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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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will actually let me have these days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best time remained best, produces the best spaces. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the on the, you're watching the news, our life from headquarters, intel time, teddy, you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel says 5 soldiers have been killed in northern gaza by friendly fire, but how much says it's responsible? that's as more than 600000 palestinians have been forced to flee the south in just 10 days. south africa requests that you and top court orders, israel to hold it's offensive injured off off. we're live at the have plus russel's
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lot americans that expresses his gratitude to exchange and paying for china's initiatives to resolve the war in ukraine. on devin ash, with sports as the agents football confederation facts kind of signs. bits of suspend israel from football juice of the war and golfing the hello, we'd be getting gauze where a fierce battle is underway in the north. the is really military says 5 if its soldiers have been killed and 7 injured in japan. yeah. and what it says was a friendly fire incidents, but on for some brigade stuffs, the orange, we got from us reports, it's forces killed 12 soldiers and what it describes as a complex operation. sarah, hi. rhodes begins, are coverage. the skies in gaza on the client
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decided to go. drones constant be kept to close on palestinians 24 hours a day. that's continuing as is the heaviest is ready, bombing that palestinians have ever experienced those in northern gauze. the what is well known, sits will last year for the strikes had ended in january. that was when israel said it had this month. so thomas, this moved onto the central garza thoughts phases of several months later. and israel has renewed its intense involvement. what are you in places like to buy the a refugee camp or being a tax every day. and on wednesday as strikes go dozens of palestinians. they was filmed moments of to one of the the images of
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names, people or q crossing to show the bodies arrived. the hospitals in 7060 is to the day off to the next ball, also known as the catastrophe took place when the line is full, says forced a quarter of a 1000000 palestinians from that homes and then mfc the wireless on them. and as you can see, there is going to other people in this house were injured and been not house to go to help. so we feel that even though we are a life, it's solid and got tons of work. what's the best within the north? killed several is really soldiers. this video is said to show injured troops being evacuated out of jamalia, or despite international cause for it to end the will. these ready government says it will continue fighting across the whole of the goals and strip and not justin russell himself. very stalled to the major offensive last week. israel says it's
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defeated hamas except for a few battalions and drop off, and it's targeting remaining flights. is a mazda is it's still going strong on and it slates this video. it says it's killed a group of his ready soldiers and jamalia using on to tank missiles and explosives view and says 9600000 people who have been taking refuge in roswell, have been forced out. israel had already to space them from the noise and the center of the strip. now they're on the move once again in a small stretch of land exposed to attacks from the ground. amid certified, i'll do 0. ok will have is really reaction in a moment how much i'm doing the standing by for us and i mind, but 1st let's go to talk to about as soon was joining us from jayden. better off in central garza. so i taught it, tell us
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a more about what you're learning about side incidents in the north with the killing of the is really soldiers, as well as with the wider situation is like there as well to read. it seems that the value of refugee camp is a very difficult area for compact between these valley medic tree. and these palestinian proves to have been having different various items, even a, a low d confrontations, but in the streets of that very densely populated areas we've been hearing from eye witnesses in jeff valley or it could you come to have been confirming that the continue to see the explosion is being taking place to be used by the performance of developed yes, into markets, alongside with a number of residential buildings that were completely destroyed as a part of the invasion to the hearts of the count that but the military wing of how much continues to issue statements regarding the killing of age very so it just will have been pushed in the eastern area spoked about you're saying that the
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managed to input treat behind enemy lines in order to attack is really maneuvering troops. while the is very many treat earlier today has announced the kidding or 5 of it so which is in a clean mist. only gentrification, incidents by 2 is really meant to treat tanks, that witness kind of a strange movement for adverse. there is, but later it has been discovered that they were brittany, lead uh, troops on the ground, the pricing that we have been hit with different tank shows that destroyed the buildings that were taking does a show up from the palestinian fire. so clearly the nature of operations, that sounds particularly sonia, as the jamalia refuge account, has been the focus for the east, very military operation for the past couple of days. whereas the bottles that are getting raging more and more with more high and intensity with newly top till now in fighting on the move casualties among civilians has been reported in the past couple of hours. okay, so i'll just stop by for just a moment. so i'll come back to you in a little bit, let me just bring in the, from
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a jump through who's joining us now from my mind. so how much, no doubt that the desktop is really soldiers affects the public in israel. but how much pressure is it putting on the is really government as well that he has put a lot of pressure on these really government before i go into that, let me just tell you what we for us for about that incident from the is really army they put out a short statement in which they said that there were is really army tanks that identified a weapon that they fired in the direction of an area where there were other is really army units. they are calling this a friendly fire incident. they say as a result, 5 is really soldiers were killed, 7 is really soldiers were injured. they say that they are probing as to why it occurred. and why this other is really army units may have been mistaken for armed fighters. now that's what we're hearing from the army about the incident, but the fact of the matter is some more that the is really public here is about depths of israeli soldiers in gauze, especially at a time when the israeli military and these really prime minister continue to say
