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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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upfront, only what, how to do the colors that hold robin, you're watching the all does it renews online when headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes? israel robinson photonics on northern golf. at least 6 people are killed and overnighted strikes, injury volleyball, refugee camp. as well as defense minister says, mole ground troops all being deployed to rafa. in southern gaza, 600000 palestinians have already fled. the area of israel provides to present its case to the you and top cold south africa. once the i, c, j to oda is really full sized out of rafa. state craft and symbolism in china, russian present to, to invite sup, his visit to discuss
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a new limits partnership. the welcome to the news that we're beginning. garza what intense buffalo, so taking place between israeli troops and palestinian sciences in the north and south of the strip in the coming of israel is due to present its case to the international court of justice at the hague. on thursday, south africa as the you and stop cold, to old israel to stop is offensive and rough uh, in southern gauze that it's an addition to south africa's argument that as well as committing genocide in gaza. well, despite that case and increasing international pressure, that's the new laptop, fitness, riley attacks, old, rasa. the defense minister says more ground troops are being deployed, while in the knowles is ready for the run, picking up a tax on the body, a refugee camp matrix flows. and so her early on site today and at least 6 people
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were killed in an overnight to tackle the house sheltering, displaced people. now do i do popped up? i mean, you, i mean, i think we were safe in this house. we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children. here. we all know thomas or fata, or parts of islamic jihad, there were only civilians um children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose the safe place and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. how do you want me to pull stuff from the bella in central garza 5 copies of preparing to bury her husband on her son. but this is not the 1st time she has lost loved ones. there is really a tax in this war. the table in the house, at the beginning of the roll and 10 people were mounted. 5 of them were my children, wives of my sons and my grandchildren. this is the human cost of israel,
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warren garza pain, suffering despair, and a side that has become too familiar to gauze. a population of funeral in an area that was supposed to be the last safe place for palestinian people here . find themselves surrounded by intense is rarely bombardment of the no, there's no safe place just enough of hon. eunice. they solicit your body and the say that's enough of safety. is there any with god? now, is really troops on the ground. the reason they really forces have pushed deeper into rough despite international contamination. allows these really army prepares to expand its military maneuvers in gauze and south, most city, 600000. people have a slave the area to places like here and there is the honeymoon. i was just the. 7
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there are blocks that the house time well in the coming is well is due to present this case that the international court of justice on thursday, south africa filed to appeal to the union's top cool tasking. it to over to the is really military. it's a health is operating in rough or south africa cheeses as well, of committing genocide in garza. it says the operation in rasa is the last step to the complete destruction of cause or stop by some of the pull. so from hate. it's nearly full months since the highest un court ordered israel to prevent genocidal x in gaza. it was in the hate office, was accused of not listening. sadly, south africa is yet again compelled to attend to this quotes and recognition of its obligations under the genocide convention due to the continuing elation of the point of student and people with over 65000 now killed. and most of the guys, uh, they just showed up in south africa,
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sas instead of following binding court orders. israel has escalated the situation with it's a sold on rough uh, calling its guides us the last refuge where one and a half 1000000 people have been cramped together, facing new winners. here we in catastrophe. this is the last step in the destruction of gaza at this palestinian people. it was rough for the broad south africa to the quote. but it is all palestinians is a national, ethnic and racial group who need the protection from genocide that the court can order. when south africa represented the genocide case in january, the death toll and guys us to death more than 23000 the court in order this for us to stop genocide, the x, but refrained from ordering a ceasefire. 4 months later, south africa says the court has a last chance to stop what it calls as well. and gain by ordering is immediate
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withdrawal from gaza. this is the 4th time south africa has us this chord for provisional measures against israel to stop its relentless attacks. its arguments sounding more urgent each time with israel pursuing its war aims and gods. how many are wondering, what international justice can do to prevent and stop genocide? he said, south africa argues the court does have the authority. the essential point is that the court has the power to act to ensure that its previous orders and its event, your judgement will not be with us until the palestinian people will be protected and that he needs to exercise that power. now is where i will have it's turn at the court on friday. so far it has called the accusations of genocide baseless. but with egypt now supporting south africa case international pressure on this
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route in an outside the court is increasing. step 5, some l to sierra, the hate and step joins us though from the hague. so what are we expecting in terms of the procedure today? and what we're going to have from is ro well, interestingly, we just heard that if i will only take one and a half hours instead of the 2 hours that they are allowed to take for their oral presentation. they have a very small team here, only 3, a representatives and only 2 will speak one is it prosecute on the other. one is a representative of the foreign ministry, and they have argued in january that if the courts stops this military operational, ask them to stop the, made it to a probation that it would give a signal to what they say, terrorist groups to commit crimes and crimes against humanity, so they have to completely ignore to these accusations of genocide. and as i said,
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they call them a baseless school step. you know, as we had in your report, the court has issued orders before in this case, and it hasn't really made much of a difference on the grounds that being called. and so just walk us through sort of what the quotes jurisdiction actually means. in this case and how it can be implemented, it's a tool as well. this court has been set up to to discuss disputes between countries. and they have decided earlier on in this case that there is a jurisdiction that the court can here. this conflict between south africa and israel. but the problem here is that the probation on measures which actually is an instrument of this court to stop a possible crimes from happening because the actual case takes years to, to, to finish an find, to a verdict. so to have this provisional measures to stop these possible crimes
