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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the the . ringback the phase of the northern gaza is writing the forces of intensified their attacks. only jabante of refuge account, the hello i'm around the my z. this is alger 0. i live from doha. also coming up on we got to get those ground crossings as land process opened. as soon as possible, a floating pair on gauze as coast receives and shipments for the 1st time, but a senior us official tells outages there it won't be enough to meet the needs of
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millions of palestinians, the senior member of the palestinian ongoing is killed and that is really as to icon that you need refugee camp in the occupied westbank. so coming up the sound of the power of a boy called sweeter city of boston bug is looking to cost a new loan binding the purchase of goods from israel, the hello and welcome to the program. we begin in northern garza where israel is carried out in u. s. strikes targeting, the giovanni a refugee camp has been fish fighting and bump on in the area of a not attacks that are killed. several people in a house that was sheltering displaced palestinians, the victims of flooding now and the come all at one hospital just now that your
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body accounts earlier these right on the shelf homes near the hospital itself. the facility is facing severe shortages with almost no medical aid coming into this trip to provide release to the working with minimal supplies to provide health services. i'd come all on one hospital and this is a result of the siege and post on the health system. we have appealed and continued to appeal to the international community to supply us with the necessary fuel. but what we have been sent is a very small amount of fuel barely enough for a few days. in early february, is there any forces withdrew from nova and gaza? they said they had destroyed him mass battalions that but it's forces re enter the area and resume their tax a couple of weeks ago, jamalia is garza's largest refugee camp, but it's old. now it's pretty much destroyed. correspond honey. my hood reports from darrell butler, this is in central, gaza in the
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crowd to devalue refugee count. palestinians have very little of food or water, no medical services, and nowhere else to go and is really bond keep falling here. many civil defense workers have been killed, injured or arrested. those left here is trego to reach. the one to the the say is really were planes vonda house where 30 people were taken shelter. they could fully recover. 2 wounded people and 6 bodies. the rest, like thousands of other palestinians remain buried under rebels. children are among them. best now do i do popped up? i mean to you. i mean, after we were safe in this house, we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children here. we all know thomas will fall to all parts of islamic jihad. there were only civilians um, children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose its safe place. and all
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of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then we'll say right, refuge account. this is the daily struggle as a life it brings in you the car news of the night before. all to come inside of the children's parents and relatives in morning as the number of debt has been rising every one of the last 224 days and there's by another classroom was hit inside a you and run school. displaced people from the north brennan central garza had been sold during their palestinians say those who survive have to keep moving as one place after another comes under a task where the equip ensure to staff hospitals including the loss of my loved ones. and the way the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients whose condition is miserable because it is always, always because is a truly, it's more likely than we are. and i would think,
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and it's in this place of the shortage over the admissions. the because it's, for example, to the, for you and the cause of the close on nicholas gates. we are completing the, must of the short thing of these indications is really mandatory is control of all across things into gaza. me a little or no a can get and the you are space. it has been a able to deliver sun through its the new floating piers, but that's nowhere near enough for more than 2000000 palestinians. it's prob, tier, suffering, continue as boom, boardman, honey, my mode is just the uh, there is, but i how the sign. meanwhile, in the south, there is fish fighting between his riley forces and palestinian fighters on the outskirts of rough masses. on doing the sombre gates released this video showing that force as
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targeting several. is there any vehicles in eastern rasa on thursday, as well as the defense minutes to announce to fund the deployment of ground forces to the city is already always intensifying the sold. it has forced the evacuation of rough as largest hospitals or facilities are running out of fuel while facing shortages of food. water and medicine. wells health organization says it's not received any medical supplies in the gaza strip since may the 6th honey, my mood is in darrow butter and has more on the is riley offensives in southern gaza and run by what's going on right now. not only we're seeing more people are forced to flee or of they were looking at 630000 people have already in force into if leaving the city in the central part of the 3rd. but it is really military, it's still controlling the do many crossings. that's that card mobile, solomon crossing their commercial trucks as well as the crossing for humanitarian
