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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems cost on read, chris the, [000:00:00;00] the low i, laurie, i'm and why the welcome to the news our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, 6 or restaurants, as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense, minnesota on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. intentionally causing death to starvation, injury and suffering to the civilian population,
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including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political coves. the icy prosecutor is also requesting warren said to me, senior mosley this for the october 7th attack on israel. the there's no end to the blood shedding gaza from north to south. is there any forces attacking procedures, palestinians trapped and no arms and shelters. meanwhile view and security counselor's meeting on the israel's whitening offensive in the southern city of rough uh, moving 800000 people have fluffed the area in just 2 weeks and all the top story this how it wrong because of the presidential elections next month after the death of president abraham, right? you see in a helicopter crash, the
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is what it is, day $227.00. this war and of a 35000 palestinians have died. and what is an unprecedented move? chief prosecutor was a wells top criminal quotes. the icpc is seeking arrest warrants, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, the defense minister, your guidance, are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's an you always called it a complete distortion of reality. israel is close. i live united states president joe 5 and it's cool. the outrages. yeah, i see the prosecutor is also seeking arrest warrants. 3 senior mosley this for the october 7th attack, a move that was denounced by how mass sullivan job aid reports. starving children is a crime. the killing civilians is a little crime, and willfully causing suffering is also a criminal act. those are the top 3 reasons. the prosecutor of the international
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criminal court has cited for requesting at restaurants for these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and defense minister golf kalonde. reasonable grounds to believe on the basis of evidence collected and examined by my office that he's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu administer of defense you, i've got a back criminal responsibility for the following. international crimes committed on the territory of the state of palestine. several is really ministers of denounced the allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity. the foreign minister is read cods that says it's a historic disgrace. and that especially for room has been set up to counteract the decision. but not everyone agrees. here's what i really gain to text. it says, was this war of the whole reg as of december and the hardwood is against us any to unite the game? these very easy to very nation at least stick even more nation. this is way and
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everyone receives, so just in such a victim by these evil decision, i think it's a just, this is the i c. c. prosecutors also seeking the rest of ordering for from us political and been if he does explain honey, you can send bar and bahama dave that are reasonable grounds to believe that these 3 i'm actually to, is a criminal. you're responsible for the killing of these really civilians and attacks perpetrated by a mass of i'm groups on the 7th of october 2023. the palestinian group says that the rest of organs for nothing. yeah. who wouldn't kalonde a several months too late? and rather than equating the victim with the perpetrator, i c. c, should or did the rest of all occupation officials gave orders and the soldiers who carried out the crimes. if we want to be honest, we should be looking at what it is that the government, these really government has been doing the orders that it has it issued to it's soldiers and it's issued orders to its soldiers to carry out a genocide. if this court is to have any credibility, it should be going after the people were committing genocide,
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rather than just simply trying to play this game of both sides. for months, the i c. c. prosecute to face criticism of the cottage and gods unfolded cream hunts. critics, even of the un security council, criticize what they saw as, as in action to hold as we had a comfortable seas via a ceasefire. israel's allies, including the united states, also expressed anger. i had to monday if, if the announcement target is real and we will talk to you that a warning letter from it doesn't us republican senators, the trenton to cut funding and sanctioned i. c. c stop and their families. 3 this is the today in the me, a talk of arrest warrants is unlikely to have an immediate impact on the war which has killed more than 35000 continues and displaced millions more since october. some of the javi was there. well i'll just hear
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a step voss and is reporting from taking explains what the prosecute has been means for international um, for the quote itself, the after months of pressure from all sides on the international criminal court. the prosecutor here has made a major announcement with the rest of the organs that he's requesting. now, the icpc is embarking on an unprecedented join. and one of the most high profile cases it ever had since it's the establishment in 2002. despite all the pressure coming from the united states, for example, and also criticism for, from countries like germany who are wondering if the court has the jurisdiction the prosecute with a has decided to go ahead with this case. what will now happen is that the pre trial chamber judges would have to decide if the requests for the arrest warrants of ballot. so that will definitely also add the jurisdiction of the court. and we know that since 2021, this court has decided that it's can
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a rule over cases that happened crime. so it has been committed in the palestinian territories, although it's route is not a signatory of the wrong statute. so this, the judges will have to decide probably within a few weeks. and what then happens if they really decide to issue these arrest warrants, then the $124.00 members of who have signatories assigned to the room, such as will have to arrest these people when they come into their countries and have to transfer them to the hague, where they will be detained, and will be put on trial. i have to know, though, that the country select the united states. china is route, for example, on not the signal 3. so in these countries, they don't have that same obligation, but still this is a very significant 1st step in a very prominence case. step process, elgin's era, the hague, israel's leaders don't face and interest, and israel is not a member of the i. c. c, but they've denounced the prosecutor's decision is disgraceful,
