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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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5 poor drainage and you speak of the bill settled next. people leaving near the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the are close to half a 1000000 palestinians are displaced as these really ami continues its assault on vasa, when more than half of the guys population has been sheltering. the play you're watching l g 0. live from bill. how with me for the back. people also coming up the u. s. looks to improve a new $1000000000.00 package of weapons for israel, despite the by mid ministrations concerns about the beginning of palestinian civilians. the west president advanced p types on chinese enforce,
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accusing badging of not playing fast and cheating on trades. and frances bonham and divorce changes to the voting system and his overseas territory of new caledonia. despite the days of protests against the reforms, the thank you for joining us as well as renewed, pushed deeper into easton. rafa is leading to catastrophic levels of displacement. 450000 palestinians have been for side of the southern gaza city in just one week. they're freeing to other parts of this trip, where there's already widespread destruction and the lack of food, water, and sanitation. the u. n says they are no safe areas left for policy needs to move to. and central guys, at least 40 people were killed by, is really strikes that targeted a house and a school. what a space people had been sheltering and the new say about refugee camp. so high rock
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has more the is not celine office, adult tons of the locals can phone. is him in another room? nurses come so this, this one they tell him a clever boy. the is the sounds echo across the whole to sneak a reminder is a far as if this was the outside this woman cries quietly.
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a mind can also be heard saying us and is ro. oh to blame. i swear to god, my heart is in pain. she tells them now the palestinian men to the pro injures and relatives of the dead. listen to a man telling them to be prepared to meet the makeup is that he says is on every corner and every street. this has become an all too familiar scene across the gaza strip. the, this finds is ready for this week during some, several areas, including the slides for a few g come. a few weeks ago the they have returned with intense, foaming, under the guise of defeating some of the,
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the sauce. it's the civilians who suffer the nice the palestinians in the north, on the south. on being sped, either nearly half a 1000000 of them have been forced to be rough in just a matter of days. the another boat, the rock stopped in a sheet. this is full, as they say they'll have his name written on the white cloth. the full being buried to add is one of more than $35000.00 palestinians killed since israel launch did school and garza sort of height of algebra and handout of who dairy is in central gaza. and when to the house, which is ready for his bomb. deviancy around to refuge account as we saw, a couple of palestinian children that were rescued from under the rubble,
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heartbreaking memories as palestinian mother as a farewell, their children from under the rubble. not only that the rescue workers were having a very hard time as they were trying their best to pull more of bodies from under the rubble, the their beloved ones waiting for the rescue workers to help them hoping that anyone would be alive. the rescue workers were using their bare hands very basic equipments to rescue any policies in use that were trapped. 2 of the families that have been killed in this house were recently evacuated from dropbox, as they thought that to say it was a safe space. after that is really forces asked them to evacuate to the central area and a lot of other palestinians. we're, we're, we're waiting and still waiting for any news about the people to drop.
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unfortunately, after 19 hours of pulling the robot and trying to rescue people from under the rubble of the rescue, workers said that it's getting dark and they had to leave the bombed house and they're going to return tomorrow in the morning. as there are still dozens of policy news dropped under the rubble and their families are going to wait for them until they remove them and pull them from under the rubber. the usa department is send a 1000000000 dollar age package for weapons for israel to congress for review. this comes as present joe biden. paul is the shipment of weapons, the israel earlier this month. it one day is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu not to invades rafa without safeguards for civilians she ever attends every force in washington dc. this has been presented as a new long term deal to supply israel with weaponry,
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with the $700000000.00 in tank ammunition, $500000000.00 in technical vehicles and $16000000.00 in motor rugs not being available for delivery for several months or even several years it is a clear sign, the $25.00 jo biden's campaign donors, as well as those members of his own policy. i'm the republican party that it is business as usual, as you've had several members of the white house continue to emphasize in the us media. that is right is guessing everything it needs except for that one. shipment of 2000 pound bombs over the white house is a power concerns over the rough uh incursion. so father, the white house does not believe that the red lines have been cross, despite the forcible displacements of 450000 people. sir, an attempt to rear sho, biden's campaign donors and the democratic party in a week. in fact, when there was supposed to be more discussion in congress about potentially coming
