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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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humanitarian aids into a district with warnings, they could be fed the depleted. was this place from all? shoot ya on the sierra 10 to daniel bella, dental rafa. and this will be the 5th displacement age groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there is no plan, be for the people in rough. the, [000:00:00;00] the color there uninstall the attain. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. dozens of palestinians have been killed. and it is really a strike on a residential building in north and golf. united nations and says some 800000 palestinians have now fled. the city of rasa, as is really strikes, continued to pound, to the south of the gulf,
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and strip the 10s of thousands of rally in london going for an end to israel's war on casa, and protest. as an israel, coal on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure the release of captives from golf and sport fargo buyer laboratories and make german a football history. the champions become the 1st ever team to go in entire upland, just like a season without defeats. the whole we begin and north and gauze that way is really forced as ever launched a series of attacks targeting palestinian homes. at least 28 people were killed in a strike on a residential block near the come out allowed one hospital in the north with many more injured west of giovanni. a is rarely on tillery struck a group of people who were cubing for war to 8 people. were killed with women and children, the 2 among the dead,
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at surviving events. triples. this is the aftermath of the news rarely air attack into a body of residential block chose to come out at one. so we don't know whether it's really bombs rained down and buildings sheltering palestinians trying to escape the carnage. rescuer scrambled to help, but they have literally to work with a problem or an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we pay children out of the rubble that different families are under the rubble. most of them are inside the homes and they have displaced people in the bed. here's the house of the eldest family, where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes. in felicia, west of jamalia, women and children were killed while waiting in line for water, palestinians to risk their lives every day, trying to get the basic necessities of life. and it seems
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a very good display to the village area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and southern this place was sold by 3 is really show children women and the young people motto. we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the injured arrived in waves and the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injuries. and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medications. the medical stuff out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to all over the hospital. the situation remains dia. in the dropbox, a car traveling to central gaza was struck by a drone, killing some insight and wounding gutters since israel's military ordered them to
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evacuate southern gaza last week. palestinians trying to leave se, you're still targets, axles. i'm which out is there a while that's kept the laces from the scene of the attack and an old and gone out in los alkaloid sent this report from jamalia near the come all out one hospital hold residential house has been targeted and destroyed whether is waiting for us here at the end of a sentence about it, can we have to come on the whole the book have been destroyed. dozens had been killed in thousands got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the cover civilians who have been killed. i've lived on the run down the well let's be talk correspondence on the ground. talk up was there and he's in del bala and central gaza. tar cuz you've been reporting these attacks really seems to
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be escalating and jamalia. what have you been hearing about the situation on the ground that it was really a very bloody day in terms of the unprecedented rates of casualties and even just told among palestinian civilians in the know that who knows this trip and in particular in devalue refuge account now this account has been widely targeted today, we're at least $28.00 palestinians have the roku to kill, including 10 children and 10 women. some of these palestinians have been targeted as they were searching for what it would have to drink. and we clearly understand that these people then the most of this trip are struggling to get food to get to light of the going flow to food is the prevention of a deliveries to the north of this trip that has been totally minutes received for more than 12 days to this very moment, as we have been hearing from the director of commodities,
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one hospital saying that the situation is beyond description as the human atomic prices to define device imagination. under the same time, the speak specimen of the civil defense crews in the northern district have been confirming that at least 300 house have been the target ship since the beginning of the military encouraging angel valley of were that's those are still ongoing and casualties among children of women on presidents that meet increasing an hourly basis in the town without any kind of like talking find things to notice that you are given. telling us there about what's been happening in the north. i see the united nations is saying, 800000 people have now fled roughly in the south. a lot of them heading to where you are and they're all balance. do we know what the situation is like in the south with israel's ongoing offensive? the or what 800000 is inside, slid, rob talked about. there are still thousands people in the western portion of the
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city to now they did not leave because they are close to on most the area where it's supposed to be as a safe zone. but yet the confrontation of this alone going more attacks have been carried down to in the past couple of hours on the policy of the roof. our district in the middle area, we're at least 3 palestinians happened report of killed alta. and these very funny tickets have found that there was an into building and you know, refugee camp work. yeah, 42 hospital continues to receive. injuries from the ongoing is very components of the eastern portion of roughly district. this is what right now there is actually expands and of the financing in that area. it seems that these many ministry at the same time is experiencing a tv losses in terms of the number of so just being in good due to the bottles that have been interrupted between the protestant influences on the east. very so just at the same time, people who are leading from roof to dairy, but like they are also witnessed different kinds of development where the middle