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meanwhile, but these are provisional measures a binding, but they don't have any or sorry, t, uh to, to sanction the country who is committing them. so that's of course of, sorry, a serious weakness of this course. and that's why people are wondering why uh, what, what actually, what kind of instrument discord has to stop and prevent possible genocide. so we'll leave it the cool. so we are following the cool case with you throughout the day for the moment. uh, stop by some of the hey, what we're doing now here in doha, by mark, i mean, j associate professor of mentally studies that time it's been police at university kentucky with us mr. jones on the program. again, the i c j again, is this the final countdown to complete genocide as south africa is saying, ready and betraying it? i think it has to be. i mean, i think for the past 6 months we've been wanting, or that's been warning about a ground invasion and rough or even bite and said this was a red line,
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although that doesn't appear to be the case. and i think it's a global knowledge by many of israel's allies as a red line and the ice age i will certainly be seeing in the same light that the invasion of raffle would be seen as a humanitarian disaster. so if the ice age i don't, or the provisional measures in this, then i think that's raises the big question about the international legal system. so i think they'll be under a lot of pressure to do so simply because what we've seen so far from israel, it is that they've been violating the, the, the kind of the old as previously given by the i c j, especially be order to give or allow in on him to more age to gaza, which has to be seen in this escalation in rafa. they've actually not done. in fact, they've done the opposite by blocking out all the board as enough in days that wasn't even 8 allowed in. so it's really hard to see how the ice age. i would sort of reconcile the previous orders with how israel or behaving. but it has to be said that when south africa has gotten to the cold, the i, c, j has to some part, agreed with the south africans and told as well what they need to do,
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which hasn't been done as you've just said. you know, what do you think has to change now? what does the quote need to see or prove be proved you might say, by south africa yesterday and disprove by the israelis today for things to change? well, i think one of the big and most and perfectly obvious examples would be the lack of provision of aid. and this was going to be slightly complicated simply because there was a time in the past months where there was an uptick in a getting into, into gaza. and we seen the construction sense of the american pair to deliver aid, which i think is going live today. oh, and it has been in the past few days. so i think what is what we're trying to do is say that all we've been an increase in aid. however, the, the defensive insight is pretty obvious. which is that, uh, you know, a number of officials that said that jobs is closer to farming than it ever has been. so in a way that was slight optics in a kind of meaningless because if the, the hold of guys is closer to 5 and then it has been before the aid is clearly not
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doing enough. and we've seen the destruction of hospitals and, and, and other medical institutions that again suggested that the icy jays demands of israel, that they facilitated humanitarian aid in chicago. not happening. and we've seen other more hyper if. okay, so those recently we saw settlers trashing an a truck going into gaza. and not only that, the, the, the far to seem to do little to stop it in one particular to as an x ray activist was slapped by a settler for trying to stop this vandalism of aid. she went to report the case, the police and the police said they tried to hide the settler, so she couldn't take a photo of them. so the police are actually protecting the settlers who have vandalizing aid. so well, this really kind of painful picture. that is what it was structurally trying to prevent a getting into god. but there is this beginning of the voltage, isn't that because i'm sure that we might just have from these, right. these in this particular instance today, the issue that they've taken over the roof of border in the last week or so. yeah. and they've also been blaming egypt for not getting paid into rafa. yeah. and you
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talk about the sort of, i think no minds, not difficult at that where these trucks a ride somewhere near, you know about the both of them attacked by the satellite as well. one does where the security is an old of this, again, is ro might say what this old age its responsibilities, it's agents fault. and we're just wondering whether or not is a legitimate argument that that might be listened to by the, the code considering the 2 countries have to agree on how this aid actually gets into gaza. they do have to agree and i it as long been as well as a tactic to blame egypt for those on egypt obviously do better a level of responsibility. but i think it's also a distraction. and one of the issues that egypt has is that during a situation what is really being accused, the novelty or ethnic cleansing, what would it mean for egypt to be opened, the board of free, they would do your best thing is what was left in that class. and by potentially allowing a massive out flux of palestinians, which is what we saw in the neck though. right? so this, it puts them in a different position. is really usually also heather,
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this is that with the agent could be accused of uh, agent genocide, by not opening the border and allowing these ladies to kill the product code. but it's not the only board. and that's what the entrance thing, you know, one of the issues has been the, the, the iris border in the north. and there's all these other borders that will access points in, in gaza. that is real, could be allowing a through, but the choosing not to. i'm, we've known historically for example, that, you know, smart trench the, the finance man as that has been either shipments or flowers through accidents, quotes, right? so israel, who are prosecuting the will, who are the occupying force, have the burden of responsibility. and when it comes to providing the you know, improving the life chances for those and gaza. so i think was egypt can be brought into this is rose responsibility and they are trying to pass about what we have seen. certainly since october the 7th. and certainly since the cold cases in january at the only c j, the israel does disobey the orders. it means the cold it brought, this is the findings, it plays the i am the victim here. it all comes at the price doesn't change,