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off the pentagon, the state department and the national security council was. busy by do and the by the administration to continue to withhold those 2000 pound booms. she, i pronounce the elders here at washington. the kind of world news, non us secretary of state, has met the ukranian president in the 1st trip to keep by a senior american official since congress passed a $61000000000.00 aid package. and the blinking issue of voted means uminski, that more military support is on the way as the cream faces intensified russian attacks in the khaki region. john homan reports from ukraine, 2nd largest city, a desperate defense in ne, in ukraine, ukraine's me latrice is newly released video shows for the gods trying to fight or
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for rushman cushion. near the town of both turn that's on friday for the attacks have continued. so the fluid waste, okay, this was 1210 on tuesday, more of its residents to, to get out. well, they still tying the russian to bounces into ukrainian territory. here. coming under the cover of the asteroid smell, its hillary refuge for now is ukraine. second, biggest city, how to keep in the hall. keith tooth. it's been on the heavy, aerial bombardment the months now. the residential building here is just been hit, ukraine's minister of internal affairs go, claim income was there at the scene. you almost done you within the last few hours with several strikes on the city that way even the center of the city where a guide to the aerial bomb landed. ukraine's military intelligence chief says the situation in the northeast is nearing stabilization,
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but it hardly feels like it. the elderly men and women tools to run their lives. adding urgency to the cranium. presidents meeting with the us secretary of state in keith, post congrats issued for the release of the months of congressional gridlock of $61000000000.00 a us military, a crucial package for all off uh, forces for all were those things so much for this package. thanks to congress. thanks. prison by then. but soon it was on what was needed now on the bathroom failed to come about. russia's lone range, ariel power is or defense. the biggest difference is for us, the biggest problem. and we need really, we need to day to bed, throws 40400 can region because they are the people on their attack. surveillance, and where is everybody they are under arrest? and miss us on the front lines. you craning policies have been out number outcomes
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running show of i munition mister blinking was an keith to signal that more help was coming. somebody's already arrived more of that will be arriving. and that's going to make a real difference against the ongoing russian aggression on the battlefield and were determined along with many other partners for ukraine to make sure that you succeed on the battlefield. in the short term succeeded mean simply stabilizing, holding on more more troops, drafted been trained, more military hardware arrives, trying to hold russia's new momentum, going home and out. is it a pot of key police in georgia? have this 1st demonstrate is outside parliament into b. c. after politicians of food, a so called for an interfering slope, the new legislation was spiced despite weeks of mass protests demonstrators here, it could be used to cub defendants done in the way of georgia, joining the european union to meet you maybe dental reports on the capital to be so
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it was a battle they had little of those of when the demonstrators gathered up upon demand for the final vote on the so called for an agents bill, police pushed them back from the entrance. students from colleges and universities skipped classes to be here. the please. hello is accepted . we. we can't even use the certification. so why, why the hell we need it because of the election. so that's how the close. i see the things that without these kinds of measures, so it isn't possible for them to read and the remaining power while protest is john said outside the ruling georgia, dream poverty was always likely to win the vote. as with the allies, they have more than half the seats in palm,
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the marks they said the bill was important for transparency of n g goes and the media. now all those groups and companies receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad, we'll have to register as agents of 4 and into it. after several fights among and peas, the law was passed. anger built up outside as the results were now for fee on both of the parliament protest is reading out the names of the m p. 's who voted for the law process of of who had been standing here all day was quite angry. obviously have the result of this, the boat and they came out here in front of the front of the building. they will gather at the back and most of the day. and then they started buzzing through the battery periods, which were locating the front gate off. solomons until the riot police broke through those guys. they wrapped up those closest to the gates, threatened things to guess and cleared the st. about 10 minutes. hour. within an
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hour, crowds went back with them. europe and politicians. that's despite the you wanting to lose adoption, put, and george's ambitions to join the block. the and the united states also announced that could be consequences. the us has about $390000000.00 in assistance. all that has to be under review. if we are now regarded as an adversary and not a part, as night fell, protest estate, determined to keep coming back to meet them at the didn't go out to 0 spinning see, members of parliament in france approved controversial changes to the constitution which would affect the voting system on the pacific island of new caledonia.
