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tv   Witness Desert Smugglers  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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continue protesting until their demands are met. we are the ones traveling the extra mile there are the media, don't go. we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. the i money in sight in doha here. tell stories on now does. there is, there any force is a one small lane siege to hospitals in the gaza strip. almost 200 people, patients, their relatives and medical workers. i've been trapped inside the out out the hospital in northern garza since sunday is where the snipers are aiming at the building and the rocket is hit the 5th floor, the army, all safe and fi on the come all odd one hospital forcing stuff and displays palestinians typically hold on the wow,
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i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation. so the attack or medical facilities, it's out of hubris tethering fibers. these right, these are acting according to the desire and no one is able to hold them to account to allow the hospitable has been deceived by the israelis for 3 days. this patient, for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say. i'm set on it. oh does. there it hasn't changed for to it's showing these riley ministry seizing move in a 100 bodies during the 1st raid on el cheapo hospital in gauze, especially in november. they were taken from 3 locations to move a mass grave on size and a tent goes. as health ministry says the bodies have been adopted and taken to israel in the main un agencies of palestinian refugees as the spending food distribution to displace palestinians in gauze. the southern city of russia, that's because of slicing in the area between the is already on the and on the groups and an order from the army to flee the area under
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a supplies on any depleted off the israel clothes lambert's into gaza. our health center is a drop of camp are both in acted by the corporation and the becket, wasting orders. so we have to health centers uh should were on rough uh robert camp health center. both those unfortunately were new accusations on it, which is a significant, scary risk staff but also reading wonder be seeking care of. busy of these and as a result, we've had to suspend operations this and get the combat cic tougher, better that we're having significant supply issues in terms of getting enough food medicine and other things in the sustain. the operation no way says they will be obliged to arrest is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu, if arrest warrant issued by the i. c. c, the chief prosecutor if the court is seeking arrest warrants for ness and yahoo and his defense minister, you, i've got the keys to full crimes and crimes against humanity in gaza. that's and
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you know, who has cooled it, a complete distortion of reality and says the eyes, the sees move is against the entire state, israel, or west realms for 3. how much lead is of also been applied for in the united states. upright testers have to be dried out with the senate committee. hearing well asked me blinking was giving testimony of the and he stepped in while the sick you've state was being quizzed on the by didn't administrations, policies to words, as well as more and garza lincoln reiterate to president joe biden. support for israel, the spine, criticism from both republicans and democrats, extend it is the news agency has resumed its live camera position and southern as rout. looking into northern garza,
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it's off to israel's administrative communication revoked. and the decision to shuffle down is really government has also over 10 boot costs. equipment sees from the associated press is really authorities out of keys and use agency advising. the nearly institution found on al jazeera prime minister benjamin this now is government find out as they were from reporting in israel. the state funeral, it will be held in the coming hours, but it runs late president abraham received. it was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister on 7 of those tens of thousands of people gathered into wrong to pay their respects is body will be laid to rest in his home town of much had on that day. okay, there's a headlines and these continues here now, does they're often witness to stay with us the
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is agent of what are some of service? i mean that's what the, the the, the,
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the the yeah, yeah. the the the she is a god. a sorry, if i'm in the basement my when might have sending us but i can see why this is having the
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7 a to you kind of tell me, hey, i shouldn't be this way. so yeah, i mean, yeah. man, if you haven't asked me for a little a few minutes here, i'm just really can send this over to the cafeteria for you me any investments you can look at the beauty music. second, do you want the trash of the vin discovery isn't about what this why that of this computer stuff. it's added to the some of the other video of, of the stuff and i was trying to send them to the gym or any the
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welcome to the kind of government official between not able to 97. my or the last i know that i give you the blue because i had never said the
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folks at nissan said checking, checking has their method there. so i even know, checked to different on how to do me pay it. but sometimes they're still in the midst of the mesh, the, the evidence to say a disabled individual to get out of his cost a 2nd side of the answer to the
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tests and everything with what about the evidence of a the the
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goal is to go to get the maximum i'm showing the so the, the looms and energy and the energy costs the over
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so i want to get the full set of 70 percent. that should be on the flow. so definitely what you 2 objectives if these are things that a as in sierra, s gallery,
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the, the page showing as to why the a low, they tell you what it means about it. and i don't want to just, you know, said would that get that into the government?