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and the call to public opinion globally. yeah. well, this is true and i think what saddens me mostly about what we've seen is that israel seem to be playing. oh, absolutely. disregarding the importance of public opinion, so long as they get their weapons from the us and that they're able then to continue this war. because public opinion is quite clearly against israel, even a month is biggest allies, right. in the us months, republicans and democrats in the, in a lot of countries in europe. right. so what does that actually mean? is there a doesn't seem to be that folded about public opinion? and if the i c j with the rule that to, you know, again to, to, to force israel to withdraw from rafa. israel could be somebody and they probably will be somebody. but i mean, look what they've done so far, even with the biggest allies fight and said that rep, it was a red line. it looks like the x rays are about to go in, you know, they were like start getting on aiden. they prevented aid going in as early as willingly and continuously disobeying the international system. i mean,
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most recently we so you know, the i, c, c, the international court threatened to, to, to indict netanyahu. what happens? a bunch of american republicans send a threatening letter headed back to check this whole conflict is causing amounts of undermining of international order. and this is, i think, due to israel's design to survive. and i think it shows a complete disregard for the views of public opinion. we'll get more of this one otherwise more as we hear what happens in court's life, and by that lock of insurance. thank. specially just being discussing us central command has said that the sized truck loads of 8 has begun moving a show off. it's new the bill to pay off the coast of gulls and the washington says, nearly all initially $90.00 truck light today will be delivered to using the temporary porch but the you and says deliveries by land remain the most effective way to reach palestinians in need. okay, buttons onto the pulse of you and have quarters in new york in the united states says a floating dock is now anchored near garza and ready to receive maritime 8 shipments
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for the united nations to distribute the un on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans how to do so, but reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine. we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of casa, and for that we need access by land. now, the un says right now, the main land crossings and guides are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drug skit in the lack fuel to get to places to distribute it, basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of the roof of crossing the mainland route to get that that previously
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we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled up medical supplies, and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into gaza, all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough at this week. this calls into question how safely the un could deliver aid. united nations is in a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide. for example, this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time. and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members, even when you have the opening of the support even us, you have more a come in, even if you have the you will and the ability to distribute it. you still have this critical issue that is really,
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really prevalent on the ground. and goals are right now, which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in. and that is the real problem with the un faces, right? now rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a loading dock. it didn't bill didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. gabriel's on the i'll just need it at united nations in new york as well. here's where the slicing pay is located as further south and it was originally going to be positioned and that's because lots of them these really all be asked it to be moved closer to one of the major check points. the united nations will coordinate the distribution of a doctorate, some loaded and inspected again, biased by the forces. but the un secretary general spokesman has will that it is well continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip of the new way for the
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aids to be distributed. the un humanitarian f as chief, has worn the spread of time into southern gaza is on an immediate risk. saw the food which are in place already in the southern gaza running out. i think with that we're talking about missing on the left step food in the market. very soon hoping on the left medical supplies in the hospitals that remain in the south to 3 weeks, i think to go perhaps a month. and these are kind of so real statistics because of the situation, which is what's the military, what connecticut viral, it's dynamic. and the, the so the, the, the humanitarian approach is, is talk is completely start. talk to what we bought to set to bring our
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correspond to recover his aim. hayes live for us in the, in the central garza high topic, a 8 has badly been getting into a strip as we've been discussing for weeks now. i mean, what was the humanitarian situation in russia at the moment as well? what is happening, in fact, so hail is down to the wind just to military invasion of rough or hot roads, negative implications on the times in terms of the humanitarian situation across the roof. uh, not only roughly the employees trip because the 2 main course things that are responsible for the flu. valued into this trip, located in rough. we're talking about karma percent of the course thing which is already under that used by you supervision. and now roughly crisen crossing has been under the operational control of the east, ready only as they have been refusing to allow it to be again a route for a to float into the goals. this trip, which definitely contributed to increasing the deterioration of the humanitarian condition. of course, this trip specifically that palestinians have been defending one
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o 8 supply as the main source of fluids and water, of course, multiple areas in the territory. and now they are no longer able to receive that. meanwhile, they have been hearing from the american army that they managed to establish the new floating p a that links the goal is a strict with the out with the outer world. and the same time they say that there was no need for the p. a in terms of the existence of the land roots that could be really a better and more effective alternative for a just low into the gaza strip. now the situation is particularly dia, as people are grappling on a daily basis to get the food, especially that they are waiting for long hours, long crease and a front of the united nations. a distribution centers in order to get these kinds of 8 supplies. but now the do not get any kind of such like saving supplies, which really threats the widespread assignment across the territory. if there's
