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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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the young man, besides regions, and so many others, he goes to them, he makes the effort. we care strict. the israel's military strikes, a group of people gathering for internet access and gaza city. at least 4 people are killed and dozens more in the play. you're watching l g 0 live from deal i would need for the bad people also coming out satellite images show the scale of force displacement. then guys of southern city of rafa. the un say 600000 palestinians have fled in just over
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a week. also in the news, the prime minister of some of ok. yeah. is fighting for his life on to being shot in what appears to be an attempted assassination. and rushes present environment routine, arrives in china to cement what he's called a no limits on shape which region face the thank you for joining us. it's been another day of bloodshed across garza, with dozens killed and countless others maimed on the same day. palestinians mock knocked back the catastrophe. and one of the latest strikes ms. ty, hate, a group of people gather an internet access site. at least 4 people were killed and dozens were injured. many critically, lower, con, begins coverage. the. this is the off to math of and it's really a reading goal. it's a city. a heavily populated area was hit as posting and got to,
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to use an internet access points. this happened not long after it's ready. boot is, it's much through does a 2 neighborhood to make a new road for tanks. as their tongues withdrew comedies or tons only to be faced with both death and destruction. i remember that as the we were shouting into school, which they showed an order in the way of a funding dead bodies which turn on the street. and then that we a separating hook going and then they fund our houses and show them we came to the schools and then came here to see the damage debt. it's so common here that people will post a covet body along the street, barely demarcated by the broken buildings on either side. people are gathering most of the food materials they can to suffice the same stories struggle in civil labels, street off the street. here did you need family had fled,
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is ready bombardment and the jabante refugee camp. the north to seek shelter, the ruins of gulf, the city. i have a show of the i've got their number on my here. we are thrown on the street and they destroyed our houses. my 4 older children died. our homes were destroyed. they shook us and they threw us on the street so that she had some children, a trying to stay positive in the darkness. and in the summer and neighborhood nearby moved devastation offered his re strike on his un clinic for the days of some years. ship on a way to life was just reading news about paula about london. i woke up in the morning and heard people talking about an a strike on the clinic and if 6 seems dropped to miss out on it as 3, that's what i came. and so my mother in pieces and my father next to her. so i took the bodies and buried them all. hello, you have
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a home to come over the live areas of refuge have become targets and backgrounds. and to be ready, fundable palestinians are left with blissful protection. laura comes out to 0 and i'll just hear his honey. my mode sent this report from outside out at the hospital, endowed by law. following the latest is really strikes. this is has been part of the pattern of attacks. we've documents documented a monitor for the past 7 months. it's the tops and all means of life. old, the social services have been eliminated to include it. the service is as simple as being connected to the internet or having your phone to charge the properly. a group of people were on july street. that's at the one of the major streets in garza city. where at a point of trying to get internet connection were targeted by
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a drawing that the attacker drawn the targeted then by firing at least one missile at the crowd, 3 people reported killed right at the spot. and one more person reported it killed inside the hospital as soon as arriving to the hospital, that's a standing critical injuries and could not make it. there are other injuries who were transferred to the hospital but are still a very critical conditions, particularly difficult time looking at a hospital that is, is largely running at a very low capacity in terms of medical stuff and the medical supplies inside the hospital, unable to provide the necessary needed medical support whatsoever on, on a separate attacks is really military continue this track and intensive by its artillery, selling as well as the ears try on jabante, a records you camp way more people reported guild that causing a great deal of destruction including a journalist in his family,
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within the past couple hours, a journalist works inside the the refuge account documenting these really attacks on the public facility. the residential buildings were attacked along with his, with a member of his family. were reported killed in an air strike high tubes of these really settlers has again attacked trucks carrying life saving 8 that was heading towards gaza. they climbed on to the vehicle, sewing and destroying supplies. he is really settlers then went onto attacked 2 of the palestinian drivers, injuring them both. they talked to pricing of the legal is really the settlement of faith in the occupied voice of the united nation says around $600000.00 palestinians have fled. rafa in the 10 days since he's really tags forced the culture of the roster crossing. this is an aerial shot of north west rafa on the 4th of may 2 days before that he's really action began. and this
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is the same location on wednesday this week. as you can see, most of the tents and shelters have been removed. that same thing can be seen here, an area of rafa full of tends on the 4th of may before these really ami began ordering the latest evacuation. and here's the same place, 10 days later they've all gone. but where are they going to? well, this is one of the paces the acts, the con university in hon. eunice north from rafa. an area that i'd been most be flattened earlier in the war. on the 4th of may, there was not a tend to be seen. but by this wednesday, it had filled up something similar that can be seen in the coastal area of out of my why fi? why the number of tents has increased dramatically. as of today, some 600000 people, a quarter of guys as population have been displaced from rough, i since the 6th of may as this really ground operation. there continues the office
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where the coordination of imagined affairs as ground incursions and heavy fighting, also continued to be reported. and there are by law in central garza, as well as in jamalia in northern casa, many of the families now on the move. once again, have already been displaced repeatedly since october, regardless of whether they move or stay civilians in guys and must be protected. and other developments as well as defense minister you. i've got line to come out and opposition to address control over guys after the war is calling on prime minister netanyahu to roll out such a possibility and to consider palestinian alternatives to her mouse immediately. when you call it last time it shut off. i called on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping, that there will be no, it's really miniature administration into strip. and that a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately.