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that their operation has been successful, that they are eliminating how much and especially at a time when the public continues to see that the army is going back into areas that they have set in the past, were cleared of how much fighters? well, this is causing more and more people in israel to question the advocacy of how the operations in gaza are being put forth. what i mean by that is that in poll after poll, you're seeing a majority of it's really citizen saying that they do back the war effort. but more and more, they are questioning how the war is being prosecuted because they are seeing depths of israeli soldiers. they're seeing the fact that these really military is going back into areas that they had left, that they said that they had cleared of how much fighters prior to now that's on the one hand beyond that, we're also seeing a lot of discord amongst is really military leaders and is really politicians into that end. just in the past couple of hours there was a new tweet that was issued by yeah, you're lucky if he's the opposition leader in which he said, among other things, the government has lost control. soldiers are killed every day. in gas and they fight among themselves on television, the cabinet is disassembled and does not function. relations with the americans are
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collapsing, they have lost the north. you can't go on like this. we will not win with this government. that's very much, actually some of the stuff we've heard from a lot of military officials over the course of the past few days. so we're questioning why a plan hasn't been put forth about how god it will be governed after the war. and just one more thing to add when it comes to the kind of pressure and it's in the yahoo and others are facing from the public. we have seen a statement in the last hour from the family members of the captive, still being held in gaza. where they are urging is really officials to put aside their differences to continue negotiations to go back to either chiral or cut that to try to get into a cease fire agreement finally so that their relatives, those captive still being held in gaza can finally be returned home okay, thank you so much and how much and by the way, just to let you know how much engine was reporting for us from my mind because israel has band delta 0. so that's why we're having to report from outside of israel, but we'll take you back to gaza now and bringing part of a zoom in once again todd and joining us from data and been asked to give us an idea of what's happening and dropped off as the is really,
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as we understand also intensify their attacks. they are mean the one thing about 600000 people have left in the past week or so. where are they going? as well right now, the reading roof is considered to be as a ghost town where it's high, it has completely empty streets where before it was completely over crowded with civilians as it was a main show. so more than 1500000 palestinians who have been informed by these many military to seek refuge in rough law as a safe place. but yet it's no longer safe as they have been issuing more evacuation or does court residents in the central areas of roughly recently dropping leaflets for residents in the western portion of the city about any information that they couldn't get about their captives being huge in the hands of hamas here in baton street. by the same time we can see how difficult on back to the raging or from the
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eastern areas of rough uh where we see how close to contact. the only thing we have from us uh, fight is on the east valley military, on the ground. they have been attacking them with different explosive devices and onto tac. besides and, and very different complex military options in the that area. the military, it has been describing the operations to be completely limited within the expansion of the fighting. gradually, as with a new evacuation or the v is when the military is going to exact move pressure on palestinians bike ride. you want a small, the expansion of the fighting to reach to the central area and as soon as they get into that area, it means that they're always on the control of a rough i district. now we remember the flip, buddhist are still close by the use very minute tree because of the existence and both and both, both of them at the same time, civilians here are completely impacted by that fluid as are no longer able to get any kind of like saving supplies where the civilians also in russell or continue to
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be kids in the past couple of hours for the city and from the same family have been target said. and they have been transferred to a box to the way to hospital in order latex to be provided for. 2 you as a wait the hospital right now is appealing the international community to afford them protection as low as of any potential military. encouraging for the use for the central part overall, which means that they have to wait to hospice to be any way to function on the ground. it means that roughly will be completely isolated from the entire territory that okay, thank you so much part of mazda and reporting from dayton by the in gauze. um, so todd, it was just discussing this your scale of forest evacuations that have been captured by these aerial shots of northwest of us on the 4th of may. and that was 2 days before the is really action begun. then this week you can see most of the tense and shelters have been removed. but where have they gone? well, this is one of the places and find eunice north of for the house. on the 4th of may
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not a single tons can be seen. but now, as you can see, the number of tense has increased dramatically. israel's defense minister you'll have the launch has come out and opposition to israel's control over gaza after the war is calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to rule out such a possibility to consider palestinian alternatives to her mouse immediately. and you call it, of course, i mean shut off. i called them prime minister benjamin netanyahu to declare that is really not to have a civilian rule over the cause of stripping. that there will be no, it's really military administration into strip. and that a governing alternative to home us in the gaza strip will be promoted immediately. let's slow speed to keep elder who is a political analyst is also a contributor to the daily is really paper her as joining us from tell her you keep a elder. welcome back. so these public disagreements that play out on everyone screens between the work habit and is really cabinet ministers. they've really been
