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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like this, this wrote to you believe i guess is a line. it's funny on one of your makes modern pleads. there's a deliberate mission of pulse manager in western and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the, the hello i, mario, minimize the welcome to the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes. the icbc prosecutor, 6 or rest warrens for is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his defense minister for rule crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. kareem khan is also pursuing warrants for the rest of 3 senior. how my seat is for the groups. october 7th, attack on israel. the
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relentless is writing strikes on gauze are itself more than a 100 people have been killed in the last 24 hours. many of them elderly and children are all the top story this now. iran is announcing presidential elections for june 28th off to present a brian rice. he was killed in a helicopter crash and sports. how many lakeside liverpool have confirmed their new manager for next season. coach on a slot will take over from european club police after 9 years in charge. the hello and welcome to the program of 12 story. the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court at the hey, is applied for the arrest warrant for senior mouse, and is really does accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity to
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include these riley prime minister, benjamin netanyahu and defense minister, your guidance arrest for and so also being sort of a senior how my seat is smell, honey. yeah, yeah, yes. and while i'm home a days, so i live in job 8. now airports solving children is a trying, the killing civilians is a war crime. and bill for the causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 3 reasons. the prosecutor of the international criminal court is cited for requesting at restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister golf kalonde. reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a minister of defense you. i've got back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is read,
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the ministers have denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. before the minister is ready costs, it says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially the board room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees is right. really game will text it says was this war of the old very because of december and the hardwood is against us any to unite the game. these very easy to very nation, at least still even more nation at least this way. and everyone receives, so just in such a victim by the evil decision, i think it's adjusted. this is the icpc. prosecutors also seeking the rest warrants for from us political and been if you need to explain honey yes. and bar involvement they've that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 how much lead has a criminal you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians in a textbook to try to buy a mess. and i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says the
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arrest warrants for nothing. yahoo and kalonde a several months too late. and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator, i. c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government is really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to its soldiers and its issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide, rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the conduct in god's unfolded cream hunts. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as an action to hold is really comfortable. ceasefire a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, mostly expressed anger. i had to mondays, i cc announcement target israel and we will talk to you that
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a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senators, the trenton to cut funding and sanctioned i c. c stuff and their families. 3 this is bills are today in the me a talk of the rest within is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than 35000 continues and displaced millions more since october. so i'm a job. he was there, i was, is there a step boss and brings us this update? now she's reporting audio from outside the international criminal court at the hague. after months of pressure from all sides on the international criminal court, the prosecutor here has made a major announcement with the rest of the organs that he's requesting. now, the icpc is embarking on an unprecedented join. and one of the most high profile cases it's ever had since it's the establishment in 2002, despite all the pressure coming from the united states, for example. and also criticism for from countries like germany who are wondering
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if the court has the jurisdiction the prosecute with a has decided to go ahead with this case. what will now happen is that the pre trial chamber judges would have to decide if the request for the arrest warrants are valid. so that will definitely also add the jurisdiction of the court. and we know that since 2021, this court has decided that it's can a rule over cases that happened prime. so it has been committed in the palestinian territories, although it's route is not a signatory of their own statute. so this, the judges will have to decide probably within a few weeks. and what then happens if they really decide to issue these arrest warrants, then the $124.00 members of who have signatories assigned to the room, such as will have to arrest these people when they come into their countries and have to transfer them to the hague, where they will be detained,
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and will be put on trial. i have to know, though, that the country select the united states. china is route, for example, on not the signal 3. so in these countries, they don't have that same obligation, but still this is a very significant 1st step in a very prominence case. step process, elgin's era, the hey me and i will out of there as momma jump, jim has more now on the is writing reaction to this i see see decision. and he's actually reporting from amman as well as bind algebra from reporting inside the country. so we, instead in the joe dining capital, the outrage across the is really political spectrum of the announcement that international criminal court, cheap prosecutor cutting pond and seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin it's in yahoo is really defense ministry walk a lot as well as 3, i'm us leaders is really prime minister netanyahu declaring that he rejects with