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i'll just here as mom and jump june is following the dispute within these ready cabinet from jordan's capital and mine because and this now government has shut down now to sierra and israel in a public spot laying bare the divisions in israel's war cabinet on wednesday at a press conference in tel aviv israeli defense minister, your wife, golan stated publicly, that is real, should not be involved in military rule in gaza once the war is over. he also called on his really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to publicly reject that scenario as well. now, not too long after that you had the prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying that the palestinian authority won't rule gaza and adding that as long as how much remains no other party will govern in gaza. also responding a 3rd member of the war cabinet and is reopened against e back galani said golan speaks the truth, that it is the leadership's responsibility to do the right thing for the country at
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all costs. now again, this is all really showing deepening divisions among members of the work cabinet at a very critical time. at a time when more critics of nets and yahoo are stating that he has not expressed any clear plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over in a so called day after scenario. we know that the americans have been frustrated by this, and i've also suggested that netanyahu would try to formulate a plan for how gaza should be governed once the war is over. but also we've seen more and more on named members of the military establishment, but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted throughout these really media landscape and is really media outlets expressing frustration about the fact they don't think enough as being done to come up with a plan for a post worst scenario in gaza. also, members of the military establishment named members, but members of the military establishment, nonetheless, being quoted and is really outlets saying that they are very worried that because
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the political leadership in israel is not heating the advice of the u. s. and what the u. s. is urging is real to do that, that could constitute a bigger fracture. and the relationship between the us and israel going for how much i'm just here. i'm not a and a reminder that mom in june is covering this from come on because israel has found out just sierra, we're reporting from outside israel. meanwhile, her mazda is leader, is mind, honey. it has blamed israel for the state of maiden si, fi negotiations. in a statement to mock the knock by any a rejected any postwar settlement for guys without come us. well, in the column, we recently announced our agreement with the proposal presented to us by all brothers in egypt and could talk, which was known to the american administration and followed up on the occupation, responded to this proposal by occupying i controlling the rough crossing and actually starting the aggression in the rough i area,
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i'm entering the jamalia camp and those a 2 neighborhood in kansas city. and they made amendments to the proposal and put the negotiations, added impulse. all right, we're going to take a short break now and i'll just say, right, i'm still ahead. i hear you free. i'm was this going had to had again joe biden, and donald trump agreed to hold to tv debates ahead of the us presidential me next . past leading the fighting and car keys, more families are forced to join the millions already the space by the war in the had a low. then let's get the full costs for north america. and it's been something of a stormy situation across central parts of the us. well,
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the phones are still there and moving their way across more east and areas, and we'll see the development of another batch down in the deep south is very heavy . rain to come in for texas. that is likely to cause some flooding issues. the rain stretches across the woods, the midwest, behind that we'll see more in the way of wet and wintery are starting to develop a coast west and parts of canada and the north west pacific. and that's going to drop the attempt to rob a do magic a in calgary alberta where we have seen those wild fights as welcome weather starting to push across into central parts of canada on friday. so the south of this, it continues to be a very why and also very hot picture for the southwest and southern areas. we're expecting that temperature in dallas to continue to rise over the next few days. and temperatures are rising once again across moving parts of mexico, the story of heat to cool century america and the caribbean. searching 9 degrees celsius that in monterey, on thursday, does drop slightly on friday, but the heat continues from much of central america and the caribbean with
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a mix of sunshine and showers. first day to friday. our oceans are on the switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global war. he's eating off the choices, sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now marine conservation is, are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. the
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the challenges here alive from bill ha, recap on top stories, at least for palestinians have been killed and many more injured in and is really striking guys of cities. they had gather data and internet access points on the day that the palestinians mock the $76.00 out of a 3 of the black box for catastrophe. that's when 750000 palestinians break spouts from their homes. in 1948, the united nation stays of on 600000 odyssey means that fed verified in the 10 days since this really time forced the closure of the rock a crossing a series of sound. light fixtures show the scale of forced to space swings. palestinians have been subjected to the police in the us saw arresting students at an encampment at the university of california irvine in support for a cease fire in guys. hundreds of students at the campus close on for electra hole