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going to be new kinds of intermediates, humanitarian intervention in order to risk to the humanitarian situation, of course the stress. so how do we do that? as rad is run thing up as a tax in the north is what i mean. what more do we know about what's going on in giovanni and see the valley a now? is the main parts of zone for that you study all mean the north of this straight. what back to the thought taking place now and how beating area of value of which had been on the corner from you by the is very ami since midnight. witnesses have been confirmed the back of the anticipation of these, these attacks is completely unprecedented. since the beginning of the war in october, the 7th, as they have been saying that the mandatory has been bounding residential buildings fall into clinics and talking about full destruction of the hop piecing areas of devalue. now the men of trees, towing to gradually for bows. its full serv, rent it said in the valley of refuge account,
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but they have been confronted by furious aggressive resistance by palestinians. boston, your groups was trying to use different kinds of short range besides multi shows, empty tank cells in order to attack the maneuvering military tanks. which continue to destroy all kinds of civil impressed trucks. and the city by the per like station of civilians in that area continues to now as they're trying to force move . residents just leave from that densely populated area with medical teams helping concerning to l. just the right that they are struggling in order to get to the location of the abutment in that area. because they've been saying that i'm feeling says what hits along solely that biddicks are no longer safe to operate into a valley at refugee camp. in light of the ongoing compartments in that very small strip of land, in the north of that territory. totally cut through as the net force in the thank you. or the
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good of the use of russian president vladimir putin is in china. but he's wrapping up his 2 day visit to discuss what chinese president, changing things as cold, a know limits partnership. speaking in the northeastern city of ottoman on friday, present peace and cold war and enhancements of the economic relationship states and will attend the evening, setting me all the russia, china try to expel on friday, accompanied by hunching china's vice president alexi, what it is, a russian specialist and associate professor of national security and strategic studies of custom university in pest, australia, and joins us from back to help you with us on the program. i mean, what all the limits of the strategic partnership with the most scapes amazing is being described as a limitless partnership before. but it seems that sort of basing is down playing that somewhat well, the limits of the 2 countries don't have a formal alliance agreement. to me, that's
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a very clear sign that there are limitations to what seems to be limitless relationship. and that can be explained by the fact that neither side is bred bed, so festival unconditionally means and so for giving each other with regards to particularly issues, whether it's ukraine for russia and spend the with nathan, the united states or assault chat. and this is bridget mathis or for china, and then the 5 on the issue of them that the to kind of res, seem to have reached the space. the status when they can be described as mia lions . they almost they have but they're not, they. yes. so that's the principle limitation. so that so even what might be, what's the scope of the partnership in what areas are they like me to expand that cooperation on then? well, clearly, violets all trace which benefits both bar diesel because the china right now has accessed the rushes market, which was abandoned by the western count. but he is asian companies and, and they try and use a feeling in the gifts,
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bridging it pretty quickly. on the other hand, russia benefits for all much size in china is hungry markets, the rushes and rushes, they can be cultural, express, blue china, a full man, and so visited that expert to all and your results so. so the chinese provide russia with kids acknowledges key good, but village is the russians also provide chinese find we saw gag capabilities, specifically in the secure agenda defense be. and so, i mean, that's the area where we will see continues expansion and deeper and you know, the relationship that the area that will then defy is based guide to ration with the 2 countries agreed to join the hands in one exploration as well as joint ventures. with regards to or be those space exploration and so on. and so for president, she has found this perhaps quite difficult balancing act. he knows that he's in a tough position or the last week there was a raft of sanctions made against china by the us. he doesn't want that to continue
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to happen from western nations that hits china is economy. how far is he willing to go to? you might say squeeze the russian hand of friendship and diplomacy and economic progress without upsetting the us and europe. a look. i mean, we need to ask the question whether the chinese i truly broke beds to continue to engage in. so the key is month to where's the west? we have seen this is using b a. so your for that happened just before as human human, rough as gals are part, they don't seem to do it and you're seeing in terms of china, salting, image bands, either on what the dog wants to do in europe, or is position on the water and ukraine. really isn't being able can junior to exercise as much leverage as possible. busy in terms of geological menu over and to
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ensure that it doesn't come off as confrontational as, as the russians do, with regards to this project relations with the west. but i think so no later than what they try to do is we'll have to draw the line because they're not going to continue to except for example, us bands on south korea or a us band. so i'm on home to on the right, on this the, the will try to solve it by the ensure impact on, on the comic relations on their financial institutions for as long as go as, as they can buy the same time. it's also very clear also from the joint statement of human z as in being that the 2 countries on working all day in, on the vision of the international law. the jo, this becomes reduced for the united states on the west point to do okay, what we see, what does happen suddenly in the coming as is always comments and statements to be made alexi mode. i'd be also thanks so much for joining us from past. let's bring you back to our top story,
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but as well as due to present arguments to the international calls of justice and justin, to announce time on thursday, south africa as the coal is not the hateful emergency mentions to ode as well. this stuff is offensive on rafa. south africa says israel is violating the genocide convention. a lot of is on design is a senior analyst with the international crisis group and join us from tel aviv could have you with us on the product. obviously i c j. case getting the attention and as well as it's getting in other parts of the world right now. i would say no, not so much. israel is currently very much internally looking in words that seem, you know, military political tensions between the defense minister who has recently come out attacking basically, and criticizing prime minister netanyahu for not having a good day. after planning garza, there are obviously people in the legal, illegal officials and army officials who are looking very closely at what happens at the i c j. but it's not something that is, you know, dominating public opinion right down at all. i mean, how do you think israel's good is accounts of south africa's argument?