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disgust the comparison between israel and how much here's more of what and it's, and you also have to say, well, absolutely about should condition that the, this absurd and deceitful warrant of the persecution in the hague is aimed and also on the against israel is prime minister and defense minister both against the entire states. if is right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against the vile murder was of a month who attacked us with ring dispute tell it to you on october 7th, the prosecutor in the haines with was odessa to do you did compared between the how much monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most immoral army at a time of such deep political polarization is real at a time when there's so many divisions across the political landscape. what we heard throughout the day after the announcement from the i c. c was very much a common refrain, very much echoing, but we also heard from that's in yahoo for example. you had war cabinet member been
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against former israeli defense minister, and he tweeted that to equate israel and how much was moral blindness. we also saw a tweet from the opposition leader in israel. yeah. your la pete in that tweet. but pete said the icpc arrest warrants are a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between us and yahoo, instant war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much we also saw a tweet from is really president issac hertzog, who in a late fee statement said among other things, the announcement of the prosecutor at the icpc is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, whose they for turn should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly rejected. beyond that, we also saw a lot of quotes from a named is really political officials throughout these really media landscape
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throughout the day. calling the announcement from the i c. c, hypocritical, saying that it was embarrassing on an international level that it was disgraceful that it was insolent. what we know is that there are top legal scholars in israel, as well as members of the national security council and the foreign ministry that are all meeting they have set up a war room to try to figure out how to deal with all this going forward. how much i'm doing with 0? i'm not. and also diary reports now on how people in gaza have reacted to this decision by the icpc in gaza policy news do not have any access to the internet. their only source of news is us as correspondence and reporters. we have been trying to talk to people. some of the people do not know that this has been issue today. others have been found this very ironic and funny and some raised a little bit of questions. is this going to change anything on the ground?
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is this going to stop? how is this change our lives? findings in use have been striving to find food defined watts or to find their medicine to their children. they have been displaced for more than a couple more than 8 times 9 times. that's all that policy is are currently focusing on. but when we're coming to highlights how much response they condemn the icpc for our equalizing the policy in use. and then they said that this case, 7 months late as the is really officials have been committed thousands of crimes against the palestinians. and they also said that the agencies should have issued a rest warrant against all the is ready. and officials that have been in charge of the it's where the atrocities against a policy new, but so far, policy news find this meaningless because they have very bad history. with the i c c, and the security council and everything that is related to
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a stopping this genocide. o u. s. president joe biden has condemned the international criminal quotes, prosecute to for requesting and a restaurant against his radio leaders, bicycle, and joins us live now from the us state department in washington. tell us more about how the administration is reacting as well. you as president joe biden released a fairly brief statement, but he called the act outrages. we heard a lot more from people here at the state department. the state department spokesman matt miller went through a list of reasons why he says the us subjects to this. first and foremost he said this is, it is fully unfounded and should not have been brought. so that's their bottom line . but here the reasons they give, they said that the i c. c, the international criminal court doesn't have jurisdiction over this area because palestine is not a state. he didn't talk about the fact that the us has taken great measures to make sure palestine is not recognized as
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a state of the un security council. then he went on to say in other areas, other states that have faced some sort of questions. they left the state investigated 1st. they didn't do that in this case. then he went on to say this, i see, see really is only there for countries that refused to investigate themselves. and matt miller said, look, is real, is investigating a several different cases. some has been referred to criminal cases. of course, we've got no specifics on that. but what do you do there? he's talking about is investigations and behavior of idea of soldiers. not if in fact, the leadership of the country. so obviously very different things there. and it's not one of the more telling aspects was during the press briefing, he was asked. so where do palestinians go for just as if you say they can't go to b, i c, c a. they can't go to everywhere else that they wanted to go. and you said they shouldn't do that. they said, well, didn't pass duty and should go to israel to get some sort of justice if they,
