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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like this is free to you believe, i guess is like my on one of your just makes modern plates. the . ready um, the head of the clock, this is in use on life and death. coming up the next 60 minutes. south africa requests the top you in court to order a whole. israel's referee, offensive, immediately as part of its case accusing is relative genocide and guns. and the key point today is that this whales declared a wiping cause or from the map is about to be realized. on the day of the hearing is really bombing kills 5 people in rough of 600000 palestinians,
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had seen forcibly displaced it just over with us as a temporary flight to peer and getting a job that has been anchored to a beach to another lenses to have is, makes right wing governments and get realty. is this a promising tough and you assign them and migration. and on piece of statements with useful tends to whose number one produces the shots of the day and the record falls in the 1st round of golds. g, a championship south africa has requested the you and to top code to or the israel to end is offensive in route for immediately is really a time. some of the city have so far forth, maybe $600000.00 palestinians to flee. and just over a week, speaking to the judges at the international court of justice, south africa's legal team accused israel,
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a violation of the genocide convention. they argue that is rosa operation in rafa is the last step and the destruction of guns is texas or in violation of funds are made for rules of preventative and low. but in addition, and they provide evidence of the crime of genocide in terms of articles to a, b, c and d, of the genocide can be as the president, members of the court, this is tech is a final blow that is intended to destroy the palace, to noon group in gosh, bills and save it as well as the closure of the roof or crossing his comfortable flames. late this trip was sending an already di, humanitarian crisis view and says that from an in northern gauze it is now spreading. so for the rest across the remains closed and there is a continued lack of safe and look just to be viable access to the care and shall i'm pressing. the crosses cannot be more urgent. and that is so we is rouse
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assaults on rest. and the close of these critical crossings all aggravating the feminine like conditions across garza, were over a 1000000 people are predicted to face catastrophe. let's enough from step past and it has moved from the hague. of the tone today in the court was very urgent to compare to even to the 1st hearings in january. you could feel that now 4 months since the court has imposed by the orders on this route. uh, south africa feels time is running out for the people in guys and especially for the people in guys in the are i for they say this is an end game that israel is now playing in a rough. i'm making sure that the people are now completely wiped over the map and that the guy's eyes just going to be one big pile of rubble. so they say the court has now to act. it has the power to do so. and so far it has failed to protect the palestinian people from this genocide,
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a sort of last jobs. and they also ask the court to be more specific in the new professional measures that they have to impose according to south africa and as well because as well, has been saying that it has been complying, of maybe not completely understanding of the order. so they have to be very specific and they have to come very soon. according to south africa. step 5, some elgin's era. take. israel's defense minister, you have kalonde, has announced additional ground forces all being deployed to rough or defensive, as well as and done already done on a humanitarian crisis in gauze to southern my city. i need my mood reports from job by the in central garza. i filed for help copies of preparing to bury her husband on her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax. and this for the table in the house at the beginning of the room and
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10 people amounted 5 of them. when my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren, this is the human cost of israel, warren garza pain, suffering despair, and a side that has become too familiar to gaza. population, if you enter in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinians, people here find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment. and the, there's no safe place enough. hon. eunice, thanks lots of jamalia and the say that's enough of safety is there any with god now is really proves on the ground reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. and as these really are me prepared to expand its military maneuvers in gauze, the south, most city,
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600000 people have a slave the area to places like here. and there is by honey my mode. i was just the . 7 there ballasa city, palestine, us in northern dogs, is ready soldiers in palestinian fights as it belongs in france. bottles. jabante has come under heavy it's really bombardment and where to civilians are being rushed to come all at one hospital. the stuff that i say they have no medical supplies and it's struggling to provide treatment math. i couldn't as this update from japan, it this way the post is intensifying the against the video and nothing does district receiving casualties in the life of tales, music and supplies babies new and it's a wind women of the targets and the victims of the as well 80 from being this morning and then the, this is a wounded patients we are treating at the i see you. as you can see the process is
