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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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at the listing cost the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on the pocket, this is the news our license. so coming up in the next 60 minutes, the international criminal court top prosecute here, requests arrest warrants for the israeli leda benjamin netanyahu, and his defense minister for war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. the i, c. c prosecutor is also seeking warrants for the rest of 3 senior high boss leaders for the groups. october 7th, attack on israel on the ground in gaza. israel is must killing and full starvation of civilians intensifies pulling
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a 100 pounds of things have been killed in the past 24 hours and a round on supreme lead it because 5 days of voting but says the nation will proceed as normal of to present abraham right, you see was killed in the helicopter crash. and in sport premier league side, liverpool have confirmed their new manager for next season. dodge, coach ernie slots will take over from your can clot police after 9 years in charge . the thanks for joining us. the prosecutor of the international criminal court of the hey, has applied for rest warrants for is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and i'm ashley to ya. symbol both man of being held responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity. from this type of october onwards. a some, a bunch of age has more solving children is
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a crime the, the killing civilians is a war crime. and wilfully causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 2 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court is cited for requesting and restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister golf kalonde have reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office. that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu to administer of defense. you. i've got back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is read. the ministers have denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity before the minister is red cods, that says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially for room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is what i really gain to text. it says,
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was this war of the whole vague as of december 8th. and the hardwood is against us any to unite the game? these very easy to very nation, at least still even more nation is there's a way that everyone receives. so just in such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the icpc prosecute is also seeking the rest of ordering support from us political and been if you need to explain honey, you can send bar and bahama dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass. i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and kalonde a several months too late. and rather than equating the victim, but the perpetrator, i c, c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has
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been doing the orders that it has it issued to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the cottage and gods unfolded cream hunts. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as in action to hold is we had a comfortable seas via a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to run dave, i cc announcement target israel and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senate has the trenton funding and sanction i. c. c stop and their families. 3 this is bills of today in the me, a talk over the rest warrants isn't likely to have an immediate impact on the war
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which has killed more than 35000 palestinians and displaced millions more since october. some of the job, you know, because there is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has responded to the news from the international criminal court. in a prerecorded address, a bus increase the luck, they're good lessons really dislike. these are lies in the hague, is miles victory is not a lie. these allies against the prime minister and the secretary of defense, these allies against the states if is right, well, this is against the people who are fighting with heroism against him. us who attacked us the i, c. c, chief persecution. how can he compare? i'll brave military with how much, how much we have killed and mexican us as a prime minister of israel. i refuse the comparison between the killers from us and us. this is the new anti semitism and how it manifests itself. it's tacit at the
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universities and now it's at the hague people of israel. we will never fail the jewish people that they couldn't defend themselves 80 years ago. and i'd like to reiterate, no international entity can stand against us or prevent us from achieving our decisive victory of all not couple see the model, but we have a team of correspondents around the world that are following all the latest developments on the story will be getting reaction from handle quarter in central gaza. but i'm, i'm a haven't jump june who's in amman, jordan with the it's really reaction to the news and internationally. we have gabriel ellis on those standing by the united nations and pasco haines as a us state department. but 1st let's go to the i c. c. step boston is the in the hague for us and step. you heard the words from benjamin netanyahu, pushing back fiercely. against this move of the i. c. c probably comes as no great surprise, but that will be strong criticism against this movies by cream. calm, the chief prosecutor, the or no,
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i don't think that that came as a big surprise. i think this is the all expected to buy to prosecute the cut them time here at the i to see has been reading this all very delicately. it took him a long time months to do this investigation. that was a lot of pressure from pro palestinian groups that he really need to, to hold as rel accountable. but also on the other side, from us, a rep, republican senators who wrote a letter, a threatening, basically the to see if they would go ahead with this case and issue a rest for once that there will be rest precautions and sanctions but got them try and made himself very clear this morning. he said nobody is above the law and lives have also equal value. and this also nobody can threaten this course. and that's something that he has of sat in the past as well when the slot to was sent to him in april. he also said,
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you can't just simply wrapped in the international criminal court. and what we said also in 2020, it happened also that the u. s. a put sanctions on prosecute or of the i see the history to assess us at the time. also for a case for war crimes, enough guide is done. so it is always been a lot of pressure and i think today, but we were all aware here in the hague that that was coming. and of course, they still decided to go ahead with it. and as you say, go ahead, they will took us through the next steps because we know that this is an application. the 1st step in what they hope will be the issuing of a rest ones for these 5 individuals. exactly these uh, requests for 5 references. so now being sent to the free trial chamber, so the charges there will have to decide if uh, the prosecutor has a valid arguments to have these arrest where what was issued. they have to look at