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area to at least 10 thomas indians have to report of killed as we so different funerals leaving from unlocks the hospital for families big far will to the beloved ones, as there is no any kind even though they topic compartments and areas that are supposed to be safe zone for palestinians. are a couple of in the middle of the very latest for us from general. but on central goals, so thank you terry. i mean while the is really military, it says it's recovered at the body of another captive from gaza. it says the remains of wrong been human happened, returns now to israel for burial. meanwhile, protest as of again gathered and tel aviv to call on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. its government to secure the release of his ran a captive from garza. as you can see, the thousands of protest as a back out on the streets, safe and routing every week to denounce netanyahu's handling of the school will cabinet administer. benny gans has said that he's now giving prime minister netanyahu until june 8th, to outline approp us strategy for his will. for more, let's speak to mama john june,
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that he is alive for us and then to damian capital and reminded benjamin ethan yahoos. government has shut down operations and as well. so we are now reporting from outside the country and i'm a new and i was speaking earlier about divisions within the war cabinet. some very serious demands from guns to night in some very serious threats to. oh yeah, that's right, and this does, yeah. you have been against who is a member of the work cabinet, also a former defense minister in israel, and he is essentially laid down to call it when it comes to prime minister benjamin that's in yahoo. he has said that the word cabinet needs to agree to a 6 point plan for the guys, a conflict by june 8. but if that doesn't happen, he is going to resign. he says that the plan should lay out a postwar vision for god's a governance equitable is really military conscription as well. and he says that his party is going to quit the emergency coalition government if nothing. yeah. who
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doesn't meet these expectations now? not really a surprise, because there has been mounting tension in the work cabinet. there have been divisions that have been laid there in the past few days, especially. you had a presser from u r g, a lot. the defense minister intel of the, just a few nights ago in which he said that the prime minister needed to agree that there should not be any is really military rule in guys up once the war ends and he wanted nothing yahoo to endorse this publicly. well mentioned, yahoo has not done so, so what we're seeing more and more of in the past few days is that there is huge amount of disagreement amongst war cabinet members about the plan going forward for guys. and it's really echoes also the concerns by the us the us government has said repeatedly that nets and yahoo needs to try to figure out a plan for a post for gaza scenario. now. uh, this is only something that's going to add more attention at such
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a critical time when there's so much public disagreement about the way forward in gaza. i saw you. you speak about this very public disagreement. well, seeing fairly impressive numbers. it tonight's protests looking at these live pictures of people in the streets, especially as even more bodies come back from gaza. how much pressure all these, these public demonstrations actually pushing on us and y'all here. so the public pressures are putting more pressure on nets and yahoo, but they're not putting in no pressure on nets and yahoo so that he would really reconsider his stance where and that's and yahoo is facing pressure is from his far right flank from the far right wing, members of his coalition, people like national security ministry, it's marvin v or at finance. mr. bets of us monterey, who continued to essentially abandon the coalition. quit the government if that's the i who does not go full on into stuff. i have not of course, which essentially means that netanyahu would lose his premier ship now. but there
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are more and more people coming out into the streets week after week, just 2 weeks ago. i wasn't telling me when we could still report from there, and i saw thousands upon thousands of demonstrators, anti government demonstrators were calling on ethan yahoo to resign. and also, of course relatives of those is really, capt is still being held in gaza. and what's happened over the course of the past few months is the ease to different protest movements have merge and more people have come out because they are so angry at nothing. yahoo for not entry into a ceasefire. they say that they believe that he is prolonging the conflict in order to prolong his time in office. now also just in the past half an hour, there's been word that at one of the demonstrations and some of you had. yeah, you were in the peep with the opposition leader in israel that he came out, spoke to the crowd, and the key essentially demanded that benny gans and you'll have gone with the government. if nothing, yahoo does not start taking more seriously the plight of those captives being held
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in god's installed you mentioned in june there with the very latest for us covering the story from amman and jordan. thanks you mohammed. i'll just to remind you 100 is reporting from the jordanian capital for us because netanyahu's cabinet has found out is there in israel. so we, in our 14, from outside the country. well, the 10s of thousands of demonstrations gathered in central london and all the major cities and thousands of countries and solidarity with palestinians and gaza. they're demanding an entity as well as war on garza have looked at some of these pictures from london. the park, just as there are also commemorating the $76.00 on a vast reef and knock box which is in our vic wide meaning catastrophe. and refers to the fullest displacement of nearly 7 150000 palestinians from historic palestine in 1948, which then legends, desktop, expensive israel, high force, it has moved from those demonstrations in central london. this is the 14th major march through the streets of london since october,