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very simple. we normally place a step under patients who are undergoing surgery. however, they are no slabs at the canal out to in the hospital given the precarious situation. conditions have worse and we do not have enough syringes. there is no cera, they'll know next steps and even ventilate to hoses are not available. the situation is die and medical supplies are not enough for us to cater to the wounded people's needs. more aid is expected to fly into the goals are off with us, finish building, afflicting pair of the case, the, the pay which is temporary and stretches. several 100 meters is not connected to the beach. the goal is to city this new route. spicy is meant to help bring in a to gaza. and us officials say the 1st $500.00 tons of 8 will be arriving soon. or here's what the, placing piers, here's where the fighting here is in that case it on the show, just south of gallon and city of us says it will facilitate the entry of a to arriving on ships from cyprus. united states says it will begin sending around
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90 trucks of age to the pay per day with the hope of raising that number to $150.00 the when will coordinate the distribution of the income. so she ever tunzia has more not from washington dc. us as a can go ahead with a project because it's received security guarantees from the is really another treat regarding the safety of us military personnel and what's called the marshalling area, the area where the aid will be unloaded. however, when i asked the public and spokes person about a similar assurance, somebody is riley's about the safety of aid workers who will subsequently transport the 8 into garza. i didn't get the same set up and here we have had assurances from the idea that they will provide security to us forces that are operating on and, and set up that temporary floating causeway. we will also have a presence of a destroyer in the region to ensure that us forces are protected, that as we take force protection very seriously,
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we would not have done and oper and put together a mission like this and coordination with us the id without thinking about our forces that are going to be in it, that could potentially be in harm's way. what about 8 workers? was that so? so again, i'm gonna, i'm gonna tell you what i said earlier at the top of when you asked me that exact same question. we have to do conflictions all set up one in cyprus, one in israel. we have 8 workers. we have u. n workers, usaid us military id of sitting together in a cell for the exact question that you're asking to the conflict on these important issues. all right, moving on. yeah. even those here depends again, admit, sort of appear as a substitute for reopening the land roots into gauze, or where fireman is taking hold. how about for whatever reason, the us is still not using as leverage to get those 8 entry points open. she advertised c l g 0 depends ago the agent to is rejected. israel's proposal to
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jointly coordinate the reopening and management of the roof of crossing between cyanide garza, this follows israel caesar of the gauze. the site of the crossing last week. egypt says the crossing on the goss inside should be managed totally by palestinian authorities as laid out in long standing agreements. the roof of crossing is crucial for humanitarian aid and medical evacuation. it's been closed since may have the 7th, when israel took control of the goals aside, aid has since piled up on the gyptian side, unable to cross. oh goodness, sorry. was the middle of it. the 100 with israel continues to engage in evasive actions, to avoid this responsibilities and in devious maneuvering around efforts to achieve a ceasefire. furthermore, it is defined to adamant about its widely condemned military operation and rough uh and 6 to leverage the rough crossing from the palestinian side to send a divide siege on the gaza strip once again. but i definitely state that egypt is unequivocally committed to steadfast position,
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both in words and actions in rejecting valid creation of the palestinian calls, the false displacement or compulsory migration of the palestinians, as well as the creation of conditions, rendering garza uninhabitable with the aim of feedback awaiting the land of palestine from its people. let's say now remember i'm con, here, report through amman and jordan is, is relative shut down houses here is operations within israel. these comments come from a presidency off to these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu publicly said that . uh, the rafa crossing could open, but egypt didn't want to open it. now. egypt and israel have a very complicated security relationship. agreement had the beginnings of that would come, david, which was that help in 1979. the codes that were assigned to kind of david. when specifically talking about ref, i've meant the rough i should be demilitarized and palestinians should be in
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control of the guards inside of the across the one k. those 2 things on happening. presidency is also saying effectively to the is raise that you are in gaza. you've created this mess, this is on isn't on us. but you also have to remember at egypt, sions, running a tremendous amount of domestic pressure as well. the war is incredibly unpopular amongst agents in public. so that's something that's easy we'll be looking at. you're looking at the voices of the streets, that would be hearing a need capitulation. any agreement with israel is going to be incredibly popular, unpopular, so that it plays into why we've had these comments come out so far. but like i say we haven't had any is really reactions like fall, but it's likely that we're going to hit something that we've heard before, particularly from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who intends to deflect and blame the egyptians for not letting in the humanitarian aid. now the egyptians are actually fighting back in this,
