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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 16, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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so is the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the south africa or appeals to the world topcoat to hold israel's offensive own rough or immediately saying it proves genocidal. the subject is a final blow that is intended to destroy the published an increase in gosh, the around the clock. this is out 0 life. and also coming up on the day, the hearing is really booming, kills 5 people in reference, 600000 time of students being forcibly displaced in just over a week. the u. s. as
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a temporary floating peer range of getting 8 into the gallons of his being anchored to a beach that donald trump returns to colds. as his former allied testifies for the prosecution in the so called harsh money trial. the sir, we begin at the international court of justice at the hague, with south africa has requested the you and the top court to order israel to end it's offensive. and rough for immediately is rarely a tax on the city have so far forced any $600000.00 palestinians to, to fleet speaking to y, c. j judges. on thursday i saw that because of legal team accused israel, a violating the genocide convention. they argue that as well as operation in rafa is the last step and the destruction of gauze deserves texas or in violation of fundamental rules of preventative and low. but in addition,
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they provide evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c, and d. of the genocide can be as the president, members of the quote, this is tech is the final blow that is intended to destroy the palace to noon group can cause. and they also say the, israel's krasier of the rafa crossing has cut off vital aids to the strip was sending an already done a humanitarian crisis you and says that farming and northern goza is spreading south for the rest across the remains closed. and there is a continued lack of safe and look just to keep viable access to the care and shall, impressive. the crosses cannot be more urgent and that is so we, israel's assaults on rest. and the closure of these critical crossings are aggravating. the feminine like conditions across garza, were over a 1000000 people are predicted to face catastrophe. let's say not from steadfastly
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who has moved from make of the tone today in the court was very urgent to compare to even to the 1st hearings in january. you could feel that now 4 months since the court has imposed by the orders on this route. uh, south africa feels time is running out for the people in guys and especially for the people in guys in the are i for they say this is an end game that israel is now playing in a rough. i'm making sure that the people are now completely wiped over the map and that the guy's eyes just going to be one big pile of rubble. so they say the court has now to act. it has the power to do so. and so far it has failed to protect the palestinian people from this genocide, a sort of last jobs. and they also ask the court to be more specific in the new professional measures that they have to impose according to south africa and as
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well because as well, has been saying that it has been complying, of maybe not completely understanding the order. so they have to be very specific and they have to come very soon. according to south africa, step 5, some l g 0. take what israel's defense minutes. so you have cologne to denounce additional ground forces or being deployed to rough or defensive has what has been done already documented terry and crisis and goals of southern may city honey. my mood reports not from darrow butler in central gaza. our fab hill comedy is preparing to bury her husband on her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this war. the table in the house at the beginning of the room and 10 people were mounted. 5 of them were my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren. this is the human cost of israel,
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warren garza pain, suffering despair and a side that has become too familiar to gaza. population a funeral in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here. find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. the, there's no safe place enough. hon. eunice, thanks lots of jamalia and the say that's enough of safety. is there any with god now is really proves on the ground reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. and as these really are me prepared to expand its military maneuvers in gauze, the south, most city, 600000 people have a slave the area to places like here. and there is by honey my mode. i was just the . 7 there ballasa city, palestine, or in northern gauze,
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or is rarely soldiers in palestinian fights as have been long within fis, bottles. jamalia has come under heavy is ready, bombardment and wounded civilians are being rushed to come all at one hospital. the stuff say they have no medical supplies that are struggling to provide treatment. math. how come as this update from giovanni? there's really poses intensifying the against the good news for our living and nothing does district receiving casualties in the life of me because of lies babies new and it's a one women of the targets and the victims of the as well. 80 from being this morning the. this is a wounded patients we are treating at the i see you. as you can see the process is very simple. we normally place a step under patients who are undergoing surgery. however, they are no slabs at the canal out to an hospital given the precarious situation
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that conditions have worse and we do not have enough syringes. there is no cera, they'll know next steps and even ventilate to hoses are not available. the situation is die and medical supplies are not enough for us to cater to the wounded people's needs. but more aid is expected to float into dogs are off to the us, finish building and flight, impair off the coast, the, the pad, which is temporary and stretches. several 100 meters is not connected to the beach . just south of garza city. this new route, spicy is meant to help bring in a 2000 us officials. mention that the 1st $500.00 tons of aid will be arriving soon . so let's head over to washington dc. everytime to standing by. and what more details do we have? she, the world is that now why depends it can feel as it can go ahead with this time they say they've reached a security arrangement with the is riley, is to ensure the safety of all the is what they call the marshalling area. that's the area where the aid will be unloaded and whether it's the potential for us