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as it didn't take place to be saved from me to use the advisor, the rights of retained refugees from historic palestine. this one very closely associated with the recent anniversary decided the success of those 3 of the lock box or colors to be in school. the catastrophe surrounding the post displacements associated with the race in the state of israel. people here really competing against what they see as an ongoing not, but especially inside jobs. i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of us is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide. the general. beyond that, i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course, particularly by nothing young states. and the design is in general, i think there's a considerable amount of on,
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justified fear being we'll talk among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to sleep hulcrum spots, you know, the illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep stacy trauma and jewish people. i'm not re its apology, sol design is state for israel really play own box. they with the salt quite deliberately to the idea that we've been told here that these are hate, small cheese. and that's non denise due to the know goes over to jews because there are lots of people waiting, palestinian flags on the system. the on for the march is ascending in whitehall, the hall of the british government. the damage heard in the office of the prime minister. the ministry defense is across the road,
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and this is where people have raleigh their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also cooling on the government sales to address the 0 london oh, thousands of demonstrations also gathered in paris to demand an immediate cease fund and gaza the purchased as they're also quoting from boy, lots of companies that support israel and are linked to us for on casa demonstrations, as you see, that also gathered in the german capital balance of demand and end to the complex gelani's government has been one of those israel staunchest supporters. since this will began, and i'll try the protest as also gathered and the austrian capital vienna that they calls on their governments to hold on sales to israel and condemn, to be ongoing offensive and rough on. well, let's bring in rom inquiry. he's a senior fellow at the american university of berry. she joins me now. she and i to hoss judy are around me. we're seeing these, these huge and growing protests around the world. we have seen palestinian
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solidarity protests for years, but these are on a completely completely different scale. how much has public opinion shifted since october? the 7th this, i think it's stripped that a lot because we've never had a genocide in real time on tv. and if you go to social media, you see a lot more than you see on television. the stuff on social media is astounding, and it's mostly by people on the ground to it's accurate. and this has really helped people's been 7 months now and the incredible destruction that's not just the number of them. it's the wiping out of a whole society that's being made on livable. and that's what a genocide is to, to take away the ability of people to live as a people, and they're in the, in their land. and so it's really become very universal. it always has been univers, we've had demonstrations all over the world in recent years, along with things like climate change and women's rights and black lives matter.
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it's one of the 4 global movements, palestine writes, but now it's gone to a whole new level. it's because of the genocide and it's because of the student demonstrations and the universities and the higher states. if you look historically, i was there in 6872 as a student, when students started mobilizing and universities that them spread throughout society and brought about the end of the war and other changes. and now it's doing the same thing. i'm curious about what it takes to, to shift public opinion on this scale at a more granular level. is this being driven primarily by what you're referring to in terms of seeing the, the devastation, the desk 1st time from, from gaza? or is there a broad, a political awakening of thoughts happening? i think it's the 1st of your 2 options. a people are not happy to see their own government funding and protecting a genocide. it's the, there's a moral outrage. the students in the us and europe,
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they're being called the moral conscience of our generation. they won't put up with a slight to the older people will. and you see this very clearly and they just, it just 6 from the polling evidence where a majority of the older people are supporting israel and the majority of younger people are asking, demanding for a cease fire. and it's also linked to their sources of news. for instance, people get the news from cable tv that tend to be a supportive of the war. and they don't say it's the genocide people who get their news from social media. youtube and, and pod cast, which are the younger people they tend to be very critical and they're the ones you speak about moral outrage. israel has helped fost a lot of its rhetoric since october the 7th. is it losing public sympathy? oh, absolutely. it's not just public something that you're getting actions. no company
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is not doing business in israel. and the international competition is not allowing israel to joint israel is being mentioned. know very often not always, but very often around the world. people talk of israel, they use the terms apartheid ethnic cleansing, and genocide, that's, that's just very common. it's like south africa and you're getting similar things to south africa by cutting a sports boycotts, economic boycotts, putting pressure on a non violent place. it hasn't made any impact yet, but these things take time before i let you go around me, i do want to ask you about what we had tonight from benny guns. these threats to, to quit the little cabinet and, and 1st policy to potentially quit the emergency coalition. we've seen, obviously mounting public pressure on this and, you know, who's government, how much of the protests that and under the shift and public opinion on how the war has been conducted. how much is that contributed to divisions in the world cabinets a or i think because it has, has people,