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it seems that those very angry words at the beginning of that fight back against these is ready accusations just to reiterate, to him and kind of covering. and that story from a mountain because it's really the bandages here and we're reporting from outside the country. a facilities are fed up again along the border between level and israel. 3 civilians have been mentioned to critically, it is rarely strikes in the lebanese border village of k all as well. i'll find dozens of rockets on ministry positions in northern israel, at least 3 soldiers was seriously injured. said harder has more now from favorite as there is a steady escalation in the bustle between the israeli military and the lebanese, the arm group has the law. the conflict appears to be in a different phase, both sides increasing the frequency of their operations. also, the military operations becoming more deadly on wednesday. has the law carried out its deepest strikes? yes. inside is ready territory some 35 kilometers from the board or the is really
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army, acknowledging that quote, a sensitive military side was damaged by an armed drone. now hezbollah said that operation was in response to the killing of its members, but israel does not seem to be the tears carrying out yet another targeted assassination on thursday as well has been targeting has well, a field commanders over recent months, more than 13, a drone strikes, targeting vehicles of israel to increasing the tempo of its air strikes, carrying out 16 in a matter of, of, in a very short, the short time in the east of the country and eastern 11 on a far from the border. so both sides really escalating this conflict but still being cautious not to not risking a wider confrontation in the sense that military targets are still being chosen. um has well the secretary general a few days ago saying that the group continues to develop its operations in
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quantity and quality. but like i mentioned both sides still of treading carefully trying to avoid a wider a confrontation which really could hurt them both center for their fables posted to handle this. these are including grades president visits the city of khaki, and it meant to boost morale. as of russia makes mention games nearby. the presidents of restaurant china cool for reform of the world war to the size ation of united nations. a vision, a foot. well federated confederation bites kind of size attempt to have that you're suspended from international football because of the war and gaza. people will have the details in the so ukraine says it's trying to stabilize the front line and the ne cocky region where most goes made is launches territorial gains in month president for the
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minister lensky presented engine troops in car, keeps it in a bid to boost morale, he says, the situation remains extremely difficult on home and reports now from khaki. it's been a tough few days for the so just the ukraine. i'm for president. the modem is a lensky. it's a long project. what i want to thank you for all you do. thank you for your brave. what he'll do. he's visiting the hockey region. in ne, you cried after rushing cross border offensive took about $200.00 square, columbus has a territory. ukraine's own forces say they've now slowed it's about like they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area. both chance support the situation extremely difficult. the enemy is taking possession, sort of streets of the town of, of 10th another russian push. just west is about 7 kilometers into
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this up push goes. a few moments is more than brushing. artillery will be able to show the northern outskirts of here, hot keith, ukraine, 2nd largest city, and home to more than a 1000000 people. it's already being attacked frequently from yeah. we've russia using especially guided problems. they have wings and a g. p. a system. i'm released from boba's, come in trouble more than a 100 kilometers to the target, to the heating the front line to say step on who's just come off it for a brief and a smoke. in the assume a region, we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements. in 3 days. they used them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves to fight to jets, which could stop the bubbles who carried them along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraine's allies have yet to arrive. although some us alms from
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a $61000000000.00 us military, a package on now coming in. the meanwhile, this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also mean it's down no more fuel in the home. and i would just say to try to keep russian leader of letting me put tenants in china, deepening what he calls an unprecedented teaching partnership. badging has provided most good with an economic lifeline during its invasion of ukraine. the 2 latest discuss dival and expanding trade and investment peril cycle for the politicize ation of united nations. trinity reports now for banking. a powerful welcome for a man chinese president steven pane can sit as an old friend. vladimir put it and walked to the red carpet as he arrived and aging for to day visit to deep cooperation between china and russia. phase i issued from china will always be
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a good neighbor. confront of mutual trust was russia and the continued consolidate of friendship between the 2 peoples. however, aging has been moscow's most important support is since it invaded ukraine and has resisted coals from west and lead is to reduce that trade. 40 percent of russia's impulse amount from china, including electric vehicles and smartphones shows out of the us market like this even do. sure. china is russia some leading partner in the international trade based upon last year's data. our country became number 4 in the export and import dallas of china. these supposed to lead assigned a doing declaration, celebrating 75 years of diplomatic ties at a funding desk for teacher partnership. 10 deals were also signed on development, cultural exchanges, and the protection of the siberian totally goods seating thing says the china restroom relationship is a stabilizing force in the face of us. the gemini regions says both sides of
