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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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all the of israel is carnage and gaza. at least 60 full palestinians have been killed in a series of attacks on refugee camps in the north. and in the southern city of ross on the policy. this is alex, is there a life who don't also coming up on the program? right. police and kind of, he's quite down on protest is calling from you. elections. are the member of the war cabinet also has friends to resign plans because the new names breakup of protests of palestine is demonstrates as take to the streets around the world to
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demand a ceasefire. palestinians face a 2nd invasion in gaza squarely mountains of garbage threatening disease. israel is designated based on the hello and welcome to the program is arouse ground and aerial attacks of continued unabated with at least 64 people killed in violence across garza. many of those killed on site today, we're in the northern part of the strip. what israel is deepening its push into an area and previously declared to have been cleared of how mass a been a series of attacks that targeting palestinian homes at least 28 people were killed in a strike on a residential block and have come all at one hospital with many more injured west of jamalia is righty. artillery struck a group of people who'd been queuing for war to 8 people were killed with women and
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children along with dad. our correspondent target was in begins our coverage from darrell by the in central gaza. wow. so this is often more so can easily turn into a bag in a residential play close to the come on it one hospital now work to as is really bums rained down in buildings, sheltering palestinians drawing to escape the con it rescue is scramble to help but they have little to work which upon a plan with an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we play the children out of the rubble, the different families who are under the rubble, most of them are inside the homes, and they have displaced people. here's the house of the eldest families, where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes, in fellow west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for
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palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life and it seems as if i were displaced to the village area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and suddenly, this place was sold by 3 is really show children women and the young people a motto. we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint it right in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury. and unfortunately, some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication, all the medical stuff, out of the woods. there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to all over the hospital situation remains dia,
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in rough or co traveling to central garza was struck by a true killing some instantly didn't one thing of is, do you on says that's a tough the 1000 palestinians had been forced to flee a rough license being ordered to evacuate. when they use ready military intensified its attacks last week by the areas many eat up a lot of lots of food filter who were sending the humanitarian crisis, tara cup. as soon i'll just say right there is that i had a story. well, staying in northern gauze that has been another, is riley attack. this one on proof of residence at the entrance of a shelter in each a volley of refuge account, at least 12 palisades were killed in his writing, showing that $25.00 others were injured. many of the attacks in giovanni have been on places where civilians were gathering in search of safety and shelter is riley on the recently side and re enter the area to fight a mass battalions, but a weak grouping that meanwhile has been an overnight attack in central gauze on
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a home in the olive. se right? refugee camp. at least 17 people were killed and not late to strike. 5 others were killed in an attack on the same camp earlier in the day. or these were taken to alex hospital in darrow by law. my families were seen warning their loved ones and all the developments a prominent member of israel's war cabinet. funny guns has threatened to quit if prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't clarify a post. we'll plan for gaza by early next month. as also have an impression from protest is who according on the government to do more, to secure the release of captives, destiny, always government has shut down. i was just arizona operations in israel. so a correspondence of how much i'm doing is reporting on the developments from dining and capital online. on saturday until of eve, demonstrators, once again came out by the south. many demanding is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved
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ones home. first of all, at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse anti government protesters, anger and angst in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive ron. been, you mean the man i swim visual? know, the 128 of the t's still being held in casa because they're the soldiers incident, but fights has continued to fight the determination to create the conditions for extracting the hostages and bring them back to israel as quick as possible. the really army attempted to project strength, even releasing a video which says, shows combat operations in eastern europe. i but for the country's political
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leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference war, cabinet member, many guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks, but so with that brought him a guardianship bond money and same at the fateful crossroads where we are at now. the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities, formulate an updated national strategy, so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder. the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate demoss regime. and the market, the gaza strip to ensure is really security control against is comments coming just days after defense administer your web galani called on nothing. yahoo to oppose is really military rule and garza and to make clear his post war plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who was feeling the most amount of pressure from the far