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does the people in the work cabinet are of the kind of more serious than the nothing yeah. how in a way, even though they're, you know, their killers, they spend their whole lives killing palestinians, and like to find them. but still they're, they're more aware of the consequences. nothing. yeah. who is, is like a loose count on the he's, he just wants to keep the war going because that's his way to stay in office on his way to show the israelis that he's leaving them to, to get revenge for what happened on, on october 7th, they're much more aware of the reality isn't that the country is suffering there's, you know, it's a 100 and something 1000 israelis. we've left their homes. um, the economy is in bad shape, the okay, you know, all kinds of pressures or hitting that when you have the reserve is called up. they're not working. they can sustain that for a long time. it's not going to bring the country down by itself, but it creates pressures that cause people to say, look, we got a, we have to change is similar to the people in the us for saying they want to hold
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for trump, because they just need to change they can't go on like this, and trump is the only alternative right now to buy it. and so it is, if there's a issue that affects somebody either materially or morally, they will make, take a vote up on the basis of that. and we're seeing this and these 2 situations in the us energy. and we're certainly seeing one more people come off into the streets of inquiry. thank you for joining us again on the, on to 0. news out. thanks for having a funeral has been held and the occupied westbank for a senior palestinian colanda killed in an overnight rage and janine morning has carried the body. it is done, i may say through the streets of the refuge account. is there any forces say they target to the home? if the janine bouquets come on, the 8th of a people or for injured and not attack, then does rob. he has worn out from ramallah in the occupied westbank to the janine refugee camp has seen more. is really military operations than anywhere else in the
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occupied westbank and that has been the case for years now. what we saw on friday night with an is really aircraft demand is really aircraft, carry out a missile strike on a house in the center of the janine refugee camp in a very densely populated area. now these airstrikes, these types of strikes are rare. they're stopped the 1st time, but it is not common. and we've seen an escalation the use of air strikes and drones during these operations carried out by the israeli military. the target of the strike on friday night was swamp. how may say a 26 year old leader in the janine battalion, the military wing of islamic jihad is really forces, have accused him of being involved and attack on a settler that killed this settler in may of last year. his funeral ahead of us funeral on saturday. there was a morning period being observed in janine businesses and traps were closed as part of a general strike. now this is at least the 3rd time since the war and gaza began that
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aircraft like this has been used to carry out a striking the ox cart westbank. the last time this happened was in october, engineering, and drones of course have been used to more and more as part of even the ground exp, incursions providing cover for is really soldiers that carry a ground operations in camp since housing villages over the occupied westbank. and since the war began at least 505 people have been killed in these military operations in the occupied westbank, the highest number of the. busy were engineering, same bus route of the old is 0 ramallah the occupied west bank of palestine of the nearly 10000 people had been forced to leave their homes and you cranes, northeast and khaki region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine's 2nd largest russians. defense ministry says troops captured another village on the phone. today,
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you're training and officials say the situation. those under control that present the automated lensky has warned that this could be the 1st wave and a major offensive on saturday to new legislation comes into effect, the new crane. changing the rules of mobilization and lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25. it's all aimed at shoring up the countries to places in aging on forces on a home that has one on for us from keys. line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot to the middle east telling me in ukraine trying to keep russian full of pay. you every judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us. 28 and the u. k . the to one to meet throw is 44, back from the front. he says in some ways having over the troops has positive look to what to everyone's motivated. but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop so, so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing,
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experience and maturity in the full. this is a crucial, the young can be reckless. but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as of the gate to us them, which idea of soldiers, they prefer them for team. here we need everyone older people because they're more experience in their specialty. but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete our basic training course, and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relatively old in paul? because the countries conscription even off the recent reduction remains high. it's 25 rushes. it's a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hollow out. it's already smooth supply of young demand just to look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is
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a small list since the u. n. started keeping records. it's a huge problem to the army, aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft buildings an issue. me will hold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius only off the front line now because his leg was blown off. is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son. the face still wants to go back and his wife navea will be reluctantly, sees the name, and that is in which this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keep it, we spoke to major fraud to me or better yet, who subs in the opinion on forces? he says ukrainians outnumbered on the front line, but the united in the fight against russia. i think they say we f,
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i think one of the largest army off one of the biggest and power in zillow, and definitely the house number by them. but i don't see a big problem here. we still fight be ruling all plans of gramlin to get stronger cray and fast and then occupied all europe. and definitely it's a war for every premium and it's all not only for 25 years old and older. i started my service at the armed forces into southern printed to as an infantry guy via all united was one goal to fight the russians because we have the stands that there is no other opportunity for us. uh and when the rasa occupies, i live and they say the q i with people and take everything from said. so there is a very limited variety, all your other life. that's why you buy. and definitely we also holds that as soon as we get enough supplies from device, which is
