off the truck,
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backed up to columbus. has people in garza a stopping the head of the u. n. well, to program says a full blown famine in northern garza. it's working its way south. there. israel defense for rough or severely in 2 days from entering through the time of a southern crossing. when the crossing is even not functioning for a day. this is having a significant impact on the response that we are able to provide to. so for 7 days now, without humanitarian eric aids coming in, it's a complete disaster here. a complete is off to the 8 blocks and destroyed by the scrupulous radius, is just a fraction of what's needed. the un says israel, it's responsible for what it calls an entirely man made starvation and concept nor come out to 0. the
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president joe biden. the shop and increasing tires on inputs from china in an effort to protect american jobs, the head of the election in november. the charges will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and somebody conductors, and applied to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products badging, as will on the decision, will severely affect bilateral cooperation. a white house correspondent kimberly helped get reports from washington. d. c. u. s. president joe biden came into office saying he wouldn't do his predecessor, former president donald trump's trade policies, but on tuesday, 5 in double to even triple down on new terrorist to some chinese imports to the united states. when you make tactics like these are there to learn, you're not competing, it's not. comforters has cheated. the chairs will be phased in over 3 years on every thing from steel semiconductor. so electric vehicles and more affecting roughly 18000000000 and chinese imports to view west terrace. so the electric
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vehicles will rise to 100 percent from 25 percent steel and aluminum products will more than tripled to 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less try to heavily subsidize. all these products pushing china is coming, produce far more than the rest of all can absorb, then don't pay the excess products out of the market and on fairly low prices, driving another manufacturers around the world out of business, the buying it ministration says the move will help americans, businesses compete. critics like for president trump say china floods the global market with excess imports. it's too little, too late. for the trump made punishing china over what he called unfair trade practices. cornerstone of his presidency, igniting
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a trade war. they jang is vowing to retaliate against the latest action by the bible ministration. we'll golf at that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that china always opposes unilateral tariff increases the violate w t o rules. and we'll take all necessary measures to safeguard it's legitimate rights and interest with the presidential election months away. politics is that the root of this announcement, some of the biggest still in auto manufacturers, are in the battleground, states of michigan and pennsylvania. president biden has promised to protect manufacturing jobs in most states, with the hope of winning votes in november. kimberly held hit alice's era, the white house police shooting as co host of china, eighty's and more and a former chief editor of china ultra review. he explained what impact the tires are likely to have. and frankly, there's not that many china made each of these currently exported into the u as in
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north america. for that matter. um it with maybe with a, with the inspection. uh uh, exception of mexico. but, you know, besides volvo, pulsed on some of these daily owned eves. are just not that many kind of a, he's being an expert in the us. so it's minimal at the for now, generally, this does increase in terms of was expected from china. i think this was being discussed for several months now and knowledge is we have a official announcement, but i think for, for china the also the chinese, the companies. busy they're doing will be what i call, you know, preparing, persevering. uh, you know, they will think about partnerships um, just doing things behind the scenes. um and,
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and really i think for the us policies change when, when you know that there's, especially given the current pleasure, the actual election year, you know, it could change next year. the i r a, it's from, you know, it gets to be elected. so i think is a dynamic environment that china will be watching closely. a donald trump's former lawyer, michael cohen has been back in court, giving evidence any former us presidents hush money trial. come until the co, the trump ordered him to pay. i don't feel a mattress stormy daniels more than a $100000.00. he says it was an exchange for his silence on an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump said he was the falsifying business records to cover up the payments. he denies overcharges after there was kristin swimming reports from outside the quotes in new york. well, 2 days on the sand from michael cohen. 2 days of testimony today started with the prosecution, getting into the details of the case,
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attempting to show that not only to donald trump know about the payments made to an adult film star to buy her silence about an alleged affair. trump knew that michael cohen was being reimbursed for those states those payments and improperly documenting them as legal fees. cohen testified that trump had ordered him to quote, take care of it when stormy daniels, that address threatened to come forward with the story of the alleged affair. and that he was also told by trump to talk to his chief financial officer alan white, silver, to get reimbursed for the payments that he himself made to stormy daniels in the prosecute and presented a series of emails and invoices even check signed by trump, allegedly, to reimburse calling for those payments. the defense will continue the process in the nation of michael cohen when the trial is on thursday and they've left to open