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and anti symmetric lama jam june has more on the. is there any reaction to the decision and just remind you that israel, his band alger there from reporting from inside his country. so we are instead based and amman, the outrage across the is really political spectrum of the announcement that international criminal court, cheap prosecutor cutting pond and seeking arrest warrants for israeli prime minister benjamin it's in yahoo is really defense ministry walk a lot as well as 3 from us leaders, it's really prime minister netanyahu declaring that he rejects with disgust the comparison between israel and how much here's more of what and it's, and you also have to say, well, absolutely, but i should condition that the, this absurd and deceitful warrant of the persecution in the hague is aimed and also on the against israel is prime minister and defense minister both against the entire states. if is right off, it is against the idea of soldiers who are fighting with the utmost bravery against the vile murder was of
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a month who attacked us with ring dispute. tell us the on october 7th, the prosecutor in the haines with was odessa to do. you did compared between the how much monsters and the soldiers of the id, if the world's most immoral army at a time of such deep political polarization is real at a time when there's so many divisions across the political landscape. what we heard throughout the day after the announcement from the i c. c was very much a common refrain, very much echoing, but we also heard from that's in yahoo for example. you had war cabinet member of any gap. scammer is really defense minister, and he tweeted that to equate israel and how much was moral blindness. we also saw a tweet from the opposition leader in israel. yeah. your la pete in that tweet. but pete said the icpc arrest warrants or a complete moral failure. we cannot accept the outrages comparison between us and yahoo, instant war between the leaders of israel and the leaders of how much we also saw
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a tweet from is really president issac hertzog, who in a late fee statement said among other things, the announcement of the prosecutor at the icpc is beyond outrages and shows the extent to which the international judicial system is in danger of collapsing. we will not forget our hostages, whose for turn should be the main concern of the international community. we expect all leaders in the free world to condemn outright this step and firmly rejected. beyond that, we also saw a lot of quotes from named is really political officials throughout the is really media landscape throughout the day. calling the announcement from the i c. c, hypocritical, saying that it was embarrassing on an international level that it was disgraceful that it was insolent. what we know is that there are top legal scholars in israel, as well as members of the national security council and the foreign ministry that are all meeting they have set up a war room to try to figure out how to deal with all this going forward. how much i'm doing with 0? i'm not
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a problem is that benjamin netanyahu is facing pressure on the streets from anti government for testers. in west jerusalem demonstrate as riley outside to connect that against nets and youngest governments, please use voice accounting to disperse the crowd. they've been calling on the government to reach a deal with him, us to return the captives held in gaza. meanwhile, president joe abide and cooled. the icpc move against benjamin netanyahu outrages. he said to us a little way, stand with israel when it comes to threats against it. security structures. they asked me blinked and said the us fundamentally rejects the icbc, prosecutors attempt to get a warrant against his writing lead. is that any? okay, evidence of israel with him us is shameful. a drug test for a dentist live now from washington. tell us more about how the administration is reacting to this very and president job i didn't actually just spoke on this from
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the white house a few minutes ago. he was originally scheduled to speak at a jewish american heritage of that, and he said that he rejects the application for these i c. c arrest warrants. and he said that there is no equivalence between israel and her mas. as these application implies earlier, he called this outrages and that has been echoed by his aides, including secretary of state anthony blinking, who earlier said that this was shameful and saying that the i c c last jurisdiction . here's more of what his a mat miller said. the united states has been clear since well before the current conflict, the i c. c has no jurisdiction over this matter. the i c. c was established by the state parties as a court of limited jurisdiction. these limits are rooted and prop principles of compliment charity, which do not appear to have been applied here. i mean, the prosecutors rushed to seek these arrest warrants, rather than allowing this really legal system
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a full and timely opportunity for to proceed. so how much pressure we likely to see then on the ice using judges to reject, prosecute, to cream cons request for these arrest warrants? what we just heard about the letter that the republicans in congress have written, threatening us sanctions against. i sees the staff that may be more of an empty threat though. what the us can do, and of course, it itself is not a signatory to this court. but many of its allies are, is european allies in the us could ratchet of pressure for those allies. in the event that this, these arrests are issued, that these warrants are issued rather of these allies don't take action to arrest netanyahu. but however, since again the us is not a signatory itself, it's really the statements of objections that it can publicly say that is really rushing up the pressure. but i should also add that perhaps this is only push the