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working to the polar and criticize which he described as a politicize ations. institutions, such as the united nations enforced alliances in the asia pacific. the russian president says he's grateful for china's efforts to solve the ukraine crisis will taking into account the security concerns of both sides versus newly appointed defense minister is also engaging and has brief to see on russian forces progress in the fighting from russia stand pointed signals to the rest of the world that russia is not alone. and despite the invasion of ukraine, and despite all the sections that have been imposed on russia, the apparently some limits to this store quote, no limits partnership. see, has stopped short of providing most go with direct military support. being careful not to antagonize washington and brussels too much economic corporation between
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china and russia may be growing, but it remains dwarfed by the volume of chinese trade before the us and europe. katrina, you alda, 0 aging former us president donald trump was back in a new york quote for the cross examination of a key witness and it cycled hush money trial. a trump is charged with such a full felony counts for allegedly falsifying business records cover up payments through an adult film star and the final days in 2016 election campaign, defense attorneys cross examined to form a trumpet confidant mike cohen. he says he arranged the cast transfer of more misled square, large knots, christmas and in his inside the court house in new york city. kristen that tell us what scene happening please upstate the while the court has wrapped up for the day, michael cohen finish his 3rd day on the stand being drilled by a lawyer for donald trump. the defense team has been hammering away at his
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credibility, focusing on lives that he's tools in the past, as well as michael cohen desperation to get trying to see him behind bars. and they referred to as social media post and his pod cast where he talked about that a lot sharing some of those posts with the jury as evidence and cohen for his part has admitted to lying repeatedly. he has said in order to fix it or for jury for doing so. but he's largely stuck to his story that donald trump knew about the efforts to silence the adult film star. and even more importantly, knew about a cohen being reimbursed for the payments to that film start, which is at the heart of this case about falsifying business records. a heart of the charges that are against donald trump. and donald trump, for his heart, was in the court room all day. outside of the court room, he sounded his familiar cbs's, familiar complaints,
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claiming that such charges were brought against him only as a way to interfere in the upcoming 2024 election. be working is every case is no crime, it's a disgrace. and while donald trump has complained about being silenced because of a gang or that prevents him from talking about witnesses or the judge, in this case, he was joined in the court room by supporters that include representatives, republican representatives from congress. they spoke on his behalf and spoke about the judge and the witnesses criticizing them outside the courthouse. and also i should point out that donald trump does have the right to testify in the court room
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in the trial on his own behalf. when asked whether or not he would do so, he declined to answer. next, chris, i believe that's enough. thanks very much for that update. leave me in new york. slip back is a prime minister, robert tito is stable, but his condition remained serious. after undergoing several officers surgery, i think it was short as 5 times in the town of a 100 logo. on wednesday after you left the government meeting, they saw sedation attempt shot in the country and drew global condemnation. tasha butler reports now from central slovakia. video there's a max is a man charged with the attempted murder of so the back is prime minister robot fits, so it shows the 71 year old at an anti government demonstration in west. and so if i q last month on wednesday, the former security guard and pony it is believed to find multiple shots that fits so in the central se, back in town, defend loza,
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before he was restful to the ground of the moment is we didn't quite understand what was happening because until now we were living in the country. we couldn't even imagine someone shooting at a politician. the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later and left it to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave town. who thank sca history so where are you on the winton operation? the last it i was stop to this hospital. what into the noise to say fits those life and say that he's now in the stable but serious condition of the people that caught me. the surgical patient had multiple gunshot wounds, which will affect his recovery. at this point, his condition has stabilized, but it is truly very serious of to visiting think. so in the hospital. so if i q isn't coming presence, that it was time for people in the country to unite. we have to calm down the situation in the society. we have to ask the people to fight against each other
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only because they have the political view of somebody like that. and we have to stop this uh, uh, this uh, this high and the very he extension you never, society fits so. so the vacuums, the longest serving political leader and clips to the russian president. it's a forward to say the pope in this problem is the, is a trusted pair of hands. his opponents say he's a voice. if the guy who's a routing rights, the government says the man who shall say most politically motivated but acted alone, they hope that the assassination attempt will destabilize and rated politically polarized country natasha butler, which is 0 central. so if i q said a head hearing out 0 from suspends troops to its pacific, turned to a new kind of dania. foster said not defraud concerns about the spread of toner cartridge. comes at least in democratic republicans, congress and the world's best women's tennis. claire is one, went away from the school.
