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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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as for the rough across, think to say that it's real close. this cross think is an accurate best. it's a probation was disrupted on may 6th. and since then, israel hesitating, active measures, and has been in intensive discussions with egypt, supported by our international operators in an effort to review the flow of aid. in the meantime. and in keeping with its consistent efforts is read, has taken immediate measures to ensure that the alternative pos are available for the continued increase in its provision of human. and chevy and assistance to the guy is a strict in this context, the prime minister of israel, convinced to high level meetings, to ensure it continues with continued the 1st response to the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. the prime minister instructor,
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the relevant authorities in israel to take immediate intermediate steps to enable increase the flow of a to, to go straight through their routes and sources south africa neglected to mention yesterday that the total amount of 8 entering gusta in the last few days is no once again increasing significantly. indeed on 12 may annual and costing was open at service west in john c. it and nodded. and you're looking for a sync fully operationalized on may 1st. it's iris east, which together allow for the entry into java of additional t 100 trucks the day after the inspection elsewhere as an additional land fruits bringing a aid in together since march 2024,
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which again is fully operational is day to 96. this land root drinks ad directly into northern garza, that's reducing the risk of polluting of 8 convoys that otherwise make their way to the area from the side. and part of the street for this purpose is read allows us 3 net sting and truck drivers from gaza to answer each rally territory following security checks in order to collect and approved humanitarian supplies. israel has done great deal to expand the capacity of land crossings, including but extending the working hours. there it is also expanded infrastructure and roads. the forwarding, the of probation of the crossing is really government located
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approximately 50 to many young united states dollar to the implementation of fetch efforts. we heard nothing about all of that. yesterday. i ran over its remaining operation so as to allow for the wrecked pharmaceuticals agent augusta. such operations are undertaken almost daily, involving a significant number of states. many thousands of 8 packages were provided in this way by dozens of operations in recent weeks. the temporary floating fear of the gulf coast whose construction begin following president biden's declaration on 7, march 2024 begins operating today as it is expected to enable the delivery of approximately 2200000 to food portions per day
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by the world food program. i should add the dislocation to came on the come us fire last month by construction was under way for the progress in relation to marry. time was with the chief best week when israel and cyprus adopted on 8 may technical arrangements which and which em to facilitate the implementation of the cypress. my read i'm corridor about which is well as previously. and for this court discovery, though, both already youtube utilized even prior to the concluding of the arrangements, but they will further improve. it's a probation. is this what magic closure looks like?
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mister president, members of the court. it is not difficult to see that israel has been making extensive efforts of the recent months together, various international partners to increase the provision of humanitarian assistance throughout the god. the street there has been remarkable achievements. south africa's complete disregard of this reality is then these truce is as telling as it is, it is alarming. is real expensive and ongoing options have been detailed in the reports submitted by israel to the court. most recently on the 28th of prim. they have wrote about a significant increase in the amount of humanitarian, ain't that the answer into gusta they are consistent with the decision of to
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adopted on for a freedom by is relevant is to real committee on national security of 1st headed by the prime minister of israel and i quote, to increase the efforts to low and facilitate the transfer of humanitarian aid for the civilian population in the gulf of street and afloat. and choose to publish. i mean is to me on the team to and i quote, implement the policy of the cabinet to be guarding the transfer of humanitarian 8 to the got the street end of quote, the decision records that these steps are undertaken far the, to the recommendations we'll fix to really and for an effort official concerning the need to continue the provisions of humanitarian aid to the civilian population in the government street. all of the stuff i've had a significant impact in alleviating the humanitarian situation and avoiding the
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trust for fees. which of africa threatens were eminent in december and january, been february, then march, and then i feel, well the situation is constantly changing. israel is adapting and continues to work to improve the humanitarian situation. and to prevent harm disobedience and to age workers. i note that as mr. now has said, israel actions in this context are commonly on the do do do show be v of israel supreme court. these steps have been repeatedly accompanied by clear statements from israel leadership, for example, israel's prime minister. and nathaniel faith on 15,
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my bet, and i quote, or our policy is from the start from the beginning of the war. my fullest it was you have to provide the basic you money to be an aide that is required by international law. smart in the last 6 weeks, we actually changed it not only to providing basic humanitarian aid, all right, sliding got the, we've seen many tyree an aid and dis, quote. israel's defense minister guidelines, like i said on may 1st that and i quote we are taking significant measures in order to increase the volume a few minutes every and 8 in 2 got the this is essential and the quote he added that and i quote, once more we are fighting, come us
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a brutal jerry synchronization. we are not fighting the civilian in gaza and we will facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid. and of course, in order to show a dignified little intent that simply is not there. first, a free tech continues to distort audio statements and quoting the prime minister, as they think the government must not constitute a threat to esl. they owe me to mention that he was expressly speaking about thomas and returning to the hostages. it took men, quoting, the minister of defense is saying that the military, oprah, rates neighborhood by neighborhood and will reach every location in jessa. they neglected to say, but he too referred expressly to come up in the same
