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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 15, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the columbia university is a place that inspired a move line to across the united states to demand an end to the world got how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the the prime minister, old so evacuate is hospitalized. ok to being schultz, following a meeting with supporters. the spelling so rahman, you want to go to their life. my headquarters here in the also coming up so i'm signed full 76 seconds, one for every year since the knock about all catastrophe when palestinians are forced from the homeland
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and 76 years old, history is repeating itself with an even bigger catastrophe insulting and gaza best fighting wages from the north to the south. and in some cases, the most intense israeli attacks in weeks rushes lots of bit putin signs of degree naming a new russian government, including his replacement of the defense ministry. we live in moscow. the let's just bring you breaking news. coming out to slovakia is capital where the populace prime minister enrollment fee because the shots and injured the sheets and your code in the town of hon. glove i know of process law, the prime minister c k. well shows on so a government meeting needs to be transferred to hospital and it's believe the suspect has been detained. slovakia as president has express to shock over the
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incident. elena can sco is a vice president of policy and program. he claims that case security policy. think tanks and joins us again from process law, but i'd like to good to have you with us again. i know this is a breaking news and the patient is very sick as but how shocked will the slaves like people be this attack on that prime minister? that is definitely not. not something that anybody is love. i can't expected. somebody has been a pretty full right country over the past year. there was a round of elections. so of course there was a natural political tension in society. and some political rhetoric was pretty heated, especially in the run up to the elections. but mobile, the absolute can no, but the psychological leaders or from political forces goal for violence in the country. quite the opposite. everybody right now is trying to unite a single insurance message. the political violence is not something that we support
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. i'm is the responsible thing to do to condemn violence. we'll hear that also from deposition leisure's pro rally behind the prime. you start wishing humorous with recovery and comes in and i went to go buy my skin slovakia. the short time ago we spoke, and you told me that politics into the back, it has been polarized since the elections and debates could often be seated woods, as you say, come, be misinterpreted. i think they'll be a lot of analysis as to the types of language that are being used in the lead up to this attack and whoever this individual is the head shot, the prime minister questions will be asked about his motivation of absolutely questions will be asked about his motivations, questions will likely be as possible about the mental stage or the permit traits of but also about the psychological climate in society. but it's clearly polarized as a full part is now we'll have to sit at the table and consider what the acceptable
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means of problems has probably conversations covered or relate to each other in the public discourse. but again, what, what's here right now from the political leaders is to calls to condemn violence and do not escalate the situation further. and the laws make pretty much for our conclusions. ok, and point lane. so others without 1st haven't established what actually happens. let's talk about the politics also the kid because you said that the elections and the results and the conversations be quite polarized. so what does polarize the company? is it the relationship with the you? is it the economy? is it the cost of living or is it russia, ukraine? what's all the hot topics in slovakia that have got the public? you might say at olds with each other to the right shirts, concerns and society say for example, a lot of people are concerned about the state of, according to me, a lot of people before elections were concerned about inflations about the job
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situation in the country. and different parties and different leaders with offering different solutions. the may have divided lines of course concerns. what is the necessary course of action that needs to be taken for? one to live in line was concerning the situation, the war in ukraine, and what to be slower position towards the war. the work people were saying that we need to continue supporting ukraine as the other parties, including the partners prime minister kids. so we're saying that we need to start more intense time with russia and hold for a peaceful solutions and look for ways to and to work as soon as possible, regardless what it means for territorial integrity of your printer. there are also another way with disagreements which concerns of the reforms. that's what done inside the country. there was a wave of process against the decisions of the government workflow to reform, traditional system or tools. for example, a reform the public broadcast and media,
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and change the way how the government relates to the media and impose more control over the media. but again, not all these protest movements wherever colon forward political violence, quite the opposite. the process needs names and then position part is we're trying to organize a public conversation on the topic and find a way to sort out the disagreements in a peaceful, political process. and of course, a alaina, one of the biggest issues will be the security around the prime minister. and what would assume that the heads of stays all well protected. but he was actually shots in handle of a small town outside of brought to solve a. could you just give us an idea of what kind of a is famous full? is it a working class town city? is it a high economic tech center? what sort of people live, uh it's the top is not particularly the same as far