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the i had a lot of that we've got something of a stagnant weather pattern across the you're at the moment. so what we've seen in the past few days, we'll see in the next 2 going to area of low pressure is when you move wet and windy, whether it's weston and most central areas. but high pressure across the north and to the east is keeping things allows me fine and drive and lots of sunshine for scandinavia attempt just sitting well above the average for this time of year. now after we saw some flooding in the north of it city, we still got that rain then mainly affecting north eastern areas with an amber warning out there. but it's germany that set to do to see the west of the wet weather on friday, with a red warning out west in areas stretching from cologne down to the border with switzerland. behind that we still got those showers coming in for france. northern
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parts of spain and portugal, with the black to re winds coming into western areas and of tons of sundry rain for southern parts of england. it is looking much fine it with sunshine in the north on saturday. and those conditions stretched across a scan. today the we will see that went to weather start to ease across the balkans . as the numbers start to rise, that on friday things will cool down slightly across the some western areas. but the thing is, i'm going to continue to rise up in the north for stuck them in sweden. the hod hitch, i mean to be used as the oil see, suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say, no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling
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for you, it's very, very painful here the story on talk to how does era, you will see the caught a duty and a growth using for the p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup, you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the other day you're watching out 0 reminder about top storage. and the international court of justice has heard arguments by south africa requesting additional emergency measures to hold as rails offensive on reference view and says it's really a tax on the city of forced at least 600000 kind of thing is to flee just over a week israel says it's deploying additional ground forces to run for despite a warning for the us defense if it was done already done. humanitarian crisis in guns of southern mississippi. more aid is expected to flow into gallons. are off to the us finish building up play to peer off the coast that appear, which is temporary and stretches several 100 meters is meant to help bring in 8 to guns, the students and also university of increase the pressure on administrators to divest from israel. several 100 people joined to protest denouncing the diversity of
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silence on israel for on the browser. a shameful general reports now from oxford pretty test led by students at the university volkswagen, up to administrative this week, refuse to engage with the quote, the moms over the war of gaza. students have been camped on the university loan since may, the 6 among the the mones, the docs would disclose its finances and investments. the oxford endowment management fine has not disclosed any of their investments. we know as of now that the university's food investments such as black lab that of historically been completed and is really apartheid in genocide. we also know that the university is banking the south place, which has been involved in the us texture. it is really a part of the occupation in genocide the people who joins this protest dot hang good in particular, they say by the university locksmith refusal to set out plans towards divestment from israel. and from is really link entities
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a move they say that some other universities have place to make most recently notably, trinity college. and they say the protest will continue until it does. this is about demonstrating to the university that we have seen here. we've been here for almost 2 weeks, sitting and waiting for someone from the administration to come and enter into dialogue. they believe that they can ignore us. they believe that they can wait us out. the university of cambridge has agreed to meet with their students as of today, and we believe that the university of oxford is really failing their duties and meet with their students and discuss these right just demands that be prepared against the institution that supposed to represent us around the hatred notable produce palestinian medics with experience inside gaza during the turn more. they talked about the disabling of its health care system. while student leaders describe the destruction of causes scores, and univers. above all, they said this was a wakeup call to the university of up to,
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to put itself on the right side of history. don't know how to 0 helps, but in the united states. another campus, protesting is on the guarantee with guns that has been suppressed by police. this one was on the campus of the university of california, irvine. i since protest began in the usa of israel's for on garza began in april more than 3000 students. in other protests have been arrested at reynolds reports from the university campus in never hundreds of police were pulled onto the university of california irvine campus after student gaza solidarity pro search occupied a building adjacent to their protests camp. police arrested dozens of protest
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the rent in addition to hand, something in detaining students least dismantled the protest encampment. leaving piles of debris which were quickly swept away by maintenance workers. the students had been demanding the university cup ties with is really business and academic institutions. and stuff investing in weapons manufacturers. the once the encampment was cleared, police formed a line forcing protesters onto an open loan on campus. as the sun went down, a group of muslim students prayed, police are now moving in to disperse the remaining student protesters. they say this is an unlawful assembly and they have threatened to use non legal force including baton and chemical sprays. the students disperse before the
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advancing police without resisting elsewhere around the country. students demonstrated against israel's more on gaza at the university of michigan. and kim is still going on strong today's day 24 and we're going to remain here until our demands are mad. and student protesters were arrested at the university of new mexico. in another sign of campus turmoil, 48000 unionized student teachers, researchers and other student workers on the 10 university of california campuses voted to go on straight. they say their rights were violated by the school administration's decisions to suppress peaceful protest. rob reynolds, l g 0, irvine, california far right to dodge politicians, goodwill. this has announced a new governing coalition every 6 months after this part to you much as the largest force in general elections. but he's not expected to be the prime minister. 3 right
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wing policies agreed on a platform to restrict asylum seekers and they say they'll stop participates in european union migration programs. parties also agreed to cut welfare payments along with taxes and environmental policies meant to reduce carbon emissions. let's take this off. we can speak to golden dark is a gem less than that contribute to to the online website. dutch news joins is not from the hate. golden could help you with this. so finally, there is agreements is taking 6 months to get the but we have agreement. how different is this government going to be from previous touch administrations instead of going to be to purchase certainly from the most recent desktop. and so this is a definitely a shift to, to the right. okay. there was as a leader of the largest party, and it is kind of exciting all the full writing parties and they signals they're going to introduce what to, hey, bill. this is kohls the most to submit that whole district is to assign them a z meta and, and say, a pop type of thing that said he was the ones that you could to the customers. or
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the energy transition must few green energy menus. and also certainly some of the spending is quite a large package of the therapy measures to complement spending, also to kind of civil service. and uh, but it also moves to the increases on spending on health care for the elderly. and also possibly some constitutional forms occurring. absent the adults, they come to the supreme court in the us. right. and there's a big focus on migration coming migration, which is presumably as something of concern devices the who visits the main it became the biggest issue during the election campaign, southern migration and all of the full washing is agreed. this one like ration should be reduced quite drastically. the, there was some debate about how to do is actually immigration, became one of the sticking points between the full body set. but also in the day the chosen for these. then there would be these very radical new plans, the,
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the 2nd stuff he said. so the levels that is different countries from today, they want to restrict the entrance of the company down to reduce the number of people are paying a solid. and they also want to remove the many of the rights and decided to see because have such as the right to appeal to access to the legs and the right to be joined by the families. it's only about to speeding up the deportation process. and if necessary, having to pulse the potations, i'm a board of controls. all they also want to do is all out of the european agreements on migration, on the side. and they want to go to process, negotiate that possible care possible allow that. does that require that because creation of the treaty between the 270 members of the states and that was wants to the asylum crisis and we're on site as a crisis in the bottom system. so it's all pretty radical stuff is given. it's taking 6 months for them to reach agreement to be able to fullness. and will it be a united administration or when it be a practice in some way which will impede it's working?