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a big plus point on frontier. and uh, typically especially f sixteens. uh, we'll go in different way. last year, a rush, i was protecting itself and focused on defensive operations. is this your ceilings, the lack of emanation from you create an army as i tried to make some accounts for friends, abrasions, but the proceeds as well as the hope. so yes, i think right now in cost to this nation, say, trying to capture volumes, the largest citizen ukraine. bob's a up spark from this is go a still a head here on al jazeera times destroyed and at least 50 people that enough kind of stand off to severe flooding cause to buy even more heavy rains and then support another milestones of this for me to one drive as the matches, the full time record of one of the sports biggest legend details coming up later this,
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these are the, had a low that let's look to the middle east and there's lots of dry and settled whether to be found across much of the region with temperatures climbing in the days ahead of these, apply it up nicely across the north of iran. still a few showers here in the summer recovery to the temperature into ron at 25 degrees celsius that on sunday. now we've seen 40 degrees in baghdad, iraq on sunday, and the system of the trend across the gulf as we go into monday at 40 degrees celsius, maximum height in mecca, and re at 41 degrees celsius. here in doha, that is largely fine and dried logically fine and dry it cool. so event for the numbers of pushing up here. the hot picture continues for the north east of africa with some blustery hot wins picking up the chance of since that sand storms. well, north west, however, it is with
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a story for pots of morocco temperature coming down in we're back to 19 degrees celsius. so what's the weather as well effecting west and parts of africa before the intense rains we have to head to the so it'll be move in areas of metal gasket and the se shelves that see whether thanks to a tropical storm out to see that will throw some showers to northern areas of mozambique before the south of this. it's hot and dry. of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real simple on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in
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gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call him police, be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the the the welcome back to watching now do 0. let's remind you about top stories this out. a
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series of israeli strikes in northern garza has kills thousands of palestinians in the past few hours. at least $28.00 died in an attack on a residential block. they, they come out on one hospital in the north. 20 of them, a women and children west of jamalia is rarely artillery fine. here's a group of people cheering for work to women and children. well, again, among those killed the cause of health ministry. it says a case, a c 3 people have died across the strip and the cost 24 hour. tens of thousands of demonstrations gathered in central london to cool for us the spot and garza. the protest is also not the non catastrophe in english, which refers to the force displacements of 875-0000 palestinians from historic palestine back in 1948 on the death toll from protest spots by proposed imposing reforms in the french pacific territory of new caledonia has risen to at least 6,
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a stage of emergency remains in place. thousands of indigenous kind of people have been protesting against changes to local election rules, which critics say favor french nationals. hundreds of french police patrolling the streets of the capital, new math, and reinforcements have been deployed to support security forces. well, mathias shows up is a professor of public school at the university of new caledonia. he says the indigenous kind of population, a worry that their voices will be further dined, uses by these new version of our phones. they will be able to ship. the airport is completely paralyzed the no flights to main month, bronze or french combinations in new caledonia where they were 3 referenda held. however, fonts has never been sure about how to deal with the issue of self determination. so they wanted to find a solution, as it has been done in other former colonies to reach some sort of power sharing agreement. the indigenous kind of population has refused to accept the results of the 2nd. and 3rd, referenda, france had considered that everything had been settled and decided to recognize the
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referendum and to give the voting rights to the settlers and the french, which is a situation that is rejected by the indigenous kind of acts. because this will lead to settlers having more rights than the comics. that's why no agreement has been reached as of yet. what the government and mainland fronts has done is that they voted for this new electoral body law and the french parliament, which has caused the situation. personal authorities in bogota have announced at least 10 inmates of being trunk fed, in connection with the killing of the director of columbia as long just prison. a major operation is underway in the capital to find the killers of sound rump. yes, he has worn out from bulk and the parents comb rains inside the prison in both the morning after the assassination of its director and fit them. this special police forces patrol the area as a man hunter, peroration continues across the city to cap just killers. i said, ma'am,
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this was returning home from work when a motorcycle approached this vehicle in a government open fire club. this minister of justice revealed the 5th man. this former police colonel has received several trips for being killed in a benefit kennel. elma fernandez had received a threat and the pamphlet suit collated on thursday of last week. he'd filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office the following day on friday and on choose day of this week with the prisoner will pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection, but that protection didn't arrive in time for them. and this, that started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down and criminal activities inside the prison, including unannounced searches, more than $5000.00 inmates are crowded into a prison, meant to hold a maximum of 2900 prisoners organized crime groups off and control entire pavilions, some 550 prison officials,