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if they feel they've been wrong. so what influence does america have over the i c c, the almost non re truly uh the, its not a huge thunder of the international criminal court. no senators or vince was best we mentioned before, talking about sanctioning the judges. they had a prosecutors, people who work on this case, that would mean if they had vast sums of money and the american face that it could be, they could hold onto it or they could issue travel bands. i don't know if that's going to be enough to sway them, but they do have the leverage when it comes to the palestinians in the law. it does say that if the palestinian authority either instigates or helps with any i see investigation in the us could cut off all of its funding to the palestinian authority. so that would be a much bigger threat to the the house, to the story. and we've seen israel take similar steps when i came to the i c c as well. so they do have levers against the palestinians against the intro national
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criminal court, much less. so thank you very much bye to call hanging and washington and other developments the united nations security council is been holding an open debate on the situation in gaza, southern city of rough or israel's whitening offensive. there is forced more than 800000 people to sleep, as it most certainly is. spoke of the meeting on behalf of the united nations office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs. she says that the situation in gaza is beyond what's to be frank. we are running out of words to describe what is happening and as a we have described it as a catastrophe, a nightmare. as hell on earth. it is all of these and worse and living conditions continue to deteriorate as a result of heavy fighting, particularly in depth layer an eastern rough as well as is really bombardments from air land and see the number of casualties continues to increase by the day
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a i was just there as gabe, as auto joins us live from the united nations. what else did we learn about the urgency of the situation and rough uh, where we have a massive population that is sheltering from is ready bombardment, that has now yet again, intensified as they expand their operation in that positive gaza as yeah, that's right. doing this security council meeting continues as we speak right now. but clearly we heard from the individuals who just heard from their mr. surnow, who is from the officer coordination of humanitarian affairs, who laid out a very dire situation on the ground in gaza right now. but specifically pointing to 812000 palestinians just in the last 2 weeks that have been forced out of rafa because of israel. israel's intensified military operations in and around rafa. that's a huge number of people. and what she said when she brief to the security council
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is that the u. n. is having to reconfigure their operations in response to this huge population movement of people as she called it. but she said the un simply lacks fuel and supplies to provide meaningful support for the people that need it the most. and again, we're talking about 900000 people displaced in all of guys are right now. uh, 812000 of which are just from a rough uh uh, in the last 2 weeks or so. she said basically the wrap. a border crossing remains closed. when that's closed, it just prevents any sort of a to get it. and not only aid for the people. posting anita, but also supplies such as fuel that the un needs to distribute to run and power such things such as hospitals and bakeries. there's only 10 bakeries, all and guys are 3 of an operational at this point. so she really laid out a very start in gram humanitarian situation on the ground in gaza right now. and
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one that does simply, this is the peer that the us as built. it's gotten some 80 and over the last 36 hours clearly is not even close to enough for what is the need right now in dallas . so that's right. and then also very important award to shed moment for the international criminal court today, and prosecute to cream con, announced that he was pursuing arrest warrants by mouth and is right elite is. is there been any word on this, the united nations, from the officials back today? a well official united nations folks such as the secretary general, if you will. he won't comment on this. and that's because of the i c. c is a separate body. it's not technically part of the united nations, even though they collaborate on some things the i c, j. on the other hand, the enter national court of justice is the highest court affiliated with the united nations, although independent. so you won't hear from you and officials, per se,
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the secretary general, we have been roaming around un headquarters as much as we can since early this morning trying to talk to diplomats trying to talk to the security council members as they went in or out of security council meetings all day and the bottom line is nobody is rushing to go to the podium or come over to our microphones to, to give any comments on the cream cons decision, primarily because it's not arrest warrants yet. it's cream con application for possible arrest warrants. and so i think diplomats right now or, you know, wait and see sort of a stage right down simply as one said, it's a hot potato to that. a lot of these diplomats simply don't want to touch right now . until they absolutely have to i thank you very much. gabriel, arizona. bring us the latest from the united nations. we'll continue keep an eye on the meeting that that is discussing at the her end the situation and, and rough up. but for now,
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that's bringing most of our who twos in ramallah is the spectra general of the policy, the national initiative. so it has been a day where we have seen this, these arrest points being pursued for a mass and is ready to lead is the same time just listening in to that briefing from united nations security council saying that that it's a desperate and dangerous situation for a besieged population inside gaza. of course, israel rejects the accusation that it submitted tree campaign and goes, there is a, a genocidal act of war against the palestinians. it seems as though, despite all of these uh, warnings that there is a sort of a, an input to impotence on the part the boy will come in and see to be able to stop this of what we've seen today is a really important moment on board it's a bit late, but to find that instead of getting behind it showed his opinion describing what's