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right wing plank of his coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been clear and finance minister bets a little smart for it to for months have threatened to collapse as government if nothing. yeah. who doesn't commit to going full force into it off i how much i'm doing, my 0. i, my mom is reporting from the georgia, m e capital amman because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, says band al, jazeera and as well. so we are reporting on the story from outside the country. meanwhile, tens of thousands of demonstrations have gathered in major well says he's to express solidarity with the palestinians, demanding an end to the war and gaza. and new york police arrested several protest digital holding torches at a much in brooklyn, around 200 people. to pause in that raleigh. anyway, i spoke to casey smith, she's a freelance journalist and she told me what she's sort of that demonstration. and it started out as a peaceful rally. people were gatherings as a band,
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as not only as the fire in gaza, but a free power sign. and they gathered in bay ridge which is a predominantly house simeon and the many american neighborhood in brooklyn. and they began to rally for around 2 hours. during that time, the police presence was already heavy, while the rally was stationary and peaceful. um and a resident of a nearby apartment building put the speaker inside his apartment, opened the window so that protesters to use that one of the tactics that n y p d has been using in recent months has been to crack down on sound amplified devices . things like speakers and mega phones and to make arrests for that. and protesters were not allowed to use the speaker, so a resident put it in his window and police ended up scaling the apartment building 2 officers. they remained up there for around an hour and a half this private building. as far as i know,
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they didn't get any permission to go up there. and after that. so just just begin to march in the street. and shortly after protesters got into the street, n y, p d came in from a side street and started grabbing people at random. they were tackled to the ground as they were on the ground and be placed under rest, often by multiple officers. officers were beating them, punching them in their upper body around their head. and there were multiple ways to progress throughout the march. and the march itself remained very peaceful, lot of community support for the march. but the police refreshing was extremely high. one protester was even taken away with a bloody phase. i mean, while in washington, hundreds of people, voice criticism of both us on his writing governments. there is a lot the anniversary on the not, but that will cause and support of palestinian rights and also in immediate end to the war on gaza. heidi joe castro is that that demonstration,
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she sent us this update from that on this dreary day in the us capital of washington. people are braving the rate to come out and memory the anniversary of the knock by their palestinian americans and their supporters coming to the nation's capital, their chanting re palestine, and they're choosing us president joe biden of main simplicity in genocide in his support of israel's war one, gaza, we have been protesting, we have been hitting the streets and we have been educating the people on the palestinian play. we see the belong, the blink checks that keep going. keep going to the israeli military and the us aid to israel as you are saying, it's been having fits and starts the white house, joe biden saying that he had paused at least one shipments 10 for the us house of representatives to condemn that. what do you think of these, this fit and start sort of action? i think that it, it was a lame attempt to, uh,
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try to win back some of the support of the growing amount of americans who are upset with how this country has been dealing with guys that are upset with how this countries foreign policy has been supporting genocide, we see poll after poll show that the american public wants an end to us aid to israel and wants a ceasefire now. and genocide, joe has refused to address those issues. we know that no matter how long they try to push this off, the american public will and the us support to is room. there are multiple rallies happening across the united states today in new york here in washington and elsewhere. and this is of course, following on the now weeks of not months long. us universities in canton and protests which are ongoing as well as more people than any time in the recent past in the united states are now raising their voices. they say for palestinian rights reporting in washington hydro castro c riley's in central london as
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well. how are full set reports on that? now? this is the major march through the streets of london. october, as it didn't take place to be saved from the tuesday to the rights of retain refugees from historic palestine. this one very closely associated with the recent out of us are you suddenly 6 of those 3 of the lock box or color city in school, which attached to the surrounding peoples displacements associated with the ration . despite of israel, people here really counting against what they see as an ongoing knock, but especially inside jobs. i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of us is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide in general. but beyond that, i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course,
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particularly by nothing young states. and the design is in general, i think there's a considerable amount of on just the flights here being with so among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to sleep, hope roams that's, you know, the killings in the illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken the trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid, apologies for design estate for israel really play own, but they with the some quite different leads to the idea that we've been told me in on that these are hate small churches. and that's none. denise, those of a know goes over to jews because there are lots of people waiting. palestinian