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the jurisdiction of the court and this case, but also uh, sort of fact if these uh suspects then needs to be in the hague and that they need to be arrested because for example, are these crimes still a come uh, being committed as we speak and that's exactly what card im concept during his announcement. is that what we're seeing at the moment in guys it's still continuing what he says, this war crimes and crimes against humanity. so we will expect a decision maybe in a few weeks. and then of course, when they decide to issue be arrest warrants, then the $124.00 country set up signed up to the wrong statute. have the obligation to arrest the suspect. the people who are fin bingo for and being sent to the hague, to be detained here. so the trial can continue. but these $124.00 countries don't include the united states, for example. and also the flute is wrong. they don't include china, india,
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but many countries in europe for example, are included and also in africa, south america. so it will definitely limit the scope of traveling of these 5 individuals probably complicate relationships with israel as well. step voss and a lot of the i c c in the hey many thanks for that. that's across to mohammed jumped to you now from all it's really reaction, just a reminder that i'll just here as being fine from israel. that's why my habit is reporting for us from the to danny capital. i'm on. i haven't curry, the fierce fee us reaction to developments of the i. c. c from benjamin. that's a yahoo! a cleaner thing, the court of anti semitism. how does this match with other opinions coming out of his real a yeah, that's right. move. i mean, what we've heard is not a surprise across the political spectrum and was a reminder of yours. it is a deeply divided political spectrum in israel, but across the political spectrum, you've had outrage expressed you heard a bit from
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a prime minister netanyahu earlier in the show. let me tell you more. what do you have to say in that prerecorded speech? he said as the prime minister of israel i reject with discussed the comparison of the prosecutor in the hague, between democratic israel and the mass murders of how much this is a complete distortion of reality. beyond that, we also had been a gaps. he's a former defense minister and a member of the work cabinet. he put out a statement earlier in which he said, placing the leaders of a country who went into battle to protect its citizens in the same line with blood thirsty terrorist is meryl blindness and a violation of its duty inability to protect its citizens. then you have your la pete, he's the head of the opposition and israel. he put out a tweet earlier in the day in which he said, the icpc arrest warrants already complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between them. yahoo! and send war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of hamas. and finally we also had a statement put out by is really president issac heard. so again, which he said among other things, the announcement of the prosecutor at the i c. c is beyond outrages and shows the
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extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly reject it. so basically, despite whatever political affiliation somebody may have, the leaders of the political leader speaking out of israel right now, are all united in their outrage against this decision for kareem contest seek these arrest warrants. i should mention also we're seeing and we have really pressed on name does really officials using words like hypocrisy, distortion of reality, embarrassment to describe what has happened today. need a certain mohammed to a very interesting point. so in a way what is playing out of the i? c. c goes some way in, in unifying what previously has been a very divided political landscape. i want to then, what the impact will be on perceptions regarding as well as operations and gone to the weather. that would be more unity regarding that now. and this is
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going to be very interesting to see how it plays out. because on the one hand you have is real rejecting this as they have rejected numerous times that they have been called on the carpet by international institutions. let's not forget how many times there have been you in security resident resolutions of finding ones that is realize completely disregarded and said that the, the u. n. as a body, that is anti israel. now you have pressure being applied on israel by the i c c. but also it's interesting because on a day when you how to i top us official national security advisor jake sullivan, who had been in israel the past 2 days for speaking with nathan, yahoo, i've been speaking with you on the lot. the defense minister, i'm they, he was told by both these man, according to his really media that despite the fact that the u. s. has continued to ask israel not to push into it off off to limit their operation there. that is really is going to expand its operation it off i so yes,
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there is pressure on israel right now. it will be interesting to see what happens going forward. it will be interesting to see if this will motivate more protesters to come out into the streets and government protesters, relatives of chapters being held in gaza. but for the moment it seems that israel is basically saying, we're not going to take any pressure from the eyes. you see, and we're not even going to adhere to the urging of our top ally, the united states, right mohammed, many things so that mohammed jump jayden, reporting from a mine, of course of to, to 0 was banned from reporting from israel itself. right, let's across the us state department of washington, d. c. and patsy. call hain, to look at the us reaction in more detail, because the us presidents is waiting please wait in the secretary of state antony blinking to wait in. we've just been hearing from mark miller here at the state department. he's the state department spokesman, the briefings on going, but you knew the us was going to react with force,
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but they're coming out with very strong criticism. just as some of what matt miller is basically saying on this, he said it is fully unfounded and should never have been brought. they have a couple of complaints. they say that the international criminal court, the cc doesn't have jurisdiction because palestine is not especially estate. doesn't mention the steps the us has taken to make sure palestine is not viewed as a state. for example, if the united nations security council goes on to say other countries that the i, c, c, as in investigated, they've let them conduct their own investigation. first, they didn't do that with israel's, of their problem with the process. they said the courts should only take up cases when the countries are not investigating themselves. and according to miller, you said israel is in fact investigating several different cases involving a potential crime committed by members of these really defense forces. he didn't seem to be able to make sense of the fact that the fcc is looking at the leadership . but israel's looking at rank and file soldiers. so again, seem to be a bit of
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a disconnect there. he also there are great could hurt ceasefire negotiations because they feel that this will emboldened hamas. and then he was asked repeatedly, ok, so we're palestinians supposed to go, where can they go seek justice? and his answer, i think surprised some of the journalists in the room, he said, well, they should look to as israel to investigate itself. so that's a basically sums up the reaction from the, by the administration. they are outraged, but again, not much they can do about it. and probably just put this on despite sort of course, the us and israel. neither of them are signatories of the i c. c, they didn't sign the room statute the to set up the international criminal court, however, is the 1st time the i, c. c is talking to the lead to this close to the united states and always presenting this possible move by carrying con, as some american republican lawmakers have been threatening sanctions against the quotes. i mean, what can you tell us about that?