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happening, god's word crimes, and describing those that are in the behavior as an act of war, crimes against humanity in describing in details the what does or is doing the extermination of the palestinian people and using the hunger instead of ation as uh, a lot of instrument decision does a complete to depriving people full time depriving people find the other sources for the human life. i'm source advice on and i think the most important thing, today's does that he said that to the, to be fixed and as extermination by those that are in the army. so this is an important moment because it to me is we find that you saw the in the visitor is infinity, which has left it for 7 to 6 years because after must have goes ok you patient apartheid the longest occupation, the modernist, the fine,
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at least somebody is saying so is that it is international and you wouldn't be accountable to it. do you think that that process could be somewhat could it be possibly cut short? could it face obstacles? how much pressure might be? we see now from israel's allies on the judges. to decline, cons, request for arrest warrants or is there a need is of course the court is subject to to tenant been oppression under 10 of the subjects, but on many sides, including the united states of america and the some senators on congress, people on the deserted sense, of course, but the judges now face a very important to the point. either they want to follow the conscience and follow the international law. and they show that once against nothing you know, on the government or they wouldn't be subject to,
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to the psychological instead of the subject to, to and i hope they want, i hope they would follow the national and just apply international law as they should the most i would say just think, and this whole scene is the action of mr. by then describing the act of the quote as outrages and actually because really funny to see the united states of america, which crazed the court for a show in government. i guessed that i shouldn't president fulton and brandon did so much for that. i'm not. busy criticizing this quote, i'm saying that that has no right to do to describe what is there any crimes. those are the kinds of that happening and, and the other, i mean the lab and some of the injury to say that the, that the court cannot do that because by this time is not the state toes, but event things up. i understand from being investigated savannah states of
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america, as i cannot use the see, can i ask you that, you know, even if it was the same sort of discussion, went along the same lines uh, with regards to russia when the icpc made moves in that direction. but given that how mouse and his writing is unlikely to ever stand trial, unless they are in the course, custody of israel has previously disregarded international legal decisions. do you feel that this process will eventually come to nothing, even if arrest warrants are granted? you know, it's not kinda, it's getting us in court or the, the effect cuz desks look what is it a this one is what are the systems phoning about? you have the international court of justice, which is going to decide about the act offers the committed genocide most normally when you have this one that evaluation by the people of the world by
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the end goods in the nation with the world, you have our medicaid and younger generation and all universe that to do most anything against a 0. and then now you have the international criminal court. it's been doing up. and this is now, is it or it doesn't know, but i session. is it a, as a water criminal? and the lead, as a visitor and as as little criminals. and of course, this is a point of change. finally, i am repeating what i said finally, is it or is not in punitive to international until accountability. and this is, in my opinion, a technical point. but it is of course, very sad. i'm of the same time. very strange that 116 members of the is it or the clear? nice it have a 106. i don't know exactly. have signed the petition supporting the now against the court. this means that we are facing the not the near on does government but the whole and then the sessions and visiting is very going to be
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the visitor. well, thank you. we'll continue with the conversation all the time, but for now thank you for joining us. thank you. well inside gauze are itself is really attacks of killed at least a $106.00 palestinian since sunday. thousands of people have been killed in northern gauze, are also as ready forces targeted a residential squire and bait law. here. many of the victims were women and children, axles, i'm a vis reports. the the, the what is the is really bumps are raining down again. the northern does, the targeting civilian areas. 6 on monday morning explosions hit the most of the neighborhood of bait last year. building scramble, trapping people into robin panic spread among thousands of palestinians shelter. and here i was passing through this road and all of a sudden the earth was shaking as if it was an earthquake piece. the flash of
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screwed over the walls, look for yourself. i'm collecting pieces of flesh and i was in the market, came home to find all my brothers and sisters going. all of them were killed rick to pieces their flesh scattered all over the place at a nearby come all odd one, hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed with the continuous influx of victims, including many children and the elderly. the. this medical facility is one of the few still barely operating in northern cancer and face and collect staff. and i just seen them and supplies. israel has been in testifying its military operations across the strip in the past 3 weeks. earlier this month, troops and tags began moving into southern gaza targeting the city of process. the
