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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the basement installations to be sponsored by interlock tuck, he's real estate consultant. the . ready ready is randy strikes, devastated knowles and gaza at least 6 palestinian sheltering that your body of refugees have been killed. the . 5 midst of your day, this is out of their life from the also coming. and us build pair on gauze as coast receives 8 shipments for the 1st time about the u. n. says moving them by land is safe at foster and far more efficient. at the international court of justice is
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around again reject accusations of genocide and got cut off because of the i t j to order as well as a whole. it's a passcode run. i'm a person who says he's not planning to capture khaki use as russian force, as advanced on ukraine's 2nd. israel has carried out new strikes on the body, a refugee camp in the north and follows an overnight strikes that also kills at least 6 people in a house sheltering displaced, palestinians in early february is ready, forces withdrew from northern dawson, saying it is destroyed. the last battalions that but its forces of re enter the area and resumed their attacks. as on the bunch of 8 begins out coverage of the in the crowd, which evaluated refugee camp palestinians have very lifting food of water, no medical services,
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and nobody else to go in his regular moms keep following him. many civil defense workers have been killed, wounded, arrested, those dest struggle to reach the wounded, as there are no lights or even street that are left. the thing is really will things, but the house with 30 people were taking shelter. think it only took over 200 people and 6 parties. the rest like thousands of other kind of simians, they mean better than the rubber children among them. best now do i do fucked up? i mean, you, i mean, after we was safe in this house, we did most have any strangers with us. there were only women and children. here. we all know time us, or fata, well parts of islamic jihad, they were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose that safe place and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then to see it all through a few decals. this is the daily struggle as daylight brings into view the cottage
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of the night before all to come in sight of children, parents and relatives in the morning. as the number of that has been rising every one of the last 224 days. in data by the end of the cost or was it inside the human run school? just base people from northern and since you thought that had been children, care palestinians say those as arrived, we'll have to keep moving as one place after another comes under attack. he'll equipped in short staffed hospitals including alexa, come on with one and create the hospitals, are struggling with the high number of patients whose condition is miserable because it is always, always because it's a i'm sure that it was within, we honest and i would think and it's in spite of the shortage over, but it seems to be because disposable says that for you and the cause of the close on nicholas gates, we are completing the muscles,
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the short thing of these medications. these really minute brief closure of falls crossings into cause that means literally couldn't get in the us as it was able to deliver some through its new floating pit. but that's fall from enough for 2000000 palestinians trapped in the strip and to continue spun. but some of them jobby houses there let's be talk, correspond to on the ground hunting the loads that joins us now from darrell bonham . he is that just outside the city's main health center the i likes the hospital honey. i want to ask you about what's going on on the ground in jamalia as we were unfortunately at people obviously left there was not huge offensive. and then also these really said that they did the area. people didn't stock returning home. now we're seeing for nearly a week now, tanks on the ground buttons from the how people holding up of the yes role there is that is facing,
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that is already caused by the intense bombing campaign on giovanni, a refugee campbell with the occupying forces on the ground is really military within the past 2 days, up mobilized more, more soldiers, more a ground forces on the ground and pushed deeper into the central part of jamalia refuge account. now silver. what we are, what we learn, and it has been confirmed by the civil defense, the crew members on the ground, or being able to collect at least 9 and 6 bodies of from the streets of the refugee camp. now if you look at this number and compared to this data number, there's really military put a statement instead so far within the past 6 days, it has eliminated 2 hundreds of the fighters on the ground. now the fear here, there's really another theory failed to provide details on these people. they are aware about who are there failed to identify them. that's what it's causing a great deal of fear and may him a minds the people of jamalia itself because they said,
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this is an echo of what happened at the ship hospital within the past months where there's really military stated, they have eliminated at least $400.00 fighters and, and militants on the ground. but the later people found down these massive graves of patients and injuries and civilians who were killed and buried in mass graves. the fear right now is on the high did the same exact scenario that took place in a civil hospital and an officer house with it. and other parts of the gaza strip is happening in jamalia. what does really monetary continuously stating that the it has eliminated limited sense on the ground, but so far what we learned from people, it's their remaining family members who were in the evacuation centers in residential homes for trying do evacuated and inflate those areas where it's chased . by the quite got those into work killed by snipers or by the massive, intense bombing kenzie and across the refuge account. now it's also important to