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how realistic assistance as well they've been over their reportedly, you've had meetings with the court to say, look, we are really going to be unhappy if you do this. so the consequences. so yes, they are talking about a bill in the house that would look to sanction the court members, the prosecutors, their families. not quite sure that that's going to have a huge deterrent effect unless they've got these public servants have billions of dollars in us banking system. cuz really, that's about the extent they can freeze their money that's in the us. they could bar them entry and see us whether that's going to really be as much of a deterrent as us used to fate. we'll have to wait and see. so they could do that. they can't necessarily say we're not going to fund the icpc where i could recognize the i see because the few as already doesn't fund the i see, see there was some movement to try and get some funding to the i c. c, because it was investigated in russia and write him or prove it. so it's not, doesn't really have a lot of leverage here, but you could expect,
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especially republican members of the house, they are going to push for the bill once it's in fact these ones are issued, we would take it up, didn't really pass the senate. that is much closer question because there are several democrats in the house and the senate that have grown very weary of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and the way he is conducting this for so might not even get through the senate. it's likely get through the house. but there's that, it's gonna be a tough a tougher try. all right, so many thanks, explaining all of that puts go haynes and the state department in washington. well, i'm us into and released a statement saying arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo! i'm kalonde a 7 months to late. it went home to condemn. the prosecutor saying that seeking arrest warrants against the mass equates the victim with the perpetrator. and says the i c. c should or did the rest of occupation officials who gave orders and soldiers who carried out the crimes. so well, meanwhile, on the ground and gauze,
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or we try to get tanks of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians that since sunday, another $176.00 people having been injured, dozens of being killed in the north of the strip. where the forces of tugs at the residential square in faith law here, many of the victims were women and children. and many of the injured taken to the nearby kamala to an hospital. these other scenes apps that specific hospitalized, you can see completely overwhelmed by the 7th people have dies in the hospital from their injuries and another strike hits. i'll show you the refugee camp and wrap them in the south report. say residential handles is empty as people had fled during previous strikes. they've now being reduced to rubble. all right, let's get the international reaction to this phase. today's development set from the i c. c. i was just to escape was onto joins us live from that the u. n. a gave just to clarify the i c. c is not to connected or affiliated with the united
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nations, but it is nevertheless, a she usually important uh, quotes and whatever ruling results from any kind of a legal proceedings that will be watched closely by you and officials. are you? yeah, that's right. it's important, a reminder of yours, that the i c, c, the international criminal court. what we've been discussing now is not an official body or an official court of the un not affiliated in any way. now the un works and collaborates with the i c. c. when necessary, but it's a totally separate and see, and that's why the un is not really commenting per se about the decision by cream con. now the i c j of course, international court of justice. that is the highest court of the united nations, also based at the hague as well. and we often times don't hear the secretary general comment about i c j decisions either. so it's not particularly unusual. putting that aside, i will say that
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a very few diplomats here un headquarters on monday or wanting to comment about creams cons decision from the i c. c. there's a security council meeting this morning about ukraine. totally unrelated to the events of the i. c. c. we were outside the the security council chambers as diplomats were going in for the meeting, asked multiple diplomats for their response, and they simply would either say no comment or ignore our questions. this is just one person said a real hot potato, a very complicated position. now there are many countries are in moving forward on this. however, we did hear from one a master that was a vanessa frazier, the motors ambassador to the un. they are a member of the security council right now. she said that her country supports cream con and the i c c. and just wants to process to move forward. listen to
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a little bit more of what she had to say. reset 4 digit to should institutions united nations. and we think we believe very much in their impartiality and their independence, and they should be allowed to carry out the way the independent feet without any threats and to the process go full. it's those who need to defend no, says everything else has been cool. crisis, so for us is also about who is invited. 3 d is about the time of the course. now is just march of 2023 last year that the, the i c. c issued arrest warrants for vladimir putin, for alleged crimes relating to the d port taishan of ukrainian children after russia's full scale invasion of ukraine. now back then, many western countries here at the u. end, particularly, the united states, rushed to the cameras to support that decision by the i c c. now, when it becomes
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a decision that's against a benjamin netanyahu, and israel, clearly they're singing a different tune. people avoiding the cameras so to speak. so that's where you're seeing countries like russia, clearly calling out the us and others for what they say is a clear double standard. uh, okay, but it was under the you and thank you. the right here is how the icy cease procedure i'm falls. now that is to prosecute, just as he's applying several arrest once an application is made to the quotes pre trial chain, but to decide whether sufficient grounds and jurisdiction exist. if the arrest warrants are issued suspects, kind of voluntarily surrender to the i, c. c, or countries that are signed up to the rome statute have an obligation to arrest them. if upper handed a hearing will be held to decide if there's enough evidence to go to trial. if the case proceeds 3 trial judges will preside, and the prosecution must prove guilt beyond
