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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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via the narr ruby, don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the, [000:00:00;00] the, and i want the bulk of this is the do use our life and go home coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 22 people that kills again. and this really as try it on a residential building. data come on hardware and hospital enrollment because it came on the day of ferocious this ready ministry strikes on the north. dozens of people were killed and a few hours and 3 procured the also ahead of funeral, as held for senior posting and $5.00 to $2.00 minus rating as strikes to the
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occupied westbank and ukraine. maybe 10000 people who evacuated from car keys in the face by russian form slowly that the credit in president says it's only the 1st way is full ball out of keys and one game away. now from making german football history, let us use and have the chance to become the 1st thing to state and beats in for an entire funded legacy. the thanks for joining as we begin in northern garza with thousands of palestinians have been killed and is really attack a series of them. in the past few hours, at least 22 people died and a strong called a residential bulk. the a come all at one hospital, many more we engine and west of giovanni and it's radio talerie target to the group of people q and for women and children were among the 8 to the 12 people, also killed and an attack on
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a library. most all color which was come out loud when hospital should the off to the attack that killed 22 people. when he said this report held residential house has been targeted and the forces here and that was sent off by the account and they have to come out the whole block. lloyd dozens have been killed and dozens got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the cover civilians who have been killed, eclipsed on the run down the well then southern gaza was ready. forces have formed residential areas and rough or at least one person was killed in an attack on a car. and 2 were killed when it's ready forces to get to a home. hundreds of thousands of policy use a flat, israel's escalating attacks in rough best case. what i'll just do is target resume
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. now, who's in darrow, by the and central gaza attack. if we may, let's start with what appears to be a series of ferocious assaults by israel in the north or more. can you tell us a man? well, yes, new things are moving incredibly fast. and the north of this trip, which has been the main focus for the military campaign of as well in that densely populated area now was we have been reporting the battles are still ranging from the haunts of the value of refuge account as the is very military has runs up, its been a trace abutment on the main central neighborhoods of developing a refugee come killing, at least within the past couple of hours. $28.00 palestinians including 10 children and 10 women in that area. and schools mentioning that the antonio devalue at refuge account has been experiencing on president the rate of destruction as we have been speaking to eyewitnesses. and those sources on the ground in that no, they're cool. know,
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district. they have been confirming that the is very military is demolishing complete residential neighborhoods over the heads of civilians that seems to as well as varying civilian civilians under the rubble of the destroyed buildings. as more imagine sea efforts being made by emergency workers in the north of this trip without to recover the victims on the concentration of attacks. but carried down to the facility of come on at one hospital and in the hot between area of devalue. and we need to remember that's the usability mandatory before said that the managed to mentally dismantle the military infrastructure of the again, confrontations have resumed in that area. what locals that are completely struggling to get food to get to as the humanitarian crisis in dap valia before his imagination. but new link talk till now and fighting in this area. we move calling to the to ration kinds of basic humanitarian supplies that were i, witnesses have been confirming that the minute treat times have been surrounding 3
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evacuation senses did. demolishing 300 residential neighborhoods in japan. the refugee cabinet seems that they are working on destroying the entire time, the in order to guarantee that there's is any kind of military scripts being reduced from that to area. mean. meanwhile, a topic of course the violence continues in the south so that the causes trip as well concerns continue around, walked israel's plans for rough or tell us so the laces, the well now in right now, a need as well as working on multiple of from some select the country, they have been known shingle operations and the 2 neighborhoods in japan in a rough, i know by twos are still ongoing in the eastern areas of rough i district. we've very high intensity as is where is it trying to make some sort of the arrangement and it's a troops off to the volume and confrontations at tab with the palestinian troops as
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they have been announcing that doses of it. so just being completely in judge and some of them kills and due to the confrontation stuff as the palestinian arms groups have been using a wide range of men at tree tactics. representative using onto top messiahs show a range of a rocket. some of the same time with using more to shows in order to bound to is maneuvering to spot. at the same time the, he's very many 3 drugs have been covering this call in the mid an area as they are attacking anyone. moving came back to area as kind of a pre military preparation for a potential military expansion. pull the fighting to reach to the middle and central areas of rough law as a way to hospital to now is to operating as medical teams refuse to flee the hospital as you are right now, keep going into providing medical services as those as the palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours in a rough last city where palestinians are as to the eastern and the western side of