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going on for months. but we, we haven't seen any real fall outs or any resignation, know resignation of the governments even. what do you think they're about? are they just the smoking mirrors campaign? i don't believe so. i. i think that we are an attorney point in the democracy even, you know, at a very strong prime minister, very popular. oh. well, not as popular as he used to be. it cannot just send children. we're talking about the people that he just died. the phone just are 1819 years old without telling them and the parents, what is the purpose of this whole? and this is actually what got on said this is the 1st time and member of a policy of the unit cabinet is saying that we had on kind of leaks from benny
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guns. we has just a few minutes ago about the leader of the opposition. the bead um who uh was uh, actually telling us that this was going know, was an accusing net on the out for lack of leadership. but now this is somebody else. uh, this comes from the house. oh, really cool. um you said the minister of defense is taking the risk of uh, losing the next race for pregnancy and you'll hear more and more voices. for instance, today, you know, as a former major general, he was the only man of the ministry of defense who is using this i know of acting graces people. oh, be that he is going off the radio. you have know a group of
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a have those mothers who are crying to start the war and more and more people would say, we will ask our sons to go to prison and not sure in the army because nathaniel is number one right there. you guys, what is the end game and number 2, what is he doing about the 100? 32 checks that are dying in rough. uh, they were just mentioned good. the soldiers that were killed the moments ago these, this area of the, the soldiers were killed and isn't the north of the gaza strip. and this is an area in which the defense minister himself sent just 4 months ago that he announced in fact, mission accomplished. that they've gotten rid of, of how mass fighters in that area. but clearly what we said, that's not the case. how is this really being viewed in israel? the more and more people, i don't believe what they hear from the tiny house that we are
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heading to the absolute victory. the sounds more and more in a good day. like um you know, uh a political message in a bad day. it sounds like a bad joke, as you just said during the ease, riley is doing another use done back to hun eunice, and they wouldn't be back to the northern um and i see that the, these rise also realized that, you know, in june next months we avoid jewels miles 57 years of the page. and i remember there was a major uh cheaper stuff done to one who says, oh, i mean 87 after the birthday, the father that look at what happened was you. there is no military solution to the war. that is, i guess,
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people who are fighting for the freedom. now more and more, he's mad. he's a very worried about what he always doing to our special relationship with the united states. that he thought of it called down for the american elections, hoping that his fried his old friend, donald trump, literally back to the white house and save him from you know, the, the ultimate fee. this is waiting for him. his prison right is a drive. it's still continuing mister elder, i just got to ask you about one last thing since you are with us. and that is the us central command. now announcing appear for supplying humanitarian a to palestinians and expect it to be operating within days. this is their statement. they said on ex that the us central command says the temporary peer has been anchored to the beach and goes off. so it says that trucks carrying humanitarian assistance are expected to begin moving
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a source soon. the united nations will receive the aid as coordinates as coordinates, rather it's distribution in gaza. i gotta ask who your thoughts on this development and, and how you're covering this at a tire. it's particularly what a lot of people say, well, look, you have crossings into gaza. why don't you just open a pressure that is really is to open up the crossings and allow 8 in the i so 80 that is a loss control over what's happening in does on one hand today, the international court of justice is looking at the the sawgrass we can both be addiction appeal and both of you know, what days what is acting in, in gaza bringing simon and is one has to opposite. so actually the united states is heavy, is where to answer the question, what are you going to do about this of asian and guys are actually the united
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states to hold the responsibility for the lives of people who live in gaza. and there is a patient who is not able to supplies in the last few days, the simplicity of westbank attack trucks who came from jo then who passed the jordan river on the way to gaza and has banned the supply to gaza. so yes, the united states is telling us these ways that they don't trust our government and that they are taking over and the, the, it comes with the message that don't expect the united states to supply more munition to keep them all civilians. so this is the 1st time i remember, you know, i will be covering the relationship between these are like united states for the last 40 years,
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almost 40 years. i don't remember anything like that. and these right people are watching. and i believe that, as i said before, we are heading to was probably you will actions because this cannot go on the right. people understand that it wouldn't come from the grass roots, it will not come from the government. now it's got 60 full, solid string gushing the connection, right, but there wouldn't be more and more mothers who would refuse to send the children to us. okay, thank you. okay, for also thanks for speaking to us from tel aviv salenti morehead on the als. is there a news hour including this leading the site in your own car keys? more families are forced to join. millions are ready. displaced by the war in ukraine. security is tightens outside of hospital and a slovak council. that's where the prime minister is recovering, after an assassination attempts defensive. get their hands on it for the 1st time
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and for years of coming up in support, which i'm the so 1st for us as president's letter for the 2 in his bank change and paying for trying those old initiatives to resolve the war and ukraine. he's in beijing for talks with russia's biggest trading partner. this is putting the 2nd visit in 6 months, and his 1st overseas trip since being sworn in for his 5th presidential term. she says that he agreed with concerned that a political solution is need a warrant to settle the war and ukraine. strong phones, each of the both sides agree best. a political solution to the ukraine crisis is the correct direction from, from the chinese side. looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability on the european continent. and we'll continue to play a constructive role to invest in. so we have katrina here in joining us from facing