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a reasonable doubt. judges can then issue sentences of up to 30 years in prison and even live sentences and exceptional cases. would you like me now from the hague professor shame darcy, who is the deputy director of the irish sense of human rights at the university of gold white school? the floor of i will welcome to you so between destiny, all who has warns that any i c c, arrest warrant would be, quote, an outrage of historic proportions and responds israel able to raise its own challenge before the judges of the quote. even though they don't recognize it. yeah, i mean there will definitely be opportunities for the proceedings to be challenged to know that some of the icpc is based on their own statutes. and throughout that document, there's a lot of attention paid to the rights of states. but also to the rights of individuals who quote on trial. so why the prosecutor has taken this momentous step of, of seeking the restaurants from the pre trial chamber. there are various hurdles to
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be overcome when you refer to. some of them just previously entered each of those stages. it is possible for those to be challenged and that's what happens in, in other cases, before the courts of israel, us rusher and several other states who are not members, signature fees of the roads. don't you know members of the i, c c. i mean what is the, is c c able to base this arrest warrant on, in terms of jurisdiction? can you explain that to us? so yeah, the jurisdiction this is, it's a little complicated but not overly so. so protest, i'm ratified the statues in 2015 uh 8 years ago or more. i referred the situation to the courts investigation has been ongoing now for a number of years and of one of the steps previous investigation, the band prosecutor factory. but as to that, off the pre trial chamber to determine the territory jurisdiction in the situation by the side of a pre charge for your time to determine if that jurisdiction exists. so basically,
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any crimes within the jurisdiction of the court committed on the territory of palestine are within its jurisdiction. likewise, i mean crimes committed by national as of the state party, in this case palestinian options. they also fall within the jurisdiction of the state party. we jurisdictions the course, which is why the prosecutor has been able to seek a rest wise relation to the attacks of the 7th of october on his rainy territory as well as what was happening on the tractor. you have guys a right, right. that is very, very clear. let me ask you this. if a rest warren so issued, what happens to country? so the friendly to israel that also signatories of the i c. c. the recognize the i see, see, i'm thinking of countries like germany that have been extensively supplying israel with the weapons view k. even taking very much a soft stance on israel. would they be treaty bound to arrest? that's an yahoo with a seriously do that. as a matter of law,
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there is an obligation that on all of the $124.00 parties to the statues, to cooperate with the courts. i think give effect to arrest ones that have been issued. and we would expect arrest warrants be to be issued in this context, even given the evidence that we here is part of the, of the application from the prosecutor. the prosecutors also called on non state parties. he said, you've been worked with non state parties in this particular context as a matter of law. so we have that obligation or politically, of course, it is quite a different. it's quite a different matter. if we think bunch a few years to the situation in, in dire for when the security council referred the situation to the court and the court issued an arrest warrant for genocide against foam around this year. the only time the court of has ever issued such an arrest warrant, there was a strong reaction, and that was a threat that african union states would withdrawal all mass from the court. now that never happened, we only moved one who had
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a 100 foot 2 or 3 countries that actually have withdrawn from the courts sort of in protest in relation to the us. i'm not sure that we would see a mass withdrawal and said for exempt from e u. member states, we're already seeing statements of marlin from benjamin for motors, standing in support of the courts, which you mentioned germany, of course. and i think that is the real test for germany. it is commitments to international criminal law and its obligations under the rule of the statute with prior to prioritize its commitment to the state of israel or its commitments to those international legal obligations at the time. i think we have to know talking about commitments to the state of israel. we've been having some very, very strong statements coming from the white house, from, from the us president, particularly threats from some republican lawmakers to even sanction the i. c. c, could in any way, legal action be taken against the quote from the united states. i'm not
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particularly, no, i don't think i have an option to do so i'm, i'm all over. you know, it might actually work the only way to practice against the work because of the court and its staff members for actually offenses under their own statues of the international criminal court. we have heard these beside probiotic statements coming from from the us, some information in the us saying that it's an have ranges saying that he's right and is not a state party. russia is not a state particular on such as international criminal court. neither do praying for that matter, even though they've accepted the jurisdiction of the court. and the us do you k and others have support is the issue of arrest warrants in the context of ukraine against vladimir putin. that's free. other russian senior middle military and political leaders. so when we hear talking hypocrisy, we actually need to identify where that box is the is, is, is present. professor shy. and also you have be an extraordinary clear and explaining all of the complications of this to as many thanks for joining us.