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troops or contracts to be in the vicinity, either on a boat or on, on, on the, on the land. however, when we off the split, pending and specs, that's what you have them cost on insurances. from these readings, the bay will attack the aid workers who then subsequently deliver the aid from the emotionally, all right into gaza. we didn't get the same set up. we have had assurances from the idea that they will provide security to us forces that are operating on and, and set up that temporary floating causeway. we will also have a presence of a destroyer in the region to ensure that us forces are protected, that as we take force protection very seriously, we would not have done and oper i may put together a mission like this and coordination with us the id without thinking about our forces that are going to be in it, that could potentially be in harm's way. what, what was that so, so again, i'm gonna,
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i'm gonna tell you what i said earlier at the top of when you asked me that exact same question. we have to do conflictions all set up one in cyprus, one in israel. we have 8 workers. we have u. n workers, usaid u. s. military idea of sitting together in a cell for the exact question that you're asking to the conflict on these important issues. and certainly i said, well, why can't you just get the same assurance from b as riley? is it that you've got apparently for the, for the by way to attack the, the us but a tree for them not attacking the aid workers. and she just, and i'm afraid the space isn't just couldn't, couldn't on. so me and as you say, even here there is that understanding, even though the spending $320000000.00 of time to spend money on this for aging parents. it's doesn't really mean that much. i think it would be so much more effective is, or i would simply open the land roots. and for whatever reason the us isn't using his leverage to get those land roots open, ship things that she ever times the reporting from washington dc. when egypt has
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rejected israel's proposal to join the coordinate, the reopening and management of the roof across the in between sinai and gaza. this for those israel, caesar of the goals assigned to the crossing last week, and it just says the crossing on the goals aside should be managed totally by policy. and you know, thirty's is laid out in long standing agreements. there after crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuations has been closed since may the 7th. when israel took control of the goals aside and aid has piled up since on the gyptian side, unable to cross. so again, the, so you was the middle of the whole been this way with continues to engage and evasive actions to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough are crossing from the palestinian side to send a divide siege on the gaza strip. once again,
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i definitely states that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position, both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls, the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians, as well as the creation of conditions, rendering garza uninhabitable with the aim of a vacuum rating, the land of palestine from its people. i looked it from my mind con, who reports now actually from amman and jordan, because his role has shut down houses. there is operations within israel. these comments come from the presidency off to these writing probably minister benjamin netanyahu publicly said that. uh, the rafa crossing could open, but you just didn't want to open it. now. egypt and israel have a very complicated security relationship. agreement had the beginnings of that would come, david, which was that help in uh, 1979. the codes that were assigned at car david when specifically talking about ref,
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i meant the rough i should be demilitarized, and palestinians should be in control of the guards inside of the, across the one k. those 2 things on happening. presidency is also saying effectively to the is raise, the you are in gaza, you've created this mess. this is on isn't on us. but you also have to remember the egypt sin is running a tremendous amount of domestic pressure as well. the war is incredibly unpopular amongst egypt and public. so that's something that cc will be looking at. if you're looking at the voices of the streets, that would be hearing a need. capitulation. any agreement with israel is going to be incredibly popular, unpopular, so that it plays into why we've had these comments come out so far. but like i say we haven't had any is really reactions like fall, but it's likely that we go to something that we've heard before, particularly from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who intends to deflect and blame the egyptians for not letting in that humanitarian
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aid. now the egyptians are actually fighting back in this, it seems that there's very angry with of the beginning of that fight back against these is where the accusations and to raise the rate that you bring con is covering this from amman because it's around his band out there and we're reporting from outside israel, a hostile, it's a, it's a flight up, a gain along the border between 11 and, and his route. 3 civilians have been injured to critically in his writing strikes in the liberties for the village of time. at hezbollah, 5 dozens of rockets of military positions in northern israel, and at least 3 soldiers was seriously injured. say the harder has more now from there. there is a study escalation in the boss who between this really military and the lebanese, the arm group has the law. the conflict appears to be in a different phase, both sides increasing the frequency of their operations. also, the military operations becoming more deadly on wednesday,