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roughly refusing to flee. because the simply have no what else to go? as roughly is the who land it's the last remaining shelter for palestinians and more growing appeal from humanitarian organizations to bring an immediate cease fire on the ground to be implemented and carried out in order to stop the blood shifts and deterioration of humanitarian situation. and the pos south most city of this trend, the entire control thing about the humanitarian situation. we've had of course confirmation from the united states that the p a, the pointing to the they constructed off the coast of gauze is now active, the american se 90 trucks today can enter through that route. although what a group say is as much as 500 trucks, it was actually needed. i wonder how all of that affects the likes of i'll x a hospital where you will and its ability to function of the well generally the new construct, then you would have cost
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a construction p a and the cost a line of the middle areas copy really a pro, alternative for all the lands essential routes that where did i located before for deliveries into the street? by now, isabel is adopting a new systematic policy representing in closing costs, majority of voters, and allowing for this new married time built in order to be functional on the ground. and it will be even april, enough to uh, to send 90 humanitarian talks into this trip. wild and tell you, need of this trip is at least $500.00 humanitarian talks on daily basis that it will be only allocated for food till now. that means that there is not going to be new kind of medical transfer of essential medical supplies to come out at one hospital. now come on. the 2 locks on specific deluxe. the hospital was up in a very desperate need for a few um, for all kinds of medical supplies in order to keep operating as soon as possible to
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right now for binding medical services for more than 1000000 palestinians. big trucks in the middle area alongside to uh, mostly in con units. um this is the really striking reality here as palestinian. see that it's a quite american intervention of the palestinian issues as they compete for a better alternative rather than a dispute being recently established. uh huh, but as you say, nowhere near enough aid is getting entire boosting in 0 balance central guns, and thank you. a funeral has been have notified westbank for senior posting and come on to killed in an overnight rate in geneva. moore has carried the body of some committee safe through the streets of the refuge account is ready for the same thing. so i'll get to the home with the commander in of the janine brigade. the people also injured in this attack, st. mr. ivy has both of them i live in the occupied westbank. did you mean refugee camp has seen more is really military operations than anywhere else in the occupied
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westbank and that has been the case for years now. what we saw on friday night with an is really aircraft demand is really aircraft, carry out a missile strike on a house in the center of the janine refugee camp in a very densely populated area. now these airstrikes, these types of strikes are rare. they're stopped the 1st time, but it is not common. and we've seen an escalation the use of air strikes and drones during these operations carried out by the israeli military. the target of the strike on friday night was islam. how may say a 26 year old leader in the janine battalion, the military wing of islamic jihad is really forces, have accused him of being involved and attack on a settler that killed a settler in may of last year. his funeral ahead of his funeral on saturday. there was a morning period being observed in jeanine, businesses and shops were closed as part of a general strike. now this is at least the 3rd time since the war and gaza began
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that aircraft like this has been used to carry out a striking the ox cart westbank. the last time this happened was in october, engineering, and drones of course have been used to more and more as part of the even the ground exp, incursions providing cover for is really sold as a carrier ground operations in camps and towns and villages over the occupied westbank, and of since the war began at least 505 people have been killed in these military operations in the occupied west bank. the highest number of debts were engineering . same bus route of the old is 0 ramallah the occupied west bank of palestine. it's a global day of action and published in solar diets he's expect to despite across hundreds of cities and thousands of countries. the riley's coincides with the $76.00 out of the 3 of them. not all catastrophe. when palestinians were forcibly displaced in my homeland and the state of israel was created, let's go on to how it for cities in the british kept to london when i demonstrate as a gathering. and how are you? judging by the crowds behind you,
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the turn out looks pretty substantial of the it is. this is the thoughts say it's march through the center of london since october last year. and as you can see, yes, it is another very substantial turn out another very well planned march transport put on for various parts of the united kingdom and they are gathering here now. they've been gathering here for the last 2030 minutes. i'm still coming in on white hole already the, the heart of the sort of british government operations area of the civil service. i'm very close to the entrance to downing street as well to mark this macbook so we really, they, they say that this demonstration is very much in association and in collaboration of not by the catastrophe the policy, the insight took place when they were forced in the homes in historic palestine, in 1948 at the beginning of the notch in central london a couple of hours ago. i spoke to the head of the time, assign some
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a diety campaign, ben demo and here's what he had to say. this is the whole thing we've held since october, not too much calling for an end to the genocide in and then to all governments complicity. and so painting is around vaccines. but today we're also the memorizing the last couple weeks of memory to know just a historical catastrophe that took place between 1947 and 9. to let me know. i went over 750000 palestinians including all of my family, with both the free from the homes and over 500 times, but it is destroyed. but as an ongoing catastrophe. 76 years of total noise ation dispossession and position to bundle with the promised. getting people have a system of a pop product which would also cite memorize and from the home