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us and israel a little bit closer. given that prior to this, we have been seeing more and more of tension and that relationship as by and has continually been pushing israel, not to step up its invasion of rasa, but again, and these remarks that he just made from the white house. he said that he does not believe is real options and gaza amount to genocide. and he said that the us will always stand with israel against threats to it. security marion. thank you very much. how does your castro in washington, meanwhile, and gaza people are struggling to survive? they face daily death, displace, and many don't have access to food, clean water on medicine. now the less we want us to gauge some reaction to this a request for um, the restroom. the icpc prosecute of the problems with the victims. although we have nothing to do with israel. oh, how much we know how mass or palestinian islamic jihad with citizens. and i used to
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work in israel and i was working in israel securely and safely. what's my guild for my children's guilt? what's my give to my siblings guilt? oh my neighbors guilt. why was i displaced them? why do i have to suffer every day? the opponent would, that i'm on the coast, fell off until the prosecutors of the codes are being shuffled. because the equivalence between the victims and the oppressed. how is it possible to equalize between those for defensive country and freedom? and the i c. c, c, the value, everything in accordance with the human utility and standards. and between those who target children, women, and of the people, those who display homes and structure enter your mind to your sisters and the guts us through our servers and a whole. jerry gave us more reaction from that darrow by this is in central, gaza in gaza. policy news do not have any access to the internet. their only source of news is us as correspondence and reporters. we have been trying to talk to people,
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some of the people do not know that this has been issue today. others have been found this very ironic and funny and some raised a little bit of questions. is this going to change anything on the ground? is this going to stop? how is this change our life policy? news have been striving to find food defined watch or to find their medicine to their children. they have been displaced for more than a couple more than 8 times, 9 times. that's all that part of the news are currently focusing on. but when we're coming to highlights how much the response they condemn the icpc for our equalizing the policy news. and then they said that this pay 7 months late as the is reading. officials have been committed thousands of crimes against the policy news and they also said that the agencies sort of issued arrest warrants against all the is
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ready. and officials that have been in charge of the is where the atrocities against the policy new. but so far, policy news find this meaningless because they have very bad history with the i c. c and the security council and everything that is related to stopping this genocide. right? so this is the next step in the i c. c. process and application is made to the quotes pre trial chain, but to decide whether sufficient grounds and jurisdiction exist. if the arrest warrants are issued, suspects can voluntarily surrender to the i. c. c, or countries that are assigned up to its run statute. have an obligation to arrest them if apprehended a hearing would be held to decide if there is enough evidence to go to trial. if the case proceeds to re trial, judges will preside, and the prosecution was prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. judges convent issue sentences of up to 30 years in prison and even life sentences in exceptional cases. so, francesco, been a z, a z u,
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and special out for to on the okay, by policy, the entire tree. she joins us now from to and as soon as we said, cream con has applied for these arrest warrants against salt is riley and mosley does. what does the panel of judges need to establish now to the degree title, chapter google. so the judges to turn the majority phase this so they would have to assess so the evidence that the prosecutor has to has gather, heard and, and the least said to the interest charges and the issue, the so these are us words. so um, i understand, i hear from the previous comments that theresa some uh high level frustration and we'll get you straight to the leaders and uh, is rosa lies. also sounds very understandable. and i don't know frustration. that's where the policy and especially to some of the, the nasa,
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they are the ones being genocide and then disappear. so need alternate. and the same time for me, this is an historical historical day, and i do hope that it will continue to be so it's not the small thing that to that the i see persecutor, how to issue the national rest. we're in sports, we sway the leaders and he's not just for more crimes, which was tiered by many over over the years age. so the mean age for crimes that have been for me to intentionally and wilfully. so they're both state policies that need to this accompanying against to gauge the progression. god is pretend question as you say, this is a watershed moment of historical significance for the quote itself, which hasn't been known to acts with lee in his face. accusations that, you know, countries in the global sales have been targeted countries in africa. i've had cases pursuit against them, whereas countries like israel and western nations,
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a lot to the left alone does it seem as though when you look at what's happening and goals that we've discussed this many times before. it's playing out in real time on tv, on social media, it's there is it's such a visible, active criminal law criminality. is it highly likely? do you think that the indictments of the is riley and isolate as will be approved? and i, b, i also, i look forward to because again, as someone who has investigated these ready and the violations, all, all actors, violations in you, i posted in periods for by meeting and there is no symmetry and there is no agreement between the bar t sat in the without condoning or justifying the crime set up, being committed by how much describes should have been investigated and prosecute that it shouldn't have given the leeway to israel to,
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to start at war. we just turn that off to the entire product team completion. i do agree, i do agree that you might have heard me before. we have had this discussion before on this time was elizabeth search for the creative meeting to your record, and this particular 3 particular and after the 7 talked over after the age of october, it was clear and that these was not. i mean, he will bounce off, but i'm going to think, yeah, totally too long. i mean, do you think it will take and do you think it could have been expedited in some way given the kind of level of tests and destruction and pain that we've seen in the last 7 months? a good option. but absolutely, but also before it can you just have to wait until the 7th looked over because the navigation was hoping to find a previous prosecutor in march 2021. so why did it take so long? i mean, for in february 2020 g c. there was a go on man to agree, ment, denise wrote, that goes clearly a non existent blast. why? and then was followed and preceded by, supplemented on to this,