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as, and it's a normal place, which probably is the best for selection of the fact that even in the most normal environments, in the most traditional places, such acts of violence can happen in the car, political environment. so it's uh it was a meeting with the regular population. the regular people and prime minister was trying to shape crestwood, found a few supporters when this attack was happened. but there was nothing remarkable or nothing outstanding about the place itself. that would indicate any predisposition for violence, but we shall continue to mother to the situation as it developed since the moment elena could sca joining us from brought to solve us. thanks so much for your time. thanks the
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. it's been 76 years since what palestinians called the, not the 76 seconds of the sound of sirens rang out across the occupied west bank marking each year since the catastrophe. that's when more than 750000 to, to move full from the homes. not today the suffering and even greater catastrophe. with more than 35000 men, women and children killed by israel's will. on garza save us. one of the joys is on line from ramallah and the occupied westbank when collaborations are being held in half being held throughout the day. how would you describe the mood zane considering is to be one of the most brutal? yes. so fall off of palestinians living on the occupation as well. it's been simultaneously festive and hopeful, the very somber. we have to remind people that despite everything the palestinians have experienced this has been the worst year as on 5. the mobile as that might
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seem, in terms of everything that they've gone through since the not quite to discuss the more i'm showing now. but a c o budget and advocacy officer at the palestine institute for public diplomacy. thank you very much for joining us. can you tell me um, how do you see the collaborations today? how are they different from past years with a shadow of what's happening and guys with intensification in the west bank of the military occupation. yep. um, thank you for the introduction. i, i do think that's, that's a mixture of anger, pain, and hope. at the same time, it's not a collaboration because for the past 75 years we have left an ongoing knox for this year has been more abusive with israel's decide of warfare against pumps to the ends. and does that this year is randy officials did not even care to hide the incense to raise the palestinian people, destroyed the population and force them under starvation. this is how it's different, but at the same time, despite all of these mass, so mass of bruce's killings and destruction,
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we're seeing that palestinians are even more determined. they're more hopeful, specifically the younger generations who are more committed to work and strive uh to a future where palestine and the future of the funds to me and people are free from design a long. it will definitely saw that a number of young people who are attending the the ceremonies today and square now in terms of when you speak to the international community. when you advocate policy and policy change, policy shifts, one of the biggest problems is realism, trinity, and all of this is carried on for decades. how do you begin to have that conversation as you see the violence escalate? yeah, as i said, is around the has been practicing and enjoying impunity for the past 75 years of this year we, we see on something unprecedented that the, the world structure is, is beginning to shift. we're seeing that global house movements and governments are trying to help israel accountable are trying to isolate this, read and hold it to what it deserves. accountability, sanction investments,
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no relation not to be normalized. we need more of this. we need to treat as relevant international community needs street as well, with a as in a title states as a subject, communion states who has not been stopping, killing palestinian, and raising palestinian trying to control the land and, and move the people out of it. so israel and the international community to basically we to start to look at a shift in the paradigm where is the is put on how the accountable sanction until the palestinian people are freedom, not only with a ceasefire, but from the entire structure of this design. and stuff look long and review and the entire policy and people can practice, practice their freedom and self determination and the right of return of policy and the refugees. i'll see a little budget. thank you so much for your thoughts. thank you very much. so a reoccurring theme, when you speak to palestinians here, especially today, has been that in order to end the occupation, something that is
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a relic of the past, there has to be accountability, but also as long as international in the international community, united states, europe, neighboring error countries continue to normalize the dehumanization of palestinians, and the circumstances won't change to bring it into that the international community needs to take the lead from its people and change the way it governs and change its policy and the region say, but strongly that force and romano thanks very much. now the us is going ahead with a new of shipment to as well, pending approval by congress night comes off to present trade by and delayed a consignment to bones of this month. are the concerns about the rising civilian death toll in garza from the select hospital. the binding administration is to send a shipment of weapons to israel worth more than $1000000000.00 the 1st to the country since us president joe biden put a consignment of $3500.00 bombs,
