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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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is that that's online thing and i guess from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorite types to just set for it and type domain new app from out to 0 new at using is it the the when the agent saves a palestinian refugees it says it will stop at delivering food and rafa on israel steps off. it's as strikes on the southern city of cost, the color that i'm starting to obtain this is out of their life. and also kind of exclusive video. imagine showing is really soldiers taking more than $100.00, the palestinian bodies to israel last year. after waiting causes,
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i'll shoot for hospital funerals. harmonies began for around late president abraham re seats who is killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. thousands turn out to pay their respects. the only begin in gaza with 7 months of rent, just as rarely bombardment has pushed the humanitarian crisis that to a breaking point. now the main un agency for palestinian refugee is, has suspended it's free distribution in southern gaza, citing security concerns unless as it surprised nearly the police, because israel simply hasn't allowed food to enter through the roof and carla, we sell them crossings now the 10 days. meanwhile, and is rarely as strike has killed 3 children. their bodies were left strewn on the streets of the edna refugee camp. and rafa the wounded were taken to the k through hospital for treatment. the northern garza medical stuff and displace palestinians
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hasn't fleeing from the come all on one hospital that he's really only opened fire on the facility. hospitals are protected on the international him. delford already has more for us from darrell by now in central gall. some more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely on food distributions from under what, under what reduce that they will suspense, or if we distribution due to the lack of supplies and security. but let's, let me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge in the fall. now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times they are. they moved to con eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. the price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting
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food and feeding their children is under one other 8 organizations. but this was expected, special needs that were more than 2 weeks. now. nothing is being entering from cut them up asylum, and the rough on crossing were all of the committed to use the food committees and the fuel are not in during and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip or scott anderson is the senior deputy director of on rough as in gaza. he says the fighting has made it difficult and dangerous to distribute. you're gonna turn a our health center is a drop of camp for both them. acted by the corporation and the back it wasting orders. so we have to health centers uh should were on the roof, a proper camp health center for both those unfortunate were new accusations on which is a significant, scary risk staff, but also really wonder be seeking care at the facilities. and as a result, we've had to suspend operations this and get the combat cic tougher better,
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but that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food medicine and other things in the sustaining the operation we need, as i say combat ideally, i mean, we need to have a safe environment so our staff can operate, so people innocent civilians that we treat can seek treatment safely. so what we need is an end to the current operation. we need to supply open, and ideally we would have $350.00 trucks today at a minimum of just the popular g as a, as they all have the right car. no, it's the right time. we're near that an hour. less than $200.00 trucks today, coming in for a bring it into a that everyone's so desperately needs. there is violence that result from the current. uh, the conflict between israel on a mouse. and it's very much just people being trapped in a very small space. but not where to go to seek safety. it is unfortunate, many of our staff died during this conflict and are acting quite a rock every day and continue to deliver services to the people that are here. i
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mean, well video has an artist of israeli soldiers taking more than $100.00 palestinian bodies and transporting them to israel late last year. now this happens during these really siege of the all she for hospital cause as long just medical complex. a 2nd rate in november then led to the complete destruction of the medical facility and the discovery of mass graves, that oral con reports this video to, i'm secretly from high above chief of hospital grounds in northern casa shows, is ready. so just wrapping it loading policy and bodies to be sent to israel. that's according to witness statements made to human rights groups saying the bodies were collected from inside the hospital, a bulk and a mass grave. so it's the 1st video evidence of it's ready treat, seizing bodies of to rating goals as largest hospital in those and the at the time, the director general of goals as ministry of health setting the statement,
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these really ami a doctor, the bodies in the car and a large truck taking approximately a $120.00 bodies. these radio me a bit. it's taking more than $350.00, pulsing and bodies only 3 months later. thing this was to verify if any of the words grady captives the bodies were collected of to israel. first major rate on the sheep of hospitals. thousands of terrified people fled from kansas city and headed south during an intensified, aerial bombardment. in mid november is ready. so just enter the hospital saying a mass was using it as a come on center, offering no verifiable evidence to back. that claim. fighting also raged around the hospital, leaving stuff terrified to leave, and many staying behind to help their patients, including children. is ready for us is carried out
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a 2nd rate on chief and much destroying what's left of the building un humanitarian assessing the psych describe it as an empty sho in the off to boss. they also found mass graves in the courtyard of hundreds of bodies. some with fines of mutilation. others, decomposed beyond recognition, adding to the suffering of policy. now even unable to bury and grieve their loved ones, nor hon, out to 0. now no way says it will be obliged to arrest fees, rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, if arrest warrants are issued by the international criminal course. the chief prosecutor of the i c. c is taking arrest warrants, warners, and yahoo! and his defense minister you'll have kalonde. they're accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's from yahoo has called it a complete distortion of reality and says, the i c. c. 's move is against the entire state of israel. of all the prosecution
