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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 22, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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she wants the chilly, gaza to stuff inside story on al jazeera, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media, on how to 0 government shut off access to social media. the is where the fault is. i see huge on to remain the hospitals and all the jobs are launching missiles of the emergency department to come all out on the cloud. so robin watching, obviously every life but headquarters here. it's also coming up a humanitarian catastrophe. depot the see you. it is full to suspend sue they deliveries and rough after israel sets off pits offensive and southern garza, the
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contents during a hearing on capitol hill and us secretary of state's on the blink kids accused of supposed to get the genocide a garza out of state funeral is being held for the rose light, see lights of those were killed and a helicopter with life into her on the welcome to the public areas where the fault is once again, legs each. the hospitals of the gaza strip, full base 200 people, patients and their relatives as well as medical work has been trapped inside the hospital in northern gauze. since sunday is where the snipers aiming at the building and the rockets hit the 5th floor. they all be also able to file the cabal i'd want hospital forcing staff and displaced palestinians to flee axles the i'm of
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just the latest, the chaos and fear with north and gaza. that's kind of a stand this credit for safety. seeking refuge from relentless darkness. these really army has fired them to come. i loved ones, saw spill building is made to lie here for some patients and medical staff to sleep . among those evacuated are premature babies and better with the patients with chronic illnesses, longer than i yeah. i really do not know what they mean by this. there is no explanation for the attack or medical facilities. it's out of hubris, feathery and barbarism. these right is the right thing according to that desire and no one is able to hold them to account. this patient for example, has a fractured hip. really, i don't know what to say to come all up on hospitalized being targeted by is really for assistance sunday,
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despite international laws protecting hospitals. stuff say they have been intentionally targeted to some of the part of this is the less facility that provides medical services in the north of the gaza strip. it's clear that this barbaric attack was targeting on duty medical staff in the reception and emergency section. this is further evidence of the barbaric nature of the occupation is really military offensive is ramping up across the gaza strip. a drone attacking the yep. and their refugee camp killed young palestinians venturing doubts to find food. survivors were taken to the barely functioning q way . the hospital in a rough up to 7 month is really a sultan because of his already devastated most of the strip and cost as dire, humanitarian crisis. intensifying siege is also causing severe food shortages.
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pushing palestinians dangerously close to family excess. i'm how does there in central goals where at least 10 people into to get pregnant? women having killed and over night is really strikes it happens in there's a way to area buildings and sheltering display as people would talk to by that strikes by the bodies of the day that injured would take it to the alex hospital in devon by law. the main human agency full pallets and the refugees of suspending food distribution to displace palestinians in golf. a southern city of rafa. and that's because of all i'm getting find thing in the area between these really all being all the groups and an old from the all the to see the area under was supplies . all they need to places of to is real close on drugs into the goals. and what is causes largest distribution of food aid and a who 3 has moved from their obama in central garza, on the lack of food, a district more than half the population of the gaza strip that completely rely
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on food distributions from underwater, underwater reduce that they will suspense, or if we distribution due to the lack of supply and security. but let's, let's me explain this. we're talking about more than 1000000 palestinians who were seeking refuge. and therefore now they have been displaced for more than a couple of times. they are, they moved to san eunice and to the middle area and they do not have any type of food assistance. the price is in the gaza strip are very high, where people have not been working for more than 7 months. right now they, they spend all their savings and the only way they're relying on food and getting food and feeding their children is under one other 8 at organizations. but this was expected, special needs that were more than 2 weeks. now. nothing is being entering from a cut them of asylum and the roof on crossing where all of the committed to use the
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food committees and the fuel are not in during. and this is leaving for a very dire situation in the causes trip us that as a body son does, a started his support behind the international criminal calls request for arrest ones for the prime minister, benjamin young. who on these defense minister jo kalonde, the chief prosecutor of the i, c. c, has accused them of all crimes and crimes against humanity and calls are asked, what is the 3 how boss leaders have also been applied for all these actions for crowns? yeah, i believe that they all are believe that there is substantial evidence that the extreme right wing is really government led by nothing. y'all has used the vision as a weapon of war. yes, israel has the right to go after from us. very few people doubt that but nothing yahoo and his government do not have the right to wage in or out war against the children against the women against the innocent people of god.
