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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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it will give up how long the killing himself, him and the politicians during a routine cabinet victory. a 1986 anatomy of an assassination on al jazeera, the the international criminal court top prosecutor requests arrest warrants for the is ready to lead to benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister for war crimes and crimes against humanity in johnson. the i c. c. prosecute is also seeking warrants for the rest of 3 senior hamas leaders for the groups october 7th, attack on israel, the funny fucker. this is out just a life and also coming up on the grounds in gaza. israel is must killing and full
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starvation of civilians intensifies with a 100 a killed in the past 24 hours. the radian president abraham, right, you see is killed and a helicopter crash. the country supreme leader has declared 5 days of morning. plus you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village. so take keys and it will piece a new crane where people in a small fishing village find themselves in the front lines of the thanks for joining us at $1600.00 gmc and we begin with breaking news on the international criminal course at the hague. the i c c chief prosecutor term khan is announced. he's seeking arrest warrants for his writing on how my sleet is for crimes committed since october the 7th. last year. the list includes this ready, prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister. you'll have galant of the crimes include starvation of
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civilians as a method of wolf, i wilfully causing great suffering. serious injury to body or health or cruel treatment. also killing or murder, unintentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as well as crimes against humanity of extermination. and all matter, persecution and allegations of crimes of committing other human acts. what kind is also sold warrants for the rest of a mass political liter smile. how do you it's lead in gaza. ja, sing? well, i'm military chief mohammed dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the king of these really civilians in a textbook to try to buy him as i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023.
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the taking hostages and other crimes alleged you're not applications. well, thing goes, is there a fee? is that the i c c application were changes, nothing is this or as a salt from north to south, intensifies late, probably late is on the ground, the gaza in just a moment. the 1st step voss and joins us now live from the hague. step your outside the international criminal court, who lives clearly on this decision to request arrest warrants for these incredibly high profile figures. put this into context for us. how significant is this announcements? a very significant that we can easily say this is one of the most high profile cases that the the licensee has ever taken off. we know of cause that in 2020 suite they also issue the arrest for when the guns press, the president of flooding inputs in from a russia. but now this is a, a case against an ally, a very close ally,
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ally to one of the powerful nations on, on the planet to the united states. and this is very unheard of. so there was a lot of pressure from both sides on the ice. you see the protests of demanding to prosecute the time time to x more swiftly as to issue these or to request these a rest florence for the oil. so there was also a pressure from senator, from the united states, also on the ice to see, to stop this case and not the issue arrest warrants. and they were threatening with rep of caution. so in the middle of all this was to prosecute the car, and he has done this investigation over a period of months and has now issued these very 5 significant arrest warrants. and there's a lot, a lot of pressure already, even since this announcement has been made here in the hague, from the political life leaders across the globe, either support and or some that may the case. so it will be a fairly politically sensitive please. step torcous through if you may,
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what is the next? because this is mainly at this stage. the 1st step, a request for arrest warrants to be made. yes, this is the 1st step of very important significant step. now the next step will be that the pre trial chamber here at the international criminal court will have to decide if this request for these arrest warrants is a valid request and that they should be issued. so basically what they are testing is this is this case, the, that's the court has jurisdiction in this case. and we know that it has the jurisdiction on the palestinian territories. and also a, one of the questions i have to answer is, are these a soft aspects so important to be brought to the trial and are these for, i'm still continuing and the got them con, has said that what's happening now and guy. so it clearly shows that the crime says he says, nathan, y'all and guidelines are
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a suspected of are still continuing. so the, the answer from the pre, twice as the chamber, we are expecting in a few weeks in the case of president of vladimir both. and it's happened the 3 weeks after the requests for the arrest warrant, so it could be a similar period. and then of course, the arrest warrants will be issued if, if the chamber a ways and then the $124.00 nations that are signatories to the rome statute are obliged to hand over the suspect if they're in their countries. so the eyes to see here in the hague, where they can be detained and be brought to justice. all right, many things for that step. voss into the i. c. c in the hague. all right, let's go to mama jump june with the is ready reaction. just to remind you, of course, since i was there was binding for reporting within israel itself. we have been forced to do on to elizabeth outside of the country, which is why i'm, it's in a mom for us. so i'm and please talk us through the reaction though from israel. so
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fall from both the government and the opposition so now you've unsurprising. what we've heard thus far is outrage from across the political spectrum in israel. let me just walk you and our viewers through a few of the reactions we've heard from top political leaders in israel thus far. there was a statement from benny gans, he's a former defense minister and member of the war cabinet. he said placing the leaders of a country who went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with blood thirsty terrorist is moral blindness and a violation of its duty and ability to protect its citizens. that's been against. we also heard from, yeah, your la pete, he's the head of the opposition and is real. he put out a tweet in which he said, the i c, c. arrest warrants are a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between that and yahoo ends and walks between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much beyond that. we've also got a statement from isaac hertzog. he's the president of israel. that statement. very