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the list and terms, some of the world news down iran. supremely domestics. i had 5 days of national morning after the death to present abraham recei in a helicopter crash. the wreckage was found early on monday for minister who was one of the 9 on board is also being confirmed that michael apple looks back at how events some folded before and after the crash of the these way rainy and president e brian, right he's, he's fine allow is attending the annual duration of to dance on sunday, near the board with us advisors on, along with that countries. presidents yolanda leah saw seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years then reports began to emerge that the president's
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helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president wry. you see foreign minister who's saying a meat of the lucky on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region, near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province. a sort of a runs armed forces in more than 70 search and rescue team spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness, sick fog, and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country from tip run to the president's hometown mashhad, ukrainians came out to print nearly 20 always off to the helicopter. disappeared
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from right on the wreckage was discovered a state television deliver this message to the nation prices. on the 4th, i launched back, so hardworking and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not when this rugged a forest liked rain up, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971. waste and sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spare parts or new aircraft is already on the supreme leader,
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ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of morning? we, according to runs constitution, a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president has 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike, level l g 0. okay, let's take a look at some reactions worldwide to present abraham raise. he's death, the us state department says a brown race. he's death fundamentally doesn't change the stamps. on the run. the national security advisor, john coby said tracy, i quite had a lot of blood on his hands for what he called the stabilizing activity in the region. he took his present of a ship type o, n is declared a day of morning over rice. he's devastating. his cabinet made the decision to share the suffering of the brotherly arabian people. a mile russian president vladimir putin include wry. you see a true friend who was devoted to serving his motherland and chinese present, changing, paying said rise. he helped develop
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a comprehensive partnership between china and iran. now one of britain's most outspoken politicians as being labeled a well criminal for his strong support of his route. and as for on garza, so when i brought him in is a form of government minister who has also been why the criticize for his comments on immigration and the countries who am i will covering this week. she found herself that they sent over the power single time a vice thinking encounter with the students who also criticized governments, responds to the ongoing riley's and the u. k. a support of palestinians. yeah, completely ignore the issue about what's happening is riley talked about it, animosity, and that's to about what time it really say is done to the last $7.00 to $6.00 is. so would you say not just around the right to defend itself? israel does not have the right to do what is doing right now, which is a genocide, which is the criminal enslavement. trusting people in certain places and then saying you've got to move somewhere else,
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but ongoing invasion of ross that has been sort spoken about to the displacement of millions of people. of course they don't have the right to do that. no one thinks they do. right. and then you, posing those questions is exactly what makes students in cambridge they don't want to talk to, i don't wanna talk to anyone criminal. i want to go over this and comment, i want to grow and it was close. close the, i mean is there's a lot of criminal. yeah, i mean, so no more criminal. so that was the you just to speaking to the 4 women associates . and i to this when the revolution and communist party help coordinate several incumbents in support of palestine across multiple u. k. university. she joins belie from london if i will. and welcome to you. so just to give that to exchange a bit of context, you have been invited onto the news. it is being described as a right leaning channels to a problem. and definitely right, leading a self, the assumption was, so this would be a moving of your political views. but the other ended up being true. what was your experience that i exchanged? yeah, definitely. um,
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the reason i went on is because when you watched the news in the u. k. b, b, c, news, sky news. it's like being got flipped on a monument to scale. and i felt like it was important to go on that to say the truth of what's happening, unexposed, these people for what they all the getting away with mazda. and that's why it was important to, to do that. and for someone to just say, well, everyone is thinking and feeling already because people are so angry when they come out here with these lies, that's what they're saying. and incumbents, that's what this thing and the protests and it was necessary to just cut through the hypocrisy. this comes to me spewed out by all of these politicians, what is your exchange with? so whether profit men will say for a bit of context, i mean this is a full, a minister who was fired precisely for handling all of these pro, posting it will posting and solidarity launch is what does the exchange say about the difference in opinions between the public politicians when it comes to gaza, testing about, i'd say it's