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they say that they're doing every thinking the power to protect civilian life and allow aid into the gaza strip. ave, i know they are ent, and that's for several reasons, including the fact that it's highly, you know, unlikely to be able to provide aid and to keep the conflicts in, in the middle of awards on, with constant bombardments, israel once freedom of operation and all of guys, and it's now going into rafa. and this is something that makes a, you know, very difficult to get in and to distribute. once it's in. this is something that we've seen for months. but israel's position is that this is part of what it has to do to remove from us. and even when there are tensions or divisions within the work cabinet itself, i think everybody across the board agrees with that. and as far as israel is concerned, if there's murder shows, being fired, added soldiers incurring shalom. and that's legitimate reason to close it down. and of course the problem comfortable is it then for israel and for the government
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right now to be dragged back into the i c j and explain that actions or inactions. cuz we were talking to one of the, on the list about the fact that there is the, the call to public opinion globally. and it might not be publicized as well as much, but it certainly is being watched by a global audience. i really think is really, is, are more and more coming in to confront the fact that the world opinion of israel and its actions is horrifying and extreme. and israel, these are more and more going to have to come into contact with that. but as i said before, for now, there isn't a clear decisions just yet. and so it's not, you know, a while south africa has made a case of that as well as all ready and violation of court orders. i don't think it is really is necessarily see it that way. so the question is, what would happen if in fact, israel, you know, more openly now went against those orders. but you know, we've seen that is around has really push the envelope when, when it comes to its relationship with us when it comes to its relationship with each other. so it seems to,
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to just continue to be kind of pushing that on hold up. and nobody's really able to stop it. could you clarify for me and pops to get your perspective from within israel? i mean, domestic politics is playing us in a very different form to these way the public, the we can see here outside of the board as well. so while the public out to number is one thing to see the release of those hostages, the captives in gauze. if there's a clear differential that these protests to adults about peace with the palestinians or solution to the intractable issue of a 2 state solution. would that be a comment to make yes, that's absolutely right. this really has almost nothing to do with the palestinians . i mean, there's obviously small different factors inside of the is rarely public, that it's protesting right now for a hosted release. but the vast majority are simply interested in having all the hostages return by home. and they also want to see a change in this government. they've lost all confidence in the 10 yahoo and not
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only and it's in your home, but in all the government. and you have thousands of tens of thousands of citizens, both in the north of the border with 11 i uninstalled who are still displaced, who are still under rock and fire. they don't believe that this government can make good security. they believe that they basically given up on the hostages, and so that's what they want right now. and if that means ending the war then that they've reached a point where and even though there was large consensus for this war, they lost the confidence and the ability to win this war. and so they just want those hostages back home. la pete is the official opposition within the is riley parliament. all the oppositions voice. so all the opposition making inroads into you might say these re like, is really public psyche that's what's going on is wrong. and the reason alternative the, the all positions, all that's alternative that there is no opposition in this relative political landscape to speak of. there are voices but are countering the current government which has said that the palestinian authority cannot play any role. so you have a,
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you know, certainly leaders either in the opposition or even in the work cabinet who has talked more about in the importance of cooperation with the us. the importance of bringing the palestinian authority in at some point. but that is the, the extent of it. there is no real. busy nobody who's presenting any kind of political alternative, certainly not in the policy doing issue, but also not really on the cause of war itself. i mean, you have pretty much across the board support for continued operations in gaza to remove from us. and so there's just no viable alternative to speak of at this point made of sunshine from the international crisis group. thanks so much for joining us from tele these. thank you. thanks. still had here all the i'll just, sarah, i'm an easy, calm in new caledonia to the french overseas territory. witness sits west and rest . emboldened says he is a double transformer lawyer, as grilled by the defense in the new york coal. those stories coming the
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the i had a lot of that we've got something of a stagnant weather pattern across the europe at the moment. so what we've seen in the past few days, we'll see in the next 2 go to the area of low pressure, is when you move wet and when do, whether it's weston and most central areas. but high pressure across the north and to the east is keeping things allows me fine and drive and lots of sunshine for scandinavia attempt just sitting well above the average for this time of year. now after we saw some flooding in the north of it today, we still got that rain then mainly affecting north eastern areas with an amber warning out there. but it's germany that's set to do to see the west of the wet weather on friday with the red warning out west. and there is stretching from cologne down to the border with switzerland behind that we've still got those