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going to visit top of the going the, let's say it's a previous sort of attitude much with the lender, especially from senior british politicians, including the former home secretary. you referred to them as much as a reflective, is what you're seeing, that of public opinions at large. but i think public opinion is and has been swinging behind certain nicole's receipts far. we've seen that reflected in the various moves and, and pressure on political parties, both the government and of course, the labor policy, the main opposition widely expected to take power off the general election nights it is. yeah, these marches. have the, as you say, the controversial both from members in terms of reaction from members of the government, the conservative party. i also a number of british jews have expressed concerns and, and campaign groups from the british and jewish community. i've expressed concerns
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about these, it has to be said that they're all calls repeatedly from the river to the sea. it was because of the last major march who were talking about ending zine isn't entirely as seen by many people as the as a cleanser and ends of the state of israel. i forgot to mr. john out and he said that this was a part of a long campaign to try to end a system of the policies within historic palestine. and so yes, i think a lot of people here reflects a wide cool for an end to the fighting. inside garza, there were some elements of it that may go slightly beyond where main street british opinion currently lies on that uh, global day of action and processing and spell it out to you, our full so that i love to talk to you. i the, the
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301-0000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's north eastern hockey region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine, 2nd largest, chas. defense ministry says troops, captions, another village on saturday. ukraine and officials say the situation is under control, but presents the lensky as well. this could be the 1st wave and a major offensive or the size of a new legislation comes into effect. and ukraine, changing the rules of mobilization. lowering the conscription age of 27 to 25, he's going to showing up at the places at aging armed forces, showing holeman as well from keith line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot the mid legs telling me in ukraine trying to keep russian forces. if you ever judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us. 28. i mean, you case, the 21 for the meat throw is 40 full back from the front. he says in some ways, having over the troops has positive look to what,
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what everyone's motivated. but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity, and the fullest is a crucial. the young can be reckless, but it can't only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as of brigade to us them, which i do have so just they prefer sam for team his. we need every one older people because they're more experience and their specialty. but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete our basic training course, and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relative b o in paul? because the countries conscription i even off the recent reduction remains high at 25 rushes is a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hollow out. it's already
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smooth supply of young demand just to look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records. it's a huge problem to the army. aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft buildings an issue. we will hold them in and leaving the families to go and fight. dimitra rose only of the front line now because his leg was blown off with since he is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son, the still wants to go back and his wife navea will be reluctantly seasoned 8. and that is in which this is our homeland, if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization, bruce the opposite to the question of who will increasingly be younger, ukrainian, john home. and i would just say to keep, let's look at this in more dates and i would major of a lot of middle know yeah. and who is for the credit?
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and unfortunately, there's also a former politician and a different matthews, joining us from kid if thank you very much for your time. so it sounds like you have a very, very big problem and you kind of the mind when you're out numbered your outcomes. amazing. ukraine is the reduction of this conscription a just sign of desperation. hello sir. thank you for having me. a frankly saying we are fighting part of the largest army off one of the biggest in fire in zillow. and definitely the house number by them, but i don't see a big problem here. uh, we still fight be rolling all plans of gramlin to get destroy a crane fast and then occupied all europe. and definitely, it's a war for every opinion and it's all not only for 25 years old and older. i started my service as the armed forces seem to southern bunch of do i so been century guys . and uh, it was not the kind of easy task for me all easy walk but still ice,
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the wife and me. oh, by the rush. so i understand some prisoners will also be allowed to join the army to plus even increase fines, full draft dodging. do you think you'll war against russia to you is on still has popular support? a definitely it's, it's easy to say is that it's not the size of the world. it can be popular, but the old invited was want to go to fight the russians. because we have the stands that the reason the opportunity for us and when the roster, who buys i live and they say the q i would people and take everything from them. so there is a very limited variety, all your options for the life oxygen. if i should just buy the spot, and definitely we also owe colds that as soon as we get enough supplies from the rest, which is to be possible in the country and
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a degree and especially f sixteens, where we'll go in different way. last year rush, i was protecting itself and focused on defensive operations this year, ceilings us in the nation for me, planning on army as i try to make some consequence for patients, but they don't proceed as well as the whole. so yes, i think right now in cross to this nation, say, trying to capture why is the largest citizen ukraine, bob's a up spot from this goal? and again, once again, i shot it, right, we'll talk about how even a 2nd i just want to ask you this because russia recently appointed an economist. so the role of defense minister, implying that this is not just a military war, but it's an economic one, especially when it comes to ministry supplies. we know, as you said, the more us british and that you weapons on the way without delay as cost you very