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the comments have been the most of the matter. and the supplements are community at work crime which has indeed all the crimes, including crimes against humanity investigated the apartheid, forcible terms or appropriate action fox for dental and vision. i'm also increasing almost one medium policy and i'm being a, the change. many of them not be trained on the sions without charge, without trying to open any children waiting for or so yes. cancer and so francesca, do you anticipate that i see see none of the countries now are going to step up and protect the quotes, independence, and what is likely to be hostility and pressure on the judges is a consider this request from prosecute to cream con, as the shooting dishes, protected the court, not a decision making has all the policy in on the each one of these and any why all
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the big teams old hosted crimes. because this is, i mean, the international criminal court is such a quick question for humanity. and so far into being seen of by pearl mri, by people in the global south, as accord and then the toward toward justice recommended and wanted by the group or not. this is a case that can turn to the court as, as too many random meant if he'd draw. this is not deliberate, and this is not going to be cherished by the, by the part of the robot, nor which i saw so much invested in the establishment of all of the i, c, c. and then also let me say something frankly, the united states, which are so frustrated and actual trades that i mean, it's very nervous. also about the board finding is we're responsible because the 1000000 times in time responding to your response, a, b, t for the us government as well,
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even in directly at the same time. this is the same united page was which was cherishing the um, the icbc investigation. again, this is the time to reaffirm that international is universal. if it's not universal, it doesn't serve any purpose. we are not to in the late age, we are enjoying the 24. we are and i think that will that might be news to some people. thank you very much, francesco benet's ease for joining us on this story. thank to the one security council has been holding an open debate on the situation. and ross are right now. more than 800000 people have been forced to leave since the 1st week of may. is there any forces of winding their offensive of the city? they sent more troops to the area. so let's just listen to what we've heard during the course of this meeting about the, the challenges facing palestinians, the united states commitment to israel security is iron clad,
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and i want to repeat iron clad. you want to see how much defeated send one other from us. we just brought to justice and the hostages released at the same time. we also do not support and will not support this really re occupation of garza and we have long maintained our objection to any large scale military operation and rough that risks mass civilian farm. the home was opposed as riley's assault on gruff and yet it is proceeding. all of you opposed going into the alpha, yet, those that are in the government, this proceeding? is it a, it has pushed an entire population to the southern border of guys to it off through mass getting and destruction in spite of these repeated strung voices, you've tried this now expending this operation into rough as
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a friend of the country's right and the republic career calls on israel immediately suspend is operation in rough or that's close if semen, lopez's friends firmly poses that and is really offensive to and profit which will further aggravate an already catastrophic situation cause or, and heightened risk of, of escalation. we were called at them for the transfer of civilian populations as a war, crime under international law and the future of a gas and can only take shape as part of a future policy reinstated hooked up at a senior user. i have suffered the most brutal domestic care of jews since the holocaust men. women and children were targeted and murdered, babies were burned alive, rape and sexual violence were wide spread. and from october, 7th, until today, israel has been fighting against this evil to bring our hostages home. and to prevent such atrocities from ever happening again is rarely fighting for have future,
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justly morally and in accordance with international ess cable home, get well as far as gabriel is under his live for us at the united nations. tell us more about the purpose of this meeting today, gave yeah, this was a essentially, in a meeting that was called by slovenia and algeria and it was called over the last couple of days to be held today. given the situation in rafa and how it's deteriorating so fast, just in the last 2 weeks, roughly that is realized and escalating their military operations in and around rafa. it's now gotten up to 812000 palestinians from rafa that have been displaced. it's been, you know, just on friday was like 500600000 just been going up and up by tens of thousands every day. and so i think the security council wanted a briefing where they could get an assessment of what is really going on. and they heard from adam was through know the head of operations for that you ins, officer,
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the coordination of humanitarian affairs, who really spelled it out. she said, you know, i'm running out of words for the situation in her office. she said, we've called it a catastrophe. we've called it a nightmare. we've called it hell on her. she said it is all of those things and then some really laying out and very start terms of the situation on the ground. stephen said that the u. n. is having to, to reconfigure their operations based on these 800000 more people that are having to move out of rafa. but she says, we do not have the supplies or the fuel ourselves, meaning the un to provide proper, meaningful support for the people that need it the most. and she essentially said all of, for all intents and purposes, all of the major crossings into uh, guys for humanitarian aid, are either completely closed by israel, or simply not viable to get aid in that is so desperately needed at this time.