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showers coming in for france. northern parts of spain and portugal, with some blast, we winds coming into weston areas and a chance of sundry rain for southern parts of england. it is looking much fine with sunshine in the north on saturday. and those conditions stretch across a scan today the we will see that with a weather start to ease across the balkans. as the numbers start to rise, that on friday things will cool down slightly across some western areas. but the figures are going to continue to rise up in the north for stuck them in sweden. the 2 other spinning because they're smuggling undocumented workers across and make it fast. for me, i'll keep hard westberg to witness
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that incredible story from over 9 years. desert smugglers, a witness document on that jersey to examine is being active. today's headlines, i wish i had the word word to describe what it was sending me gender. tomorrow's discussions right now is your on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cross journalist bring programs to enforce and inspire to options await us in the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. going out you 0 the the
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book about kill watching of just it was news with me. so robin and dave and remind to have all told stories. israel is due to present arguments to the international court of justice. and just under now, on thursday, south africa, and just because of the hey, for emergency measures to old israel to stop is offensive on russia. south africa says is ran is violating the genocide convention. at least 6 people are being killed and is ready to go to house sheltering displays. people in jamalia refugee template was really full of the pushing further into the account in a renew defensive in northern gauze of israel. defense minister has announced additional ground. false is all being deployed to rafa. the one says some 600000 palestinians are being forced to play in the south in recent days. defensive has less than done already. di, humanitarian crisis. students at oxford university in england are increasing pressure on administrators to cut ties of entities linked to israel. they face to
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keep up with that protest until the demands and that change over how, how proposed from books that so pretty test led by students at the university volkswagen, up to administrative this week, refuse to engage with the code, the mom's over the war of gaza students have been camped on the university loan since may, the 6 among the the mones, the docs would disclose its finances and investments. the oxford endowment management fund has not disclosed any of their investments. we know as of now that the university's food investments, such as black lab that have historically been complicit and is really apartheid in genocide. we also know that the university is banking this out place which has been involved in the architecture. it was really a part side occupation in genocide the people who have joined this protest dot hang good in particular, they say by the university locksmith refusal to set out plans towards the investment from israel. and from is really link entities
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a move. they say that some other universities have plants to make most recently notably, trinity college and they say the protest will continue until it does. this is about demonstrating to the university that we have seen here. we've been here for almost 2 weeks, sitting and waiting for someone from the administration to come and enter into dialogue. they believe that they can ignore as they believe that they can wait us out. the university of cambridge has agreed to meet with their students as of today, and we believe that the university of oxford is really failing their duties to meet with their students and discuss these right. just demands that be prepared against the institution that supposed to represent us around the hatred notable produced palestinian medics with experience inside gaza. during the turn more, they talked about the disabling of its health care system. while student leaders describe the destruction of causes, scores, and univers, above all, they said this was a wakeup call to the university of up to,
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to put itself on the right side of history. joe, now i'll just 0 office, but the full is well governing bodies. c, so has delayed to making a decision on the request by policy. titan's football association is around to be banned from international matches fee for president julian from team that has ordered a legal review of the issue and expects the decision to be made before the end. of july, the head, all the palestinian essays, as israel should be, sanctions of breaking numerous c for rules. they include having teams, babies, and all that they've been sending occupied westbank. so don't want, as i speak to you today, but it's union people and it's a good thing. but as the and then for the family and building an unable to sit into the human interior and cut this through. we are with missing a live to devise genocide and for the ink in goods. i ask you to stand on the lied side of your study and both know the stuff. i think of millions,
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including thousands of football hours is in as much. if not, no, then when mr. but has done, the board is in the little so in your thoughts, spain is now so that will last allows ships coming of israel to duncan. it's poults on thursday. spain refused permission for it is by any bound ship reports of the time being space. if it's a real to don't have the se, impulsive concern. you. spain has halted weapons export licenses to israel since last october, when the country launched as well on concept to the springs and the days of the needs of residents of the french tire tree of new caledonia woken up to an an easy. com. after nearly a week of unrest, balance of gold for full days, they've been voting. the folds imposed by paris, but the indigenous kind of community says will dilute its voting power. 5 people,
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including 2 police officers, have been killed and the was violence. the island has experience francais, deployed hundreds of security, best known to the french colony after imposing a states of imagine, sandra simmons, reports reinforcements to strengthen the ranks of security forces. 17000 kilometers away in new caledonia, head out from france. i'm a mission to quail. the violets in new caledonia is capital new mayor looting and austin continued despite a few in stage of emergency french troops. i've also been deployed to backup hundreds of extra police officers, the mineral rich pacific garden became a colony and the 19th century. it still remains the french control of the situation . we have cut down here. i have a situation that remains very tense with looting bryant's fires and a soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. i would remind you that