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civilians were ordered once again to head to other areas. but with the entire strip under relentless bombardment, they find themselves with nowhere to go. acts of language, which is 0. in the line, 10 of these 1000 have been protesting against benjamin netanyahu is the government that have gathered never connects it as well as parliament resumed its work. after a break, i a much was held on a television highway calling for the resignation of 5 minutes, and netanyahu demonstrates is also quoted on the government to reach a deal with him, us to return the captain's health into casa. so head for you, you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village will take you to northeastern ukraine, where people in a small fishing village find themselves on the front lines of war by drink ties. one is the new president of taiwan tells china to respect the islands democracy and
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then support the 2nd major golf championship the it goes down to the final green. it will be here with that story, the the hello. we have some beaks, some like stones across. so many pots, if you're up at the moment, you can see this uh area cloud here, across front and other ones just around but west, inside of the med. another one i have a to was the balkans just spinning away here for the research study we drive is a high pressure and charged. so that's where the sun shining that is warm sunshine for the most part. even then we'll see some wet weather, some shabby right, just getting into the western russia or into the both the states. but the where this weather will be across germany, austria check republic pushing down towards the bulk and some live, the showers lie be storms of rumbling away. so i some fun to have you down poles in
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political, nighttime, gusty winds as well. good roster shots across western pos if you're up to into a western font central fonts, southern areas pushing down into the north of spain and portion i just wish i was just cropping up a crossing with wells. public file and filled in all the same, some shops out with the weather, eventually pushing in discussions as well as some heavy rain here as we go through the middle part of the week by the state was pretty disturb right down to the low countries. little try by the state across the mediterranean, and then last you tried to post northern parts of africa. i'll see the ne car, we're touching 40 celsius and maybe a shala's west africa. the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history with sports fights at the center. get on a sports fan anymore, unless you're gamely on. the game fault lines examines the surgeon setting and the
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impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turned this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gambles on it just the, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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. ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back. look at the main stories. now. the top prosecute of the international criminal court has applied for arrest warrants for his writing, the dis, benjamin netanyahu in defense minister. you've got it, is accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. prosecutor is also seeking warrants for the rest of her mosley. this is not any yes. and while i'm on my face are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity and the october 7th attack on israel. and is ready strikes have killed at least a $106.00 palestinians in gauze as an sunday. attacks have been reported in bait, la and giovanni and the north as well as well. find the south thousands of people including the elderly and children of were among the dead houses. there was much
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kind of, it went to one of the areas that we had some baseline here. incentives. this update from that i didn't have much of the neighborhood is where the forces targeted residential house for them to send me. the dozens has been killed and doesn't get injured. some of the bins are trying to pull out to reach people who have been killed and slipped under the weather. the wife now has been in order to pay the consequences. so many as you can see, all of this, the bus station just because of one massage. by the way, the closest ones are just 0. nothing goes pretty well this time. the point of time some other world news now and iran is announced presidential
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elections for june 28th on to the death of present abraham rice in a helicopter crash. the wreckage was found early on monday, for a minister who is one of the 9 on board has also been confirmed dead. michael, apple looks back at how events on folded before and after the crash. a set of these way rainy and president e brian, right, you see is fine, allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the border with as a by john, along with that countries. presidents yolanda lee saw seattle this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and tours. given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years then reports began to emerge that the president's helicopter had to make what was referred to as a hard landing. that they had been an incident. finally,
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it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president tracy foreign minister, who was saying a made up to lucky on a provincial governor. and there security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a by john province. a 3rd of a runs on the forces emboldened 70 search and rescue teams spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky. but darkness sick fog. and the rugged terrain hampered search operations across the country from test run to the president's hometown mashhad. iranians came out to print nearly 20, always off to the helicopter. disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered a state television deliver this message to the nation prices. the 4th i launched by the hardworking and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing