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the possibility that donald trump himself could be called to the stand to testify as well. it's not official break here it out to 0 when we come back. next appointment's visit in a show of support. the americans talk diplomatic, nice ukraine's president on russia steps on tax and under outside parliament in georgia on the routing party adults are controversial against phone insurance for and that's the same the, the, the gulf of mexico, like every other body of water in the world, is warmer than the alarm to an average. and when that bolts comes on show, and it often does, but certainly in the spring and you get it contrasting is called it's one of the rockers. you get these giant thunderstorms. well, they've been pretty vicious recently from mississippi through louisiana and not in
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florida, and that's the full cost. now they are not quite suspicious when they run up the carolines and beyond. but the sea and probably new york or have a miserable couple of days, wednesday and thursday and they have that stuff coming off. the rock is into the place. isn't as cold as it was. so the storms aren't going to be quite as big, but they're still there. and the risk which ends on thursday, once again, i'm afraid to texas. and there was to the flood risk in that jumping says, i mean, prove, taking picture for cuba has been, you know, put the rico there off to charles in the trade winds. and the still fairly heavy rain, for example, in panama. oh, the small islands around the caribbean, this time the get fairly frequent, but the light daily showers and that's not going to change the season over in which you, sol, puckett, is up in panama. is that in columbia? and bit further south and west in brazil, then this area is quite hot. the rear wheel cool down side so that pretty drawn a picture now. well, the windy weather's actual, the,
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our oceans are on the switch. by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking you'll bring deep sea trolling back global war. easy off, the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now, marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock the the broken back. you're watching out, just a real quick reminder about top storage here is another 90000 people in flood rafa
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in southern gaza in a single day. so total forced to leave by israel's when you defensive in the past week now stands at 450000 view and says there's no way to go polish during the 500 and say they have loans. $33.00 have taxed on his writing forces the highest number in a single day since the start of the 24th is an update in the heart of japan is switching in northern cancer and he was president joe biden, the shopping precinct tires on him for some china to protect jobs that heads up, that that was election. whitehouse has the types of bikes at $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products, including electric vehicles, batteries, and semi conductors. not french politicians that adopted controversial changes to the constitution of a specific, unintended trait. new kind of don't yet live in riots and a coffee was also have been imposed. the changes will allow people that lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote and local elections leaders from being
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digit as population. and as they connect to people say the move could, we can, the representation without correspondent wayne hate joins us live now from to down . got in news, even wayne. so tell us a bit more about what's behind these protests and you've got it down here. well, the 1st thing down is this, this has been going on for quite some time. we see regular protests, even violence on the streets. the most recent history can really be traced back to 1998. that's when a court and a code was signed with the ultimate aim, all of grants in greater autonomy to new caledonia, possibly even independence. but since then we've had 3 referendums. all 3 have rejected independence even though the last one in 2021 was bullied, covered by the independence movement. the reason we're seeing this old erupt again now is because the local elections are planned very soon for new caledonia. and at the moment, the only people who can vote in new caledonia, the indigenous cannot population who are very much of the same intro at the independence movement. or people who have lived in new caledonia before 1998. so
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anyone who, when the french nationals after that year after the code was signed, cannot take part in any new caledonia election. and that's what this change to the constitution will allow french nationals to be living in new caledonia for at least 10 years. they could then have a say, what have a part in any local elections that take place. as you mentioned, that cannot say, well, this is just kind of marginalize out with even further, even though they form the majority of the population. the french say, well, this has to happen because it's crazy that you have a situation where a huge portion of the population being french nationals who have lived there for many years can't take part in any local elections on waiting. so allies now back on the french parliament. so what happens next then? yes, well, that boat has passed in the french parliaments within the last hour or so. it passed as expected very comfortably now for it to be rub,
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a stamped for the constitutional change to actually take place. it will have to go to the congress. the prison is a manual maker on says he's in no hurry to do that. to call for the congress to get that to pass that bill to rubber stamp it. in the meantime, he wants to talk, he's opened the door to dialogue. he wants to lead us from both sides in new caledonia to hate to paris that control. so they can really try to charge a way forward for that to retrieve. what he has been clear about though is that it is french, new caledonia will remain french and they will not be another referendum. so on the streets of new media today, it's now wednesday coming up to wednesday, mid day. it's another 10 situation that tuesday morning, a work after a period overnight or relative tom. but there was still some gatherings taking place despite q. if you and there was a huge plumes of black smoke billowing on tuesday morning of the capital city,