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2 joan dams have died. this is on dime a shelf in the head yesterday on another show and died today as a result of a weapon mishandling. when the thing started earlier this week, politicians from the comic indigenous community accused fronts of trying to dilute the voting power that's on the, to the french parliament is adult to the constitutional reform bill, which will allow old french residents who have lived in new caledonia for more than 10 years to vote in elections. the cadillacs, who make up about 40 percent of the population, say that being marginalized by the french, new caledonia has one of the biggest nickel mining industries in the world of one and 5 residents live below the poverty line. these images of damage from the writing were filmed on thursday by a businessman, who says you have to file through road blocks, controlled by a gunman,
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excuse supposed to him all 6. what is really happening is that as i move a lot to see family members or keeping all my properties, i see everything on the vote. i see the stores looted by the people. i see the fives and the dogs warehouses offices and was, i admit, even though i carry a gun with me all the time to handle any situation. the reform bill needs to be rectified by congress before becoming low. all french forces clump down on violence on the orders of president emanuel mack chrome. he's also calling for dialogue with the opposition in new caledonia. right now. that seems unlikely. andrew simmons, which is 0. so the lock is probably minnesota robot seats, so it stable both in a serious condition of to undergoing several hours of surgery pizza. it was shot 5 times in the central town of handling on wednesday after the government meeting, the assassination of time to shop to the country. natasha butler possible from central slovakia a video of his emotions,
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a man charged with the attempted murder of so thank you. is prime minister robot fits, so it shows the 71 year old did an anti government demonstration in west. and so if i q last month on wednesday, the form is security guard and pony. it is believed to find multiple shots that fits so and the central slave back in town, defend leuva, before he was restful to the grounds of the moment is we didn't quite understand what was happening because until now we were living in the country. we couldn't even imagine someone shooting at to a politician. the prime minister was bundled into a vehicle and later, and it's due to a specialist facility in this hospital in the central slave town bank. scott, it's theresa where he underwent an operation. the last it i was told to this hospital was in for the night to say faith says life and say, but he's now in the stable the serious condition of the people is that cause the
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surgical patients had multiple gunshot wounds which will affect his recovery at this point his condition have stabilized, but it is truly very serious to think of to visiting think so in a hospital. so if i q isn't coming presence that it was time for people in the country to unite. we have to calm down the situation in the society. we have to ask the people to fight against each other only because they have the political view or somebody like that. and we have to stop this uh, uh, this uh, this high and the very, the extension you never society fits. so he's like, use the longest serving political leader and close to the russian president is a forward to say the pope in this problem is the, is a trusted pair of hands. his opponents say he's a voice. if they go who's a routing rights, the government says the man who sha same was politically motivated, but acted alone. they hope that the assassination attempt will destabilize and rated politically polarized country natasha butler, which is 0 central. so if you
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a total comes defense team is trying to undermine his full boy, michael cohen during cross examination and trans hush money trial. kristen slimming was not inside the court house in new york. it's now 3 days on the sand and counting for michael cohen. donald trump's attorney hammered away at the prosecution star witness on thursday. focusing on why is that here in the past and his session with seeing donald trump behind bars, a theme that has been positive and michael collins, social media posts lately and in his pod cast. those post and that podcast, introduced as evidence to jurors in this case and cohen for his part, admitted that he had lied repeatedly in the past at times even under oath. but he stuck to his story that donald trump knew that payment's he needs a stormy daniels to be made,
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that donald trump knew and reimbursed cohen for those payments. donald trump, for his heart of the media outside the court room reiterating who seems to complain that this case has only been brought as a form of election in the election, especially since donald trump claims he's being silenced by a gag order. in this case that prevents him from talking about witnesses or the judge. supporters came to court including members of congress and still outside on his behalf. and donald trump says, have the right to testify in this trial, but will he? when asked outside the court room, he declined to ask for sim salumi new york still ahead. hey,
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albany is uh well new to pay tribute to women, but it, in mexico, the assembly site law is meant to protect them all the working the the latest news as it breaks this year's march as a message, not just for the card government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage. millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right? because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside. when neighboring identity. yeah. respected as the
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bulls about that time. and these little makers of exchange blows in parliament into the dispute about reforms to the chamber. the political showdown comes just days before president elect lodging. all takes office without a legislative majority. while in chaotic scenes, politicians surged around the speakers. see the pink over tables. proposition wants to get parliament going to scrutiny and power as a government who's to be, you know, great to the monday when january's election been it's democratic. progressive policy lost its majority in palm. it believes it seems that well the need to get to of one of columbia's biggest prisoners is being shot dead weeks of the he and his family receives death threats. as methyl mendez was heading home in buckets, alban gunman on the motorcycle insisted his vehicle and shot him dead in the head. the former police, kendall,