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well, uh, i suppose it didn't come to the idea of the why do you kind of, could he give you the guns? he has a gun because it is almost as a gun also problem gun. how's your idea of what the the issue just either to be issues are these, these are the issues the the
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the the money is image. it was really just go with the
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on the
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lease because uh the color is it the wife roof, then it should be the same as the push to get a total 100 a month is the center. they
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do not need lash lane loveless as much so. so you know what, lucy ills. what else look good going to handle the committees for him as well. so how do i that they did say one of the the, when to read the letter was that each of the few, somebody named it took them a while we get him of civil told us we are presenting that and the window will just simply do is the 2nd, the cobra show it all, it should be i finished,
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especially with the fact that i just really interested in. i mean, i'm seeing is that in most of the day, the shipping a lot of the way you can fit in the price of 700 on this. so the total is free and this is gonna play the teams where the government local drawers. it's a certain model for them of the, of the large colors was
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a uh no, what items do you sorry we um is missing now will the you need to come to the restaurant or so mostly the end of the site. so somebody human will that make the whole good something down for coming to show the let me tell me what the issue of additional how do i sound
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but i'm very concerned about how much is each and this is just get done. so it is so low, so if you have, if it's just coming in just to look in the back of the of the them instead of you have 30 minutes. so i'm gonna shut up to shut it on. let's see why we don't get, can i just, i'm just sending out. so 70
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o or some of the you can see on it and that's what us on slash recession one could that'd be that'd be nice. there's no room to shop children, seo sams, check be from she, i'm going with the other part. i don't want to g, a lot of big leg. see that the kitchen. so we've got a metal with the
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uh the, the, the month. that's what the holdup someone has said around the issues that i on the side of the, of the you know, he just has a lot of them putting nobody finished. i'll leave you stop and restart the shower. she said she uses the
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help please move them. hand them is a message to the last me here and the 2nd i knew that and 2nd i am putting the dental center on this and have a good 2nd check right away. you know, he said it was one of the illnesses of the us, the emissions side of things,
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not sure. i've heard of the country over the dish over the bush. understand me. i just want to, i just want them, you know, make money as wanted. and then then i was just wondering, i was going to know him and i'm thinking the wireless, this is what i get in the zone for the city of the 50. so
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the the initial sort of software to do next semester there a climate pony is from one of the most bio diverse nations on your own interpreter. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we not using office resources,
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we use them again and again. if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen doing nothing grows further. brooklyn mode has to take 90 to come to you and k o l g 0. well, goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessing that was a big back to coming. a battle in which south humans, president was part of a deputy game. i refused to give them my head, will give up power the killing of south pm and the politicians during a routine cabinet. a 1986, an estimate of an assessment ation on al jazeera. you will, scott, a duty and a growth using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increases sustenance costs on red chris the i my name's sight in doha. here, top stories on out is there is early forces i want small lane sees to hospitals in the gaza strip, almost 200 people, patients. the relatives and medical workers had been trapped inside the out the hospital and northern gauze as in sunday, is rarely snipers the aiming at the building on a rocket hit the 5th floor. the army also open file and they come out at one hospital forcing stuff and space palestinian stiffly columbia. i
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really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation for the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris. the repub or is these right? these are acting according to the desire and no one is able to hold them to account, allowed a hospitable, has been perceived by the israelis for 3 days. this patient, for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say, i'm set on it. all does era has obtained such as showing these rainy, military seizing, move in a 100 bodies during that 1st raid on our chief, a hospital in gauze uh, in november they were taken from 3 locations to move a mass grave on the sides, on a tent gauze as health ministry says the bodies have been abducted and taken to israel. the main un agency for palestinian refugees is this funding for your distribution to this space? palestinians in golf is from the city of rasa. that's because of slicing in the area between the is rarely on the and on the groups. and in order from the army to flee the area under
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a surprise on nearly to place it off. israel closed land roots into garza est funeral will be held in the coming else for iran late president abraham racy. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. along with a foreign minister and 7 others. tens of thousands of people gathered into round to pay their respects. crises, buddy, we laid to rest in his home town of miss todd on thursday to the 73 o british. mom has died and thousands of others have been injured off those single airlines flights. hit severe turbulence. the plane was traveling from london to single pool and was diverted to bangkok. there were 211 passengers, an 18 crew members on board. as you headlines nice continues here now to say we're off to witness the
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dispute in the for something that's absolutely public that is helping you lose the money is available for stuff. there's of, up in the, the the, the
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problems show this person when the system there, the door involved with the some of the, the, the, well the
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the, the, the, to the who because there's a reason your settings the one on the back on the estimate on governor to do it, sort of a 5,
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a and the so this article 58 will definitely be of the thought will be able to judge which should have been on the what about assessing by the, by the tools if one of the thought he gave me instead of this a, cuz i'm gushing this direction then why the cold and stuff like this. i know that is what happened to us. well, we move guy today and he is actually studied him shifting. and so, you know, let's just of one button. most of the, the
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the go to go to the uh oh, the
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school police to get it on the 17th. it will sit in the southern and you have some sort of a but it gets in the message the bottom of the short list for the bose headphones, which the piece of school cuz she has a low and high shoals as well as your message. so with the best condition you, i'm seeing the familiar with watch movies playing the i get your thoughts a sudden i had
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a month ago and now the screws getting lost in the shuffle. so that's a good show on what the system will say. the sort of hicks usually it's in the, the, the was the name came up on me and the one of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the office,
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the, the theme scripts. amy, i need to get a hold of the on that uh estimate, literally the dentist that i'm gonna send it to be on my shoulder. oh, just a couple of them. what,
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what can you just give me a simple question can, so we're looking at the okay, give me a little little bit of a, let me share, have a ceiling to see if we can share remix the for the for him. and then yeah, it's a month to add and that's the issue i had and wanted to see a musket also. also i've got and that was due now come in now, did you have those zillow, though they should a issue the amount of a how do you think you guys were good and how long the guy's got a we had done a little heck daniels up at us with an e and, and of lead to the other. and you had,
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you had in one of the this is the number you had maybe the service. i don't know that the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the what the, the, the, the, the additional 10 a month ago with an incident that because it was part of the streaming service.