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thank you very much. gabriel. elizondo with the latest from the united nations. well on the ground inside, garza is really a tax of killed at least a $106.00 palestinians and sunday in northern garza. is there any forces targets at a residential square and by law here? many of the victims were women and children. i told them of its reports as to what the, what is really problem. so reading down again the northern does the targeting civilian areas on monday morning explosions hit the most of the neighborhood of bait last year. buildings crumbled, trapping people into rubbing panic, spread among thousands of palestinians shelter. and here i was passing through this road and all of a sudden the earth was shaking as if it was an earthquake piece. the flesh of
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screwed over the walls. look for yourself. i am collecting pieces of flesh and i was in the market, came home to find all my brothers and sisters going. all of them were killed, ripped to pieces, their flesh scattered all over the place. at a nearby come all odd one, hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed with the continuous influx of picnics, including many children and the elderly. the. this medical facility is one of the few still barely operating in northern cancer and facing collect staff. and i just seen them and supplies israel has been in testifying its military operations across the strip in the past 3 weeks. earlier this month, troops and tags began moving into southern gaza targeting the city of process. the civilians were ordered once again to head to other areas, but with the entire strip under relentless bombardment,
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they find themselves with nowhere to go x of language, which is 0. well, most alca salute was and bait law here in central goals or incentives. this update from the yeah, most of the neighborhood is waiting for us to start with this service, the dental house for them to send me the stuff has been killed and doesn't get injured. citizens are trying to pull out to reach people who have been killed and slipped under the right now or has been in order to pay the consequences lose so many as you can see, all of this, the bus station just because of one massage. but that is ready to close, as long as it gets through or just 0. nothing goes pretty well this time i said fully on the program, we look at what's next for south africa is formulated jacobs. assume that there's
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been 5 from running for parliament and learning to fight why women and sit down or attending training camp set up by the government. the how are the weather set? the quite nice the now across the much about straight in nice big area of high pressure written the bite. so that's keeping it to find dry and sunny solely winds has cooled enough across that eastern side of all us. but interior wins just coming across. somebody way will lift temperatures well above average 27 celsius that so actually one in broom central pilots has been cold enough for a for us central and eastern area. steven alice dipped as low as a freezing has we went through monday nights into the morning time here. so
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certainly cool across some areas said 19 celsius to the full sidney one or 2 shell . it's just taking onto that east coast of australia and notice all the way of west or whether it's a swelling way across new zealand, central and northern policy, sunshine and showers bright. this around a drive right? once again, as we go through, what does that cost month to go straight to the future? i was able to go to the east coast repeat performance as we go on into with the stay dry and bright saving to central and northern parts of china or across the korean peninsula and much of japan. much trying now warm sunshine, but for southern areas of china, the heavy rain continues with the risk of uh, the flooding of the boss, or a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm in to see how to big language world wide shaped, come out a word for translation,
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and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m a meeting of minds. we have israel committing genocide, full eyes, and none of the mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with this campaigner andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us as with this is to be able to validate what the seeing around the studio will be on script. part 2. 0 no,
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just the the welcome back kind of written main stories. now, the top prosecution of the international criminal course as seeking arrest warrants is right in 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. in defense, mr. your government is accusing them of war crimes and crimes against humanity and concept. first, israel and the united states have denounced the move. meanwhile, the restaurants are also being sold for. i'm ashley, this is my, i'm here. yeah, yes. and one on the days they are choose of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the october 7th attack on israel master as it has the right to resist his ready occupation, including resistance. meanwhile, inside cause or itself, the attacks of continued cunning, at least a $106.00 palestinians on sunday in northern gauze as rodney forces, thomas at a residential square in baseline. yeah. many of the victims that were women and