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precious time as an alrighty. you know there's this big change in ross and barbara which wasn't all recently. i think it's a big change and there are some policies. uh, it's not always the case of a pointing below. so as a minister of defense. but this is a case for us to fall off by uh, firing partnership, and show you who one of the biggest, the most few to support us all the for. uh, fortunately is disappointed was a good abilities and what they succeeded is that spies these focused more cold war time. as this is the only go to a point built also to uh, spend my money wisely because the roster is not that far from cost as it happened was do you know, it depends. they spend most people 60 percent of what you did before that's, that's quite a claim to assume that russet rusher is on the edge of collapse. but let me turn to the hockey. though i put in a said that he has no plans to retake the city of hockey, the 2nd largest in the country and said, he's said to be coughing at
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a buffer zone. do you believe him? and secondly, would you claim, be prepared to accept the loss of some of his territory for the sake of peace to use and to war. now you don't believe put you at all. finally spoke on the bottom would be some celebrate itself. feminine focus the in general. uh when people prefer to make buffer zone, but she is not stopped. so if she is not stuck in europe, he will call buffer zones in a lot much positive if he can qualify for as long as many people sion. so we treated equally and we don't accept any kind of neutrality. all these thoughts when all the end of a 3rd 3 is ok, but people are killed and be on the bottom of the mess of a tech, a freshman. i feel the reason me so may have loaded it on again. thank you very much for joining us. thank you. and my, i'm a thousands of people have been displaced by fighting and rocking state between revel groups and the jump. so they are kind of a,
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one of the groups fighting the ministry or to the evacuation of a town of more than 55000 people. thousands of buildings was set on fire turning, shining as well from buying cold and neighboring ton. we understand from residence in both the dogs, this town and northern were kind state. they were told by the american army they had to evacuate the houses in the city by 10 am on saturday. instead, we understand that the soldiers from finance american army came in about 7 30 pm last night started moving people out. this is a relatively small town, but they're a very large number of friends who is that who is being sheltering from fighting in other parts of her current state. so we think there were about a 100000 people and they were then forced out to the outskirts of the city, many sheltered by the prison, others on the road among the another large town on the way,
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on the way to the coast. and far as being said in the town said they've not been able to go back. the funds have been burning over nights. it's on clear this stage who set those 5, but this is a town with erica and ami had pretty much taken almost total control. those one military base this i still had uncomfortable, that was slightly outside the town. this states situation seems pretty desperate for those who are being forced out of the city, they left all the possessions behind the very little food and shelter. and many of them just stuck in the rice fields. so i've got a son now where federal woods this is killed, at least 50 people in the central province of a cool agency said people desperately need help. it follows heavy flooding the to more than 300 people last week and old enough kind of stuff. katra lopez hold of yeah, and reports flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands
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of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. a seal like it did is you guys had the opposite. floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in peace. no, russo bridge. we have nothing to give out. children. witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house. when the plots came in, people have lost everything to their property, cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's kind of stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of
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a say the white house has been completely destroyed of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet. the reason why my wheat fields, which i'm now gone, the main challenge for us is removing the flux settlements. the entire land is covered with stones. and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads, further hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again, i'll just see here. okay, it's time for whether or not his car. i had a low that. let's look to south asian. it's a divided story. we've got lots of hot and dry weather across the north, a paste like pakistan and india. but down in the south will the rain will continue to full now for lack of so to
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a 100 millimeters full in central and southern areas. and you can see on sunday we still got back in tens, rain, and the rain is gonna fall heavy as to close the southern parts of india like carol a and tell them not do. that's where we have the red warnings in the days ahead for sun, the stones as well as a chance of lightning, some stronger winds as well as not swire. across the north not necessarily for the northeast. the show was continue here, but for the north, west is red warnings out very high temperatures in the days ahead of places like rock just on daily, as well as northern areas of pakistan. and if we look at the 3 day full a whole we're going to be touching up into the mid forties. well above the average that very hot and dry on tuesday. and we've seen a lot of heat and settled weather across east asia. but things have changed. we've got some very wet weather moving its way across the north, east of china, some very heavy rain coming into southern parts of japan and the bad news, the southern areas of china,
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but funder storms and heavy rain day on monday. still ahead, allowed to 0, so done in conflict report from the world's biggest refugee crisis wimbledon 9000000 people have been displaced by a political wall called leader of the ruling amc. so advocates, jacob c. my home to riley for his me before arrival, party, a head of general elections and support making a day of it. this japanese bicycle stars received yet another owner. and he will be here if that story, the why have american evangelicals become israel, strongest back, or is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. if you're watching this pre