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up receive debts rates in the past 2 years for confronting the gangs. security experts say the assessing ation is a window into a broader crisis within the system. it's an open secret that there is broad corruption within the prison system. and this is a very difficult reality for the authorities because the guards come from the position of weakness space with the interest of criminals who wielding norm as amounts of capital and cash. and also his course of power to very clearly, ret, um, exercise retribution against those who do cool, don't cooperate. they have a real ability to corrupt and corps and co opt the authorities. i think that's a problem that the state hasn't grappled with. the question for many now is if you have a story, these will not only be able to bring to justice, those responsible for the scaling, but also dismantled the very powerful networks inside the prison that have been allowed to face their allison, that i'm 50,
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i'm just need of what the hell george's president has vetoed with the so called foreign agents bill approved by parliament earlier this week. that bill has that to daily protest and the capital to be c. as you official said, it could cost the country it's bit to join the blog, the bill, and now we're back to parliament where it will require a simple majority to override the veto. and the routing doors and dream party and its allies have enough foods to make that happen. the bill requires and years and media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from overseas to declare themselves. agents as far as some of the today i v to the russian law, this low is russian in its essence and its spirit. it contradicts our constitution and all european standards. therefore, it represents an obstacle to our european passed from the legal point of view, this fee to as no problems. and today dis, fetal would be transferred to parliament. the slow is not subject to any changes
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and no improvements. and therefore, this is a very simple veto, this law must be repealed of guilt here. this really is a political analyst and a form, a senior adviser to the national security council of georgia. he says the president deliberately chose a very particular way to deliver that veto department to despite the georgia dream, having the majority to override the veto. it was timely and principles moved from the presence of rubbish, really, as it puts the whole multiple responsibility on georgia in dream and the manager is there space and ability to maneuver. now the ball is in the georgia dream support the entire week. a georgia dream push, the idea of modifying and amending the law one wants that it's the final past which could be regarded as a smoke screen. and that aims to drag out the office and we're out of the wave of process. so present a rightful the highlighted. it is aspects of the spirit. it's a russian law and contradicts georgia in constitution and contradicts all european standards. the georgia dream has miscalculated,
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the party believed they tristan dock better. does it formation campaigns easier to convince more people in need for the russian will however, disprove to be wrong? for although only the majority of georgia is drifting back into the russian speed of new torres and undermining georgia democracy. so raising leave is a clear red lot. there is also a fundamental shift in the pulse of the landscape with the younger generation becoming increasingly involved in politics. and the youth is driving force behind this protest to demand charged with the attempted. assassination of slovak prime minister, robert feca has been ordered to remain behind balls off to a court hearing. following the hearing, he was as quoted from the court on, on the police conroy persecution has said that they said, the suspect would flee or carry out the crimes of sept. free the 71 year old man is accused of fire in 5 shots at the prime minister on wednesday. fico is in a stable but serious condition in hospital. after
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a brief conversation with the medical staff and with the director of the roosevelt hospital, we can tell you that this morning's medical board has assessed that the prime minister's health is stable. nevertheless, the medical condition is still serious and it must be said that yesterday's surgery which lasted 2 hours contributed to a positive prognosis for the prime minister's health rights groups. intronas here say that freedoms in the country all threatened under the rule of president, ty side rights groups say that it was r t, as in the north african country, use the police to punish stories that oppose trinity is rooting government human rights group on the scenes national says this is a crackdown and has called on authors. he's to respect the freedom of speech. at least 23 migrants are missing, often setting off in a boat from june. his ear towards italy. the trinity and national guard says it's deployed rescue teams uninformed to the navy to help in the such. to me, as soon as coastline is less than a 150 kilometers from the italian island of lump producer,
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has become main deposits of wind for migrants attempting to cross the mediterranean to your 11 on is intensifying a crackdown on syrian migrants and refugees. the human rights groups are accusing with our shoes of imposing restrictive measures to force them to return home. but the government says it's simply unable to host the soaring on this because of the countries that western economic crisis is in a lot of reports from neighbors. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out there increasingly facing a hostile environment. the government's estimates are up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one in every 4 people. they're seen by many as a threat to jobs and the countries demographics. the debt i love that have pushed us out of um i left as many of of de la tells us most of the shops in this market are owned by syrians. there's also anger at the authorities. it's all done. and
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the managing the crisis, one day, the internal security acts against violators, and then they don't do anything for years. and the latest crackdown security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians. and they are looking for those without formal residency, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents, in part because it's become difficult to obtain an expensive human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country, they include the presentations often without judicial review. the united nations refugee agency says it is concerned how the new measures will affect those who need protection. it also believes the focus should be on improving living conditions in syria to alleviate pressures on hostile countries. and we will try to pay