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a demonstration of the fact that these people are completely out of touch with the real need in society. palestine has become a lightning world for all of the accumulated and the young people in law cuz house towards the establishment. and it's becoming so apparent to people that this is no longer a question of just individual politicians while they swell. a brave woman is particularly hateful, one um, the a lot of people have a lot of strong feelings towards, but it's about what they represent, which is a whole system. the counselor system will in prostate, above everything else. and i think what's significant is that it's an international feeling as well. the main feature of politics today is people pacing the room establishment. and that's why the revolution commies, potties, is organized, actually internationally. and is trying to sections all over the world. the people to channel banga actually into history communist international,
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which we're launching in june on the 10th of june. right. let me, let me focus on something that happened and not exchange with sort of brought them in as well because you said something quite powerful. you said that you believe to have the power along with others who ascribed to your opinions surrounding the war in gauze or the power to bring down this government and the future government. we obviously in the u. k, there was an election lou mean, what did you mean by that? can you clarify your point? a well, i mean is that these incumbents are just as a flash point, the spark of what could become a much bigger mass movement. i think to take down more criminals or any government and not getting what kinds of facilitating days. we need to move allies students. yes. but ultimately why? cuz i think what, cuz should go on strike. we should look at all of the industries that are taking part,
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facilitating investing in these really states in the idea in any form and work is have the power to stop that we can stop the trends, pool of money as of weapons. i don't say political support to israel and i think i think it's important that we get that message out, that we have the power to do something to stop our government. and that's my main enemy. the main enemy, for me is, is, is, birth is person, and the british states, i should say, in the main enemies, the american students, for example, is, is cleaning bite and, and that's what significant about this and, and it can happen if we grow the incumbents and get the work is in involved, all right, to fee and allow a pleasure to have you on the program. thank you. thank you. now we see leaks found a julian assange is baffled to avoid extradition received a huge support on monday. the you guys top court road a so this can appeal against being sent to the united states to face espionage challenges. the judges filed assurances from the u. s. on how he will be tried and
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sentenced if convicted unsatisfactory. so i'm just facing 18 challenges of to his website published secret ministry documents. 15 years ago, crowds gathered outside the court in london, where i found his wife's status, spoke off the ruling and quote, for the united states for abundant. in the case, the judges reached the right decision. we spent a long time hearing the united states putting lipstick on a pig. but the judges did not quiet as a family were relieved. but how long can this go on? the united states should read the situation and drop this case now. now is the moment to do it. just abandon the shameful attack on journalists on the press on the public that has been going on for 14 years.
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the process defense ministry says this forces have taken control of the village of puerto rico and the defense collegian russian forces continued to push in to ukraine's hockey region with ariel strikes, hitting a number of villages john home and was in the village of chesko. it was all the just off to a russian missed on a sec to catch go to those of wasn't quite village, just know football, keith, where people came to fish until 11. am this sunday the me so ripped through the country club on the lake. sure. we run into valentina wondering, the road outside people. what's happening in the hollow for the footsteps, giving a fragment, he's my head here. elizabeth, my blood congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband, but she didn't pick up. you know, he was lying on the lake shore was his dog,
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where he stays there. her husband is one of the dead who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key if you crane 2nd city ross has been bombarding it for months. hitting industrial targets and for residential buildings . so military unless, believe it's an effort to push the population out, let's look forward to use the noise was so just staying in the country club. so live is less. this is not even a so called soviet press base. the russians like to see and what's the impulses of your plan, what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes, beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows of lane. the roof has been damaged here as well. but it's not
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just that it's the people they've been lost or been injured. be to sister and the husband, the discipline, back to see the family of the leaving for all and just to start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike here, which she said, gosh, just in her breast. that's what her ballot i didn't know have to close them and budge them. and my brother in law's good like of us almost and set out and his stomach was one of them, but land kia and the blood tests pouring out. like a fun thing to you. i'm glimpses of now taking both away and beats is mom lou, both start sweeping up while she waits for the nurse for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet some kids going home and out to 0 to castillo's all the few cried. the still ahead on that which is 0 lie. jean k is one,
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is the new president of taiwan and tells china to stop its intimidation. and school celebrations in cairo is one of egypt best items, so the teams wins 8 major continental trophy. the business latest is brought to you while the pegasus i live slowly on. one of your lives makes modern pleads.