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recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is well with a shame for be any stray me. when my country is closing down the spectrum towards the networks only because patients being came here, this decision puts other networks where it came in. the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just, we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size at the national court of justice. the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, to what you go to 0. here's the remind if i told the stories, this our series of israeli strikes and all the guys or has killed thousands of palestinians in the past few hours, at least 28 died and an attack on a residential block. you come all antoine hospital and the goals. 20 of them were women and children west of jabante and it's ready to be fine. i had a group of people, cute for most of the women and children were among those killed. thousands of ministry says at least 83 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. maybe 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's ne, in hockey region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine, 2nd largest president, sa lensky, has warms. this could be the 1st wave of a major offensive view. and human rights chief says he's horrified by the escalating violence near the sous nice city of alpha. she, a child is bracing for
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a new wave of refugees as fighting between saddam's army and the rapids of pool forces shows no sign of ending view and size. the 13 month conflicts has created the wells largest displacement crisis, forcing 9000000 people from the homes. agencies in china to expect the number of refugees in the country to rise to move a 900000 by december. hundreds of thousands of others have fled sudan from egypt, south to down and central african republic. the conflict is code at least 14000 people. for the desktop is likely much higher. i'm gonna do some interest reports from child support, accounts of ads, right, and tna, which is struggling to cope with the influx of refugees, the 13 months into the conflict. and so then refugees are still causing into china despite tough conditions of the camps. families arrive in the numbers. 8 agencies say between 2 to 400 people across the border every day. these don't want to add
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any vision. sometimes they have to cross the chevy and border because people were eating grass grass that is eaten by animals. that's how they get the strength to reach the chevy and border hundreds of thousands of people from the safety of, of the janae language, stuff for, for already in the area of i agree. i still waiting for shelter. 8 agents is a struggle to provide even one meal i be now the united nation says thousands more offering, fighting in the north, the forest capital m f. i sure it's a suit and his armies last stronghold in the region and the refuge support forced as of late each to the city for weeks. there is activity wonderfully going on. a temporary attacks by the rapid support forces of everybody moves by the student is and forces that are leading to mess a new displacements internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you need to get out to say for areas, but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside. surrounding the
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father of large numbers from sedan crossed into the town of today. it's why the united nations, the stationing 4 trucks to help the new arrivals. my wife and i sleep on the floor with no food to eat and go out every day to look for menial jobs and money to feed my wife and children. they're not the admissions estimates. chad could soon be hosting 1000000 refugees in a country or 42 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. a just to say they've only received a fraction of the funding needed at one, but many refugees were already met and noticed when they arrived at risk of di reese. i'll just say here, let's begin. mohammad come out of there's the national spokes person for the world food program. he is incidentally joins us from the city of port c dad. welcome to the program. so you have identified 3 major areas that a huge cause for concern del,
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for core to find the region and call to what are the main obstacles right now when it comes to getting help to those areas that need it most. well, as you mentioned, the situation in these regions is a pony and they may get pulse to conduct is facing the order for around other communicating and agencies is access. we need access to these areas from the product lines and also need access housing. the more you know from job or so, so the people in these areas are resorting to reading on the, on demand for the we come up with a longer especially the daily season is approaching. and then we'll be able to get these areas we need access, right. now, so the gone start up for, for people who are kind of hungry on line to be my duty school for me. when you
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talk about access, who specifically is preventing you from reaching the, these key areas and how does an organization like yours go about securing access of this crucial time? we are enclosed on the books with the government so that we can be able to across the borders, to areas like that for the fun through reading access through id and also need access through dina, which is good. and people new to the finding that is ongoing notifies you, we need more understanding on cooperation from the conflicting partners so that we can be able to reach to the people's for the need as soon as possible before the last become an excess of what because of the age, right, i'm the reign of a state environmental scientist. simply making it worse, is this why the w f pay of told about
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a closing window of opportunity to prevent of famine? exactly. so that any season started about me i'm doing on and could continue for 4 or 5 months. this is also what's more of a very easy, this is the season where the finest will depend on that house when the is more production during this year. and the biggest problem is the pollution as being impacted by the ongoing war. so there is for the a few for the to be kind of depends on and that's why a lot of systems because both, but i'm all buying doing the stuff. meanwhile, of course, the humanitarian challenges continue to spill over the border into neighboring chad . what's the fishing? what's the pitch of the a stairwell we need to get put in our minds the charter, sol. so the countries that have been for these term sitting there on issues on