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children. well, thousands of people have been killed in giovanni or in the north, as well as rough fight in the south to meet for you to meet your evident co reports on this. now the roof of this building and jamalia collapse of doing this rarely asked roy rescue workers rushed in, trying to resuscitate the people trapped inside the middleman that i was setting, the house was destroyed on top of the heads of the people living there. our team is trying to recover the bodies with tools, simple tools, which are the only ones they have to try and get them out from under the rubble of the house. fighting and jamalia has intensified in the past 10 days. people are helping out whichever way they can with the clean up and with the injured. and then they get, i get the we came out running and found dismembered heads on the street. i found a small child was injured and i ran with him to come on that one hospital didn't wait for, the ambulance is on the way home. in the south,
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raso remains the lost city in gaza, where israel hasn't yet launched a full scale offensive. more than a 1000000 people remain that with no with a go to the book is rarely strikes on monday, hit several residential areas and how these have multiple multiple. i mean, i have to keep safe places a lice, the number of strikes on the safe places is the same as the places that under military operations, the young israel plans to expand its operation. in rafa, despite international warnings, including from the us, that it would be disastrous for the thousands of civilians that dimitry method in co, out to 0. and other developments. hundreds of students of worked out of yale university is graduation ceremony known as commencement in the us, off the staging and anti will protest and will kind of follow some graduates holding signs demanding a problem and it seems fine and, and it to us minute resistance to israel, they also demanded yells divestment from on supplies. and an amnesty for students
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and stuff has been disciplined or fired for making protests we want to talk to all the top story this our now and iran is announced presidential elections for the end of june, off to the death of president rice, e and a helicopter crash the wreckage was found early on monday. michael apple looked back at how events unfolded before and off to the crash. these were rainy and president e brian, right, you see is fine. allow is attending the integration of 2 dams on sunday, near the board of, of those advisors on, along with that countries, presidents yolanda alias, it's all here. let's see on this damn, can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years been reports began to emerge that the presidents helicopter had to make what was referred to as
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a hard landing that they'd been an incident. finally, it was confirmed via craft had crashed in bad weather on board president wry. you see foreign minister who's saying a made up to lock you on a provincial governor and the security details about the helicopter went down in a forest in a remote mountainous region. near the village of ozi in the east as a buyer's on province, a sort of a runs armed forces, emboldened 70 search and rescue teams, spring into action with turkish high tech night division. drones providing support from the sky, but darkness, the sick fog cold and the rugged terrain hampered search operations. across the country. on the test run to the president's hometown mashhad, ukrainians came off to play. nearly 20, always off to the helicopter, disappeared from right on the wreckage was discovered state television delivered
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this message to the nation. places on the port tyler shop. so hardworking and relentless president of the range and people who did nothing but serve the people on their way towards progress, kept his promise and sacrifice his life for the nation. there's been no official word yet on the cause of the crash. one aviation analyst says changing weather conditions can post challenges even full experience pilots. you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather is clear and then you're not on this rugged uh forest liked rain uh there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. but the age of the helicopter may also have quite a role. the us manufactured bella helicopter had been in service since 1971 waste and sanctions have made it difficult for iran to obtain spirit pots or new aircraft . mike level, how does era oh sure. i was a bar as professor media and political studies,
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the university of tapp ronnie joins me live now from that. can you tell me more about public reaction to a primary staff now that people have had time to process it? a lot of thanks for having me. well, i haven't observed much of the problem reactions actually on the i've not got them . they got preferred to wait for the results of the surveys and poles. the thing to, to bed before i make any reactions about people's opinion or people's reactions to what happens. yeah, well i mean, obviously we've seen some conflicting things on social media, but the, we saw the supreme data quoting on many people to pray for the safety of the president. and we've also seen images of people morning. so i thought maybe you would have seen a little bit of that in the capital tat ron, how do you think the elections are going to play out on june 28th?