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the business latest is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern plates. the top is pulling up his power name. thank you so much. lever pool. have confirmed the appointment of arnie slot as their new manager. the, the former sign or coach, made his final device to the dep side, and their fan slot announced himself that he'd been appointed a few days ago,
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having taken over as fine art in 2021. he won both the doctor league and cap slot, has repeatedly signed a 3 year contract with liber pool and takes over. you're going cloth. he took charge of his final red scheme on sunday. egyptian side and some alike have won the african confederation top the beats are as upper canes of morocco. one know, in the 2nd leg of the final and cairo. this is the 2nd tier competition for african club having last the 1st like to want this when saw is i'm a like winning the title on the a way goals rule. robin adel has returned to rolling barrows to practice, to try and figure out whether hell compete at the french open, which begins on sunday. the span of has won the tournament a record 14 times, but after missing most of the 2023 campaign due to fitness an injury is not been able to hit his best form this year,
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which is expected to be his last to alexander's a rev b nicholas yardi to win his 2nd as highly in open titles. the world number 5 defeated his julian opponent in straight fence. the wind gives a rad preparations big boots, heading into the french open, or he'll be one of the favorites to win the title. sanders softly has won the 1st at major golf a title of his career. a single stroke separated the american from the chasing packet. the pga championship anti richardson reports posts on the final green. so when your 1st major sunday, showplace has been stripped this moment many times and sunday, until this minute with the pga championship by when stroke was like, oh my gosh, this is what i want for a winning. but fortunately it was up hill. it was, you know, 6 feet ish. i ended up playing it straight, it did go left,
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caught the left side. just a huge, just so much relief as the shoulders length and that, kentucky's val how across the chasing pack was closing in on shuffling. when, when you're sleeping champagne, gross and to show, but it's on the charge. 6 bodies in a whole. so new ways, but it's a hopeless, briefly take the lead softly. how does one a total of the to use this is to be is day is super sweet. but when i, when i break it down, i'm really just proud of how i handle certain moments on the course today. different from the past. after his arrest by traffic police on friday morning, we'll number one scuffle shiffler finished and it's only the 8th is due to have a cool team on tuesday. you're out here competing. you're doing what you can throughout the course of the round to post a score and i wasn't able to get that done yesterday. did i feel like myself?
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absolutely not. was my warm up the way usually as in the distractions where they normally are? absolutely not showplace when has moved him up to a career best 2nd in the world rankings. and will just be defending his olympic title of the parish games on the richardson. how do you 0 a meli hoard as dominance of the women's game goes on for the 6th time in 7 tournaments, the world number one finished up as the winner. this victory for the american coming at the lpga tour event in new jersey. her next challenge will be the us women's open, which starts at the end of the month. oh, extended to 6 rain, as undisputed heavyweight world champion may only last a few weeks. it's expected that he'll be stripped of his ibm world title, as because they were premiums. next, spike likely will be a re match against tyson fury. however,
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that seems to be contradict the abs plans with the american based body having a mandatory challenger in place. philip here gawk of croatia. it's believe the i b f will remove their belts from sick and make her desk fight fight against daniel de la a title, but it's now the raining and the champions, denver nuggets had been dumped out of the playoffs. the semi final series was locked at $33.00, heading into their decided against the minnesota timber wolf. and then i just made a strong start on their home port opening off the 20 point lead the timber well spot back to when it's 98 points to 90 and wrap up the series for 3 overall puts them into the western conference finals for the 1st time in 20 years for they'll face the dallas mavericks. as i said, we have, we don't have a big 3. we got a big 15. you know, we, with every single person on his team, ease of lots of his team and they help, there's so many different ways of his game just shows that the timber was helping
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out where it's not currently childs that really go there. and the timber was our special team. here comes the center we have, tony produced another game winning moment for the la dodgers. his 1st walk off his is joining dodgers. gave his team the 3 to end of the semester. the. all right, and that is all useful for now back to me for many things. so that great stuff, right? okay, couple more stories before we leave because india is 6 week long general election has entered is the final stages. the 5th phase of voting has being held across 6 states and 2 federally administered regions. i'm going to send a vendor moody and he's b j. p policy or seeking a 3rd time in an election mod by hate speech and accusations of induce constitution being on the thread, the indian government, and hasn't granted visa style,
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which is it was jealous. so we're coming the election from outside of the country is almost a century for reports from india is financial kept him home by tele doc the he 1000000 regions some 3000 meters above sea level of or nearly 90000000 indians were eligible to cost a balance for 49 seats, the least number being contested in this general election, but is crucial for the governing beach ape which wants to been by and large majority easily at this rally from this terrain to move the cold on his supporters to help him get 400 seats, jar, doing job so far in 2000. 19 the b. b. one more than 300 of the 543 seats in the lower house of parliament in this election as movie seeks to put them, he wants to strengthen his power off. got it was big.