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to tell us how this trip is being viewed in china. the. the katrina, can you hear me? well, she jumping has cold blooded me. yes, i can. sorry. for the presidency just thing has pulled. let him if he's an old friend and he certainly received a very welcome earlier this morning in the aging and red top, it was rolled up to him. and he's also accompanied by a very big russian delegation studies. nearly a point to defense, municipal school, and the defense minister of foreign minister and several important finance minister . so that tells us that on the agenda. well, he's missing that you do thing, and he's chinese counterparts used to warn you crazy and trade and investment. and on thursday morning we had a closing meeting between the 2 liters. and in the afternoon, there was quite a big joint declaration, signing,
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as well as the signing of 10 different deals on everything from increasing economic corporation to people's people exchanges in the protection of siberian. tiger. now, during that signing seton king, who did what he said was strengthening of 75 years of diplomatic ties. you said that this china, russia relationship was a stabilizing force in the face of us with gemini, though it did not target any. the pause we also talked about expanding trade in that in 10 years, china, russia trade has grown by 170 percent and it still had the potential to grow more. now as we just charge you to be also mentioned, the water we prayed, instead that helps both sides will find a political and peaceful settlement that now gladly appreciate need use responses. you appreciate the efforts from china to seek as a solution to this world. he says that china had validated or acknowledged trying rushes security concerns, and you'll see that the board floods working towards more multi polar roles or just
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any criticize the pollutants digitize ation of global solutions as united nations. and also what he said was closed alliances in the asia pacific, specifically referred to the locust pact, lead by the us, which aging says, is designed to contain. all right, thank you so much. katrina, thanks for that updates from basing. well, earlier pushing had said that russia on china both wants a political solution to what she calls the ukraine crisis before me. yes, this way. certainly, i will certainly a phones, the chinese president on the think crisis. we are grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues, felt the initiatives they are putting for work to resolve this problem. and you'll use up of all of us running us not from las go to tell us how this trip is being viewed where you are. this is viewed as symbolic and significant. of course, russia sees the relationship with china as strategic and particularly strong is
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considered a chinese main triplets, co ally and pod. now it's been particularly vocal about it's trying to unite with china to challenge the was level of dominance. as katrina mentioned, the economy is rapidly growing between the 2 as well and also about its significance. this is the fast for and visit just the days of the patients integration for 5th time as president. and he's bringing his renewed cabinet of ministers with him and the russian delegation. indeed, it's so big this time around. china has never condemned russia for invasion of ukraine. that's also quite significant. and many say that the russian economy is critically depends on the position of beijing, china. it's certainly providing russia was a considerable support in the current conditions of western sanctions and is supplying russia with a wide range of goods. we can see an increasing number of chinese cars on the streets of russian cities in most cases as well. so from calls to smartphones,
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and we just had the, the countries that going to develop nuclear energy as well today. while china enjoys rushes, cheap oil gas and coal. but the russian market is small compared to china's economic relations with the united states. and the european union, the for this find the friendship and corporation with russia. china says it doesn't provide russia with lee. so weapons that's russia can use against you crate. and one of the important reasons for it is that it's a threat of functions from that american and european pausing is him trying to valleys and doesn't want to lose, of course. and today we're hearing that the trade between the 2 is growing. the countries are increasing the payments and the national currencies. and of course, there was a big hope that the issue of the ukrainian conflicts indeed will be addressed and talks about as china has suddenly leverage over russia. but so that leverage shouldn't be overestimated. that because trade and the economy may partially influence legend improvements, political decisions,
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but primarily he remains on his policies. okay, thank you. you'll your thanks for that update from moscow. we'll keep a conversation going with dimitry. babich was a political analyst with the russian news agency. sputnik international, joining us from moscow, welcome to l. just they were just on the points about the ukraine. first of all, because we heard fruits in saying that russia and china, they both want to put little political scituate, a political solution, excuse me, to it, to the war. and you create how much leverage this china have over russia when it comes to create as well. turn to those notes that was never seen before, the visa and russian interest and the rochester, while the top laid out. very nice. so my position, i would say was the stick. some of the unlike the width of got this, which absolutely insisted on the page. and basically, trying to use the mice, it tries to kind of the, the, uh,
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the tensions uh and you get the pain or congress saw right now. and this is a step in the right direction. i think if any concrete cutting now the can be judy on the pain, but primarily the dresser and the glass. uh, that will be china. even though uh the rest is also full. start with the china. this is the main reason for the mazda betsy. no. the chinese, the need did not quote the whole thing with the west. not on the street g p, a chinese address. they did. they never made steps. i based the but trust the bull is just, we added to the west of the city and you probably have the, i think the china, more or more of the stats, the pinion is just a rule, the west and for security people, what's rather primitive, wonderful. that ok on other as soon as i mean we heard the 2 leaders saying that they've agreed to deepen their strategic partnership. but are there limits to the strategic partnership? do you think or, or is it limitless as was described?