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and for that, there must be consequences cus, a because we stay tons of the blinking says that he's support sanctions against the international criminal code. he spoke with a hearing where he was questioned about us assistance to israel. the hearing was disrupted by protest as accusing blinking it's supporting genocide, fuzzy. go hain. how's the latest from washington, dc? to hearings on the hills, same situation sworn in the protest began in the morning and the afternoon. oh, that's to recommend. and this island protest continued read so tans framing the secretary of state on the prosecutor and international criminal court seeking arrest warrants for the leaders of israel and come off blinking promise to work with congress to find
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a way to punish the i. c. c. let's look at it. we want to work with you on a bi partisan basis to find an appropriate response. but the bi partisan divide over israel was on full display as democratic senators question the recent state department report that said, while it is likely israel has violated international humanitarian law using american made weapons, the binding administration did not take the steps that would have cut off military aid as required under us law. this issue does not require additional investigation . we've seen this play out in real time. and um, the report stating israel is doing more to get humanitarian aid in. i think that's grading on a curve that if that's sufficient, then anything sufficient for many republicans, their complaint that the buying and mr. ation is pausing to shipments of $3500.00 bobs at every stage. you have been telling israel do not kill the terrorist. and that has been from day one. the barton administration is asking congress for
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$64400000000.00 to from the state department and other international programs in 2025. the proposal gives you crate and additional for $182000000.00. israel $3300000000.00 as for the palestinians, congress has voted to cut off a to enroll the main relief organization for palestinians, for the 1st 6 months of 2025. these budget requests are very rarely agreed to, and in fact, the us congress has only passed all the preparations bills on time 4 times since 1977 on israel's war on guys are blinking. basically said the same thing. he's been saying for months that israel has a right to defend itself, that it's not doing enough to get humanitarian aid into gaza, asked repeatedly what the us could do to see changes on the ground. he didn't really give an answer. patio high l to 0 at the capital, the
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10s of thousands of a radians all gatherings. all these states funeral, all they're all the lights present a volume or you see he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday, along with the foreign minister and several others here on a is in it's the 5 additional days of morning. so that's crossover to resume southern who's in freedom's way in the reigning capital type rod. and so we're seeing many thousands of people beginning to arrive to pay that respects just give us a flavor really of the atmosphere of the in the so this general ceremony for the ladies present
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security measures several sharp points where people would be where, where the symbol capital conference. so it's a sign of the banners and the flags is everywhere. you can see says also the that the beginning ceremonies are now on the way here. but you also want to wear out fluid. i would love to patient. we'll see that house in the houses of people gathers here. this is saturday morning for the presidents receive 2 hours and we are expecting to be there to leave
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for the preston brian race for the former. for the minister, the 9 people that side of the trash on sundays or the cosa russell. this is what the 3rd of 5 official days of morning. but again, looking ahead now after the funeral will of course be following the few little very cassidy. when it happens. the government has to re engage with the public because they will have to be and does a vote for a new president and, and the people that are very epistatic about elections really at the moment. indeed. so now the, the incentive prizes of, or the acting person on the 5th who was previously the 1st wife present in charge of the office of the president is in charge of the state of faith from them. and also the comments here. they have to read it and see here that the collection is
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read to the house on the 28th june. so starting from 15th of may to june the, the candidates are going to apply for c design for the election. and then the guardian also, he's going through taxes, making some of them, probably some of them qualified, those who are qualified to run an election to obtain sante from 12 to 2728 elections with the house of and one of the initiate about the elections reset that the turn now is quite seems you want to turn off these meetings for the most affordable option here. so also they are now as it is morning, the national morning here trying to all the people see that this is the day of the unit to try and some so that's as mason is united. however,
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before we run into the site is deeply pulled, the ice divided the election, disclose the house on when it is going to be another task for that particular stop each each year. however, i can see that the see that practice is our who to mobilize all see of resources to keep the term out. so it's up to that force, of course will be joining of a soule. i won't say is a funeral proceedings became intense wrong, but let's take you to those live pictures off to the wrong way. as reserves at hundreds of thousands of people started to gather it's 2 ups of the beginning of the funeral of the late present evaluate seat. of course, are we going back to that to when it happens? because the sanctions against the wrong full states into the periphery with the other countries of right to deal with the wrong because of us pressure the ukrainian war, the emergent solve alternative economic blogs has changed. tyler ross is viewed and
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dealt with us. in fact, takes a look at how to arouse international studies and relationships have developed in recent years. the ukraine will, may have rallied the us and it's, you are being allies against russia. but that wasn't the only alliance its strength and, and solidified the ring and drones used by russia have been instrumental in the will use to strike ukrainian cities. and overall, it's a defensive it's brought the 2 countries closer together. it's no longer the case that countries us try to be seen to do business where they are on the country officially joined the breaks group this year, the alliance of brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa, along with other countries like side year radio. it was a move to ends, us attempts to isolate their on through sentients without the economic duck office access to fast growing market and opportunities for mutual cooperation. iran assigned agreements with india, russia, and china, and develop many of those relationships under the presidency of a brian, right?