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a message of renewed urgency to find solutions. durable solutions with conditions as serial that are going to allow for larger numbers will syrians to, to return. the west insists on a political solution. first, the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. the all is a while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. and i'm really frustrating. i'm sure you haven't seen my mother in 12 years. how can i return to my country? i wanted for not joining the military. i didn't want to fight my brothers even if i were to now i would be committing suicide from the hospital. loves that i did. for many, there are few choices, but to live in the shadows, then their elders either build enough kind of stone floodwaters,
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have killed at least 50 people in the central province of cool agencies. a people desperately need help. this follows heavy flooding that killed more than 300 people last week and old enough kind of stun cottrell up his hold. her young reports of the flash floods have left many people here. homeless, thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. so you don't look at it is we got that the have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in peace. no, russo rate. we have nothing to give out. children. witnesses say the flood waters rushed in fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house. when
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the plots came in, people have lost everything for their property, cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's gonna stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of a say the white house has been completely destroyed of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet, the more whitfield, which i'm gone. the main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements. the entire land is covered with stones and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas
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are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again, i'll just see here. so the africans, woman, president, jacob's duma is holding a rally for his newly formed m. k party. and so after, as campaigning runs off the head of elections, he's challenging his phone, the policy, the governing, african national congress and national pulse at the end of the month. in 2018 zoom, a step down on the pressure from the amc of the corruption navigation. he's here just on trial next year on charges of accepting brides things to a multi $1000000.00 deal done before his time. and often still ahead here on i'll just say widespread destruction and power outages across the us state of texas. but even more bad weather is coming, hundreds for the premier league season is on cost. federal mastic climax. all the details coming on the
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a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes. and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with a campaigner, andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active, is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us. as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script part to own disease examination being active, today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, your being called anti semitic, and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform and inspire you 2 options, a way to the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0,
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the the the welcome back, it is time to sort of his far the status here. thank you so much, laboratories and had become the 1st football team in history to go and then tire, but just like a seasoned and beaten chevy. alonzo side had already sealed a ton of last month. now they can celebrate completing the early form naturally campaign without defeats. they accomplish the faith with the to one of the victory at home, again its officers, laboratories and have a chance to achieve even more glory as they are into the german cap. and you wrote the league finals. sunday is the final day of the primary league season with both manchester city and arsenal in contention to win the title of victory against
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visitors. west ham will guarantee a 4th a championship in a row for city, regardless of what arsenal do in their home match against everton. so they go into the final day with a 2 point advantage over the gunners who are looking to win their 1st appeal. title under mchale are tak. i'm the clubs 1st for 1020 years. i'll just say we're so hell now like has been speaking to former manchester. see player, nicky summer be about what to expect on the final day of the season and i'm surprised was how city of on about the season. i think that brought the older surprises. well, after what they did last season, all of a sudden when they got themselves going around the christmas period, he felt while they're really upfold it to do it to 3 times. it's been is a, is a must have achievement, but then to do it full times, it's a bright records issued on this except for the old school to plays everything about months to cities, the machine. so we had, so alex ferguson's traveler winning 5. austin vane goes invincible. sweat of this
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month. if you rank as one of the great premier league teams of old time. well, right, of a, you know, easy, you blink a bit of best because i think it's a, it's the short period what they've done it. you have to look, you look at the little pool in the eighty's, you're always looking at hospitals. you chelsea obviously months is united on the focus and they're all must have achieved. but then you can try and compare. i don't think he could do that. just this particular time at the moment is months just is too much assessed east time. now for those off the phone for watching, is there any glimmer of hope? anything that they can latch on to any reason they should believe that may be west time, could do them a favor. others is boeing. finally find one another fantastic sees and he's on his well could us as well to check on the onset faces? let's not forget as well as david moses last game, and he has done the a great job so they want to finish off with them and they want say, they want to make an impact on. there's no big a place. nobody expects it at all. there's nothing bad them walking into a rain and you can really in the policy now for us know, obviously they've had a very,
