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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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arise for extended periods of time and by i'll be totally restricting the transportation of a central supplies including food and medicine, through the border crossings after they, when we open the siege. the total siege also involve cutting off across the border water pipelines from israel, 2000, which is the principal source of clean water from the population in gaza. it was cut off for prolonged periods, beginning on the 9th of october 2023. and it was accompanied by the cutting off or heading drink of electricity supplies to gaza from the 8th of october 2023. until today. that conduct took place alongside of tax. been killed civilians including people, drink for food, instructional aides, and they're free by who monetary and organizations of tax on
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a workers that forced many of those same to monetary organizations. to either cease operations or limit the live saving efforts in gaza. project effect to the use of starvation as a method of wolf or a gain stop and causes civilian population is acute dismissable and is widely known and is confirmed by multiple witnesses and victims including local and foreign medical doctors that stop ation is caused and continues to cause depths, nutrition, dehydration and profound suffering among the population. farming is already present in some areas of casa, and it is immune to now this my office charges netanyahu implant has coop hepatitis, under superiors,
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in the commission of these alleged crimes. it's rare like whole states has the right to defend its population. it has every right to ensure the return of hostages that have been criminally unconsciously taken. those rights, however, do not absolve these rail, always publications, to comply with international humanitarian law. intentionally causing death stop patient injury and suffering to the civilian population, including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve ministry and political goals. that's what we imagine as i have repeatedly on the line since last year in egypt and israel and palestine. and again, this year, those who do not comply with the law should not complain later. when my office
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takes action based upon certainly the evidence that day has come today we on the line and the clearest possible fashion, the international and the laws of i'm conflict, apply to every one. no foot soldier, no commander, no civilian leader. no one connect with infinity. nothing on us can justify wilfully depriving human beings including women, women, and children, babies the old and the young. of the basic necessities required for life. nothing. nothing on us can justify hostage taking all the targeting and cleaning of civilians. independent junctions, all the international criminal court, the so probably tests as to whether the necessary standard for the issue and some
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warrants and the rest to be met. or the judges of the international criminal court must be now given the space to do that work and dispassionately and objectively review the evidence that we have submitted shut. the judges approve my applications and issued the requested words. i will work closely with the registrar of the quote to apprehend the named individuals i call upon and count on all states. especially state politics to the room statute to approach this application and the subsequent traditional decision that will be rendered with the same seriousness. they have shown in other situations. i also stop. all right, you've been listening to the i c. c, prosecutor kareem khan. so this is
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a recorded video statement and mr. kahn was detailing the accusations that his office is bringing against 3 homeless leaders and against the is really prime minister and against the is really defense minister. and he's explaining what he's accusing them of the what the evidence is that he's relying on. and he was also saying, crucially, if keyword here being if, if the learned judges and his words are prove his arrest warrants, then he will go ahead and try and arrest those people. that's 3 senior homeless leaders and he's real. and mister netanyahu and mister gloss james bays are senior diplomatic editor is with us. james, what stood out to you most in that the international criminal court only deals with serious crimes. but when you hear what he's detailed on both sides, the crimes of the alleged that he believes arrest warrants should be thoughtful. that for the 3 i'm us leaders. and then the crimes for the 2 is riley leaders,
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the prime minister in defense minister. it really is sobering to hear what they are accused of. we know the brutality that's been going on in gaza since october the 7th on the israeli side. and he says that this was he's, he's naming the defense minister and the prime minister netanyahu. but he's saying this was a state policy, this was official government policy to you stop ation as a method of. ready or i think it is interesting that he's decided to make this public at this stage. because you remember the other important decision by mister com in the last couple of years was when he bought an arrest warrant against vladimir putin and his children's commissioner, maria lo, volva below vall that was back in march 20 uh 2023. when of that stage that were arrest warrants, will you must the rest of these people if you what we're not at this stage, he's gone public saying,
