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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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the. ringback the south africa tales to the walls, top cold, the whole face rouse, offensive, and drop off, saying it proves genocidal. intense. this should check to the final blow that is intended to destroy the palace to noon group in. gosh, the fine sammy say that this is out just a live from dell hall. so coming up on the day of the hearing is right, the bombing kills 5 people in rough off 600000 palestinians of impulsively displaced from garza's southern most city, just over a week, is ready to be solved as it killed the knolls. and garza says it's responsible,
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but it's ro blaine's friendly fire. the we begin at the international court of justice at the hey, request. now that because requested the you and stop court order as well to and it's offensive and rough. i immediately view and sizes riley attacks on the city of sofa for nearly 600000 palestinians. the fleet speaking to the i, c. j judges. on 1st day, south africa's legal team accused this route of violating the genocide convention. they argued as well as operation and are off the last step in the destruction of gall. so if those pictures are in violation of funds are made for routes of preventative and low. but in addition to say provide evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c, and d,
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of the genocide conveys as the president, members of the quote, this is tech is the final blow that is intended to destroy the pulse, to noon group can cause they also say as well as closure of that off crossing is cut off by the light. the strip was sending an over the dia, humanitarian crisis view and says famine in northern golf. so it's reading self ref across the remains closed. and there is a continued lack of safe and look just to keep viable access to the care and show them across the cross. this cannot be more urgent, and that is so israel's assaults on rest, and the closure of these critical crossings all aggravating the feminine life conditions across garza. with over a 1000000 people are predicted to face catastrophe. south africa's lawyer is also argued there is clear, identifiable intent. that's evidence in speeches. they said made bias,
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riley politicians. israel's intention is tough to find by statements such as that of israel's minister of finance. mister smarter, a member of the security cabinet who was explained to my court. there on no off mrs . rafa dire all the law. just so i right. total annihilation. you shall blocked off the remembrance of i'm elect from under him. there's no place and they haven't closed script. step boston has small from the hague, of the tone today in the court was very urgent to compare to even to the 1st hearings in january. you could feel that now 4 months since the court has imposed by the orders on this route. uh, south africa feels time is running out for the people in guys and especially for the people in guys in the or i for they say this is an end game that as well, is now playing in a rough time,
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making sure that the people are now completely wiped over the map and that the guy's eyes. busy just going to be one big pile of rubble. so they say the court has now to act. it has the power to do so. and so far it has failed to protect the palestinian people from this genocide, a sort of last chance. and they also ask the court to be more specific in the new professional measures that they have to impose according to south africa and as well because as well, has been saying that it has been complying, of maybe not completely understanding the order. so they have to be very specific and they have to come very soon. according to south africa, step 5, some elgin's era. they take a lot of the south african loya. i did a hot soon spoke with the cold. she outlined the devastating impact these roles was had on children in golf. more than 14000 has been killed. thousands who have been injured or lost
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family members. violent estimated, 17000 children, unaccompanied, or separated. nearly all of guys as children have been exposed to traumatic experiences. the consequences of which will last a lifetime. somebody that has more now from johannesburg. so that's what this government remains hold for. the international court of justice will room and its favor and order and immediate ends to israel's military operations in rasa. and that's, as the killings continue and humanitarian situation wesson's. and that's precisely
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why south africa as approach the court. this is the 3rd time it's done. so why it's hopeful it is concerned that as well as not observe the previous orders made by the i c j and it ultimately once international to prevail. it wants to protect the rights of palestinians. and once a ceasefire in garza, the president of south africa, slowed them up, was in recent days, has said that so that africa remains unequivocal and unapologetic about its support, full palestinian rights and palestinian people. and we've also previously heard from the international relations and cooperation with us to know lady bundle. she has said that so that for quote, south africa will continue to pursue all legal and diplomatic means to ensure there is a ceasefire in garza. and also that africa has described conditions in gaza in rough uh as apocalyptic, has said that conditions they are really big. and again,
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is trying to bring some sort of relief to palestinian people by approaching the court. and while it's broad, the case of accusations of genocide against israel will take years to be decided on yours to be heard. it's hoping that there will be some sort of immediate intervention by the court to ensure the safety and livelihoods of the palestinians are protected from dumler ultra 0. john his book has rouse, defense minister, you i've got on. does announce additional ground forces of being deployed. so it off the offensive has was then already di, humanitarian in crisis, and gauze, southern most city. i mean my move reports from that and by and central browser are 5 copies of preparing to bury her husband on her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really