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has by law carried out its deepest strikes. yet inside this ready territory, some 35 kilometers from the board or the is really army. acknowledging that quote, a sensitive military side was damaged by an armed drone. now hezbollah said that operation was in response to the killing of its members, but as well does not seem to be the tears carrying out yet another targeted assassination on thursday. israel has been targeting has while a field commanders over recent months, more than 13, a drone strikes, targeting vehicles of israel to increasing the tempo of its air strikes, carrying out 16 in a matter of, in a very short, a short time in the east of the country and eastern 11 on a far from the border. so both sides really escalating this conflict but still being cautious not to not risk being a wider confrontation in the sense that military targets are still being chosen as
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well as secretary general a few days ago saying that the group continues to develop its operations in quantity and quality, but like i mentioned both sides still of treading carefully trying to avoid a wider a confrontation which really could hurt them both center for their eligibility to pay. those are still a head here. now sarah, ukraine's president visits the city of khaki and a bit to boost morale. is russia and makes ministry james nearby the i had low that was not down on the in australia where high pressure is family in charge being lots of settled and dry weather too much of the country was they'll see some wet weather out east. however, with coastal showers for queens and new south wales and
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a cold front that sweeps across into tasmania. and the south east of the strategy is going to bring some water and even wintery weather. as we go friday into saturday, you can see those showers in sydney on saturday with temperatures, expect it to drop down around those coastal areas. but out west, the heat is still the wishing. unprecedented sheets continue in put 29 degrees there on saturday. and it has been largely settled for phone, easy and for the south island, a little bit of a crew to feel, however, and it will get cold in the very south. as the heavy rain stops to roland on saturday, a little bit wilma and most settled with sunshine up in the north. and despite the sunshine, of course, south east asia was still seeing that heavy rain poor into the malay peninsula. western pots of indonesia as well, is looking west of a bony or friday intersect today with waves of wet weather in the west, with some heavier rain, some thunder storms expected for moving areas of the philippines. on saturday.
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you will see caught a duty in a grove using for p use a call to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red, chris the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the kind of guy you watching out, is there a reminder about the top stories? this how i need to national court of justice has had arguments by south africa requesting additional emergency measures to hold israel's defensive on rafa view and says it's really a tax on the city have forced any $600000.00 palestinians to flee just over a week. israel says is deploying additional ground forces to reference as find a warning from united states defensive as west and, and already documented sharing crisis in kansas southern move city. egypt has rejected in his rate of proposal to join the reopening, managed the rafter crossing, talk to israel sees the golf aside. last week. car road assisted any palestinian authorities to manage the goal of ukraine says is trying to stabilize the front line in the ne cocky region where moscow has made its launches,
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territorial gains and months. president avoided minutes. lensky visited india trips and kind of keep city in a bid to boost morale. he says the situation remains extremely difficult. john home and has this report now from khaki. it's been a tough few days for the soldiers, the ukraine. and for president, the modem is the landscape, lumber job. what i want to thank you for all you do. thank you for your brave. what he'll do. he's visiting the hockey region in ne ukraine. after rushing cross border offensive, took about 200 square kilometers of territory. ukraine's own forces say they've now slowed it's about a will though they still fight thing in the biggest town in the border area. both chance the boy the situation extremely difficult. the enemy's digging positions are the streets of the town of, of 10th. another russian push just west is about 7 kilometers in some price based push goes
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a few moments is more than russian or hillary will be able to show the northern outskirts of here how to keep ukraine 2nd largest city and home to more than a 1000000 people it's already being attacked frequently from yeah, we've russia using especially guided phones. they've wings and a gps system release from bomb is come in trouble. more than a 100 kilometers to the target. the heating the front line to say step on pieces, come of it for a brief and a smoke in the assume a region. we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements in 3 days. they used them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves to fight to jets, which can store the buttons who carry them along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraine's allies have yet to arrive. although some us alms from a $61000000000.00 us military,
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a package on now coming in. i mean, well, this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also mean it's down tomorrow, feeling home and i would just say to try to keep his pregnant as to robert if it's so is stable. but his condition remains serious. offering the going several hours of surgery pizza was shot 5 times in the central ton of global on wednesday after you left the government meeting, this us the nation attempt shot in the country and drew global condemnation. latasha bought the reports now from central video. his emotions, the man charged with the attempted murder of state back he is prime minister robot fits, so it shows the 71 year old. it's an antique government demonstration in west and so if i q last month on wednesday, the form is security guard and pony. it is believed to find multiple schultz bits.