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flags on this. this is simply on for the march is ascending here in whitefield, the heart of the british government, the home and the office of the prime minister, the ministry defense is across the road. and this is where people have run their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also cooling on the government sales to address the 0 london. well, now tons of waste is biting off across because that is contaminating the water, producing the at and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of displays, palestinians, a sheltering and makes shift housing on the wasi. forced to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. and as michael apple reports, it's making a di, humanitarian situation even was all. milwaukee has become a sea of tents. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. yeah. but
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something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today, all municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish. just continue to grow, like many other palestinians faults the no show any has been display several times . she says living conditions in the so called safe zone or a breeding ground for disease. now, good to know your, the is really as told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insects, supplies, and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly. the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis,
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a silence threats to people in gaza. a thousands of tons of and collected rubbish is contaminating water sources. spreading diseases, polluting the air and providing a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and other pests like rats and snakes i've seen and um, i've been caught sleep because of the insects and snakes that get into outside. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions, the level of madison, not mohammad, which is our cells, whatever you can to make a living, spent a long side mountains of waste minutes. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets. seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no laughing matter, nor is it a game. we were not able to find any decent place to live. we had to settle here near wast dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi,
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a safe humanitarian zone. is it bum, bob's rough palestinians here? say it's neither safe? no 2 main mike level will do their little groove of international adult because they were trapped in southern gauze or has been evacuated. they were part of the medical nation of the european hospital near han, eunice, 17 americans with the team, was able to leave to the curb, who saw them crossing with the help of the u. s embassy, but 3 doctors chose not to leave despite being told by american diplomats, that they wouldn't have another opportunity to get them out. a prominent iranian journalist who is in prison by authorities for more than a year is dedicated a price freedom award in part to palestinian journalist and gaza. and all have mohammed's been awarded the jose cruz press freedom award in spain. she dedicated it to algae. there is a cause of bureau, she was that,
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do these all several members of his family while covering the war law monday was detained for reporting on 22 year old. my so i mean these deaf in police custody response nationwide pro tests and iran is out of their life from dow. huh. so that has applied for info political rights by venezuela is opposition candidates out of july's presidential election, one that could potentially end nicholas madura is 11 years in power and nearly 10000 people are evacuated from ukraine's hockey region and the face of a russian on the hello way will has more right in the full cost of southern parts of china as we go through the next couple of, i think see the savvy or cloud here,
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which stretches this way up to what was that is the side of japan follow this line of cloud down to was the south and this is a next system which is got to roll its way in ahead of had its warm and sunny for eastern china. and to the north. is that little more cloud to just up to was basing things cooling off the top tier 29 celsius movement up some live you shout coming through for sunday, but it's not set of weather around eastern parts of china. that's that whatsoever. 7 pots of china, that same system running its way up towards something positive township rose there and across the phone. she was it go through monday. same time is just dragging that raining across southern areas of china. say the will be the flooding to come here as the rain set. see? yes, a guy a lot to share. i was to, into indo china some big down pulls the possibility here, some west, whether to just around the belie peninsula scattering a showers across much of south east asia. been a little dry down to was something positive, indonesia fly across northern parts of india. and it's hot,
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so the result of that into the mit full to some of the temperature the into the whole pakistan generates why with a few shouts to the final. but the, which is why the down to will select the, the same day shift is delivered over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of the 300 on luis, haven't had going through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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the come back to the challenges where i live from the headlines. at least $64.00 people have been killed and is really a tax across concepts. most of the casualties reported in the north. why is there any forces attached to a residential block? a shouts us of displaced and women and children has been cheering for his writings have been for testing and tele v, calling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives. meanwhile, the war cabinet minutes and many guns says that he might leave the government of benjamin netanyahu a dozen for jews, a post who applied for gaza. tens of thousands of demonstrations of been gathering in major walls, cities to express as solid. as soon as the palestinians in new york offices rushed in and punished several protest. this several says arrested. the