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a tax. and this for the table, i'm the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people wanted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren, this is the human cost of israel, warren garza pain, suffering despair, and a side that has become too familiar to gaza. population if you're in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here, find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. there's the, there's no safe place just enough of hon. eunice. they solicit your body and the say that's enough of safety is there any with god now is really proves on the ground reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. and as these really are me prepared to expand its
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military maneuvers in gauze, the south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area to places like here. and there is by honey my mode. i was just the . 7 there are blocks that the house time a. is there any forces in palestinian fighters? meanwhile, a locked in the face. baffling north scottsdale. israel is metro. he says, 5 of its soldiers have been killed and 7 wound didn't jabante. and what it says was a friendly fire incident. but the um, the wing of how much they are assign brigade says it's full, says kill 12 soldiers. and what it describes as a complex operation, sort of height on now, as the skies in gaza on, never quiet before to go. drones constantly kept to close on palestinians 24 hours a day. that's continuing, as is the heaviest is ready,
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bombing that palestinians have ever experienced those in northern gauze. the what is well known since will last year for the strikes had ended in january. that was when israel said it had dismantled from mazda and moved on to central garza thoughts several months later and israel has renewed its intense involvement. what are you in places like to buy the refugee camp or being a tax every day. and on wednesday as strikes skilled dozens of palestinians, they filmed moments of to one of them. the images of names, people are to graphic that to show the bodies arrived at hospitals in the 76 years to the day off to the
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next ball catastrophe took place. winds the line is full, says full 3 quarters of a 1000000 palestinians from their homes. and then mfc and a lot of less of them. and as you can see, very good people in this house were injured and did not house to go to help. so we feel that even though we are a life, it sold in gold tons of work. what's the best in the northeast killed several is really soldiers. this video is said to show injured. troops being evacuated out of jamalia is this by international cause for it to end the will. these rated government says it will continue fighting across the whole of the goals of the strip and not just and rough in the south, where it's still to the major offensive last week. israel says it's defeated hamas except for a few battalions and drop off on it's targeting. remaining flights. is tomas
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says it's still going strong on and it slates this video. it says it's killed a group of his ready soldiers and jamalia using on to tank missiles and explosives view and says 9600000 people who've been taking refuge in rough or have been forced out. israel has already to space them from the noise and the center of the strip. now they're on the move once again in a small stretch of land exposed to attacks from the grounds. i'm yes. sort of fight at all to 0. agents has rejected israel's proposal to jointly coordinate the reopening and management of that off crossing between sign garza. this follows israel seizure of the gauze, the side of the crossing last week. egypt says the crossing on the gauze, aside, shipping mileage solely by policy in the far east, that off crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations. it's
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been close since may the 7th. when israel took control of the goss aside, a defense piled up on the gyptian side, unable to cross. so, oh goodness, sorry, what's the middle of it? the whole big israel continues to engage in evasive actions, to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough crossing from the palestinian side to send a divide siege on the gaza strip once again. but i definitely states that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position, both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls. the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians, as well as the creation of conditions, rendering causes uninhabitable with the aim of feedback awaiting the land of
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palestine from its people. from on hon joins us now live from my mind in jordan. i should mention israel has shot down, i'll just here as operations inside as well. so we are reporting from outside the country. so in bron explain 1st of all, why egypt, what are the junction officials saying about why they don't want to coordinate directly with these rel, over managing and running that off crossing a well, it was a very public statement. body is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who basically blamed egypt for keeping the roof of border crossing closed. uh that's what led to this statement. very angry was, is you just have that from the egyptian leda effectively saying that this is our fault. so there are agreements already in place. now is r o and egypt have a very complicated security arrangement. it began in 1979 with the camp david
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accords. when it comes to a rough or rough up, it's supposed to be a demilitarized zone, and the crossing is technically supposed to be run on. the goal is to decide by the palestinians. now those 2 things on happening clearly that a large number of troops within is there any truth within, right, by itself? that's the agreement. so that the c, c was referring to the statement that we just had that. so it's down to these writing, these save egypt, sions, because they've actually violated those camp david accords. and that's why they don't want to open this crossing because they want it to be and with the palestinians to be in charge of that. now uh, once president cc made his statement, we are expecting is ready reaction to come. but it will be likely that the same kind of reaction that we've seen in the past simply deflect and blame somebody else . the addictions in this case for not doing enough, but the directions are made deposition. very,