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i think it will depend on the west, even the states of the your be union continue their orders just oh today which are very of the barriers they can use that. oh, so try and use the p g u the 10 years ago. uh, experts absolutely excluded the passivity or arrow so chinese, alas, they said that uh china and never had our eyes trying the whole is considered that so some 6 also russia will be given that of that as each but we do have that. so most of the experts, the school that the very best to be the 2 or 2. so changes at west. now i think we do that. and the main, the fact could be found. this was not a change in the leadership rush to try me. well, the growling, because pretty cold, the, with the pressure on the west front trying to get closer and closer. so what my so,
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so you're saying that person is trying to send out and to whom by making china his 1st for and trip since he took office once again. and what is he looking to get out of beijing? i think the main message is russian does not want to be. i somebody to brush it will be ours. so the we want to be open to the wall either. well or just, jason, the dice be the fastest. what's uh, what's through the united states as your union, the cost of dies direction even before you bring in price or start up in 2014, they made steps in that direction. so russia is not an isolated use, that fee will open to all their weiss this weekend. so including china, which is the call to early bed mattress boxes we find when, when, when each of the, what's the message from who to use the global. so that's a little bit blow your mind around graphing china for the future. well,
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what do you use to get signed? good this, not somebody in washington or the european union will give you that just all. okay, there me 3, bob, it's thank you for joining us. from us go. thank you. the united nations refugee agency says more than 3000000 ukrainians are now displaced within their country. and that more than 5000000 refugees abroad. people from the car, key region are the latest to leave in the face of a new russian offensive to home. and reports from car keeps just the day before session. to scare the cat were in the home in full chance. now they are innocent to displace people and how to keep getting a male, a head of an uncertain future. you could see what can be the plans for, for a man who has no home for now, and it's got a cave in this place. but what could be my plan is such, just explain to me that this is all they've got
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a live story of his life and both chance. and they've got maybe 4 or 5 bags. that's what's left of that life. now. 8000 people in the flight is russian forces across the buddha and into ne ukraine. a new offensive which has kept and several villages resulted in street fighting. and the biggest boot a tom both chance is russian pulse is a bunch of rescue politics of trying to get people out commit explosions. and they say the tax on that vehicles look at the low. so the good, what's the roads are being challenged with renee farms are being dropped from drone just sometimes you even need to get out of the car and put your hands on it and show that you're a civilian, that you're taking the elderly well, but that doesn't always help mislead me. after we spoke demitra adroit, but to try and pick up more people victoria and
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a parent stay so room problems getting here. thing but bicycles or anything was so much your procedure why we don't move our shop at the automatic lupins and the cross roads have already passed a kind of soldiers to help the us. we jumped into the car and they say to me, hold on. because now we will go at the speed of light and little bit of them as a now they staying in one of the few rooms in the center. it's meant mostly for processing. most of it people have gone on to friends or relatives who would like or they could no one type them in. or at least they reach safety. they told us the bottom of the width of and they huddled in the car door way from the windows. even ukraine, 2nd city, under constant bombardment, isn't really a safe haven. these people don't home and i'll just see the how to keep the
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ssl just say right here. as a reminder of the top stories this, our b is really military says 5 soldiers have been killed and a so called friends, the fire incidents and giovanni, um. but how says that if carried out the attack, killing 12 soldiers in a, quote, significant and complex operation. in january, israel declared it had dismantled thomas battalions in giovanni and the united nation says around 600000 thompson and have been forcibly displaced by that is really military and left off in the past. 10 days alone there being order to live in overcrowded refugee times. the international court of justice is due to hear arguments from south africa calling for an immediate end to israel's offensive and rough. it's part of a case accusing israel of genocide. pretoria is demanding emergency measures to hold is really violence. more than one and a half 1000000 palestinians had been sheltering ended up off and are now fleeing
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the southern city. and south africa once the court to order israel to allow unhindered access to gaza for you and officials, humanitarian agencies, journalist and investigators. on january the un top court ordered israel to do everything in its power to prevent genocidal act and allow aid into gaza. step boston is joining us from the hague step. just set the scene for us. tell us what we expect in the next few hours of the one. it's been over 4 months since the south africa has filed this case based on the china side convention against israel. here at the highest you and court, and south africa size and all this month, israel has just ignore the orders by the court, let alone it has actually escalated. the situation in about 5 south africa says this is a decisive moment for the palestinian people and they also sat and this new application
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that is true is contemptuous of the court and international law. so it has no 5 for a new fact to the court and that's where they're going to base their arguments on a later this afternoon. and one of them is that they say that's an alpha is now the last place of refuge for the people of guys. if last of falls guys are, will full. the 2nd point is that they say that by occupying the border crossings of from, of how far that no human to terry in age and medical supplies can go in. and the 3rd part is that the effect you ration. so it's that as well has a, or that the people to go to a basically a determinate, the extra in the nation zones. and the calling it's uh that they're pointing out at the mass graves that have been filed at the several hospitals. and you guys have those 3 points according to south africa genocidal acts. and that's why that has