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new me. so it's still a very tense situation there. all right away and a life as the from on got in use even when thank you. smell that your effective state has met the ukranian president and the 1st trip to key by a senior american officials since congress passed a $61000000000.00 aid package. and they blinking assured blood against landscape. the more military support is on the way as you crane faces intends to find russian attacks in the hockey region, townhome and reports from ukraine. second largest city, hockey desperate defense in northeast and ukraine. ukraine's military fits is newly released video shows bored goats trying to fight or for rushman cushion near the town above 10 that's on friday for the attacks have continued. so the fluid waste. this was 12 chance on tuesday, more of its residents to, to get out. well,
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they still time the russian to bone, susan, to ukrainian territory here, coming under the cover of the asteroid smell, its hillary refuge for now is ukraine. second biggest city? how to keep the hall? keith tooth. it's been on the heavy, aerial bombardment the months now. the residential building here is just been hit ukraine's minister of internal affairs. go can i make, who was there at the scene? you almost done you within the last few hours with several strikes on the city with them. and that way, even the center of the city where it guided ariel palm landed. ukraine's military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization, but it hardly feels like it, the elderly men and women, fullest of rum, to their lives. adding urgency to the cranium, president's meeting with the us secretary of state in keith. first thing, gratitude for the release of to months is congressional gridlock of $61000000000.00
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. the us military, a crucial package for all off the forces for our were those things. so much for this package, thanks to congress. thanks, prison by then. but soon it was on what was needed now on the battlefield to combat russia's long range, aerial power is or defense. the biggest difference is for us, the biggest problem. and we need really, we need to day us to bed through us 40400 can region because they are the people on their attacks, civilians. and where is everybody they are under arrest? and the shots on the front lines. you craning policies have been out number outcomes running, show that munition mr. blinking was in keith to signal that more help was coming. some of this already arrived more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were
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determined along with many other partners for ukraine to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term succeeded mean simply stabilizing, holding on one more troops, a drafted and trained military hardware arrives trying to hold russia's new momentum. john holman, out, is it a part of the police of this pass demonstrate as outside the georgia in parliament in tbilisi update approved the foreign interference low. the new legislation was passed despite weeks of mass protests demonstrates as fit could be used to cub descent and stand in the way of georgia joining the european union one day to meet them evident that reports not from the capital of tbilisi. it was a battle they had little of, of with the demons, faces gathered up upon demand for the final vote on the so called for an agents bill. police push them back from the entering
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students from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. the please. hello is accepted. we, we can't even use the certification. so why, why the hell we need it? because of the election that's at all of the very close. i see the things that without these kinds of measures, so it isn't possible for them to read. and the remaining time while protest, as john said outside the ruling, georgia, dream party was always likely to wind about as with the allies, they have more than half the seats and pond remarks. they said the bill was important. full transparency of n g goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad. we'll have to register as agents of 4 and into it . after several fights among and peas, the law was passed and built up outside as the results were now. for
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fee on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m p 's who voted for the law process of uh, who have been standing here all day. well, quite angry. obviously have the result of this, the boat and they, uh, came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back and most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the battery periods, which were locating the front gate off, solomons until the riot police broke through those guys. they wrapped up those closest to the gates, threatening things to you guys and cleared the street in minutes. within an hour, crowds went back with them. europe and politicians. that's despite the you wanting to lose adoption food and george's ambitions to join
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the block to. and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a part. as night fell, protest estate, determined to keep coming back to meet him at didn't go out to 0 spinning see not least 14 people have died in india's financial capital. them by opt a john billboard, collapsed on them during a, from the store. the, the start taking crashing down on several houses cars and the fuel station calling heavy rain and strong wins. officials say the news, a large billboard had not been a.


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