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like these on hold. that was halted due to the high number of civilian casualties in israel's war on dogs and fears. it would launch a ground offensive and drop off civilians have been killed in gaza. so consequently those bombs and other ways in which they go after populations. i made it clear that if i go into rafa i haven't gone on roughly yet. i go into rafa. i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with ross. but the us move drew for years, criticism from israel, who has a game. we are determined and we are united in order to defeat our enemies and those who want to destroy us. if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. i have said that if necessary, we will fight without thinking dials. the new shipment will be comprised of tank ammunition, tactical vehicles and mortar rounds,
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but there's still no indication of when the weapons would be sent. congress still needs to vote on the measure to, but it's likely to pass in the republican controlled house. the united states has both privately and publicly voice. it's opposition to israel, expanding its military actions in so far as more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking refuge in the southern most city in gonzo. but this latest weapon shipment will be used against palestinians and israel's war on gone. so have the central jersey to truly is though is kimberly how can i taught white house correspondent to it? kimberly, it's interesting that this consignment of problems that will be set now to israel comes after a sort of stop starts approach about the american policy on what's going on in
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gauze when the relationship with his royal or yeah, there's no question that this is a sort of full steam ahead after a pause, but it shouldn't be a surprise given the fact that there was a language in the. a sort of message that there wouldn't be this pause in the shipment of bombs, the 3500 bonds because the white house said very clearly that it was only pausing weapons that were offensive in nature. in other words, that could be used by benjamin netanyahu. these really prime minister for the ground operation is rough. uh, we're more than a 1000000 palestinian civilians are sheltering. but they never said they being the by the administration that they would be pausing. weapons that were defensive in nature. in fact, just the opposite. they continued to say that they would be considering those weapons and then that they were iron clad in their commitment to defend is really to continue to send the weaponry. so that is what we're seeing. the 1000000000 of
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weaponry, tactical, and ad munition. it just sort of really underscores the fine line, but the vitamin ministration is walking right now. and of course not find like it gets getting sent it to a certain extent because you have domestic pressure on the, by the administration, in terms of the demonstration that with seeing that. and the pictures that are coming out of gaza with global capital's and the people you might say, blaming the united states are continuing to send weapons if it's a double edged sword, isn't it for the bite and ministration right now? is they head towards that presidential election? absolutely, and it's always all about politics. and so the problem for this administration is trying to kind of please both sides. it's under enormous amount of pressure from the global community. the domestic for protests that are happening on campus is even within the, by the ministration and from within the democratic party to attach conditions to
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the nearly 4000000000 and military a that is given to israel every year. but at the same time, there's also the pressure of the jewish lobby that is also very pro democrat as well. and so this is the problem for our president who's trying to keep both sides happy and when another term in the white house of. so what do we see right now going on is the president essentially saying look at, we set the message to benjamin netanyahu, that there is a limit to what we will do. and that was done with that pause and that sort of sectioning off of what type of weaponry would be said. now that, that message has been said, it is full steam ahead with the other types of weapons that the united states will say. what is notable the very quickly is the fact that this tool is being exercised . something was not really seeing since ronald reagan was an office. can we? how could the white house correspondent with that update? thanks. kimberly lets bring you some breaking news to me on to all the stuff
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straightened out as being a large attack on the center of gauze. a city honey, about losing the about outside of the aisle exit hospital. how do you just bring us up to speed? what we think has happened, we are getting a you might say, by both site and footage of the aftermath of what seems to be a large explosion kind of attack thing. garza city. yes. within the past said, 45 minutes that you're drawn seemed to have fired the missile, and a group of people on of july 3 of the, one of the major, the street, the center of god, the city is very popular driving before the world right now, largely empty as the vast majority of the people there were force into displacement, but that was a group of people who work gathering out of an access point for internet connection . the vast majority of people here have family members in the southern part in the central and trying either to get ahold of them to talk to them to make sure that