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i will now be positioning the guardian council, the party that vets candidates for that election. we'll be looking at uh, who is allowed to stand on the going to take a very strict approach on this slow. it's too early to get to think of that to think about the needs of the people who are going to be candidates. and the horses are quite challenging time because there's the limit that the constitution has made for the council. this performing the election that supposed to perform the election is big. the limit is only 50 days and is quite sure it's quite a short time for such a complicated, complicated procedure. so uh uh um, i believe that the country will be in, in a rush to scroll through all the procedures of like people like applying for the election. and then the counsel of the guardians of the council got here
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with that have to check the profiles and the 2nd number of final candidates, and then the election should be football. and also we should hold that the president will get enough close to that. i mean that the 1st time that they should get enough floats in the 1st one, because if not, then they will be this should be a 2nd phase of the election which may take more than 50 days. it's a challenging time. yeah. procedure. i wonder if it will be a struggle to get it, given the procedures that it's outlined right. clearly in the constitution, i know there's going to require a lot of organization now and quick decision making. will it be a struggle to get this done in a relatively short space of time? or i believe it's the sato, but i believe it's kind of it's going to be done because we, we don't send you all your names. people have run before the for the, for the president, and i believe those people and that may be the people involved in the
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administration right now. and then there's been names mentioned in here and there from the parliament and from the administration. that would be the people who would run for the prep for president, and i believe it's going to be possible based on the decades of experience in as and having elections. and actually we did have some other experiences in these kind of challenges and they will all kind of go down. yeah. show silva. thank you. thank you very much. south africa's top court has bod, fuller present jacobs, who left from running for parliament. constitutional court made the announcement on monday, 82 year old zoom. i left the office in 2018 face and corruption allegations was briefly jail for contempt of court. in a surprise move, he formed a new political party, the m. k in december to run against his former policy,
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the governing african national congress and the elections on may 29th. i mean, the miller has moved from john has bug who's also spoken to supporters who outside the quote uh in the day. and the some of the responses were getting from members of that m. k party is that it means very little to them because he remains part of the party. he's the leader. his face will remain on the ballad, paypal when elections come round in just a few days time. and so he's ideologies, he's present sort of that remains and also a lot of you supports is believed that he has been victimized. and so for some of them, this comes as little surprise. it's possible the course with somebody like sue my, despite it based being based on, you know, a little and to the constitution and to explain to you that is who must be involved from running because of the conviction he received for contempt of quote,
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the conviction in sentencing and people who read us sentence to 5 years or more in prison and aren't able to pay a fine comp and run for public office. and so it's based on that. it's members of each party say is that it means very listen to them, but also this is a part to that's going through its own difficulties. i have to point out, zoom out, joined the party in december last year, some would say as a founding member, but the founder of that party, jo blondie tomato has since been kicked out by zoom a full, they say compromising the party and double on equal gemalto then because please do more on precautionary suspension. so that's just giving you an idea around some of the difficulties within the party. maybe some of the support is might not no way it stands, but you might still forms a very important symbolic speaker. but those will have gone on to support the m p parts. the may be some of them leaving the african national congress. so don's army assessing, not more training comes in bottles,
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the permit for the rapid support forces. the conflict has displaced millions of people and cause widespread destruction if a morgan or force from one training company undermine what women have been signing up. as this playing field has been made into a military training ground. bees in the middle of a neighborhood in home through man. it's where so since summer comes every day to train as a part of a group of women. they've responded to a call by the so denise army general at the end of the fun for all those who can to fight alongside the army and it's war against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f. like the i'm so i joined this come to learn to defend myself. my family. i'm my relatives there up. it's a full force this to cause our home and have to move. we would just place to santa state dental could out of state. and then so he will really suffered, learn, and ministry skills. mean i can defend myself and try to take back what's being
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taken from us. yeah. she's one of dozens in this part of the man to join the camp. slicing started in april last year. the army and the rest that. 6 have been battling for the control of the down with more than 15000 civilians killed as a result. and more than 9000000 internally displaced according to the un. an estimated 2000000 across the border into neighboring countries. while sedans, army only the police men to the bathroom fields, the conflict has seen arise and the number of female recruits more than 10000 have joined the training camps according to authorities, scabs, for women and girls like best one can be found in many areas under the control of a sudden these army that's largely the result of what they've been subjected to since the start of the conflict with sexual violence against women being carried out by both sides rights groups also excuse they are assessed of sexual slavery and
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abducting girls. at least 140 women have been raped according to the, to the new center for combating violence against to him. and with most of being carried out by the ra staff, some women see the fear of they are, they loved ones being subjected to such violence. prompted them to join the camp and learn how to handle the weapons. and we've heard that there were numerous violations by the r a stuff including assault looting, killing, and recruiting children. so that's why i joined the camp. i want to be able to defend even to a small extent, to protect my sisters or children from being recruited. the caps are supervised by government forces, who are being criticized for recruiting civilians to fight out the fear that would, why didn't the conflict comp and managers the only those who want to join are trained those legs, those 10 hosting their family displaced or learning to content themselves in a conflict where both wearing sites are determined to when and where civilians have