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on wednesday, university of california irvine is one of many colleges across the country where protesters have been demanding that schools divest from is really companies let's bring in allergies. here as rob reynolds was at the university of california in irvine at rob, set the scene for us. what's the situation now on the university grounds? well, it is a uh, coming to a head now of follies. you can see behind me a line of some of the hundreds of police officers who have gathered on campus. and just a few moments ago, a police officer with a bullhorn announced that this the gathering of, of the gods of solidarity protesters and students on campus represents an unlawful assembly. he gave the 5 minutes to disperse, which a considerable amount of that time has now elapsed already, and warned them that if they did not disperse, they would be subject to arrest,
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stand to possible use of non lethal force including projectiles. but tons of the irritating, chemical sprays and other means of force as well as being placed under arrest. i'm gonna, it's gonna show you a little bit. now i can see of a line of many of the police officers here. they're wearing helmets, they have tons on some of them have of the types of launchers that are used to launch a non lethal palate rounds and we don't see any tear gas guns, but the good can be assured that they have them. um, the protesters have moved back away from this police line, but they haven't gone away. they're off in that direction. a few 100 meters. they are not leaving the area. some of them chatted. shame when the police made their
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announcement earlier today went all of this kicked off the some of the pro of gaza solidarity students occupied a science lecture hall here on the campus of u. c. irvine. that at that point, police did begin to gather here very large numbers. they entered the student encampment for down the tents and arrested dozens of people. and we believe that they have now cleared that whole as well. um and the i just walk through the site to the in camp and it's a bill and full of debris and already university. uh, the maintenance workers are sweeping up, sweeping away the remains. right. the guys are solidarity and camp, but still a heavy police presence as, as we saw there behind you rob it. and we're also hearing a strike has been authorized by university employees.
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that's right. there. 48000. the university of california, the, the entire system across the state. and many campuses who have authorized to strike . they are represented by the united auto workers. and they are student teachers of various kinds of campus workers. they say that the students rights have been violated, that their rights have been violated, and that they ain't to disrupt the operations of the universities and their various campuses. as a direct result of the universities cracked down on the causes of solidarity protesters that the strike could take place as early as uh, now tonight it's wednesday night here in california. but it's not clear when that will actually happened. but it was a very large majority in that group of nearly 50000 employees. and if they do go out and stay out for a protracted period of time, that's going to really create
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a very, very difficult and disruptive situation on campus. even though the academic year is nearing its end of these, these workers perform a vital function. so to, to sum up, uh, this is one of the, a final, apparently outpost of the campus protests here in california, which is now coming under intense pressure from hundreds of police officers who intend to clear the protesters away from this area. they've already torn down the attendant campus and they say that anybody who doesn't leave is going to be arrested and possibly subject to non lethal force fall from thank you very much for the update. of course, we will uh check in with you a little later for an update on the situation at the university of california irvine, or let's move on to having use and rushes present. vitamin poaching has arrived in china to visit his country's biggest and most important trading part that i put in
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is just met the chinese president changing, paying at the start of his to day state visit, which is set to underscore what the need is call in no limit spot in a ship. this is built in 2nd visit in 6 months and his 1st overseas trip since being so an invoice, 5th, presidential tab or how does 0 is katrina, you has more from b, j. u a. so it's been more than 2 years since china and russia declared no limits on a hot mission. and this was letting me a put in is returning to beating to deepen a relationship that both sides say is going from strength to strength and want to let you enjoy the 2 heads of the state agreed to continue to maintain close exchanges to ensure the smooth and the steady development of china, russia relations, the chinese president student painting has met pushing more than 40 tight. but this is a rushing lead. his 1st visit since he secured a 5th to an office, he will be accompanied by nearly a pointed defense minister, andre below soft and foreign minister. so gay lover of it comes
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a week after she visited europe and refused you. officials calls for it to go to moscow to edits invasion of any crane. she has however, pledged to control the export of so called dual use items that could be used and rushes wolf featuring has denied providing its military. i'm innocent with homestead in terms of appeasing of europe and saying that, you know, we're trying to do our best. are you her, she say, you know, i'm in favor of a truce. i'm in favor of a peace process. but, but this idea that you should stop trading with russia because it's not in our interest that's not going to work. savings. trade with russia has grown increasing hughes, and is now with an estimated $240000000000.00. much of it is boil and gas exported to china at the discount prices. this economic support has frustrated the western efforts to isolate the problem and through the use functions. washington has
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threatened to cause health chinese banks from the global financial system. if the rest of the military production, changing things, welcoming of president person is widely seen as an act of defiance against the united states. they oppose this and is working to upset us lead international order and a strongly supported by a russian tensions. but the us have pushed the neighbors to set aside historic disputes along the shed, buddha cushions to day trip. we include a visit to hard pain in china is northeast. during the late ninety's sixty's, the region was a place of hold between the 2 countries. is now a symbol of corporation. katrina you all to 0. thank slovakia as prime minister robert faith so has on to go on surgery after being shot in the suspect or assassination attempt as he greeted supporters after a meeting, 5 shots were fired at close range was secuity, scramble to confront the shows that the government says the attack,