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blunt saying the announcement of the prosecutor at the i c. c is beyond outrageous and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly rejected. beyond that, we saw a lot of a name just really officially, being quoted throughout these really media landscape, saying that this announcement was hypocritical, that it was outrages. they said that it was embarrassing and disgraceful and insolent what we know at this hour is that there isn't as really brain trust a lot of top legal scholars, as well as members of the national security council that are meeting they have set up a war room in order to try to figure out how to deal with this going forward may have sensors that could well be some sort of legal challenge in the pipeline. i wonder though, in the immediate or whether it's possible to say these developments of the i c. c will have any impact on the way in which as well as wages for as well, that's the key question. the, you know, to, to judge by how is real
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a has reacted to even you in resolutions against israel in the past. well, you would expect that it's not going to change israel's behavior because in the past we've seen that you in security council, the u. n. g a. they have voted against israel and resolutions, some of which should be legally binding. and israel has ignored them, not only ignore them, but they have responded in a way that they've responded today saying that it was disgraceful, and that these are bodies that are against israel. so that's kind of what we expect in the short term. what's interesting is that it would be hard to expect the israel would actually feel pressure from the icy seats when they're not even responding to pressure from the us right now. case in point being the fact that the us national security advisor jake sullivan has been 2 days and is really yesterday he was meeting with his really prime minister benjamin at yahoo. today he was meeting with you off the lot, the defense minister in israel, and the in fact um yeah, what we've seen any of really media thus far is that in those meetings mr. sullivan press to the is really officials not to expand the operational drop off time. but
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essentially he was told that israel was going to go ahead and expand its operation to drop by this after months of pressure from the us on israel to try to get them to limit the scope of their operations that are of course the us is, israel's biggest military ally is their biggest ally and the fact is, israel isn't even adhering to pressure from the us so that i think gives you some sense of how they will continue to respond when it comes to the eyes. you see at least in the short term need, all right, many things. so that might have been challenging reporting from a mom just to remind to we are reporting from outside israel after being banned by these radio authorities from working that a now to hendo could have a who's in the out balance in central gaza. and he and obviously there are immediate safety concerns for many, many people in the gaza strip. but is there any reaction, a tool to these developments of the international criminal court?
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well unfortunately, no, because the policies are not even know that this is the prosecution arrest war. were even issued today because they were out of the internet and they had been disconnected for more than 7 months. but how much responded, and they were very strict about the fact that at this comes very late, 7 months later, as the is ready at voices have been committing thousands of crimes against the policy news in the past. some been months. how must also the nouns and condemn the equalization of the palestinians and the is there any forces? they also stressed on the fact that there should be more arrest warrants against a more is there a new face? it shows and all the is ready. officials on the ground, but when it comes to the palestinians surrounding me in a box of courtyards, they don't really care about anything because they do not trust the i c,
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c. they have very bad experience and they believe that there's nothing going to change anything on the ground and talking a hand about what's happening on the ground while you are talking. we are looking on our screens that seems of off to the devastation again in the law here. can you shed some light on what's happening on the ground to remind me the well, what we have is 14 members of the fluid family were killed in the past. our as the is there any air strikes where you're targeting a home in the body of refuge account? nothing of the godless trip upon his tending baby died. ways in the nursery department and come out and do on hospitalized due to the oxygen system failure. posing grades, danger to the hospital is really cypress, fired the another in go, it's of come out edwin's hospital and out to the target to the 5th floor of the hospital. also, a pa does to mean girl was killed in it and is right in the are tell her you after
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the targeted us who is a bad yes. and is there any forces that has deepens or it in ground invasion, reaching the fall and the bar is the neighborhood which is a little bit into the center of rough or, and the is ready strikes. i'm targeted, a group of people in yep. not comp and not interrupt law and slides policy means were injured from the class cop to the end of all of this happened in the past hour, and it's very obvious that it's escalating and air strikes. and is there any art under it did not stop targeting the policy renews across the godless trip from the north to this house. and all of that, of course, happening despite the threats of arrest ones being issued for benjamin netanyahu and other senior figures. we didn't have mass as well. and oh, could we live in debt? how about money? thanks for your update. let's go to the new at the, the u. n. rather in new york. and gabriel is on the joins us from the office. the
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gabriel, a huge amount of diplomatic interest of what might to transpire the international criminal. cool, but has there been any reaction from officials? a a very little to almost done quite frankly. and i can't, i can tell you, it's not for lack of trying on our end. it's just simply that investors simply do not want to touch this complicated issue right now. and we know that as a fact, because the security council met to 10 am local time is a issue about ukraine and related to the i. c. c. unrelated to kaiser. we waited outside the security council chambers as diplomats from the 15. a security council members came in and almost all of them simply ignored or shouted questions about the reaction to the i. c. c decision, whether be china, japan or other u. k as well. now, the motors ambassador to the un, they are a,