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that is really the big question. seen how stable this coalition is and how is my last because so that it has taken 6 months to come to this stage degree and then we're not finished yet. still probably another couple of a, it's a 6 pack, some of a 8 to 9 weeks to actually finalize the deal. but what happened yesterday was the full parties agreed and got the back and you'll think we would send these to take this full board. but it's 11 points to administer to be done. the prime minister is going to be and also gives me lots of big differences between the parties during these told me, well, one of the new constitutional reform is spotty clothes and you start with the contract with a balance of every but they want to dispatch and attach to the veteran's international treaty obligations where it's capital, as i've said throughout his career, he's been very um i think came to the indian. he hasn't reset my store by international treaties, etc. recently shot the board is in the netherlands islands. um and uh for a long time he wants to pull out of your mean. so yes, there are the differences between these products and with that kind of pun,
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your opinion, perspective is interesting, isn't it? because up until not on the far right has be making gains in european elections, but they remain away from power because bodies doesn't want to touch them at refused to. but within the netherlands, that it seems to charlie and different goals as it has in this was the big switch during the election campaign and your so that's a new cable is had to be now to power for the for 12 years. he to had the supporting role in a previous government, so they had to go to the beach that's outside the main right wing center. i talked to you through the liberal party but said that the different parts of change leader was bigs, met by the current kept going by. what is the language of the new need to came in doing? yes, it is and said that she was happy to choose opens the idea of doing of, of how sharing with those and that seems have changed the whole dynamics. and during the election campaign, you've got to the last 2 weeks election campaign suddenly village this part and search and he became the largest party. and that is something that he was much
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advised and i guess now the metal has a, a pass arriving cabinet as often as right. and then he read his stomach right. beaver. interesting. see how it opens out a gold and thank you for that. go and dart speaking to us a thanks a lot. a major reinforcement operation is on the way to both the security forces in the french pacific i have in charge of new caledonia the left of police. and so just for the 3 nights of writing and like to reform for people who died in the unrest including a police officer under simmons as this report now, the reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france on a mission to quell the violets. in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin continued despite a curfew in stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to back up hundreds of extra police officers. the mineral rich pacific garden became
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a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control. the situation we have cut down here and the situation there remains very tense with looting, riots, fires and the soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. that i would remind you that to john thomas have died. this is on dom we're shots in the head yesterday. another show and died today as a result of a weapon mishandling with a run that's installed fidelity of this week. politicians from the comic indigenous community accused fronts of trying to dilute the voting power that's on the, to the french parliament as adult to the constitutional reform bill, which will allow old french residents who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote. in elections, the cadillacs, who make up about 40 percent of the population, say that being marginalized by the french. new caledonia has one of the biggest
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nickel mining industries in the world. but one and 5 residents live below the poverty line. these images of damage from the writing were filmed on thursday by a business man who says, you have to file through roadblocks, controlled by a gunman, excuse bus, panama city. what is really happening is that as i move a lot to see family members or keeping all my properties, i see everything on the vote. i see the store was looted by the people. i see the fives and adults warehouse is offices, and one was i admit, even though i carry a gun with me all the time to handle any situation. the reform bill needs to be rectified by congress before becoming low. all french forces clump down on violence on the orders of president emanuel mack, chrome. caesar also calling for dialogue with the opposition in new caledonia. right now, that seems unlikely. andrew simmons, which is 0 of course, when, when hey, joins, is now from total anger and youtube and then when, so what's the latest on this?