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i think that should be arrest warrants and it needs to go to the judges. last time it had already gone to the judges, and then they made it public and said we've, we've recommended this and the judges have approved it. i can't tell you the reason why, but perhaps it's trying to force and into the spice speaking out as early as possible for an fonts, tulsa assets up for a c spot. that seems to me a possibility why he's decided to act in this way. very foot language to on a, everyone must be my ruling a not trying any way to intimidate the court here, 1st article 70 of the right statute. that says that he can take action against any one who, who, who tries to interfere with the courts. action, of course, as you know, israel and the us and all parties to these cool the schools. and they are the ones that will object most to this. but there are $124.00 countries that a party to the run statute. and if the arrest warrants are issued by the judges,
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they have the obligation to arrest these 3 isolators and also to arrest the israeli prime minister and these right, the defense minister and with that article 70, if he issues in order that if someone is breached article 17 done something to intimidate the cool, potentially. i think the could be arrest warrants against those people. if they travel to $124.00, it's $124.00 out of a $193.00 un members. that really is quite remarkable. if mister netanyahu were to travel to any european country, for instance, your being a member of the states are part the parties to the i. c, c. they would have to arrest, they are obliged to do so by the room start to that's the key that governs the international criminal court. the big question is how those countries are going to respond. they all alongside these countries that they fully respect the international criminal court. and for that matter, the other court, the international court of justice, it's guessing to the moment of truth for those countries who was like this ruling.
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i alex, i would expect many of those countries to say that i liked the ruling. that's not the point, is whether they going to comply with the ruling. if the judges decide to issue these arrests or so right. and, and as you say we have, we have to keep repeating this for the moment. we are not actually at the stage of the arrest warrant, we're at the stage where the prosecutor has is presenting his evidence, what he's accusing. i'm us leaders and yahoo and a lot of and then the judges have to decide whether yes or not. yes or no, they're going to go ahead with arrest warrants. let's go to our correspondence on the ground. iran con is joining us from the jordanian capital amman. iran you are reporting from jordan because as will shut down, houses 0 within the country. what are, is really reactions to this likely to be as well, we're already saying some is really reaction to this. they be have to say these right? these are taking this very seriously despite the fact. and we pointed out that the rest of the ones haven't actually been issued yet. speaking to local media,
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there have been several um sources close to the government. they say that the decision of the i cc prosecutor is hypocrisy and shame at an international level. another one says a source is close to nothing, you know, who is showing arrest warrants will be a global disgrace. other official site, this is disgraceful, insolent, and a hypocritical decision for these right? these will have to take this absolutely seriously. at the very next they going to have to meet with that legal experts about the national security council and the ministry of foreign affairs following the decision of the prosecutor for the special criminal court. now this is much more serious allegation against individuals with in the higher echelons of these are in the government, the defense minister and the problem is something, but there is precedent for the reactions. now remember, every time the united nations security council pauses a resolution, it's often dismissed by, as well as these, or at least cool,
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it's at west just picking on his ro. but they go even further sometimes and say this is simply the you and showing that is simply antique symmetric. so we all get into here much more swift reaction coming from possibly the problem is office the next couple of outside of the problem. so it says quote, source is close to that. the language is going to be very, very similar to thinking to call that a disgrace making a site. this is hypocritical. they gonna say we all the good guys. you're going off to the wrong people, a one in max of the 3 senior. how much lead is also uh, facing the same potential of arrest warrants. israel is going to box and down the hatches. it's gonna take as much legal advice as possible. now is also going to play on the fact that this isn't a signal treat to the icpc is going to lean on its american allies to be able to try and sway well that the americans claim on that the i, c. c, the detroit hold pressure on the i. c safe is going to reach out to its allies with
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in europe and other countries. all signatories saying that you need to fight back on this. you need to at least push back on this and put pressure on the cold. but right now i think he's riley is all can or in emergency mode right now they're going to be taking legal advice. we probably weren't here from apartments and the defense minister. and so a little bit later when they've taken that legal advice, but certainly the language is going to be incredibly fair hearing or they, they say it's hypocritical, it's insolence, and it's simply a disgrace. cimarron, there have been reporting recently and these really press that the prime minister specifically was worried about this, but he knew it was in the offing. and he was hoping that he could avoid this that's absolutely true of the reporting and the price suggested that he had actually already reached out to the allies. and then that was reporting and