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point out that there's still hundreds of displays families inside these evacuation centers unable to leave because of the intensity of the bombing going on in the, on the refuge account. and so those who managed to leave are leaving without any of their belongings because they were given as little as a few minutes just to inflate the area. there were just by quite copper to the edges of the value of the account. the judge evaluated itself all the way through the western parts of gaza strip honey, not one today with a very nice just for us from the ground reporting from darrell bought of that for us. thank you hon. for the 1st shipments of a have entered the gaza strip using a new frozen pit built by the us military. the us says some $92.00 truckloads a day will be delivered using this temporary installation. and they bring $500.00 tons to enter the strip in the coming days. let's take a look at exacting with the spear as low case as you see it that's actually further south than was originally planned. and that's because last month,
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these really on the off. so they'd be moved closer to one of its major checkpoints . united nations is to coordinate the distribution of the aid officer. it's been unloaded and then inspected again by is really forces. but it says, if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip, there will be no way for it to be distributed. now, despite the new maritime card or land still remains the most effective way and to reach palestinians. i spoke to john cubby, he's the white house national security communications advisor. i began by asking him for his assessment of how this fast a delivery went so far. so good. we've got about 300 pallets of food in today. we're hoping in coming days to be able to almost triple that quantity and we had to be for, for the 1st, for the 1st day, we just wanted to make sure things worked well. so we were trying to not be too overly ambitious, but we are trying to get to get that 8 increased over the next 72 hours or so. and
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we hope to be able to do that. we've had terrific cooperation across the board. i mean, this is a real multinational and multi lateral effort. it starts in cyprus, we're grateful to the leaders there in cyprus that of allowed shift to come in there with aid and assistance all the way, getting it to the peer. and then all the way in is rarely have been very supportive of this. and it's a multilateral effort across the united states government with united states military building, the peer of course. but usa id really taking the lead in terms of how the aide is, is getting to the peer and, and being managed to over that causeway. so there's been a lot of teamwork here again, so far, so good. uh, we're excited about the possibilities. i do want to address one thing that you sort of alluded to before coming to me and that it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post, and he's living in garza so desperately need. we gotta get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. you said that we need to get done
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crossings open as soon as possible. i mean, there's hardly anything coming through them right now. rough as close kind. let me tell them it's old, but the, as you've said to this, these radians are being very supportive century blinking and present 5. and i've said time and time again that it has been us pressure that was getting a scaled up. so what's stopping not from happening now? well, when i said there's really have been support of, i mean of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway uh, onto the marshalling area. there sure, but clearly not enough is being done to open up the crossing. drop the accounts alone up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable of israel's military. it says it's ro cover the bodies of 3 captives from the gaza strip. spokes person doesn't know how gar, it says the 3 were killed on october 7th and their bodies within taken by her law
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spices. our hearts. go out to them to the families. at this difficult time, we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. all that speak to him, wrong con. he's in the to damian capital, a long reminder. try view is israel has shut down out, is there is operations this or where reporting from outside is around him on what more can you tell us about these, these 3 captives? what do we know as well, they've actually been named uh, the spikes was and i never got the name them as it's a dealer into i mean type of schema and shiny like wheels. i know that shiny though it is actually a jewel national german and it is really a, he goes on to say that the bodies were recovered. an overnight operation car died by the minute treat emission,
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but intelligence service. so this might well have been unintelligence lead operation rules how to statement now from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is a terrible loss as heartbreaking. my wife say right. and i agree with the families, all of all how it so with them. and that i was a heavy, sorry, we will return all of the hostages, the living and the deceased. i like, but we've now also heard from the bring them home campaign. that's the umbrella organization that represents the families of the captives. they've set the return of their bodies is a painful and clear reminder that we must return all our brothers and sisters the living for re about rehabilitation and the mirror demoted for barry from the base to include captivity as quickly as possible. but last sentence as quickly as possible, if something to bring them home campaign have really been pushing as a message to the problem is that benjamin netanyahu, they've been very eclipse. they don't think he's doing enough. they say that that is
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a ceasefire process available to them. as of these riley's have from how much that would allow the captive to be able to be released. i'm brought back home and every day, more, more of these kept his attorney up dead. now the bringing him home campaign was a whole sign is what pointing this out was supposed to be in a political campaign. but in recent months, very recent months is actually joined in the anti government process as well. in sheer frustration at what they say is a clear failure, but he is ready prime minister in mancha, with all the latest that. thank you very much and we're on a reminder that iran is covering this for us from along because israel has band ultra 0. so we're reporting from outside the country of israel has told the international court of justice in the hague, that what's happening and garza is a tragic will not genocide and says the minute feel oppression and rough is necessary to eliminate from us fighters. south africa, though, has also the quote or additional provisional measures against israel, saying this would be the last of john's for the quote to rescue what's left of casa