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also was a response for 3 held. lastly, it is for the october 7th attack in southern israel, and the group has been announced to move demanding a withdrawal. if that request says the isaac he's targeting of it suite is a confused as victim an execution step by some reports now from hate having strong responses coming in from across the globe. since the, you know, it's been by the licensee prosecutor that he's requesting these arrest warrants. the u. s. presidential biden calling is outrages and also say saying that how much on israel should not be put on the same level. other countries have said the same thing, but on the other hand of france, for example, says that it supports the independence of the court, has also been urging that human to terry and law should be respected from that being the mazda sac, but also saying in impunity shoot and, and belgium, the foreign minister also saying that she encourages this process here at the i t c . and that everyone should be
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a prosecute to regardless of who the perpetrators are. so very various responses. so you're on the court and we have to wait. now what the pre trial chamber, a judge, this will decide if this arrest warrants will be issued. we are expecting a decision in a couple of weeks. and if that happens, the 124 member states of the i, c. c, will have you over the go sion to up so died. these are 5 suspects as to the hague, where they will be put on trial. and this will be a process. it will take quite a long time. step 5, some else you 0 take is. now israel's minister of communications has ordered the return of equipment seized from the association press news agency and comes off to is randy with ortiz shut down the a p as live camera position, which is located in southern israel, opened up in gaza. the news agency has maintained that live shot for months. if he says is randy with ours, he's accused it's organization a violation that nearly institutions bad on al jazeera. we associated press
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decry in the strongest terms, the actions of these really government, which is shut down our long standing live feed showing a view into gaza and seized the equipment. the shut down was not based on the content of the feed, but rather and abusive used by these really government of the countries new form, broadcast or low off. the live shot has generally shown smoke rising over casa. we comply with israel's rules, prohibiting broadcasts of details like troop movements that couldn't danger soldiers. we urge the as really government to return our equipment and enable us to reinstate or live feed immediately. so we can continue to provide this important visual journalism to thousands of media outlets around the world. well, israel has gone down to 0 from reporting from nasa, or let's go to how much i'm doing here joins us now from the to damian capital. and i know how much can you clarify what's now actually happened? da p is one of the world's largest news agencies. those are headquartered in the us
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. i see the white house intervenes directory, the yeah, that's right in the sides. yeah, let me 1st just mention what little we have heard thus far from the associated press. as far as that development that you mentioned a few moments ago. there is a report now from the saying that these really communications minister orders the return of seized camera equipment to the after blocking it's live video of gaza. now beyond that, what does that mean? are they going to be able to actually start broadcasting live again from that location, providing the feet of that live shot to their clients, including out jersey or we just don't know at this point, we're going to have to wait and see. let's walk through sort of sequence of events that happened earlier in the day a p reporting that that camera position they have in steroids, which is a town in southern israel that overlooks northern gaza. they have this live feed
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from their camera of what's going on in gaza and that would shut down the camera equipment and other equipment was confiscated by the is really minister of communication. a p saying that the ministry communication was saying that the peep was in violation of the law band outages 0 from operating in israel. now what's interesting here is that the a p as one of the largest news agencies in the world, they have thousands of clients. so that feed wasn't just being provided to alger 0 . it was being provided to so many of their clients around the world. so that they could then showcase what was going on in gaza in northern gaza. it's been interesting because there has been condemnation of what happened. yeah. your la pete who is the uh, the opposition leader in israel. she tweeted a few hours ago that essentially this was madness, that the administrative communications should never have done this. and that this kind of decision was going to be essentially turning is really into
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a pariah state. since then, there's also been a lot of analysis throughout the as really media last as to what exactly this means going forward for other media outlets and is real. the fact of the matter is there was already concern after that log himself to 0 was past that it could create a showing effect for other media operating in israel, whether it be domestic or foreign. but it could have a chilling effect that it could contribute to other networks being shut down. so when you see one of the largest, most respected newest agencies in the world and american based one, but in the world of having their equipment sees and the government they're utilizing, the log is out to 0. to do that, begs a lot of questions as to what the ministry of communications might do next when it comes to other media organizations operating inside israel styles. you know, how much on june the with the very latest for us on that story from the long. thank you mohammed from just are aligned to the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government has bandages 0 from reporting is. well,
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that's why we are pushing from the building and capital instead of the us administration, as we've been saying, has talked to is round about starting down the a p life position. white house correspondent can be how good has of the white house says it is directly engaging with the is really government working to try and get the government to reverse this decision and have the confiscated camera equipment of the associated press returned. the white house says that the president has been following in real time. the developments ever since the associated press was shut down. it is believed that the feeling of the president is the journalists, have a need and a right and the inability to do their job. and that there is when it comes to journalism, but it is a cornerstone of democracy. and as a result the president passed his tea with trying to rectify the situation. now