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and you kind of dania. this is what's coming up to 9 o'clock. you kind of don't need to time residents day waking up to another day when a particular new man of the capital city is basically locked down as it's shut down a lot of roads, key roads around the city still blocked off by protest is old by security forces we'll said confirmation that that the total has increased. another police officer was killed, albeit by framed lee 5. so another 10 today. uh, we are also seeing large crowds gathering already outside supermarkets on friday morning. that's becoming one of the key issues here is for people to get their hands on basic supplies. one of the main sectors that has been targeted by elusive as an arsonist over the past few days is the supermarket sick. the and a lot of the shelves are completely empty, getting supplies into new caledonia has been difficult. so people are really struggling to get their hands on basic supplies. now,
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the french government has moved to try to resolve this issue. one supply ship did arrive on thursday and the other one planned for friday. so now we have this a 12 day state of emergency and a friend security forces heading over there on their way. will that work as well? so far things seem to be quite hung down a little each day that goes past the night. time still sees violent flashes, but things seem to be slowing down a bit, but no sign that it's going to come to an end any time soon. you're right, the security force numbers are increasing by the de, the french government, sending another 1000 police officers and john dumb to new caledonia. so that brings it to almost $3000.00 at the military are also in action. and as well, the main role is to secure a key facility such as the pool and that i mentioned earlier at the airport, which remains closed at the moment to incoming and outgoing flights. the government also had
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a video conference call planned for thursday between the president and manual metal and political leaders from both sides of new caledonia, the president, the french president, cancel that cold because he said that those 2 sides in new me, i cannot talk to each other at the moment, so there was no point in having a 3 way conversation. so certainly weird a bit of a standstill when it comes to any sort of negotiations to bring the situation to an end. wayne thinks that updates wayne, hey, reporting, thank you. us more than 2 and a half 1000000 people to be forced from the homes in the eastern democratic republic of congo by conflict between government forces and them. 23 rebels. the displaced and living in the unsanitary comes in north keepers provincial capital game, but people are suffering and outbreak. cholera, catherine. so it has this report now. these health where kids are struggling to contain up for their outbreak in calms for displace people in goma. the disease is
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pretty quickly. 15000 people have been infected since january. these treatment center is feeding off color. i would highly contagious and tend to within bodies. as my child started vomiting that was followed by diarrhea, she was very weak. when we arrived here, doctors discovered it was color and she's getting back to a conflict between government forces and the entities we rebel group has made things worse. more than 2500000 people have been forced from the homes in the last 2 of the happy as many are leaving rough and shelters like this. they have very little to eat. and then leaving conditions are on sony tardy for dinner, cholera cases of growing every day in all the cabinets. and each week we did $500.00 reported cases. the security situation is not helping the walls, health, organization, and other medi quote, health agencies say they're running out of funds to help millions of people in the country. we have people have almost nothing because they've been displaced because
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they've been forced to flee. uh their villages, their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs were up. they'll where the most new arrivals are. and we saw people who literally are coming up with nothing. living in a sheet of plastic, of, uh, trying to make ends meet, finding their dinner tonight. and what is needed is financial support. this is what recently happened into comp, 10 kilometers west of coma. what a safety people, what killed when bombs dash out to run that denies accusations by the government. the you in the us that it's finding m 23. bob got a comp displaced. people said the priority is keeping the family safe because even in what are meant to be secure areas like this,
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that protection isn't guaranteed. catching, so i, i'll just sierra to the head there and out 0. i'm up the cry thief on the ground, sold city in south korea, preparing for the next major league sancho. it gets very pitching vase the this business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dashboard to use
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the of this business uptake. this makes it a success. rose thought, no bundle a dash before he is the the right. let's get on board his pizza. nick. thank you so much. the 2nd, the major of the golf season is on the way and there's already been
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a wrinkled face in the opening round by will them but threes and the shell flame. the american cruise through his 1st round that bell. holla, making 9 birdies to go 9 on the pole. the $62.00 is a close record and the lowest school pga championship history. i can pick. i'll take a 62 in any major uh, any day. you know, as spurts of, you know, moments and time are you feel like you can control the ball really well, you're seeing degrees really while you're shipping really well that over a prolonged period is tough to, to upkeep, you know, high performance. but yeah, i'd say it's it's, it's very close to it. if not, it's not last week's when and will number 2 rolling. mcelroy also had a great day hitting the pen on the 1st wholly finished the day for so i'm back in a thoughtful of the shots of the day has to go to will number one school, she shiffler. this was these approach to the 1st green one balance and straight