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but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can pose challenges even for experienced pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather was clear and then you were not on this rugged. uh forest liked rain uh there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bell helicopter had been in service since 1971. westman sanctions have made it difficult for a run to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft, is already what i'm the is the supreme leader, ayatollah ali. how many has declared 5 days of morning? the, according to runs constitution,
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a council comprised of the speaker of parliament, chief justice and 1st vice president have 50 days to cool elections for the next president, mike level, which is era. so let's just take a look at some of the reaction we've seen so far around the world. the death of the iranian president, the us state department says a prime right sees that fundamentally doesn't change of the us downs on iran. national security advisor john copy said right, easy had a lot of blood on his hands for it. he called the stabilizing activity in the region that's quote from him. donkeys present worship type, other one is declared a day of morning. otherwise, he's just saying the cabinet made the decision to share the suffering of the brotherly iranian people. i was just present legitimate food singled right. you see a true friend who is devoted to solving his motherland, chinese prizes, and changing things, and rise to help develop a comprehensive partnership between china and iran, as well as last, as long as i've seen
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a research fellow at the center. so i'm at least 3 teaching studies joins as live now from kat ron. so rice is death won't change the road strategic direction for the country and domestic or farm policy. but another round of presidential elections at this time is that something the government would prefer to avoid as well. uh, you know, one thing is happening in the domestic phone and that is the best from that as well as the high ranking officials are trying to make sure that that transition that is going to be a small one. and that's why we have been saying that they have been quick enough in order to find, i think, president and active for i think bottom, minnesota just within a few hours. and on the same day, they decided to some how did so in mind the official day for the forthcoming presidential election in less than 40 days. and this in the case that they want to some, or shorten,
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shorten the transition time in order to avoid any feeling or sense of gap or vacuum in the country because it could have its own risks. specifically, if you put that, if you place this into the context regionally, you know, we have been witnessing significant developments in the middle east also domestically the country is going through quite sensitive and important times . and that's why they want to avoid any, let's say friction or let's say gap or back in. and they want to have the new president and office what uh what, what, how just give me what, what, what do you think, how difficult is it going to be to avoid that vacuum, which, which is there because it, the president has gone and now at a time of huge tensions in the region already. you know, iran is relevant gauge directly, militarily, and there are fees that that could potentially be re ignited. that risk is always
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that. now iran to be busy, distracted, new way, preparing for another round of elections might to might this be sort of a moment where we do see perhaps more instability in the country as well. there are mccann isms or, you know, the customization outlines the what can happen if something happens to the president or a member of the cabinet as we saw that there was an appointment as you know, i think the president in front of minnesota. so but also we have been seeing that the lead there as the highest ranking efficiently in the country, has been playing, getting financial the role. and he tried to reassure the public and the nation that they need not to worry about the situation. and the things will go on, as you know, it is expected also the cabinets, habit statement to address this issue. so i think as what we have been watching in the society in long the people,
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there's not this feeling of worry about what can have happened in future. uh, by the in terms of the impacts that this can or the meaning this can have for the domestic politics. i think one thing we can should say for sure is that this will feel, you know, rivalry, unkempt petition and long because of it this at least we can have other monuments of reform is given that they are, you know, confirmed and qualified by the guardian council it's a wrong for the president. what do you recognize the cannot? so you can ask you then the guardian council, which is the body that has to approve of that, who can run in the election. they likely to be quite strict about who can participate or might go in a different direction and see this as an opportunity to reach out to parts of the population that might have might be a amy and they said right now to me, you know, that's a question, that's how things will proceed then who will be qualified by the council. but at
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least we have one less candidates which was considered to be one of the strongest ones in order to run for president. i mean, the president brought him very easy. who's ops and now so i think this might somehow pay that a for the country to open up for a, for the candidates. because this is quite a sensitive time on context. so this might be expecting for the candidates to be a pro one significant a see also deals with the show of the foreign policy. what type of impact biscuit and make on the foreign policy to meet says that this will be subject to continue to then change. because the infrastructure that shapes the countries strategies in following relations is um, its policies is mostly if i would not say all, but it's mostly in place on and tag, you know, losing a president and a foreign minister is not something that the country can ignore. but to be,