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every votes of use will strengthen, develops india, the selection is known to vote for the policy, but it's a vote for the nation. this is why the whole country is saying on june 4th, we cross 406 the opposition congress accused the b one to be to destroy in the us constitution. but on monday night i'm, it's shawna, the prime minister. i'm it shaw and other m. p. 's of decided that if they win these elections, they will to and throw the indian constitution. this is what the fighters about. moody criticize the congress body of appeasing the muslim minority community. the accusations and contract positions have made the selections deeply defensive, and the se movie speech has put his body on the defensive. i do think the 400 seats backfired. i think that, that put a bad nick into the system about is this affair election? will the constitution be changed and those are exactly now the that's kind of
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battle of image perception. those are exactly the issues of b, p as being forced to battle today. and it's really the fallout from that initial narrative. a prime minister moody's government has tried to push simply controversial policies in the past 10 years. they've let most protests now in the phone or romans of this world. some say the one of the about the b p 's next move. especially if it winds by a huge mileage, and the people who we have this, the b j. p might change the constitution because it doesn't work for the benefit of the pool. it's a policy that supports big business and business man, like a donnie, an embalming across the country. unemployment installation, and lack of development. a major concerns for both as and d. c, the thinking of those issues as they cost the balance of consumption. these conscious ego taiwan is the president as quote on china to respect the audience
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democracy and to stop the military and political threats by ching tay was inaugurated on monday and called for talks of china by jane had cooled him a dangerous separatist for refusing to accept the chinese self into the country have you reports from paging. a liking to is a doctor turned politician from the vice president and now the president of ty, one, the leader was sworn in on monday months up to his policy, wanted unprecedented. the consecutive presidential tub is integration, celebrations with joyful, with ly. speech carried assume the message, but they think they're just trying to stop intimidating taiwan politically and militarily, you know, take on the global responsibility. what's tie, want to work hard on maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait. any sure the word is without the fear of war breaking out. the jenkins. it is the island,
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a road chinese territory and cut official communication with its government in 2016 . china is taiwanda says also says lies, comments revealed his true nature as a $21.00, independence walker, title taiwan independence is a debt and no matter under what guys what panama pursue in taiwan, independence, and say, section is doomed to fail to think. sure by the law has quotes the dialogue with a james, china is on. so has been to send several people separation on a flight to just across the taiwan straits, median line and unofficial boundary. badging does not recognize the incursions have become increasingly routine pushing light to play more funding for time when these forces and move closer to the united states. it's most important allies. for me, us officials attended, you know, gratian as well as representatives from the 12 nations maintaining diplomatic relations with the tie. one that list has the windshield and recent years. as more countries of fatalities with aging,
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life faces challenges domestically to his democratic progressive party. last, it's paula men to majority in the general election. few and stuff is in the government chain, but against moving lighting to determination to continue ty, once democracy, the scene as an act of defiance against staging it considered as the islands of tubs and mainland control inevitable life. as you will work to maintain the status, quoting, not about you know provoking aging. the chinese efficiency has closeness to washington since a danger signal. on monday law, i received 2 samples of presidential power suit, spoke to tie one after the republican government. most of the chinese civil war and flood that in 1949. he's promised to be a strong lead us a ty, ones future. but he won't escape the complex history of it's past. katrina, you all to 0 aging. i cannot send me the bucket for this news. my room to mozy will be here in just a moment. so i'm with much more. today's news,
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thanks for watching the if you're watching this prerecorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just screen to be any stray me when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because what additions thinking here, this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was time for inside is real popular. also independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be bad. my out of government that stands indicted for general size. i think the national court of justice on counting the cost of india is income inequality gap his wife makes. so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to boost
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global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production products? counting the cost on it, which is 0. now let me tell you about safari, the cool result, the fast of its kind. in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here. like coming here sits on within large tears faced with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gun you will see caught a duty in a grove using for p. use a caught, to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the car. and we strive to ensure we, which is deserving recipients, visit the cost of web presence. and remember, it's
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a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. the, the international criminal court still prosecute to request arrest warrants for these really lead to benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister for real crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. the icpc prosecutors also seeking warrants for the rest of the 3 senior mass fleet as to the groups on top of 7th attack on israel. the hello i'm, i, am i z, this is out. is there a life from dell are also coming up on the program for bringing the lights is from gauze or itself. israel's mask,


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