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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the israel says 5 soldiers have been killed in northern gulls or by friendly fire. but hama says it's responsible. the deluxe, so raw minority, i'll just say we're life my headquarters here. and also coming up next it is from a rafa mold and $600000.00 palestinians full to feed the south. in just 10 days. south africa requests the winds, top cold orders as well to halt as offensive in russia with live of hate
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and rush as much of it peace expresses his gratitude to shooting things. the china is initiatives to resolve the role in ukraine. the welcome to the back. we're getting gone, so where he says pamphlets on the way in the knowles. now, these really ministry says 5 of its soldiers have been killed and 7 injured in jamalia. and what it says is, a was a friendly fire incident. but alika sound okay, is the home drink of her mouth reports. it's false is killed 12 soldiers. and what it describes with a complex operation sort of hire this guy is in gaza on the client to say to go drones constant the can to close on palestinians 24 hours a day. that's continuing, as is the heaviest is ready, bombing,
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not palestinians have ever experienced those in northern gauze. the what is well known, sits will last year for the strikes had ended in january. that was when israel said it had dismantled from mazda and moved on to central garza thoughts several months later. and israel has renewed its intensive involvement. what are you in places like to buy the a refugee camp or being a tax every day. and on wednesday as strikes skilled dozens of palestinians, they filmed moments of to one of them. the images of names, people are too graphic that to show the bodies arrived at hospitals in the 76 years to the day off to
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the quote. catastrophe took place when design is full, says full 3 quarters of a 1000000 palestinians from their homes. no less than them. and as you can see, there is going to other people in this house were injured and did not house to go to help. so we feel that even though we are a life, it sold in gold tons of work. the best in the north killed several is riley soldiers. this video is said to show injured troops being evacuated out of jamalia . despite international calls for it to end, the will, these rated government says it will continue fighting across the whole of the goals of the strip. and not justin russell himself. very stalled to the major offensive last week of israel says it is defeated, how mass, except for a few battalions and dropped off on its targeting, remaining flights as a mazda is,
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it's still going strong on and it slates this video. it says it's killed a group of his ready soldiers in jamalia using an to tank missiles and explosives view and says 9600000 people who had been taking refuge in roswell, have been forced out. israel had already to space them from the noise and the center of the strip. now they're on the move once again in a small stretch of land exposed to attacks from the grounds. um yeah. so it'll say that i'll do 0. talk about resume joins as though from the in central goal is that the focus really isn't the knowles of the strip for the moments topic. yes, so that's right now is ready to show keen to take full control over the notes of the notes of the stripe in particular to destroy the remaining battalions as
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they're chasing the remaining fine cause of how much movements and the value of refugee camp. this is according to the east valley, a previous announcement. now this is a new ration that is, is read is using a little force on the ground as they are destroying residential building civil infrastructure as the at the same time, they are trying also to force civilians to flee from xact area which is really densely populated. we are talking about more than 100000 palestinians, select from the valley at refuge account to the western side of kansas city. and mainly the battles are raging in the heart of devalue refuge account, where we see different video is released by the ministry wing of homeless depicting the entire battlefield. that is really military tanks are taking full coverage in residential buildings. they have been attacked with different contact miss house explosive devices. what palestinian scientists are using i'm, i'm the nice tunnel network in order to attract goose maneuvering troops and force them to withdrew from the area they are trying to eliminate and even to take full
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control on. and within the past couple of hours there was a cli, intensification of many attacks when that came to cotton on. and i'm feeling that hit with 2 medics being injured alongside within a residential building with that was completely leveled to the ground. were at least full palestinians have been killed, including one child want him to send to me for his have gone for 6 feet off. so that usually with the toe of the civil defense proves managed to recover the palestinian, the bodies including 10 children of them who have been found to them the later being to prepare for burials to help others closer to the south of the gaza strip. we focus on rafa where the bombardment continues that to even as palestinians try to leave and find safe haven so well situation in the south is not so different from the situation of the north,