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you see who died this week? the war on cause it has also thrust iran into the spotlight. it's a major supporter of posting and resistance groups. the us would be good for it, not to be dropped into the will. the region was put on fire the 20 ring and strikes it is regular targets. retaliation for the is ready bombing over wants embassy, damascus, strike, which kills 2 of its generals. and made it clear that the runs a major pair that can exact its instruments. and its relationships with countries around the world means it's no longer isolated of huge. the way that us would like it to be said big i 0. it's all still a head here. all the, i'll just say what an investigation is underway after one passenger dies, a dozens of those in just during a single allied slides from lunch. and donald trump floor is not that that case would not be full. the president taking this time that is hushed money trying the
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hello from the al jazeera headquarters in del hi. could be our hottest state of the year in doha, on wednesday. so let's go into the golf for a closer look. we're shooting for a high, a 44 degrees southerly wind here could be filled with dust at times as well. up and down the gulf. temperatures will be in the forty's. it's got some discharge weather around the caspian sea, so showers around buck crew drawn and ask about really never too far away from here . seems also heating up in buckets, dawn. same province, jacob, about closing in on 50 degrees over the next few days. also getting hot, signed cypress nickos c at 36 and but those showers dancing away from turkey is capital on correct? your temperature will come up to 28 on wednesday also quite hot for egypt. capital . 41 degrees. that's o 10 above where you should be at this point in the year and
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a tropical storm just stuff the coast of tens, india and kenya. it's going to throw some big wind and big waves off the coast here . but i think the worst of the rain will be over the open water in time it's a windy pitcher for the cape. providence is in south africa, and as a result of that, we've got an extreme fire danger here. some showers will dance into cape town over the next little bit, but let's go 20 degrees for you. on wednesday, the foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00 will suffice. be more than $75.00 countries around the world. 100 percent of set on an emergency donation spence on projects and we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 on luis, haven't had going through the bumps the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and be blessed and we all turning your donations into direct delivery
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in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the book about kill watching. i'll just say release the whole robin to do a reminder of all adult stories is really forces are attacking me to to be in the hospitals and northern garza. patients and medic softly come on hospital. meanwhile, hundreds of people are trapped in the hospital which has speed on the siege. and since sunday's underwater is suspending the distribution of food in rough, where it says it can no longer operate due to the fact of his way, the attacks and the closure of land crossings, depleting its supplies, the solve the pictures can we also turn around where the state fuels like around
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late to present a vibrate, c is being held in general. tens of thousands of varieties accounting slice. he was killed in a helicopter crash on sunday. along with the following. been assessed on several of these as the single airlines flight. so that hit turbulence so severely that one bug died and dozens of others were injured. 10 hours into the flight. the plane dropped around 6000 feet with the within the space of a few minutes before they gave y'all to change the passages who was wearing seat belts with catapulted into the ceiling and objects of the road across the cabin. the place it happened that the seat belt signs. uh what not on. uh, because i didn't hear any kind of tone. uh like that. that usually goes on that face in the intercom when to see about sign goes on. as well as no announcement from the pilot necessarily. i think the pilot was meeting just trying to deal with
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the with the situation before he could even really tell everybody within the plane to grace. so hold on or to buckle in. so it's you really just have to work with your instincts, like i knew there was some, there was a lady behind me, i think from us who was on buckled, but she baby to quickly buckled in like the people who didn't respond or were sleeping with the ones that unfortunately benny like separate a lot from the incident. so the plane was traveling from london to single polls and was diverted to buy and cock with the incidence happened the tiny try his line for us in bangkok. let's just begin with an update on the passages, the tall engine, and those that have managed to move on to that final destination. the well 79 of those passengers and one crewman to remain in bangkok we've just said from submit to the hospital that 6
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are in critical cont, uh, care at the moment. a critical condition. a good though is a part of the 71 that would treated last night by the hospital. earlier this morning, about 3 am, a 143 passengers. board is a relief 5 flights in bank called to take them back to sing for we understood, understand that landed about 5 am local time of the tile authority is a currently investigating the causes of what happened. but at this stage, with most those who could the able bodied passages retents sing for the rest in stable condition and medical facilities here in bang co attention is now attending to that investigation. indeed, as teddy, we know that a single airlines investigation team is or has arrived now in bangkok unless we say this whole investigation really centers around the timing of when the pilot might've known that was turbulence. and when the passengers were alive,
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did we fall beat in the cross before we will have to wear seat belts when the, when the pilots wound us. but this is such a unique event, isn't it? it is, i think that's going to be the focus of this in this investigation. there were a big storms that hit bang code yesterday. lots of thunder, lightning and rain, but that's very common at this time of year. the space around thailand is very heavily congested, is very busy, and i think pilots would be acutely aware of the site that they're all these extreme with the past. and it's going on that this uh that at this stage the simple airlines flight shouldn't yes of stuff to the it's descent into a single pole. so it, we should have been well above that. whether that said a, it's going to be a very sar investigation, as he said to him from single airlines. the investigation will be led by the 2nd pull transport and safety investigation bure. it'll take place on the title because