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they are okay. or to try just to keep up with the new is just understand where they are going, where the supposed to be a go. and as these really monetary intensifies, it's a talked in the northern part and gaza city where they were a talks deliberately. and this is not the 1st time we've seen this kind of pattern of attack them civilian gathering a larger group either. it's either a, the food distribution point or the internet connection, or even a solar power do that. you're going to charge their phones or, or computers have been repeatedly in the past months, over 5 times. the worst of this was in a different one where at least 12 people were killed as they were trying to get internet connection so far. what we learned from the civil defense, a crew members in gather the free people, were transferred to allow the baptist hospital that the dogs a square were located. they arrived at the hospital already did bodies. there's a few more who are at a critical conditions and we're expecting the numbers to increase of the past 24
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hours. we've seen is right. the forces pushing deeper into garza, both north and the south. where should we be focusing all retention right now? well, the really military has already pushed deeper. it's a majority of, of the true pakistani ground forces, but the funds are part of the value of it. there's also these reports, print reports of extreme in classes and confrontation between palestinians, finding rubin valia and it's all just squared with the really military. but as these really monetary push the part of the center of the body of refugee tab at is this fully the vast majority of very manic. and so buildings on the phone with facilities including the evacuation centers and those evacuation centers are managed and operated by honor what the united nation for policy rest of these were hundreds of display families from other parts of the northern part of the said
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being children and right now, they're either trapped inside these evacuation centers or they don't know where to go as the where sharply order into but further in for this place into the western part of dogs and see that is largely unsafe right now. there's really monetary issues a statement talking about as pods and target targets. all of her mouth infrastructure seems your body of refugee tab, but what we see it on the ground and what from the reports that we're getting from either the civil defense crew members are trying to help. the vast majority of people targeted our civilians. on monday, the display families inside evacuation centered or inside residential on say great, even if they are also expanded. 8 in force displacement borders into further northern parts to base last year and around the mileage was hospitalized. the surrounding areas pushing more people into further internal displacement and causing further civilian casualties. the civil defense groups,
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our members are unable to reach to areas where there's really monetary, has full control, just increasing the risk of people losing their lives in the, in these areas who need speaking just dare about it. on the side of the images you'll see on your screen here on i'll just ever english. a recent is really attacked in the last few minutes from dogs. a city many injured would leave just as many deadlocks. so what the numbers all yet? we'll try and clarify that for you. in the coming minutes. the wants of the days of the needs done ukraine's present governments. lensky has cancelled all up coming forward visits, as the country struggles to contain rushes advances in the east ukrainian troops of withdrawals and some areas of the hockey region of the us. secretary states on sunday, blinking is covered in ukraine to racial cube of continuing american supports, including a $2000000000.00 package to hold joins though,
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from car kiva and joe new york to a sort of displaced people center of those that have had to leave. you might see the conflicts, i mean both of the a see what are they said, the dead or i say it. what of that hope? so the future you have is about a 1000 people now side the of had to leave the towns and villages on the border region where russian troops of adults crossing over from restaurants and know, facing you crying and what's become a new front here. most of the people here have come from both the chance, which is the biggest settlement there. a town of before 2020, to about 18000 people. now there's less than 200 there and everyone's getting out and facing the well, they kind of the ones that we've been speaking to a been arriving here. we're just a few bags will. they could carry as they even go live from vehicles, they'll have to will get a bicycle in the case of well,
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one goes to the parents to get to where they could be picked up. um the relief to go to hockey city or the city as well. where we're at and where this, this place center is also suffering aerial bombardment from russian forces as well . there's been people dying. i, i'm being injured in attacks in, in this city as well. so it's not a complete safe haven. i'm from here on. they'll have to go with the friends and relatives where they can that ukrainian pool. let's just say that working to stabilize that region. the for us has been a box house where i have to say in the coming days, how successful that is to on home and with that update from the car keys, thanks very much. i a rush as president assigned to decree, naming a new government including replacing the defense minister documentation says that everything must be done to ensure that the russian army is able to fulfill its objectives on the battlefield. agent says that russian forces are advancing on all