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very clear. this is and is really problem to these readings need to so that they need to withdrawal from rafa and they need to get back to those agreements for security that are already in place. all right, thanks so much and wrong. com, that reporting from my mind and the reminder he's reporting from my mom because israel has band al jazeera from operating inside his row. and so we report from outside the country a still ahead on al jazeera injuries on both sides and another round of cross border attacks between this route. and as for long, the now let me tell you almost suffice. cold result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on within large tears faced with
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a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal resorted in gun. this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties than just looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties to interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, correct. but so is the international community upfront. only what, how to do the
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the well come back here watching out, is there a time to recap the headlines. the international court of justice is the arguments by south africa requesting additional emergency measures. the whole to swell is offensive on or off the un sizes, right? the attacks on the city of full $9600000.00 palestinians, to flee. and just over a week, egypt is rejecting and is right, the proposal to jointly reopen and manage that off the crossing officer as well. sees the gaza side last week. cairo insist only policy and pharmacies should manage the goal. so side of the crossing to students that also do university
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a holding what they call an emergency reilly against israel's war. on garza brace, sex, and then camp and last week demanding the university caught its financial and institutional ties with entities linked to these really occupation down the hall joins us now live from oxford. so is this a case general of the students trying to run pump the pressure behind you. c c yeah, yes, i think it is ramping up personally. that's the award winning a protest. c it again and pay the sick with a number of very small number of students setting up a protest cancelled the loans of paper. this museum that has grown and they say 4 times in the week and a half since with several 100 people now living in those tense and they set up, of course, a list of demands not dissimilar to what we've seen on campus. probably testimonials . we're looking for the university to be more transparent about his finances and investments, looking for it to divest from these rather these really linked entities specifically
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is riley genocide, deposit and occupations edwards. and to commit to help to rebuild the education infrastructure and gaza. so many of its schools need all of its universities that destroyed well, this emergency rattling is the cold, short notice to protest essentially against the universe. responds in the last couple of days, set out in an email from the boss johnson, irene tracy, the students and get off the step on that. you have a look at it, the students and good they say, but a complete failure to engage with any of the models. specifically it's failure to set out steps towards divestment, as they say. some other universities have done most notably recently trinity college in dublin, and the university's response went for the vice chancellor. tracy know to that while the university respect semester goes right to a peaceful protest that some members of the university it says has no teeth that
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they uh they off, they are full and uncomfortable. as a result of these protests, she said that hostility, any told her and so are in no way acceptable at oxford. well, the students aren't good, of course, by that they say the same protest, sorry, no way to submit it. and they say they say the statements like that. and indeed, the universities silence on gaza will only add to hatred and products. all right, thanks so much joan. how now, nearly $3000.00 people, including students, faculty and staff, have been arrested during university process right across the united states. okay. and so as well, school on garza, many professors who offer the support drawing on decades of activism. how does there a spoke to one such a professor in los angeles? hello. my name is catherine king. i am professor in marissa at u. c. l a. and i have been an activist against boar and for social justice,
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since at least 1968 when i was a graduate student at columbia university. i've been involved in protests against the war in vietnam. and then i transferred to princeton university. and i remember i used to take time out from reading my dissertation and going and joining the marches outside nasa whole against apartheid. i've been involved in protest against invading iraq, the 1st time with the 1st george bush and then totally outraged in protesting against the 2nd invasion of iraq, which was the one that was such a complete disaster. and i remember at columbia when i was so outraged at the police action against the students, i didn't believe the police would act like that. i didn't believe that the
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university would act like that. and i think students today at you see a way or some of them are shocked at the brutality of the police. and just it's got to be very traumatizing. it reminded me of columbia completely. that it was uncalled for and it was, it was brutal, absolutely brutal. the student protests are absolutely normal and it's what students do when they are outraged. and i do think it will continue because this war is continuing. i would say to them, keep going, keep it peaceful, but be persistent. they're definitely on the right side of history, stopping and immoral war and genocide. i want to use that word because i think it's clear that it is and 20 years from now everybody's going to look back and say yes,