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into the cup. really, you go east guarantee at a time for 11 shiffler who's demanding most is champion. i think for a 2nd major of the women's will remember when he gets to be honest, like he's on the cusp of competing the dude double. that is winning both the madrid and the tiny and open titles. best bet. it's something that hasn't been done since 2013 by serena williams. no lice wrote was real take is one way the way now for meeting coca golf in the room, semi finals, 6 full and 63, the final school american told me pool is one, went away from the main spinal he beat 7. see who bit hook catch in spring fits early in the 14 feed coming out on till 7536, and 75 pool was also a break point down in the food at one stage and needed 15 minutes to wrap up the final game in which he saved 6 brake points he takes on nicholas jerry in the semi
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finals. the agent football confederation is back in palestine to teams that i have is. busy suspended from fi 5th because of the ongoing role in gauze a minute silence was held for victims of the boy at the ac congress, which is being held in bangkok ahead of fif. is congress in the same city on friday? fif a members all set to discuss the motion put forward by palestine, f a. that is seeking immediately and the appropriate sanctions against these rate the teams. the faces at least 19 on palestinian football is have been killed in the will as they see. and visa only as strong as its members. and when, when members suffers all its members are effective. so they if the stance together with the palestinian etc. and we join them and seeking for a permanent solution to the challenges faced by the palestinian football community
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. euro 2020 full host nation jim, and you have revealed the preliminary squad for the 2 event coming up next month. coach. usually a nod books, mom has name full goalkeepers in this group. the gym and boss says he sees heading back many people's as important in training. this quote also includes veterans like thomas miller and tony crows. germany kick off the competition that gave scuffling, done june 14th to tom euro. when his front symbols have announced a provisional squad coach, the additional has opted to recall midfield in gold country who lost plate for his country nearly 2 years ago. frontal playing group, the long side, australia, poland, and the netherlands. they'll be captain by ken and then bob payne and he made an appearance of the met him 2 souls museum in berlin on thursday to unveil. he's a wex double. but they helped fronts when the world cup in 2018. and we'll be hoping to add the european title to his list of accolades pretty soon. and then malice match between the philadelphia union and new york city. you had
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a cute but post system pitch invited. a wreck who's stopped to play for. i'm 5 minutes. a stadium for here to try to catch it. the metal which is native to north america showed impressive footworks. we bank it's attacked as well. the crowd cheered it on this course. they did. but all good things have to come to an end. and this rep who was eventually trapped in a plastic fest scan and released back into the wild and the budgets, the frenchman judy and i left the leave to go to an early break away and produced a spending solar ride to wind stage 12. the 2 time world champion, finishing 51 seconds aid of his nearest rival. today, public shot was safely in the middle of the pallets on and still leads overall by 2 minutes and 50 seconds. and that's all i have to say for tonight the page. thank you very much, we'll see like thank you. now all thirty's in south korea have announced new measures to tackle flooding. expected during the rain disease may include the use
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of artificial intelligence to help predict where floods might occur following devastating stones last shift from mcbride. hence, this report now from so along the volts away and sold a pro to busting it, spends emergency services, test defense is meant to stop or repeat to flooding. that's taking place here in previous years, work is monitored from the control center that now uses artificial intelligence. to predict where floods are likely to occur. processing vast amounts of data from previous events and weather patterns. to donate host vehicles on the, the amounts of jobs it has increased beyond what full cost is can handle. i believe this, i technology will enable us to give foster and more detailed floods, full cost singleton. it's one of them. it will enable meet urologist to triple the number of locations across the country where they can predict the flooding. rain storms last year, with the worst and the decade, killing, endangering dozens of people,
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and displacing thousands. a year you'll see ever we hope to significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to predicts nothing. but that still doesn't reduce the increasing impact of extreme weather events. south korea is also turning to ever more i'm vicious input struck just like these underground tunnel capable of capturing and holding a 3rd of a 1000000 tons of rain water. enough to fill a 160 swimming pools running for near the full kilometers on the cell. it will still go to that would otherwise flood the city above to be late to have pumped away with climate change, an abnormal weather patton's happening globally. i believe this tunnel technology could become an important export item. south korea was preparing defences for itself, but also developing nc flooding measures that could be used in other parts of a world facing the same climate process. rob mcbride,
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i'll just say it right. so that's it for this up. but i'll be back in a couple of minutes and i'll have another full out by the why have american evangelicals become? is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the
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the, the mission of a thing. so she needs this, you know, this is this christmas helen sort of female surgery and not a weekend and of course, the spirit and that's a lot of it. this is the time to get a can you see,
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and the time to me the the, this is the 1st to decide that there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream in the listening post covers how the news is cut the, the cut on the clock. this isn't news on life. coming up in the next 60 minutes, israel keeps up, it strikes on reference. the defense minister announces more ground troops be deployed to the city and southern garza construction of a flight to peer to help get more humanitarian aid and to god's risk completes as the un once it's time in, in the north, a spreading to the south,


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