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statements. he also made plain that the you money tarion issue is centered of a central one by south africa turns a blind eye. she is remarkable efforts. they have not gone unnoticed by address the union senior, you may need to be in coordinator who was appointed following security council resolution to 7 g o fed on 24 at 3 in a briefing through the un security council. that israel, hesitating a number of steps to improve a delivery. when asked about her context with the ears really sad, she said that there is a very constructive corporation with her mission. senior government officials of various states were likewise said they so really and they monster vote
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for risk in the delivery of 8 to say south africa very simply does that is really is deliberately denying. humanitarian aid cannot be farther from the truth. on the contrary is really actions undertaken in accord the three's orders from israel, highest levels of government show x that play the opposite only yesterday. no less than 365 trucks carrying humanitarian supplies, answer into gaza through the various plan crossings. more than 330 of the trucks, answer through, tell them show them the same crossing that south africa said yesterday, we'll shut down. relegation spoke south africa
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for no better contribute to south africa allegations. thousands of international aid more just have been entering and exiting garza. the confliction mechanism were reviewed and improved following highly unfortunate incidence. in order to guarantee that there's safety is always maintained. these lessons learned to have been detailed in israel re send report to the court tier continues to be delivered to you guys including this past wednesday. when 76000 leaders were transferred to the world food program times do not permit. so i think the record straight. we've got you all of those are
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because outrages me space presentations, the claim that israel deliberately humphrey medical services in garza. oh, the truck is the last viable location for medical care cannot be left on on food. israel persistently continues to facilitate the enhancement of medical services throughout the entire yeah, the street in addition to the hospitals located in rafa, efforts have been extended to support the rehabilitation of hospital l. 4 in the territory. these may be seen at to 6 off your folders. in fact, 14 hospitals are, you know, probation outside rough h. few hospitals are in full operation. we've only 2 of them located in nebraska as field hospital which
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was established by the i c r c. in the last, the area, the gain oprah, but i think as recently as net 9 may, one more is field hospital is due to open later this month. and the establishment of 4 more fields, hospitals, in currently under consideration are mobile clinics continue to operate in the alum was the area to collaboration with the host of international arcturus, including the world health organization continues in order to strengthen and expand medical to all over south africa, we do well today looks like how much to start exploring hospitals
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and otter protective sites as mandatory comments centers. and since we heard grave misrepresentation yesterday about the sheep for hospital each must be made clear that even during the very intense lighting and the she for hospital hospital come us to reinstate the hospital. the compound is military, had the ideas to pro active tapes aid to ensure continues medical care to patients hospitalized there. despite the intense military activity on the premises. no patients or medical staff were harmed during the probation by the idea on 22nd march 24th. the idea of broke into the hospital in the
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course of the pizza for regional activity trucks carrying medical equipment, food and water, including over 10000 units of medicine, hundreds of painting or packages of 100 packages of bandage and are these. and dozens of advanced medical monitoring devices contributed the impression that those of because so to leave you with the idea of the chief of staff, he said to the forces that location bed and they quote, redo every single note to harm patients. not to harm medical stuff. in this operation, no to one medical stuff full timed. know patients were hummed in many territories rich cube and captured and of quote he said that the
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hospital is not a safe place. not safe for terrorists. south africa, even so speak to present to the course of thoughts translation in its attempts to create intent disorder. the individual shown yesterday, but not saying to destroy but to dismantle a rough, clear reference to her must capabilities south africa ignores any such statements. that show is real true intention. it has to these towards the facts to sustain each liable of genocide and such. we parking them terms as final stages and extermination. so the balance
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israel continues to take extra ordinary measures in order to minimize hard to find a senior students in garza. these has been described excellence to the court in the previous hearing and in our regents submission and ignored to this fame extent . by south africa. time permits only several examples. one of which is that israel has sent over 15 millions, text messages informing civilians of plant id of activity in specific areas so that they can avoid them as it is made over 18. the media on pre recorded phone calls and an additional 100000 individual phone calls. emerging individuals of danger in the vicinity, over 9 media leaflets. tropes over specific areas have provided to be the enemy's
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information. as to where you, many tyree an aid may be accessed and how to leave zone of government. once again, is this a military fet, on to thought or partial destruction of people are for rates? it is also the is really military that is put in place. clear and definite procedures for targeting. this requires into raleigh, a selection of the nation that would achieve the military need while of minimizing civilian harm and the conduct for each and every strike of personality assessment in the coordinates with international humanitarian law. the idea is more of a marks sense sensitive sites such as the medical surface in filters on military
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operational systems, and takes additional measures to ensure that i'd be f forces aware of them. all these like white applies, you know, preparations in the rough as may be seen at tab 7 of your folders was fighting to defend israel. it is also engaged in ensuring but you money to arrange a country is it continues to flow in south africa's fix of extermination stones. this story cited ants request in support of these allegations does not say this, let alone prove it. it does reference express statement from the idea of chief of steps did succeed in income, but area must not be killed and official statement by the idea that the idea does
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not define areas where anyone, for instance, could be short and a discussion of the idea of review, i guess of folks exceptional incidence, but there are allegations of violation of this room. i calling for a link in south africa, false allegations. but the idea of use is artificial intelligence the decides who to attract a claim, the origin of which is one for a freeport is relies on an inner know a minimum of forces. unfortunately, folks are forgot, did not tell the court yesterday of israel's official response to the report. we states clearly that the claims are simply not true. south africa's claims regarding id f. a tax procedures are also false.