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sit. boston reports not from the height. is rails final submission aware interruption at the you ends highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at is routes legal team the court quickly stop, it's live transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high that someplace is rose presentation for an hour and a half, as well as legal advisors try to describe it's south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically in the fall for the last step and the destruction of gaza and palestinian people so thought for a couple of parts to describe rough uh the last to refute for civilians and guys was mainly civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as the military, strong, cold,
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full time us with less than half the team present, as far as the lawyer said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year is trial has or it's the court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality as it doesn't even rise to stuff for because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention, the south african delegation says, as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we ahead today was not really, i mean, gauge meant the facts, some engagement the facts, but not nearly the but seeing what so that if it gets trying to assess unless after
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israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops ensure the safety of people, and what is ralph calls? evacuation zones? south africa had described them as extermination. so the core to make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some elgin sierra take are also the head here on out as a chad braces for another wave of refugees. as thousands of civilians treat escalation,
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violence and neighborhoods. you don't interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes. a unique the correct. but so is the international community upfront only without just hearing the fact chart populations is declined. 70 percent and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that exploded reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say,
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here's your person. go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity. when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended your investigated your shut down the palestine exception. when it does the, you know, the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the salad and 10 special is all taking place between israeli forces and palestinian arms groups in jabante and northern casa. at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the street since passed. in all the us as the 1st trucks, caring humanitarian aid,
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has entered garza by its temporary p a. but a groups have resources that land crossings can bring in much more age much more quickly. israel has again rejected accusations that is carrying out genocide in gaza at the international court of justice. lawyers say it has the rights to move ahead with a full scale attack on the southern city of rough us to defend itself against the russians. president gentlemen present, it says that monica has no plans to capture khaki. if you can. second largest city . this comes off to russian troops, advanced 10 kilometers in the khaki region over the past week speaking. and china present version said that russia is coming out of the office or in eastern new crime to protect the regions near the border, a sticker. so it's a dose to place with a height of alpha. what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's faults because they have sheldon, unfortunately,
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continue showing residential areas of russian border territories including belgrade . if this continues, we will have to create a safety zone, a buffer zone. if that is what we do. ask for how to keep we currently do not have plans to capture the city. what do we? well, the brand new military says the front lines have been expanded by nearly 70 kilometers off to russian loans that new push from the north present brought to me is the ones he visited injured troops to boost morale. he's described, the situation is extremely difficult. it's on home and sent us this update from khaki in eastern ukraine. it's now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and ukraine . opening up a new front in the fence, if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that board. what the training government is said that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line,
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so that the not penetrating any further into the country. but the training heads of the forces has said that it was so rushed into a ser, extending that front line. now send me, it says of and then method to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of so just in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive, ukraine said that there was 7 russian soldiers to one ukrainians, so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that. cool. so how to keep the city itself, where we all dots, ukraine, 2nd largest city. it's home to move the 1000000 people that soon. so being a type, fairly constant they by the, to the point when on thursday, the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as and right a lot since the early days of the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian policies, they say a using,
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especially for the problems they can be dropped by russian planes outside the writings of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems, and they can then travel tens of columbia to zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive. this point john home. and i would just say the hockey ukrainian drone attack has caused power outages in the city of sylvester, poland premier, according to rational authorities. satellite images show russian war planes that were damaged at the bell. that database, which is nice of us to poll. your printing forces have repeatedly attacked refineries and all the energy facilities inside russian territory are of you and human rights chief. it says he's horrified by the escalating violence. now the student needs that you have a fashion agencies and chad are bracing for