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the the, the, the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the
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. 2 the the the, the,
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the the the the the the, and the
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to the how do you get a 2nd is to solve the job. so the laws of the
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wow the the message, the i don't know who it was the rest of the heck the heck the some and some of them, both of the gentlemen chickens. they usually do the sugar, but i'm not sure what i'm homeless chevrolet, and what time is getting. i mean, i'm decision of a single images the single because jerry mean, i thought about how i'm assuming cancel and getting the site to book the some of you went to sikes i out of in front of me. you know, a lot of video content video show
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a general sense. i pulled it out there as well and the, the garment. and so i'm in much the days when the limit of the day coming well in the uh. a 1 mm hm. but it's been a good. so i'm going to the last question cuz of the, the had shown is that i hate the model
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especially why the beginning a fish by the we've good luck getting them. how do i that's just the that. how do i mean, so it's in my daughter's oklahoma mazda of oklahoma pims arguments. well, a little fact that it was a shuffle hinge. i left a shop sitting with lights on here to our fishing call for the the the
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. 0 c c c c the, the fit the small little bit, not a 100 was the give the zip. the certainly had it would come to the to the, to the ministry. the
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decision last agent has, i would love to just morning susan, how yes, in this i'm on the most of us to the here. so, you know, to age a set of subs just the
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or have the shot is the less where the guys see that switch to the bank. yeah. the do to month of, of the see the budget best of our shuttle base has nothing to do with disabilities . the title of the thing that most of the of the less the key but that and then it's good for you then for the image and i'm up on the 2 bedroom. uh, literally just do a bad question model because he is going to try to catch him up on the 2nd. let me just a number of the fellow confederate because he literally had them 6 and the new the other, the sort of image of with jewish hover to just
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a slight able to do is just as of a cynthia and as you are both on sending unless it's in of the, the kind of it's been had that's what we do here. it will be to come in a didn't have the will change of love a better. that student actually went out because of the the genus and can it be the universe
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in belgium in maybe the i was just me as a mechanic. oh,
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of the for young women in the south african town played by poverty rate and murder the baby. yet, despite all community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the communities say, not my problem is always going to happen. like one small town safe. and with this documentary on that jersey, and we're up and running with your weather report across the america is good to have jo long. this is not good news line of showers in store and setting up across the border with uruguay and southern brazil. this is not too far away from those areas that were devastated by flooding in southern brazil. dispatcher brains, you're looking to drop out a 100 millimeters of rain so that much rain all at once. will give us some more
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flooding. our usual spells of rain draped across northern brazil that meets up with some of the wet weather we've got going on in central america, off the pacific coast, running into coast street on panama, and then very unsettled conditions for his spaniel of cuba and jamaica. some pretty good downforce here on wednesday. storms get going for northern texas, oklahoma in arkansas on his own here, there was a threat of seeing some tornadoes and after that violent weather we saw in the us midwest. so tell crossing over the border into canada. so, soaking rains, they're like new york 32 degrees. this could be your height of his stay in 8 months west found we'd go now look into good still another to all day for vancouver. 15 degrees and showers and mix here breezy 2 for the pacific northwest. and we've also got a breeze off the pacific for california. so l a. a 2nd do for you is 22 degrees on wednesday. that's it for me. catch her later.
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the of israel's war on gossip be coming in forever across the united states. why are the students protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by they insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the is really strikes targets and building housing displaced people in central golf like kidding 10 palestinians, including a pregnant woman. the my, my name's site is spelled, is there a life window or so coming up. is there any
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forces attacked the last hospitals in northern gauze, launching missiles at the emergency department. i come out on one hospital the


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