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mr. president, members of the court. if south africa, 60 pound to any change in the situation, since your order of 26 march issued have acknowledged all this remarkable humanitarian efforts by israel. it, you also have recognized the crimes committed constantly by some us and the circumstances to compel israel to respond to them as any state would instead it offers grandstanding interest and the rest of it. no real evidence that's just as transparent attempt to really to gate the same metra one more time and to extract more and more from this procedure. mister president, members of the court. even if those are the got to, to establish
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a relevant change in the circumstances which ease has not done, it does not establish any change in the situation that will justify the extreme measure that is now seeking the measures currently in place are entirely sufficient. and no further wants are needed as an east or not explained south africa is trying. once more to drag this court down a very dangerous pass. you will have you say that a server in state that is under a persistence of talk whose street events are held hostage in brutal conditions, cannot defend itself or a citizen. as you have consistently made clear,
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there is no international law to this effect in did. it is inconceivable that there would be mr. president, members of the court. we must be very clear exceed ink to south africa request. would you be an affront to the very idea of the protection afforded by the law for the core to exceed 2 south africa request is to enable how most of the tale to continue to target israel to attack human, determine crossing, and to defend the public students in gaza, to prefer to one is to enable some us to reconstitute each forces in, or that you can meet this 7 october atrocities again and again. and they have both to do. it is to condemn the hostages to near certain
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dest. that was what is meant for the women still held in captivity. granting those frequent request would be due side with the service organization, which will no doubt celebrate any such decision. it is to legitimize protect and reward masses. despicable method, a walkthrough to enable each tenuous crimes to persist res. oh, the consequences of this might follow. mr. president, members of the court. it is one thing to require that israel, but it interests international legal obligations and protect civilian when exercising is inherent, tried to defend itself. but to denying israel,
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the inherent right is a different thing altogether. it is on thinkable can it's really be maintained if call centers are brutally held captive in nebraska is ro cannot come to the rescue. and it's really been maintained that the from us continues to use garza and the launching sped for its indiscriminate attack. israel to not defend itself against them. we respectively submit the international law offers a clear answer to these questions. mister president, members of the court on this basis and in accordance with article 16 paragraphs, 2 of the rules of court. i now proceed to read israel's final submission
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to the state of israel. requests the courts to reject the requests for the modification and indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa. well, we seem to have been interrupted that the international court of justice by somebody not quite sure who has interrupted the final statement to be made by a mis to ma copland. took about cheese, the principal deputy legal advice of the ministry of foreign affairs, of the state of israel. oh, well, i think we couldn't go back to it. let's just see those pictures. i bring them up. let's have a look at what's going on here. i'd like to give the floor to just ne, who is just to put the question please. i just noticed that you have this all
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thank you mister president. my question is can, is really provide information about the existing humanitarian conditions in the designated evacuation zones. in particular, and my wasi and how it would ensure a safe passage to these phones as well as the provision of shelter, food, water, and other human nature and aid and assistance to all executives that and can be expected to arrive in the songs. thank you mister president. i think that's not the text of this question would be communicated with the boxes as well as possible . is what it is. invite to to provide the 5th and reply to the question no later than tomorrow, set to the may 18. 20. $24.00 at 6 pm. furthermore,
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any comments south africa may wish to make an equity like the 72 of those of quote on the respond spite is a must be submitted. no later than monday, may 21 to 24. assume this being so an end, or the proceedings on the applicant's request for the indication of edition of others and measures. and the modification of previous provision and measures indicates concerning application of the convention, i'll give you the pension and punishment of the crime of genocide and because of the south africa, persons that it means would meet the thank the asians come soon. advocates of the applicant and this funding for their statements in the course of these hearings. and i quote them with us with taxes. i was off the age of 20 mean because dispos or to provide any additional information. the court made it quite the quote within
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that, it's on the, on the request for the invitation. and would you be patient to provision in measures as soon as possible? the process would be advised in due course as to the date in which the court was that of it's or the as the public setting. since the court has no other business before the today, the sitting district that goes through 930 gm to you want to, i'll just say we're english here on the proceedings of the international court of justice of the hague. have just ended as israel submitted its presentation to the cold in rebuttal to south africa's on site as a, as to whether provisional metric measures were required uh, in raw signed across the gauze district with the ongoing israel will on garza, of course, of the slides interruption and the final comments out of the representative of the ministry of foreign affairs in the last few.


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