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that was genocide. and the students were right. hostilities of flight up again along the border between 11 and then the through. 3 civilians have been injured to critically and his riley strikes and the lebanese board. the village of cam has the law. 5, dozens of rocket submitted, 3 positions in northern israel. at least 3 soldiers was seriously injured. so in a hold of his mo, from bayard, and there is a study escalation in the bottle between this really military and the lebanese, the arm group has the law. the conflict appears to be in a different phase, both sides increasing the frequency of their operations. also, the military operations becoming more deadly on wednesday. has the law carried out its deepest strikes? yes. inside this ready territory some 35 kilometers from the board or the is really army, acknowledging that quote, a sensitive military side was damaged by an armed drone. now hezbollah said that
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operation was in response to the killing of its members. but israel does not seem to be the periods carrying out yet another target to the assassination on thursday, as well, has been targeting has well, a field commanders over recent months. more than 13, a drone strikes targeting vehicles of israel to increasing the tempo of its air. strikes carrying out 16 in a matter of, of, in a very short, a short time in the east of the country and eastern 11 on a far from the border. so both sides really escalating this conflict but still being cautious not to not risk getting a wider confrontation in the sense that military targets are still being chosen as well as secretary general a few days ago saying that the group continues to develop its operations in quantity and quality, but like i mentioned both sides still of treading carefully trying to avoid
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a wider a confrontation which really could hurt them both center for their eligibility. though they the former us president donald trump is back in the new york colt as his harsh money trial. continues from his challenge with 30 full filing accounts for allegedly falsifying business records to cover up payments to an adult film install. and the final days of the 2016 election campaign in defense attorneys on cross examining for much from can 5 and michael cohen says he arranged the transfers of cash brushes president so that they made the quotes and those things, sage, in paying for china, is initiatives to resolve the war and your crime is in badging for talks with russia's biggest trading partner with his booth and the 2nd visit in 6 months and his 1st overseas trip since being sworn in for his 5th presidential tub. c said he agreed with posing that the political solution is needed to settle the war. and
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ukraine fluoride that's politician get billed is announced a new governing coalition 96 month south to his policy and much is the largest force in general elections, but is not expected to be the prime minister. 3 right. swing policies agreed on the platform to restrict the asylum seekers and they say they will start participating in european union migration programs. the policies also agreed to call 12 payments . presently and present, included the silver has announced a new, a package for victims of flooding in the southern states over the i've gotten it as soon it's killed a $149.00 people. the government says a $1000.00 each will be given to affected families that has already pledged $10000000000.00 in reconstruction projects and temporary housing. that states from may, weather is up next. the inside story will examine joe biden and donald trump's plans to hold the presidential debate earlier than some pains back of the top 3.
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i'll stay with us the the to that it was a couple of days ago, some pretty nasty weather in talk here. it's not quite as bad now, as the cat is still full but ink, the witness coming in from africa is going to hold things off and making dusty increase. for example, your want to live chance and live and it still looks fine. but the reason i mention that is if you go further east, the active channels are becoming more active again. and that's the result in the shop, in northern iraq, there's been flash funding in this particular city. now the sheriff haven't yet finished fund to store them, some of them actually, there are results from based on the line of sherry. stuff goes towards afghanistan as well. best buy more office into
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a fitness center and to know something about everything sags. we don't really think at the moment anymore, cheryl is, i'll send this over. there are a few in west and you have in our west, inside of the mississippi and the full cost. but it's the breeze and the dusty nature of the breeze. that's more coming to think about this time. so yeah, it's there again, it picks up the dust tends to color 40 degrees in doha bit about the average bit very typical rising temperatures. that's right. tropical laska, the shelves are going freight. i know they're still fighting on the ground, the results they're off in kenya. there's not much more in the way sherry stuff to come. there's bit for the size, particularly mos on big otherwise it's don't dry in most of southern africa. the examination being proactive. today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic and
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a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce. and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0, setting the stage for the us presidential election. donald trump accept the challenge to face also as president joe divided into tv to base spots. will they actually take place? and what difference could they make and the race to the white house? this is inside story, the .


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