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an elected 10 member, a non permanent member, if you will. she did stop. she basically said, we support the i, c. c, we support cream cod. let's let the process play out before we make any pronunciations on this. so for, but the bottom line is that i think is but you're probably getting the sense of most people here at the un, but few are wanting to speak about it. probably because of the arrest warrants have not officially been announced yet. it's just a matter of cream con, uh, putting in the application to the judges for potential arrest warrants. and so that's why i think you see a lot of diplomats simply not wanting to touch this yet. because of that now we haven't heard from the un officially as well. the press secretary for the secretary general, the spokesperson for the secretary general is about to do his daily noon briefing in the next few minutes. but it's unlikely you'll hear any official announcements on this from the u. n. given the i,
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c. c is not officially part of the un while the un works and collaborates with the i, c. c. it's a totally separate judicial body. all right, gabriel. many thanks explaining all of that gabriel is on the of the un. is still a hit on al jazeera lighting tay is sworn in, is the new president of taiwan, the hello. we will say some lovely weather coming in across the korean peninsula. and japan clear skies coming for him. a little heavier of high pressure, just starting to nestle this way for you. so this low just remedies the side of haunt you. i will pull out to the pipe of follow the line of cloud, right. the way down across taiwan into southern china was a more, very heavy rain full here. and there are further heavy in front of the showers as
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we go on through the next couple of days. so that's tuesday's picture. you've got one into where the state more of the side will pick down pulls more heavy showers, coming across a similar area and not quite just watch perfectly all the never the less than 30 full celsius sunshine and beijing warm enough in so warm enough in tokyo as well, now we've got what's, what do we have across southern china? some of that is now spreading its way across. endo china, big down polls coming through here. just about anywhere. i could say some very heavy and sundry showers with the potential for flash flooding. scattering showers to me to the philippines, particularly across lose on an unusual showers the across malaysia into indonesia, some heavier south pre monsoon right now, showing us how to go southern positive in the red ponies in full. so that heavy right vocals and flooding along with for lanka. meanwhile, as of 8, the waste continues to the northwest. the
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as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back. they're saying, here's your person, go get her fold lines and instigates the mechanisms of suppression dictations for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity. when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does either the the looking back you what, you know, just the sheer it rather his reminder about top stories this out, the top prosecute of the international criminal court has applied for
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a rest while and somebody is, or is there any and how much lead is included, is there any prime minister, benjamin netanyahu defense minced, and you'll have kalonde. i'm us political leader is honey. a. is there any present? isaac? so in cause respond is to the i. c. c. prosecute according to move beyond that radius of mass is also responded. say the move against is lead us to quite spring victim with the perpetrator. and is ready strikes of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians and gaza since sunday, attacks of being reported in bed and in giovanni with the north as well as rough up in the south. okay, listen to some of it. world news. now the rom, supreme leader has declared 5 days of national morning after the death of president abraham. right. you see in a helicopter crash, the wreckage was found early on monday. the following minister, who was one of the 9 on board, is also being confirmed that michael apple looks back at how events unfolded before and after the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right,
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you see is fine. allow, is attending the integration of 2 dams. on sunday, near the border with us a by john, along with that countries, presidents yolanda leah shaw, seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing that they'd been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via croft had crashed in bad weather. the on board president tri easy foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as
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a by john province. a 3rd of it runs on forces and move in 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness, the sick fog, and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country on the test run to the president's hometown mashhad, ukrainians came off to play. nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered state television delivered this message to the nation places on the 4th. i lost back so hard working and relentless president of the raining people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation and it says changing weather conditions can pose challenges even full experience. pilots. you don't,
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the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you would mount, when this rugged uh forest liked rain. uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop, but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bell helicopter had been in service since 1971. wasted and sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft, is already what i'm the is the supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of moaning? according to runs constitution? a council comprised of the speaker of parliament chief justice and 1st vice president has 50 days to cool elections for the next president. mike, level l g 0. i'll expect your ass is an independent aviation. i have a list of consultants. he says it runs aging fleet, weather conditions and all the fights has led to the fatal crash. as is often the