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they've been protesting the overseas french territory for days against the reform. the changes will allow french citizens who have lived in the territory for more than 10 years to vote in no for the elections. lita is from indigenous population known as a kind of people say the most good we can bear representation when a solving the story from till ronda in using the votes in the french column and past relatively easily as was expected. but now, the proposed amendment to the constitution will need to be robust stamped by congress and the french president. emanuel mack calling says he's in no hurry to try to push that through. in the meantime, the government says it wants to talk, so we'll invite leaders from both sides of the political divide to paris to discuss the best way forward to new caledonia. but the president has been very clear. they will not be another referendum on independence. and you, caledonia, will remain a french territory in the meantime, on the streets,
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all the capital knew me things of quiet and down a little, but there were still several large flies burning across the city. more than a 130 people have been arrested. so 5, clearly wanting to wrap this up and get the situation under control as quickly as possible. the french have sent in large numbers of police reinforcements. wayne, hey, i'll just hear a code on that. you don't a sale a head on algae sierra. i'm rather bright and sole south korea, rome, bold as birthdays, that some of the youngest faithfuls are celebrating and controversial style. the city active, whether it was moving through to appear on the north and the vantage still moving east was but it's left behind robert testing conditions. i have to say the sun's
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iodine chris, about 19 degrees. batteries about 20 to cheryl, still for 11 and one or 2 lights. each one's maybe for a run. it stuff as hard as it could be by dad's. it's 38, but you can pick further west. it's ruth and about $23.00. fine looking sunshine. the hot weather as to the south, the radio. and it's that 404142, doha, 3 of the breeze is picking up here when it picks up. it can help the generate thunderstorms and they've been there to building q right recently, but i think they're going to be the radiant side of the go. but east and saturday, that's your by right. and that could be dusty with to. that's the size of that. it's cotton dying, considerably the seasonal, right. and we're just trying to gather itself as the surface monsoon is doing that by generating a circulation. so it means that can uganda much dr. and they were few sheriffs and central after republic, golden, the all. so you can go to that, but they both that and then you got some of the seasonal rain left over off of mozambique or the terms of the otherwise it's not dry down. sometimes this being
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quite hold up in 10 is 29 k time was a 2810 to 21. and that condition continues. the why have american evangelicals become? his real strongest backer is us present. you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line, as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe, which is here the,
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[000:00:00;00] the bottom and back a reminder about top. so he's on algae 0 at this hour and have a 90000 people have said dropped by in 7 guys that in a single day. the total force to me by israel's renewed or offensive in the past week now stands at 250000. the united nation says there is no way safe for them to go. the us state department has sent an a deal of weapons to congress for approval, a $1000000.00 packages for arms to israel. it comes off to present joe by delayed a shipment of what things any of this month, or what concerns about an invasion and politicians, and try and set a post changes to the constitution, which would affect the voting system. on the pacific island of new caledonia. if in
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protesting the overseas french territory for days against the reform indigenous either save them or for the weekend, the representations us present joe biden, this shopping increasing tires, trying to import some china. the move comes just months out from the us selection with vitamin, saying it will help american businesses compete on a more level playing field. the tice will cover electric vehicles, batteries, and semiconductors and apply to $18000000000.00 worth of chinese products. they jane has one decision was severely affect bilateral corporation. white house correspondent, kimberly healthcare reports to us. president joe biden came into office saying he wouldn't do. his predecessor, former president donald trump's trade policies, but on tuesday, 5 in double to even triple down on new terrace to some chinese imports to united states. when you make tactics like these, and they're not competing, it's not companies,
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there's cheating. the tariffs will be phased in over 3 years on every thing from steel, semiconductors, electric vehicles, and more affecting roughly 18000000000 and chinese imports to view west terrace. so the electric vehicles will rise to 100 percent from 25 percent steel and aluminum products will more than triple to 25 percent from 7.5 percent or less. try to heavily subsidize all these products. pushing china is company produced for more than the rest of all can absorb, then dumping the excess products out of the market and fairly low prices. drive another manufacturers around the world out of business, the buying it ministration says the move will help american businesses compete. critics like for president trump, say china floods the global market with excess imports. it's too little,
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too late. for the trump made punishing china over what he called unfair trade practices. cornerstone of his presidency, igniting a trade war. they jang is vowing to retaliate against the latest action by the bible administration. we have also that data. sure. what we want to tell you is that china always opposes unilateral tariff increases that violate w t o rules and will take all necessary measures to safeguard it's legitimate rights and interest with the presidential election months away. politics is that the rid of this announcement, some of the biggest still an auto manufacturers are in the battleground, states of michigan and pennsylvania. president biden has pro. 7 us to protect manufacturing jobs in those states with the hope of winning boats in november, kimberly healthcare alice's here on the white house. where let's discuss this
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further now with steven. okay, and who's the ceo of a pac advisors? that's the public affairs consultancies. also a former deputy general counsel in the us state department in the us department of transportation and is joining us from singapore. thank you so much, steven for being with us. so your thoughts about this move by the, by the administration. what are the merits of this increase for the you a short and long term? well, what will the economic effect live up to the hype you think that you've got to look at this in the context of a decade, really of a trade winds. and you have to go back to what china started doing and in 2015 with it's made in china 2025 plan. what they did, you know, 4 years ago when they announced their dual circulation strategy, where they were going to have a stable ed economy in the industry that was going to look to dominate the key sectors of the 21st century, which includes electric vehicles include renewables, this is a reaction of the us government to that. the trump administration did an initial
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reaction to it divided administration of firmed what trump has been doing, or what trump have done, and it's up to on, on sectors like electric vehicles on renewables. so this is part of a decades long trade war and it's only going to get more intensified as time goes on by boss shots. but tires typically make more political sense than economic sense . don't pay a i mean that every country has terrace in every country, uses terrace in parker political science. and in part for economic says, there's nothing that gets done in a presidential election nearby. any administration that doesn't get looked at through a, a campaign lines. and so you will certainly make the argument that this continuation and then the hopping of what donald trump did is good sense for the buying campaign because it, it neutralizes one question which is, who is tougher against china? what americans disagree? and basically, every thing,
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when it comes to democrats and republicans say few issues, and one of those is china. and so yes, this does make political sense. but it also makes sense in regard to what china has done with this industries as well. yeah, you talked about steven a bite and paying what donald trump did. he said, present biting that his approach to tires is more directed than his predecessors. trump, what do you see as the direct impact being on, on china today as well? it probably isn't going to have a lot of impact on china because we're talking about, you know, 4 percent the, these tariffs impact 4 percent of the total invoice. and right now, john is not in 40 any electric vehicles into, into the united states. so that the question is, and i don't think the economic impact in china, of these terrorists, the other questions will be, will other countries joined the united states?