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very good season. nicholas has brought police back to the club. how much does he need this? so people can stop talking about the bank, the ear and the bank is also about think he, i think he got rid of that when he, when the come and always when the, when the challenge you see shield at the style, the season. he's doing a great job, he's got a real special manager then when he just needs that little bit of fucking just to kick them on any of the time they win the league. as i said, they just come up against the safety team on at the moment. nobody can seem to budget and for the 1st leg of this year is asking champions league final begin shortly. defending champions i'll alley of egypt are taking on to and as he has s brands. oh i'll we are aiming to win the trophy for record extending 12th time as plans last one. this title in 2019 the ride home for this match with the return, like coming up in cairo in 7 days time, red bulls max for stopping equal of air to sound as all time record of 8 consecutive pul positions when he set the fastest laughing qualifying head of the amelia romani,
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i groaned pre in the middle of italy. the triple world champion has not been at qualified since i would be at the end of last year. so as record has stood for 35 years understaffed and matched it 30 years after the presently and legend died and across animal left during the 1994 race requirements oscar past or you can finish. second was given a 3 place, great drop for impeding his teammate. landowners will start in 2nd, well fridays, shelves will. claire will move to 3rd. yeah, it's been tough, but we kept on working, kept on trying to improve. and luckily when we went into qualifying it all just came together a bit more and i felt more comfortable in the car. and then we were finding full again. so yeah, great, great to run by the to women's tennis world. number one, e g, a strong tie. could be the 2nd rang, serena star blankets when the italian open final and holy star dominated her opponent from the start winning in straight sets claim her 3rd title in rome. the victory main street and tact, the favorites. at the french open,
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where she'll be aiming for a 3rd street, roland garris, crowns, and her 4th overall, the 22 year old also the sensor winning suite 12 matches and comes the 1st woman. when the madrid and rome opened back to back since rena williams in 2013 in the, on the plants, the series between the indiana pacers and in york next is heading into a game 7. the pacers tying up the series in front of their home fence with a 116 to a 103 went into 6. the decisive game 7 will be played on sunday in new york at madison square garden. they on their side to get the opportunity it's, you know, now it's a one game series and, you know, it's for all the marbles and, you know, i think it's kind of where better to, to have a game 7 in the garden. you know, so i'm really excited about it. our groups excited to get the opportunity to compete. to me,
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i need to plan to dallas stars are on their way to the western conference finals. not dition scoring in double overtime. 6 stores have the colorado avalanche florida . panthers, the boston bruins to one to wrap up their playoff series. the panthers will face in your brain series. and what is your confidence funnel with game one coming up on wednesday at la city council has announced that may the 17th will officially be show, hey, will tony day and eli county as long as the players stays with the daughters, the japanese superstore marketing in all girl attorney day with a to run home, run the dodgers, winning this game against cincinnati reds 7th, 3rd feed back in just a few hours time. ty simms here in alexander, you sick will be funding for the undisputed heavyweight boxing titled the way in, in riyadh. and they got be having something of a shopping match. the unification contests like this hasn't been seen this century, theory has lost some weight since his last fight, but the britain still has
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a considerable height and weight advantage over his ukranian opponent. both men are undefeated going into this contest. okay, and that is all you support for now, and just as you get back to thanks so much 5. now cruise in the us as you've houston are working towards full pallets and nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses after storms caused widespread damage that a texas official says some residents could be without power. for weeks, l 0 is 100. jo, castro, reports of a sudden burst of thunder storm. with winds peaking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagat holes in place of windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed at least 4 people to died from falling trees and another
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from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick. and most used tony's didn't have time to place any sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that last power at the storms peak, signed to say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro alger 0, harmon that you can always find much more on our website,
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that's our 0 dot com. that is it for me. and as nausea, taylor for this news, our net clock will have much more of the day is nearest for you in just a moment to stay with us here on out of the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down. the palestine exception does he, you know, this is the 1st to decide that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're
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seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame as to side of them, but there is no 2 sides to the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. here's from, i'll just say on the go and me tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the you will cekada a duty and a grove using fruits p use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the
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cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the and is really as dry to a residential building in northern guns that kills at least $28.00 people. palestinians of searching through revel perfect. the new clock, this is down to 09 from dell also coming up. the united nation says $800000.00 palestinians have now flipped the city of rafa, as is rarely as price continue to hit, southern guns that is ready for


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