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american media at the republican party, particularly influential members of the republican party were leaning on members of the icpc trying to push as well as case con, independently confirmed that. but certainly one of the reporting around this, suggest that something that, and you know who perhaps know, you know that this may, will come as a surprise to the defense minister. but we know that the prime minister was suddenly expecting something. so it's once again, it's all about reaching out to as many allies as possible to try and shut this down, whether he can do that or not, remains to, to be seen. yes, the prime minister certainly according to local resulting in his reading media knew it was coming. but did he know exactly how strong it would be? the language, the cream column is using the allegations that he's put publicly out, but incredibly serious. yeah, everyone. thank you very much for your reporting out of the jordanian capital there i, i do want to run for of yours
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a sound bite from the is really prime minister. this was 3 weeks ago when the prospect of arrest warrants issued by the i. c. c. prosecutor had come up and this is what benjamin netanyahu had to say about it. the date was april 30th. the international criminal court in the he is contemplating issue in the russ once again senior was really government and military officials as war crimes. this would be an outrage of a star for portions international bodies like the i see a rose in the wake of the holocaust committed against the jewish people. so they was set up to present so chars to present future genocides. you know, the international court is trying to put is well in the dock is real is not even subject to the court's jurisdiction. and it has an independent legal system that rigorously investigates all violations of the law. rather, this isis,
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the attempt is an attempt to paralyze is very ability to defend itself. the houses here as honey my who joins us now from central gaza. so honey, you heard the news. the prosecutor and the international criminal court in the hague has presented accusations that may lead to arrest warrants against not only the israeli prime minister and defense ministers, but also against 3 senior hamas leaders, including yeah, you know, send war the head of a mouse in the gaza strip and his number to his 2nd in command, muhammad days. yeah, sam, just within the past 30 minutes, we try to get reaction of from people. and just to just give a clear picture of what's going on across the gods as for the past months, people have been experiencing this total power outage and being disconnected, larger from the internet. there are many people who are actually aware of what's
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going on that the i c c right now, or what's the decision of the prosecutor? maybe something that is feeding into part of the genocide, the lax on the ground, depriving people from their daily basic flights. so one of them is having the electricity or the other basic necessities of being connected to the internet. so having a reaction from people right now. uh it's, it's quite difficult because people are busy on a daily basis is struggling to provide for themselves. their families not only stay in and protect it and save, but also they want it to provide them with, with food, with water and with uh, with other necessities, including a fuel to keep hospitals running again. and then to do to protect their, their family, family members, to a decision by that prosecutor at this point. for those who are involved in the matter, it's more of an advisory level of right now they're requesting the flexibility of
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this decision. now, historically, is where there's really a government that has this that's largely dismissed. they need are you on security council or international court of justice advisory a does the statements or right now the i c, c. we expect there will be much of pressure and defiance to it, but the question of right now, how applicable is this on the ground? is this going to at 4 stage really military to slow down their actions on the ground, the genocide deluxe on the ground. so far, and this is a from past experience and the problems that we've seen over and over at it at the international arena, whether it's the, you're united nations, you on security council. i said you have right now, the prosecutor statement. we're seeing a surge in the pots, and that's an indication of this public defiance. so any international pressure on the ground. also there is this a question among those who are aware of what the matter, the applicability of the i c. c decision right now,
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whether it's doesn't really apply to the states, like in this case, the state of israel or, and does it involve a groups and factions or not? honey. my mood reporting from darrow, the center of the strip. thank you very much for your reporting honey. we can go to jeffrey, nice with a human rights lawyer that you prosecuted. former serv leaders slowing down the last division you're joining us for, sir, from canterbury in the u. k. i assume that you heard parts or all of that recorded statement by kareem khan. i wanted to ask you what you made of it. i'm pleased to see the law is now occupying the place a truth. it's an indication that not only israel, which is being the subject for saying much criticism, perhaps even more important, more obviously how i see is going to be pursued by the international legal cool. the can do that. i don't prejudge the issue. it's an application for