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because trying to use that export in a lot of electric vehicles to, to europe will be you follow the us leads. that is something that certainly china is going to be very nervous about. and, and china is not going to sit by and do nothing. so they're going to take action against the united states, right, and, and then we'll see what happens to the chinese economy. and he was telling me over that, do you do expect a significant china retaliation? how, how might they hit back? you think? well they're, they're going to hit back and they said they're going to head back. the question is, do they hit back with terrorists of their own really the, the, the, the us sector most susceptible to chinese structural the agriculture. so i think you can expect a strong consideration of chinese terrace on agriculture, but then they are non tariff barriers that china has used in the past and will likely use again, it could slow down the regulatory approvals of us companies. you could see
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a chinese boycotts of, of, of us companies that have resulted in, in retaliation for these tariffs and most worryingly. i think that everybody is you could see a stopping of the cooperation on other areas where we need to see us and trying to cooperate such as on, on climate change. and so there's a lot of retaliation that can come outside of a tit for tat on chairs from china. steven ok, and thank you very much for talking to us about this good to get your insight. thank you. now don't i'm swimming roy and michael cohen has been back in court, giving evidence in the form of us present. tasha money trial go and told the court that trump forwarded him to pay adult him. actress told me daniels more than a $100000.00. he says it was an exchange for assignments on an alleged sexual encounter with the former president. trump is accused of falsifying business
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records to cover up that payment. he denies all charges. the us justice department says boeing can be prosecuted for 2 crashes involving its 737 max jets more than 5 years ago. that's off trade allegedly failed to meet requirements of a deal that protected it from prosecution. 346 people were killed in those crashes in indonesia. any field? bullying says it on at the terms of a 2 point. $5000000000.00 settlement to columbia now and a former senior commander of the now disbanded fock rebel group who was room a to be dead has appeared in the video. yvonne marquez his field, expressing support for peace talks with the government columbia. as government says, this video of my case is real. he was a chief negotiator of a 2016 deal with the government, but later took up arms again. it was reported that he had been wounded in an assassination attempt in 2022 and later died. but that version was subsequently
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denied the renown canadian officer alice monroe, has died at the age of 90. 2, hailed as a master in contemporary short story writing, monroe was awarded the nobel prize for literature in 2013 books, explore themes of the human condition, including aging and relationships. she was diagnosed with dimension in recent years and passed away late on mondays. 10. mcguire is a ride to a base in vancouver, canada. she says no one else could pack as much new wants into short stories to wait. alice munro did that. she just wrote about everyday life in a way that made us all feel seen when i woke up this morning and saw on my instagram, which is full of writers from the eastern time zone. and everyone was writing tributes to how alex monroe had affected their lives. i went to my book shelf and i'm like pulling up all of these books just so many of them. and so the way that she wrote the short story is just better than anybody else. who is a master of the form?
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it's very, very difficult. i think with writing the more words you have, the easier it is. and she gave herself those constraints. and her writing was crystal clear. it was almost unemotional, so vivid and sharp. and there, nobody could match her. her work is timeless. it can be read at any age and interpreted at any time with the different lens. and i think that she will just be remembered as a truly gifted writer who, who saw the lives of girls and women, and wrote them very clearly with beautiful pros. and it just made us seem like we were worth it. now wednesday is a public holiday in south korea to mont. food is birthday. the lead up to the event includes different festivities including controversial d. j who's attracting


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