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aid. so for the past will be none of these do crossing have operator, and none of the aid has made it to the gaza strip, mainly in the southern part. but what's really going on right now is these really military statements at talked about the, the how they are controlling effective the right now half the distance of philadelphia core door data, including rough crossing, and they're only about a 5 kilometers away from the coastal road that that means it will include an expansion of the military operations or maneuvers will include the western part of the city where we, there, there are 1000 of palestinians displaced. families are the shouldering there since the initial weeks of this world, which means we're going to be seeing way more of waves of more people if leading the western part of the city they're being forced into more in force displacement to the central area mainly. and they're involved, a city is reading, the tree says that it's found the bodies of 3 is really captives in gaza. the army
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says that they were killed drain. you want to have a 7th attacks with that bodies taken into gaza. it but it's not care where they were found around $250.00 captors were taken on october 7th, nearly half of them free during the november seas 5 is rounds as about a 100 captives and the remains of the sea of is still being held inside gaza all thoughts go out to them to the families at this difficult time, and we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. and we're on con, has more on this now from the jo, dining capital online, and just to remind to 12 you is this. israel has shot down alger. there is operations inside the country. so we are approaching from outside israel,
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who is actually been named by these really all the spikes when he says they called it's like a get to run to meet bas kayla and shiny lords. honey lord is actually a jewel jim and, and is raised. he says, and he goes on say that the bodies were recovered, an overnight operation carried out by the military and sion but so this was likely to be an intelligence lead authoration as well. now we've also had a statement from the prime minister of israel, but even then, you know who he says, we will return all of our hostages, the living and the deceased. i like bought 3 bowls. i had a response from the bring them home campaign to bring them home campaign to the umbrella organization. the represents the families of the captive. they say the return of the bodies is a painful and clear reminder telling me we must return all of their brothers and sisters living for rehabilitation and the murder for burial from the bid to include captivity as quickly as possible to bring them home. campaign has been
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incredibly critical, all probably is to benjamin netanyahu and his whole government, they say he simply hasn't done enough that you could have both. these kept his right far soon. now that he refuses to do so because it's politically expedient for him. it's just a reminder, and one is covering this from online because israel has bind out you 0. we are reporting from outside the country. well now the 1st shipments has a have and have gone. so using a new floating pair built by the u. s. military us as 90 truckloads a day will be delivered using the temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter the strip in the coming days. this is where the pair is located. it's, it's 5 a south then was originally planned because last month these riley army aust rate to be moved moved closer to one of its major check points. the united nations is to coordinate the distribution of the aid of direct some loaded and inspected again by his writing forces. but it says if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel
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into the strip, that will be no way for any of this aid to be handed out to people in desperate need of it. now the 1st drops of taken aid of the pair on friday, driving it into a gauze of distribution and driving it on gauze as coastal road connecting both the north and the south. despite the new maritime car and all the u. n. and various agencies and says that overland routes would be a much more effective way for 8 to reach palestinians if those crossings are opened by israel. just there is mike kind of has worn out on the american reaction to us of the why policies, the completion of the p a and the 1st aid shipment going across it as a major achievement. but white house spokesman, john could be agrees that this is simply not enough to meet garz's humanitarian needs. it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period. and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be on the all on its own to get the kind of
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food, water medicine let the post and these women and guys are so desperately need. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. the white house spokesman welcomed his really help in the project, but at the same time, he says that it does not excuse israel from opening up the crossings. in fact, he says, this must be done at the same time. if god is humanitarian crisis is to be properly addressed. mike, hannah, i'll just sierra washington. i'll just there is asher. i'm or i managed to get close to view as constructive paris trucks lined up to pick up the aid you sent us this report from the warranty cause a you know, what else to find the we have managed to reach the why because of the area which is as close as we could get, as journalists to cover what is happening on the port and appear that was constructed by the united states. as we speak, the 1st combo way of trucks is getting ready to enter. the peer that was
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constructed recently and preparations are underway to load these trucks with food that arrived just moments ago to disappear and up at them. and this aid has arrived by c for the 1st time following the closure of the rough and kind of a solemn crossings. and that's the only 2 crossings through which you mandatory in a and fuel for hospitals here in the gaza strip or delivered, you know, more about kind of a woodside in that following their occupation of rough or, and the care of a solemn crossings is really forces are preventing the delivery of all humanitarian aid to reach the gaza strip, and that the humanitarian aid will be distributed to citizens and displays. people in both southern and northern casa. the peer is located in central gaza, which enables the united nations institution to supervise and distribute the food and release aid, which is arriving through the peer. be it to north cause or south kaiser. i shut off a barbara. that is just the law where this is where i was told the international court of justice in a what's happening and gaza is a tragic wor, no,