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which has left the prime minister in a critical but stable condition was politically motivated, or forty's have arrested a 71 year old. my mom and from isolate this was the moment shots were fired. that's little fuck is prime minister about the seats. so just a few feet away. the suspect the truth is russell to the ground. the prime minister was to see bundled into a waiting vehicle before the gosh. the hospital was late to it listed to a specialist facility. but his condition was initially described as life with most new bits of cove i was filling me by minister fits so as shots went off, she said like 5 o'clock is your last of doctors cover the love of her by so blood on his head. and then he fell next to the bay area and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from this should not happen in slovakia is defense minister said the attack was clearly politically motivated. we're just talking about the level of democrats in both capabilities to understand the child
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to, to accept the opinion and not only one is the good one. if somebody has a different opinion, it's also have also his play phone on the field for disease. the issue. what's happened is supposed to go off of it. that's perfectly and we have to be on that. the stable robot seat. so had been attending a government meeting in the town of hon. clover ne of the cops and brought this off . this was the press conference he gave shortly before the shooting. i mean, a course of international condemnation move on to you as president said, the talk is hard to comprehend. a physical attack on the prime minister is festival . an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop at the attempt on the 5 minutes since mike
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comes 3 weeks before you'll see in parliament the elections in which populace on the far right pulse is expected to do well fits those. but the populace nationalism has to be the focus of repeated outside governments. post a slovak is longer assessing electrically the fits so may the ballistic of come back last september of to 72. previous to run a pro russian anti american campaign and has promised and military support for you, could i a country instruct, now waits for updates on it's lead us 5 for life. how many funds does the united nations refugee agency says? there are now more than 3000000 ukraine's displaced within that country, and more than 5000000 refugees abroad, the latest to free people from the khaki region in the face of a new russian offensive john home and report some hockey just the
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day before. so she went to school, the cat were in the home in full chance. now they're in the center for displaced people and how to keep getting a male, a head of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for 5 man who has no home for now inside of cave in this place. but what could be my plan is such, just explain to me that this is all they've got a live don't have his life in both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is russian forces across the buddha and into ne ukraine. a new offensive which has kept several villages, resulted in street fighting in the biggest part of town. both chance some of these russian forces have bound to rescue policies of trying to get people out of it explosions and they say attacks on the vehicles. so it's
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a good, what's the roads are being challenged with renee, the funds are being dropped from drone just sometimes you even need to get out of the car and put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian that you're taking the elderly. but that doesn't always help them assume that after we spoke demitra drake but to try and pick up more people victoria parents face the room problems getting here. thing, but bicycles, larger procedures. why we don't lose or shot at the automatic lupins and the cross roads of every past occur soldiers to house to us. we jump into the car. they say to me, hold on, because now we will go at the speed of light. a little bit of them as a now they staying and one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. and most of the people have gone on to friends or relatives over them. they took no one to take them in. at least they reach safety. they told us the
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bottom of the when of, and they huddled in the car. it all way from the windows, even ukraine, 2nd city, under constant bombardment, isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keep from stars declared a state of emergency in its specific island territory of new caledonia. after protests left, 4 people dead. the civil unrest was tre good by controversial changes due to be made to its voting system. the french parliament adopted a constitutional reform bill that would allow french residents who have lived on the island for at least 10 years to vote in local elections. indigenous cannot say the move will die. new very votes to us present. joe biden and former fries and donald trump have agreed to hold tele vice debates. the 2 candidates have reportedly agreed to june 27 for the event which is due to yet on cnn. another
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debate is fine for september, the 10th on uh, the us network, a b. c. presidential debates have usually being held in october. i white house correspondent, kimberly hawk. it has more us president joe biden has challenged for president donald trump to debate one. that is set to take place much earlier than typical for presidential debates. the 2 man has bypass the non partisan presidential debate commission in both format ad, when these are set to take place. in terms of when this will happen, the schedule that the 2 men negotiated in real time is set for june and the 2nd for september they'll take place in television studios without an audience. and what we know, according to the video announcement by joe biden, is that he is going to show up in.


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