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you know, uh the institutions other figures, individuals already get in place. and i think it, even if you have a different president in office, given the options, the means in the foreign policy tool box of the country. i think the policies are expected to be more or less similar to what s happening. i said look, be spotless, the average and non engagement. yeah. i continued to get guest of what you're saying that thank you very much of us on attorneys from tower on but the, actually, the defense ministry says it's forces. they've taken control of the village of the hoof. guy in the hon screeching russian forces of continued to push into ukraine's harkey region with the aerial strikes, hitting a number of villages john hallman was in the village just off to russian missile
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attacks to cascade. those of wasn't quite village, just no footpath. keith, where people came to fish until 11. am this sunday the me so ripped through the country club and the like sure. we run into valentino one during the road outside people. what's happening in the whole for the task of a fragment. he's my head here a little bit my blood congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband, but she didn't pick up. you know, he's lying on the lake shore with his dog. we're his stay there. her husband is one of the dead. who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key if you crane 2nd city ross has been bombarding it for months. hitting industrial targets and for residential buildings. so military unless believe it's an effort to push the population out. well, thirty's, the noise was so just staying in the country club. so that was left. this is not even a so called soviet pressed base. the russians like to say,
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and what's the importance of your plan? what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes that they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village to the windows lane. the roof has been damaged here as well, but it's not just that is the people they've been lost or been injured. the 2 sister and her husband disciplined back to see the family of the leaving for all and just to start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike hit me, which would be able to have cash just in her breast. that's what her balance i didn't know have to close them and bundle them at my brother in law's good. like this almost and set out and his stomach,
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one of them was land. keir here and the blood test pouring out like a phone thing. just a moment. i'm glimpses of now taking both away and beats his mom lou both start sweeping up while she waits for news for the impact to what's happening here. hasn't yet sun can join the home and out to 0 to castillo's. all the few cried south africa's top. cool as bond for my present. jacob zoom from running for parliament. it's constitutional court may be announcement on monday. 82, you will assume i left the office in 2018 face and corruption allegations was briefly joe, for contempt of court, and a surprise movie from the new political party, the m. k. in december to run against his full on the policy of the governing african national congress. that's in the elections that are coming up on may 29th. so i was new president has cooled on china to respect the islands democracy and stopped military and political threats. lighting today was integrated on monday and
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cool the talks with badging, but to china is refused to acknowledge his leadership or hockey. i'll bring you on that story is what nice want to take you now. so united nations security council where we have months to the palestinian ambassador is leaking now and stuff. it's months and months. and now we have spoken to many times and a lot of people are still being murdered every single day. so let me just say the following. today, 2000000 people have lost loved ones. in the last 7 months, lost family members lost friends. last glimpse,
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lost their homes. most of the communities, schools, universities, hospitals, were destroyed. people are being starved to death. refugees from the 1948, not by whoever waiting for the day that the ends are forced to live. it was even more cruelty and devastation thence 76 years ago. this is happening despite the decisions of every event international body, an s, and called by nearly every state in the world. there is only one conclusion to droll from these facts
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is deliberately destroyed in life and gaza. and it will not be detailed by the rules of international law or positions adopted by states or international bodies. it will only be detected by it is a new action, holding it accountable for its decisions and forcing it to change course. as the president, as the whole more opposes riley's assault on gruff and yet it is proceeding. all of you opposed going into the alpha. yet the government is proceeding. is it a, it has pushed an entire population to the southern border of guys to alpha through mass getting and destruction people with forcibly displaced time and time again include,
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or if it conditions they are being displayed yet again by the hundreds of thousands wouldn't know where to go nowhere to stay nowhere to be save, dragging what remains of their lives. confronted with this, all around them, abundant to this terrifying fate. and thought i love is it, it has escalated its mass, it goes the northern guys a note to believe india about it. instead of opening crossing points for humanitarian aid, decided to seize by force that off of crossing while providing cover for the destruction of humanitarian aid. by is that i the settlers,
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an extremist in the occupied westbank and east jerusalem at a time where the international community was calling to flood gaza. it was the humanitarian aid to stop the feminine under way. and the human suffering resulting from the scope of total, the siege is an imposed on a lot of people at the out of the humanitarian aid it deliberate and, and deniability use of starvation as a method of what is it a, it must put out from that off of grossing open old crossings and allowed and impeded flow of humanitarian aid and must withdrawal its occupation forces from the gods us through mr. president is