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it's genocide says the minute trail peroration and rough size necessary in order to eliminate a mass fighters that's off the south africa, off the court, or the israel to hold it's operation in rasa. step loss reports on this now from the hague. israel's final submission aware interruption at the u. s. highest court . a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stopped. it's life transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high that sound close israel's presentation. so for an hour and a half, as well as legal advisors, try to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically in how far are the last step and the destruction of gaza and palace pinion people. so thought for a couple of parts to describe the rough or the last refute for civilians in guys
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was many civilians having did evacuated through rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a media to restrung cold, full time us. with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as far as urge the court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality as it doesn't even rise to stuff for because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention,
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the south african delegation says, as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we ahead today was not really, i mean, gauge meant the facts, some engagement the facts, but not nearly the but seeing what so that if it gets trying to assess and what was after israel had finished its presentation. the judge from germany asked how troops ensure the safety of people, and what is ralph calls evacuation zones. south africa had described them as extermination, so the core to make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on this route. step 5, some elgin sierra take i want to take you now to developments in the ok find westbank,
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is there any forces have killed one person injured a all those and asked stripe on the janine refugee camp house was head targeting a leader of the janine brigades, which is a out of singing group out as there is a bus or obvious following these developments from ramallah in the occupied westbank. so we began seeing very dramatic footage from the scene from the aftermath of one single strike, one single missile breaking the quiet over janine camp this evening road before the israeli military confirmed that they had carried out the strike. the target appears to be an armed fighter. we know that at least one person was killed, or 8 others injured. the target appears to be as identified by locals in the area residents identifying a fighter from the janine battalion as deform. how may, how may say he was a fighter in the janine battalion, the military wing of this war mixture has and was,
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wanted 5 use really military. the house that was it wasn't the center of this very densely populated camp, all those inside or thought to have been posting and resistance fighters. videos showed. busy below it says rushing to the scene, people being brought to the hospital and they do show the deceased on a gurney as well. now this is not the 1st time that airstrikes like this have been carried out on refugee camps. drones and jets had been used increasingly as part of the israel's military operations in the occupied westbank. who janine was hit in march of the last time it was said it was hit in march from the drum strike. like hit a car killing at least 3 people we've seen similar strikes and use drones and other attempts. now that you need refugee camp has seen more is really military rates and more is really both for operations and anywhere else in the occupied. what's make. this is at least the 3rd air strikes in the last several months cuz it's also one in october. and janine york did you can,
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did you need area has the highest number so far, palestinians killed in the occupied westbank 505 since the war on gaza began. and since the escalation of military operations by the israeli military, in the occupied west bank, a given the al jazeera at ly, from del, how most and i have for you, president, let him a present, says it's, he's not planning to capture har keith, as russian forces advance on ukraine seconds, 13 and the state of dissolves to in houston, texas, where while storms have caused a wide spread disruption, killing at least 4 people the on the news? yes. again. these palestinian families in rough rep what they have following forward is from the east where the military eventuate or risk that they went told russel where to provide safety. the closure of the roof of crossing has prevented
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the departure of thousands of wounded people. and patients who were waiting to travel among them is a 2 year old lemma of a holy. she and her cousin, sustained injuries and is rarely s try it costs money off to 7 months to the path for more than one point. $5000000.00 palestinians remains on such and as does this apply to humanitarian aid into this trip with the warnings they could be fed depleted? was this place from i'll shoot you a, a on the sierra 10 to daniel bella tend to alpha. and this will be the 5th displacement, 8 groups holding for isabel to de escalate. now and say there is no plan be for the people in rough on counting the cost india's income inequality gap his wife makes. so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to boost global stability. plus why zambia has band charcoal production products?