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funds against ukraine. you lash up of all of us and join us now line from mosca. so we have a new face in the cabinets and it's the new face of the defense ministry. a . i've seen a, at this meeting with high ranking military compound is i've left him a fusion that hasn't produced since that point in defense minister and great bellows of his also are renowned economist in the country to the russian top bras and explained his appointment of by increased spending on defense and security in russia, so many see this appointment of better use of as an indication of a need for change and the russian army that russia is probably preparing for a loan. who according to peyton, what we hear from him. and he announced the increasing ministry on the spending on the development of military industrial complex old that will increase jobs in the
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country and will increase the economy. and preacher has also said the army must be more effective to and the conflicts in ukraine as soon as possible. so so, so the defense minister survey showing good was present that meeting and let him present express his gracias shooter survey showing your he had in the, on a full 12. yes. now he has been appointed a secretary of the russian security council. so from now on, he will also not receive the minutes industrial complex commission and facilitates corporation with foreign countries. and i also understand that it will be no changes in the leadership of the general stop ends while larry give us some of his go. 6 into a to retain his position of the piece. and also said that he passively discusses the situation on the front line in ukraine with the ministry of defense and the general stop every day. and according to him and according to the ministry of defense, russia shows some advances on the front line right now. you know,
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shop of oliver. thank you. as the thing you need is adding the chosen government to his door, it's controversial, foreign interference will the science it would negatively impact is probably the best tool joining the blog. the new legislation was passed despite weeks of mess protests, but the bills passed, which didn't spell the end of the debate to meet you meant to think it as well for me to please say you're a fee. and officials of reiterate that, that comments about the negative consequences of the costing of the so called for an agents bill, which was approved by george's parliament on tuesday. so this bill will require a n g o's and the media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to declare themselves. agents are for an input, your foreign policy cheaper. so that federal has said that will have a negative impact on george's bid to join the european union as a candidate and the folks pass the phone. nato has said that it is a step away from europe in euro, atlantic integration. now we've spoken to the e u,
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a best of the to georgia. i don't have cheapskate. and he says that it's too early to talk about concrete consequences because not all hope is lost still. and that's still a window of opportunity to have this module. ya know, to you there, there's still a window of opportunity to get all of us, including the government, 1st and foremost the government should use in order not to let it happen. in case discrepancy, yes, there will be consequences at, but we are located there and i sincerely hope that we will not be there. so it's all boils down to the veto procedure at present problem is that obviously is expected to veto this law. and that will be returned back to parliament. and this could take another couple of weeks, reaching that in co, out to 0, releasing to the, to us events, drums being close for 2 days after protest as well. a full sleep moves by police under the students don't find the organizations premises demanding that they've cut
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ties with this really, universities officer, a step boss and met students that were involved philosophy students studying. and so that was from the box most here took part in protests against what they consider to be the universities complicity in israel's war on gaza. this was the see a day earlier students with napa phase violence before at the university of am. so them, 05, say it was a shopping experience. yeah, you definitely don't feel safe, you dusty encouraged to let your voice be heard. but of you for the 1st kind of saying that they've taken a sense of these issues and whatever people are feeling is really not important to them. hundreds of students suffered injuries and reese and protests. the university was not available to comment and students the months for it to cop ties with is for 80 universities have not been met students for us to think that class has outdoor, still recovering from the fire and staff experienced over the past week. many didn't expect that pulled testing and then that list would be so dangerous and that
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the right to demonstrate was come on the so much pressure video stake inside the university show not only police using force, but a group wearing mask as well. university estimates losses are as high as $1600000.00. missy international says social media posts from dodge politicians like fi ride leader. he had thrilled us as freedom party, dramatically one most votes and elections last year. a few of anger intentions by calling students come and, and to submit to of what we've seen in recent days. it's not happening in effects. you i'm, there's growing support for, for right politicians and politics in the netherlands. and this is a, it's a direct and immediate threat on the rights and freedoms. we are sort of for use to internet lens and um and the city is, is, is very, very committed to is 225 back because there's,
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there's something at stake right now. students say they're not to bother by the damage done to the university building. why wouldn't really awesome.


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