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where the same scale of bottles are still ongoing. the eastern area is a rough off, but the military in fact is trying to show and to carry out a very small expansion of the fighting to reach to the middle areas of the city that they have been passing mobility orders for residents that be dropping leaflets hosp, palestinians to provide them with information, abbas, and use what he kept as they have been noticed. and at the same time they are, they are working on the ground in order to clear or residential buildings. thus, the operational, a troops on the ground have kind of more ration of mobility and to take the, the, and the gradual control over roof i district. but most families are leading to the desperate possible velocity and to jared black, which read all the crowd that they are considering the streets looking for shelters as children and women. and the most, i think, did wonderful classes or the palestinian community who have been multiply displaced inside the tech tree and now ending up in make shift tense. and the last and in the
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course to mind of darren by which it's a streets are overcrowded with civilians. which means that there's going to be more grubbing to humanitarian pressure on all kinds of civil facilities. and also in the medical sector, which is a roughly in order to keep up the rating and provide medical services for this, your new numerous number of palestinians will have been trapped to the very tiny strip of land here in the middle area 30. so assume that force and dare to buy that . thank you. us. now the international court of justice is due to all given some south africa, calling for an immediate end to as well as offensive. and rafa is all part of the case accusing israel of genocide for tory is demanding emergency measures to hold his right of the violence mold. and 1500000 palestinians have been sheltering in rasa. and obviously the southern city, south africa, was the call to order as well to allow an hinden access to gauze of you and officials, humanitarian agencies, generalist and investigators. in january,
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the ones talk go to that as well to do everything in his power to prevent genocide, linux, and divide into gauze that step vassal joys us out from the hague in the netherlands . so what's all the south africa, specific occupants to ask the quote for those additional measures step well, it's a little over 4 months since south africa laid out. it's a genocide case here against israel and it's more in the guy. so i'm at now south, regrettably, has to return to the hague because since that moment for the last 4 months, it's for our has basically ignored the binding orders by the court. the provisional measures in stride to the situation has actually become more a citizen escalated, especially because if it's a sold on, uh for sort of africa says it's wrong if contemptuous of the court and sometimes has an ignores. and it's not respecting international law. so they made out
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3 new facts which they will explain later here during a hearing at the highest un for them. one effect is that they say russia is the last refuge for the people in gaza after an outside that will be no more gaza. the 2nd point is that they say, by occupying the border crossings as well, it's not allowing humanitarian age and medical supplies in. and the 3rd is that the violation. so instead allows for pets. uh, basically uh, traps for people where there's no safety whatsoever, or referring also to the mass race that have been filed. so these 3 points are forwarding to south africa are trying to sidle ex, so they asking for these provisional measures on top of the provisional mattress. they've asked for it in january. and one of the, my main points, of course, is that they order is relative stop. it's a sold on how fast we can set those proceedings to beginning what just on the,
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i'd say 2 hours time for what i'm looking at now. so how can we expect that tool and folding called what we actually expecting to see? well, so i've actually got has 2 hours to present. it's arguments for these professional nachos. it's what i have heard from the south african team is that it will be exactly the same legal team that was presenting the facts during the 1st case here in january. and they made a very compelling case that was, i'm sorry, senior lawyer, international law lawyer on the gar, a deal i have game was here, a 6 lawyer. then i presented the case and we will hear something similar today. but then most of course mostly focus on the latest situation in alpha, south africa. so says this is a decisive moment for the palestinian people. if we're off falls, then that's the end of it. so that's why they have really made
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a political core to urgently concede and make sure that their arguments are being hurts. so that's, that's cool. so thank you. of course, we'll continue to join step as those proceedings in the hague. mid day we sulu, in south africa's administer of social development and a member of the agencies committee on international relations. she says south africa is going back to be full. the i see draft is all refused to implement those quote decisions. we are going that's dead because as so that's because believes that we cannot stop something in the, the, in the middle or the because some way, way the whole coaches have work being done. and on top of the own, that has been an escalation of the wall. i guess the people the palestine west of oh and is when they asked to to it is area and we say with ok, they were thinking that maybe this would be a place that would be better than the destruction they come from. they face exec is
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the same for budman, they say exactly the same. i take this face the same if not was where in the 4th and or kind of assistance to them is not what's important because of is that i is addressing what so that's the cut do the actions that you need to write at the beginning. why? according to that intent is a part of just the was was find a way of pointing at this genocide. unfortunately, this has not happened. there's absolutely no respect for even the extra is that we saw that because there's no respect for the institutional court. the justice board and so with the names that we cannot be able to talk we, we need to continue to. we get to where the people had this time finding themselves in the old men living in peace and prosperity.