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specifically put security issues. so imagine the now we are just adding full of injury by exporting people who are affected by the way the policy to these areas. the issue is not the a, so they scale only, but it's becoming very united visual. and if we don't be able to stop it, try not might not be able to bestow the consequences all before in the coming months. and that's why we need an immediate and meaningful it's useful ya malls, when you get back to areas where the conflict is ongoing. right now we have, i don't on 4214 carriers that are approaching the i v. c 54. with what we call those funding and these areas are hosting the 2100000 people say mining that we have currently 2100000 people residing and caustic areas, online, be underscore funding. so we need an auction, we need to access know on,
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we need an immediate cease fire for the small, excess of immediate cease fire the or any way to avoid a major finding or having to come out. thank you for joining us and i was 0. the, well, the indian state of westbound goal is a home for the production of jew tie pon fiber that can be spun into strong costs threads. but factory is the operating of the loss because of a drop in demand. they've cut jobs, the rise and unemployment has become an election campaign. issue. focused on parts of the state will cost the balance in the 5th phase of the general election. so may the 20th reminder, of course, the beginning and government has not granted visas to out. just give us a list of we are covering the election from outside the country americas to ensure your reports. the he ref,
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mazda has been out of work for 2 months. he used to make $6.00 a day added to, to me in a who the district of less than go to state is a major produce of the 5, the useful materials for boscus sacks and various homes with 2 pets of the states. more than 300000 bookers employed as a neighborhood. and when mills cut production, the others less to go. i am facing a lot of difficulty because i'm not earning an offense. they have stopped the night shift at the mill. they say there are no orders, so the machinery will be use less. we are worried. the unemployment crisis in a once flushing industry is a major issue in india general elections. the sect is dependent on the central government, which buys up most of the to find the produce for green sacks and packaging. but
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since new denny reduced, the volume of green purchases orders have to. and the se, set for global events have contributed to the last. the last 5 years we've seen some major events happening globally. lexi venue speak about, take your time frame. it starts in the back. go with both of these are big trucks for the industry. i'm good because sometimes to come out from it. then post that the show you clear and what we'd like to lot of data bases and etc, and pleasing for the government. fulfillment of youth has been the 1st for the last 2 years and anticipated, hence leading to lower demand of the drawbacks. the people, the product, which we for the lack of better, i meant the fact from the movie who seeking to set them accuses to to move compass because government symbols, since 2011 of neglecting the industry to open the, the, the, the jews industry is in a miserable condition and there was no one to speak to the rights of the work as we
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increased the price for the crop and made it mandatory for grains and sugar to be packed in 2 bags. so it helps bomb is put in the home state of jude, the governing trim. will congress only lies in february? the local government signed an agreement with the owners and trade unions to increase the wages of origin workers across the state. but it's not enough. unemployment has been a major issue in all phases of the elections the voters like so he's in need of a job on a stable income. i'm a consume chevy on to 0. and a lot of indian government has now granted visas to i was just, it was traveling throughout covering the election from outside the country south africa as a for president jacobs, the but i was holding a riley for the newly formed m k party. and so when i was competing rums up a head of elections, he's challenging his former policy, the governing african national congress and national polls at the end of the month,
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in 2018 zoom, a step down on the pressure from the policy. you have a corruption allegations issue this time trial next year on challenges of accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 on this deal done before his time in office to be. so i'm a condo is a stuff concerning this. an editor of the national daily newspapers to west and she joins us live from johannesburg. so i have a copy of the manifesto of the m k party here in front of me across. are we looking at a look at it? the talks about reclaiming national dignities, solving t, overland mineral resources are reversing. moral decay. it seems like a, a pretty sizable wish list. how do most south africans view it a good afternoon. it's difficult to tell because you know, uh mrs. who might, is a adult popular practice, usually controversial figure. so i think most of africans would really look at, you know, what you write to say that is a wish list, and actually wonder about the people behind it. so we're talking about a new political party right. launched in december last. yeah. you know,
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by mistake we might and because you know, many people who are not necessarily well known as far as the significant political landscape. and so, you know, yes, we know what his views are. you know, when it comes to say, for example, the expectation of land without compensation bands. you know, in the end of that, however, i think the, the big question, you know, many people's minds is, you know, all of this that you list in your manifesto. why were you not able to do it when you were president for a whole 9 years, right? yeah, that's a very good point. i mean some of the things the most says he wants to fix poverty and equality corruption, the energy crisis in the country. however, given zimmet will go on trial for corruption. next year. you see really the mind to sell this message to the country. this is the man to sell the message to the country, but i think it's important to, to also just go back and understand that. is it a technicality that maybe so that becomes a way to, you know, really be explained at this point as we stand. we don't know if this is, mike will indeed be elected to the parliament, even if he's punch wins in