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now filed this case for additional provisional mattress. on top of the provisional matches that already were ordered by the court in january. would they say it's a decisive moment and that's why it's urgent that the court has been calling for these hearings this afternoon. okay, stuff will be crossing back to you as and when these hearings got underway for the time being. thank you for that update from the hey. can we can now speak to lindsay was who knew who south africa's minister of social development and a member of the agencies committee on international relations. she's wanting us from george and the western cape administer. thanks for your time. once again, so this is the 4th time that south africa has gone to the i c j. tell us while you're going this time and what you're seeking. and i'm thank you very much for this opportunity as to like to convey to all of the progressive policies working with us to make sure that is that i is. ringback the genocide is that i as so what
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is happening to women and to the impact of the war on women and children, we are going back there because as so that's because believes that we cannot stop something in these. these is the reason for the because some way, way they're going to see what's being done. and on top of because it has been escalated to the wall against the people of palestine. west of phone is when they asked me to an area where they were thinking that maybe this would be a place that will be better than the destruction they come from. they face executive, they're saying for black men, they say exactly the same text based the same. if not, what we're aiming for in all kinds of assistance to them is not quite simple, right? questions piece that i is a great rates as are saying, i mean there hasn't been an escalation on a reporter was saying that previous orders have been ignored by israel. so if the
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court and votes in your favor, this time, what practical impacts you're expected to have on the grounds that we did it in peg to be faxed, fee of. so being that i texted to be the going one of the benches, games that we also expect a repeat of the re please, by the people to admit with the nature that they have are wrong. this is for them to be treated like a human being. and receive a human tab. yes, i see says that is coming from the united nations that is coming from one of the most important thing is to assume to the safety of women and to live in band for being on the road from one to 4 months. now and what sawgrass, the car do, the actions that you need to write at the beginning by,
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according to the internet is not part of just the what else was find a way of pointing at this genocide. unfortunately, this has large cabin space. absolutely no respect for him. is it as soon as we pull this up because as we know, respect for the is to so i would suggest is good. and so we believe that we cannot be because we, we need to continue to, we get to where that people highly stein, find themselves in the old men leaving in peace and prosperity. so the talk to you expect us to have, if you're saying, and as we know, as i mean these, i see j rulings there, there are binding under the un charter, but there is no enforcement mechanism. so do you expect it to have some sort of diplomatic impact and how do you think this may change the international dynamic and the narrative to be on the edge of my team?
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it's also about assisting us to bump it like the entire wise well this person is the best thing is because it's actually taken on the base is or what so that became has done that to do with the various best actions that had been in and that and you 20 principal, we are holding back from the students. what might see every way from the progressive policies well coordinated with. and this, that he's been in having somebody has said they can be able use even to as soon by the quote. do you think from your point of view that this worries is real at all? not only the south african case, but also i mean, recently we saw that egypt has also added it supports to your case. this is not just did you know, we will be this and also i see in what we like the the agent next i'll call you need to to really move the order is march to be on it,
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whatever the 3. but it may be, let's say, please go ahead and on the courts in the waiting because it all fits with them in making that right just with the presentations that we just made by itself, bradley guy and due to the fact that the 1st action we to does not seem to be heavy, that necessarily. but we're also happy to see that the united states is it says, we have caches that are supporting the members people at this time. we have the 143 countries, they just as supported. we will be good on extra and then he would take, he is going to make an impact on the extremes that i've taken by on either progressing was this was white. okay. well we shall see what happens with the proceedings for the time minister. thank you. so much and do is due to south africa's minister of social development. thanks for joining us. a slovak police
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have charged a man with the attempted murder, a slovak. yes. prime minister, robert fitz, so the prime minister is now in a stable condition after being shot 5 times as he greeted supporters after meeting . the government says the attack was politically motivated. natasha butler reports from central store vacuum. this was the movement. shots were fired to sleep vacuums. the prime minister robot fits within moments, the suspected shooter is russell to the ground. yes, and he saw a witness said the gunshot sounded like a fly of crackers. the deluxe of doctors, covered by so blood on his head. and then he fell next to the bay area and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from this should not happen. in slovakia the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and left it to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave town bank sca history. so where are you on the winton operation that lost it?