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at least 5 people, including children, have been injured. and russians drives on har keys. russian troops have been trying to push, pulling around new crime, 2nd largest city for more than a week. now, the defense ministry sang troops kept in another village near his folder on saturday. any 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes in the region. ukraine officials say the situation is out of control, but present the landscape is one that is could be the 1st wave and a major offensive. audio we spoke to major of world in there on that a young who's subs in the ukranian armed forces and he said that the ukrainians out numbered on the front line, but still united in the fight against russia. i think the same, we are fighting part of the largest army off one of the biggest empire in zillow, and definitely the house number by them. but i don't see a big problem here. we still fight the ruling o lance, of reveling to get through
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a cray and fast and then occupied whole europe. and definitely, it's a war for every opinion and it's on not only for 25 years old and older. i started my service at the armed forces into southern thank you to i said, infantry got via all united was one goal to fight the russians because we have the stands that there is no other opportunity for us. and when the russia occupies, i live and they sent the que would people and take everything from said. so there is a very limited variety of your father life office. you can see by this, by the, by and definitely we also holds that as soon as we get enough supplies from those of us we just because the phone from frontier and uh, typically, especially at f sixteens. uh, we'll go in different way. last year,
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a rush, i was protecting itself and focused on defensive operations. is this your ceilings, the lack of emanation from you creating an army as i try to make some accounts for friends, abrasions, but they don't proceed as well as the hope. so yes, i think right now in cross to this nation, say, trying to capture one who is the largest citizen ukraine. bob's a up spock from this is go. george's presidency has vetoed the circle for an agents bill that led to daily protests and to please see, the bill now goes back to parliament. a wire requires simple majority to override the v to the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have the right to make it happen. built for the client. and you guys need here receiving 20 percent or more of that funding from the food to defend themselves. agents of foreign influence and non charge of the attempted assassination of so that prime minister robot feed, so has been ordered to remain behind bonds after a court hearing 71 year old is accused of firing 5 shots that the appointment is
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for on wednesday feet. so is in a stable but serious condition in hospital and afghanistan, the floods of their, of killed at least 68 people in the south central province of hor, agencies are saying that people are in desperate need of help is comes off to heavy flooding that killed more than 300 people last week in northern afghanistan got you lost his head down reports. the flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire, so they'll look at it as the guys happy have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in these. no bullshit will read. we have nothing to give out. children at the witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast leaving
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money with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the floods came in, people have lost everything, their property, cattle, and sheep everything is gone. that's kinda stan is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some police to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of a say the white house has been completely destroyed of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet in a gun. the reason of my wheat fields, which i will go on, the main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements. the entire land is
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covered with stones and what the us food agency says. many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads for their hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again, i'll just hear to the south africa now the full president, jacob's numerous promise to create jobs and tackle crime. as he launched his newly formed m k policy and so why so he is challenging his former policy, the governing national african congress, and the general election at the end of the month and 2018 do misstep down on the pressure from the policy of, of corruption navigations is you to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes thing to a multi $1000000.00 arms deal that was done before his time in the office. that is why it is opposition candidate has promised political freedom during a riley ahead of july's presidential election at the window. gonzales says that he
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will ensure that all political policies enjoy that rights. if he becomes president of a central ps, he brings us the details on this struggling to make her way to a river of excited supporters. venezuela's opposition. indeed, there might be, i could email my child is showing her star power despite having been banned from running against president because of my daughter into dice presidential elections. she's campaigning across the country in support of 74 years old presidential candidate. it moved to one side list and she describes as a good and honest mean. today we ask each of you and all venezuelans who are here today and throughout the country to vote united on july 28th for edmondo as president of the republic. we will win the saturday was the 1st time supporters
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got to see them together on the contain trail gonzales, a little known but well respected former diplomat was chosen by the opposition in april after venezuela's supreme court upheld a band against my child. despite the landslide victory in the opposition, primaries gonzales promised that if elected, he will insure political rights in the country and urge the military to uphold the constitution ought to you. and this, i will get a meeting and will be able to do so. as to the leaving the government. i guarantee a peaceful transition in which all cold cal forces will be able to exercise their rights within the framework of the constitution to the national and forces. you play a fundamental part and security of all of us being guarantors.


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