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case, the net cost accidents, it is a variety of different contributors that come together ultimately to pulling that final outcome rather than just $1.00 single thing. so it is likely that when you combine something like deteriorating, all direct costing needs of maintenance with something like poll web, which can of course complicate even the much origin area flight. nevermind that in a region that is mountainous for example. then then you quickly begin to see how it get and that risk level is increasing. helicopter and trouble by helicopter is a generally less se. then traveling on a fixed wing, the commercial aircraft, or private across. so ready, you go to a slightly increased risk that and as i say with the backdrop of having the all just fleet across, under the us sanctions, they only were able to import new across into iran during that brief period in the fall and rec ministration. whether you're on euclid, you was asked to add,
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boss managed to get some new jets and some of the stakeholders. and then of course, donald trump at the present time, pulled the plug and new ron's that and across the street it continues to the chair right now. so as i say, it's likely to be a contributor, every one of these things, the and that's what the investigation will probably be focused on. ukraine's coffee city and its surrounding villages have been hit by a series of ariel strikes as russian forces pushed into the region. john holman, was in the village of drug test, got loads of just off to a russian missile attack. to catch good lives of was a quiet village, just know for par keith, where people came to fish until 11. am this sunday the me so ripped through the country club home the like sure. as we run into valentina wondering the road outside we book what's happening in the hole for a fragment. he's my head here a little bit my blog congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband,
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but she didn't pick up. you know, he was lying on the lake shore was his dog, where he stays there. her husband is one of the dead who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key if you crane 2nd city. russia has been bombarding it for months, getting industrial targets and for residential buildings. so military, unless, believe it's an effort to push the population out of thirty's to know if there was so just staying in the country club. so maybe it's less, this is not even a so called soviet pressed base. the russians like to say, and what's the importance of your plan? what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows,
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when the roof has been damaged here as well. but it's not just that it's the people they've been lost or been injured. the 2 sister and the husband disciplined back to see the family of the leaving for all island doesn't start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike hit me. which bill to have cash just in her breast, that's what her balance did, not have to close them and bundle them. and my brother in law was good, like this, almost and set out and his stomach, one of them was land kia and the blood test board and out like a phone thing. the moment a balance as of now taking both away and beats his mom lou, both start sweeping up while she waits for news for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet so in can john holman out to 0 to casket. loss of a few cried. south africa's top court has bod, full, the president,
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jacob z ma for running for parliament. the constitutional court maybe announcement on monday a to to see my left office in 2018 facing corruption navigations and was briefly in jail for contempt. of course, in a surprise move, he formed a new political policy. the m. k party in december to run against his full the policy, the governing, african national congress and the elections on may the 29th. we could expound a julian massages baffled to avoid extradition, receive your boost on monday. the case top court road assigned as can appeal against being sent to the united states to face espionage charges. the judges found assurances from the us on how he will be tried and sentenced if convicted, unsatisfactory. astonished is facing 18 charges off to his website published secret ministry documents. 15 years ago or crowns gathered outside the court in
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london. west on his wife's, stella spoke of the routing and quote of the united states to binding the case. the judges reached the right decision. we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet as a family were relieved. but how long can this go on? the united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years. now lucy, in the 5th phase of india is general election has ended. monday's stage has the least number of seats being contested with 89500000 votes of choosing representatives for 49 seats. focus in the financial capital, mum, bike,
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cute. outside putting stations to cost them bothers, the world's largest selection began on april the 19th and will end on june. the 1st results, due by june, the 4th fresh presence of my new macro, and has cooled a meeting of his defense and security councils. to discuss the unrest in the pacific territory of new caledonia, a 1000 police officers and elite forces of being deployed to restore order in the french pacific territory. the streets are relatively calm, but road blocks remain. and the apple, it's to shunt indigenous kind of colleges refused to abandon their road blocks. so i ones new president says quote on china to respect the items, democracy and to stop ministry and political threats. lodging k was inaugurated on monday and cool for talks of paging, but china has refused to acknowledge his leadership or his policy. katrina, you report some paging. the lighting to is the doctor turned politician
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from the vice president and now the president of ty, one. the leader was sworn in on monday months of to his policy one and unprecedented. the consecutive presidential tub is integration. celebrations with joyful belie speech carried assume the message, but they think they're just trying to stop intimidating taiwan politically and militarily, you know, take on the global responsibility. what's tie one to work hard on and tiny piece of stability across the taiwan strait and ensure the word is without the fear of war breaking out. they jenkins such as the island road chinese territory and cut official communication with this government in 2016. china is taiwanda says also says lives comments revealed his true nature as a 21, independence walker. title taiwan independence is a debt and no matter under what guys will walk on, pursuing taiwan independence. the section is to.


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