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suffered the most people morgan ologist era under man. so it has on out slight change, hey, is wanted as the new president of taiwan. and he has a message for china, the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of bundle dash football to use the
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the this business of say these me, roy thought no bundle a dash football to use the the tie ones new president has told china to respect the islands democracy into stuff it's military and political threats. while i ching tay was inaugurated on monday. it called for dialogue with badging, but china has refused to acknowledge it as leadership or his policy. katrina,
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you reports from badging, a liking to is a doctor turned politician from the vice president and now the president of ty, one. the leader was sworn in on monday months up to his policy, wanted unprecedented the consecutive presidential tub. his integration celebrations with joyful belie speech carried assume the message, but they didn't urge trying to stop intimidating taiwan politically unlimited turley, you know, take on the global responsibility. what's tie, want to work hard on maintaining peace and stability across the taiwan strait and ensure the word is without the fear of war. breaking out the jenkins, such as the island road chinese territory, and cut official communication with its government in 2016 ton is tiwana says also says lies, comments revealed his true nature as a 21, independence walker, title taiwan independence is a debt and no matter under what guys,
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what panama pursue in taiwan independence and say section is doomed to fail to think. sure by the law has quotes a dialogue with a james chinas on has been to send several people separation on the flight to jets across the taiwan straits, median line and unofficial boundary. badging does not recognize the incursions have become increasingly routine pushing light to play more funding for time when these forces and move closer to the united states. it's most important allies. formally, us officials attended, you know, gratian, as well as representatives from the 12 nations maintaining diplomatic relations with the tie. one. that list has windshield and recent years. as more countries of fatalities with aging, life faces challenges domestically to his democratic progressive party. last, it's paul them into majority in the general election, few of them scuffles and the government against lighting to determination to
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continue. ty, once democracy, the scene as an act of defiance against staging, it considers the islands of tons and mainland control inevitable license what to maintain the status quo, not about you know provoking badging. the chinese efficiency has places to washington sends a danger signal. on monday law, i received 2 symbols of presidential power suit, spoke to taiwan after the republican government, most of the chinese civil war and flood that in 1949. his promise to be a strongly disick tie was future, but he would escape the complex history of it's past. katrina you all to 0 aging. the the india is 6 feet long. general election is ended its final stages. the 5th phase of verging was held across 6 states and 2 federally administered regions. 5 minutes under, under moody, is taking
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a 3rd time and out election mob by hate speech on us to write to constitutional rights. the indian government has not gone to visas to l. just their agenda, so we are covering the election from outside the country. his uncle, some sherry from india's financial, kept him home by tele doc the he 1000000 regions, some 3000 meters above sea level of nearly 90000000 indians was eligible to cost a balance for 49 seats. the least number being contested in this general election. but is crucial for the governing beach ape which wants to been by large majority, easily at this rally from this terrain to move the cold on his supporters to help him get 400 seats. jar, doing job so far in 2000. 19 the b. b. one more than 300 of the 543 seats in the lower house of parliament in this election as movie seeks to put them,
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he wants to strengthen his power off. got it was big. every votes of yours will strength and develops india. the selection is known to vote for the policy, but it's a vote for the nation. this is why the whole country is saying on june 4th, we cross 406, the opposition congress accused the b wanted to destroy india constitution. but on monday night a i'm, it's sean, a prime minister. i'm it shaw, and other m. p. 's of decided that if they win these elections, they will to and throw the indian constitution. this is what the fighters about. moody criticize the congress body of appeasing the most, the minority community. the accusations and contract positions have made the selections deeply defensive, and the se movie speech has put his body on the defensive. i do think the 400 seats
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backfired. i think that, that put a bad nick into the system about, is this a fair election? will the constitution be changed and those are exactly now the that's kind of back to the image perception. those are exactly the issues a, b, b is being forced to battle today. and it's a really the fallout from that initial narrative problem into some of these government has tried to push some food contribution policies in the past 10 years. they've let most focus now in the phone or romans of this will some say the a watered about the b p. 's next move. especially if it winds by a huge margin to some people who we have. this is the b j. p might change the constitution because it doesn't work for the benefit of the pool. it's a policy that supports big business. and businessman, like a donnie, an embalming, and across the country. unemployment installation, and lack of development. a major concerns for both as and b. c the thinking of
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those issues as they cost the pallets. so i'm sure he's conscious the job. that's it for me, but rob matheson will be here and just a few of the this is a frontline where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, their own patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this latest confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border, who says the cost of or official se last,
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that are already in the billions of dollars. although the contract is still large and contained and confined to the, for the region, as well as, as the conflict won't, and until there's a cease fire in casa, but possibly not even then. because isabel is threatening a wider war. if border security doesn't improve sectarianism is tearing of the scenes of unity within india is vibrant tapestry as election for the sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship survive, the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured fonts. witness languages, era fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. you're on a sports fan anymore,
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unless you're gamely on. the game fault lines examines the search infecting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it. just the, you know, the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court is seeking a rest warranties for israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. and his defense minister on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity in guns intentionally causing death, starvation, injury, and suffering to the civilian population. including so very many women and children of criminal means to achieve military and political gods.


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