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when it comes to journal as being targeted in israel's war and gospel, we did put this question to john kirby, the national security council spokesperson back in october. he said there was no evidence of israel doing just that. having said that, the committee to protect your list does keep a tally on the number of journalists that has been killed covering israel's war on cost. as the number is more than 116 has been injured for our missing and 38 has been arrested. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house is there. any forces have kills at least 7 palestinians during the military rate in the city of janine in the occupied westbank, a teacher, a student, and a surgeon are along those count based 9 palestinians will also injured a john less to his shots while covering the raid he's in a stable condition, these really minute re send reinforcements to the area off to special is really
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units infiltrated the city on the account where they were confronted by palestinian findings. a protest and solidarity with palestinians continued to be held around the world and bound to dash young people in making their voices had calling for an end to israel's war. on garza tunzia, chevy reports now from dot com the several 100 students. i've gathered there, but john, good. now the university out front of the copies of protest against that trusted is in gaza. they're showing the solar guard david all disorder and all across the world, protesting their energy generation. they said we can relate with them and we want to tolerate this kind of injustice in the world in the 21st century in the nation. i think i believe we lost a field, a motion for the city on what these have anybody to use to stop. the dentist needs to stop the should cut that could be organized ourselves to protest against the
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genocide. we are also urging the students and everyone in general across the world to protest against this type of genocide and atrocities. the students are demanding an end to the violence against the palestinians in gov and a permanency spy and they're also demanding for an independent palestinian most of the student we spoke to. so that's not enough been done by the u. n. o. the world community to stop that to us, it is in gaza. totally depends on what to do, what they just did. there has been gross violations of cold war and atrocity just committed against palestinians. america should stay away from supporting war crimes and put an end to it. bangladesh is one of the strongest supporter of palestinians. they offer scholarship. they offer the students to go to the military academy. here it is one of the plus 5 country and lots of november 5 the farm and complain, but the international criminal code to investigate the water of attrition against
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pro stadiums in java. we have seen many protesting recent weeks in across the country and different universities. and this is one of them from bridge audrey. i'll just say that. 5 the, the funeral ceremony is under way for runs the late president abraham, re see he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and 7 all those prices. buddy has been removed from the rules and said you have to breeze to the capital. tyrone a funeral service is scheduled for wednesday before the burial. then on thursday, i have some reports done from tara a while it brought him right. you see last be a document or about airport. he was not only you once president, but also believe to be a candidate to succeed the supreme leader. now his body and those of 40 minute
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stuff was saying, i made all the la and, and 7 of those are being federated in the profession at the same airport. it will be followed by state feet on the scene by the supreme lead i. it's a lot of the coming they on wednesday, i had a burial ceremony the next day on income. one second, holly, a city the coffins passed through a shrine before being transported to the wrong for the final public viewing. she went to investigate the chair that bodies were found a monday. i was after the had accept across the top and for the conditions in northern you are on the with the sudden loss of his president. you're on faces, an unexpected transition with the snap election scheduled for june 28th to find right easy success a while i'm from a lot of the serves as entering president. it's reject, continue to use something solid with companies that is mostly expected in terms of
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grand strategies in the arena for policy and domestic policy. as the source of the policies and strategies are formulated within a culture excited amazon involving service factors and actors. however, the prevailing concern among the people is the mysterious circumstances surrounding the headed cup to crush the killed the president and his companions. you'll find that i see you my seat. about half an hour into dislike. we spotted the cloud patched in the valley near the mind deposit carrying the president decided to assent about the cloud, which we followed. but within 30 seconds above the cloud to the lawson site of the presidents helicopter, pilot the speak you later on imagine so landing way, the presidents pilot ansuka the area several times. unfortunately with no news before coming back. be there for us to do that in the mining area,
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the chief of staff of the armed forces mohammed body has initiated a high level of investigation into the cause of the president's headed golf. the crush, the outcome of this investigation will be crucial in finding out what was done the helicopter cutting the president bought a minute says run a dog. the passenger without definitely good answer. there will be likely more speculation. i'm actually going to see it on that on as well as the head here on i was a 0. donald trump 0 is a wrap up the case without the formal presentation stand and his costs money trying to hit white children in the occupied westbank off pretending to be dead as like raffle with a trauma, as well as violent occupation. the
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brian as well. um one says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, the gold was big, will make a difference to his daddy like, like millions of other people living in the country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna and the steps i go to says and find cars. commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the $6.00. the police and the noise eagle, many changes operating without a license. undermining the new car and government. he does want people to change their money back and not many here. haven't seen the signature yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years, it's be more stable. that's always money. to use the currency, doesn't these value rep that coaching, take them into your will, scott, a duty and