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a harass lawrence by mr. kahn in respect to people on both sides, and we wait for the judge's decision whether to confirm or not. but it's a very good move in the right direction. and why don't i think the public will want? what were you surprised? oh, no, sorry. go ahead. now until now, politics has been suspected of holding back fabrication of the little and then a way that's being very unsatisfactory. now the law is saying it's going to play at spa, so that's a good thing. were you surprised that it is not an arrest warrant, but an application for an arrest warrant? and as our diplomatic editor was explaining, in the case of we had them approved and against whom the prosecutor issued an arrest warrant. they said we are now putting out the, the war. it's everybody who's a party to the every country that is a party to the i see see, must know arrest. and if he's in their country that was for present. in this case, they're doing it differently. they're saying, this is our application for
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a warrant, then we hope the judges will approve it. what is that surprising? is there anything you read into that? no, nothing control you have to apply for an arrest warrant yukon. is you what? i think your sales st property fine in the case of putting that they applied for the learned in private and they got it approved. and then they as but precisely the fact that this process which happened in put, in this case behind the scenes, the fact of best not playing out in public anything that we should be reading into that i don't think so except the generally that we imagine see that the people have goss facing, has resulted in people acting most quickly then otherwise they sometimes have. so in to that extent it's significant. it's rather like the international court of justice where he's looking at an entirely different aspect of this. but his expect you to give it a decision probably this week about something cool protective measures with the attack on the tracks a minute traction, or in respect of rough or of bringing with it. the risk of loss of human,
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of civilian lives that couldn't be justified. anybody who's got to do anything is go to get to move on. and so that, so i think goals that you can read into this. can you talk 1st about the intersection between international law and politics? because this is inferior, right? this is a matter now of purely a matter of law. it is how the judges will read the evidence that is brought forward by the prosecutor, whether they feel it meets the threshold issue and arrest warrant, and then go ahead issue the arrest warrant. and then again in series. but all of this is theory. the countries that are parties to the i c, c, should then execute the arrest warrant if they can write and go ahead and arrest either the homeless leaders or is really prime minister and is really defense minister. that's the theory we seen in the history of the i, c, c. the practice and theory can be pretty different. yes, and we shouldn't be surprised. the politicians and countries generally have their
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own interest as of any spacing bank and serve those interest by and fear, and with a legal process or by storing a legal process by impinging it by press arising someone not to do something that they might otherwise do well it's in the interest of the country to do that. now that may be what the public generally would want. and the cause of time when you can go on exercising political pressure. again, something that the property we got is the right. and eventually you get caught and do it in the longer. now it may well be we don't know, but it's always being the subject of suspicion to the i. c. c has drafted space in respect to israel and the action it could have taken in respect of israel if it has directed suite for tom, who for the last 12 years itself may sometimes come to the appreciation of work may have come to the appreciation. this is go to so we go to do our job. we called any move you to pressure there. know that pressure is being applied. it seems not to
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have been successful so far as mr. con is concerned. if there was any pressure and he's resisted it, well, good for him. what do you make of the parents symmetry in the accusations, right? even in the language that is used, the, the, the accusations that are put forward, the symmetry between a must accused of and what the is really leaders are accused though i didn't, i haven't read enough of the detail to make anything of that, but i didn't think you should read anything into symmetry. don't forget allegations our phones according to the statute as a code. and that determines pretty much the language that must be used. so no, i didn't think i can read anything, least off of them. i looked into the ok. jeffrey. nice uh human rights lawyer. thank you so much for uh, coming up at such short notice for us. it was a pleasure speaking with you. thank you. thank you. bye bye. now this james, we'll, we'll take a break and reset a few minutes. um, but as we stand we are,