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a fresh wave of refugees as the fighting ensued on continues. now these 100 already been hosting about 410000 soon. these refugees from the previous stuff for crisis, which created a shop increase and fewer and food prices view and estimates the best conflict which has now been ongoing for more than a year, has created the world's largest displacement crisis of about 9000000 people. with ortiz and try to expect the number of students use refugees in that country to rise by lot a quarter of a 1000000 to move 89000052 send about half a 1000000 student needs also fled to egypt. nearly a $140000.00 them to south to don. and just over 23000 in the central african republic. they both have been more than 14000 people killed since this conference began in mid april last year. well, come in time and quits us. allow me is the you and the resident and humanitarian coordinator ensued on. she says the u. n is struggling to get a to people fast enough. that's because they have to spend time negotiating with
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both the army and the are assessed to access areas that they control. we are facing obstructions on many levels. but the areas in sudan level that are the hardest hit cartoon. the da 4 is the core defense and algebra, 0 straight state. we are working with all parties. we're negotiating, we're trying to make sure that we have the access. and we're trying to make sure that we can get the food in. i've been told that's where the various parties have control of the territory. they will facilitate our access in those spots. and it is for the un to negotiate with those that to control other parts of the country to make sure that we can get food in that. so where there is control where engaging with those entities and trying to make sure they can facilitate the access. but as i said earlier, the biggest challenge is that we're racing against the clock. a french police have shots until the man who set fire to
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a synagogue in the northwestern city of wool. so man climbed up the side of the building and then threw an object some of the 12 cups out into the main prairie. the french interior administer says it was an unacceptable active anti semitism. 2 police officers have been killed and now the injured and the lasers and malaysians to horse state. police say the suspect entered a police station in the city booty around the machete aiming to steal firearms. he was been killed in a shootout. new tacket suspected of being a member of to my is the man on the group with links to al qaeda. of the new director of one of columbia's biggest presence has been shot dead in the capital bunker, top 11 and is, was heading home when gun on a motorcycle intercepted his call and shot him with ours. he's have offered a reward for information on the perpetrators. i just wanted to run past the reports and mr. goodman this was killed with a single shot to the head as he sat in the passenger seat of this car,
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the former police colonel and director of book with us prison level. daniel was returning home from work on thursday afternoon in the capital book to win a motorcycle approach the vehicle an open fire. last week that meant this had received death threats from gang members into prison after launching a crack down and criminal activity inside the detention center. you have no security expert on which car columbia, as justice minister lamented the killing instead of major police operation was under way to catch the killers. i left my media cool and if and then i want to express who am i sort of direction, not of the government, i'm the entire nation. so the family of colorado fernandez. i'm tell them address that they are not going to intimidate us unless we will move forward. despite the text and insolence. president gustavo pay thru ordered an emergency security meeting and said on the social media platform x stuff. and none of this was quote via the murdered
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a sentence columbia. as most notorious criminals are held in this prison, i'm sorry to say organized crime operates from inside smuggling drugs and goods, while directing, extortion, and other crimes from the penny to entry segment. this was leaving an operation to separate gang members columbia as prison, a tory t says other officials are risk. 5 guards have been killed since the beginning of the year. and 6 others have survived the 10 some their life. 550 officials have received that threats in the past 2 years, but the old tory, these are playing catch up. when we turn on the is was not issued with an ahmed vehicle because we do not have the capacity to be able to provide ahmed vehicles to everyone. in fact, no direct to has such protection. the government has declared a prison emergency back in february, promising to increase security for prison officials. but that wasn't enough to save
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the life of the director of the country, not just prison. allison, but i'll be at the, i just need a whole lot of that for me in the stalls here today isn't always find more on out. is there a don't come next inside story takes a closer look at russian president vladimir persians visit to china to stay with us, [000:00:00;00] the, the hello. they let slip to the middle east and live. and we've got something of the divide across the region. we've seen west to and when through weather, for places like took here as well as northern areas of iran, where we saw flooding from heavy rain. the rain is still there, but it does. pushed out further east into tuck minnes, done in the days i had leaving behind dry
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a skies and more in the way it's sunshine, sunshine, and settled whether it has been the story across the gulf. we are expecting the window to pick up sack today into sunday. affecting visibility, and causing some hazy sunshine for the likes of casa and southern saudi arabia. if you shows a set to come into south western parts of saudi arabia and west indiana. but for the north of this across the event, it is a very dry picture. we are expecting the winds to pick up on sunday, and that's that some very windy, hot, windy weather is pushing its way further east, across the be a, into egypt, very high temperatures for the likes of tripoli, as well as being gauzy in libya. they'll continue to rise as we go in to sunday. behind that however, we think something of a cool down full rocker as some heavy rain stops to pull in here, we are expecting some very heavy rain from northern madagascar. thanks to
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a tropical storm out to see the . ringback the on the housing a new era and different nations that in the pension and she's been paying for the honda show of unity as they come from the grow, increasingly dependent on each other. so this of russian presidents,
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a visit to china, a step towards shaping a new world order. this is inside story,


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