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had implemented new policies to clean up columbia as channels where possible criminal gains operate. president gustavo petri has condemned his mad old in an emergency security meeting. george with strep throat is a professor at the ana university in buckets. all he says, criminal gangs are well connected across the country and that power is far reaching . the most likely was organized crime groups that actually conduct most of their visitors, legal businesses from the braces that they have organizing. so they use a lot of privileges that they try to maintain through they these acts of violence that has been pushed against them through an emergency low degree that was issued by the government in order to allow them to move the gates of these groups, scrutinized groups from 13 and to another, and to take away their privileged communication and access to lawyers and contacts
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in order to stop them. conducting these businesses. indeed, they return the age in order to keep those illegal rents flowing on the power of organized crime in columbia, which is far and it's very strong. they have a lot of connections to it is several forms of criminally feelings, through money laundering to corrupt practices of govern, painting pressure, no officials. and that in itself, lots criminal reform it columbia does not have to come c d 's to challenge these very strong, organized networks and crime scene. the gates that formed for the kids. while we were 1st dealing with the conflict for security measures sunday, negotiating to end the conflict throughout these agreement stages set full max k t possibly liked its 1st female president. next month, the successive governments have failed to reduce semi side or domestic violence,
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ga ga. they, on their reports, the from mexico city limits ethic when it's getting 9 years since j. so the my ex boyfriend tried to kill her, stabbing her 37 times. the is just wanna see the cost of the physical scars of the brutal attack have slowly healed. but the emotional ones are still roth marietta, like most victims of violence in mexico. jason'll never receive justice. what is her a dresser still less free? westgate? yes, yes. and then what else? okay, this, what guarantees do we have is we mean, instead of the lowest in the public susan's protecting more they protected. he actually asked for malware up in theory, mexico has laws in place for the protection of female dictates a violent scope. but in acting those laws in a corrupt and inherently male dominated society is a different story. as a result, violence against women remains right. feminist sites have doubled in the last
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decade, and the average of 11 women are killed every day in the country. faced with endless hurdles, just as relatives often find other ways to honor their loved ones. many families, higher artist to paint their names and faces on city streets as a reminder of their tragic deaths. these are the final touches on my deal. ideas is bureau. she disappeared 6 years ago for sisters overseeing the artwork and hoping her country can move away from this terrible trend. that is good way. yeah. it's very hard to have trust of to what's happened to our family, but it's good to give a bit of confidence to the income and government. we have more attention is given to these cases to this issue. we want to see commitment from our government. but many don't say mexico kind of for to just wait for legislators or even a female president to change things. the henderson support group brings together men with violent tests to try to help them to redefine what it means to be
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a man. the nightly meetings, they talk about accepting their violent behavior and crucially developing techniques to prevent any future outbursts. these men have at least taking the 1st step by recognizing they were part of the problem. the urgent challenge now is for the rest of mexican society to stop normalizing violence against women and girls. diego yano alj, a 0 mexico city. and i said from me say, hello robin, follow this. these are, i'll be back in a few moments with more of the days. these include a lot of coverage from the hague. this is seen inside the international court of justice. now don't be hearing that such a sauce and just a few minutes as well. we'll present that defense case up to south africa as a special message for casa to stay with the
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read. so one of the words weird was creatures numbers, a plumber to do, to deforestation. to check on climate change, indian sites are fighting to puts it to one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain that habitat one. 0 one east reveals the bottle to save into use. read on all, just a lot of the stories that we cover a highly complex so it's very important that we make them as understandable as we can as all just a recall respondents. that's where we strive to palestinians who are expelled from their nuns in the neck. of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes partisans. my grandparents stay here. why aren't i here? returned to palestine on al jazeera of
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the . ringback the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice in more than $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sex on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis hobbins. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all
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turning jo, donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the folks that hold robin, this is all just ever life though. and just a few minutes time is read will present its case to the international court of justice at the hague. these are life pictures from inside the colt as we await those judges to take the seats of full proceedings to begin on thursday, south africa. as the winds top cold, old israel to stop is offensive and rough uh, in southern garza not send edition south africa's argument. the israel is committing genocide in gaza. so while we wait for the judges to arrive in court to stop that session, that's joined step boss, news outside the cold and.


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