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a and has determined who it's enemies on the palestinian people as a whole the united nations. it's agencies the secret agenda, the security concept, the general assembly, the human rights concept, the word courts, the n g os, palestinian. is there a lease, an international, and every state an ad that dares to denounce its crime? is the president with what audacity does, is it a and could name forcibly displace a bitterly as torture, start of an entire civilian population? with what does, if he does it occupy and onyx overland with what does city does it give itself a right to life? and that's over every single palestinian and proclaims it has
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a right to be to a lot of national the rights, including to settle determination and to the independence of our states. a with a does it deal? or should i say a guns that impunity provides? we speak often in this chamber of the international know best order is a and is asking you to destroy the international based all of that with your phone hands. so it can continue killing a lot of people and unexplained our land in for an impunity. it will not listen to reason or to your protests. toyota calls audio demands. you have thrive every other way possible, and it has gone further unfair to better in its beach of the you and job title and
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the little. it's expect everything from you. lying political support, weapons for economic and trade privileges and rejects a new commitment into 10 to abide by the role of international law. to end its occupation and, and vans just and lasting is an insult and humor relates its closest friends and allies. its expect them to align their policies with its crimes, to sacrifice every thing they stand for to stand not by is the end, but by israelis colonial, sup, premises, and inhumane policies towards the palace team p. this is becoming increasingly increasingly impossible for many of them. and we believe
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that very soon we would reach a tipping point of what countries will stand up to defend freedom, justice, and peace. and there are important signs already to that effect. indeed, people around the world are making themselves head. governments are more and more outspoken. but please remember that every day without preaching that tipping point, means lives destroyed. i added you to use every 2 at your disposal to stop the mastic us as security council. and as states the to repeat,
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i added you to use every tool at your disposal and you have many of them to stop the massacres as security council. and as states a whole nation is fighting for it's set by then before your very eyes, the future of our region, the future of our award, the future of this international no best or that will depend on what you do next. thank you mr. frank. assigned to the permanent the reserves of the observer state of palestine for he says statement as i know, right. so we just listening to the outline. so i'm kind of saying, i'm positive that he spoke about 2000000 people having lost loved ones, family members, friend schools, universities, old. and the last 7 months is that the israel pushed in time cooperation have caused it to the south need to trump them. and it intensified bombing campaign for sure. okay, just a quick response from you on what we have heard from the policy. and i'm boss that of that. and now the impassioned set of remarks which he described the suffering of
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the past and people really the destruction of that communities on top of everything else, but also calling on the global community to do everything they can to express their opposition to this. yeah, that's right. really calling on the international community to do whatever they can to uphold is real to the international law based order that meant sure. i said that israel has been trampling over and ignoring for so long during this conflict over the last many months. now in guys that and he said we're at a tipping point, a tipping point. he said, where the international community he believes will rise up and defend international law and defend palestinians rights and dignity. and he said, israel continues to go on and on and on. it with impunity, never being held accountable. thank you very much. k and we'll catch up in a bit and we have another full hour of news coming up in just
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a couple of minutes time. we're going to be over a test on what has been happening is a very important to request by the i c. c. prosecute to requesting arrest points on us and is reading the latest article says remarks. there is even more on that very shortly say without you 0, the sectarian, this is terry, of the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps . the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship survive, the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured fonts. witness all 9, which is the latest news. not only that these patients squared receiving tells me
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they all left his treatments in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people had access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story. palestinian officials photo does 0 that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs tax the brutal motors to take 9 to the country and k o l g 0. well, goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessing that was a big batch of company battle in which south humans president was positive with debt to be gay. i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south him and the politicians during a routine cabinet between 8th, 1986,
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an estimate of an assassination. on al jazeera, your wills to caught a duty in a grove using for the p. use the code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris the, [000:00:00;00] the low i land and why the welcome to the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, 6 or restaurants for israel's prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, and his defense,
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minnesota on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza.


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