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i was told to this hospital what into the noise to say fits those life and say, but he's now in the stable but serious condition. people of that called me, the surgical patient had multiple gunshot wounds which will affect his recovery. but at this point, his condition has stabilized him, but it is truly very serious. and therefore he will remain in the intensive care unit in hospital. but he will be ted for by the team to stay with it. so it'd been attending a government meeting in the town of high and low, northeast of the capital brought his law, but before he was shot, cecilia, that presence of the country was in shock. a physical attack on the prime minister is festival. an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop it fits so it's like vacuum longest serving sunday school data. and i like the russian president vladimir, who's in the populist. he was re elected in october of to promising to enter
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military support for ukraine. he sends links to crack down on the country's media. is government says the attack was ballistic. he motivated police have yet to disclose the motives of the 71 year old suspects bought. it's clear the attempted assassination could be stabilized the rating politically, motorized concrete talks about the a to 0 central. so if i q okay, we'll get an update now from natasha. who's joining us from just outside that hospital, where the slow vice prime minister has been admitted to natasha? what's the latest when it comes to the investigation? and generally what you're hearing about this situation. yes, as you say, department is still in this hospital in intensive k, and one would imagine he'd remain that for a while because doctors have said that he is in a stable condition. so he's still in a very serious 19 times of the investigation. we do know now that police are saying
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that they have charged the mind that they uh, arrested on wednesday. they have charge of 71 year old man with attempted murder attempted. busy to all department list of all that fits so that this mind we learn is a bit more about over the past 24 hours that he comes from such we say back here that he is a fema, a former security guard. he had a license for a gun that weapon was legal and he was also a roy to defer that we still don't know is what his motivation was. even though we're hearing some stuff from the distance from that point of view, they are saying that this is a politically motivate to start a new confirmation from police as to that for now. what impact could this have on slovakia domestically? what looks like here is a complaint that is become increasingly politically polarized in recent months is
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with nationalism popular speak for the support is on one side. you go nipple supporters on the other. and what we're seeing, for example, in recent weeks, a number of protest street protests from people who are protesting again. so i'm gonna fix those policies. for example, who's reforms richard fishery. his desire to current down or media, particularly the stay full cost and that his opponents say that he is eroding of wise to imitate so. exactly. and so these are those, this is the context in which this attack has taken place. is something the 1st thing outgoing, an incoming presence. this was actually a touch tone. and a press conference. earlier they've called on people not to spread false narratives . they are calling on people to remain calm. they've also refer to the fact that we've got a you election is coming out next month and may have said the candidates campaigning for those elections to, to either turn down the rest rate. perhaps the campaign should be scrapped, pulled together. all right, thank you so much. natasha butler for that recording from slovakia on the us
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president joe biden. and the former president donald trump has agreed to hold televised debates ahead of the presidential election. the 2 candidates have reportedly agreed to june. the 27 for that is finals and told you another has been planned for september. the time to talk you to a residential space are usually held in october. but the bite and campaign says that a rise an early voting means they should be held earlier, because okay, talk for an update on all the forces on the news hour. here is jemma. thank you. during the asians simple consideration is given is backing to palestine school to suspend israel from dfcs due to the ongoing wouldn't gauze us a minute silence was held for victims of the will at the as the congress which is being held in bangkok ahead of faith is congress in the same city on friday, fif of numbers, a set to discuss the motion put forward by a pile of science f i. a seeking immediate and appropriate sanctions against is really teams. the phase is at least $99.00. the palestinian foot list has been
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killed in the will. they've c, n c for only as strong as its members. and when, when mambo suffers, all its men pits are effective. so they have the stance together with the palestinian se us and we join them and seeking for a permanent solution to the challenges faced by the palestinian football community . football can do only very little clothes to change situations around the world. everyone in the world which are tragic but we can do is to show unity because footboard is what unites every one. could video,
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assistant referees be on the way out of england's top division, primarily principles lifetime. whether it's a scrap ca, offer me next season of the annual general meeting next month. new casa fluid, anthony golden question, the points of having the off the he was denied a 1st off penalty against manchester. you nice is your last one there, at the time. golden equalized new cost in the 2nd hoss before i'm at the allies united back in front, the rest of the site and made it 31 mind, you know, i said anything around this 10 games without scoring. defend lewis hoola pull to go back to new cost and stuff which so i'm great. finish thoughts. it wasn't enough. as you know, it's a one week saying it was a decent to wait before them down again. chelsea has gone about new call. so i'm now in full position to qualify to be ready for league, offered to on whenever bryce and co pa, my headed chelsea in front of his 22nd to the goal is to seize and push the button . come to your wife's side, you know up in the 2nd hall chelsea had reached james with central late in the game,