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a vote. and that's really because, you know, you will remember that the, the, that i receive, which is our elections buddy, followed him from standing for an election simply on the basis of the fact that i would know saves that you've been a sentence to 12 months in prison. you know, you're not eligible to stand for you, let you know ever his punch obviously took that to court and does now it is kind of legal wrangle about whether or not to use in digital to stand, to begin with. and we're waiting for the constitutional court to really explain that to us. so is he the man to sell that message? i think because, you know, if you look at his record, many people would question, you know, if he is not with standing, the, the manager support that he has, you know, within certain parts of the country. but will he be able to actually stand for the election, you know, into parliament is a legal question, but the costs are too short coordinator will answer for us. no, i be. so i'm a come to a great to hear thoughts. thank you for your time. i, i think it's the best toll from protest spunk,
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by proposing focusing the forms in the french pacific territory of new caledonia has arisen to at least 6. the site of emergency is in place to thousands of indigenous con, knock. people have been protesting against changes to local election rules, which critics say favor french nationals. hundreds of french police are patrolling the streets of the capital. no man and reinforcements are being deployed to support security forces. let's say a show shy is a professor or public law or the university of new caledonia and he says the indigenous conduct population to worry the voices will be further diluted by the new focusing reforms. a label, they don't ship mostly because you should april. so the airport is completely closed and paralyzed. there are no flights to a mainland friends or to a french building issue. the colonial situation in new kelly don't have a dates back in history. there were 3 referendums that have been organized, however, friends is, has always been not sure and how to deal with this question of self determination.
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so they wanted to find a solution the same as the solution that was find in the other a calling needs to find is some sort of a deal and power sharing of like what have or a model that is like the model in use. eland, indigenous cannot population, refused the results of the 2nd and 3rd referendum. friends has considered that everything has been settled and decided to recognize the referendum and to give the voting rights to all the settlers and the french, which is a situation that is rejected by the indigenous cannot. because this will encourage the settlers to have more rights than the indigenous connex. that's why no agreement has been reached as of yet. what's the government in mainland france has that is that they voted this new electro old body law in the french parliament,
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which has cost the situation. the suspects charged with the attempted assassination of slovak prime minister, robert faith, so hesitating, coolest. he was seen arriving at the hearing of the heavily on the police, calm voice, the 71 year old suspect is accused of firing 5 shots of the prime minister on wednesday. still ahead on, i'll just say i'm a state of disaster in houston, texas storms cool. was widespread disruption. cutting power to almost a 1000000 homes on his boat goals. well, number one is target. take a less stressful day. the pga championship on these here with the story the interrogate. the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, the correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals?
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the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the latest news. not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all left his treatments in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people had access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story house send you the officials photo does 0 that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the top is for now. here's the thank you so much need for the wells. number one to go 1st, go to shift. i had an unforgettable few hours at the page a championship. he began day 2 of the tournaments in a prison jump since he finished, it's still in contention. so what is the major title? a son? how many triples outside of the world of goals? not too many people would normally be following the progress of school to shift the i to major championship getting arrested on his way into the course at the start of day to may well have changed that. i don't really know. i feel like my head still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning. and i did spend some time stretching in a jail. so that was a 1st for me. what right now you're going to do. okay,
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here's the bad. none not. well, it's number one. today i was arrested off take knowing traffic signals while driving into the vault hollow golf club on friday morning. a faithful accidents near the kentucky venue had led to a traffic build up that should flo was trying to avoid you. 27 year old american ended up being charged with the 2nd degree, a sold of a police officer and a statement louisville police said the officer involved was a drug to the ground by schifflet's call. you know, i said, i'm sorry. i'm just trying to get to my tea time and outside of that it was then it just things, you know, escalated from there i did. oh, you know, numerous apologies and whatever, but like i said it was, it was chaotic. it's dark. it's raining, you know, there's a lot of stuff going on they, they just had an accident. i didn't know what it happened at the time, the officer that was directing traffic. maybe not part of the the the,