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so in the central say back in town, defend leuva. before he was wrestled to the ground of the moment is we didn't quite understand what was happening because until now we were living in the country. we couldn't even imagine someone shooting at to a politician. the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and left it to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave town, who thank sca mysteries where he underwent an operation. the last did i was stop to this hospital. what into the noise to say fits those life and say, but he's now in the stable but serious condition of the people that caught the surgical patient had multiple gunshot wounds, which will affect his recovery. at this point, his condition have stabilized, but it is truly very serious of to visiting think so in the hospital. so if i q isn't coming presence that it was time for people in the country to unite. we have
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to calm down the situation in the society. we have to ask the people to fight against each other only because they have the political view of somebody like that . and we have to stop this uh, uh, this uh, this high and the very he extension you never society fits. so he's like use the longest serving political leader and clips to the russian president. it's a forward to say the pope in this problem is the, is a trusted pair of hands. his opponents say he's a voice. if they go who's a routing rights, the government says the money show, same was politically motivated, but acted alone. they hope that the assassination attempt will destabilize and rated politically polarized country natasha butler, which is 0 central. so if i q a former us president on the comp is back in the new york code as it's hush money trial continues. in fact, areas speaking outside the cold, now we can have
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a quick listen. josh is or your. yeah, so donald trump dismissing the jurisdiction of the cool tenants, go live now it's christmas living. he's outside the court house in new york, said chris, and just tell us what's been happening in the yes, well, 3 days on the stand for michael cohen, a key witness for the prosecution in this case seems cross examined by defense
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attorneys today who hammered away at his credibility and attempting to undermine his claims that donald trump not only knew about his efforts to silence an adult film star. and that was alleging lee alleging that she had an affair with donald trump, but also that she knew and authorize reimbursement payments to college. for those harsh money payments, uh, that reimbursement is key to the prosecution's case, as this is a, a charge of trial that involves falsifying business records for those payments through the fence. questioning today, focus on lies that cohen has told in the past, he says, in order to protect the former president and his statements that he has made in his uh, social media post and in his pod cast, showing that he really was out to get donald trump and that he wants to see donald
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trump behind bars cohen admitted that he had lied in the past. he admitted he has made these statements fight, suck to a story that trump knew what he did, and knew about all aspects to swash negative news and run up to the 2016 election about him and just her donald trump complaining about this case. he continues to complain that this is the election interference attempt to sign with him and the run up until the 2024 election. i but interesting we, he's the one who's been speaking the outside of the court room. he's had supporters here including 5 members of congress speaking on his behalf, insulting. not only the district attorney in bras his case, but also witnesses in the case, something that he's not allowed to do under a gag order imposed by the judge. now while he complains about the silence, the question is, will he testify in his own behalf under the law, he has the right to testify so far he hasn't answered that question. he won't say
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if he's going to testify or not that the defense team is leaving. open that possibility. kristen, i think that updates are just lead me reporting from outside to court in new york. originally they're letting me put in, isn't china? tiffany, what he calls an unprecedented strategic partnership aging has provided most ago with an economic lifeline journey enduring it as invasion of ukraine. it certainly does discuss the goal and expanding trade and investment the payroll cycle for the d for that. as long as ation of the united nations trinity reports now from badging . a powerful welcome for a man chinese president steven pane goodness it is an old friend vladimir putin wolf to the red carpet as he arrived and paging for to day visit to deep and cooperation between china and russia. phase i issued from china will always be a good neighbor, confront of mutual trust with russia and the continued consolidate of friendship between the 2 peoples. how old are they doing?
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has been most goes most important support is since it invaded crane and has resisted calls from west and lead is to reduce that trade 40 percent a versus impulse amount from china, including electric vehicles and smartphones shows out of the us market by just see if you do sure, and you know, china is rochester leading partner in the international trade based upon last year's data we, for our country became number 4 in the export and import dallas of china. these says the t lead assigned a doing declaration, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties. edison investor teacher partnership 10 deals were also signed on development, cultural exchanges and the protection of the siberian totally goods cheating things . as the china russia relationship is stabilizing. the face of us, the gemini regions says both sides of working to the polar world and criticize which he described as a politicize agent living institutions,
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such as the united nations enforced alliances in the asia pacific. the russian president says he's grateful for china's efforts to solve the ukraine crisis will taking into account the security concerns of both sides versus newly appointed defense minister is also engaging and has brief to see on russian forces progress in the fighting from russia standpoint, signals to the rest of the world that russia is not alone despite the invasion of ukraine. and despite all the sections that have been imposed on russia, the apparently some limits to this store called no limits. partnership c has stopped short of providing most go with direct military support. being careful not to antagonize washington and brussels too much economic corporation between china and russia may be growing, but it remains dwarfed by the volume of chinese trade before the us and europe. katrina, you, alda, 0 beaching,
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a major reinforcement operation is on the way to both the security forces and the french pacific. i'm in charge of new kind of dania, the left of police and soldiers for those 3 nights of rioting over at lake tort reform. for people have died in the unrest including police officer. just simmons has this report. reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france on a mission to quell the violets. in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin and continue despite a curfew and stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to backup hundreds of extra police officers. the mineral rich pacific garden became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control. the situation we have cut down, you have a situation that remains very tense with looting riots fires and


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