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the captain given a straight read for taking out general padre price and then sport and stuff. it's time that chelsea is held on for the trip in scotland, southwick housing from champions the 12th time, and 13 seasons. the plants that such straits heights and 55th april might be seen till monday, which means they comp. because by close this challenges and see as why those ranges, how 6 high ranges in this office got funnel next saturday, where they will and to do the double event as of one, a rep would extending fish things comfortably or also be seen as alonzo. 1000000 the final to sign of life, which school the winning go just full of minutes into the game. you by then listing that for us, tracy in 3 years, must somebody on a well, let me becoming the 1st coach to win the tournament 5 times. the boston south states have made it into the eastern conference finals for the budget and the right the top see seat, the keys and calculus one. so i seen it's a 98th and boston to wrap up the 70 final series. for one a little. jason's face and that top score, it was 25 points. henry pounds,
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i'm not in the system is the 6 time and the last 8 seasons that the southeast has made the final why they will face either the indiana paces or the new york mix of the chasing a rustled a seats and very championship with us since 2008 in the western conference, the dallas mavericks of eds, they had 32 in the series against a climb, assistance on the flying away from home. and you could don't get to wrap up his 2nd straight. triple double was 31, points, 11, assist, and 10 rebalance. tell us when one is for to 92, they now head high, or they will have a chance to finish things off and gave 6 on saturday. on the, on the 2nd goals, major of the, of the p j. championship of valhalla tees off in around 20 minutes. as always, a lot of attention on tiger would see one the try for you the same venue 24 years ago. very, my career also won his last major about how that 10 years ago, the bottom to the, to filed for divorce audio this week. but on the course comes into the tournament on the back of 2 straight victories. i think it's all about confidence and momentum
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and i have, i have a lot of confidence and, and, and quite a bit of momentum coming into this week. so golf course is a little different than it was 10 years ago. the longer you, i a couple of little minor changes, but for the most part pretty much the same. how are your energy levels and just on a personal level and how, how are you doing? i'm ready to play this week, tyson ferry and alex on that you said because both held, i put in training sessions, i had of a heavy weight unification sites on staff. today. the balance has taken place, re add. the fury was knocked down by francis and i know last year before coming back to went on points. you said because force in saudi arabia once before. and he beats actually joshua instead of june 2022 by c m. c. already heading to this one on ethan aiming to come this last undisputed heavyweight champion. since lennox lewis in tennis, danielle collinsville space, australia nice and champion arena, selling cost for a place and the a tell you nice and final. lisa collins, books,
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house boss in the 70s with a straight set. 63. i have a form about number one, victoria as a rank to the american who is retiring at the end of the season. has 119 of her last 20 matches. the colorado avalanche has caps, the n h l file series allies against the data stalls. tell them the costco twice, and that's the one with which ends of the 3 game losing streak. but dallas, it still leaves the west and hope that the series of 32, so just need one more victory to get the job done. and 6 is on friday, and that is all useful information out, but i will be back with another update. lice of 3 will see later. jonah, thank you so much. well, authorities and south korea have announce new measures to tackle flooding. expected during the rainy season. and the measures include the use of artificial intelligence to help predict where floods will occur following devastating storms last year. brought mcbride reports from so along the volts away and sold the
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pro to busting it spends emergency services, test defense is meant to stop or repeat to flooding. that's taking place here in previous years, work is monitored from the control center that now uses artificial intelligence to predict where floods are likely to occur. processing vast amounts of data from previous events and weather patterns. to donate host vehicles on the, the amounts of jobs it has increased beyond what full cost is can handle. i believe this, i technology will enable us to give foster and more detailed floods, full cost, singleton some of them. it will enable meet urologist to triple the number of locations across the country where they can predict flooding rain storms last year, with the worst in the decade, killing, endangering dozens of people, and displacing thousands. a lucy ever we hope to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to predicts nothing. but that still doesn't reduce the increasing
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impact of extreme weather events. south career is also turning to ever more i'm vicious input struck just like these underground tunnel capable of capturing and holding a 3rd of a 1000000 tons of rain water. enough to fill a 160 swimming pools running for near the full kilometers on the cell. it will still go to that would otherwise flood the city above to be late to have pumped away with climate change, an abnormal weather patterns happening globally. i believe this tunnel technology could become an important export item. south korea was preparing defences for itself, but also developing nancy flooding measures that could be used in other parts of a world facing the same climate process. rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so okay, you can find much more on our website on that story out of south korea as well as the days other top stories uh, out of glass on all the latest headlines out of there. uh that's it for the news.
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our thanks for watching. so he'll romage with you in just a moment and much more of today's news coming up. the 2 of us didn't even customers with their families smuggling undocumented workers across the next festive, occupied westberg to witness their incredible stories. over 9 years. desert smugglers. with this document on the jersey to over 27000 hurling photographs as company until they can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of
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a 2 part series out to 0 photos powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, business latex to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant, the the, the
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business legions to be sponsored by intellect, kentucky's real estate consultant, the israel satisfied soldiers have been killed in northern gulls or by friendly fire. but hama says it's responsible, the whole rama north geologist, their life, my headquarters here. and also coming up next to this, from a rafa mold and 600000 palestinians fulls to feed the south in just 10 days. so i thought we could request the you and stop court orders as well to hold his offense.


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