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we found out less than 60 minutes ago. uh that what the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu feared, which was an arrest warrant by the international criminal court. has it almost happened? i say almost because as we discussed, it's not an arrest warrant this an application for an arrest warrant, but this is what you did not want to see happened then this is what has just happened. that is true. these ready prime minister and these, right? the defense minister, a 3 top i'm us leaders with very, very serious charges on these really side as well as the 29 people they say was a state policy of various crop climes including starvation as a weapon of war. i think really now it's about the respondents from the international community. israel. yes, we know exactly what they're going to say. how old of us deal with this then? not members of the cool but the but the democratic side and the by the administrator in the past have supported the goals in places like for places like
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ukraine. how those countries that are signatures to the runs that she's all members of the court. how are they going to respond there? anyone i've seen so far has to be who's the foreign minister of belgium saying they support the work up the quote, but that's what are the countries that very close to the let netherlands geographically where the code is based. but it's always been a champion for international law, much holland, or i think for the countries that are signatures to the run start to the being the strongest supporters of israel during this war is a watch very closely germany and the u. k. today, what are they going to this is the question that it was, the big question you're engaging with is the one i asked jeffrey. nice, right. the intersection of law and politics. you say germany, you say that you k, they are strong backers of what we could loosely call the international just the system, right? they can't very well say, no, we're not going to apply by the international criminal court, not when they're asking other countries to abide by it. what was in respect to
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vladimir putin is arrest warrant, for instance, it would look very, very hypocritical indeed, i'm the, that's why i think you need to watch it and create it. couldn't be closely because if some of these cool countries, big countries, that all members of the cool start say no, no, we know this ruling, then it's then the coolest itself. this whole institution, which was such a breakthrough in international justice, i think, potentially is a risk. this is they've obviously gone on the law and cream con is decided this is the right thing to do based on the little. but there is, i think, a risk for the whole institution and doing that, we have just a minute left. but on the homeless side of the ledger, hunting, my hood was already raising the question of applicability. i mean, nobody can get their hands on you. yes. and was on his deputy mama dave, this is the same thing applies. if those people were to go to a country that is a signatory to the court, they could be arrested in the same way as smell. honey, we believe has been, it took effect, but he's in capsule,
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which is noticing the tree to the court. but remember, cutoff in recent weeks has been signaling that it might kick out from us as leadership. so i think so very interesting dynamics here, right, james base houses 0 senior diplomatic editor. thank you very much for joining us again. it's such short notice. less than an hour ago. we found out that i c. c. prosecutor kareem khan was applying for arrest warrants to be issued against 3 senior home us leaders. you all have sent warm a day for both in the gaza strip as my and the chief of homeless political bureau. and also applying for arrest warrants to be issued against the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister you off the lot on both sides . he says the evidence shows the work. crimes and crimes against humanity had been committed. and on those grounds, he wants them all arrested. well, we're going to be breaking down the implications of this breaking news throughout the afternoon here on house 0. the do stay tuned. that's it for me. serial. then
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you will be back after a short break. missed as you have take will be on the the the . ringback the, the latest news, not the only that these patients were receiving, tedney they all as, as treatment in, unless you are hospitalized. let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the warranty. people have access to the leaders of water per day,
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but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story. palestinian officials hold on to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax. the claim is probably only is from one of the most bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in, if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know what we work with and
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within the cycles of the we're not using office resources, we use them again. and again, if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen telling us, nothing grows forever. the top prosecution of the international criminal court, the 6 arrest florence for his randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thomas, politically, the east mountain, near the hey, this is all just here at life and also coming up more attacks. meanwhile in northern garza, is one of the last functioning hospitals runs down. sure. thank you. ron supreme needed to class a 5 day is of.


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