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counting the cost on how to 0, the the come back without his era or reminder of the main stories now as when fears fighting and heavy phone bog minutes in egypt body a refugee camp in northern gaza. at least 31 pot of scenes have been killed across the strip since thursday the late israel's legal representative was chuckled as she told the international court of justice. and the situation in gaza is a tragic who knows genocide, south africa is asking the court to or the israel to hold it's rough operations. meanwhile, and his radio strike us at the home. and the janine refugee company occupied
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westbank, killing a leader of the janine brigades, and on the palestinian group, 8 all the people were in judge. now the local government and this reader said he has gotten bug is hoping to pause a little binding the procurement of goods from israel. they want to put israel on the list, alongside rusher and morocco, saying that tax pays shouldn't fund occupying powers, full res, explains or the other fraud. i know that those are well demonstration and goes him back as protest as start to feel that voices being heard . barrier here in order to be fair between the governments change states, univision is going in the right direction, but for now it's mainly renting out of the muscle. see some concrete measures. this violence must have consequences for both of them. set out that on the not may no be happening, at least on the local level protests against the war on goals that have been taking
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place in golfing. but for months now these people have the cities, politicians, assault, things like that policy as well. that go some books, town whole amazement is on the way to try and ensure the city doesn't to procure goods from any occupying power. the governing coalition of parties. here we go from both has put forward a proposal that includes boy costs of goods and services that come from israel and other powers occupying other nations or other states in this case, morocco and russia as well. because we think that the tax payer singleton. but does not want to be included in feeding at war machine. it's something that some got some bogus have immediately got behind in the days after it was announced comes to the to the suggestion, could be good, all supported anyway, i already dirty by coca cola. so on for the proposal, but it is facing opposition from other policies in the municipality. it is not that
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we like to input this with the palestinian people on the very difficult situation that they are in up this moment. but to see that we cannot get involved in for the politics, we need to let the state department minus stuff. i don't think that the state of custom built it has so much to trade with this room at the moment. i think the very, very few boots see families. major international brands have already faced boy coats by palestinian solidarity support as world wide go from books. council says it isn't investigating whether it does indeed procure is riley goods. before proceeding further. pull, reese out these era go from back, the the may or the finances you har keeps as at least 3 people have been killed and 28 injured in a rush and strike as rushes present. latina proves and says moscow has no ponds to capture the safety russian troops of advance 10 kilometers into the harkey region.
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during the past week, present police instead rusher is coming out of buffalo zone and east and ukraine to protect its regions near the border sticker. say it's a place where the height of the alpha, what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's faults because they have shelled and unfortunately continue shelling, residential areas of russia and board a territories including belgrade. if this continues, we will have to create the safety zone a buffer zone. if that is what we do ask for how to keep. we currently do not have plans to capture the city. what do we and ukrainian drone attack has caused power outages in the city of some of us still full in crimea. this is according to russian far seas. satellite images are damaged, russian will planes at the bell. but the basis of a stucco ukrainian forces of repeatedly attacked refineries and all the energy facilities inside russian territory. in america, the man who attacks for my house beacon nancy pelosi as husbands with
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a hama has been sentenced to fuss. he is in jail. a jury found 44 year old david to pop a guilty of assault in the attempt of kidnapping of a federal official. he broke into the policy kind of unless he's california, i'm and 2022 unintended to take her hostage. but she was in washington at the time of the incident. instead, he confronted her husband, pull below sea, and it caught him over the head with a hammer, a lead all the stories from the last cruise in the city of houston, trying to restore power to nearly a 1000000 homes and businesses of the storms close, wide spread damage at texas, county officials, some residents could be without pallet for weeks. so far as he's tried to take stock of the expense of the destruction. i'll just as heidi joe castro reports, a sudden burst of thunder storm with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the
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delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagat holes in place of windows and the night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to die from falling trees and another from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick. and most used tony's didn't have time to place any sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that last power at the storms peak sign to say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane.
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but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro algae, 0. and that's it from me. so now counting, the cost is next. i'll see you at home. now the, the welcome to look at the international full costs are now looking, get some live yourselves clearing away from the southeast and cold all to us as larry account. here's associated area of low pressure that is facing as, as it moves out into the open water is still some should i was there around the east disabled just looking back to was to florida panhandle for a time as we go through sas stay nice system showers to the central parts of canada, the more the west guy, right,
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just rolling off the rockies as well. i'm much cooler than that has been recently up to what was the northwest of right and a little bit of snowy mountain snow coming in from the rockies. so we have got to at winfree mintz, moving across the mountain states of the us, a few showers cropping up once again. it's a central pos, as we go through sunday, and down towards the se, just around the south carolina composite georgia. you could still see a shower to move is that not too bad? 20 celsius to new york half a day. so not as long as it has been recently, but at least a try with some sunshine fly. i'm sorry to across the good parts of the carrot. bay and we've had some welcome showers, said to trinidad and tobago, racing, least of a few of those showers, cropping up the best parts of the week. endless drive by the 2nd hall and some very wet weather to central america. the
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. ringback the although i major instead of getting them this is counting the cost on al jazeera, you'll, we can look at the world business and economics this week. india is booming, but millions of its people are benefiting from the economic growth. the income inequality gap is off topic dominates international.


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