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the traffic detail. and so that's where the communication miscommunication rose flow was eventually released by police and made it back to the venue less than an hour before his tea time of the reigning. must. this champion went on to shoot a 5 on the power round of 66. it left him just resource of the deep and in contention to when he's supposed to 85 on sunday should flu will be mean to when he's good. major championship on tuesday is to tip hearing court on homeless on the 0 of jim, and full champions barbecues, and have the chance to become the 1st invincible team in bundles like a history chevy on. so i saw, i just have to avoid the fates against al squared and that finally game of the season, that much is just kicked off in like the keys in the same or on a season long on beach and run a 50 games, no competitions. they still have the rope fleet, and german cup finals to come late to school in that game. it's love accuse and one
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house book now that's the catch on a slough is concerned. he'll be replacing even close to the little pool next season . even the little pool spilled, somebody can official announcement during his 3 years in charge of fine, old slot will need not sleek. i'm come old sites at the side to a you wrote the come from sleep final about the whole i can type then kick and i can confirm the i'd be the coach the next season. well, that's the 1st step. they currently have a coach has done an excellent job and then they have, they have to say good bye to him when they go. so that's probably the reason why the clubs didn't officially announce it yet. and on uh, well as to being sense self during his team's autonomy and co funnel when on wednesday events. so, so far it hedge co had coach mex, a leg great. the clips that his behavior was incompressible with the values it was a like reset. the 2nd spell out, you're right, he's supposed to and brought 5 lead titles, but he's failed to replicate that success since been re appointed in 2021. the
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little lights are on the sunny champions. lay of egypt and sizing on she needs is esperanza and the 1st like the african champions league. final, awfully, i mean, so when the trophy for a record extending 12 times as bronx, they last one, the cycle in 2019 at their home for this much of the return, like coming up in colorado, in 7, based on now in in bay playoffs. the service between indiana pacers and the new york knicks is heading into a game 7 paces, sewing up the series in front of the hong finds the 116. so one i 3 winning game 6 . the size of the game 7 is going to be played on sunday in new york at madison square. i go say on their home for were they excited to get the opportunity? it's, you know, now it's a one game series and, you know, it's for all the marbles and, you know, i think it's kind of where better to, to have a game 7 in the garden. you know, so i'm really excited about it. our groups excited to get the opportunity to
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compete the the in the n h l. playoffs, the dallas stores on my way to the western conference funnel might be sharing that story double over time. looks like stalls past the colorado avalanche. the sort of pump is be the boston bruins sealants who run the playoff series. the prompt as we faced the yoke ranges an eastern conference final game, one coming up on wednesday. los angeles city council has announced of may the 17th will officially be show, hey tony, day in l. a. town state, as long as the price stays with the don't just the japanese superstore multimeter. oh, i would. so anybody with the to run i run the goal, she's winning this game against the cincinnati reds. evan. and then a few, i was time tyson theory and always on the user will be fighting the undisputed heavyweight boxing. it's hard for the way in and read. well, that ended up becoming something of a shopping much
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a unification. concepts like this one hasn't been seen this century, both my undefeated going into the concepts. all right, that is how useful is looking for noun a. all right, thank you very much. and the now before we go to cruise in the us city of houston, now working to restore power to 91000000 homes and businesses of to storm schools. widespread damage at texas officials to some residents could be without power for weeks. just as heidi to a customer report, of a sudden burst of thunder storm. with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagged holes in place of windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to die from falling trees and another from
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a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick and most used tony's didn't have time to place in sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that lost power at the storms. peak scientist say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms. to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro algae, 0. okay, that's just for me, these bulk of, for this and use our don't forget our website. i was just there don't come much
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more. all of us stories don't go away. i'll be back in just a moment's time with much more of the day's news. thank you. very much for watching the the subset of mrs. acadia. and he just the truth is the price is high for a family of palestinian after this. so peacefully protected the community from is brady, secular expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put that really for that day on. oh i see this is the story that's i'm trying to see them moving them. some of the on the fire on it just either pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say know, double stand to all of us any, any one in particular, i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on told to how does air force that of the homes and now hiding from the heat, a group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village close to the town of cobra. they hadn't even arrived in. it'll be late before they start telling us. it's especially hard for the children. most schools being closed since the q 3 years ago and constantly moving is the plan set 24 hours a day as a constant bodies in the sky. that's what the fight to say is why 12, it's a supposed to play. it's of the looking for targets front hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to
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the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning and paint sound. everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff, but a new arrival in a very on system. well, the, the at least 28 people are killed. and this really strikes on the residential building near the come all antoine hospital in northern gauze and the many bug or this is that which is 0 life. and also coming up


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