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the precious positive love to be at peace in his thing. changing thing for trying these initiatives to resolve the role in ukraine. he's in beijing. the tulips with russia's biggest trading pot. the this is to, to the 2nd visits in 6 months. and his 1st overseas trips since being sworn in for his 5th presidential time. she said that he agreed with 210. that's a political solution is needed to settle the role in ukraine from the phone. each of the both sides agree vis a political solution to the ukraine. crisis is the correct direction from, from the chinese side. looks forward to the early restoration of peace and stability on the european continent. and will continue to play a constructive role to invest in the sloane. yes. before you start, i mean, i will certainly our phones, the chinese president on the thing crisis. we're out of grateful to our chinese friends and colleagues for the initiatives they are putting for work to resolve
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this problem. the ceiling is all correspondents invasion explains what the focus of a visit is, the ukraine, who as well as trade and investment to major topics on the agenda. now she interested in held a closed door meeting in the morning and in the afternoon they signed a joint declaration as well as can deals deepening, economic ration, and on issues such as people's people exchanges, as well as the protection of the siberia tigers. now, during the climbing she didn't, king said that he was celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties between the 2 countries. that's the relationship is going from strength to strength. he also called the china russia corporation, a stabilizing force in the world, and the face of wising had done many and no doubt referring to the united states. but he said the same time, it did not target any 3rd party. he also talked about the budgeting trade between the 2 countries and said it had increased by a 170 percent in the past 10 years. and that has been
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a 60 percent increase since the invasion of the great. he also said that he hopes that the train, which he referred to as a crisis, would be a sol, peacefully, no fruits. and when he started speaking, thanks to ping for his, bradley, welcome and said he was grateful for chinese efforts to solve the prices and ukraine wall taking into account the security concerns of both sides. he said that russia and china had very similar approach to many regional and global issues and that they were both working towards a what they have described as a whole multi pull the world to flights us. don't minutes still ahead. hey all. now just over the prime minister, so vacuum is recovering from the association of 1012 hospital in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive,
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where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stuff inside story on al jazeera, the
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government challenges here with the the book back. you want to, i'll just bear with me. so robin and the reminder of all the top stories. these really military science science, sol, josephine, killed in a cycle suddenly 5 incidents in giovanni. that's for the most as it carried out, the attendant killing 12 soldiers in a, quote, significant and complex operations. in january as rel declared, it had dismantled to a mass battalions in giovanni and the united nation says around 600000 palestinians,
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a peoples to be displaced by the is randy ministry and rough in the past 10 days, sitting over to, to live in over crowded refugee terms, the international court of justice is due to his arguments from south africa, calling for the meetings and so as well as the defensive in rasa. as far as the case accusing as well, of genesis. started like police have charged a man with the attempted to address. slovakia is a prime minister robot seat, so the prime minister is now in a stable condition of to being shot 5 times. i think we did support is after meeting the government says the attack was politically motivated and it's actually popular reports from central slovakia. this was the movement shots were fired as slaves back. he is prime minister robot fits within movements. the suspect to shooter is russell to the ground. yes, and he saw i witnessed that the gunshots sounded like fly,
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a practice is covered by so blood on his head. and then he fell next to the battery . and i think this is a nightmare that i will not wake up from this should not happen. in slovakia, the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and left it to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave rank town bank. scott, it's theresa where he underwent an operation. the last it i was stop to this hospital. what into the noise to say fits those life and say that he's now in the stable but serious condition of the people that caught the surgical patient had multiple gunshot wounds, which will affect his recovery. but at this point, his condition have stabilized, but it is truly very serious. and therefore he will remain in the intensive care unit in hospital, but he will be cared for by the team to stay fit. so they've been attending a government meeting in the town of high and low, northeast of the capital brought to solve it before he was shot. the slave act presence of the country was in shock. a physical attack on the prime minister is
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festival. an attack on a pass and, but he's also an attack on democracy. hateful rhetoric, which we see in society, leads to hateful actions. please stop it fits so it's the vacuum. the longest serving sunday school data and allied, the russian president vladimir, who's in the populist, he was re elected in october of to promising to enter military support for ukraine . he sends lots to crack down on the countries. media is government says the attack was politically motivated, police have yet to disclose the motives of the 71 year old suspect bought it's clear the attempted assassination could be stabilized the waiting list to keep polarized countries, push it back to, to 0. central say that you know, to natasha buckley, who's outside the hospital in central slovakia, where the prime minister robot fee care has been committed. so let's just begin with uh, the latest in the sense that the suspect has been charged. but what,
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what do we know about to natasha? yes, the suspect has seen a charge with attempted murder by police. we know that it's a suspect. 71 years old. you comes from central to their vacuum from a village who once worked as a security guard, but it's also a why. so somebody who's written collections of poems and was possible, voices caught up in society. what we don't know, however, is what the motivations. what for the 71 year old to attack the pregnant new stuff? 5 times shot 5 times in hand life on wednesday, his son has been speaking to media here. and so back here he said look, my father had a license for a gun, so it was a legal weapon that he used to. as i said, no, no confirmation of the suspects. motivation. i percent of the cost of the time sheet and politics into the bucket has become divisive as time is progressed and