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a growth using for the p. use the cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects, except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. the the welcome back to watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories here. the sounds you an agency for palestinian refugees on russia has suspended for distribution and rough, odd years and security. and a lot of supplies. unrest as for to replenish is warehouses, has not entered the strength,
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pulled on hosp the population and cause the depends on for your data from is rough minister communications has now ordered the return of equipment seized from the association press. news agency comes up to is brand new authorities shut down the ac is live camera position location in southern israel overlooking casa, the eyepiece has, is rarely authorized to use accused its organization of violating the newly institution filed on alger 0. 9 people have gone on trial in germany accused of attempting to seize powerless over through the state. they choose to include aristocrat, formed a judge, and to senior on the offices. in total $26.00 people have been prosecuted in 3 related trials and wants to include one of the most complex cases. in recent german history, dominant came reports from berlin. he is accused of plotting to over throw the german parliament uninstalled himself as head of state. heiner is the 13th prince
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voice, a man with an hours to chronic background to prosecute and say, wanted to bring back the old imperial german heis after a qu data among those on trial with him or a form, a judge and 2 x senior officers call to officials say it's one of the most complex cases in recent german history. it's kind of hard, it's impossible to say how long this trial will last. the court has ordered a scheduled about 50 days up until january, but it's not an indication. it may last much longer. it depends how much dust and one does the defendants case. one of the central charges is the royce and the others use these properties in the state of tilling to formulate the plans, including one where they stacked illegal weapons and munition, for their alleged to. most of the defendants have been in custody since their arrest nearly 18 months ago, including this lady, gets mazda can think, come on, who was still a civil judge when she was detained, but was once
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a member of parliament for the far right alternative for germany or if de potty, it's alive, she knowingly showed fellow conspirators around the building. this talk was still in office. defense lawyers reject the charges. one final, the choice says his client has been demonized adventures. this folder is portrayed as some big monster who was the lead of the whole thing. it's just not true. the media pushing vis, but it shouldn't be wrong. but we will rectify that of the defendants so boldly part of the iceberg. a movement which does not recognize molten germany, but leaving the pre willed one imperial treat assessor lives on. which explains why this building was so important to the royce group in its current guys as the bonus tag, prosecute to say, the accused, wanted to seize it and to throw after each selected members. but that's the old rice tag. it represents the time of the cases which they allegedly wanted to restore. the authorities say these defendants believed in the so called deep state
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theory. the lawyers say there's no evidence they committed any crimes. dominant came houses, era bullying. former us president electronic defense gene has rested its case and his testimony trial trumpet did not take to the stand to testify despite promising that he would trump is on trial for concealing a payment, made to an adult film actress during the campaigns, allegedly, to stop him from making their relationship public, he says the charges are politically motivated. tours will be back on may 28th to hear closing arguments from attorneys on both sides. corresponding kristen salumi has worn out from outside the court in new york of the defense team wrapped up their case calling just 2 witnesses to the stand. and donald trump was one of them despite trump claims that he wanted to testify at the end of it all the defense to consider that too risky and focused instead on their efforts to undermine the
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credibility of the prosecution star witness michael cohen. the positives former bixler, now trump payments to michael cohen are at the heart of this case, which involves $34.00 counts of falsifying business records. on michael cohen has testified that donald trump was well aware of his efforts to silence an adult film star. and he knew that he was paying michael cohen to do just that. the witness called to the sound on tuesday, a man by the name of robert costello is a lawyer who claims that colin tools i have no idea about the hush money payment. but his credibility could be called into question by the jury, after the judge reprimanded him on the stand for rolling his eyes and making comments under his breath. now the case will be back in front of the jury on tuesday of next week. when closing arguments will be presented and the jury will
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begin their delivery shift, they will take as long as they must to reach a consensus on the $34.00 charges. they must be unanimous and finding the former president either guilt or innocence, or else from this trial will be declared. persons salumi al jazeera, new york. all the janine refugee accounts has seen more, is really ministry rates than anywhere else, and they alter pride, westbank. and for the thousands of children who caught a time, it means being exposed to the violence and phone level on a need daily basis. and all that comes out in the games that children that use to play as and as robbie reports now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. this is in the janine refugee camp. a burial shroud becomes a child's cost if they take turns putting it on, emulating their heroes palestinian fighters killed by. it's raining so
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it is normal for children to mimic adults recreating the things they see every day . but in the occupied westgate, what passes for me seems to the eyes of its children. can see morbid ad we are playing cuz we're in as an out of the details of the game on the completion, on the rates of it. so us act as the soldiers and others of fighters and someone gets one that the army comes in and codes him. then they sold the house, and then there are classes. scenarios acted out against a backdrop that is all to real. the panic of running battles, the injured left in the street, civilians used as human shields were taken prisoner by his regular troops. they take cover regroup, and prepare for the next boom. with toys often coupled together from scraps their prized possessions, the way they move is almost tactical. after all,
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what other children learn from movies? these youngsters have learned from real life even rebuilding in the aftermath of is really rates.


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