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this accident took place in tight space. they're also going to be joined by a team from the us and t s b and from thing as well because because it was a boeing 77, a 7 line. but i think it turbulence is relatively common here. it's a frequent occurrence. there is of course that advice from airlines to always where your seat belt when you're in the uh, even if the seat belt sign is off. i think the question for the investigation team is with all that in place, why did it impact this flight? when so many passed through this space? without major incident, what can we get more from you as it developed? so the baby trying to in bang cult, thank you about the french present model of macro is traveling to new color that even the pacific comes to the west winds and falls. he is. the address was triggered by the proposed changes to the voting system. embassies, french territories into a states of emergency weighed hey repulsed from boats,
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hold on to use it in some parts of new caledonia is capital new map protest is still in control and promising to find home unless we want to give up until they withdraw the decks they are bound to 4 to no, no, we won't give up. even if we have to die for it. the text he refers to is a constitutional change that would expand the link to us in new caledonia allowing more french nationals to vote and local elections. the indigenous cannot say it's entrenching french colonization and marginalizing the voice. the reason we're waiting for this text to be withdrawn because it means the elimination of the contact people were already in the line already. if they get this text through congress and resign were screwed. the french government continues to increase the number of security personnel who, being slowly bringing the situation under control the days of protesting looting
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and us, and have shut down pots of new map. and some people worry, it will never be the same thing in the home that to full reading for the police to intervene. and then maybe we'll be a bit more relieved, a bit more liberated. it's true that afterwards it will be difficult to rebuild everything. and that's that it's a sad story. there's only one word for it said. the international airport remains close to commercial flights, stranding many tourists. on tuesday, the governments of new zealand and australia were given permission to land military, a craft in new caledonia to evacuate some of the citizens. the 1st have arrived back home, angry with the strong government 3 homes. and as much as that, i felt that they should have warned us prior to going move flights, upland in the coming days, contingent on the fluid security situation. wayne, hey, al jazeera towed on a new zealand is going to be
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a present. gustavo petra whole travel to a southern regional friday in response to the deteriorating and security situation . i spent a group of the full but fuck rebels has launched a full front offensive against state. full says, i started up. yeah. to accept this report from like a tom the series of explosions of rock columbia. it's color towel county region over the past several days. this is what's left of a police station in the town of morales, after a blast, killed several officers and injured and the 6 others authorities believe the far gmc, a rebel group is to blame for the violence. the groups western faction walked away from the stocks with the government in april, starting a full scale assault and the region where they operate. last ship, by the way, we'll share so we won't negotiate a new c spy with the e. m. c. this criminal organization has shown with its attacks against civilians in this region that a truce isn't possible. president gustavo pay through order defense minister in the
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military leadership to immediately travel to the area and establish a permit and security council. calling for a total offensive against the group. he also replace the armies chief general louisa spina who had come under fire for the deteriorating security situation. how can rarely then say they have been increasingly terrorized by the group sales. it's very distressing, especially for the children have know what this fight and is affecting us all of it . so have to use the security expert. elizabeth dickinson says the violence is the consequence of an increasing fragmentation of columbia as internal conflict in recent years and particularly assessed upon demick. we saw the ultimate. there was a trend toward consolidation where different, smaller groups saw an advantage in coming together to look for concessions from the
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government. now the piece talks have been thrown into crisis. i think the logic is very different. it's much more about controlling it listed economies on the local level, and that is leading us towards the situation with more and more smaller groups, splitting off and looking for their own interest rather than a national accord. the ongoing face docs have helped reduce violence in some regions, but not all in the rural south west. for example, crimes such as extortion, kidnapping, or the recruitment of children have actually increased as criminal groups continue to tightened their grip, leaving the government with no option better, return to a full offensive with civilians. caught in the crossfire. i listen that i get the, i just need a book that a small time in the state of iowa in the us as be little bit wiped out by till data is coming. several people, treasure, right? the highway, the schools widespread damaged to greenfield authority say best they'll try to assess the scale of the disaster be crippled trial of the full but us president
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will trump is i'm sure gets final phase on choose day. the defense t best fits cases calling from to testify. trump is charged with 30 full accounts of falsifying business records to hide hush many payments to an adult film actress kristen sleeve, a report from new york. the defense rested its case in the 1st ever criminal trial of a former us president after calling 2 witnesses. and donald trump wasn't one of them . instead, they honed in on robert costello a lawyer who disputed claims that donald trump knew all about efforts to silence an adult film star and paid his former fixer michael cohen to do so. terms of payments to colon are at the heart of the charges. the faces 34 accounts of falsifying business records, that cohen admitted on the stand that he's lied under oath before the prophecy.


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