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certainly after the last general election and fits so sort of fits, it fits into that whole problem. but some of our catch we faces right now. that's right. so you know, things have become increasingly politically polarized. and so exactly on one hand, you have the poker listened. the nation is the supporters of fate. so on the out that you have a naples and what we've seen over the last few months, for example in weeks are a number of street protests from people choose be demonstrating against some all fits those policies that say say all eroding rights and slaves back here. who wants to come down, for example, on the state food costs that he has made reforms to the judiciary. people also talking about other forms of pride to say c as a routing. and so like you said there is that totally rise ation. there is a risk that things could be for that be stabilized by this attack is certainly
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something that they see outgoing, an incoming presence of. so if i can have touched upon in some of the comments in the past few hours, in fact, they are calling on people to remain calm. they are quoting on people to not use any inflammatory, a rest of rake over the next few days, and particularly looking at the upcoming you election campaign instead of being carried out by various candidates. and so back your and saying, look, these campaigns either need to be hung down and times the fiscal rhetoric, or perhaps these campaigns should be scrapped all, all together, discussion about the force and central spot. you. thank you. now, the french government is deploying troops to its overseas territory of new caledonia, after full people were killed in rioting. the civil unrest was triggered by controversial changes due to be made to its voting system. of the french parliament adopted a constitutional reform bill with along the french residents who have lived on the island for at least 10 years to vote in local elections. indigenous connex say that the move will dilute the vote. as us president dr. barton and the full the present
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. donald trump has agreed to hold tele volleys, debates the head of the presidential election. the 2 candidates of reports of the agree to june, the 27th of the event and of this fund for september, the 10th presidential debates. all usually, usually held in october, presented and present a little of the silver positives they knew a package, the victims of flooding in the southern states, a vehicle the decision of which killed a $149.00 people. the government says $1000.00 will be given to the effected families. the last already pledge $10000000.00 reconstruction projects and temporary housing. the search operations continue to look for 100 people who are still missing in the floods, which hits 2 weeks ago. a thought which is in the south korea having us new measures to tackle flooding expected during the rainy season. the measures include the use of all special intelligence to help protect projects where floods wilka
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following devastating stones last year, rob the product has moved from so along the volts away and sold the pro to busting it spends emergency services, test defense is meant to stop or repeat to flooding that's taking place here in previous years. work is monitored from the control center that now uses artificial intelligence to predict where floods are likely to occur. processing vast amounts of data from previous events and whether patterns to donate host vehicles on the amounts of jobs it has increased beyond what full cost is can handle. i believe this, i technology will enable us to give foster and more detailed floods, full cost, singleton some of them. it will enable meet urologist to triple the number of locations across the country where they can predict flooding rain storms last year, with the worst in the decade, killing, endangering dozens of people, and displacing thousands. a lucy ever we hope to significantly reduce the amount of
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time it takes to predicts nothing. but that still doesn't reduce the increasing impact of extreme weather events. south korea is also turning to ever more i'm vicious input struck just like this underground tunnel capable of capturing and holding a 3rd of a 1000000 tons of rain water. enough to fill a 160 swimming pools running for near the full kilometers on the cell. it will still go to us that would otherwise flood the city above to be late to have pumped away with climate change, an abnormal weather patterns happening globally. i believe this tunnel technology could become an important export item. south korea was preparing defences for itself, but also developing nc flooding measures that could be used in other parts of a world facing the same climate process. rob mcbride, i'll just say era, so
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a lot sit for me. so robin sent out lies and find out more information about lucky multiple websites and elders era dot com, whether it's next and inside story examines the fine print of george's forward infant spell. and what it means for it's bit to join the to stay with the the now what's the satellite picture with the cab devolving of the sea of japan as a proper little storm is built up to. now it's moving north and it will take is west and windy weather up through northern home. she and her car during friday leaving fine weather behind there. one or 2 shaft may be in china, but otherwise it's a warm and sunny picture there where it's been very with in ground on run g recently. that rain has backed off to united, but i think we'll see more shells working their way in,
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in an organized frontal system. i'll look at it so it's heading towards how come on comes whether therefore, will change. the chances are you'll get from the storms. what to the next 2 or 3 days, with temperatures hanging around, the 28 mock and a huge sphere with a breeze property out of the east the most the time. the same is happening it in the of the heats giving way to she made and went whether it is a cost like you to have them because the monsoon trucks not far away, i suspect is inverse just and certainly giving heavy readings for lanka. so movie evans, the southern tip of india, not so time she's back because he minutes, he's coming up with the catch coming up, but it's still halting the know up in new delhi at 4445 degrees. and the wind isn't particularly strong here. so a quality is currently not started good and it will stay much the same way and the same heat, or possibly i called to exist in pakistan of the over 27000 her wing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence
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in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos, powerful cases of little crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, angry protests in georgia, the bottom, it says, approved a circle for an agents film. critics site will stay of the country away from democracy by adopting a russian style system. so what's next for georgia and could this and it's aspirations to join the be here. this is inside story. the .


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